Actually (with Dmitry Shepelev) - “New revolutionary talk show with Dmitry Shepelev - “Actually”. In fact, this is only true according to Channel One

The name of Sabina Pantus became known when the program “Actually” appeared on the screens, where she is present as an expert. Pantus is a professional in her field, so it is not difficult for her to evaluate the program participants and state some facts from their lives.

It’s not surprising that TV viewers are interested in the biography and personal life of the show’s expert.

Biographical information

Sabina does not indicate her nationality, but notes that her homeland is Baku, where she was born and spent several childhood years. The polygraph examiner is silent about who her parents are and what they do. For some time the family lived in Novosibirsk, and then moved to Moscow. After graduating from school, the girl entered the university, and then received several more diplomas, having completed training at the International Academy for the Study of Lies, as well as at the ANO DPO Center for Applied Psychophysiology. During her work, Pantus also improved her qualifications, thanks to which she received certificates from such institutions as the Moscow NLP Center and the American International Institute of Polygraphology.

By specialty, Sabina is a certified polygraph examiner-profiler, that is, she is a highly qualified specialist who can easily draw up psychological picture a person by non-verbal signs: gestures, facial expressions, postures and conversation. She currently works in the field of lie detection, and also teaches students at the International Center for Lie Detection and Profiling, as well as the Korovin School of Lie Detection. Pantus’s activities are not limited to this: as a psychologist, she organizes various trainings and webinars, helping those who want to increase their self-esteem and establish harmonious relationships in family. Having become a media personality, she is often invited to various programs and projects on various TV channels.

Participation in the show “Actually”

In 2017, the polygraph examiner took part in the show project “Actually” on Channel One, where Dmitry Shepelev became its host. Sabina acted as a permanent expert in it. Many people have taken part in this project famous people: star of the show “Let Them Talk” - Diana Shurygina, Prokhor Chaliapin, Danko, Alexey Panin, Pierre Narcissus and many others. During the program, viewers learned many family secrets participants.

In the photo is Sabina Pantus.

Thus, a lie detector confirmed that Panin walked around in front of his daughter without clothes, and also took drugs. But Danko, who doubted his fidelity common-law wife, made sure that she did not cheat on him, and his daughter was born from him. But the participants are not always satisfied with the actions of Pantus and Shepelev: many of them have already complained that some questions are incorrect and provocative.

Personal life

Sabina carefully hides her personal life, however, TV viewers want to know about the mysterious blonde, whether she has a husband and children. According to some information on the network, she is raising two sons - Nikita and Daniel, who are 12 and 7 years old. According to an expert from the show “Let Them Talk,” her abilities do not always have a good effect on relationships with children, since she immediately sees whether they are telling the truth or lying.

In the photo Sabina Pantus with her son

About our romantic relationships Pantus doesn’t say, so whether she has a lover is anyone’s guess. The psychologist admits that she unusual profession It also causes inconvenience on a personal level, since “seeing through a person” sometimes brings unpleasant surprises. She has a page on Instagram, where she already has 13.4 thousand subscribers. Sabina posts her positive pictures there, in addition, she has her own channel where you can watch interesting videos.

The Antenna journalist went behind the scenes of the Channel One show, took a polygraph test and found out why liars get on pointe and who made the presenter cry.

In movies, we have seen hundreds of times how villains cheat the lie detector. They lie and don't blush. There are countless ways to outwit a device on the Internet: starting from breathing exercises and ending with recommendations to bite your tongue during the test or prick yourself with a button. Is it really that simple?

Dmitry Shepelev

Portrait in five minutes

Theater begins with a hanger, and “Actually” begins with a room where polygraph experts work Roman Ustyuzhanin And Igor Fedorov. This is where program participants are tested before it begins. That is, the questions that we hear during the broadcast are asked behind the scenes.

I can bet any amount that it only takes me five minutes to describe a person,” says Roman.

And I get a sheet with a simple test. We manage in a minute, and Roman asks me to write one sentence that I agree to talk with him for seven hours, and sign below. We spend a couple more minutes asking questions about what area I live in, the dog from my childhood, my classmates. And I get a portrait of myself, down to such details that I had a single-parent family (we did not touch on this topic), I was selective in my friends, I was fond of creativity as a child, and so on. In principle, almost everything coincided. The thought even crept in that Roman had a polygraph built into him.

Antenna correspondent in the room for preliminary interviews. Experts Igor Fedorov and Roman Ustyuzhanin at work (from left to right)

A lie detector looks like a small box with wires and sensors that connects to a laptop. The device captures readings such as breathing, hand trembling, changes in blood pressure, pulse, and sweating. That is, everything that a person can fluctuate as a result of excitement, he measures without missing anything.

Before testing begins, I, like all participants in the TV show, sign an agreement that I came to it of my own free will and have no complaints. Igor turns on the polygraph and we begin. I tell truthfully about the past - school studies, grades, I try to meditate, control my breathing and decide to lie. On a question about sports. The polygraph immediately catches my lie. But I was calm, like a boa constrictor: I didn’t steal a million, but I just denied that I was going to fitness. However, the machine figured out this harmless deception. It was like she looked into my bag and found a club membership.

I'll torture you and play

In order to understand in what state of a person I can ask him questions, I need to first study his reactions,” explains Roman. - For example, you have arrhythmia, that is, your heart rate differs from normal, this must be taken into account during the study and taken as a background indicator, and not a stressful one. As for attempts to cheat, there is a basic method of working on this device, when the specialist has questions already prepared, and the person needs to answer them “yes” or “no”. What is important here is not even the person being tested, but the polygraph examiner. During the program, we do not act according to the scheme from the textbook, but conduct a conversation. I can see which issue is insignificant for the show participant, and which one he is worried about. And I’ll deliberately cling to the second one and torture him to death. That is, I will also play.

Truth - in the room, on stage - performance

Polygraph examiners conduct mandatory preliminary testing of guests before the start of the program, says the presenter Dmitry Shepelev. - This is important in order to obtain reliable information and avoid any inaccuracies. The final test results are heard in the studio. Only specialists know the answer in advance; they don’t tell me anything at all until the moment I say on the recording: “So is this true or is this a lie?” I will not hide that the truth is often simply amazing.

Set"In fact"

While talking with participants behind the scenes, polygraph examiners always work in pairs. They control each other so as not to miss anything.

We will find out the whole truth in this room,” says Roman.

Viewers can also feel like polygraph examiners, guessing when the characters are lying, watching the heroes’ pulse behind their backs and noticing at what moments the pulse rises. You can also analyze the pulses of the heroes. By the way, record figures were achieved by Alexey Panin and his wife. When I was sitting in a chair Diana Shurygina, one could clearly see which questions she was calm about and which ones she was nervous about.

Read your feet

In "Actually" bring people to clean water It’s not just smart technology that helps. Profiler, specialist in facial expressions and gestures Sabina Pantus liars are no less afraid. The air conditioning in her dressing room is on quite high. I sit on the edge of the sofa, interlace my legs, and we start talking about “closed” poses. Just one of those that I automatically accepted.

Regular experts of the show Roman Ustyuzhanin, Sabina Pantus and guest specialist - lawyer Alexander Dobrovinsky

This position of the arms and legs is not always an attempt to lie or move away, it’s a matter of habit, comfort and context, for example, the chair on which a person is sitting,” Sabina says, as if reading me, and I actually feel more comfortable and warmer this way. - Therefore, you should not focus on them. I always look at the legs, because liars often have them in a dancer's position, that is, on tiptoes, which is very uncomfortable. Just imagine how a man with shoe size forty-five takes his feet under the table and stands on them, like on pointe shoes, for half an hour. This happens unconsciously. The man is in such dangerous topic conversation that does not notice his discomfort. When the body suddenly begins to slide and go limp, this is also a sign that the hero has been plunged into some kind of feeling of guilt, they started talking about something uncomfortable, and he has lost his support. But here it is important to understand that not a single sign taken out of context is in itself evidence. For example, there are psychotypes who fidget all the time and cannot sit still, but for them such behavior is the norm. Therefore, the first thing I do is determine the psychotype by basic movements person and identify what is atypical for him. For the purity of the experiment, I do not communicate with the participants before the start of the show. In our program, people gesture a little, so body posture, facial expressions and the structure of speech remain for “reading”: slips of the tongue, evasions, reticence, attempts to chat, answer a question with a question, and so on.

Bent over means he's lying

If a person takes time to think, then at that moment a choice is made: to tell the truth, not the whole truth, partly, completely untruth, avoid answering, and other options,” continues Sabina. - As a rule, when there is a pause, you don’t have to wait for the whole truth. But a direct question implies a direct answer. The person involved most often believes that it is not enough to simply say “No, I didn’t do this,” he says: “Why would I do this, how could I do this?” But I’m not interested in why or how. I'm asking if you did.

Ruslan, brother of Nikita Dzhigurda, is preparing for filming

Sometimes the opposite situation happens - they answer you briefly “no”. Then I look at the participant and remain silent. Then he realizes that one word is not enough, something else needs to be said, and he begins to unwind.

With facial expressions everything is more complicated, it is short-term, only 2-3 seconds. What you need to pay attention to: when a person says how much he likes you, but at the same time his face shows disgust. Such inconsistencies are outright lies. If the body suddenly warps, the need to bend appears - this triggers defense mechanisms at the level of the central nervous system. In the process of lying, no matter how much we want, we cannot control our body one hundred percent.

Diana Shurygina, with the parents of a boy detained by the police for reading poetry on Arbat. The truth can be very difficult.

The issue dedicated to Lyudmila Porgina and her role in fate Nikolai Karachentsov. We talked a lot about caring for her husband after the tragic accident, about accusations against her that she was indirectly responsible for what happened. At the end of the program, Nikolai Petrovich himself was helped up onto the stage. He moves in wheelchair. After the accident, doctors gave the actor no more than two years to live. Twelve have passed. I was simply shocked by his will to fight, his courage to accept circumstances, his thirst to live. Memories of similar difficult trials that befell me came flooding back. I couldn’t stand it and cried because I felt real pride and admiration for this couple.

In the 10 years since “Battle of Psychics” has been published, 17 seasons have already been filmed. Each of them had their own stars. Having become famous, former participants in the battle earn a lot of money. One hour of their work costs an average of 15-40 thousand rubles.

The flow of magicians and witches does not dry out from season to season. Whatever the participant, the second Vanga and Nostradamus. And the audience is still haunted by the question: “Battle of Psychics” – true or a lie?

The former host of the show, Mikhail Porechenkov, added fuel to the fire.

“I worked with them for a long time. Kaldy-baldy, as they used to say in childhood. It’s all lies!” - Mikhail arranged an expose of the “Battle of Psychics” on the air of “Our Radio”.

Of course, I want to believe in a miracle, but how can one not accept as truth the words of the man who hosted the show from the 1st to the 7th season. Porechenkov told what the “Battle of Psychics” really is.

“At first it was very interesting to work. We really believed,” Mikhail admitted to Komsomolskaya Pravda. - And then we understood the technology of work. There are people who give advice, who enter into contracts with them in advance. And when I realized that this was bringing money to someone, I left there. There were moments when the participants understood something. Although none of the psychics passed the test with which I came to them.”

How magicians work outside of the show

People talked about the fact that psychics pay for tips on forums back in 2009:

“One of the participants in one of the battles is the sister of my friend. It's all true, not staged, not a show. But there are those who pay, and they are pulled in and give the correct answers to the questions asked.”

“I know a psychic from the very first battle. The tasks are real, but the winners are really pushed and paid for.”

Someone tested the strength former members battles on yourself.

“I went to an appointment with Zulia Radjabov (the winner of the 2nd season - Ed.), writes Alina. - I almost burst into tears with frustration because everything was gone! And about me and about my family. I gave 95 thousand.”

However, not everyone criticizes psychics.

“I visited Natalya Vorotnikova (the winner of the 1st season - Ed.), writes a user under the nickname Van. - He doesn’t talk about the past, mostly about the future. At first I thought it was nonsense, but four years later almost everything came true. And she said it herself, didn’t ask anything.”

Needless to say, the show participants disliked Porechenkov for exposing the “Battle of Psychics.” But there were also those who supported the leader.

“I partially agree with Mikhail,” season 6 finalist Ziradin Rzaev admitted to KP. “I saw the participants talking to a phantom, showing karate techniques... These people are just playing - this is a 99.9% show.”

Singer Danko: “The whole show is a montage”

“Battle of Psychics” - true or false? Singer Danko has a clear opinion on this matter. He once had an affair with Julia Wang, the winner of the 15th season, and even participated in the program himself.

Wang did not demonstrate her psychic abilities in any way. An ordinary glamorous party girl, of which there are thousands,” the singer told Express Newspaper. - I took part in the filming of “The Battle of Psychics” and saw with my own eyes how it’s done. Clairvoyants are given a task. Each one is filmed within an hour. And during this hour he says everything possible options answers. From the footage, editors select appropriate answers and tailor the entire story to fit them. The editors know in advance who will win.

Ekaterina Gordon: “There are two or three talents for the whole project”

The exposure of the “Battle of Psychics” was also organized by TV presenter Katya Gordon.

“I personally know some of the newly-minted wizards produced by the program as clairvoyant geniuses,” she wrote in her . - Julia Wang practiced erotic exorcism in nightclubs and exorcising demons with perhydrol (personally, she dyed my hair)... My colleagues working on the project, in a private conversation, do not even hide the fact that miracles do not happen there, this is a production and a show. Of course, during the era when the project was created there were talented and sensitive people, but there were only two or three of them. The rest is photographs and actors from burnt theaters.”

Alena Vodonaeva: “Psychics have powerful energy”

But Alena Vodonaeva, who happened to be “Mr. X” at the battle, has a completely different opinion about the show. The TV presenter assures: nothing is set up, everything is for real.

“When I returned from filming the program, I started bleeding at the same time... I think that those thirteen people who took part in the test affected me with their energy,” Vodonaeva admitted to StarHit.

Another guest of the program, actress Nastasya Samburskaya, was also shocked by the abilities of psychics. Some participants told details of her life that the girl carefully hid: about her brother, about her difficult childhood and difficult relationships with Mother.

Marat Basharov: “Draw your own conclusions”

The host of the show, Marat Basharov, also defends the skill of psychics.

“If you think that the tears of the people who are in the frame, tears of joy or grief, are all staged, everything is played, it means that very many people are participating in the program good actors. In fact, at 42 years old, I have learned to distinguish people’s genuine joy, regret or grief from fake ones. If someone thinks that this is not true, let him think so,” Basharov responded to Porechenkov’s accusations in an interview with NSN.

Marat admitted: he was already tired of answering questions: “The battle of psychics - true or false?” The presenter encourages you not to listen to anyone and draw your own conclusions.

Actress Vera Sotnikova is also familiar with the behind-the-scenes life of the show.

“Sometimes miracles happen on our program, after which I can’t recover for a long time,” Vera told the host of the program “ Perfect renovation“. - When a psychic identifies a situation and tells some truth that no one has ever known, it is impossible not to believe it, because it cannot be played like that. I will say this: everyone will be given according to their faith.”

Sergei Safronov: “I felt like they were getting into my head”

Over the years of participation in the show, the illusionist remains skeptical of psychics. Safronov is sure that most magicians are simply good psychologists.

“But, I admit, in 2010 I felt like they were getting into my head,” Safronov told StarHit. - It was Liliya Khegai during a test with hockey player Alexander Kharlamov. Psychics had to find the place of his father's death and tell him who he was. Lilya kept talking about some kind of stick, I asked her to draw it. I blacked out for a few seconds, and she wrote the letter “G” on the paper. At the site of the accident there is a monument - just a stick and a puck.”

In general, Safronov admits, viewers no longer care whether the truth is shown or not.

“People watch a mystery detective story based on real events“, says the eternal skeptic, but immediately assures that all the stories of the program, all its heroes are real people.

“There is no script!” - declares the illusionist.

Many TV viewers are interested in presenters scandalous program“Actually” on Channel One.

The program, in fact, is a new revolutionary talk show, where there is a confrontation between people who were previously close, and then broke off the relationship, although, as it turns out, not completely. The reason for the breakup, in most cases, was a lie, and now only the truth can help find out what really happened and reunite these people or finally separate them.

The host of the program, which is his own show, Dmitry Shepelev, himself experienced loss, betrayal and deception in the past, and now he is ready to help the participants of the program talk frankly with each other, finding out the whole truth. Moreover, in this he is helped by experts from the program “Actually” - a profiler, that is, a specialist who can understand how sincere a person is by facial expressions and gestures, as well as polygraph examiners. As you know, guests of the program are connected to a lie detector, and experts during the conversation can accurately tell whether a person is lying or not when answering questions.

However, the first episode of the program, whose guests were actor Alexei Panin and his ex-wife, turned out to be so scandalous that even Shepelev himself did not expect this, and many viewers responded negatively to the new show. Nevertheless, it arouses interest, and a certain part of the viewing audience is looking forward to new episodes of the program.

Many TV viewers are interested in how the program “Actually” is filmed and how much they pay. In addition to the main characters- the presenter, experts, the heroes themselves and some acquaintances from their close circle, there is a so-called extras in the hall. Naturally, for participation as a viewer in this program, as in other shows that appear on television, people are paid a fee, the amount of which is determined by the organizers of the program, but on average it is 50-100 rubles per hour of filming.

Yesterday the first episode of the show “Actually” aired on Channel One. According to its host Dmitry Shepelev, the program was created in order to help relatives make peace, hear each other, and stop the endless stream of lies. In the very first episode, Dmitry was defeated - he failed to reconcile the heroes of his program.

Still from the first episode of “Actually”

The premiere of “Actually” took place with the participation of one of the most scandalous couples domestic show business. Actor Alexey Panin once again made an attempt to share his daughter Nyusya with ex-wife Yulia Yudintseva. Before the program, the ex-spouses took a lie detector test, where it turned out that Yulia was cunning in many matters, and outright lying in many respects.

“I want us to hear each other. Reproaches will not help. We must find mutual language for the sake of my daughter" - Alexey Panin began.

Unfortunately, the actor’s peaceful mood disappeared after the first accusations from his ex-wife that he was walking around naked in front of a small child. Yulia is sure that Alexey regularly inflicts psychological trauma on his daughter, due to which she will not be able to become normal person in future. Panin, in turn, was also generous with accusations. He said that Yulia suffers from alcoholism and periodically takes drugs. At the same time, the actor does not deny that these vices were not alien to him either. However, he reconsidered his attitude towards illegal substances after he became the sole guardian of his daughter.

Mothers also took part in the program ex-spouses. Parents hurled accusations and insults no less than their children. So, Yulia’s mother stated that Alexey constantly beat his ex-wife, and Alexey Panin’s mother said that Yulia raised her hand against her and her daughter. Anna Panina put an end to the confrontation. She publicly declared that she wanted to live with her father.

“Mom, I want to communicate with you, but I will live with dad” - said the girl.

“In fact” it was not possible to put an end to the scandal. The program itself also received many mixed reviews. However, for this format, an abundance of criticism is even considered the norm. Time will tell who will be the next hero of the new project.

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