Exercises to enlarge lips - is it possible to pump up the muscles of the mouth? Exercises for lip enlargement Exercises for lip enlargement.

Beautiful, plump lips like African women are the dream of every girl. But not everyone can boast of such a gift. There are many ways to enlarge lips, including without surgery, to ensure a plump and attractive mouth. One of them is lip enlargement exercises.

Ways to increase lip volume

There are different methods aimed at lip correction:

Implants- a special insert, the basis of which is natural or artificial material. One of the artificial material options is silicone. It maintains the natural shape of the lips, making them full. For implants, only soft silicone is used, which ensures integrity and prevents scars.

Thread lift- another way to eliminate lip defects. Synthetic Gortex threads even out the contour and make it clearer. The upper lip is also tightened.

Lipofilling. Your own human fat, taken from different parts of the body, is injected into the lip area. The volume becomes larger, while it looks natural.

Fillers- a cosmetic product in the form of a plastic gel. It is administered subcutaneously as an injection. Fillers based on hyaluronic acid are the most effective. The substance is a natural part of muscle tissue. The drug retains moisture well. Changes the contour and shape of the lips and lifts the corners.

Botox- intramuscular injection of botulinum toxin. The injection blocks signals between active muscles near the mouth and their motor nerves. As a result, facial folds are smoothed out, the volume of the lips increases, and the contour changes.

Lip augmentation using hyaluronic acid. The substance is evenly distributed between the cells of the dermis, binding collagen particles. Injections solve the problems of scars, acne and other skin defects.

Proper use of decorative cosmetics can externally increase the size of the lips. How to enlarge your lips at home using cosmetics, a few tips:

  • Use pencil. A slight departure from the natural contour will add volume.
  • Gloss selection. You should not choose dark matte shades. They make lips smaller. It is better to give preference to light or medium saturated tones. A good choice is liquid lipstick with gloss or a product with the addition of balm.
  • Creating a highlight on the lower lip(center). You can draw with a lighter tone of lipstick, pencil or shining light shadows.
  • Using highlighting powder. It is useful not only for glare. It highlights the dimple above the upper lip, which adds a little volume.

Essential masks work well:

  • Cinnamon. Stimulates blood circulation, increasing its flow to the skin.
  • Peppermint. Improves blood circulation.
  • Lemon. A light massage with lemon zest will cause tingling or numbness.
  • Ginger. It is applied as a mushy mixture of the root. Then, for several minutes, the muscles of the mouth are clenched and unclenched.
  • Cayenne pepper. Just a few drops can smooth and enlarge the surface of the lips.

Another option is a bottle. How to make lips plumper with its help? It is enough to put the neck of the vessel to your mouth and pull it back. For comparison, you can look at the photos before and after the manipulations. The effect of the bottle is impressive, but does not last long.

Performing special exercises aimed at strengthening the lip muscles. If you do gymnastics daily, you can achieve plump lips at home without surgical or injection methods.


A special massage is a mandatory procedure in a home lip augmentation program. It eliminates flaking and increases blood flow. Visually, the mouth looks much more expressive.

A popular product whose operating principle is based on vacuum augmentation using a cap. It leaves no residue and adds volume to even very thin lips.

Can gymnastics help enlarge lips?

Not everyone believes that lip exercises can increase their size. The lips contain muscle tissue. It contracts and relaxes periodically. Facial movements are also provided for the mouth, strengthening and adding volume to the lips.

Of course, there will be no immediate results. We'll have to work hard. Regular exercise will make your lips much juicier and younger.


Face building for lips, like any workout, has its limitations:

  1. Violation of the integrity of the surface of the lips;
  2. Inflammatory rashes, such as herpes;
  3. Introduction of fillers. Before starting lip treatments, it is advisable to consult a doctor;
  4. Hypertension;
  5. Allergy;
  6. Plastic surgery performed less than 2 years ago.

Duration and frequency of execution

To keep lips plump, beginners are recommended to train daily for 2 months. Time for gymnastics - 15 minutes. At least two workouts a day. Then the amount can be reduced to 3-4 times a week.

From the entire set of exercises, you need to select several (5-6) and perform them for several days. Then replace with new ones. Periodic changes make it possible to strengthen different muscle groups. The number of repetitions to start with is 10, then gradually increase the number to 20.

When doing the workout, you don’t need to strain your lips too much. The exercises should be performed with ease.

The skin of the lips is delicate and prone to microcracks, so it must be prepared first.

Preparatory procedures:

  1. Cleansing;
  2. Carrying out a massage (about 2 minutes). You can use a toothbrush, a terry towel or your fingers;
  3. Applying the mask (15-20 minutes). Use 1-2 times a week;
  4. Treatment with nourishing and moisturizing agents. Hygienic lipsticks, cosmetic balms and vegetable oils (coconut, sesame, olive, flaxseed, sunflower) are suitable.

Having finished preparing, you can move on to training.

Lip plumping exercises should be performed for a few minutes in the morning and before bed. They should be different; you should not pay attention to only one method. An integrated approach will help achieve quick results.

Upper lip augmentation

How to pump up your upper lips with exercises? An interesting question for those girls who can only boast of a plump lower lip. One of the ways to eliminate this deficiency is gymnastics.

“Stretching” the upper lip:

  1. Open your teeth;
  2. Pull back your upper lip with your fingertips;
  3. Tighten the muscles of the mouth as if the upper lip is trying to return to its place. It is muscle tension that produces results. Simply twisting the lip is ineffective;
  4. The number of repetitions is from 15 to 20.

Plump lips can only be achieved by regular exercise.

Exercise 1

  1. Pull your lips into a long, even tube;
  2. In this position, try to open your mouth;
  3. Repeat movements 10-12 times.

Exercise 2

  1. Relax your mouth;
  2. Press your lips together tightly and try to smile. In this case, the fingertips should pull the corners in opposite directions;
  3. The lips fit tightly to the teeth;
  4. Repeat the mouth movement several times.

Exercise 3

  1. Place your lips together;
  2. Move your finger with a little force, imagining that you are applying lipstick;
  3. The movements activate blood flow, saturating the lips.

Exercise 4

  1. Purse your lips and pull them forward;
  2. Make an infinity sign with your mouth;
  3. Repeat the movements at least 10 times.

Exercise 5

  1. Extend your mouth as if to whistle;
  2. Gradually release the air while simultaneously tensing the cheek muscles for 2-4 minutes.

All exercises are combined with each other.

Exercises for outline brightness

To make the lip contour more expressive and clear, the following gymnastics will do.

Exercise 1

  1. Expressively pronounce the vowels of the alphabet;
  2. Letters should be pronounced 10-15 times;
  3. Perform 3 times a day.

Exercise 2

  1. Make a tight tube from your mouth;
  2. Insert a pencil into it;
  3. Use a pencil to reproduce different letters.

Gymnastics also includes other exercises that enlarge lips.

Lip massage

Is it possible to enlarge lips with massage? It's possible. There are several ways of this massage:

Toothbrush. The bristles should be chosen soft. Before the procedure, pre-moisten it in warm water. The massage is performed by moving your fingers in a circle. To improve the effect, you can apply a small layer of honey before the procedure. Brushing improves blood flow and metabolism.

Ice cubes. The impact is based on the contrast effect. Before cooling with ice, lightly moisten your lips with hot water. After the massage, bite them lightly.

By the way, don’t miss the site about the benefits and harms of ice for the face.

Scrub. Removing dead skin particles gives softness and volume.

Menthol oil. Cover the surface of the lips and massage with your fingers. Then apply an emollient.

Vacuum cap Fullips

Lip augmentation is achieved using a vacuum cap. It needs to be placed on the mouth area. A space with air accumulation is formed. When detached, there is an influx of blood and an immediate increase in volume.

Fullips does not cause pain, is safe, and gives instant results in the form of natural volume. The only negative is that the effect does not last forever.


All techniques should be performed at home in front of a mirror. The load on the muscles should increase gradually. Otherwise, you can get the opposite result.
Strong tension can damage the thin surface of the lips. Before gymnastics you need to apply hygienic lipstick. When finished, brush well with warm honey.

It is impossible to permanently enlarge lips using home remedies or exercises. To maintain the volume, you will have to contact a surgeon or cosmetologist.

The complex aimed at increasing lip volume can be performed anywhere. Constant training maintains a clear shape for a long time, adds volume, increases muscle tone, prevents drooping of the corners of the mouth, and accelerates blood circulation. In addition, it acts as a good prevention of purse-string wrinkles.

A plump, sensual mouth has long been a fashion trend. Most beauties strive to achieve the desired volumes with the help of injections and implantation. This is a fast, but far from safe method. Many people forget that there are effective exercises for lip augmentation. It is worth devoting a little time to simple gymnastics every day to forget about frequent cosmetic problems affecting the mouth area.

Who is face building for lips intended for?

Slavs by nature rarely have large lips. More common is a small mouth framed by thin skin. “Delicate” lips do not attract attention. The face becomes less expressive. Without additional care, thin lip skin gradually dries out and becomes even less attractive.

The beauty of natural full lips also does not last forever. A juicy mouth loses its beautiful outline with age. The firmness and elasticity of tissues are lost, and the shape is deformed. Excessive expressiveness can become a problem.

Age-related changes affect all the details of the face: the oval “floats”, the cheeks and eyelids sag. Gradually, the skin of the lips also becomes sagging, and excess folds and sagging appear. The corners of the mouth turn downward, providing external emotional gloominess. Wrinkles form around, aggravating the created picture.

All of the above problems can be solved at home by performing special gymnastics, without leading to more serious interventions. Face building will help to slightly “pump up” the volume, tighten sagging, prevent the formation of an unaesthetic “accordion” of folds, and reduce the number and depth of wrinkles.

Set of exercises

The results of training are not immediately noticeable. There is no need to despair, stop, and attribute it to the ineffectiveness of the exercises. A serious approach guarantees achievement of the stated result. It is allowed to perform a certain group of exercises to solve a specific problem. Comprehensive development will increase attractiveness and prevent or reduce flaws.

Lip augmentation

With the help of exercises it is impossible to make lips plump like those of the stars. The added volume is insignificant, but the tightened muscles around the mouth make the area more attractive. The improved condition of the muscles is reflected in the speed at which changes appear and age.

All actions to increase lip volume are aimed at improving blood circulation in nearby muscles. The training consists of performing exercises:

  1. The lips are pressed together as if for a light kiss. In this state, circular rotations are performed with the lips. First, perform movements clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  2. “Blowing out the candle” is carried out. During the exercise, breathing is involved, but maximum tension is directed to the muscles being worked.
  3. The lips are folded into a tube and slightly stretched. In this position, they try to pronounce the vowels as clearly as possible. After playback, the muscles relax. This turns out to be stage 1 of the exercise. Articulatory actions are repeated.
  4. In the “extended tube” position, the mouth is alternately opened and closed. The movement is similar to that of a fish.
  5. Starting position: mouth tightly closed, but not tense. In this state, apply your palm and blow without opening your lips. The hand feels a slight vibration.
  6. With their lips stretched forward and tightly closed, they try to “draw” an infinity sign (an inverted figure eight).

Advice. To increase blood flow in the area being treated, it is permissible to perform a kind of massage. To do this, use your fingers to imitate the movement of lipstick on your lips.

The following video shows in detail exercises for lip volume and elasticity.

Elimination of wrinkles around the mouth

Wrinkles in the mouth area appear in adulthood. Those who smoke and often drink drinks through a straw are susceptible to early manifestations of the problem. Dry skin and flabby muscles contribute to the “rejuvenation” of the problem. Exercises will help remove wrinkles and prevent their appearance:

  1. The mouth is folded into a tube and extended. In this position, alternate movements of the upper and lower lips are carried out “inward”. There is a smooth glide.
  2. The starting position is similar to the previous exercise. Air is blown out of a small hole in the middle of the “tube”. They apply their fingers, but do not press, they try to move them with a breath. The mouth moves to the right, to the left.
  3. Teeth close tightly. They try to use their muscles to bend the lower lip, exposing the gums. They don’t move the corners, they try to keep them straight. The mouth gradually expands, forming a rectangle.

To eliminate and prevent wrinkles above the lip, do not forget about careful care of the weak area. Cosmetic preparations will help you cope with the task faster.

Raising the corners of the lips

Excessive drooping of the corners of the mouth may be a genetic feature of the body. Often the problem arises due to characteristic facial expressions (angry, sad expression). Muscle “memory” is a common phenomenon. Regular exercise helps reverse the manifestation. Perform the following exercises:

  1. In the position of a dissatisfied facial expression, the mouth is tightly clamped. The result is a straight line. The lips retract, the muscles tense. A sharp push forward is made with the mouth.
  2. Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. The corners of the lips are involved in releasing air: they alternate between the left and right sides. Parts of the mouth are raised as high as possible with the middle closed.
  3. The letters “e” and “o” are pronounced alternately. This is a kind of articulation gymnastics. When playing the first, the corners of the mouth are pulled towards the cheeks. Saying the second involves significant muscle tension.
  4. Take a deep breath through your nose and exhale sharply through your mouth. The air comes out through the hole through a “tube”.

Important! You can raise drooping corners faster by combining gymnastics with massage. Tactile correction is based on stimulation of the muscles of the area.

The speed of obtaining results depends on the scale of the problem and individual requests. When it comes to increasing volume, it is foolish to expect a stunning effect. Lip exercises will help to slightly pump up your muscles.

Special devices (plamer, Japanese silicone simulator) will bring more tangible results. To achieve the Hollywood format, you will have to use “beauty injections” or the services of a plastic surgeon.

A regular approach to training will help you get the maximum possible effect from exercise. Daily exercise will bring noticeable results in 1-2 months. Each exercise is repeated 10–12 times at the initial stage of training. As you get used to it and strengthen the muscles, repeated repetitions are required. The duration of the series depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

When the desired results are achieved, gymnastics is not abandoned. Reduce the intensity and frequency of exercise.

It is advisable to start doing gymnastics in front of a mirror. Exercises are done slowly, trying to “understand” the movement of each muscle. This is how you can work out your individual technique. As you get used to it, it is permissible to perform gymnastics without interruption from other activities.

A combined approach to training promotes maximum development of facial muscles, tightening the oval of the face, correcting relief lines, and minimizing wrinkles.

There is no need to get hung up on a single zone. Alternating areas and involving different areas will help create a harmonious appearance, solve various problems, and achieve overall tone.

To work with the lip area, it is important to clean the area of ​​makeup. To improve the condition of the skin, it is recommended to first make a moisturizing (nourishing) mask. It is unacceptable to exercise muscles if your skin is excessively dry.


The beginning of classes can be affected by mild pain, tingling, and stretching in the trained area. This is a normal reaction of previously relaxed muscles. The classes do not stop, but the intensity does not increase. Soon the unpleasant sensations disappear.

There are no obvious restrictions for gymnastics. It is not advisable to exercise when your health deteriorates (fever, pressure surges). Intensive activities are abandoned after operations.

If you spend 15–20 minutes daily taking care of your appearance, you will definitely get a positive result. The image will become well-groomed and attractive.

Useful videos

How to get rid of purse-string wrinkles and enlarge lips. Gymnastics for the face with Yulia Zartayskaya.

Big lips without Botox or surgery!

Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of naturally beautiful and plump lips, so the question of finding methods to enlarge them is on the minds of many girls today.

And with age, against the background of loss of overall elasticity and firmness of the skin, there is a deterioration in the appearance of the lips, which become less expressive, losing their shape. Special exercises for the lip muscles will help you cope with this; regular exercise will guarantee stable results.

Fashion did not appear in the last few years, as many mistakenly believe. Puffy lips have always been a kind of standard of true female beauty, and only today, against the backdrop of the emergence of many cosmetic procedures for enlargement, this trend has reached the peak of its popularity.

Even the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt burned with the desire to be the owners of plump lips, treating them for this purpose with a special mixture with snake venom. And already the Middle Ages were marked by the creation of the first types of tattooing, but at all times, representatives of the fair sex used special exercises to enlarge their lips.

And only the last few decades ago, surgical methods of lip augmentation began to gain popularity. According to many experts, only this method can guarantee a sustainable result.

But in order to become the owner of plump lips, it is not at all necessary to go to a plastic surgeon and spend a lot of money on such procedures. Today, there are many gentler alternatives, including exercises for plump lips.

Exercises for lip augmentation at home

Many may be surprised, but human lips, like the rest of the body, are also filled with muscles that help clench and unclench and change shape during a conversation.

As with your abs and buttocks, your lip muscles should also be exercised regularly. On the Internet you can find a lot of videos and written information on how to pump up your lips at home.

The exercises developed for these purposes are quite simple and do not require a significant investment of effort and time.

So, popular exercises for lip volume are presented:

  • Playing a whistle. To do this, it is recommended to hum various melodies daily in the form of a whistle. Such manipulations will not only tone your lip muscles, but will also be the key to a good mood for the whole day.
  • Demonstration of language. Sticking your tongue out to others is a very ugly gesture, but experts who know first-hand how to enlarge lips with the help of exercises insist on the positive side of such actions. In order to train the lip muscles, it is recommended to open your mouth slightly, stretching out your tongue and holding it in this form for at least 5 seconds and repeating the procedure about 10 times.
  • Dandelion. This exercise involves performing manipulations reminiscent of trying to blow away a dandelion, which is where it got its name. The cheeks must be inflated and deflated, repeating the exercise at least 5 times.
  • The smile of a fish. To perform this exercise, you first need to fold your lips into a tube and then smile. It is recommended to repeat the manipulations about 15 times.
  • Howl of a wolf. This exercise will seem quite unusual to many, because it involves playing sounds reminiscent of a wolf howl for 5 minutes. When performing, it is important not to rush and try to stretch out each sound as much as possible.
  • Drawing circles. It is necessary to imagine that tightly compressed and elongated lips act as a kind of brush, with which you should draw circles in a clockwise direction and vice versa.
  • Light biting of lips. In order to increase blood circulation, it is recommended to lightly bite your lips for 2 minutes, avoiding strong pressure, which is accompanied by pain.
  • Pull out lips. To perform this exercise, you should stretch your sponges as much as possible and try to hold them in this state for at least 15 seconds. It is recommended to repeat the procedure about 5 times, not forgetting about short breaks.
  • By creating resistance to the lips, which must be strongly compressed and extended. You need to attach a pen or pencil to your lips in this position, which are necessary to create resistance. Use your lips to push the object forward.
  • Holding a pencil or pen suspended with pursed lips. In this case, you should try to keep the pencil suspended for as long as possible.

According to numerous women, at home the most effective method of adding volume is precisely. Reviews that can be found online allow us to highlight several features of the procedures.

First of all, you should not expect quick results, because the first obvious changes may only be noticeable after several months of regular exercise. It is recommended to periodically take photographs that will allow you to objectively assess the effectiveness of the lip augmentation exercise before and after the procedures.

Today there are many methods that provide a complete answer to the question: “How to enlarge lips?” In this case, it is recommended to supplement the exercises with other methods of influence, represented by massage, cleansing procedures using a scrub.

You can also use special cosmetic balms, but such products guarantee only a short-term effect.

Modern cosmetologists, when telling how to make lips plumper, exercises are increasingly relegated to the background, giving preference to Botox injections and the use of hyaluronic acid.

But now you know exactly how to pump up your lips with exercises without resorting to such drastic decisions. All you need is persistence, desire and just a little time.

Despite attractive offers from salons to correct the contours of the mouth with injections, most girls prefer exercises for lip augmentation, which can please with no less effect. This method of correcting nature’s mistakes has many advantages, one of them is that the procedure is completely free, the results depend only on perseverance and patience. What exercises can get rid of lip defects and how to do them correctly in order to enjoy a stunning sexy smile in the mirror?

Can gymnastics help to enlarge lips?

Few people believe that you can enlarge your lips just with exercise. It will probably be a discovery for many that they also have muscle tissue that periodically contracts and unclenches. If you can do special complexes for the abs, then why can’t there be facial movements for the mouth that can strengthen and add volume to muscle tissue?

You don’t need to count on almost instant results - you will have to work hard to achieve what you want. To be fair, it should be said that the effect lasts much longer than the injection of fillers or hyaluronic acid. If you repeat the exercises regularly, your lips will always look fresh and juicy.

Gymnastics to enlarge lips should occur several times a day, but without fanaticism. A few minutes before bed and in the morning after waking up are enough. You can even practice during the day without interrupting your main activities - over time, this will turn into a habit and your mouth will begin to train independently of its owner.

Important! You shouldn’t stop at just one exercise – an integrated approach will give you better results. You can choose several movements for the mouth, but it is better to carry them out chaotically.

At first, perform each movement about 10 times, increasing their number over time. If you feel tightness or slight discomfort, you should not stop training your mouth - everything is fine, the muscles are simply not accustomed to such loads.

Gymnastics for the upper lip

When might you need upper lip augmentation? This is usually of interest to girls whose lower lip is juicy and plump, but whose upper lip is stingy. There are two ways to correct the defect - go to a cosmetologist for hyaluronic acid injections or resort to a simple exercise.

Carrying out an exercise to “stretch” the upper lip:

  1. Open your teeth.
  2. Use your fingers to grab the upper lip and pull it forward.
  3. Strain the muscles of your mouth, trying to return your lip to its place.
  4. Repeat at least 15-20 times.

Important! It is necessary to strain the muscle tissue, and not just twist the unsatisfactorily shaped parts of the mouth with your fingers. If this is not done, the results will not be noticeable even after 1-3 months.

Exercises for volume of sponges

You can achieve a lot with regular exercises to enlarge your lips, but you will need to perform a whole range of movements to achieve this.


  1. Pull the sponges into a long, even tube.
  2. Without breaking the created shape, try to open your mouth.
  3. The movements resemble the “talk” of a fish.
  4. Repeat 10-12 times.

Let's smile:

  1. Relax your lips.
  2. Close them and try to smile, pulling your fingertips towards your mouth in different directions.
  3. Press your lips tightly against your teeth (you’ll get something like a smile, only with your lips hidden).
  4. Move your mouth to the sides several times without breaking the “smile.”

Applying lipstick:

  1. Close your lips as if preparing to apply lipstick.
  2. Use your finger as lipstick to “paint” your lips, applying a little force.
  3. This exercise will help activate blood flow, which is important for creating juicy lips.


  1. Extend your pursed lips forward.
  2. Draw a perfect infinity sign.
  3. Number of exercises – at least 10.

Let's whistle:

  1. Extend your mouth as if to whistle.
  2. Blow air slowly but forcefully, while simultaneously tensing the muscles of your cheeks.
  3. Repeat for 2-4 minutes.

It is not necessary to reproduce all the movements in one lesson; you can combine them.

Exercises for outline brightness

It often happens that nature has not been stingy, and the lips have the necessary swelling, but the contours are blurry and inexpressive. Here, too, you can’t do without exercises that will not only correct shortcomings, but also make your lips stand out, attracting attention.

Let's remember the alphabet:

  1. Pronounce vowels, while trying to make expressive movements with your mouth.
  2. Pronounce each letter 10-15 times.
  3. Alternate the complex with other exercises, but be sure to repeat it at least three times.

Let's draw:

  1. Close your lips with a short but tight tube.
  2. Insert a regular pencil into this tube.
  3. “Draw”, trying to move the pencil in different directions, forward and backward, to reproduce different letters.

Helpful advice! You don’t need to stop only at these movements - you can use any exercises that can enlarge your lips - they also affect the contours at the same time.

Watch a video about effective lip augmentation exercises:

If we decide on an interesting and promising experiment and enlarge our lips with gymnastics, to increase the results, be sure to do everything in front of the mirror, observing every movement. Their number must be increased gradually; heavy loads can lead to the opposite result.

Excessive tension and unusual movement can cause the thin skin on your lips to crack. To prevent this, be sure to apply colorless lipstick to your lips before starting a workout, and after exercising, remove it and moisturize your skin with warm honey.

A light acupressure massage of the mouth will help the muscle tissue relax; it should be done daily just before bed.

Of course, you shouldn’t expect results like after injection procedures, but, as practice shows, sponges will certainly please you with their appearance. It has been noticed that even aging has no power over them if you regularly strengthen your muscles.

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Today it is customary to solve any cosmetic imperfection with the help of plastic surgery and salon miracle injections. What a convenience! Naturally thin lips – here are fillers for you. Drooping corners of the mouth and wrinkles around it - Botox will come to the rescue. However, as practice shows, these measures are “unaffordable” for many girls. Moreover, each, even the most minimally invasive procedure, has its own side effects, contraindications and unpleasant consequences if the specialist did the job poorly. So, is there really no simple but effective way to make your lips plump, beautiful, without wrinkles and a “mask of sorrow” (this is what is most often called a face where drooping corners of the mouth are observed)? In fact, there is a way out: face building – correction of deficiencies by performing exercises.

Scientists have long discovered that there are 8 muscles around the mouth that directly affect the shape and volume of the lips. If you train them regularly, you can not only maintain the attractiveness of this lower third of the face for a long time, but also increase it to the desired size. How to make your lips beautiful and plump by pumping up their muscles will be discussed further.

  • Whistle exercise.

Imagine that you have to blow a whistle. Also stretch your lips out like a tube and tense their muscles to the maximum. Stay in this position for 5-7 seconds, then return to your natural state, slowly blowing out air. Repeat the exercise at least 10 times.

  • Exercise "vowels".

Beautiful and lush lips are guaranteed if you regularly perform such gymnastics. Taking a deep breath, pronounce any 3 vowels clearly out loud. With each pronunciation, gently release the air from your lungs. Take a break and start studying again. So 5 times.

  • Exercise "lock".

This face-building technique perfectly increases the muscles and volume of the lips, but at the same time it is incredibly simple to perform. After all, all you need to do is gather your lips into a “ball,” press them to your teeth and try to smile. Repeat the exercise the more, the better. But for starters, 10-15 times are enough.

  • Exercise "deflating balloon".

This simple exercise is guaranteed to help make your lips plump. Puff out your cheeks as if you were a ball and hold your breath for a few seconds. Then imagine that the ball is deflating: gently blow out the air and at the same time pronounce the sound “p-p-p-p”. Do this exercise 15-20 times.

  • Exercise to enlarge the lower lip.

If the upper lip is noticeably larger than the lower lip, then to make it just as plump, you need to pump up the orbicularis muscle located below. To do this, open your teeth. Place your fingers without touching your chin and pull your lower lip with them, while you should strain, as if returning it to its place. Do this alternating resistance/relaxation at least 20 times. But you should understand that this exercise for lip enlargement will not be considered effective if during its execution it turns out and does not tense.

  • Exercise to enlarge the upper lip.

This gymnastics for the lips, more precisely, its upper part, is done similarly to the previous one, except that the orbicularis oris muscle located on top will have to be pumped up. And, therefore, the fingers will be placed on the opposite side. That is, you need to touch the upper gums with your nail plates, then pull back your lip and resist. The number of repetitions is at least 20 times.

Gymnastics to lift the corners of the lips

The face-building technique, aimed at raising the corners of the mouth, differs from exercises whose goal is to correct the volume and shape of the lips. And this is not surprising. To overcome changes caused by facial expressions and gravity, you need to influence not only the orbicularis muscles, but also the incisor muscles, the lowering/raising angles, and the “laughing muscles.” Thus, experts advise using the following lip exercises.

1. Exercise “pendulum”.

Pursing your lips, press them against your teeth. Next, use your index finger to move the corners of your mouth up and down. Don't do it quickly. It is better if at first all movements are slow, and then you can speed up a little. Execution time – 1-2 minutes.

2. Exercise “pipe”.

By performing this exercise for the lips against drooping of their corners, you can achieve good results in just a month. All you need to do is fill your lungs with air, close your mouth tightly and start making the sound “u”, then “i”. At this time, we do not stand idle: with our index fingers we slightly pull the corners of our mouth to the sides and up, 15 times.

3. Exercise “smile”.

This gymnastic exercise quickly helps to get rid of drooping corners of the mouth. Close your lips together and smile first with the right side, then with the left. Try to hold each “half-smile” for at least 5 seconds. Lesson time – 1.5-2 minutes.

It is worth noting that by doing exercises from the drooping corners of the lips in this way, you additionally fight nasolabial folds - wrinkles that furrow the face from the nose to the corners of the mouth and form a kind of triangle.

4. Gymnastics for wrinkles around the mouth and lips.

Photos before and after Facebook building, which are often posted by active users on women's forums, are so amazing with the transformation that sometimes one cannot believe whether the wrinkles were really removed in this way, or whether Botox injections were made. In fact, lip exercises are excellent at combating age-related changes. After all, muscle training not only helps to pump them up, but also improves metabolic reactions, as well as accelerates local blood circulation.

5. Exercise for wrinkles above the upper lip.

Push your upper lip forward, leaving your jaw absolutely motionless. Try to tense it as much as possible and freeze in this position for 5-10 seconds. Relax and do this 10 more times.

6. Exercise for wrinkles above and around the lips.

Puff out your cheeks as much as possible. Next, start moving the air in a circle, left-right, up-down. After 20-30 seconds, tilt your head back slightly and exhale smoothly, repeat 10 times.

7. Lip exercise against deep folds.

Inside the oral cavity, run your tongue over your closed lips, as if you were licking. In addition to them, touch one more cheek, then the second. Move to the lips again. Do 10-15 repetitions, but more is better.

Tips for caring for the skin around the lips

We have learned how to enlarge lips with the help of exercises, as well as lift the corners of the mouth and remove wrinkles that have formed near it. But it is equally important to regularly care for such sensitive skin using cosmetic procedures:

  • Clean your lips daily from dirt accumulated in the top layer, including remnants of decorative products;
  • Pamper your skin with masks 1-2 times a week;
  • in frosty or windy weather, do not leave the house without protecting your lips with hygienic lipstick or balm;
  • morning and evening, nourish and moisturize the dermis with appropriate creams;
  • in addition to lip gymnastics, systematically do massages and self-massages;
  • If care at home is impossible for some reason, do not neglect the help of salon specialists, and vice versa.
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