What is the name of the picture of a bear in the forest. The real story of the creation of the painting "Morning in a pine forest" (from the cycle "Vyatka - the birthplace of elephants")

It just so happened that a century ago, designers chose a painting by Shishkin and Savitsky for the packaging of sweets "Mishka kosolapy" and their analogues. And if Shishkin is known for forest landscapes, then Savitsky was remembered by a wide audience exclusively for bears.

With rare exceptions, the plot of Shishkin's paintings (if you look at this issue broadly) is one - nature. Ivan Ivanovich is an enthusiastic, enamored contemplator. And the viewer becomes an eyewitness of the artist's meeting with his native spaces.

Shishkin was an extraordinary connoisseur of the forest. He knew everything about trees of different species and noticed mistakes in the drawing. In the open air, the artist’s students were literally ready to hide in the bushes, just not to hear the dressing in the spirit of “There can’t be such a birch” or “these fake pines”.

As for people and animals, they occasionally appeared in Ivan Ivanovich's paintings, but they were more of a background than an object of attention. “Morning in a Pine Forest” is perhaps the only canvas where bears compete with the forest. For this, thanks to one of Shishkin's best friends - the artist Konstantin Savitsky.

The idea for the painting was suggested to Shishkin by Savitsky, who later acted as a co-author and depicted the figures of cubs. These bears, with some differences in posture and number (at first there were two of them), appear in preparatory drawings and sketches. The animals turned out so well for Savitsky that he even signed the painting together with Shishkin. Savitsky himself told his relatives: "The painting was sold for 4 thousand, and I am a participant in the 4th share."

“Morning in a Pine Forest” is a painting by Russian artists Ivan Shishkin and Konstantin Savitsky. Savitsky painted the bears, but the collector Pavel Tretyakov erased his signature, so Shishkin alone is often credited as the painting's author.

The picture conveys in detail the state of nature seen by the artist on the island of Gorodomlya. It is not a dense dense forest that is shown, but sunlight breaking through the columns of tall trees. You can feel the depth of the ravines, the power of centuries-old trees, the sunlight, as it were, timidly looks into this dense forest. The frolicking bear cubs feel the approach of morning.

Portrait of Ivan Ivanovich Shishkin (1832-1898) by I. N. Kramskoy. 1880

Konstantin Apollonovich Savitsky
(1844 - 1905)

The picture is known to every person, it is held almost in elementary school, and it is hardly possible to forget such a masterpiece after. In addition, this well-known and beloved reproduction constantly adorns the packaging of the chocolate of the same name, and is an excellent illustration for stories.

The plot of the picture

This is probably the most popular painting by I.I. Shishkin, the most famous landscape painter, whose hands created many beautiful paintings, including “Morning in a Pine Forest”. The canvas was written in 1889, and according to historians, the idea of ​​the plot itself did not appear spontaneously, Savitsky K.A. suggested it to Shishkin. It was this artist who at one time miraculously depicted a bear on the canvas along with playing cubs. "Morning in a Pine Forest" was purchased by a well-known art connoisseur of that time, Tretyakov, who considered that the painting was made by Shishkin and assigned the final authorship directly to him.

Some believe that the film owes its incredible popularity to its entertaining plot. But, despite this, the canvas is valuable due to the fact that the state of nature on the canvas is conveyed surprisingly clearly and truly.

Nature in the picture

First of all, it can be noted that the picture depicts a morning forest, but this is only a superficial description. In fact, the author depicted not an ordinary pine forest, but its very thicket, the place that is called "deaf", and it is she who begins her early awakening in the morning. The picture is very subtly drawn natural phenomena:

  • the sun begins to rise;

  • the sun's rays first of all touch the very tops of the trees, but some mischievous rays have already made their way into the very depths of the ravine;

  • the ravine is also remarkable in the picture because you can still see fog in it, which, as it were, is not afraid of the sun's rays, as if it is not going to leave.

Heroes of the picture

The canvas also has its own characters. These are three little cubs and their mother bear. She takes care of her cubs, because they look full, happy and carefree on the canvas. The forest is waking up, so the mother bear watches very carefully how her cubs frolic, controls their game and worries if something has happened. The cubs do not care about the awakening nature, they are interested in frolic on the alignment of the fallen pine

The picture creates the feeling that we are in the most remote part of the entire pine forest, also because the mighty pine is completely ownerless after the forest, it was once uprooted, and still remains in this state. This is practically a corner of real wildlife, the one where bears live, and a person does not risk touching it.

Writing style

In addition to the fact that the picture can pleasantly surprise with its plot, it is impossible to take your eyes off it, also because the author tried to skillfully use all the drawing skills, put his soul and revived the canvas. Absolutely ingeniously solved by Shishkin the problem of the ratio of color and light on the canvas. It is interesting to note that in the foreground you can "meet" quite clear drawings, colors, in contrast to the background color, which seems almost transparent.

It is clear from the picture that the artist was actually delighted with the grace and amazing beauty of pristine nature, which is beyond the control of man.

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Nina Markova, senior researcher at the Tretyakov Gallery: "The talk that Shishkin could not draw animals, human figures is a myth! Let's start with the fact that Shishkin studied with an animal painter, so cows, lambs, all this came out great for him."

This animal theme during the life of the artist became a burning issue for art lovers. Feel the difference, they said - a pine forest and two bears. Barely distinguishable. This is Shishkin's hand. And here is another pine forest and two signatures at the bottom. One is almost worn out.

This is the only case of so-called co-authorship, art critics say - morning in a pine forest. These funny bears inside the picture were not painted by Shishkin, but by his friend and colleague, the artist Savitsky. Yes, it's so wonderful that I decided to sign the work together with Ivan Shishkin. However, the Tretyakov collector ordered Savitsky's signature to be removed - the main characters of the painting by the artist Shishkin are by no means bears, he considered.

They really often worked together. And only the bearish quartet is literally a product of discord in the long-term friendship of artists. The relatives of Konstantin Savitsky have an alternative version of the disappearance of the signature - allegedly Shishkin received the entire fee for Savitsky's plan.

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"If I were not an artist, I would become a botanist," the artist repeated many times, whom the students already called so. He urged them to examine the object through a magnifying glass or take a picture to remember - he did it himself, here are his devices. And only then, with an accuracy of a pine needle, transferred to paper.

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He scolded his friend - Repin for his rafts in the paintings, he said, he didn’t understand what kind of logs they were made of. Whether business - Shishkin wood - "oaks" or "pine". But according to Lermontov's motives - in the wild north. Each picture has its own face - rye - this is Russia, wide, grain-growing. Pine forest - our wild denseness. He has no repetition. These landscapes are like different people. For all his life, almost eight hundred portraits of nature.

Probably, perhaps the most famous painting by the Russian painter is "Morning in a pine forest". This picture has been known and loved by many since childhood for the wrapper of the no less beloved chocolates “Bear-toed Bear”. Only a few paintings by Russian artists can argue with the popularity of this painting.

The idea of ​​the painting was once suggested to the painter Shishkin by the artist Konstantin Savitsky, who acted as a co-author and depicted the figures of bears. As a result, Savitsky's animals turned out so well that he signed the painting together with Shishkin. But when Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov bought the painting, he removed Savitsky's signature, and the authorship remained only with Shishkin. Tretyakov considered that everything in the picture speaks of the manner of painting and the creative method peculiar to Shishkin.

The canvas depicts a dense thicket of a pine forest with a fallen, broken tree on the edge of a ravine. The left side of the picture still retains the twilight of the cold night of a dense forest. Moss covers uprooted tree roots and fallen broken branches. Soft green grass creates a feeling of comfort and tranquility. But the rays of the rising sun had already gilded the tops of the age-old pines and made the morning mist glow. And although the sun is not yet able to completely dispel this night fog, which hides the entire depth of the pine forest from the viewer’s gaze, the cubs are already playing on the broken trunk of a fallen pine tree, and the mother bear is guarding them. One of the cubs, having climbed up the trunk closer to the ravine, stood on its hind legs and looks curiously into the distance at the light of the haze from the rising sun.

We see not just a monumental painting about the greatness and beauty of Russian nature. Before us is not only a deaf dense frozen forest with its deep power, but a living picture of nature. Sunlight, breaking through the haze and columns of tall trees, makes you feel the depth of the ravine behind the fallen pine, the power of centuries-old trees. The light of the morning sun is still looking timidly into this pine forest. But the animals already feel the approach of the sunny morning - frolicking cubs and their mother. The picture is filled with movement and life thanks not only to these four bears, who love solitude in the forest, but also to the transitional moment of the early sunny morning waking up after the cold night, accurately depicted by the painter. The peaceful smile of the forest spreads: the day will be sunny. It begins to seem to the viewer that the birds have already voiced their morning songs. The beginning of a new day promises light and tranquility!

The author of the painting "Morning in a Pine Forest" is the great Russian artist Ivan Ivanovich (1832-1898). However, only the landscape itself belongs to his hand. The main characters of the picture - three bear cubs and a bear were painted by another famous artist Konstantin Apollonovich. The erroneous notion that “Morning in a Pine Forest” was written only by Shishkin is due to the fact that Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, who bought the painting for his collection, erased Savitsky’s signature.

History of the painting

The picture was painted in 1889. Canvas, oil. Dimensions: 139 × 213 cm. Currently located in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow. Interestingly, the original picture had the name "Bear family in the forest."

It is believed that Ivan Shishkin came up with the plot of the painting while visiting Gorodomlya Island, which is located on Lake Seliger. Here the painter saw untouched nature, a dense forest, which amazes the imagination with its beauty and pristine nature.

Initially, there were no bears in the picture, only the forest landscape itself. Ivan Shishkin was an unsurpassed landscape painter, but in animalism, that is, the depiction of animals, he was not strong. Therefore, the bears were painted by another artist - Konstantin Savitsky.

Description of the artwork «Morning in a pine forest»

The painting "Morning in a Pine Forest" literally captivates the viewer with its extraordinary beauty. The age-old forest impresses with its power, untouched nature. Pine trees with thick trunks and knotty branches seem to hint at their ancient nature. The forest is drowning in a whitish fog, which early in the morning covered everything around with a milky veil.

The painting depicts an early morning. The sun is just beginning to rise and the forest begins to turn into golden hues of dawn. Since the sun has cast its first rays to the very tops of the trees, they contrast sharply with the semi-darkness inside the forest. Such a beautiful transition of colors and shades is mesmerizing. The hues of the picture smoothly change from dark green at the bottom to bright gold at the top.

In the foreground is a fallen pine tree. The bear family has gathered here. Three restless bear cubs crawl along the broken trunk. Nearby is a mother bear, who watches over her children, who still want to play and explore everything unfamiliar. One of the cubs stood up on its hind legs and peered deep into the fog-shrouded forest. Thus, he intrigues the viewer, so you want to follow his gaze, peer deep into the picture to see what a frozen bear cub saw in the distance.

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