Ensuring children's information security. Ensuring children's information security Concept of children's information security

On December 6, a number of the largest Russian torrent portals, including Rutracker.org, Kinozal.tv and Rutor.org, decided to hold (and carried out) an action to train Russian users in tools and methods for restoring access to information in the event of blocking of Internet resources.

On the other side of the barricades, a document was signed that included the phrase:

At the moment, the existing system of inclusion (by decision of federal executive bodies authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation) of five types of especially socially dangerous information, access to which must certainly be prohibited, has proven to be highly effective in the Unified Register of Domain Names, indexes of website pages on the Internet "and network addresses that allow you to identify sites on the Internet containing information the distribution of which is prohibited in the Russian Federation.

The age-based psychological approach to assessing the harmful effects of information products on the mental development, health and psychological well-being of children, which formed the basis of the Federal Law “On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development,” has shown to be quite effective.

Children's safety in the information space.

Legislative requirements for the activities of libraries,

serving children

To consider the issue of children’s safety in the information space, it is necessary to define the very concept of “information space”. What it is?

In 1995, in pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the “Concept for the formation and development of a unified information space of Russia and corresponding state information resources” was developed. According to this concept, the “single information space” consists of the following main components:

    information resources containing data, information and knowledge recorded on appropriate media;

    organizational structures that ensure the functioning and development of a single information space, in particular, the collection, processing, storage, distribution, search and transmission of information;

    means of information interaction between citizens and organizations, providing them with access to information resources based on appropriate information technologies, including software and hardware and organizational and regulatory documents.”

The information space is constantly changing and increasing in volume. This is facilitated by the widespread use of the Global Internet.

One of the main tasks of a civilized society is the safety of children. This problem is becoming relevant in the context of an ever-expanding information space, when every student has personal electronic devices and open access to the Internet.

Today, children have access to what only a professional or even the state could do fifteen or twenty years ago.

With the development of the Global Network, the number of those who use its capabilities for criminal purposes is constantly growing, and new crimes generated by the Internet have appeared.

According to Russian legislation, information security of children is a state of protection of children in which there is no risk associated with information, including information distributed on the Internet, causing harm to their health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development.

The regulatory legal framework for protecting children from information harmful to their health includes:

    FEDERAL LAW No. 124-FZ OF 07.24.1998




    FEDERAL LAW No. 38-FZ OF 03/13/2006

    FEDERAL LAW No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006


    FEDERAL LAW of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ



    FEDERAL LAW OF 12/29/2012 No. 436-FZ


establishes rules for the media safety of children during the circulation in Russia of media products, printed and audiovisual products on any type of media, computer programs and databases, as well as information posted in information and telecommunication networks and mobile radiotelephone networks.

    FEDERAL LAW OF 07.28.2012 N 139-FZ


According to the law, information prohibited for distribution among children includes information:

1) encouraging children to commit actions that pose a threat to their life and (or) health, including causing harm to their health, suicide;

2) capable of causing in children a desire to use narcotic drugs, psychotropic and (or) intoxicating substances, tobacco products, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, beer and drinks made on its basis, take part in gambling, engage in prostitution, vagrancy or begging;

3) substantiating or justifying the admissibility of violence and (or) cruelty or encouraging violent actions towards people or animals, except for the cases provided for by this Federal Law;

4) denying family values ​​and creating disrespect for parents and (or) other family members;

5) justifying illegal behavior;

6) containing obscene language;

7) containing information of a pornographic nature.



“In order to improve state policy in the field of child protection, taking into account the results achieved during the implementation of the National Strategy of Action for Children for 2012–2017, I decide to announce 2018–2027. in the Russian Federation with the Decade of Childhood,” - President of the Russian Federation V. Putin


In terms of the main activities until 2020, carried out within the framework of the Decade of Childhood, the development of mechanisms for ensuring information security on the Internet, eliminating the risk of harm to minors to their health and (or) physical, mental, spiritual, moral development.

Information security of children is recognized as one of the national priorities of modern Russian state policy. This is clearly outlined in the National Strategy of Action in the Interests of Children and the Concept of Information Security of Children approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 2, 2015 No. 2471-r.

The concept contributes to the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of information security for children, the creation of a modern media environment that takes into account the risks associated with the development of the Internet and information technology.

The concept defines the basic principles of ensuring children's information security, priority tasks and mechanisms for implementing state policy in this area, and expected results.

The provisions of the Concept are based on the principles of recognizing children and adolescents as active participants in the information process, the responsibility of the state for respecting the legitimate interests of children in the information sphere, cultivating independent and critical thinking skills in children, and creating a favorable atmosphere in the information environment for children and adolescents, regardless of their social status. , religious and ethnic affiliation.

The priority objectives of state policy in the field of information security of children include:

    increasing the level of media literacy of children and adolescents,

    developing in them a sense of responsibility for their actions in the information space,

    satisfaction of cognitive needs and interests,

    minimizing the risks of desocialization, development and consolidation of deviant and illegal actions of adolescents.

The result of the implementation of the Concept should be the formation by 2020 of a generation of young citizens who will be able to freely and independently navigate the modern information space. It is planned that a media environment will be created with such basic characteristics as free access for children to historical and cultural heritage, an increase in the number of children and adolescents who share the values ​​of patriotism, the popularization of a healthy lifestyle, and the formation in children of a respectful attitude towards intellectual property and copyright.

We should not forget about the requirements for organizing work on computers for children of various age groups, for the user’s workplace, for hygienic conditions in the premises that install



Time limits for children to spend at the computer:

Children under 3 years old should not be allowed to use computers; it is too much emotional and visual stress for them.

Children 3-7 years old should be exposed to screens for no more than 15 minutes a day. At the same time, it is recommended to conduct computer gaming classes no more than twice a week and be sure to complete them with eye exercises.

First graders - 10 minutes.

Students in grades 2-5 – 15 minutes;

6th–7th – 20 minutes;

8th–9th – 25 minutes;

On the 10th–11th during the day you are allowed to sit at the computer for no more than an hour and a half.

After 15-20 minutes of working at the computer, the child should do special exercises for the eyes.

In order to ensure the safety of a child in cyberspace, specialists working with children must first of all know this zone well themselves.

Studying the problems of a safe Internet for children in recent years has been one of the leading areas of research and methodological activity.

According to the latest data, in Russia: the average age for starting independent work on the Internet is 7 years, and today there is a tendency to reduce the age to 5 years. 88% of four-year-old children go online with their parents. At the age of 7-9, children increasingly go online on their own. By the age of 14, joint, family use of the network remains only for 7% of adolescents.

Today almost every second child uses the mobile Internet.

    More than half of Internet users under the age of 14 view sites with inappropriate content.

    39% of children visit porn sites,

    19% watch scenes of violence,

    16% are addicted to gambling.

    14% of children are interested in drugs and alcohol,

    Extremist and nationalist resources are visited by 11% of minor users

Experts highlight the followingtypes of online threats that pose a danger to the life, physical, mental and moral health and full development of the child:

    The most common threat to children on the Internet isabundance of explicit sexual materials.

Numerous videos and photographs with so-called “hard erotica”, including those containing information about sexual perversions, can disorient a child, injure his psyche, cause disturbances in psychosexual and moral-spiritual development, and prevent the building of normal social, including intergender and family relationships in future.

2. When communicating on the Internet, everyone is sure to have virtual acquaintances and friends.

In addition to his peers and interesting personalities, communication with whom will be beneficial, a child can make acquaintance not only with a pedophile and pervert, but also with a swindler and a hooligan.

Virtual rudeness and pranks often end in cyberstalking and cyber-humiliation, causing a lot of suffering to the target of the bullying. For a child, such experiences can be critical, since he is more vulnerable than adults.

In recent years, such socially dangerous attacks on the identity of a minor online as cyberbullying – teenage virtual terror – have become widespread.

Cyberbullying - these are attacks with the aim of causing psychological harm, which are carried out through email, instant messaging services, chat rooms, social networks, websites, and also via mobile communications.

The most dangerous types of cyberbullying are consideredcyberstalking - secretly stalking a victim with the aim of organizing an attack, beating, rape, etc.., andhappy slapping (Happy Slapping - happy clapping, joyful beating) - videos with recordings of real scenes of violence.

    Information dangerous to children that can cause serious harm to their health, development and safety may be contained on electronic resources containing materialsextremist and terrorist nature.

4. Electronic resources created and maintained are especially dangerous for the immature psyche of minors.destructive religious sects .

The main problem of destructive sects on the Internet is the provision of false information. It is very easy to fall under the negative influence of a sect through a website - if a child reads relevant material online, watches videos and photo information, then he already interacts with the sect’s recruiter, unwittingly participates in the psychological game of the sect’s organizers, often becoming dependent on them.

5. The gullibility and naivety of children is often used for their own purposes by computer scammers, spammers, and phishers.

Minors often click on links sent to them by attackers without suspicion and download unknown files that may turn out to be viruses or contain illegal information.

A child who is not sufficiently informed about the dangers on the Internet can tell the attacker his parents’ credit card number, the password for his electronic wallet, his real address, and much more.

6. Propaganda of drugs, violence and cruelty, suicidal behavior, abortion, self-harm can be very dangerous for a fragile child’s psyche.

A child accepts many dubious ideas on faith, especially if they are presented correctly. For example, about how best to commit suicide or which pills will “make you more fun”, how to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy without going to the doctor, etc. This is used by many people who use children for selfish and other personal purposes.

7. In addition to the above information, there is a lot of dubious entertainment on the Internet, such as online games that promote sex, cruelty and violence, requiring significant financial investments. Children can be involved in online gambling.

Bad Language - Profanity

The game contains rude and obscene language.

Discrimination - Discrimination

The presence in the product of scenes or materials that may defame or discriminate against certain social groups.

Fear - Fear

The game materials may be scary and intimidating for young children.

Gambling - Gambling

The game offers the opportunity to gamble and place a bet, including with real money.

Sexual Content Obscenity

The game contains nudity and/or sexual content.

Violence - Violence

The game is replete with scenes of violence.

8. Psychologists have noted the prevalence among users, including minors, of cases of a morbid addiction to participating in online processes, the so-called “Internet addiction,” which manifests itself in an obsessive desire to continue online communication indefinitely.

There are 6 main types of Internet addiction:

Obsessive web surfing - endless travels on the World Wide Web, searching for information.

Addiction to virtual communication and virtual dating - large volumes of correspondence, constant participation in chats, redundancy of friends on the Internet.

Gaming addiction - obsessive passion for playing computer games online.

Obsessive financial need - online gambling, unnecessary purchases in online stores or constant participation in online auctions.

Addiction to watching movies over the Internet, when the patient can spend the whole day in front of the screen without stopping due to the fact that you can watch almost any movie or program online.

Cybersex addiction - obsessive desire to visit porn sites and engage in cybersex.

Ways to protect yourself from Internet threats include:

    Administrative (regulatory) measures that the state provides through the creation/amendment of bills. (They were mentioned above )

    Education and training of users to work effectively with information.

    Teaching a child how to use the Internet by parents and teachers.

    Use of modern technological solutions in the field of increasing the efficiency of Internet use (use of special software, content filter).

Content filter is software designed to control the availability of content to readers, in particular to filter resources available via the Internet or email.

Today, libraries for children and youth are doing a lot of educational work related to the Internet and its safe use. As a rule, events aimed at developing the information culture of schoolchildren are carried out systematically throughout the year.

Libraries organize creative competitions, media projects, conferences, round tables with the involvement of specialists from various fields (programmers, doctors, psychologists), as well as parents. In recent years, thanks to the work of children's librarians, thousands of children and adults have become more literate Internet users.

Since 2014, the All-Russian Unified Lesson on Internet Safety has been held in general education institutions, the goal of which is to educate children and adolescents in information culture. The country's children's libraries also take an active part in the event.

In the last week of October last year, 2017, more than 70 children's libraries in the country held events dedicated to the topic of safety and ethical behavior on the Internet. Thousands of participants came to the libraries. These included preschoolers, schoolchildren of all ages, as well as college students, teachers and parents of young readers. Promoting knowledge about the rules of safe life in the Internet environment today continues to be a relevant topic for communication between librarians and readers.

Realizing the importance of work in this direction, we included in the implemented Central State Children's Library in 2018project"Children's library-navigator in the world of useful information"thematic blockto improve the information security of children and adolescents “Books, the Internet and I are best friends together.” He assumesa series of events dedicated to the safe use of the Internet and the protection of children and adults from threats associated with it, and media safety lessons, the objectives of which are:

    Informing readers about the types of information that can cause harm to the health and development of minors

    Informing about ways of illegal dissemination of such information

    Familiarization with international principles and norms, with regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation

    Training children and adolescents in the rules of responsible and safe use of Internet and mobile (cellular) communications services, other electronic means of communication and communications

    Prevention of Internet and gaming addiction in children

    Preventing the commission of offenses against children using information and telecommunication technologies


Project “Understanding the Internet” -

is dedicated to how to access knowledge, find the information you need, critically evaluate content, create your own Internet projects, communicate while following safety rules. On the site you can also take a test on your knowledge of online behavior rules and receive a certificate for successful completion.

Helpline “Children Online” - a free all-Russian telephone and online counseling service for children and adults on the issues of safe use of the Internet and mobile communications. At the Help Line, professional psychological and informational support is provided by psychologists from the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Internet Development Foundation.

All-Russian website “Help is nearby” - intended for children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 years. Its main goal is to help minors with difficult issues that they may encounter in their lives by providing safe information and free online psychological assistance, including on issues that arise when using the Internet.

Online game “Walk through the Wild Internet Forest” Dedicated to Internet security issues:http://www.wildwebwoods.org/popup.php?lang=en Project “What do you know about personal data?” http://xn--80aalcbc2bocdadlpp9nfk.xn--d1acj3b/ Roskomnadzor contains information and entertainment materials (tests, games, videos, coloring pages) dedicated to the protection of personal data.

The need for information is one of the basic human needs today. It is as important as warmth, food, sleep. Since ancient times, man has been searching for, generalizing and transmitting information about the things around him. Every activity is closely related to the exchange of information. During it, behavioral patterns, social norms, the basics of science, law, and art are learned.

When adults explain something to a child, they contribute to the formation of a special information field around him. Meanwhile, living conditions are constantly changing, the content and volume of data people receive is changing. This, in turn, raises the need to ensure the information security of the population in general and minors in particular. In our article we will try to understand what risks exist for children and how they can be eliminated.

Relevance of the issue

It is no secret that the current stage of human development is called the age of information technology. Today, people receive different information from a variety of sources. It is not always possible to filter information and select the data you really need. It is especially difficult for children.

To understand the scale of the problem, let's compare information acquisition to food consumption. This comparison is quite reasonable. After all, the need for information is as important today as the need for food. There are foods that should not be consumed or that are not suitable for the body. The same can be said about information. Not all information needs to be perceived by a child. Any information will have an impact on him: weak, strong, harmful, useful. Accordingly, it is necessary to be selective when using certain information. But while adults generally manage to cope with this task, children fail. Therefore, ensuring the information security of children is the responsibility of adults. Parents and teachers play a special role in this.

Global changes in the information space are determined by technological progress. The development of technology not only contributes to the emergence of new opportunities, but also carries various types of risks. Until relatively recently, children’s information security was not talked about so often. The fact is that previously the flow of information reaching the child was strictly controlled by adults. My parents did not allow me to talk to strangers or make friends with “bad peers.”

With the advent of home computers and unlimited Internet, the situation has changed dramatically. Children have free access to social networks, chats, forums, websites, games and other resources of varying quality. As a result, they were bombarded with simply a huge amount of information, which not everyone knows how to filter. The problem is aggravated by the fact that the child is often left alone with the Internet, and many parents do not know how to use a PC well enough.

The dangers of the Internet

Surveys show that the World Wide Web is the second most important source of information for most high school students. The school takes third place, while parents are in first place by a small margin. The Internet currently plays a significant role in raising children. The formation of a picture of the world, a model of behavior, and a way of thinking is carried out under the influence of information from the Internet.

The Internet is rightly called the virtual world. Of course, it is quite closely connected with reality. You can earn money on the Internet, order groceries, clothes, discuss news, etc. On the Internet, just like in life, there are “bad” companies, forums, and chat rooms. Banned films, clips, etc. are often shown here.

Any normal parent cares about who his child communicates with, what sources of information he uses, what books he reads, watches movies, what music he listens to. As for the Internet, very often adults forget about the importance of information security. Children are at home, not on the street - this reassures parents. Meanwhile, the minor is left alone with the virtual world - with strangers who can influence his behavior.

It must also be said that the authority of people on the Internet is significantly higher than the authority of teachers. This is a very alarming fact. After all, school used to play, if not a key, then a significant role in the education of the younger generation. Currently, the influence of teachers is significantly lower. If this trend continues further, then the formation of personality will take place not in the real world, but in the virtual one. At the same time, the authority of the parents will be jeopardized.

Children's information security concept

The protection of the younger generation must, of course, be carried out comprehensively. First of all, information security measures for children should be carried out by parents. In this case, it is necessary to take such measures so that the child does not feel disadvantaged. It is important not to lose the trust of children.

Information security is a set of measures aimed at protecting minors from the negative influence of information. In this case, we are talking not only about the Internet, but also about other sources - TV, radio, books, etc.

Teachers play a critical role in maintaining children’s information security. Together with parents, they must develop measures aimed at protecting the younger generation. Working together is important, otherwise all the efforts of parents may be in vain.

The participation of the authorities is of considerable importance. At the state level today, programs are being developed to ensure the information security of children, laws are being adopted, and responsibility for their violation is being established. Each educational institution must have local acts that reflect and specify federal provisions, adapting them to specific conditions.

Parental control

How can you maintain children's information security? This question worries many adults. Parental control is considered one of the effective methods of protection today. This option is present in the functionality of most antivirus programs. In addition, parental controls can be set using special programs.

This option allows you to configure the PC so that a specific user, i.e. a child in this case, does not have access to any Internet resources, cannot run applications (for example, games) or can only use the computer for a certain time.

Advantages and disadvantages of parental controls

This solution certainly has a lot of advantages. Firstly, the information security of children with the parental control option installed is guaranteed. Adults don’t have to worry about their child opening unwanted sites, spending the whole day playing games, etc. It should be noted that the configuration tools are flexible. In order not to infringe on your child at all, you can set up access to games for a certain period of time, create a list of allowed resources, etc.

However, this decision also has negative sides. If a child is prohibited from opening certain resources at home, he may well do so at a friend's house. In addition, parental controls can be bypassed. If the child copes with this, then perhaps it is worth noting his abilities and guiding them in the right direction? For example, he may be interested in programming, computer network research, etc.

Blocking sites

Parental control is, of course, a good option in an antivirus program - the information security of children will be ensured at the required level (in any case, when the child has computer settings set to “you”). Meanwhile, sooner or later a minor will be able to access once prohibited sites. He may not be ready for the information contained in them.

It is up to each parent to decide whether to block or not. Undoubtedly, there is content to which access should be expressly prohibited. These are pornographic sites, advertisements leading to them, dating chats, etc. Blocking ads is useful not only for children, but also for adults. After all, working on a computer is much more pleasant without annoying banners.

Experts' opinions

Many experts believe that parental control is the most important tool for ensuring and maintaining the information security of children on the Internet. However, experts make an important caveat. This instrument is suitable for young children. Information security on the Internet for older children can be ensured in other ways. More about them below.

PC usage control

It is not necessary to set a password on your computer. Often it is enough to place the PC so that it is in full view of adults. In this case, it is easy to control the process of using the computer. In this case, the parents’ actions will be more correct and tactful. Adults will be able to, unnoticed by the child, observe his actions and coordinate them.

Experts do not recommend installing a computer in a child’s room or buying him modern gadgets, including tablets and smartphones. Statistics show that currently almost half of children of primary school age use fashionable phones and have access to the Internet. At the same time, it is completely unclear why they need such gadgets. After all, children have uncontrolled access to the Internet and can become victims of robbers. If you need to communicate with your child, just buy him a regular phone. If parents decide to purchase a fashionable smartphone, it is advisable to install parental controls on it.

Channeling your child's energy in the right direction

Parents today have a lot of responsibility. Adults have to instill culture in children and raise its level. This is a very difficult task. The fact is that today there is continuous propaganda of the cult of money, consumption, lack of culture, and “coolness.” It is difficult to eliminate its negative influences. Parents need to be interested in the child’s life, talk with him, discuss the events happening in his life.

For example, if he likes to watch movies on the Internet, you can talk about it, and at the same time talk about the history of cinema or interesting facts. It is important to show him really high-quality and good films, filled with meaning.

If he is interested in gadgets, it is worth purchasing a useful item. For example, an e-book. Perhaps it will help instill a love of reading.

If a child is interested in the structure of websites and the contents of a computer, it is likely that he will grow up to be a good programmer. Perhaps it is worth sending him to a circle of young programmers.

We need to help the child discover his talents. No one will do this except parents.

Formation of a unified information field

The child and his parents must be in a single information space. This does not mean that adults should indulge children in everything. On the contrary, you need to constantly interact with the child, negotiate with him, and change his environment for the better. Of course, you need to try to spend as much time with him as possible.

Important point

It must be said that parents themselves often erect a wall in front of their children. Sometimes this is due to a reluctance to understand the child, indifference to him, to his interests, feelings, experiences. It is very difficult to overcome the wall. It is important to create conditions in the family in which the child can calmly share his experiences. Adults, in turn, need to be sensitive to them.


Currently, parents face a difficult task. They themselves need to create a favorable information climate for their children. We must remember that a child will not disappear on the Internet if he is busy with things that are interesting to him.

Of course, during his studies he will have to use the Internet. It might be worth putting together a handout on information security. For children, parental involvement in their lives is very important. It is necessary to explain to them why it is undesirable to use certain resources. It is important to make it clear to children that adults are interested in their normal development.

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