Registration for a driver's license. Driving school new horizons

Why is such a service needed?

Nowadays, getting a driver's license has become fast and affordable. To do this, you need to go to the site, register and independently choose for yourself the time and date of visiting the traffic police. You can fill out an application on the site without leaving your computer monitor and there is no need to go to the traffic police and stand in line there.

Such a system is quite convenient for people who do not have extra time and can any time of the day go to the site and in a short time fill out an online application and send it to the traffic police.

But one negative nuance of this portal is long time registration, the code for which you need to wait a long time until it arrives in the mail. But in the future, using your personal code, you will always have access to receive public services.


To start using the government site, you must first register on it. Go to the site and in the section " Personal Area” there is a link with the inscription “Registration”, it is located in the right corner of this section.

Now you need to follow the instructions:

  • Here you need to enter your passport details, contact phone or email. When you carefully enter this information, then click "Register";
  • Then you will receive an SMS with a code on your phone or mail., which must be entered in a special column and confirm registration;
  • Next, create a new password and enter it. The new password must be re-entered and confirmed. Now you can use the State Services website and use your personal account, where you will log in with your own password.

How to get the rights to the car through the website of the State Services?

When obtaining rights to the traffic police, you must have the following documents with you:

  • The passport;
  • Certificate of graduation from a driving school, its license number, date of receipt and category of rights;
  • Medical certificate with number, date and name of the institution that issued the right.

In a similar article, we wrote how .

Getting rights for the first time

Go to the site and in the section select the column “Obtaining rights for the first time”. And click "Get Service".

  1. First you need to select one or more categories;
  2. Personal and passport data are taken from the personal account. If you need to change the data, then you need to click on the "Change data" button;
  3. When filling in the column with the address, you can indicate not only the actual residence permit;
  4. Enter all information about the driving school;
  5. Information about the medical certificate;
  6. Choose the traffic police that suits you and convenient time to obtain a certificate;
  7. In the future, you will receive a notification in your personal account that your application has been accepted and after 3 days the date of visiting the traffic police.

Online booking: websites

After registering, you need to activate and enter the State Services website.

In the section, select the item you need from the five options:

  • Getting rights for the first time;
  • Obtaining rights after passing retraining;
  • Obtaining international rights;
  • Obtaining temporary permission for rights;
  • Rights verification.

There are two ways to enroll in the traffic police, to pass the exam and obtain rights:

  1. You come personally to the traffic police and an employee sign up for an exam;
  2. You can sign up on the website of the State Services in in electronic format;

Not all regions have access to the site, so which method you choose is up to you, depending on the current situation and place of residence. It is also possible to sign up for exams at the traffic police together with a driving school. From the beginning of this there is a new link to the State Services website

Vehicle category selection

In the site section, select category Vehicle for which you need to obtain a driver's license. Click on the required category and proceed to the next steps.

Personal data

All data is taken from your personal account and is not available for change on this page of services. If you filled in the data incorrectly and found an error, then you can change the readings by clicking on the button "To change the data". So, you will return to your personal account and you can fix everything.

Passport data

Passport data is also taken from the personal account. Check carefully the indicated entries from the office and, if an error is found, correct it in the above way.

Address of residence

Next, you need to specify address of your residence. Start typing the name of the city, and a list of all cities in Russia will appear in the column on the left. You can choose your city. Then fill in all the fields on this page. According to the law of the Russian Federation, you can get a driver's license both at the place of residence and at the place of registration.

Information about the driving school

Now you need to enter all information about driving school. To do this, you must know its exact name, as well as the number of your course completion certificate and the date. If you have information, then immediately enter the license number of the driving school in the appropriate column. When there is no such data, then write the word, no.

Medical certificate information

This will be the sixth step in data entry.

Here you need:

Choice of branch and time of obtaining rights

Now you need to select the traffic police department in order to pass exams there and get a driver's license. This section contains a map with the addresses of branches. You can choose a convenient area for yourself and choose the date for passing the examination certification. The date must be entered in order. First enter the date, month and year. Time is indicated only after filling in the date.

Be careful when filling out this section and remember the date for visiting the traffic police.

Check again your completed application electronically. Now check the box and submit your application online. If everything goes well, then to your personal account or e-mail will receive an invitation to the traffic police. Do not forget to take your passport and receipt of state duty with you.

Payment of the license fee

You can pay the state duty receipt in any bank of the Russian Federation or a terminal, which is available in almost every traffic police department. Don't forget to take your payment receipt. All payment details are on the traffic police portal.

To do this, you need to specify the details of the organization, enter your last name, address of residence, the amount to be paid, and upon completion of the operation, receive a receipt. If payment is made at a bank branch, then all the data is here filled in automatically.

State fee for receiving paper driving license is 600 rubles, plastic - 2100 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of the State Services portal



  • You need to wait 30 days for an activation code by mail;
  • A password is required to register;
  • Quite often, preventive work is carried out on the portal;
  • Recording has to wait long enough;
  • There is not enough information;
  • The system is unreliable;
  • Illiterate implementation.


For this, there is now a simplified form and you can use the State Services portal. In advance, you need to register here and read the instructions competently and step by step to submit an application electronically.

So, you can choose for yourself the necessary date for the exam. After a successful result, you need to go to the MREO department with a passport, a certificate issued by a driving school and a receipt for payment of state duty.

When submitting an application, enter the data correctly. Like all portals, other portals, the State Services website has its pros and cons. According to user reviews, there are different opinions.

Some people are very comfortable and easy to use the site, choose the section that suits them, fill out the questionnaire, according to their personal account, and send the application. And in a couple of days, the date will come to the mail or phone when you need to go to the traffic police. This is very convenient, you do not need to waste your personal time to travel to the branch and sit in line.

If you do not have internet access, you can visit directly traffic police department and after examining your data, the employee himself will set the date and time for you to pass the exam and further obtain a certificate.

Many driving schools already after the completion of courses negotiate with the traffic police with the date of passing the exams and notify their students in advance. After successfully passing the exams within a few days, the driver receives his license and can start operating the vehicle.

Those wishing to take the exams driving license more and more, which entails the likelihood of sitting in line all day. The State Services Portal allows you to save time and provides services for registering for an exam in the traffic police online. To do this, you need to register and submit some documents.

Allows you to use a wider range of services. The procedure is simple and takes very little time. To do this, you need access to the Internet, a mobile phone and personal documents.

What documents will be needed:

  • The passport;

On the right side of the screen, click on "Register". Next, fill in all the empty fields and click on "Register".

A confirmation code will be sent to the phone number specified in the form.

The next step - simplified registration(allows you to use a small part of the services). Personal data, including passport data, is indicated here (in the future, they will be automatically indicated in the appropriate fields in the applications). Here you can also specify data and other personal documents, for example, a passport or a military ID.

After entering all the data into the profile, the possibility of passing the standard and confirmed registration opens (to open access to more services).

For standard registration, it is enough to indicate the number of the insurance certificate (SNILS), after checking by the system (approximately 15-20 minutes), the status is assigned. Notification will be sent to your email and phone.

To obtain the status of a verified account, you must, accordingly, verify your identity. There is 3 possible options for personal identification:

1. Personal visit to the service center (find the nearest center on the map, visit with a passport and insurance certificate);

2. Registered letter from the Russian Post (you just need to order a letter on the portal; access to services is not available in full);

3. Electronic signature or UEC (connect a carrier with an electronic signature).

Each of the options provides an activation code at the end, for the final confirmation of the account.

What information do you need to take in a driving school?

The first thing you need to find out at the driving school where you studied is its full and exact name. You can also find out the license number of the institution, but not necessarily (if not, select "No" in the column).

The most important thing is the number of the certificate and its date, issued after graduation.

Registration for the exam in the traffic police - procedure

To find the right service you can go two ways:

1. Type in the search bar "get a driver's license";

2. Go to the "Catalogue of services" - "Transport and driving" - section "Driver's license".

  • From the services that appear, you need to select the one that says about obtaining a driver's license after completing training for the right to drive a car - click "Get a service."
  • Those personal data that were previously indicated in the profile during registration will be filled in automatically. It will only be necessary to enter data on the medical institution where the certificate was received, and some missing documents.
  • Next, the most convenient location (or other criteria) department of the traffic police is selected, where exams are taken by the commission. And indicate the date and time of the visit to the institution.
  • As soon as the service checks all the data provided, a notification about the payment of the state duty will appear in the messages.
  • It takes no more than 15-20 minutes to fill out the application, instead of a whole day.
  • An application for passing the exam in the traffic police through the State Services is submitted no more than 30 days before the desired date.


1. You must take the original documents with you to the exam;

2. Arrive at the appointed time (if the applicant does not appear within 30 minutes, the application will be canceled).

Service cost

At the beginning of 2015, the law was amended to stipulate new and higher amounts of the state fee for exams in the traffic police. In addition to the fact that the prices for training in all driving schools have increased (along with the number of hours of theory and practice), the cost for passing exams has also increased.
The first step is to figure out what exactly you need to pay for. The price includes everything - passing the theory ( traffic rules), driving and state duty.

In 2015, the traffic police announced that the state duty for obtaining a driver's license had increased.

In 2017 (as in 2016) there were no changes. So:

  • The cost of a plastic driver's license - 2000 rub;
  • Paper ID - 500 rub;
  • Temporary identity (and its restoration) - 800 rub;
  • International ID - 1600 rub.

According to unofficial data, the traffic police will still have to pay for:

  • Delivery of the theoretical part - 1000 ;
  • Driving surrender - 1500 ;
  • City driving - 2000 ;
  • Retake - 1000−2000 .

Payment of the fee, receipt of a receipt through the State Services

After registering and logging in on the website of the State Service, you need to enter the "Catalogue of Services". After refreshing the page, find "Transport and driving", then "Driver's license". From the entire list, you need to select the desired type of state duty (initial receipt of a certificate, replacement, etc.)

The next step is to go to the payment page. Some fields will be filled in automatically, you just need to fill in the missing information. Next, the application is sent for verification, which takes no more than 15 minutes.
After consideration, an invoice for payment is sent, you can find it in the "My Accounts" - "Accruals" section.

Notification will be sent to your email and mobile phone. Next to the amount, click on "Pay" and select convenient way. You can pay in several ways:

1. Bank card;
2. Balance mobile phone;
3. Online wallet.

From the beginning of 2017, a 30% discount has been applied to the payment of the state fee through the State Services portal.

After payment, a receipt will come, in order to receive it in your hands, you need to save and print it in the usual way.

How to track an application?

The entire progress of the application is tracked through the "Personal Account". To do this, you just need to log in.

Thanks to modern technologies no need to stand in line all day. It is enough to have access to the Internet and basic knowledge of a PC. The State Services Portal is quite easy to use, anyone can handle it. For convenience, you can install the application on your mobile phone.

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Choosing a Driving School Nizhny Novgorod and the city of Bor

There are hundreds of driving schools in Nizhny Novgorod. How not to make a mistake in choosing?
And now, you say to yourself: that's it, tired of riding public transport! Unbearable to get to work every morning and push from her every evening ... I want to transfer to a car! I want to save my time and energy! Decided!
Naturally, the question immediately arises: where to take a driving course and which driving schools in Nizhny Novgorod train drivers well?
On the Internet, in catalogs and directories, you will find great amount Driving school in Nizhny Novgorod. As a rule, they are all different and not always good. And, to be more precise, there are only a few good driving schools. Rating of Driving Schools does not always reflect the real picture, and reviews about the Driving School are sometimes written by competitors. So what is a good driving school? What are the selection criteria?
First advice: choose a driving school near your home or work.
You save time and you are less likely to miss classes, therefore, more likely to complete the driving school course in full.
Second tip: Study the legal documents of the Driving School.
To do this, visit the office and view the official website of the Driving School. The driving school must have a license and the conclusion of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, allowing the Driving School to operate. These documents are usually posted on information stand Driving schools and the official website. Make sure that the school you choose is a Driving school with equipped classes, teaching aids. Usually on the official website of Driving Schools they place detailed information about driving school. Get advice by phone or visit the Driving School office. Find out where and how the exams are held, whether there is a possibility of retaking, how long the course of study at the Driving School is, what advantages, more precisely than other Driving Schools in Nizhny Novgorod, are inferior to the one you have chosen, etc.
The third tip: check the prices for all services of the Driving School and the real cost of tuition.
In a good driving school, you should immediately be told the full and final cost of training, which includes theory, driving course and providing a training vehicle for training and exams in the traffic police. In some driving schools, the cost of training includes gasoline, some offer to pay for fuel costs during the training process, some driving schools offer to pay the entire cost of training at once, and in other schools the price is divided into parts: first for theory, then for practice, then for exams, but talk about it openly and immediately. If the entire final price is not immediately announced, they are lured with little money, the lowest prices for training in a Driving School - beware. Immediately ask: what is included in the named amount?
Quality price:
The average cost of a full course of study at the Nizhny Novgorod Driving School is from 20 thousand rubles on weekdays in the morning or evening, from 22 thousand on weekends for cars with mechanical box gears and from 30 thousand on cars with automatic transmission.
This cost includes all costs associated with the learning process, except for the medical board and traffic police fees:
theoretical course,
basic set of literature,
driving course,
expenses for fuel and lubricants (gasoline),
internal exams (in theory and driving).
"New Horizons" - Your Driving School

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