In the nursery group. methodical development on drawing (junior group) on the topic

Collective work in the first junior group "Zimushka-winter" (non-traditional drawing)

Drawing technique "Funny palms and fingers"

Purpose: to teach children to draw using the "Funny palms and fingers" technique, to make additions to the drawing (snow, snowdrifts); enriching its content.


To evoke positive emotions in children using an artistic word. Develop communication and speaking skills. Introduce a new word into the children's dictionary: snowdrift.
Expand the horizons of children, stimulate cognitive interest. Improve the skills of non-traditional image of the subject (palm, finger).


Introduce colors: white, blue.

Develop a sense of form, color composition.


Generate interest in creating a collective composition "Zimushka-winter"

Raise interest in the beautiful phenomena of nature.

Preliminary work:

Observation of snowfall, on a walk, looking at winter illustrations, memorizing Z. Alexandrova's poem "Snowball".

Snowball games.

Materials: tinted blue sheet of A-3 paper, white gouache, illustrations of winter, snowflakes.

Visibility: Thematic pictures "Winter".


Guys, it's a wonderful time of the year Winter.

Winter has come to visit us

Brought a lot of snow.

Here on the roofs of snow - snow,

Snow on the trees, snow

On the paths snow - snow,

Snow on cars.

Everywhere - everywhere snow - snow,

The man is having fun.

(Review of illustrations depicting (snowflakes, snowfall.)

Today I brought you a picture, only nothing is drawn on it. Today we will be magicians, we will draw not with brushes, but with our palms and fingers.

Guys, who knows what color the snowball is? (children's answers).

We will draw a white snowdrift and a snowball.

See how we will draw a snowball. Dip our finger in the paint and apply it to our picture. There is a lot of snow on the street and we will draw a lot of snow. (Children draw snow).

Guys, look at our fingers, we are dirty and we will wipe them with a napkin.

Physical education:

soft fluffy

white snowflakes

(raise hands up)

Circling above the earth

Lie down on the ground

(turn around and sit down)

Legs fall asleep

Snowdrifts are growing.

(raise hands up, stretch)

What big snowdrifts we have grown.

And now we will draw a snowdrift. I dip my palm into the paint and apply it. And I clean it up - my palm print came out. Look, the palm is dirty, what should I do?

Yes, wipe it off with a damp cloth.

Let's practice with you, as if the paint is standing next to us:

Dip your palm in the paint, apply it to a sheet of paper.

Now let's try. Gently, one at a time, dip your palm into the paint and put it down to make a snowdrift. Be careful, pick up more paint so that our snowdrift is clearly visible.

Guys, can anyone tell me what color the paint is? (white) Well done!

(I help the children.)

Well done guys, well done! What a beautiful picture we have! Let's love! Let's leave it to dry.

And now we are going to wash our hands so that they are clean with us.


N.A. Karpukhina "Summaries of classes in the first junior group of kindergarten"

Lykova I.A.” Visual activity in kindergarten: the first junior group. O.V. Pavlova "Artistic creativity complex classes first junior group"

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the younger group on the topic: "Sorceress Winter"

Purpose: To interest in the continuous painting of the plane of a sheet of paper, by applying sweeping strokes; To consolidate the ability to timely saturate the pile of the brush with paint, to hold the brush correctly; Raise interest in working with gouache, promote a sense of joy from getting the result.

Material: illustrations on a winter theme, sheets of paper (1/2 of a landscape sheet) with winter landscapes painted on them with a candle, blue gouache, brushes, napkins - for each child.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational moment: Children and the teacher are talking at the window.

Educator: - Look how beautiful it is on the street! Guys, what time of year is it? (Winter.)

What signs of winter do you know? (Snow lies, it is cold, cold winds blow.)

What do you call the weather when it snows? (Snowfall.)

A strong wind is blowing and snow is spinning in the air? (Blizzard, blizzard, blizzard.)

Winter is the most beautiful time of the year.

The artists were very fond of drawing winter, they depicted a winter forest (shows the first picture).

Polina, tell us what you see in this picture? (trees in the snow, trees in the snow, snow on the ground)

Yes, a forest is depicted here, it must have been a heavy snowfall and the snow covered all the Christmas trees and trees.

The teacher points to the following picture:

Andrey, what is shown in this picture? (there are snowmen, snow hill, snow house)

Yes, probably, the children walked after the snowfall and made a lot of different snow buildings. Do you remember how we made snowmen out of snow? (Yes)

How did we do it? (rolled snowballs of different sizes)

And what shape were our snowballs? (round)

Do you know what I suggest? Let's draw your winter pictures.

Guys, let's play first.

Finger gymnastics:

One two three four,

Bend fingers one at a time

We made snow with you

"Sculpt" with two hands

Round, strong

We draw a circle with our hands

Very smooth

Stroke the other with one hand

And not at all sweet.

We threaten with a finger

2. Main body:

Teacher: Look at the tables. We have magic leaves. We will paint them with magical colors, and the sorceress winter will appear on the leaves.

Shows how to draw: “Smoothly move the brush from left to right, paint over the entire surface of the sheet.

Children take leaves on which a winter landscape is drawn with a candle and apply paint to the sheet with a brush. A drawing appears. Finished works are exhibited.

3. Bottom line:

Educator: Children, look what wonderful drawings we got!

What is shown on them (Answers of children)

Did you enjoy being wizards?

Well done boys. You have all tried very hard.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Purpose: to continue to teach children to hold the hand correctly, without straining the muscles and without squeezing the fingers tightly; achieve free hand movement with a brush while drawing. Continue learning how to paint on...

Abstract of an open drawing lesson

in junior group 1.

"Winter meadow"

MDOU No. 269

Educator Petrikova A.A.

2006-2007 academic year

Program content:

to teach children to draw with paints with a finger, to form an interest and a positive attitude towards drawing. Develop aesthetic education. Cultivate emotional responsiveness.

Preliminary work:

drawing with paints with a finger. Examination of paintings depicting a winter landscape. Learning mobile games.

Equipment :

soft toys (hare, fox); diluted blue gouache; drawing - bunny; water in banks; rags; napkins.

Children sit in a semicircle on chairs.

caregiver . What season is it now?

Children . Winter.

caregiver . Guys, you know that it is cold in winter, winds blow, a blizzard whistles, a lot of snow falls. Listen to what poem I will read to you.

Snow, snow is spinning

White all street!

We gathered in a circle

Rolled up like snow.

And now guys, I give you handkerchiefs in your hands and you will turn into “snowflakes”.

The teacher reads a poem, and the children are spinning. After the game, the children sit on the chairs. Suddenly there is a knock and a bunny (toy) appears.

The hare tells how he walked, had fun in the winter forest in a clearing and suddenly he saw a fox. The fox wants to catch the bunny! The hare asks for help from the children.

caregiver . Guys, can we help the bunny hide?

Children . Yes, we will help.

caregiver . How can we do it? It seems I came up with a lot of snow to draw and confuse the fox.

The teacher invites the children to sit down at the tables and use blue gouache to draw snow on a piece of paper with a finger.

The teacher shows by his own example how to act, helps those who did not dare to put their finger in the paint.

After the children have drawn, the teacher covers the image of a hare with the work of the children.

caregiver . Ouch! What a lot of tracks!

We confused the fox: it looked like, it looked like the clearing and left.

After that, the teacher opens the image of the hare and rejoices with the children that the fox did not find it.

Bunny thanks the children for their help and invites them to play.

Children and the teacher play the game "fox and hares".

On the forest lawn

Bunnies ran away. (children run scattered around the room)

Here are some bunnies

Bunnies are runaways!

The bunnies sat in a circle

They dig a spine with a paw, (children squat down, right

These are the bunnies, imitate the action of the hare's paw with their hand)

Bunnies are runaways!

Suddenly a fox runs in - a red-haired sister (looks around).

He is looking for where the bunnies are, the bunnies are running around (trying to catch the fleeing kids).

The fox did not manage to catch up with the rabbits.

Children - bunnies rejoice in their victory.

Educator. Guys, what are you good fellows! You can do everything: draw, play, sing, dance, run, and most importantly, how kind you are, you will never leave anyone in trouble.

Inna Ivanova
Abstract of a drawing lesson in the first junior group “Here is winter, it’s white all around”


Acquaintance with a new material - cotton wool; skill training paint snowflakes with a brush in the way of sticking; skill training draw with gouache; continue to teach correctly, hold the brush, work the cysts, use a cloth, rinse the brush. Anchoring white color, time of year. To evoke a sense of joy from the strokes that children drew themselves. Cultivate interest in creativity. Develop fine motor skills; to form the ability to perform movements rhythmically to the music.


Pieces of cotton wool for each child, tinted album sheets with painted trees, white paint, brushes, rags, jars of water, a snowflake, a bucket of snow, a stand for small portraits depicting snowflakes (for each child, a picture of late autumn, an easel, palettes for each child, a mold, an eyelet; a musical recording.


The teacher tells the children that a breeze flew to us and with it a snowflake flew to visit us. Snowflake brought something with her. Snowflake asks the guys to go to the table and look. There is a bucket on the table.

Guys, tell us what the snowflake brought us? (Snow.)

What color is the snow? (White.)

Feel the snow. What is he? (Cold.)

The teacher shows the children a picture of late autumn.

Guys, what season is shown in the picture? (Late fall.)

In late autumn, the trees have all shed their leaves from their branches, and snow falls.

Have you seen the snowball spinning in the air? Show.

Children are spinning, pointing with their hands "flashlights".

And one snowflake sat on my sleeve, I blew on it, a snowflake flew to the ground. It is light and fluffy, like cotton wool.

The teacher gives the children pieces of cotton wool and offers to play game: "Snowflake and Wind" blow on her.

White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falling, laying down.

And you and I can draw how quietly the snow falls, white, clean, like fluff. A brush and paint will help us. What kind of paint will we take to draw snowflakes? (White.)

The teacher draws the attention of children to sheets of tinted paper with the image of trees, offers draw how beautifully the snow is spinning.

Children sit down at the tables, pick up brushes and first with a dry brush show how you can draw snowflakes(attach-remove, then pick up paint on the tip and start working. Children perform a drawing, the teacher helps if necessary, tells you how to work with the brush correctly.

At the end of the work, the teacher praises all the children, clarifies what color paint they used, how painted with a brush, notes that after work the children took care of their brushes, washed them well in water.

Guys, do you want to play with snow?

The teacher shows a bucket, there is no more snow in it, it has melted in the warmth.

And our snowball in the drawings will not melt, because we painted with paints.

And from a bucket (melted snow) we will pour some water into a mold and put a loop. We will go for a walk and take a mold with water in it. Let's see what happens to the water, whether the water remains in the mold, or it freezes.

Guys, the snowflake has melted, but it left small snowflake portraits as a keepsake. Completes occupation game"Snowflakes are spinning": the guys perform circling to the music, at the end of the music the guys squat down, lower their hands.

Synopsis of directly integrated educational activities

(Artistic creativity + Communication + Physical culture)

on the theme "Zimushka-winter" (2 nursery group)


To evoke positive emotions in children using the word of art, music, folklore. Develop communication and speaking skills.

Expand the horizons of children, stimulate cognitive interest. Improve the skills of non-traditional image of the subject (palm).

Cultivate a sense of compassion. Responsiveness to others, willingness to help.

Previous work: Observation of seasonal changes in nature in winter, conversations about the characteristic signs of winter, reading poems about winter, riddles about animals, looking at illustrations.

Vocabulary work: snowflake, cheerful mood.

Material: tinted sheets, white gouache, hand napkins, Christmas trees, snowdrifts made of fabric, birds, images of wild animals and their tracks, audio recording “Winter Melody”.

Lesson progress:

1. Game educational situation “Hello”

(establishment of emotional contact).

To quiet music, children are invited to the hall. The teacher reads the poem:

Hello, golden sun! Hello, blue sky,

Hello, free breeze, Hello, little white snow!

Hello, kids: girls and boys,

Hello, I'll tell you, I welcome you all!

2. Motivation.

Didactic game "Zimushka - winter"

(development of the transmission of the emotional state, positive emotions,

imagination development).

The audio recording “Winter Melody” sounds.

Educator:What a wonderful melody, would you like to listen to it further? What does it look like, how can you say about this music? (If the children find it difficult, the teacher starts the answer, the children continue: Light, joyful, snowy, fluffy, winter).

This is a winter tune, do you like winter? What do you like, Anya, and you, Saile? What does Julia like about winter? Tell me, children, what would you like to do in this wonderful, fabulous time of the year? (Ride downhill, sledding, play snowballs, wallow in the snow ....)

Oh, hear, someone is crying... Who is this? Bunny, why are you crying? I lost the snowflakes and now I'll never dance with them. Children. He is so sad, do you want to help the bunny find snowflakes and become cheerful again? Then let's get on the road.

3. Game-massage "Let's go".

With the help of imitation, we put on trousers, socks (light stroking of the legs); put on sweaters (stroking hands, abdomen); put on felt boots (stroking the legs from toes to the knee); put on hats (stroking the head, light massage, imitation of tying); we fasten buttons on down jackets (point movements from the neck to the stomach), we tie scarves.

Well, let's hit the road to help the bunny! (background music playing)

4. Did. exercise “We walk on snowdrifts”

(emotional release)

We walk through the snowdrifts, Children walk with their feet high. On steep snowdrifts.

Raise your leg up

Pave the way for others.

We walked for a very long time, Sit down and stroke our legs. Our legs are tired. Palms from bottom to top.

Now let's sit down and rest

And let's go for a walk again.

Look, guys, what a winter glade we went to, what trees are around. (Admiration) And look how much snow is around, how it sparkles in the sun. How can we tell about snow what it is? I know a winter game about snow, do you want to play?

I will say the words, and you repeat the movements after me.

5. Game "Snowball"

(development of positive emotions, imagination)

Look how it shines. Raise your arms up and gently shake your hands.

It crunches underfoot. They stomp their feet.

White snow. Gradually squat down

Light as fluff. Showing with hands how it snows.

The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing. Smooth movements of the hands to the right - to the left.

And flying, flying snow. Smooth hand movements from top to bottom.

Twisted, glistened. Spin around, gently raising your hands up and down.

He flew over the clearing. Light running loose.

And then he fell to the ground. Sit down, hug your knees.

Stayed there until spring.

Educator: What a wonderful picture of the snow. But what is it guys? I see some footprints in the snow. Let's ask the boys what they think it is? What do girls think? That's right, it's footprints. I want to invite you to guess whose footprint it is. Do you want to play a game?

6. Didactic game “Know”

(expansion of horizons)

Children are invited to choose a footprint of a wild animal, match the footprint with its illustration.

Okay guys! And I know the story about the forest animals. Let me tell you about it, and you show it with movements and facial expressions. Do you agree?

7. Game exercise “Discontent - Pleasure”

Educator: A bear lived in the forest, he became hungry, so he got out of the den, grumbled, got angry, frowned.

Children: They imitate a gloomy, angry bear.

Educator: And in the forest the snow is white all around, it glitters in the sun, and the sun shines brightly, it snows in large flakes, silence. The bear looked around, smiled, sniffed the frosty air - good!

Children: They imitate a happy, cheerful bear.

Educator: A fox ran past, saw a bear cub, was surprised that it was he who got out of the den.

Children: Depict a fox, surprise.

Educator:And not far under a bush, a hare sat (squatting down), listened: “What is this noise?”, got scared, hid.

Children: Depict a bunny.

Educator: The bunny got up, saw a bear cub and a fox, was delighted - it was his friends who had gathered in the clearing, and merrily jumped up to them.

Educator: And they became together - what do you think, what to do?

Children: rejoice, have fun, play, jump, feed the bear cub ...

Do you guys like the forest clearing? What is your mood? When you are in a good, joyful mood, what do you want to do? What do you want, Julia? And you, Vitya? What does Pauline want to do?

I am also in a good mood, and I want to turn into a light snowflake and fly, spin around. Oh, look, the snowflakes seem to have heard me, they are probably also happy that we came to the forest. Let's take the snowflakes in our hands and spin around with them. (Children take paper snowflakes, spin. Dance).

Educator:Guys, our walk through the forest has come to an end, I propose to return to kindergarten and draw snowflakes.

(To the music, the children return to the group).

Palm drawing “Snowflakes are falling” (development of positive emotions, development of imagination)

Educator: Look what wonderful snowflakes we got, look like a clearing where we were? Let's give them to the bunny. let them dance and be merry!


Did you enjoy helping the bunny find snowflakes? Did Helen remember the walk in the forest? Do you remember Vladik? What was the walk like? (cheerful, joyful, winter).

Waiting situation: And in the evening we will watch a cartoon about a bunny and a snowflake.

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