Olga Skabeeva: biography, photo, personal life, family, journalistic career. Office romance of Olga Skabeeva

Olga Skabeeva - famous Russian TV presenter and journalist. She is distinguished by directness and irony in her judgments, statements and in the manner of communicating with guests of television programs, where she works as a presenter. Of course, Olga Skabeeva cannot be ranked among the film actresses, on whom we mainly collect film dossiers in our category of the same name, but it is easy to classify media personalities and television stars. And since the weight and height of Olga Skabeeva, judging by the statistics of the Internet, are of great interest to users of the global network, it was decided to compile a dossier on this particular host. No espionage - only public data. Also, many of our readers do not know who Olga Skabeeva's husband is. The answer lies on the surface, but we will talk about this below.

By the way, for unknown reasons, users often search the web for information about Olga Skobeeva, but this is a clear mistake in writing the name of the TV presenter. With this in mind, we put an equal sign: Olga Skobeeva = Olga Skabeeva. Naturally, we only use correct writing surnames of a popular TV presenter.

Short biography of Olga Skabeeva

Olga Skabeeva was born in a city called Volzhsky, whose population slightly exceeds three hundred thousand people. Here she completed high school. Already in high school, Olga knew that she wanted to be a journalist. Olga Skabeeva used her first journalistic abilities in the local small publication “City Week”. When it became clear to Olga that she was not mistaken with the choice of an interesting kind of activity for her, she entered the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg State University. By the way, Skabeeva graduated with a red diploma.

In parallel with her studies, Olga worked in the News of St. Petersburg news program and received a scholarship from the Potanin Foundation. After receiving the diploma, she became an employee of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. As of 2017, Olga Skabeeva has several prestigious journalistic awards. At the time of writing, Olga Skabeeva is the host (in tandem with her husband Evgeny Popov) of the popular analytical and political show 60 minutes, which airs on Russia-1 channel in live on weekdays.

What is the full name of Olga Skabeeva

The full name of Olga Skabeeva is Olga Vladimirovna Skabeeva.

When was Olga Skabeeva born?

How old is Olga Skabeeva?

Olga Skabeeva is 32 years old. In December 2017, the journalist will turn 33 years old.

What is the zodiac sign of Olga Skabeeva?

Olga Skabeeva's zodiac sign is Sagittarius. She was born in the year of the Rat according to the eastern horoscope.

Where was Olga Skabeeva born?

Olga Skabeeva was born in the USSR, the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region.

Evgeny Popov and Olga Skabeeva husband and wife?

True statement. Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov are spouses, wife and husband. The date of the wedding of Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov is not exactly known, but so significant event in the life of TV presenters happened in 2012-2013. And on January 14, 2014, one of the most famous "telecouples" had a son, Zakhar.

Olga Skabeeva daughter of Dmitry Kiselev?

A very strange statement that, for some incomprehensible reason, roams the Russian Internet. And false. We have already mentioned that the patronymic of Olga Skabeeva is Vladimirovna. With Dmitry Kiselev, Olga Skabeeva does not have the slightest family ties.

How tall is Olga Skabeeva?

Olga Skabeeva's height is 170 centimeters. Next to her husband Yevgeny Popov, she seems petite, but we must not forget that the height of Yevgeny Popov himself is more than 190 cm. According to one of the visitors to our site (see comments), who saw Olga Skabeeva personally, the height of the leader is below 167 centimeters.

How did Olga Skabeeva lose weight?

After giving birth, Olga recovered a few extra pounds, which were then successfully discarded. The diet of Olga Skabeeva is not given anywhere, unfortunately for many, but the weight loss formula is quite trivial:

  • Physical exercise
  • The right choice of products
  • The right way to cook

What is the weight of Olga Skabeeva?

The weight of Olga Skabeeva is not known for certain, but, according to some public resources, it is approximately 61-63 kilograms. It is known that Olga lost 15 kilograms after giving birth.

What eye color does Olga Skabeeva have?

Olga Skabeeva's eye color is gray

What are the parameters of the figure of Olga Skabeeva?

When the time came to decide on her future, the girl immediately realized that her vocation was journalism. There was no doubt, and very soon Olga was taken to the local Volga newspaper "City Week". After working for a year, the girl went to St. Petersburg, where she entered the university at the Faculty of Journalism.


AT student years she began to collaborate with television in the news block Vesti St. Petersburg. Her career went uphill and her undeniable talent was noticed by others. Already in 2007, even before graduating from the university, Olga received her first professional Golden Pen award and a youth award from the government of St. Petersburg. Studying was also given to her brilliantly. Skabeeva graduated with honors.



In 2015, in the life of a novice professional, exciting event- she was invited to become the host of the information and analytical program Vesti.doc, which aired on the Russia-1 channel. The project was a success and struck by its topicality. The project "Vesti.doc" opened to the audience frames with sensational, scandalous investigations, explored the inside out political life and invited famous figures to comment on the situation in the country and the world.

"60 minutes"

In 2016, the channel's management made Olga a co-host of the notorious Yevgeny Popov in the socio-political talk show 60 Minutes. For a minimum amount of time, guests and presenters try to discuss all the events of the past days. Sometimes, in this program, the most heated disputes flare up. Despite her restraint, Skabeeva can afford to speak out sharply, to lay siege to her opponent, but this is precisely why viewers love her. The program "60 minutes" is popular. For two years in a row, this talk show has received TEFI awards, and Olga has twice become the best prime-time TV presenter.

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For all her popularity, Olga Skabeeva is subjected to harsh criticism from the audience. Some viewers call her a "dark horse", many do not like her tough manner of presenting information, the "metallic" timbre of her voice. The situation is fueled by the fact that little is known about the TV presenter herself. She is accused of excessive love for Putin and aggressiveness. Olga herself does not comment on all these accusations. According to her, she is used to treating everything with a bit of irony and considers this the main quality of a good journalist.


Love with a colleague

In 2013, Olga Skabeeva married journalist Yevgeny Popov, TV presenter of Vesti and Special Correspondent. The lovers hid their feelings for a long time, but the truth nevertheless leaked out. The ceremony took place in New York. The couple at that time was just on a joint business trip. The wedding was postponed several times for various working reasons, so the lovers did not want to change their plans again.

Olga and Eugene do not part either at home or at work. At the same time, they manage to maintain their love and not quarrel over trifles. On the program “Morning of Russia” (channel “Russia-1”), the lovers were asked the question: how do they manage to agree with each other, given that every journalist is a leader in fact? They answered like this: “But we don’t agree, everything somehow turns out by itself.” It can be seen that there is no struggle in this pair. Rather, they complement each other favorably, which is why their joint work as TV presenters looks so integral.


New page of life - little Zakhar

In 2014, Olga gave birth to a son, Zakhar. On the birth of a child, the TV presenter was congratulated live by the entire Vesti team. Colleagues wished mother and baby health and expressed the hope that Olga would soon return to the air. At the time of the birth of his son, Yevgeny Popov worked with the team of the "Special Correspondent" in Kyiv, where events were actively unfolding at that time, but still managed to pick up the family from the maternity hospital. Parents have a very busy and busy schedule, so sometimes they take their son to his grandmother in the city of Volzhsky.


Despite all the difficulties, Olga continues to fulfill herself as a professional in her field, a caring mother and beautiful woman. We hope that many more honest lines will come out from the pen of a journalist, and her directness and pressure will help everyone to find out the unbiased truth about events around the world.

Russian TV journalist and presenter.

Evgeny Popov Biography

Evgeny Georgievich Popov was born and raised in Vladivostok. After graduation high school Popov entered the Far Eastern State University and already during his studies began working on television.

Popov is known for his anti-opposition statements. For an open point of view on the issue of the separation of Crimea, he was included by Ukraine in the sanctions list. After working in the Moscow branch of the Rossiya channel, the journalist worked in Kyiv, North Korea and the United States of America.

The presenter is married to a journalist Olga Skabeeva. The couple is raising a son.

Evgeny Popov Career on TV

In 2000, Evgeny first appeared as a correspondent for the daily news program "News". During his cooperation with the TV channel "Russia", Popov acted as a TV presenter and political observer of programs Vesti, Vesti Nedeli, Special Correspondent and etc.

In 2016, a socio-political show was released on the broadcasting network of the Rossiya 1 TV channel "60 minutes", which Popov leads with his wife. In the studio for interviews and discussions are invited famous politicians and international experts.

Russia 1 channel hosted a program featuring popular Russian reporters Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov. They talked on the air about their work, personal life, the secrets of their family.

Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov met on a business trip. They knew each other in absentia from TV reports. At the time of this acquaintance, Eugene worked in the USA, and Olga in Moscow. Then they have whole year It was a skype meeting. Because of work, they could not see each other more often.
Their wedding took place in New York. It is worth noting that due to work, the ceremony was postponed several times. Even on the day of the wedding, Eugene was urgently called to report. Zhenya made a plot and went to the wedding.
At the wedding, they had to save a dove that got tangled in the nets in one of the New York tunnels. The Americans joined in the rescue. After the dove was rescued, the young people launched it into the sky as a symbol of love.

As Olga and Evgeny say, they love each other and their work very much. They can argue about working moments and sometimes they don’t even see eye to eye. They cannot get out of the car for a long time when they arrive home, because. at this time they are having a heated argument. Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov always worry about each other, especially during Evgeny's business trips to the Donbass and Syria.
And when Poroshenko’s guards clamped down on Olga’s mouth at the Minsk meeting, Yevgeny’s hands itched to punch the bodyguards of the President of Ukraine in the face.

But they believe that this should be treated more simply, because. they often have to deal with idiots.
In particular, they refer to such a German journalist Seppelt, who, according to Yevgeny Popov, "has a cuckoo".

They have small family secrets. For example, Olga has never been to Yevgeny's homeland in Vladivostok.
And Eugene had an operation - he fixed his broken nose, which he was spoiled in Vladik in the dashing 90s.

Evgeny Popov in his youth with a broken nose

Olga Skabeeva - Russian journalist, TV presenter of programs such as Vesti.doc and 60 Minutes. She was born on December 11, 1984 in the town of Volzhsky, located in the Volgograd region. The girl studied well at school, and in high school she finally decided on the choice future profession. Olga decided to become a journalist and purposefully began to prepare for admission to the university.

Date of birth: December 11, 1984
Age: 33
Place of birth: Volzhsky, Volgograd region
Occupation: journalist, TV presenter
Marital status: married to Evgeny Popov

First, she got a job at the local newspaper "Week of the City", in which she gained her first experience in writing articles. Convinced that she really likes the chosen profession, Skabeeva leaves for northern capital and enters the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg state university. By the way, the girl graduated from this university with honors.

While still a student, Olga began her career in the Vesti St. Petersburg program, and after becoming a certified specialist, she came to work in the federal editorial office of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

For her work at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, Olga Skabeeva received prestigious awards several times. So, in 2007 she received the "Golden Pen" in the "Perspective of the Year" nomination, as well as the youth award of the government of St. Petersburg. A year later, the young journalist was awarded the prize of the Profession - Reporter contest in the nomination Journalistic Investigation.

Later, Skabeeva moved to Moscow. Recent times she hosted the author's program "Vesti.doc" on the TV channel "Russia-1", in which she combined the principles journalistic investigation with communication with guests in the studio. Interestingly, Olga often criticizes the Russian opposition, for which she received the caustic nickname "Vladimir Putin's iron doll" from ill-wishers.

Since September 12, 2016, together with another well-known political observer, Yevgeny Popov, she has been hosting the socio-political talk show 60 Minutes. New gear is debatable, and the most acute and high-profile events in the country and abroad are selected as topics.

Olga Skabeeva has a non-standard manner of presenting information. She reports the news in a rather strict and tough manner, with a slightly aggressive intonation. Such an unusual manner of conducting the transfer has already become her hallmark.

Personal life

A few years ago, Olga Skabeeva married the well-known journalist Yevgeny Popov, TV presenter of Vesti and Special Correspondent. Together with her husband, she leads new talk show"60 minutes", so the spouses do not part either at home or at work.

In 2014, Olga Skabeeva gave birth to a son, Zakhar. Unfortunately, due to an incredibly busy schedule, the parents had to temporarily take the baby to live with his grandmother in Volgograd region, in native Holguin city ​​- Volzhsky.

It is worth noting that the TV presenter is very demanding both to herself and to others. She thinks that to labor activity you need to approach with complete dedication, work hard, otherwise it’s better to do nothing. Olga also believes that both in the profession and in everyday life, you need to pay a lot of attention to every little thing, otherwise you will never achieve perfection in your chosen field.

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