Peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation. What peoples live in Russia? How many peoples live in Russia

Russia is a multinational country. Although the ethnic situation in the state, with such an area and a population of over 145 million people, could not have developed differently.

It is difficult to find exact data on the time when all these peoples and nationalities became part of Russia, given the fact that for a long time the union republics were citizens of one state of the USSR. Even at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the term "Russians" united three nationalities: Great Russians, Little Russians and Belarusians. and later became independent nations.

It should be taken into account that the census data is based on the self-determination of Russian citizens, since information about nationality is not entered in passports. As a result, about 80% of the respondents consider themselves Russians - approximately 116 million people.

The predominance of the Russian population is typical only for the central and northwestern regions, while the rest are inhabited by various ethnographic groups. The situation can be especially clearly traced on the example, which is inherent in ethnic diversity. The mountain peoples are famous for their original culture, respect for family traditions, wedding ceremonies, customs of hospitality and brotherhood.

Climatic features

Climatic features and geological conditions of the area significantly affect the settlement and the general way of life of people. According to a comprehensive assessment of the natural conditions of Russia, a quarter of the territory of Russia is not very favorable for human life.

The most severe climate is in the northern part of Russia, in Siberia and the Far East. adapted to live here Koryaks, Aleuts, Chukchi, eskimos, Nanais and others. These are indigenous, but small - less than 50 thousand people in each ethnic group. Having settled in the territory of their ancestors, they adhere to their traditions - nomadic, engaged in reindeer herding, hunting, fishing, handicraft work. Since ancient times, northern peoples have mastered the art of Mezen painting and bone carving.

The industrial development of the deposits and resources of the North has significantly endangered certain ethnic groups. Also living in the North Komi, the total number of which is over 400 thousand people.

Title peoples of Russia


Including Cossacks and Pomors - over 80%, which is approximately 111 million people (in Russia). Dominant culture in the state. The religion of the people is Orthodoxy (professed by approximately 2/3 of the population), the second largest religion is Protestantism. The classics of Russian literature, artists and composers are known all over the world. Traditionally, nesting dolls, samovar, Gzhel and Rostov enamel, painted Pavlogorod shawls are considered symbols of Russian culture. Along with Orthodox and secular holidays, it is customary to celebrate the pagan holiday Maslenitsa. Russians live in all subjects of the Russian Federation, the most densely populated being Moscow and the Moscow Region (9% and 5.6% respectively). A large percentage of Russians are also in million-plus cities - St. Petersburg (3.5%), Rostov (3.4%), Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk Region (3.3%).


- the indigenous people, whose number is 3.8% of the total national composition, is over 5.5 million people. The main religion is Islam, a small part, calling themselves Kryashens, profess Orthodoxy. There are Tatar mosques in all major cities of Russia. Family values ​​among the people are sacred, and marriage is equated with a sacred duty. It is customary to celebrate Islamic, native Tatar and national holidays. Until now, it is customary for people to celebrate the arrival of spring (kargatuy) and the end of agricultural work (sabantuy). Most of them live in Tatarstan (about 40%), Bashkorstan (about 20%), Tyumen (4.5%) and Chelyabinsk regions (3.5%).


- a large ethnographic group of almost 3 million, which is 2.03% of the total population of the country. Orthodoxy is the main religion. One of the famous Ukrainian symbols- vyshyvanka, which is a men's or women's shirt embroidered with complex ornaments. Traditions, holidays and family customs practically do not differ from Russian ones. In Russia, most Ukrainians are concentrated in the Tyumen region (more than 8%), Moscow (8%), the Moscow region (more than 6%) and the Krasnodar Territory (4.3%).


- make up 1.15% of the total population, which is more than one and a half million people. A significant part lives in Bashkortostan (74%), about 10% live in the Chelyabinsk region, followed by the Orenburg and Tyumen regions (2.9% each).


- a nationality numbering more than one and a half million people (1.13%). Most of them live in Chuvashia (56.7%), Tatarstan (more than 8%), Bashkortostan (7.5%), Ulyanovsk and Samara regions.


- make up approximately 1% of the total population, over 1.4 million people. The main part lives in Chechnya (84.3%), Dagestan (6.5%), Ingushetia (1.3%) and Moscow (1%).


  • Tatars - 5,554,601 (3.83%)
  • Ukrainians - 2,942,961 (2.03%)
  • Bashkirs - 1,673,389 (1.15%)
  • Chuvash - 1,637,094 (1.13%)
  • Chechens - 1,360,253 (0.94%)
  • Armenians - 1,130,491 (0.78%)
  • Mordva - 843,350 (0.58%)
  • Avars - 814,473 (0.56%)
  • Belarusians - 807,970 (0.56%)
  • Kazakhs - 653,962 (0.45%)
  • Udmurts - 636,906 (0.44%)
  • Azerbaijanis - 621,840 (0.43%)
  • Mari - 604,298 (0.42%)
  • Germans - 597,212 (0.41%)
  • Kabardians - 519,958 (0.36%)
  • Ossetians - 514,875 (0.35%)
  • Dargins - 510,156 (0.35%)
  • Buryats - 445,175 (0.31%)
  • Yakuts - 443,852 (0.31%)
  • Kumyks - 422,409 (0.29%)
  • Ingush - 413,016 (0.28%)
  • Lezgins - 411,535 (0.28%)
  • Komi - 293,406 (0.2%)
  • Tuvans - 243,442 (0.17%)
  • Jews - 229,938 (0.16%)
  • Georgians - 197,934 (0.14%)
  • Karachays - 192,182 (0.13%)
  • gypsies - 182,766 (0.13%)
  • Kalmyks - 173,996 (0.12%)
  • Moldovans - 172,330 (0.12%)
  • Laks - 156,545 (0.11%)
  • Koreans - 148,556 (0.1%)

In the modern world, Russia is the largest country occupying a vast area - more than seventeen thousand square kilometers. Two continents divide it into parts - European and Asian. Each of them is larger in territory than many of the not-so-small states of the Earth.

In terms of population, however, our country is only in ninth place. The number of Russians today does not even reach one hundred and fifty million people. The problem is that most of the country's territory lies under the deserted steppes and taiga, for example, these are the most remote regions of Siberia.

However, this is offset by the number of peoples living here. So it was predetermined by the past. Historically, Russia is a multinational state, which it has become by absorbing neighboring peoples, attracting strangers with large territories and wealth. According to official data, almost two hundred peoples now live in the Russian state, differing sharply in number: from Russians (more than one hundred and ten million people) to Kereks (less than ten representatives).

How many of us?

How many peoples live on the territory of Russia? How to find out? leading sources useful information about the population of our country are statistical censuses, regularly conducted in recent years. At the same time, by modern techniques and according to democratic approaches, data on the nationality of the inhabitants of Russia by origin are not noted in the documents, which is why the digital material for the census appeared on the basis of the self-determination of Russians.

In total, in recent years, a little more than 80% of the country's citizens declared themselves Russians by nationality, only 19.1% remained for representatives of other peoples. Almost six million census participants could not single out their nationality at all or defined it as a fantastic people (elves, for example).

Summing up the final calculations, it should be noted that the total number of the peoples of the country who do not consider themselves to be the Russian population did not exceed twenty-five million citizens.

This suggests that the ethnic composition of the Russian population is very complex and requires constant special attention. On the other hand, there is one large ethnic group that serves as a kind of core for the entire system.

Ethnic composition

The basis of the national composition of Russia is, of course, the Russians. This people comes by their own historical roots from Eastern Slavs who lived on the territory of Russia since ancient times. A significant part of Russians exist, of course, in Russia, but there are large strata in a number of former Soviet republics, in the USA. It is the most important European ethnic group. Today, more than one hundred and thirty-three million Russians live in the world.

Russians are the titular people of our country, their representatives dominate in a significant number of regions of the modern Russian state. Of course, this led to side effects. The spread of this nation over several centuries over a vast territory in the course of historical development led to the formation of dialects, as well as separate ethnic groups. For example, Pomors live on the coast of the White Sea, making up the sub-ethnos of local Karelians and Russians who came in the past.

Among the more complex ethnic associations, groups of peoples can be noted. The largest group of peoples are the Slavs, mainly from the eastern subgroup.

In the aggregate, representatives of nine large language families live in Russia, strongly diverging in language, culture, and way of life. With the exception of the Indo-European family, they are mostly of Asian origin.

This is the approximate ethnic composition of the Russian population today according to official data. What can be said for sure is that our country is distinguished by a significant diversity of nationalities.

The largest peoples of Russia

Nationalities living in Russia are quite clearly divided into numerous and small. The first include, in particular:

  • Russian inhabitants of the country number (according to the latest census) more than one hundred and ten million people.
  • Tatars of several groups, reaching 5.4 million people.
  • Ukrainians, numbering two million people. The main part of the Ukrainian people lives on the territory of Ukraine; in Russia, representatives of this people appeared in the course of historical development in the pre-revolutionary, Soviet, and modern periods.
  • Bashkirs, another nomadic people in the past. Their number is 1.6 million people.
  • Chuvash, residents of the Volga region - 1.4 million.
  • Chechens, one of the peoples of the Caucasus - 1.4 million, etc.

There are other peoples with a similar number that have played an important role in the past and, possibly, the future of the country.

Small peoples of Russia

How many peoples live on the territory of Russia from among the small ones? There are many such ethnic groups in the country, but they are poorly represented in the total volume, since they are very small in number. These national groups include the peoples of the Finno-Ugric, Samoyed, Turkic, Sino-Tibetan groups. Particularly small are the Kereks (a tiny people - only four people), the Vod people (sixty-four people), the Enets (two hundred and seventy-seven people), the Ults (almost three hundred people), the Chulyms (a little more than three and a half hundred), the Aleuts (almost five hundred) , Negidals (slightly more than five hundred), Orochi (almost six hundred). For all of them, the problem of survival is the most acute and everyday issue.

Map of the peoples of Russia

In addition to the strong dispersion in the number of national composition of Russia and the inability of many ethnic groups in modern times to maintain their numbers on their own, there is also the problem of distribution on the territory of the country. The population of Russia is settled very heterogeneously, which is caused primarily by economic motives both in the historical past and in the present.

The bulk is located in the area between the Baltic St. Petersburg, Siberian Krasnoyarsk, the Black Sea Novorossiysk and the Far Eastern Primorsky Territory, where all the big cities lie. The reasons for this are a good climate and a favorable economic background. To the north of this territory is permafrost caused by eternal cold, and to the south - vast expanses of lifeless desert.

In terms of population density, Siberia has received one of the last places in the modern world. Its vast territory has less than 30 million inhabitants permanently. This is only 20% of the total population of the country. While in its vast area, Siberia reaches three-quarters of the expanses of Russia. The most densely populated areas are Derbent - Sochi and Ufa - Moscow.

In the Far East, a significant population density runs along the length of the entire Trans-Siberian route. Increased population density rates are also distinguished in the region of the Kuznechny coal basin. All these areas attract Russians with their economic and natural wealth.

Most big nations countries: Russians, in lesser degree Tatars and Ukrainians - mainly located in the south-west of the state. Ukrainians today are mostly located on the territory of the Chukotka Peninsula and in the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, in the distant Magadan Region.

Other small peoples of the Slavic ethnic group, such as Poles and Bulgarians, do not create large compact groups and are scattered throughout the country. A rather compact group of the Polish population is located only in the Omsk region.


The number of Tatars living in Russia, as noted above, has exceeded the level of three percent of the total. Russian population. About a third of them live compactly in the region of the Russian Federation called the Republic of Tatarstan. Group settlements exist in the regions of the Volga region, in the far north, and so on.

A significant part of the Tatars are supporters of Sunni Islam. Separate groups of Tatars have linguistic differences, culture and way of life. Mutual language is within the Turkic group of languages ​​of the Altaic language family, it has three dialects: Mishar (Western), the more common Kazan (Middle), and a slightly distant Siberian-Tatar (Eastern). In Tatarstan, this language appears as an official one.


One of the numerous East Slavic peoples is the Ukrainians. More than forty million Ukrainians live in their historical homeland. In addition, significant diasporas exist not only in Russia, but also in Europe and America.

Ukrainians living in Russia, including migrant workers, make up about five million people. A significant number of them are in cities. Particularly large groups of this ethnic group are located in the capital, in the oil and gas-bearing regions of Siberia, the Far North, and so on.


In modern Russia, Belarusians, taking into account their total number in the world, make up a large number. As the 2010 re-pi-s of the Russian na-se-le-niya shows, there are slightly more than half a million Belarusians living in Russia. A significant proportion of be-lo-ru-sovs is located in the capitals, as well as in a number of re-gi-o-nov, for example, in Karelia, the Kaliningrad region.

In the pre-revolutionary years, a large number of Belarusians moved to Siberia and the Far East, later there were national administrative units. By the end of the eighties, there were more than one million Belarusians in the territory of the RSFSR. Today, their number has halved, but it is obvious that the Belarusian stratum in Russia will be preserved.


There are quite a lot of Armenians living in Russia, however, according to various sources, their number diverges. Thus, according to the 2010 census, there were a little more than one million people in Russia, that is, less than one percent of the total population. According to the assumptions of the Armenian public organizations, the number of the Armenian stratum in the country at the beginning of the twentieth century exceeded two and a half million people. And Russian President V.V. Putin, speaking about the number of Armenians in Russia, voiced the figure of three million people.

In any case, the Armenians play a serious role in the social and cultural life of Russia. Thus, Armenians work in the Russian government (Chilingarov, Bagdasarov, etc.), in show business (I. Allegrova, V. Dobrynin, etc.), and in other areas of activity. There are regional organizations of the Union of Armenians of Russia in sixty-three regions of Russia.


The Germans living in Russia are representatives of an ethnic group that has experienced a controversial and in some ways even tragic history. Massively moving in the eighteenth-nineteenth centuries at the invitation of the Russian government, they mainly settled in the Volga region, the western and southern provinces of the Russian Empire. Life on the good lands was free, but in the twentieth century historical events hurt the Germans. First World War I, then the Great Patriotic War led to mass repressions. In the fifties and eighties of the last century, the history of this ethnic group was hushed up. It is not for nothing that in the nineties a mass migration of Germans began, the number of which, according to some reports, barely exceeds the number of half a million.

True, in recent years, episodic re-evacuation from Europe to Russia has begun, but so far it has not reached large scales.


It is not easy to say how many Jews live in Russia at the present time due to their active migration both to Israel and back to the Russian state. In the historical past, there were many Jews in our country - in the Soviet era, several million. But with the collapse of the USSR and significant migration to their historical homeland, their number decreased. Now, according to public Jewish organizations, there are approximately one million Jews in Russia, half of them are residents of the capital.


This is a Turkic-speaking rather numerous people, the indigenous population of the region adapted to local conditions.

How many Yakuts are in Russia? According to the All-Russian census of the domestic population of 2010, there were slightly less than half a million people, mainly in Yakutia and nearby regions. The Yakuts are the most numerous (about half of the population) people and the most significant of the indigenous peoples of Russian Siberia.

In the traditional economy and material culture of this people, there are many close, similar moments with the pastoralists of South Asia. On the territory of the Middle Lena, a variant of the Yakut economy was formed, combining nomadic cattle breeding and the most important extensive types of crafts (meat and fish), suitable for the local one. In the north of the region there is also an original form of draft reindeer herding.

Reasons for resettlement

The history of the ethnic composition of the population of Russia in the course of its development is extremely ambiguous. The accelerated settlement of the Russian state by Ukrainians occurred in the Middle Ages. In the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, according to the instructions of the state authorities, settlers from the southern lands were sent to the east to develop new territories. After some time, representatives of social strata from different regions began to be sent there.

Representatives of the intelligentsia voluntarily moved to St. Petersburg in an era when this city had the status of the capital of the state. Nowadays, Ukrainians make up the largest ethnic group in Russia in terms of the number of people after, of course, Russians.

At the other extreme are representatives of small nations. Kereks, having the smallest number, are in particular danger. According to the latest census, only four of them remained, although fifty years ago there were only a hundred Kereks. The leading languages ​​for these people are Chukchi and common Russian, native Kerek is found only in the form of ordinary passive language. The Kereks are very close to the Chukchi people in terms of culture and ordinary daily activities, which is why they were in constant assimilation with them.

Problems and the future

The ethnic composition of the population of Russia will undoubtedly develop in the future. In modern conditions, the revival of ethnographic traditions, the culture of peoples is clearly visible. However, the development of ethnic groups is experiencing a number of problems:

  • poor fertility and the gradual decline of most peoples;
  • globalization, and at the same time the influence of the culture and way of life of large peoples (Russian and Anglo-Saxon);
  • general problems of the economy, undermining the economic base of the peoples, and so on.

Much in such a situation depends on the national governments themselves, including the Russian one, and on world opinion.

But I want to believe that the small peoples of Russia will continue to develop and increase in the following centuries.

Great and varied. In its open spaces, nature is beautiful in its versatility, and other wonders created by man. In addition, the territory of the largest country in the world sheltered dozens of different peoples. This is the greatest wealth of an amazing hospitable state.

We know that many nationalities live in Russia - Russians, Udmurts, Ukrainians. And what people still live in Russia? Indeed, in the far corners of the country, small and little-known, but interesting peoples with their own unique culture have been living for centuries.

The national composition of the population of Russia

We will stipulate right away that Russians make up approximately 80% of the total population. A full one would be very large. According to some reports, more than 200 different nationalities are registered. This information is current as of 2010.

We will begin our acquaintance with the rest of the national composition of Russia with the most common. large nationalities those that are present on the territory of the state in the amount of more than 1 million are considered.


The ratio of the Tatar nationality among all others in the country is 3.8%. has its own language and regions of the greatest distribution.

In addition, it includes several ethnic groups: Crimean Tatars, Volga-Urals, Siberians and Astrakhan. Most of them live in the Volga region.


Let's continue our short excursion on the topic of what peoples live in Russia, and move on to the Ukrainians. Their number in Russia is 2% of the total population. According to the materials of some historical references, the name of the nationality comes from the word "outskirts", which served as the basis for the name of the country - Ukraine.

Ukrainians living in Russia continue to honor their traditions, celebrating holidays according to their customs, wearing folk clothes. A feature of Ukrainian clothing is embroidery in a variety of colors. The main symbolic colors in the ornaments are red and black.


The ratio of the Bashkirs to the entire population of the country is 1.2%. The territories where most of these people live are Altai, Tyumen, and other regions of Russia (Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan and others).

To this day, ethnologists have not agreed on where the name of the nationality came from and what it means. The most common interpretations are “the main wolf”, “a separate people”, “the brother-in-law of the Ugric peoples”. In total, there are about 40 different assumptions.

The culture of the Bashkirs is significant for their songs, fairy tales, ditties.


Next, let's talk about the Chuvash, answering the question of what peoples live in Russia. The Chuvash people make up 1.1% of the population of Russia. Most of the Chuvash live in Tatarstan, Samara and many other regions of the country, the Krasnoyarsk Territory. And today their main occupation is handicraft, animal husbandry and agriculture.

The Chuvash culture is surprisingly beautiful and interesting. They have their own ancient developed mythology. National clothes are extremely diverse, there are many dozens of different cuts and color options.


Chechens in Russia are about 0.9% of the total population. This is one of the most severe nationalities in the country. At the same time, they are distinguished by wit, courage and endurance are inherent in them.

A feature of Chechen songs is a deep, incommensurable longing for their home. There are many motifs of exile in their poetry and songs. Such poetry is not to be found in any other folklore.

One can notice the similarity of the Chechen people with the Circassian and Lezgin. There is a simple explanation for this: all three nationalities belong to a single Caucasian.

And we continue to reveal the most interesting question of what kind of peoples live in Russia.


In the population of Russia, Armenians make up 0.8%. Their culture is very ancient. Its roots can be traced back to Greek culture. The special flavor of this nation is created by their indefatigable cheerfulness and hospitality.

Armenian music appeared before our era. And today we know many world singers with Armenian roots. Among them are French singer David Tukhmanov, Jivad Gasparyan and many others.

Armenian clothing is distinguished by luxury and pretentiousness. And children's costumes are simply irresistible, which is not seen in other nations.

We now know what peoples inhabit Russia, but this is far from all. In the far corners of a vast country, there are still peoples who are not so many in number, but their culture is so diverse and interesting that we simply cannot help but remember them.

small nations

Russians know quite a lot about peoples whose number exceeds 1 million. But there are also small peoples of Russia, which you may not even hear about in your entire life.

So, in the Volga-Vyatka region, for many centuries, such nationalities as the Mari, Mordovians have lived. The server region is native to Karelians, Komi, Saami, Nenets. Komi-Permyaks and Udmurts live in the Urals. Kazakhs and Kalmyks have long settled in the Volga region.

Western Siberia is the homeland for Selkups, Altaians, Mansi, Khanty, Shors, Eastern Siberia is for Tuvans, Buryats, Khakasses, Dolgans, Evenks.

In the Far East live such nationalities as the Yakuts, Koryaks, Evens, Udeges, Nanais, Orochs and many other peoples, whose numbers are very small.

The peculiarity of small peoples is that they have preserved and to this day revere their ancient pagan beliefs. They are characterized by following animism (animation of natural objects and animals) and shamanism (belief in shamans - people who speak with spirits).

How many peoples live in Russia in total?

In 2002, a pan-European data collection also included information on the ethnic composition of the countries' populations. Then received interesting information about what peoples live in Russia, and about their numbers.

The census figures in Russia showed that representatives of 160 different nationalities. This figure is simply huge in comparison with European countries. On average, people belonging to 9.5 nationalities live in them. On a global scale, Russia's performance is also high.

Interestingly, in 1989, when a similar census was conducted in Russia, a list of 129 nationalities was compiled. The reason for such a difference in indicators, according to experts, is the possibility of self-identification as belonging to one or another nationality. Such an opportunity appeared in 1926. Previously different peoples Russia considered itself to be Russian, based on the geopolitical factor.

Dynamics in the ratio of nationalities

According to demographic research experts, the number of Ukrainians in Russia has halved in recent years. Belarusians have also become much smaller, as well as Mordovians.

The number of Armenians, Chechens, Azerbaijanis, and Tajiks increased. Some of them even entered the number of those of which there are more than a million on the territory of Russia.

The dynamics in the ratio of nationalities is believed to be influenced by several factors. One of them is the decline in the birth rate, which has affected the entire country. The other is emigration.

Jews left Russia. Russian Germans also emigrated from the country.

Positive dynamics is observed among small indigenous peoples. On the contrary, they have increased in recent decades. Thus, we see that the question of what peoples inhabit Russia is always relevant for study due to its dynamics.

Do only Russians live somewhere?

We learned that many different nationalities live in Russia, in addition to Russians. Many who have discovered it may wonder if there is an area where only Russians live.

The answer is unequivocal: there is no region with a completely homogeneous composition of the Russian population. Approximate to this only the Central region, the Central Black Earth, North-West. All other territories of the country are full of different nationalities.


In the article, we examined which peoples live on the territory of Russia, learned what they are called and where they are most common. We have once again seen how rich the country is not only in natural resources, but also in human resources, and this is many times more important.

In addition, we learned that the national composition of the population of Russia is not something static. It changes over the years under the influence of various factors (migration, the possibility of self-determination, etc.).

We hope that the article was interesting for you: it helped you make a mental journey through the expanses of Russia and introduced you to its so different, but so hospitable and interesting inhabitants. Now we can, without hesitation, tell anyone who wishes, if he becomes interested, what peoples live in Russia.

ABAZINS(self-named - Abaza) - people in the Russian Federation, in Karachay-Cherkessia (27 thousand people). In total, there are 33 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). They also live in Turkey (10 thousand people) and Arab countries. The total number of 44 thousand people. (1992). Abaza language. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

ABELAM(self-named) - Papuan people in Papua New Guinea. Number of 70 thousand people. (1992). Abelam language. Believers - Catholics, Protestants, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

ABUNG(self-named) - people in Indonesia. Number of 300 thousand people. (1992). Lampung language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

ABKHAZ(self-named - Apsua) - people in Georgia, the indigenous population of Abkhazia. The number in Georgia is 96 thousand people, incl. in Abkhazia 93 thousand people. (1992). They also live in the Russian Federation (6 thousand people), Turkey (6 thousand people) and Arab countries. The total number of 115 thousand people. Abkhaz language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims, there are Orthodox.

Avars(self-name - maarulal) - people in the Russian Federation (mainly in Dagestan, 496 thousand people) and in the north of Azerbaijan (44 thousand people). Number in the Russian Federation (including Ando-Tsez peoples and Archins) 544 thousand people. (1992). Avar language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

AUSTRALIANS- the indigenous population of Australia, 170 thousand people. (1992). Largely exterminated by the colonialists. Linguistically and racially, they are special group. Believers - Presbyterians and Catholics, traditional cults are preserved.

AUSTRIANS(self-named - Esterreicher) - the people, the main population of Austria (7.15 million people). The total number of 8.8 million people. (1992). They also live in the USA (1270 thousand people), Germany (180 thousand people), Canada (40 thousand people) and other countries. The language is German. The believers are mostly Catholics.

ASAU(self-named - agave) - a group of Kushite peoples in Ethiopia and Eritrea. Number of 420 thousand people. (1992), incl. in Ethiopia 350 thousand people. Agau language. Believers are monophysite Christians, some are Judaists and followers of the local syncretic religion.

AGULs(self-name - agul) - people in the Russian Federation, mainly in Dagestan (14 thousand people). The number in the Russian Federation is 18 thousand people. (1992). Agul language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

ADANGME(self-named - adangbe, dangmeli) - people in Ghana. Number of 700 thousand people. (1992). Adangme language. They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Protestants and Catholics.

ADYGEES(self-named - Adyge) - people in the Russian Federation, mainly in Adygea (95 thousand people). The number in the Russian Federation is 123 thousand people. (1992). They also live in Turkey (5 thousand people) and Arab countries. Adyghe language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

AZERBAIJANIANS(self-designation - azerbaijanlylar, azeriler) - the people, the main population of Azerbaijan (5.8 million people, 1992). They also live in Iran (10.43 million people). Russian Federation (336 thousand people), Georgia (307 thousand people), Kazakhstan (90 thousand people), Armenia and other countries. The total number of 17.2 million people. (1992). The Azerbaijani language is Baijan. Believers are mostly Shia Muslims.

AYMARA- Indian people in Bolivia, Peru and Chile. The total number of 2.55 million people. (1992). Aymara language. Believers are Catholics.

Ainu- people on about. Hokkaido, in Japan, 20 thousand people. (1992). Ainu language. Believers are Buddhists.

AQUAPIM(self-named) - people in Ghana. Number of 650 thousand people. (1992). Akwapim, Chwi (Twi) languages. The believers are Presbyterians, Methodists.

ALBANS(self-designation - shkiptar) - the people, the main population of Albania (3.25 million people, 1992). Number in Yugoslavia 1.985 million people, Macedonia 500 thousand people. The total number of 6.1 million people. Albanian language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims, there are Christians (Catholics and Orthodox).

ALGONKINA- a group of Indian peoples (Ojibwe, Mikmek, Wara, Cree, Montagnier, Naskapi, Cheyenne, etc.) in the USA and Canada, 260 thousand people. (1992). They speak Algonquian languages.

ALEUTS(self-name - Unangan) - people, the indigenous population of the Aleutian Islands and the Alaska Peninsula (USA) and the Commander Islands (Russian Federation). The total number of 3 thousand people. (1990), incl. 2 thousand people in the USA. Aleut language. Believers are mostly Orthodox.

ALGERIANS(Arabs of Algeria) - people, the main population of Algeria (21.2 million people). The total number of 22.2 million people. (1992), incl. in France 820 thousand people. Arabic language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

ALORTS(self-named orang-alor) is a people in Indonesia. Number of 100 thousand people. (1992). Alor language. Believers are Sunni Muslims, traditional beliefs are preserved.

ALTAI(self-named - Altai-Kizhi) - people in the Altai Republic (59 thousand people). The number in the Russian Federation is 69 thousand people. (1992). They are divided into ethnographic groups: Altai-Kizhi, Telengits, Teleses, Teleuts, Tubalars, Chelkans, Kumandins. Altai language. Believers are Orthodox, some are Baptists; traditional beliefs are preserved.

ALUR(self-named - Joalur) - Nilotic people in the Congo (450 thousand people) and Uganda (300 thousand people, 1992). Dho Alur language. Adhere to traditional beliefs.

ALUTORS- nationality in the Russian Federation (about 3 thousand people, 1992), on the northeastern coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Alutor language.

AMBONS(self-named - Amboins) - people in Indonesia (600 thousand people, 1992), the total number is 635 thousand people. Malay language. Believers are Reformed Christians, Sunni Muslims.

AMBUNDU(mbundu, self-named - kimbundu) - people of the Bantu group in Angola, 2.15 million people. (1992). Kimbundu language. They adhere mainly to traditional cults; there are Catholics and adherents of syncretic cults.

US AMERICANS- the people, the main population of the United States. The total number of 194.2 million people. (1992), incl. in the USA 193 million people. Number in Canada 350 thousand people, in Mexico 135 thousand people, Great Britain 120 thousand people. They speak American of English language. Believers are mostly Protestants and Catholics.

AMHARA(self-named - amara) - people in Ethiopia. The total number of 21 million people. (1992), incl. in Ethiopia 20.8 million people, Eritrea 180 thousand people, Yemen 15 thousand people. Amharic language. Religiously, they are mostly monophysite Christians.

ENGLISH(self-named - English) - the people, the main population of Great Britain. The total number of 48.5 million people. (1992). including in Great Britain 44.7 million people, Canada 1 million people, Australia 940 thousand people, USA 650 thousand people, South Africa 230 thousand people, India 200 thousand people, New Zealand 188 thousand pers. English language. Believers are mostly Anglicans.

ANGLO-AUSTRALIANS- the people, the main population of Australia. The total number of 13.4 million people. (1992). They speak Australian English. Believers are mostly Protestants.

ANGLO-AFRICANS- people in South Africa (1.75 million people, 1992). The total number of 1.95 million people. They speak South African English. Believers - Anglicans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Catholics.

ANGLO-CANADIANS- people in Canada (10.8 million people). The total number of 11.67 million people. (1992). They speak Canadian English. Believers are mostly Protestants, some are Catholics.

ENGLISH-NEW ZEALANDS(New Zealanders, Pakeha) - the people, the main population of New Zealand (2.6 million people). The total number of 2.76 million people. (1992). English language. The believers are mostly Anglican.

ANDAMANS- the indigenous population of the Andaman Islands (India). Number approx. 100 people Languages ​​form an isolated family. The An Damans adhere mainly to traditional beliefs.

ANDIANS(self-named - Andal) - people in the Russian Federation, in Dagestan. Number approx. 30 thousand people (1992). Andean language. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

APACHI(self-named - Dine) - a group of Athabaskan peoples (Navajo, Mon Calero, Jicarilla, etc.) in the USA (Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma), 20 thousand people. (without Navajo, 1992). The languages ​​make up the southern branch of the Athabaskan languages. Believers are Christians.

ARAB(self-named - al-Arab) - a group of peoples (Algerians, Egyptians, Moroccans, etc.) - the main population of the Arab countries of Western Asia and North Africa. The total number of 199 million people. (1992). Arabic language. Most are Muslims.

ARAWAKI- a group of Indian peoples (guajiro, campa, baniva, the Arawaks proper, etc.) in South America and the West Indies, 400 thousand people. (1992). Arawak languages. Believers adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Catholics.

ARAUCANS(self-named - Mapuche) - Indian people In Chile (800 thousand people, 1992) and in the west of Argentina (70 thousand people). Araucan language. Preserve traditional beliefs, some are Catholics.

ARGENTINES- the people, the main population of Argentina (28 million people). The total number of 28.3 million people. (1992). They speak Argentinean Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

ARMENIANS(self-name - hai) - the people, the main population of Armenia (3.08 million people, 1992). They also live in the Russian Federation (532 thousand people), Georgia (437 thousand people), USA (700 thousand people), France (270 thousand people), Iran (200 thousand people), Syria (170 thousand people), Nagar Karabakh (146 thousand people), Libya and Turkey (150 thousand people each), etc. The total number is 6.55 million people. Armenian language. Believers are mostly Monophysite Christians.

Archintsy(self-name - arshishtib) - people in the Russian Federation, in Dagestan; St. 1 thousand people (1992). Archin language. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

ASMAMS(self-name - ahomiya, assamiya) - the people, the main population of the state of Assam (India); 14.55 million people (1992). They also live in Bhutan (220 thousand people) and other countries. Assamese language. Believers - Hindus, some Muslims and Christians

ASSYRIANS(Aysors, self-named - Aturaya) - people in the countries of the Middle East, in the USA, etc. The total number is 350 thousand people. (1992), incl. in the Russian Federation 10.6 thousand people, Iraq 120 thousand people, Iran 100 thousand people, Turkey 70 thousand people. Assyrian language. Believers are mostly Nestorians.

ATAPASKI(Athabaskans, self-named - Dene, Na-Dene) - a group of Indian peoples (Apache, Chipeway, Dogrib, etc.) in the USA and Canada; 220 thousand people (1992), vt. h. 210 thousand people. in the USA, the Athabaskan languages. Believers are Protestants, Catholics, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

AFAR(self-name - danakil, adalo) - people in Ethiopia (670 thousand people, 1992), Eritrea (180 thousand people), Djibouti (150 thousand people). Afar-sa ho language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

AFGHANS(self-designation - Pashtun, Pathan) - the people, the main population of Afghanistan (St. 10 million people, 1992). St. 19 million people (mostly nomads and semi-nomads) live in the northwest of Pakistan. Tribal associations are preserved (Afridia, Wazirs, Ghilzai, Durrani, etc.). Pashto language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

AFRICANERS(Boers) - people in South Africa (3 million people). They also live in Na mibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, UK, USA and Yar. The total number of St. 3 million people (1992). Afrikaners are descendants of Dutch, French and German colonists. Afrikaans language. Believers - Mostly Protestants (Reformed).

AFRO- AMERICANS- an ethno-racial group in the United States, part of the Americans in the United States. African Americans are the descendants of African slaves brought to North America in the 17th and 19th centuries; 30 million people (1992).

AZTECA(Aztec, Nahua) - Indian people in Mexico; 1.2 million people (1992). Aztec language. Believers are Catholics. Until the 16th century On the territory of modern Mexico, there was the Aztec state with its capital in Tenochtitlan. The Aztecs created a civilization that was destroyed by the Spanish conquerors in the 16th century.

WITH WHAT(self-named - achim, akim) - people in Ghana. Number of 650 thousand people. (1992). Chwi language (Twi). They adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Protestants, Catholics.

ACEC(ache, achins) - people in Indonesia, in the north of about. Sumatra; OK. 3 million people (1992). They also live in Malaysia. Acehnese language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

ACHOLI(akoli, gang) - people in Uganda (780 thousand people, 1992). They also live in Sudan (20 thousand people). Acholi language. They adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Sunni Muslims.

ASHANTI(self-named - asante, asantefo) - people in Ghana, 4 million people. (1992). Preserve traditional beliefs, there are Christians and Sunni Muslims.

BAGIRMI(self-named - barma-ge) - people in Chad (530 thousand people, 1992) and Sudan (20 thousand people). Bagirmi language. By religion, mostly Sunni Muslims.

BY(baizi, bayni) - people in China. Number of 1.67 million people. (1992). Bai language. Believers are Buddhists, some are Taoists.

BAKWE- a group of peoples in Liberia (500 thousand people, 1992) and Côte d "Ivoire (400 thousand people). Bakwe language. Most retain traditional beliefs, some are Christians.

BALANTE- people in Guinea-Bissau, 600 thousand people. They also live in Cape Verde and Senegal. The total number of 690 thousand people. (1992). Balante language. Preserve traditional beliefs.

Balinese- people in Indonesia, on about. Bali and in the west about. Lombok; 3.65 million people (1992). The language of the Indonesian branch. Believers are Hindus.

BALKARS(self-named - taulula) - people in the Russian Federation, in Kabardino-Balkaria (71 thousand people). In total, there are 78 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Karachay-Balkarian language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

BAMBARA(Bamana) - the people of the Mandingo group in Mali (2.7 million people), Côte d "Ivoire, Guinea, Gambia, etc. Total number 3.49 million people (1992). Bamana language. According to religion in mostly Sunni Muslims, some retain traditional beliefs.

GANG- people in the Central African Republic (950 thousand people) and the Congo (600 thousand people, 1992). Gang language. Preserve traditional beliefs.

BANJAR- people in Indonesia (about 3 million people, mainly on the island of Kalimantan) and Malaysia. The total number of 3.15 million people. (1992). They speak a dialect of the Malay language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

BANTU- a group of peoples in Central and South Africa (Rwanda, Ma Kua, Shona, Congo, Malawi, Rundi, Zulu, Xhosa, etc.), approx. 200 million people (1992). Bantu languages. They settled widely (from the 1st millennium BC to the 19th century), assimilating the indigenous population (pygmies, speakers of the Khoi San languages).

BARBADONS(self-named - begenz) - people, the main population of Barbados (250 thousand people), mainly descendants of slaves taken out of Africa in the 17th - early 19th centuries. The total number of 350 thousand people. (1992), incl. in the USA 35 thousand people, Great Britain 35 thousand people, Canada 30 thousand people. They speak a dialect of English. Most of the believers are Anglicans, there are Methodists, Moravian Brethren, Catholics.

BASQUE(self-name - euskaldunak) - people in Spain (950 thousand people) and France (140 thousand people). They also live in Latin America. The total number of 1.25 million people. (1992). Basque language. Believers are Catholics.

BAKHTIARS- people in Iran (mainly in the southwest, in the historical region of Greater Luristan, or Bakhtiaria), 1 million people. (1992). They are divided into groups of haftleng and cheharleng. They speak dialects of the western subgroup of Iranian languages. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

BASHKIRS(self-named - Bashkort) - people in the Russian Federation, the indigenous population of Bashkiria (864 thousand people). In total in the Russian Federation approx. 1.35 million people (1992). They also live in Kazakhstan (42 thousand people), Uzbekistan (35 thousand people), etc. The language is Bashkir. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

BEJA(bedauye) - the people of the Kushite group in the northeast of Sudan (1.75 million people) and in neighboring regions of Eritrea and Egypt. The total number is 1.85 million people. (1992). Bedauye language. By religion, Sunni Muslims.

BELARUSIANS- the people, the main population of Belarus (over 7.9 million people, 1992). They also live in the Russian Federation (1.2 million people), Ukraine (440 thousand people), Kazakhstan (183 thousand people), Latvia (120 thousand people), Lithuania (63 thousand people) , Uzbekistan (63 thousand people), Estonia (27.7 thousand people), Poland (about 300 thousand people). Belarusian language. Believers are mostly Orthodox, there are Catholics.

BELUCH(self-named - baloch) - people in Pakistan (4 million people) and Iran (1.4 million people, 1992). They also live in Afghanistan, Turkmenistan (28.3 thousand people in 1989) and the Arab countries. The total number of 5.7 million people. (1992). Baloch language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

BENGALIS- the people, the main population of Bangladesh (109.5 million people). They also live in India (80 million people), Nepal, Bhutan, Singapore, etc. The total number is 189.65 million people. (1992). Bengali language. Believers - in Bangladesh mostly Sunni Muslims, in India mostly Hindus.

Berbers(self-named - amahag) - a group of peoples (tamazight, reef, shilkh, tuaregs, kabils, shauya, etc.), the indigenous population of North Africa, Central and Western Sudan; St. 11.52 million people (1992). They speak a Berber-Libyan language. Religiously, they are mostly Sunni Muslims.

BIKOL(self-designation) - people in the Philippines (mainly on the Bicol Peninsula and Luzon Island), 4.5 million people. (1992). The language of the Indonesian branch. Believers are mostly Catholics.

BIMA- SUMBANPEOPLES- a group of peoples in the east of Indonesia (Bima, Sumbans, Manggarai, Khavu, etc.), on the islands of the Lesser Sunda Archipelago; 3.1 million people (1992). Languages ​​of the Indonesian branch. By religion, Christians, Sunni Muslims and adherents of traditional beliefs.

BINI(edo, edo) - people in Nigeria, 4.27 million people. (1992). Bini language. Believers are mostly Christians.

BISA- people in Burkina Faso, Ghana (150 thousand people each) and Nigeria (70 thousand people, 1992). Bis language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

BIHARTS- a group of peoples (Maithils, Magahs, Bhajpurs) in India (92.5 million people, Bihar state) and neighboring regions of Nepal (3.64 million people), Bangladesh (1.45 million people) and Bhutan. The total number of 97.6 million people. (1992). Languages ​​of the Indo-Iranian branch. The believers are mostly Hindus.

BOA people in the Congo. Number of 1 million people. (1992). The language of either They adhere to traditional beliefs.

BOBO(self-named - bua) - people in Burkina Faso (600 thousand people, 1992) and neighboring regions of Mali (220 thousand people) and Côte d "Ivoire (100 thousand people). Gbe language. Save traditional beliefs, some are Catholics.

BULGARIANS- the people, the main population of Bulgaria (7.85 million people). They also live in Ukraine (234 thousand people), Moldova (88 thousand people), the Russian Federation (32.8 thousand people) and other countries. The total number is 8.45 million people. (1992). Bulgarian language. Believers are mostly Orthodox, some are Sunni Muslims.

BOLIVIANS- the people, the main population of Bolivia (3 million people). They also live in Argentina (150 thousand people), Brazil, the USA, Peru and Chile. The total number of 3.2 million people. (1992). Mostly Spanish-Indian mestizos. They speak Spanish and Guarani. Believers are Catholics.

BORORO(self-named - orarimugudoge) - the Indian people of the same group in Bolivia (2 thousand people) and Brazil (1 thousand people, 1992). Preserve traditional beliefs, some are Catholics.

BOSNIKES(self-named - Muslims, Muslims, bosses) - the people, the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Number of 1.8 million people. (1992). They also live in Yugoslavia (220 thousand people), Croatia (14 thousand people), Turkey (30 thousand people), USA (30 thousand people). The total number of 2.1 million people. Bosniaks are a former population (mainly Serbs and Croats) of the historical region of Bosnia and Herzegovina, who converted to Islam during the Ottoman rule. The language is Serbo-Croatian. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

BRAGUI(self-named - bragui) - people in Pakistan (750 thousand people, mainly in the provinces of Balochistan and Sindh). They also live in Afghanistan, Iran, etc. The total number is 835 thousand people. (1992). Bra gui language. By religion they are Sunni Muslims.

BRAZILIANS- the people, the main population of Brazil; 149 million people (1992). They also live in Argentina, Paraguay, USA, Portugal. The total number is 149.4 million people. The language is Portuguese. Believers are mostly Catholics.

BRETON- people in France (Brittany), 1.05 million people. (1992). Breton language. Believers are Catholics.

BUGIS(self-named - tougik) - people in Indonesia (mainly south-west of Sulawesi); population 4.55 million people They also live in Malaysia and Singapore. The total number of 4.6 million people. (1992). Boogie language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

BUI(buei, zhongjia, self-named - Yoi) - people in southern China, 2.7 million people. (1992). Thai family language. Believers are Buddhists, there are Christians.

BURISHI(Burishki, Burushaski, Vershiki) - people in the highlands in northwestern India. OK. 50 thousand people (1987). The tongue is isolated. Believers are mostly Shia Muslims.

BURYATS(self-named - baryaat) - people in the Russian Federation, the main population of Buryatia (250 thousand people). In total, there are 421 thousand people in the Russian Federation. They also live in northern Mongolia and northeast China. The total number of 520 thousand people. (1992). Buryat language. Believers are Buddhists, shamanists.

BUSHMEN(from Dutch bosjesman, lit. - forest man) - people, the indigenous population of South and East Africa. Displaced in the XVI - XK centuries. Bantu peoples in the desert regions of Namibia (85 thousand people, 1992), Botswana (35 thousand people), Angola (8 thousand people) and Zimbabwe (I thousand people). They belong to the Bushmen race. Bushman languages. Preserve traditional beliefs.

BHILs- a group of peoples in India, the indigenous population of the mountainous regions of the states of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Maharashta. Number of 3.7 million people. (1992). The language of the Indo-Iranian branch. The believers are mostly Hindus.

BHOTIA- the people, the main population of Bhutan (1 million people, 1991). They also live in Nepal (110 thousand people) and India (90 thousand people). Sinoti language of the Betan family. Believers are mostly Buddhists, in India they are Hindus.

WALLONS- people in Belgium (3.92 million people). They also live in France, the USA, etc. The total number is 4.1 million people. (1992). They speak Walloon French. Believers are Catholics.

WARRAU(huarao, guarao) - an Indian people in Venezuela (17 thousand people). They also live in Suriname and Guyana. The total number of 20 thousand people. (1992). Language isolated. Believers are Catholics.

VAKHANS- one of the Pamir peoples.

VEDDA- people, the indigenous population of Sri Lanka (mainly the Eastern Provinces), approx. 1 thousand people (1992). They belong to the Veddoid race. The language of the Indo-Iranian group. Believers are mostly Buddhists and Hindus.

HUNGARY(self-named - Magyar) - the people, the main population of Hungary (9.95 million people). They also live in Romania (1.86 million people), Slovakia (580 thousand people). Yugoslavia (400 thousand people), USA (600 thousand people), Canada (120 thousand people). The total number of 13.83 million people. (1992). The language is Hungarian. Believers are mostly Catholics.

VENDA(self-named - bavenda) - the people of the Bantu group in South Africa (910 thousand people) and Zimbabwe (320 thousand people, 1992). Believers are mostly Protestants, there are adherents of traditional and syncretic cults.

VENEZUELINS- the people, the main population of Venezuela (17.3 million people). The total number of 17.4 million people. (1992). OK. 80% - mestizos, mulattos, sambo, approx. 5% are blacks. Spanish language. The believers are mostly Catholics.

VEPS(veps, vepsya, self-named - bepsya) - people in the Leningrad and Vologda regions and Karelia; 13 thousand people (1992). Veps language. Believers are Orthodox.

VISAYA The Bisaya are a people in the Philippines. Population 26.75 million people (1992). Visayan language. Believers are mostly Catholics, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

WATER(self-named - vadyalayn) - people in the Russian Federation. The number is less than a hundred people (1992). Votic language. Believers are Orthodox.

VOLOF(wolof) - people in Senegal (4.1 million people). They also live in Mauritania, Gambia, Mali, and others. The total number is 4.36 million people. (1992). Wolof language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

VIETNAMESE(self-named - throw, viet) - the people, the main population of Vietnam (61 million people). They also live in Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, the USA, etc. The total number is 62.15 million people. (1992). Vietnamese language. Believers are mainly Buddhists, Taoists, Confucians, some Catholics and adherents of the cult of ancestors and syncretic religions.

HAWAIIANS- people, the indigenous population of the Hawaiian Islands (USA), 170 thousand people. (1992). Hawaiian language. Believers are Protestants and Catholics.

GAGAUZ- people in Moldova (153 thousand people) and Ukraine (32 thousand people, 1992). They also live in the Russian Federation (about 10 thousand people), Bulgaria, Romania, Greece and Turkey. The total number of 220 thousand people. (1992). Gagauz language. Believers are Orthodox.

HAITIANS(Haitians) - the people, the main population of Haiti (6.6 million people). They also live in the Dominican Republic, the USA, Cuba, the Bahamas, etc. The total number is 7.2 million people. (1992). They speak Creolized French. Believers are Catholics, there are also adherents of the syncretic cult "water".

GALICIANS(self-named - gallego) - people in Spain, the main population of Galicia. They also live in Argentina, Brazil and other American countries. The total number of 4.2 million people. (1992). Galician language. Believers are Catholics.

GANDA(Baganda) - the people of the Bantu group, in Uganda (3.25 million people, 1992). They also live in Tanzania. According to religion, they are mostly Christians, there are Sunni Muslims, some retain traditional beliefs.

GAOSHAN(Chinese - highlanders) - a group of peoples (Atayal, Tsou, Amei. Bunun, etc.) on about. Taiwan, 340 thousand people (1992). languages ​​of the Indonesian group. Preserve traditional beliefs.

GUATEMALANS- people, the main population of Guatemala (over 5.6 million people). The total number of 5.68 million people. (1992). Mainly Spanish-Indian mestizos (Ladino). They speak a Guatemalan dialect of Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

HERERO(ovagerero) - the people of the Bantu group in Namibia (200 thousand people), Angola, Botswana and South Africa. The total number of 270 thousand people. (1992). In terms of religion, some are Protestants, some retain traditional beliefs.

GERMANO- SWISS- people in Switzerland (4.22 million people, 1992). They also live in the USA (200 thousand people), Germany, Canada, Great Britain, France, etc. The total number is 4.58 million people. The language is the Swiss variant of the German language. Believers are Calvinists, part of the Catholics.

GILYANTS- people in Iran (the historical region of Gilan); 3.3 million people (1992). The language of the Iranian group. Believers are mostly Shia Muslims.

DUTCH(Dutch) - the people, the main population of the Netherlands (12.05 million people). The total number of 13.27 million people. (1992). Dutch language. Believers are mostly Protestants (Calvinists, Mennonites), Catholics.

HONDURAN- people, the main population of Honduras (5.15 million people). The total number of 5.24 million people. (1992). Mainly Spanish-Indian mestizos (Ladino). They speak the local variety of Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

GONDS- the people of the Dravidian group in India; 3.8 million people (1992). Believers are mostly Hindus, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

HOTTENTOTS(self-named - Khoi-Koin) - a people in Namibia, Botswana and South Africa, the indigenous population of South Africa. The total number of 130 thousand people, incl. in Namibia 102 thousand people. (1992). They speak the Gotten Toth languages. Believers are mostly Protestants.

GREEKS(self-named - Hellenes) - the people, the main population of Greece (9.72 million people). The total number of 12.4 million people. (1992). They also live in Cyprus (570 thousand people), in the USA (550 thousand people), Germany (300 thousand people), in the Russian Federation (92 thousand people), etc. The language is Greek (Modern Greek ). Believers are mostly Orthodox.

GRENADIANS- the people, the main population of Grenada. Number of 105 thousand people. (1992). Language Grenadian Creole (based on English). Believers are mostly Catholics, there are Protestants.

GEORGIANS(self-named - kartveli) - the people, the main population of Georgia (3.787 million people). In the Russian Federation, 130.7 thousand people. (1992). The total number of 4.14 million people. Ethnographic groups: Adjarians, Gurians, Imeretins, Kartlians, Kakhetins, Khevsurs, Mingrelians, Svans, Lazs, Javakhs, etc. The language is Georgian. Believers are mostly Orthodox.

GUARANI- Indian people of the Tupi-Guarani group in Paraguay; 30 thousand people (1987). Participate in the formation of modern Paraguayans. Guarani language. Religiously Catholic.

GUAJIRO(goahiro, self-named - vayuu) - the Indian people of the Arawak group, living on the Guajira peninsula. The number in Colombia is 200 thousand people. (1992), Venezuela 65 thousand people, small groups in Panama and the Antilles. They adhere mainly to traditional beliefs, there are Catholics.

GUJAR(self-named) — ethnic community in India and in the east of Pakistan, 1 million people. (1992). The language of the Indo-Iranian group. Believers are mostly Ikduists, there are Sunni Muslims.

GUJARATIS- people in India (46 million people), the main population of the state of Gujarat. They also live in Pakistan. The total number of 47 million people. (1992). Gujarati language. Believers are mostly Hindus, there are Sunni Muslims and Jains.

GURAGE(self-named) - a group of peoples in Ethiopia; 2.6 million people (1992). Semitic language. By religion, they are mostly Sunni Muslims, there are Christians (mostly Monophysites) and adherents of other religious beliefs.

GOURMA(gurmantche, self-named - binumba) - people in Togo, Ghana, Burki on Faso and the border regions of Benin and Niger; 1.52 million people (1992). The language of the Gur subfamily. They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Sunni Muslims.

HURONS(self-name - vendat) - the Indian people of the Iroquois group in Canada (mainly the Lauretville reservation in the province of Quebec); OK. 1 thousand people Religiously Catholic. They constituted an alliance of tribes, which entered in the middle of the 17th century. to the Iroquois League.

GURUNG- people in Nepal (300 thousand people, 1992) and Bhutan (250 thousand people), small groups - in India. The language of the Sino-Tibetan family. Believers are Buddhists.

Hutsuls- an ethnographic group of Ukrainians. They live in the Carpathians (Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Transcarpathian regions of Ukraine).

GELs(gaels, goydels, highlanders) - an ethnographic group of Scots in the highlands in the north-west of Scotland and the Hebrides; 80 thousand people (1992). Gaelic language. Believers are Catholics.

DAKOTA(self-named) - the Indian people of the Sioux group in the USA (reservations in the states of South and North Dakota, Minnesota and Nebraska, 10 thousand people, 1992) and Canada (3 thousand people). Believers are mostly Christians (Protestants and Catholics).

DARGINS(self-name - dargan) - the people in Dagestan (st. 280.4 thousand people, 1992). In total, there are 353 thousand people in the Russian Federation. The total number (including the Kaitag and Kubachi people) is 365 thousand people. Dargin language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

DANES- the people, the main population of Denmark (about 5 million people). They also live in the USA, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Norway, etc. The total number is 5.6 million people. (1992). Danish language. Believers are mostly Lutherans.

DAURS(daturs, dahurs) - people in the north of China, 125 thousand people, (1992). Until the middle of the XVII century. lived in the upper reaches of the river. Cupid and in the valleys pp. Argun and Zeya. The language of the Mongolian group. Believers are shamanists.

DAYAKS- a group of peoples (Ngadzhu, Clementans, Ibans, Kenyas, etc.) in Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei, the indigenous population of about. Kaliman tan; 3.7 million people (1992). languages ​​of the Indonesian group. They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Christians and Sunni Muslims.

DELAWARE(self-named - Lenape) - the Indian people of the Algonqui group are new in the USA (states of New York, Wisconsin, Kansas, Oklahoma; 3 thousand people, 1992) and in Canada (reservations in the south of Ontario, I thousand people). Believers are Protestants (Moravian Brethren).

JATS- a group of tribes, at the beginning of our era. inhabiting the western regions of the Punjab, later forming the ethnic basis of the Punjabis and included in the Sikh community. In India, the Jats form an agricultural caste. Major uprisings of the Jats are known in the 17th - 18th centuries. Modern Jats live in northern India and Pakistan, 10 thousand people. (1992).

DEBTS(self-name - Dolgan, tya-kihi, sakha) - people in the Taimyr Autonomous Okrug (about 5 thousand people). In total, there are 7 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Dolgan language.

DOMINICANS- the people, the main population of the Dominican Republic. The total number of 7.4 million people. (1992), incl. in the Dominican Republic 7.1 million people. They also live in the USA, in Haiti, etc. The language is the local version of Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

DOMINICANS- the people, the main population of Dominica; 70 thousand people (1992). The language is the local dialect of English. Believers are mostly Catholics.

DRAVIDIANS- a group of peoples (Telugu, Tamils, Malayali, Kannara, Gonds, Oraons, etc.) in India, mainly in the south, as well as in Pakistan and neighboring regions of Iran and Afghanistan (bragui). They belong to the South Indian race. Dravidian languages. Indigenous people of Hindustan.

DUALA(divala, duela) - people of the Bantu group in Cameroon; 1.4 million people (1992). Preserve traditional beliefs, some are Catholics.

DUN(self-name - gam, butam) ~ people in the south of China; 2.6 million people (1992). Thai family language.

DUNGAN(self-named - hui) - people in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, not a large part - in Uzbekistan; 70 thousand people (1992). Dungan language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

DONGSIAN- people in China (Gansu province), 295 thousand people. (1987). The language of the Mongolian group. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

JEWS(self-named - Yehudim, Idn) - people. Number of 13.62 million people. (1992), incl. in the USA ca. 6 million, Israel 4 million, Russian Federation 551 thousand people. (1992). Most speak the language of the country in which they live. Some Jews also speak Hebrew, Yiddish and other ethnic modifications of the languages ​​of neighboring peoples (Spanish, Arabic, Persian, etc.). Believers are mostly Jews. In the diaspora, there was a division into Ashkenazim and Sephardim.

EGYPTIANS(Arabs of Egypt) - the people, the main population of Egypt (54.2 million people). The total number of 54.6 million people. (1992). Arabic language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

SAME- a group of Indian peoples (bororo, komngang, konela, etc.) in Brazil; OK. 40 thousand people (1992). Family languages.

ZANDE(self-named - Azande) - the people in the Congo and the border regions of the Central African Republic and Sudan; 3.52 million people (1992), incl. 2.5 million people in the Congo. Zande language. Preserve traditional beliefs.

Zulu(Zulus, self-named - Amazulu) - people in South Africa They also live in Le Sotho, Mozambique and Swaziland; 8.22 million people, incl. in South Africa 7.9 million people. (1992). Zulu language. They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are adherents of syncretic cults.

IBIBIO(agbishera) - a people in the southeast of Nigeria (6.75 million people). The total number of 6.77 million people. (1992). The language is Ibibno, by religion - Christians, there are adherents of traditional beliefs.

IGBO(ibo) are a people in Nigeria. The total number of 21.6 million people. (1992). Igbo language. Believers are Christians (Protestants and Catholics), some adhere to traditional beliefs.

EIJO(Ijau) - people in Nigeria (2.15 million people). The total number of 2.17 million people. (1992). The language of half the Kwa family. Believers are mostly Christians (Protestants, some Catholics).

Izhorians(self-speaking - izuri) - people in the Russian Federation (in the Leningrad region, 449 people, 1992) and Estonia (306 people). Izhorian language. Believers are Orthodox.

ILOKI(Ilokans) - people in the Philippines (7.1 million people, 1992). Ilocan language. Believers are Catholics.

INGUSHI(self-named - galgai) - people in the Russian Federation. They live mainly in Ingushetia (over 215 thousand people, 1992), Chechnya, North Ossetia. The total number of 237 thousand people. (1992). Ingush language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

INDIANS- the indigenous population of America (except for the Eskimos and Aleuts); 35 million people (1992). The largest peoples are the Quechua, Aymara, Aztecs, Maya, Guarani, Araucans, and others. As a result of the European colonization of America, many tribes have been completely or partially exterminated and driven back to other regions. In the USA and Canada they live mainly on reservations. Bolivia and Guatemala make up the majority of the population. Heavily mismatched. They speak Indian languages, a significant part also in Spanish (Latin America) and English (North America) languages. Believers - Catholics, Protestants, there are adherents of syncretic cults and traditional beliefs.

INDO- PAKMETANS- the general name of immigrants from South Asia (mainly from India and Pakistan) outside Hindustan. They speak mainly the language of the country of residence, Hindi, Tamil. Believers are mainly Hindus, Sunni Muslims, Sikhs, Jains.

JORDANIS(Arabs of Jordan) - the people, the main population of Jordan. The total number in Jordan is 2 million people. (1992), in Kuwait 350 thousand people. Arabic language. Believers are Sunni Muslims, some are Christians.

IRAQIS(Arabs of Iraq) - the people, the main population of Iraq (14.5 million people). The total number of 14.6 million people. (1992). They speak Iraqi Arabic. Believers are Sunni Muslims (mainly in the north) and Shiites (in the south).

IRISH(self-named - Erinnah) - the people, the main population of Ireland (3.4 million people). They also live in the UK (2.5 million people), the USA, Canada, etc. The total number is 7.8 million people. (1992). Irish language. Believers are mostly Catholics.

IROquois- 1) a group of Indian peoples in the USA and Canada (properly, the Iroquois, Petuns, Hurons, Cherokees, etc.). Iroquois languages. Most of the peoples were assimilated in the 17th-18th centuries. actually the Iroquois. 2) The Iroquois proper (self-named Hodenosauni), the people of the Iroquois group in the USA (60 thousand people, 1992, New York and Oklahoma) and Canada (30 thousand people, the provinces of Ontario and Quebec). They adhere to syncretic cults, there are Christians. In the XVI - XVII centuries. formed an alliance of the Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Onenla, Mohawk tribes (the so-called Iroquois League).

ICELANDS- the people, the main population of Iceland, 255 thousand people. (1992). They also live in Canada (30 thousand people), the USA (5 thousand people) and European countries. Icelandic language. Believers are Lutherans.

SPANISH- the people, the main population of Spain (27.6 million people). The total population is 29.0 million people. (1992). Spanish language. Believers are mostly Catholics.

ITALO- SWISS- people in Switzerland (230 thousand people, 1992). They also live in France, the USA, Argentina. The total number of 265 thousand people. Italian language. Believers are Catholics.

ITALIANS- the people, the main population of Italy (54.35 million people). The total number of 66.5 million people. (1992). Italian language. Ethnographic groups: Venetians, Piedmontese, Tuscans, Lombards, Ligurians, Calabrians, Sicilians, etc. They also live in the USA (8.5 million people), Argentina (1.35 million people), France (1.1 million people) and other countries. The believers are mostly Catholics.

ITELMENS— people in the Russian Federation, in the Kamchatka region; 2.4 thousand people (1992). Itelmen language. Believers are right glorious

YIZU(yi) - people in the south of China; 6.9 million people (1992). The language of the Sino-Tibetan family. Believers - Taoists, Confucians, some adhere to Traditional beliefs.

Yemenis(Arabs of Yemen) - the people, the main population of Yemen (12.3 million people, 1992); 1.4 million people live in Saudi Arabia. Arabic language. Believers are Muslims (Sunnis and Shiites).

YORUBA- the people of Nigeria (25.5 million people, 1992). They also live in Benin, Ghana, Togo and others. African countries. The total number of 26.2 million people. (1992). Yoruba. By religion - Christians, there are Sunni Muslims and adherents of traditional beliefs.

Kabardinians(self-named - Adyge) - people in the Russian Federation, Kabardino-Balkaria (364 thousand people). They also live in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories and North Ossetia. In total, there are 386 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). The language is Kabardino-Circassian. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims, there are Orthodox.

KABILE- the people of the Berber group in the mountainous regions of Northern Algeria, 3 million people. (1992). Kabyle language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

KAJARS people in northern Iran. It goes back to one of the Kyzylbash tribes, 30 thousand people. (1987). The language of the Turkic group. By religion - Shia Muslims, part - Sunnis.

COSSACKS- ethno-class groups within the Russian and some other peoples. The total number in the Russian Federation is approx. 5 million people The language is Russian, bilingualism is common. Believers are Orthodox, there are representatives of other faiths.

KAZAKH(self-named - Cossack) - the people, the main population of Kazakhstan (St. 6.54 million people, 1992). They also live in Uzbekistan (808 thousand people), Turkmenistan (87 thousand people), Kyrgyzstan (37 thousand people), Tajikistan and the Russian Federation (635.9 thousand people); in China (1.115 million people, 1992), Mongolia (125 thousand people) and others. The total number is 9.42 million people. Kazakh language. The believers are non-Sunni Muslims.

KAINGANG- Indian peoples of the same group in Brazil, part in Paraguay, 20 thousand people. (1992). Believers are Catholics.

KAINGUA(Mbua) - Indian people of the Tupi-Guarani group in Paraguay (30 thousand people), in southern Brazil and northern Argentina. The total number of 55 thousand people. (1992). Believers are Catholics.

KAKCHIKELI- people in Guatemala, 350 thousand people. (1992). Kaqchike language. Believers are Catholics.

Kalmyks(self-name - halmg) - the people, the main population of Kalmykia (over 146 thousand people); in total in the Russian Federation 166 thousand people. (1992). Kalmyk language. Believers are Buddhists, there are Orthodox.

KAMBA(akamba) people in Kenya; 3.25 million people (1992). They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Christians.

CAMPA- Indian peoples of the Arawak group in Peru, 50 thousand people. (1993). Campa language. Believers are Catholics.

KANAKI(New Caledonians) - Melanesian people, the main population of New Caledonia, 60 thousand people. (1992). Believers are mostly Catholics, there are Calvinists, etc.

CANNARA(Kannada, self-named - Kannadiga) - people in India, the main population of the state of Karnataka, 35 million people. (1992). Kannada language. Believers are mostly Hindus, there are Sunni Muslims and Jains.

KANURI(beri-beri) - people in Nigeria, Niger, Cameroon and Chad. The total number of 6 million people, incl. in Nigeria 5.1 million people. (1992). Kanuri language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

KARAIM(self-named - Karaylar) - people in Ukraine (mainly in the Crimea) and in Lithuania; 2.6 thousand people (1989). Small groups also live in Poland. Karaite language.

KARAKALPAKI- people in Central Asia, mainly in Uzbekistan, in Karakalpakstan (412 thousand people, 1992); 5 thousand people also live in Afghanistan (1992). In the Russian Federation - 6 thousand people. Karakalpak language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

KARAT- an ethnographic group of Mordovians in Tatarstan.

KARACHAYS(self-named - Karachailyla) - people in Karachay-Cherkessia (129 thousand people) and the Stavropol Territory. In total, there are 150 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Karachay-Balkarian language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

Karelians(self-named - karjala) - people in the Russian Federation, the indigenous population of Karelia (79 thousand people). They also live in Tver (23.2 thousand people) and some other regions. The total number of 131 thousand people. (1992). Karelian language. Believing Karelians are right glorious.

KARENS(self-name - pghanyo) - people in Myanmar and in the west of Thailand; 3.7 million people, incl. in Myanmar, St. 3.5 million people (1992). The language of the Sino-Tibetan family. Believers are mostly Buddhists, there are Christians (Baptists).

CATALONS- people in Spain (mainly in Catalonia); 7.5 million people They also live in Fraction, Italy and the countries of America. The total number of 8.16 million people. (1992). Catalan language. Believers are Catholics.

KACHARY- people in India (state of Assam), 1 million people. (1992). Tibeto-Burman language. Mostly Hindus.

KACHIN(jingpo, self-named - zhingpo) - people in Myanmar (675 thousand people, Kachin national region) and China, small groups - in Thailand, Laos and northeast India. The total number of 810 thousand people. (1992). Kachinsky language. They preserve traditional beliefs, there are Buddhists and Christians (Baptists).

Qashqai(self-named - Qashqai) - people in Iran (Fars province), 780 thousand people. (1992), They speak a dialect of the Azerbaijani language. They are divided into tribes and groups, about half are nomads. Muslims are Shiites.

KASHMIRI(self-named - Kashmiri) - people in India, the main population of the states of Jammu and Kashmir, 4 million people. (1992). Kashmi Ri language. Mostly Sunni Muslims, there are Hindus.

KASHUB- an ethnographic group of Poles, living in the coastal part of Poland; they speak Kashubian dialects of Polish.

KWAKIUTLI(self-named - Kwakiutl) - Indian people of the Wa Kashey group in Canada, 1 thousand people. (1992). Religiously Protestants.

KEKCHI- Indian people in Guatemala (310 thousand people). They also live in El Salvador and Belize. The total number of 325 thousand people. (1992). The language of the Maya-Kiche family. Believers are Catholics.

KETS(former name - Yenisei Ostyaks, Yenisei) - people living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Russian Federation), along the middle and lower reaches of the Yenisei; 1.1 thousand people (1992). Ket language. Believers are Orthodox.

QUECHUA(Quichua) - Indian people in Peru (7.7 million people), Ecuador (4.3 million people) and Bolivia (2.47 million people). They also live in Argentina, Chile and Colombia. The total number of 14.87 million people. (1987). Descendants of the creators of the Inca civilization. Quechua language. Believers are Catholics.

KIKUYU(gikuyu, agikuyu) - the people of the Bantu group in Kenya, 6 million people. (1992). Kikuyu language. Most adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Catholics and adherents of syncretic cults.

KYRGYZS(self-named - Kyrgyz) - the people, the main population of Kyrgyzstan (2.23 million people). There are 175 thousand people in Uzbekistan, 64 thousand people in Tajikistan, and 42 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992); in China, 150 thousand people. (1987). Kyrgyz language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

KIRIBATI(self-named - Tungar) - Melanesian people, the main population of Kiribati (72 thousand people). They also live on neighboring islands. The total number of 78 thousand people. (1993). Believers are Protestants.

CHINESE(self-designation - han, hanzhen) - the people, the main population of the PRC (over 1.093 billion people). Total population approx. 1.125 billion people (1992). Chinese language. Believers - Buddhists, Taoists, Confucians, there are Christians, etc.

KICHE(self-named - kechelah) - Indian people in Guatemala, 300 thousand people. (1992). The language of the Maya-Kiche family. Believers are mostly Catholics.

COLOMBIANS- the people, the main population of Colombia (32.5 million people). The total number of 34.5 million people. (1992). Mostly mestizos, some mulattos, creoles. They speak Colombian Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

COMANCHE(self-named - change) - the Indian people of the Shoshone group in the USA (reservations in southwestern Oklahoma), 6 thousand people. (1992). Believers are Protestants.

KOMI(obsolete name - Zyryans) - the people, the indigenous population of the Komi Republic (292 thousand people), in total there are 336 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Komi-Zyryan language. Believers are Orthodox.

KOMI- PERMYAKS- people in the Russian Federation (147 thousand people, 1992), incl. in the Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous Okrug 95 thousand people. The Komi language is Permyak. Believers are Orthodox.

CONGO(bakongo) - the people of the Bantu group, in the Congo (7.83 million people) and Angola (1.3 million people). They also live in Uganda, Gabon, etc. The total number is 9.2 million people. (1987). Kongo language. Believers are mostly Christians (Catholics, some Protestants), there are adherents of traditional and syncretic cults.

COPTs- an ethno-confessional group of Egyptian Arabs who profess Christianity (mostly monophysites, there are units and Protestants). They live mainly in the cities of Upper Egypt, also in other countries of the Middle East; over 4 million people (1992). Then came the pre-Arab population of Egypt.

KORDOFANPEOPLES- a group of peoples (koalib, tegali, tagoy, kadugli-krongo, etc.) in Sudan (Kordofan plateau), 600 thousand people. (1992). Kordofanian languages. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

KOREANS(self-name - cho son saram) - the people, the main population of the DPRK (22.5 million people) and the Republic of Korea (44 million people). The total number is 70.2 million people (1992). In the Russian Federation 107 thousand people, Uzbekistan 183 thousand people, Kazakhstan 103.3 thousand people. (1992). Korean language. Believers are Buddhists, Confucians, there are Christians (Presbyterians).

CORSICANS- the people, the main population of. Corsica, 300 thousand people (1992). They speak dialects of Italian and French. Believers are Catholics.

KORYAKS- the people, the indigenous population of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug of the Russian Federation (7 thousand people). They also live in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and the Magadan Region. The total number of 9 thousand people. (1992). Koryak language. Believers are Orthodox.

KOSA(Amakosa, southern Zulu, Kaffir) - the people of the Bantu group in South Africa; 7.39 million people (1992). Kosa language. Believers are Christians.

COSTARICANS- the people, the main population of Costa Rica (St. 2.94 million people). The total number of 2.98 million people. (1992). Mainly descendants of immigrants from Spain, some are mestizos, blacks and mulattoes. They speak mostly Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics, blacks and mulattoes are Protestants.

KPELLE(kpese, gerze, pessi) - people in Liberia (600 thousand people, 1992) and Guinea (280 thousand people). The language of the Mande group. They adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Sunni Muslims, Christians and adherents of syncretic cults.

KRI- the people of the Algonquin group in Canada (provinces of Ontario, Mani Toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta), 70 thousand people. (1992). Believers are Catholics and Protestants (Anglicans).

SCREAMS- Indian people of the Muscovy group in the USA, 26 thousand people. (1992). Believers are Protestants.

CRIMEANTATARS- people in Ukraine (Crimea, Kherson region), as well as in Uzbekistan, the Russian Federation (Krasnodar and Stavropol regions). OK. 272 thousand people (1992), Crimean Tatar language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

KRYMCHAKS- people in the Crimea (Ukraine, 679 people, 1992) and the Russian Federation (about 330 people, mainly on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus). They speak a dialect of the Crimean Tatar language. Believers are Jews.

KUBACHINS(self-name - urbugan) - people in the Russian Federation (4 thousand people, 1992), incl. in Dagestan (2 thousand people). Dargin language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

CUBANS- people, the main population of Cuba (over 10.6 million people). The total number is 11.7 million people. (1992). They speak Cuban varieties of Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

Kumyks- people in Dagestan (232 thousand people). In total, there are 282 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Kumyk language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

KUNA(self-named - Tule) - the Indian people of the Chibcha group in Panama, St. 50 thousand people (1992). Believers are Christians (Catholics and Protestants).

Kurds(self-designation - Kurd, Kurmanj) - people in Turkey (st. 7.5 million people), Iran (about 5.6 million people), Iraq (mainly the Kurdish Autonomous Region, 3.7 million people), Syria (over 745 thousand people, 1992) and in other countries. The total number of 18 million people. (1992). Kurdish language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims, there are adherents of syncretic cults (Yazidis, etc.).

KHASI- people in India (the state of Meghalaya) and neighboring areas of Bangladesh. The total number of 860 thousand people, incl. in India 770 thousand people. (1992). Khasi language. Believers - about half are Protestant Christians, the rest are Hindus and adherents of traditional beliefs.

KHMER(self-named - Khmer, Khmae) - the people, the main population of Cambodia (8.6 million people). They also live in Vietnam, Thailand and other countries. The total number of 10.35 million people. (1992). Khmer language. Believers are Buddhists.

KHMERMOUNTAIN- a group of peoples (Kuy, Sui, Banar, Sedang, etc.) in Cambodia, in the south of Vietnam and Laos and in Thailand, St. 1.6 million people (1992). Mon-Khmer languages. Believers are mostly Buddhists.

KHOND(kandha, self-named - kuenja) - people in India (state of Orissa), 920 thousand people. (1992). The language of the Dravidian family. Adhere to traditional beliefs.

LAKTS(Laki, Kazikumukhs) - people in Dagestan (92 thousand people). In total, there are 106 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Lak language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

LAO(Laotians) - the people, the main population of Laos (2.95 million people). They also live in the north and northeast of Thailand (15 million people) and in other countries of Indochina. The total number of 18 million people. (1992). Lao language. Believers are Buddhists.

LATVIANS(self-named - latvieshi) - the people, the main population of Latvia (1.39 million people, 1992). There are 47 thousand people in the Russian Federation. The total number of 1.54 million people. (1992). The language is Latvian. Believers are mostly Protestants, some are Catholics.

LEVANTINES- an ethnographic group of Lebanese and Syrian Arabs, descendants of European settlers from the era of the Crusades, mixed with the local population. Arabic language.

LEZGINS(self-named - Lezgiar) - people in Dagestan (204 thousand people) and Azerbaijan (171 thousand people). There are 257 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Lezgi language. Believers are Sunni Muslims, there are Shiites.

LENKA(self-name) - the Indian people of the Chibcha group in the southwest of Honduras (100 thousand people, 1992) and the north of El Salvador (10 thousand people). Spanish language. Believers are Catholics.

LI(self-named - barking) - people in China, the indigenous population of. Hainan, 860 thousand people (1992). Is the language. Adhere to traditional beliefs.

LEBANESE(Lebanese Arabs) - the people, the main population of Lebanon (2.25 million people). The total number of 2.36 million people. (1992). They speak Syro-Lebanese Arabic. Believers are Christians (Maronites, Melkites, Greek Orthodox, etc.) and Muslims (Sunnis, Shiites).

LIBYANS(Libyan Arabs) - the people, the main population of Libya (4.16 million people). The total number of 4.18 million people. (1992). They speak the Libyan dialect of Arabic. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

DO YOU- an ethnic group (135 people) in the Ventspils region of Latvia and in the Russian Federation (64 people, 1992). Liv language. Believers are Christians (Lutherans).

LITHOVANIANS(self-name - fly) - the people, the main population of Lithuania (2.924 million people, 1992). In the Russian Federation 70 thousand people, Latvia 34.6 thousand people; in the USA, St. 300 thousand people The total number of 3.45 million people. (1992). Lithuanian language. Believers are mostly Catholics.

LIECHTENSTEINS- people, the main population of Liechtenstein, approx. 30 thousand people (1993). The language is German. Most believers are Catholics.

LOZI(balozi, rotse, barotse) - people in Zambia, 850 thousand people. (1992). They also live in Botswana (10 thousand people). They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Christians, adherents of syncretic cults.

LUBA(baluba) - people in the Congo (7.1 million people). They also live in the north of Zambia, in Tanzania and Rwanda. The total number of 7.15 million people. (1992). Luba language. Believers are mostly Catholics, there are non-Sunni Muslims and adherents of traditional beliefs.

LUZHYANS(Lusatian Serbs, Sorbs, Wends) - people in Germany, 100 thousand people. (1992). Lusatian language. Believers are mostly Lutherans, there are Catholics.

LUND(balunda) - people in the Congo, Zambia and Angola; 1.03 million people (1992). Believers are mostly Christians, some retain traditional beliefs.

LUO- 1) a group of peoples in Africa. They are divided into Northern Luo (Shilluk, Anuak, etc.) in southern Sudan, and Southern Luo (Luo, Alur, Acholi, etc.) in Uganda, Congo, Tanzania, Kenya, and others. Saharan languages. 2) Actually, the Luo (self-named Joluo) is the people of the Luo group in Kenya (3.25 million people) and Tanzania. The total number of 3.47 million people. (1992). They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Christians (mostly Catholics) and Sunni Muslims.

LURS- people in Iran (2.8 million people, mainly in the historical regions of Little Luristan and Fars). They also live in Iraq. The total number of 2.86 million people. (1992). The language of the Iranian group. Believers - Muslims - Shiites.

LUHYA(self-named - abaluya) - people in Kenya (4 million people). They also live in Tanzania. The total number of 4.75 million people. (1992). They adhere to traditional beliefs. There are Catholics.

LUXEMBURGERS people, the main population of Luxembourg. They also live in Italy, Germany and France. The total number of 285 thousand people. (1992). Believers are mostly Catholics, there are Protestants.

MOORS(Mauritanians, self-named - beydan) - the people, the main population of Mauritania (1.75 million people). They also live in Western Sahara, Mali, Niger, etc. The total number is 2.46 million people. (1992). Descendants of the Berbers who mixed with the Arabs. They speak a dialect of the Arabic language (Hasania). Believers are Sunni Muslims.

MOORSLANKAN(larakalla) - an ethnic group in Sri Lanka (mainly in cities) - descendants from marriages of Arabs (who migrated in the 7th - 12th centuries) with Sinhalese and Tamil women; 1.25 million people (1992). They speak Sinhala, Tamil and Arabic. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

Madurians- the people in Indonesia (the island of Madura and the eastern part of the island of Java); 10.8 million people (1987). The language of the Indonesian branch. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

MAZANDERANS(Mazanderans) - people in Iran (Mazenderan); 2.2 million people (1992). The language of the Iranian group. The believers are non-Shia Muslims.

MAYAN(Yucatecs) - an Indian people in Mexico, Guatemala (Yuca tan Peninsula) and Belize. Total 700 thousand people, incl. in Mexico 670 thousand people. (1992). Language of the Maya branch of the Maya-Kiche family. Believers are Catholics. The Mayan ancestors were the creators of one of the oldest civilizations in America (associated with the Olmec culture), which existed in the southeast of Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala.

MACASAR(self-name - Mangkasarak) - people in Indonesia (southwest of Sulawesi); 2.6 million people (1992). The language of the Indonesian branch. The believers are Sunni Muslims.

MACEDONIANS- the people, the main population of Macedonia. The total number is 1.77 million people. (1992), incl. in Macedonia 1.63 million people. Macedonian language. Believers are Orthodox, there are Sunni Muslims.

MACUA(Wamakua) - the people of the Bantu group in Mozambique (over 6.9 million people, 1992), neighboring areas of Malawi (over 1.3 million people) and Tanzania (300 thousand people). Makua language. Preserve traditional beliefs, there are Sunni Muslims and Christians (mostly Catholics).

MALAWI- a group of Bantu peoples, the main population of Malawi (over 6 million people). They also live in Mozambique, Zambia, and others. The total number is 9.35 million people. (1992). Malawi language. They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Christians, Sunni Muslims and adherents of syncretic cults.

Malagasy(Malgash) - the people, the main population of Madagascar; 12.79 million people (1992). Small groups live in Reunion, in the Seychelles, Comoros, etc. The language is Malagasy. Most retain traditional beliefs, there are Christians and Sunni Muslims.

MALAYS- an ethnic community in Malaysia (over 12.8 million people), Indonesia (mainly Kalimantan and Sumatra), Thailand, Singapore and Brunei. Total population approx. 21.3 million people (1992). Malay language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

MALAYALI- people in India, the main population of the state of Kerala. The total number of 35 million people. (1992). Malayalam language. Believers are mostly Hindus, there are Christians and Muslims.

MALDIVES(self-named - Dhivehi) - the people, the main population of the Maldives, 225 thousand people. (1992). The language of the Indo-Iranian branch. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

MALTESE- the people, the main population of Malta (355 thousand people). The total number of 490 thousand people. (1987). Maltese language. Believers are Catholics.

MAME(self-named - mom) - an Indian people in Guatemala (290 thousand people, 1992) and neighboring regions of Mexico (10 thousand people). The language of the Mayan family is Quiche. Believers are mostly Catholics.

MANIPURI(meithei) - the people of the Kukichin group in India, the main population of the state of Manipur; 1.4 million people (1992). Manipuri language. Believers are mostly Hindus, there are Christians (Protestants) and Sunni Muslims.

MANSI(obsolete - Voguls) - people in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (6.6 thousand people). In total, there are 8.3 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1999). Mansi language. Believers are Orthodox.

MANCHURAS(self-named - Manchu Nyalma) - the people, the indigenous population of Northeast China, 10 million people. (1992). Manchu language. Believers are Buddhists and Taoists, Confucians.

MAORI(self-named) - Polynesian people in New Zealand, 320 thousand people. (1992). Maori language. Believers are Christians (about Protestants and Catholics).

MARATHI(self-named - Maratha) - people in India, the main population of the state of Maharashtra; 66.5 million people (1992). Marathi language. Bef hzshie - mostly Hindus, there are Muslims (mostly Shiites), Buddhists, Catholics.

MARI(self-named - Mari, obsolete - Cheremis) - the people, the indigenous population of the Mari Republic (324 thousand people) and neighboring regions of the Volga and Urals. In total, there are 644 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Mari language. Believers are Orthodox.

MOROCCANS(Moroccan Arabs) - the people, the main population of Morocco (19.4 million people). The total number of 20.35 million people. (1992). They speak a dialect of Arabic. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

Masai(Maasai) - the people of the Nilotic group in Kenya and Tanzania, 670 thousand people. (1992). Maasai language. Adhere to traditional beliefs.

MAZATEQI- Indian people in Mexico (mountainous regions of the state of Oaxaca), 130 thousand people. (1992). The language of the Otomi-Mishteco-Zapotec family. Religion is mostly Catholic.

MASAHUA(self-named - nyatko) - an Indian people in Mexico (mountainous regions in the west of the state of Mexico and the east of the state of Mi choacan), 120 thousand people. (1992). The language of the Otomi-Mishteco-Zapotec family. Religion is mostly Catholic.

MATABELE(matebele, self-named - amandebele) - people in Zimbabwe; 1.65 million people (1992) and South Africa (910 thousand people). Xin-debele language. They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Christians.

MEXICANS- the people, the main population of Mexico (78 million people. 1992) and neighboring regions of the United States (13 million people); mostly mestizos. Spanish language. Believers are mostly Catholics.

MELANESIANS- a group of peoples (the largest are the Fijians, Kanaks, etc.), the indigenous population of Melanesia; 1.7 million people (1992). Melanesian languages. Believers - Protestants, Catholics, there are adherents of traditional beliefs.

MENDE- people in the east of Sierra Leone (about 1, 32 million people, 1987) and the border regions of Liberia (over 10 thousand people). The language of the Mande group. Most adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Sunni Muslims and Protestants.

MENOMINI(self-named) - the Indian people of the Algonquin group in the USA (reservation in Wisconsin, about half in cities), St. 43 thousand people (1987). Religiously Catholic.

MICMAKI- Indian people of the Algonquin group in Canada (reservations in the provinces of Quebec, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island), 12.5 thousand people. (1987). Believers are Protestants and Catholics.

MICRONESIANS- a group of peoples (Kiribati, Truk, Marshallese, etc.), the indigenous population of Micronesia; 220 thousand people (1992). Micronesian languages. Believers - Catholics, Protestants, adhere to traditional beliefs.

MINANGKABAU(self-designation) - people in Indonesia (6.98 million people, mainly in the west of Sumatra). The total number of 7 million people. (1992). The language of the Indonesian branch. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

MISKITO(mosquito) - an Indian people in Nicaragua (150 thousand people, 4992) and Honduras (10 thousand people). The language of the Miskito-Matagalpa family. Believers are Christians (mostly Moravian brothers).

MISHTEKI- Indian people in Mexico (mainly in the north and west of the state of Oaxaca). 260 thousand people (1992). The language of the Otomi-Mishteco-Zapotec family. Believers are Catholics.

MOHICANS- Indian people of the Algonquin group in the USA (several hundred people in the Stockbridge reservation, Wisconsin).

MOGULS- people in the north of Afghanistan, 20 thousand people. (1992). Descendants of the Mongol conquerors of the 13th century, mixed with the local population. The language of the Mongolian group. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

MOKSHA- ethnographic group of Mordovians. Moksha language.

MOLDOVANS(self-named - Moldovan) - the people, the main population of Moldova (2.8 million people). They also live in Ukraine (324.5 thousand people), in the Russian Federation (172.7 thousand people, 1992). The total number of 3.35 million people. Moldovan language. Believers are Orthodox.

MONGO(mongo-ikundo) - people in Zaire. Number of 4.75 million people. (1992). According to religion - part of the Catholics, the rest adhere to traditional beliefs.

MONGOLS(Khalkha-Mongols) - the people, the main population of Mongolia; 1.64 million people (1992). Mongolian language. They also live in China (the Mongols of China; 5.24 million people). Believers are Buddhists.

MONTANIER-NASCAPI- Indian people of the Algonquin group in Canada (the provinces of Quebec and Newfoundland), 15 thousand people. (1992). Preserve traditional beliefs, there are Christians (Catholics and Anglicans).

MONS(Talain) - people in the south of Myanmar and in the south-west of Thailand, 820 thousand people. (1992). The language of the Mon-Khmer group. Believers are Buddhists.

MOUNTAIN MOUNTAIN- a group of peoples in the north of Indochina (Pala-ung, Wa, Banar, Mang. Sedang, etc.); 4.4 million people (1992). Mon-Khmer languages.

MORDVA (Mordovians) - the people, the indigenous population of Mordovia (313 thousand people). The number in the Russian Federation is 1.073 million people. (1992). The total number of 1.15 million people. They are divided into ethnographic groups Erzya and Moksha, Karataev and Teryukhan. Mordovian languages. Believers are Orthodox.

MORO- a group of peoples (Sulu. Samal, Maguindanao, Maranao, Yaka-ny, etc.) in the south of the Philippines; 1.97 million people (1992). languages ​​of the Indonesian group. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

MORU-MANGBETU- a group of peoples (moru, small and, logo, land. Mangbetu, etc.) in Zaire (1.25 million people, 1992) and Uganda (950 thousand people). The total number of 2.35 million people. The language of the Shari-Nile branch of the Nilo-Saharan family. They adhere mainly to traditional beliefs.

MOSI(Mossi) - people in Burkina Faso (4.9 million people, 1992), Ghana (2.5 million people) and Côte d "Ivoire (150 thousand people). The total number is 7.6 million people The language of the Gur subfamily Most adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Sunni Muslims.

MUNDA(self-named - well) - the people of the Munda group in India (mainly the state of Bihar); 2.03 million people (1992). OK. 20 thousand people also live in Bangladesh. Mundari language. They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Hindus and Christians.

MUSKOGI- Indian people in the USA, 8 thousand people. (1992). Muscogee language. Believers are Protestants.

MYANMAR(Burmese) - the people, the main population of Myanmar (ev 30 million people). They also live in India, Cambodia, Laos, etc. The total number is 30.28 million people. (1987). Burmese language. Believers are mostly Buddhists.

MNA(Meo, self-named - Hmong) - people in southern China, northern Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar and Thailand; 8.53 million people, incl. in China, 7.65 million people. (1992). The language of the Miao-Yao group. Adhere to traditional beliefs.

Navajo(self-named - Dene) - Indian people of the Atapas-Kbv group in the USA, 170 thousand people. (1987). Believers are Christians, there are followers of syncretic cults.

NAGA - a group of peoples (ao. Sema, Angama, etc.) in India, the main population of the state of Nagaland. They also live in the states of Manipur and Assam and neighboring areas of Myanmar. The total number of 1.12 thousand people. (1992). Naga language. By religion, some are Christians, the rest adhere to traditional beliefs.

NAGAYBAKI- an ethnographic group of Tatars, descendants of those baptized in the 16th century. Nogais. They live in Bashkiria and the Chelyabinsk region (Russian Federation). Number of 6 thousand people. (1992). Tatar language. Believers are Orthodox.

NAMBIQUARA- Indian peoples of the same group in Brazil (in the north of the state of Mato Grosso), 8 thousand people. (1987). Adhere to traditional beliefs.

NANAYS ( self-name - nani, outdated. name - golds) - people, mainly in the Khabarovsk Territory (Russian Federation), 12 thousand people. (1992). The total number of 17 thousand people. Nanai language.

NGANASAN(self-named - nya) - people in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Russian Federation); 1.3 thousand people (1992). Nganasan language. Believers are Orthodox, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

NGONI(Angoni. Mombera, Mgwangara) are a people in Malawi. Tanzania, Zambia and others (1.4 million people, 1992). Ngoni language. They adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Christians. NEVARS - people in Nepal (900 thousand people. 1992), part - in India (10 thousand people). Nswari language. By religion - Hindus and Buddhists, some adhere to traditional beliefs. NEGIDALTS (self-named - Elkan Beienin, obsolete - Orochons, Gilyaks) - people in the Khabarovsk Territory (Russian Federation). 587 people (1992). Negidal language. Adhere to traditional beliefs.

GERMANS- the people, the main population of Germany (over 74.6 million people). The total number of 86.0 million people. (1992), incl. in the Russian Federation 843 thousand people, in Kazakhstan 958 thousand people. (1992). The language is German. Believers are Protestants (mainly Lutherans) and Catholics.

Nenets(self-named - Khasova, obsolete - Samoyeds, Yuraks) - people in the Arkhangelsk and Tyumen regions, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Russian Federation). The total number of 34 thousand people. (1992). Nenets language. Believers are Orthodox, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

NEPALIS(Khass. Self-named - Nepali) - the people, the main population of Nepal (11.3 million people. 1992). They also live in India (2.1 million people). Nepalese language. Believers are Hindus.

NIVHI(self-name - Nivkh, outdated - ^ Gilyaks) - the people in the Russian Federation ^ the indigenous population of the lower reaches of the river. Amur (Khabarovsk Territory) and about. Sakhalin; 4.6 thousand people (1992). Nivkh language. Believers are Orthodox, there are traditional beliefs.

NICARAGUANS- people, the main population of Nicaragua (3.5 million people). The total number of 3.6 million people. (1992). Mostly mestizos and creoles. Spanish language. Believers are mostly Catholics, some are Protestants (mainly in the east of the country).

NILOTS- a group of peoples (yainka, nuer, southern luo, bari, lotu-ko, maasai, find, pokot, etc.) in East Africa; 20.25 million people (1987). Nilotic languages.

NOGAIS(self-name - nogay) - people in the Russian Federation, mainly in the Stavropol Territory, in Dagestan, as well as in Karachay-Cherkessia, in Chechnya and Ingushetia; 75.2 thousand people (1992). Nogai language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

NORSE- the people, the main population of Norway (4.15 million people). The total number of 5 million people. (1992). Norwegian language. Believers are mostly Lutherans, there are Catholics.

NUBIANS(self-named - Nuba) - a people in southern Egypt (350 thousand people. 1992) and northern Sudan (2.2 million people), the indigenous population of Nubia. Nubian language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

NUPE(self-named - nupensizi) - people in Nigeria; 1.5 million people, (1992). Kwa language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

NURISTANS(kafirs) - a group of related tribes (kati, weigali, ashkuni, prasun) in the northeast of Afghanistan (150 thousand people, 1992) and in neighboring areas of Pakistan (10 thousand people). Nuristani languages. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

NUTKA- Indian people of the Wakashi group in Canada (the coast of Vancouver Island), part - in the USA (Washington State). The total number of 2 thousand people. (1992). Believers are Christians.

NUER(self-named - naas) - the people of the Nilotic group in southern Sudan (1.6 million people. 1992) and in neighboring areas of Ethiopia (100 thousand people). Nuer language. Adhere to traditional beliefs.

NYAMWEZI(self-named - wanyamvszi) - people in Tanzania. The number, together with related sukuma and nyatura, is 4.5 million people. (1992). They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Sunni Muslims and Christians (mainly Catholics).

NYANKOLE(Hima) - people of the Bantu group in Uganda; 1.5 million people (1992). They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Christians.

OVAMBO(ambo) - the people of the Bantu group in Namibia (750 thousand people. 1992) and Angola (240 thousand people). Believers are Christians (mostly Lutherans).

OVIMBUNDU(mbundu) - people of the Bantu group in Angola; 3.7 million people (1992). Believers are Catholics and Protestants, some retain traditional beliefs.

OJIBWE(Chippewa) - the Indian people of the Algonquin group in the USA (10 thousand people, 1992) and Canada (20 thousand people). Believers are mostly Catholics.

OIRAT- a group of Western Mongolian peoples (Derbets, Bayats, Torguts, Olets, Zakhchins, etc.). The number in Mongolia is 145 thousand people. (1992), China has 25 thousand people. Oirat language. Believers - / schi - Buddhists.

OMANTS(Arabs of Oman) - the people, the main population of Oman. Number of 1.5 million people. (1992). They also live in1 Kuwait (100 thousand people). Arabic language. Believers are Muslims (Kharijis-you-Ibalites, Sunnis, adherents of Wahhabism).

ORAONS(self-named - kurukh) - people in India (2 million people, 1992). St. 10 thousand people. lives in Bangladesh. The language of the Dravidian family. Most believers adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Christians.

ORIA(utkali) - people in India, the main population of the state of Orissa (32.2 million people. 1992). OK. 50 thousand people live in Bangladesh. Oriya language. Believers are Hindus.

OROC(self-named - ulta, ulcha) - people in the Russian Federation (on Sakhalin Island): 0.2 thousand people. (1992). Orok language. Believers are Orthodox.

OROMO(Galla) - the people of the Kushite group in Ethiopia (20.3 million people, 1992) and neighboring regions of Kenya (over 200 thousand people), Eritrea and Sudan. The total number of 20.6 million people. (1992). Oromo language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims, there are Christians (monophysites, Lutherans, Catholics).

OROCHI ( self-name - Orochisel) - people in the Russian Federation (Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories), 883 thousand people. (1992). Oroch language. Believers are Orthodox, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

OSSETIANS(self-name - iron, digoron) - people in the Russian Federation (402.6 thousand people, including 335 thousand people in North Ossetia) and Georgia (164 thousand people, including in South Ossetia 65 thousand people, 1992). The total number of 598 thousand people. (1992). Ossetian language. Believers are mostly Orthodox, there are Sunni Muslims.

OTOMIE(self-name - nian niu) - an Indian people in Mexico (300 thousand people, 1992). The language of the Otomi-Mishteco-Sapot family. Believers are mostly Catholics, there are Protestants.

PALESTINIAN ARAB(Palestinians) - the people, the indigenous population of Palestine. The total number of 5.5 million people. (1992): in Israel, St. 826 thousand people, on the West Bank of the river. Jordan 973 thousand people, Gaza St. 645 thousand people, in Jordan 2.23 million people, as well as refugees in a number of countries. Arabic language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

PAMIR PEOPLES(Pamir Tajiks, Pamirs) - ethnographic groups of Tajiks in Tajikistan (Yazgulsmiy, Rushans, Bartangs, Shugnans, Ishkaishms, Vakhans). Afghanistan (Munjans, Zsbashs, etc.), Pakistan (Yidga and Munjans), and China (Sarykolysh and Wahani). Number of 300 thousand people. (1992). Pamir languages. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

PAMPANGANS- people in the Philippines (central and southwestern parts of Luzon), 2 million people. (1992). The language of the Indonesian branch. Believers are mostly Catholics.

Panamanians- the people, the main population of Panama (approx. 2.23 million people). The total number of 2.3 million people. (1992). Mostly mestizos and mulattoes. Spanish language. Believers are mostly Catholics.

PANGASINANS- people in the Philippines (province of Pangasi-nan, Luzon Island); 1.45 million people (1992). The language of the Indonesian branch. Believers are mostly Catholics.

PUNJABIS(Punjabis) - people in Pakistan (Punjab province, 82 million people, 1992) and India (Punjab state). Total population approx. 90 million people Punjabi. Punjabi believers in India are mostly Hindus, while those in Pakistan are mostly Sunni Muslims.

ANSP- a group of Indian peoples of the upper Amazon (Guaykuru, Chama, Cashinahua, Chacobo, etc.). They live in the east of Peru (30 thousand people, 1992), the west of Brazil (up to 1 thousand people) and the north of Bolivia (1 thousand people). Pan languages. Adhere to traditional beliefs.

PAPUAN- a group of peoples, the indigenous population of Western Melanesia (enga, chimbu, hagen, kamano, huli, etc.); 4.8 million people (1992). They speak Papuan languages. First studied by N.N.Miklukho-Maclay.

PARAGUANIS- the people, the main population of Paraguay (4.12 million people). The total number of 4.5 million people. (1992). Mostly mestizos. They speak Spanish and Guarani. Believers are Catholics.

PAHARI- a group of peoples in the north-west of India (Kumaoni, Garkhvali, etc.), 3 million people. (1992). The language of the Indian group. The believers are mostly Hindus.

PEDI(Bapsdi, Northern Suthos) are the people of the Bantu group in South Africa and neighboring regions of Zimbabwe and Botswana. Number of 2.85 million people. (1987), incl. in South Africa ca. 2.76 million people They adhere to traditional beliefs, some are Christians (Protestants).

PENUTI- a group of Indian peoples (Tsimshians, Sahaptins, etc.) in the western United States (10 thousand people. 1992). Penuti language. Adhere to traditional beliefs.

PERSIANS(Farsi, self-named - Irani) - people in Iran (21.3 million people). The total number of St. 21.9 million people (1987). Persian language. By religion they are Shia Muslims.

PERUANS- people, the main population of Peru (about 13.7 million people). The total number of 13.82 million people. (1992). Mostly mestizos and mulattoes. Spanish and Quechua languages. Believers are mostly Catholics.

PIPIL(self-named - maseual) - an Indian people in El Salvador. 155 thousand people (1992). The language of the Aztec-Tanoan family. By religion they are Catholics.

POLYNESIANS- a group of peoples (Maori, Samoans, Tongans, Tahitians, etc.), the indigenous population of Polynesia; 1.12 million people (1992). Polynesian languages. Believers are Catholics, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

POLES- the people, the main population of Poland (over 37.75 million people). The total number of 44.2 million people. (1992), incl. in the Russian Federation 94.6 thousand people, in Ukraine 219.2 thousand people, in Lithuania 258 thousand people, in Belarus 417.7 thousand people. Polish language. Believers are mostly Catholics.

PORTUGUESE- the people, the main population of Portugal (9.8 million people). The total number of 13.44 million people. (1992). The language is Portuguese. Believers are mostly Catholics.

PUEBLO- a group of Indian peoples (Hopi, Zuni, Keres, Tano) in the southwestern United States (New Mexico and Arizona), 32 thousand people. (1987). Languages ​​of the Uto-Aztecan family, the Xrss language is close to the Jocaltec languages.

PUERTORICANS- the people, the main population of Puerto Rico; 3.55 million people (1992). They also live in the USA (2.22 million people). Mostly Creoles, mulattoes and blacks. They speak a local variety of Spanish. Believers are mostly Catholics.

rajasthani- people in India, the main population of the state of Rajasthan (19.9 million people, 1992). They also live in Pakistan (400 thousand people). The language of the Indo-Iranian group. The believers are mostly Hindus.

RAETOROMANCERS- a group of peoples in Italy (Ladins and Friuls, 740 thousand people, 1992) and Switzerland (Romanches, 60 thousand people). Romansh language. Believers are Catholics and Protestants.

Reunion Creoles- the people, the main population of Reunion (400 thousand people. 1992). The language is creolized French. Believers are Catholics.

REEFS people in Morocco. Number of 1.25 million people. (1992). Reef language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

RWANDA(Nyarwanda, Banyarwanda) - the people of the Bantu group, the main population of Rwanda (7.1 million people). They also live in Zaire (over 3.9 million people), Uganda (1.1 million people), etc. The total number is 12.35 million people. (1992). Believers are mostly Catholics, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

ROMANIANS- the people, the main population of Romania (20.66 million people). The total number of 21 million people. (1992), incl. in the Russian Federation approx. 6 thousand people Romanian language. Believers are mostly Orthodox.

RUNDI(self-named - barundi) - the people of the Bantu group, the main. population of Burundi (4.5 million people). They also live in Zaire, Uga-de and Rwanda. The total number of 8 million people. (1992). Some are bent on traditional beliefs, some are Christians (mostly Catholics).

RUSSIAN- the people, the main population of the Russian Federation (over 119.87 million people). 11.35 million people in Ukraine, 6.23 million people in Kazakhstan, 1.65 million people in Uzbekistan, 1.34 million people in Belarus, 916.6 thousand people in Kyrgyzstan, 905.5 thousand people in Latvia people, Moldova 562 thousand people, Estonia 474.8 thousand people, Azerbaijan 392.3 thousand people, Tajikistan 388.5 thousand people, Lithuania 344.5 thousand people, Georgia 341, 2 thousand people, Turkmenistan 333.9 thousand people, Armenia 51.5 thousand people. (1989). They also live in the countries of America (mainly in the USA) and Western Europe. The total number of 146.5 million people. (1992). Russian language. Believers are mostly Orthodox.

RUTULYDY(self-named - myh abdyr) - people in Dagestan (Rutul and Akhtyn districts) and Azerbaijan (Nukhinsky district), 20 thousand people. (1992). Rutulian language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

SAAMI(Lapps) - people in the northern regions of Norway (30 thousand people, 1992), Sweden (15 thousand people), Finland (5 thousand people) and the Russian Federation (2 thousand people). Sami language. Saami believers in the Russian Federation are Orthodox, in Scandinavia - Lutherans).

SALAR(self-named - salyr) - people in China (mainly in the province of Qinghai), 90 thousand people. (1992). Salar language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

SALVADOR- the people, the main population of El Salvador (St. 4.84 million people). The total number of 5.3 million people. (1992). Spanish language. Believers are Catholics.

SAMOANS- Polynesian people, the main population of the Samoa Islands (190 thousand people). They also live in New Zealand, Australia, etc. The total number is 335 thousand people. (1992). Believers are mostly Protestants.

SANTALS- the people of the Munda group in India (6.2 million people, mainly the states of Bihar and West Bengal). They also live in Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. The total number of 6.3 million people. (1992). Santali language. Preserve traditional beliefs, some are Hindus.

SALOTEKI- Indian people in Mexico (Oaxaca), 350 thousand people. (1992). Zapotec language. Believers are Catholics.

SASAKI- people in Indonesia (Lombok island); 1.75 million people (1992). Sasak language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims, some retain traditional beliefs.

SAUDI(Arabs of Saudi Arabia) - the people, the main population of Saudi Arabia (13.25 million people, 1992). They also live in Kuwait (50 thousand people). Arabic language. Believers are Muslims (Sunnis and Shiites).

SWAZI(self-name - ama-swazi. ama-ngwane) - the people of the Bantu group, the main population of Swaziland (660 thousand people) and neighboring regions of South Africa (1.2 million people). They also live in Mozambique. The total number of 1.87 million people. (1992). Swazi language. Preserve traditional beliefs, some are Baptists.

SEYCHELLES(Creoles of the Seychelles) - the people, the main population of the Republic Seychelles. Number of 65 thousand people. (1992). Kriol language. Believers - Catholics, Anglicans.

SECCLAIRS(Székely) - an ethnographic group of Hungarians in Transylvania (Romania); 1.7 million people (1987).

SELISHI- a group of Indian peoples in southwestern Canada and the northwestern United States. St. 20 thousand people (1992). Slish languages. Believers are Christians.

SELCUPS(outdated name - Ostyako-Samoyeds) - people in the Russian Federation, the Tyumen and Tomsk regions and the Krasnoyarsk Territory; 3.6 thousand people (1992). Selkup language. Believers are Orthodox.

SEMANGI- a group of Negrito peoples (msnik, mehndi, etc.) in Malaysia and Thailand, approx. 8 thousand people (1992). Semang language. Preserve traditional beliefs.

SEMINOLES- Indian people of the Muscovy group in the states of Oklahoma and Florida (USA), St. 4 thousand people (1992). Christians.

SENOI- a group of peoples (semai, timiar, besisi, etc.) in Malaysia and Thailand, approx. 40 thousand people (1992). Languages ​​of the Malacca group of the Austroasiatic family. Preserve traditional beliefs, there are Sunni Muslims.

SAINTVINCENTS- the people, the main population of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (105 thousand people. 1992). The language is the local dialect of English. Believers are Anglicans. Methodists, some are Catholics, there are adherents of traditional beliefs.

SAINTLUCIANS- the people, the main population of Saint Lucia (135 thousand people. 1992). The language is the local dialect of English. Believers are Catholics, some are Protestants, adherents of traditional beliefs.

SENUFO people in Mali. Burkina Faso and Côte d "Ivoire; 3.8 million people (1992). Senufo language. Preserve traditional beliefs, there are Sunni Muslims.

SERBS(self-named - srbi) - the people, the main population of Serbia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The total number of 10.16 million people, incl. in Serbia St. 6.7 million people (1992). The language is Serbo-Croatian. Believing Serbs are Orthodox, there are Catholics and Protestants, Sunni Muslims.

SERER- the people in Senegal (1.32 million people, 1992) and the Gambia (over 10 thousand people). Sersr language Preserve traditional beliefs.

SETU- an ethnographic group of Estonians in the southeast of Estonia and in the Pechersk district of the Pskov region. Believers are Orthodox.

SEPhardi- a sub-ethnic group of Jews using the Ladino (Ssfardian) language close to Spanish. Descendants of immigrants from the Iberian Peninsula, live in the countries of North Africa, Asia Minor, the Balkan Peninsula, in Israel.

SIAMESE(Khontai) - the people of the Thai group, the main population of Thailand (29.5 million people). The total number of 29.7 million people. (1992). Siamese language. Buddhists.

SIKHI- a people who emerged from the Punjabis. The total population is 16.7 million people. (1992), incl. in India 16.5 million people. Punjabi language. Believers are Sikhs.

SINHALES(Sinhalese) - the people, the main population of the Republic of Sri Lanka (13.2 million people. 1992). The language is Sinhala. Believers are Buddhists

SINDHI- the people, the main population of the province of Sindh in Pakistan (16.8 million people), in the neighboring regions of India, St. 2 million people (1992). Sindhi language. Believers are Sunni Muslims, in India mostly Hindus.

SYRIANS(Arabs of Syria) - the people, the main population of Syria. The number in Syria is 11.75 million people. (1992). They also live in Kuwait (100 thousand people). The total population is 11.85 million people. Arabic language. Believers are Sunni Muslims, there are Shiites, Christians.

SNU- a group of Indian peoples (Dakota, Assiniboine, Crow, Ossj, etc.) in the USA and Canada. 70 thousand people (1992). They speak Sioux languages. Believers are Christians, there are adherents of traditional beliefs.

SLAVS- a group of peoples in Europe: eastern (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians), western (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Lusatians), southern (Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, Slovenes, Macedonians, Bosnians, Montenegrins). Population 293.5 million people (1992), incl. in the Russian Federation 125.5 million people Believers - Orthodox, Catholics, some Protestants. They speak Slavic languages.

SLOVAKIANS(self-named - Slovaks) - the people, the main population of Slovakia. Number of 5.6 million people, incl. in Slovakia ca. 4.5 million people (1992). Slovak language. Believers are Catholics, there are Protestants and Uniates.

SLOVENES(self-named - Slovenia) - the people, the main population of Slovenia. Number of 2.3 million people. (1992), of which 1.7 million people live in Slovenia. Slovenian language. Believers are Catholics, there are Protestants and Orthodox.

SOMALIS(Somali) - the people, the main population of Somalia (6.1 million people). They also live in Ethiopia, Kenya and others. The total number is 7.7 million people. (1992). Somali language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

SONGAY- people in Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Benin; 1.6 million people (1992). Songei language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

SONINKE- one of the Mandingo peoples in Mali, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Mauritania, Gambia; 1.37 million people (1992). The language of the Mande group. Believers are Sunni Muslims, some are Catholics.

SWAHILI(Vasuahili) - the people of the Bantu group in Tanzania (2.06 million people), Mozambique, Zaire and others. The total number is 2.4 million people. (1992). Swahili language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

SUDANESE(Arabs of Sudan) - the people, the main population of Sudan (about 13 million people). They also live in Chad (1.29 million people) and other countries. The total number of 14.3 million people. (1992). Believers are Sunni Muslims.

CHUNKS(Sundans, self-named - Sunda) - people in Indonesia, mainly in the west of about. Java; 24.5 million people (1992). Sundanese language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

SUSU(self-named - coco) - the people of the Mandingo group in Guinea, Sierra Leone; OK. 1.16 million people (1992). Susu language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

STO(Basotho) - the people of the Bantu group, the main population of Lesotho and neighboring regions of South Africa. The number of St. 4 million people (1992), of which in South Africa 2.44 million people, Lesotho 1.6 million people. They also live in Botswana. Suto language. Believers are Christians, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

TABASARANS- people in Dagestan (78.2 thousand people), in total in the Russian Federation 93.6 thousand people. (1992). The total number of 98 thousand people. Tabasaran language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

TAGALS(self-named - tagailog) - people in the Philippines, the main population of the central and southern parts of the island. Luzon; 15.4 million people (1992). Tagalog language. Believers are Catholics.

TAJIKS- the people, the main population of Tajikistan (3.172 million people), in the Russian Federation 38.2 thousand people. (1992). Tajik language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

TAI- a group of peoples (Siamese, Zhuang, Lao, Bui, Shan, Tai, etc.) in the countries of Indochina, South China and Northeast India; 70 million people (1992). Thai languages.

TAHITIAN- the people, the main population of. Tahiti and other islands of the Society; 130 thousand people (1992). The Tahitian language is a Polynesian group. Believers are Calvinists, some are Catholics.

TAI(bo) - people in South China, 1 million people. (1992). Thai language. Believers are Buddhists.

TALISHI- people in the southeast of Azerbaijan (21.1 thousand people, 1989) and in the north of Iran (100 thousand people, 1992). Talysh language. Believers are Shia Muslims, some are Sunnis.

TAMIL- people in India (the main population of the state of Tamil Nadu). 61 million people (1992); in northern Sri Lanka ca. 2.8 million people They also live in Singapore and others. The total number is 64.1 million people. Tamil language. Believers are Hindus, there are Sunni Muslims and Christians.

TARASKY(self-name - purepecha) - Indian people in Mexico, 65 thousand people. (1992). Tarasco language. Believers are Catholics.

TATARS(self-named - Tatars) - the people, the main population of Tataria (1.765 million people, 1992). They also live in Bashkiria, the Mari Republic, Mordovia, Udmurtia, Chuvashia, Nizhny Novgorod, Kirov, Penza and other regions of the Russian Federation. The Turkic-speaking communities of Siberia (Siberian Tatars), Crimea (Crimean Tatars), etc. are also called Tatars. The total number is 6.71 million people, of which in the Russian Federation (excluding Crimean Tatars) 5.52 million people (1992). Tatar language. Believing Tatars are Sunni Muslims.

TATS- people in the Russian Federation (mainly in Dagestan - 12.9 thousand people; only 19.4 thousand people, 1992) and Azerbaijan (10.2 thousand people). The language is Tat. Believers are Judaists, Sunni Muslims, Monophysite Christians.

TEKE(Bateke, self-named - thio) - the people of the Bantu group in Zaire (1.05 million people, 1992), Congo (410 thousand people) and Gabon (about 20 thousand people). Believers are mostly Catholics, some retain traditional beliefs.

TELUGU(andhra) - people in India, the main population of the state of Andhra Pradesh. They also live in the states of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka; 74.5 million people (1992). Telugu. Believers are mostly Hindus, some are Sunni Muslims.

DARK(self-named - atemne) - people in Sierra Leone; 1.55 million people (1992). The language of the Niger-Congo branch. Most adhere to traditional beliefs.

TESO(self-named - iteso) - the people of the Nilotic group in Uganda (1.55 million people, 1992) and neighboring regions of Kenya (270 thousand people) and Sudan (about 100 thousand people). Teso language. Most retain traditional beliefs, there are Christians.

TIBETS(self-named - pyoba) - a people in southwestern China (Tibet and neighboring regions; 4.75 million people). They also live in India and Bhutan. The total number of 4.83 million people. (1992). Tibetan language. Believers are Buddhists.

TIV(self-named - Munshi) - people in Nigeria (2.7 million people, 1992) and Cameroon (300 thousand people). Tiv language. Most retain traditional beliefs, there are Christians and Sunni Muslims.

TIGRAI people in Ethiopia and Eritrea. The total number of 4 million people. (1992), incl. in Ethiopia 2.2 million people. Tigray language. Believers are mostly monophysite Christians, there are Sunni Muslims.

TIGRE- people in Eritrea (1.2 million people, 1992). Tiger language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims, some are Christians.

Tlingit(self-named - Tlingit) - an Indian people in the USA (southeast of Alaska) and Canada (Yukon Territory), only approx. 1 thousand people (1992). The language of the Na-Dene family. Believers are Christians (mostly Orthodox).

TONGA- people of the Bantu group in Zambia and Zimbabwe; 1.65 million people (1992). Most believers retain traditional beliefs, there are Christians and Sunni Muslims.

TONGA- people, the main population of Tonga, 105 thousand people. (1992). They also live in Australia. The language of the Polynesian group. Believers - Christians (mostly Methodists), part of the Catholics.

TORAJI- a group of peoples (Sadangi, Poso, Koro, Palu, etc.) in Indonesia (the central part of Sulawesi Island); 1.5 million people (1992). They speak Indonesian. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims and Protestant Christians.

TOTONAKI- Indian people in Mexico, 200 thousand people. (1992). The language is related to the Penuti languages. Believers are Catholics.

TOFALAR(self-name - tofa, obsolete name - karagasy) - people in the Nizhneudinsky district Irkutsk region; OK. 700 people (1992). The language of the Turkic group. Believers are Orthodox.

TSWANA(Chuana. Bschuans) - the people of the Bantu group, the main population of Botswana, 1 million people. (1992). They also live in neighboring regions of South Africa (about 3.7 million people), in Zimbabwe and Namibia. Setswana language. Most retain traditional beliefs, there are Christians.

TSONGA(self-named - batsonga) - the people of the Bantu group in southern Mozambique (3.5 million people, 1992), in neighboring regions of South Africa (1.4 million people), etc. The total number is 5.3 million people. Tsonga language. Some are Catholics, some adhere to traditional beliefs.

TUAREGI(self-named - imoschag) - the people of the Berber group in Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, Algeria and Libya; 1.15 million people (1992), incl. in Mali St. 610 thousand people Tuareg languages. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

TUVANS(self-named - Tuva, outdated names - Soyots, Uriankhians, Tannu-Tuvans) - the people, the main population of Tuva (198.4 thousand people). In total, there are 206.2 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). The total number of 207 thousand people. (1992), also live in Mongolia and China. Tuvan language. Believers are Lamaists.

TUCANO(Betoya) - a group of Indian peoples (Korsguaje, Kuteo. Macuna, etc.) in Colombia, Brazil. Peru and Ecuador, 51 thousand people. (1992), incl. 30 thousand people in Colombia. They speak Tukano languages. Most believers retain traditional beliefs, there are Christians.

TULU- people in India, mainly in the west of the state of Tamil Nadu; 1.9 million people (1992). The language of the Dravidian family. Believers are Hindus.

TUNISIANS(Arabs of Tunisia) - the people, the main population of Tunisia (8.2 million people). The total number of 8.6 million people. (1992). Arabic language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

TUPI GUARANI- a group of Indian peoples (Guarani, Caingua, Guayaqui, Tupinamba, Munduruku, Siriono, etc.) in Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Guyana, etc., ISO thousand people. (1992). Tupi-Guarani languages. Believers adhere to traditional beliefs.

TURKS(self-named - Turk) - the people, the main population of Turkey (50 million people). The total number is 53.3 million people (1992). Turkish language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

TURKMEN(self-named - Turkmen) - the people, the main population of Turkmenistan (2.537 million people, 1992). They also live in Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey and other countries. The total number of 4.6 million people. Turkmen language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

TUJIA(self-named - biseka) - the people in China (the provinces of Hunan and Hubei); 5.9 million people (1992). The language of the Sino-Tibetan family.

TYAMY(chams, tyams) - people in Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand, 290 thousand people. (1992). The language of the Indonesian group. Believers are mostly Hindus, there are Sunni Muslims in Cambodia.

UGR- a generalizing name for peoples related in language - the Trans-Ural Mansi and Khanty, the Danube Hungarians (Magyars). They speak the Ugric languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the Finno-Ugric group.

UDINS(self-named - udi) - the people in Azerbaijan (6.1 thousand people). The total number of 8 thousand people. (1992). In the Russian Federation, 1 thousand people. Udi language. Udi believers are Christians (monophisites and Orthodox).

UDMURT(self-name - Udmurt, old name - Votyak) - people, the indigenous population of Udmurtia (497 thousand people). The total number of 747 thousand people. (1992). Udmurt language. Believers are Orthodox.

UDEGE(self-named - udee, udehe) - people in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories of the Russian Federation (2 thousand people, 1992). Udege language.

UZBEKS(self-name - Uzbek) - the people, the main population of Uzbekistan (14.145 million people, 1992). They also live in Afghanistan (over 1.7 million people), Tajikistan (about 1.2 million people). Kazakhstan (332 thousand people), etc. The total number is 18.5 million people. Uzbek language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

UIGUR(self-name - Uighur) - people in China (7.5 million people, 1992). They also live in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, etc. The total number is 7.77 million people. Uighur language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

UKRAINIANS- the people, the main population of Ukraine (37.42 million people). In the Russian Federation 4362.8 thousand people, Kazakhstan 896.2 thousand people, Moldova 600.3 thousand people, Belarus 291 thousand people, Uzbekistan 153.2 thousand people, Kyrgyzstan 108 thousand people ., Latvia 92.1 thousand people; in Canada 530 thousand people, USA 500 thousand people. Poland 300 thousand people, Argentina 100 thousand people. The total number of 46 million people. (1992). Ukrainian language. Believers are Orthodox, part of the Uniate.

ULCHI(self-named - nani) - people in the Khabarovsk Territory of the Russian Federation (3.2 thousand people, 1992). Ulch language. Believers are mostly Orthodox.

URUGUANS- the people, the main population of Uruguay (2.7 million people). The total number of 2.83 million people. (1992). Spanish language. Believers are mostly Catholics.

WELSH(Welsh) - people in Great Britain, the main population of Wales (880 thousand people). They also live in the USA, Canada, etc. The total number is 1 million people. (1992). Welsh language. Believers are mostly Anglicans.

FANG(Pangwe, Pahuin) - a group of Bantu peoples (actually Fang, Yaounde, Mwele, etc.) in Cameroon (2.53 million people), Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. The total number of 3.25 million people. (1992). Mostly traditional beliefs are preserved, there are Christians.

Faroese- people, the main population of the Faroe Islands (40 thousand people, 1992). Faroese language. Believers are Lutherans.

FIJIANS- the people, the indigenous population of the Fiji Islands (340 thousand people, 1992). Fijian language. Believers are Protestants.

FINNS(self-name - suomalayset) - the people, the main population of Finland (4.65 million people). The total number of 5.43 million people. (1992), incl. in the Russian Federation 47.1 thousand people. (1989). Finnish language. Believers are Protestants (Lutherans).

FLEMISH- people in the north of Belgium (over 5.1 million people, 1992), in the Netherlands (1.72 million people), in other countries (about 250 thousand people). Flemish language. Believers are Catholics.

FRANCO CANADANS- the people in Canada (the province of Quebec, part of the provinces of Ontario and New Brunswick; 7.2 million people, 1992). They also live in the USA (over 2 million people). They speak Canadian French. Believers are mostly Catholics.

FRENCH PEOPLE people, the main population of France. OK. 47 million people (1992). French language. Believers are Catholics.

FRIULES(self-named - furlans) - people in Italy. Number of 720 thousand people. (1992). Romansh language. Believers are Catholics.

FULBE(Afuli, Fulani, Pol) are a people in Nigeria. Guinea. Senegal. Mali, Niger, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Benin, Guinea-Bissau and others. Total 22.7 million people. (1992). including in Nigeria 14 million people. Fula language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

HAZAREANS(self-named - Khazars) - people in Afghanistan (1.7 million people, 1992) and Iran (220 thousand people). The language of the Iranian group. Believers are Shia Muslims.

KHAKAS(self-name - Khakass, obsolete names - Abakan or Minusinsk Tatars) - people in Khakassia (62.9 thousand people), in total in the Russian Federation 79 thousand people. (1989). Khakass language. Believers are Orthodox, traditional beliefs are preserved.

Khalkha(Khalkhas) - the people of the Mongols of modern Mongolia.

HANI- a group of peoples in China (over 1.3 million people) and the countries of Indochina. The total number of 1.48 million people. (1992). Lolo-Burmese languages.

Khanty(self-name - Khante, old name - Ostyaks) - people in the Khanty-Mansiysk (11.9 thousand people) and Yamalo-Nenets (7.2 thousand people) autonomous districts and the Tomsk region. In total, there are 22.3 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1989). Khanty language. Believers are Orthodox.

HOUSE- people in Nigeria (26 million people). Niger (4.3 million people) and others. The total number is 30.8 million people. (1992). Hausa language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

JIBARO(Shuara) - a group of Indian peoples in Peru (40 thousand people, 1992) and Ecuador (35 thousand people). Languages ​​of the Ando-Equatorial macrofamily. Believers are Catholics.

Hindustanis(Hindustani) - an ethnic community, the main population of India (St. 245 million people, 1992). St. 656 thousand people. outside of India. Consist of many local groups. Hindi. The believers are mostly Hindus. some adhere to traditional beliefs.

XO- the people of the Munda group in India (Bihar state); 1.2 million people (1992). The believers are mostly Hindus.

HOKA- a group of Indian peoples in the United States (California) and Mexico. Total ok. 70 thousand people (1992). The languages ​​of the Hocaltec. Adhere to traditional beliefs.

CROATS- the people, the main population of Croatia (3.8 million people). They also live in Serbia (200 thousand people). Bosnia and Herzegovina (830 thousand people). The total number of 5.65 million people. (1992). The language is Croatian-Serbian. Believers are mostly Catholics.

HUI(Huizu, Tungan. Dungan) - people in China (mainly in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region); 8.9 million people (1992). Chinese dialects. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

Tsakhura- people in Dagestan (5.2 thousand people) and Azerbaijan (13 thousand people. 1992). Tsakhur language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

Tzimshian- Indian people in the USA (Alaska. 30 thousand people, 1992) and Canada (2 thousand people). The language of the Penutian family. Believers are Christians.

gypsies(self-name - Roma) - an ethnic community; live in many countries. Ancestors - immigrants from India (end of the 1st millennium AD). The total number of 2.62 million people. (1992); in the Russian Federation 153 thousand people. (1989). Gypsy language.

CHAMORRO- people, the main population of the Mariana Islands. Number of 98 thousand people. (1992), incl. on about. Guam 80 thousand people The language of the Indonesian group. Believers are Christians.

CHARAIMAKI- a group of peoples (dzhsmshidy, firyuzkuhi, tayma-ni. teimuri) in the north-west of Afghanistan (600 thousand people, 1992) and north-east of Iran (260 thousand people). Iranian languages. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims, some in Iran are Shiites.

CHEYENNE(self-named - dzi-tsis-tas) - the Indian people of the Algonquin group in the USA (reservations in the states of Montana and Oklahoma), 8 thousand people. (1992). Believers are Christians (Protestants).

Circassians(self-named - Adyge) - people in Karachay-Cherkessia (40.2 thousand people). In total, there are 50.7 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). In Turkey and other countries of Western Asia, Circassians are also called all people from the North Caucasus. The total number of 270 thousand people. (1992). The language is Kabardino-Circassian. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

Montenegrins- people, the main population of Montenegro (460 thousand people); in Serbia 140 thousand people. (1992). They also live in the USA and Albania. The total number of 620 thousand people. They speak the Sto-Kavian dialect of the Serbo-Croatian language. Believers are mostly Orthodox.

CZECH- people, the main population of the Czech Republic (9.55 million people, 1992). The total number of 10.38 million people. Czech language. Believers are mostly Catholics, there are Protestants.

CHECHEN(self-name - Nokhchi) - people in Chechnya and Ingushetia (734.5 thousand people) and Dagestan (57.9 thousand people). In total, there are 899 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). The total number of 957 thousand people. Chechen language. Believers are Sunni Muslims.

ZHUANG(self-named Bunun) - people in China (Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Yunnan Province), 16 million people. (1992). Zhuang language. Traditional beliefs, Taoists.

CHIBCHA- a group of Indian peoples (Kuna, Guaimi, Muisca, Pas-to, etc.) in South and Central America, 635 thousand people. (1992). Chibchan languages. Believers are Catholics.

CHILEANS- the people, the main population of Chile (St. 11.4 million people). The total number of 11.78 million people. (1992). Spanish language. Believers are Catholics.

CHEROKEE ( Cherokee) - the Indian people of the Iroquois group in the USA (reservations in the states of North Carolina and Oklahoma), 66 thousand people. (1992).

Chuvantsy(Shelags, self-named - etel) - the people in Chukotka (the Anadyr River basin), approx. 1.5 thousand people (1992). They speak a dialect of the Yukagir language. Believers are Orthodox.

CHUVASH(self-named - Chavash) - the people, the main population of Chuvashia (907.6 thousand people), also live in Bashkiria, Tatarstan, Ulyanovsk and Samara regions, etc. In total, there are 1773.6 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). Chuvash language. Believers are Orthodox.

CHUKCHI- the people in the Chukotka (about 12 thousand people) and Koryaksky (1.5 thousand people) autonomous regions. Total in the Russian Federation15.1 thousand people. (1992). Chukchi language. Believers are Orthodox.

SHAN(self-named - Thai Nyo) - the people of the Thai group in the northeast of Myanmar (2.85 million people), in Thailand and Laos. The total number of 2.93 million people. (1987). Believers are mostly Buddhists.

SWEDEN- the people, the main population of Sweden (St. 8.06 million people). The total number of 9.4 million, people. (1992). Swedish language. Believers are Christians (mostly Lutherans).

SWISS is the common name for the population of Switzerland. Includes German Swiss (4.22 million people, 1992), French Royals (1.16 million people), Italian Swiss (230 thousand people) and Romansh (60 thousand people). They speak respectively German, French, Italian and Romansh. Believers are Protestants (most of the German Swiss, Franco-Swiss and Romansh) and Catholics (Italian kings, etc.).

SHERPS(Sherpa) - people in the east of Nepal (100 thousand people, 1992) and in neighboring regions of India (15 thousand people). The language of the Tibeto-Birman group. Believers are Buddhists.

SHILLUK(self-named - cholo) - people in Sudan. Number of 430 thousand people. (1992). Shilluk language. Traditional beliefs persist.

SHOWNA(mashona) - the people of the Bantu group in Zimbabwe (7.5 million people). Mozambique (approx. 1 million people), Botswana and South Africa. The total number of 8.68 million people. (1992). Shona language. They adhere to traditional beliefs, there are Christians.

SHORTS(self-named - shor) - people in the Russian Federation, in the Kemerovo region (Gornaya Shoria); 16 thousand people (1992). Shor language.

SCOTS- the people, the main population of Scotland and the adjacent islands (5.18 million people). The total number of 6.1 million people. (1992). Scottish language. The believers are mostly Presbyterians (except for the ethnographic group of Gaels).

Shoshone- a group of Indian peoples (actually Shoshone, Comanche, Ute, Hopi, etc.) in the USA. Total ok. 70 thousand people (1992). Languages ​​of the Uto-Aztecan family. traditional beliefs.

EWE(self-named - evegbe) - people in Ghana (1.9 million people, 1992), Togo (1.71 million people) and Nigeria (50 thousand people). Ewe language. Preserve traditional beliefs, there are Christians and Sunni Muslims.

EVENKI(self-named - Orochon, obsolete - Tungus) - people in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and other regions of Siberia. In total, there are 29.9 thousand people in the Russian Federation. (1992). They also live in China (35 thousand people, 1992). Evenki language. Believers are adherents of traditional beliefs, Orthodox.

EVENS(self-named - Even, obsolete - Lamuts) - people in Yakutia, Magadan and Kamchatka regions, Khabarovsk Territory. Number of 17.0 thousand people. (1992). Even language.

ECUADORIANS- the people, the main population of Ecuador (6.6 million people). The total number of 6.73 million people. (1992). Spanish language. Believers are mostly Catholics.

ENTS(obsolete - Yenisei Samoyeds) - people in the Taimyr (Dolganr-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug. Number approx. 200 people (1992). Enets language. Believers are Orthodox.

ERZYA- ethnographic group of Mordovians. Erzya language.

ESKIMOS(self-named - Inuit) - a group of peoples in Alaska (USA, 38 thousand people, 1992), northern Canada (28 thousand people), about. Greenland (Greenlanders, 47 thousand people) and in the Russian Federation (Magadan Region and Wrangel Island; 1.7 thousand people, 1992). Eskimo language.

ESTONIANS(self-named - estlased) - the people, the main population of Estonia (963 thousand people); in the Russian Federation 46.4 thousand people. (1992). They also live in the USA and Canada. Sweden and Australia. Total population approx. 1.1 million people (1992). Estonian language. Believers are mostly Lutherans, there are Orthodox (mostly Setos).

ETHIOPIES- the name of the population of Ethiopia.

Yukaghirs(self-named - detkil) - people in Yakutia and the Magadan region (Russian Federation). Number of 1.1 thousand people. (1992). Yukagir language.

JAVANESE- people in Indonesia (89.0 million people), the main population of the central part of about. Java. They also live in Malaysia, Australia, the Netherlands, etc. The total number is 89.6 million people. (1992). Javanese language. Believers are mostly Sunni Muslims.

YAKUT(self-named - Sakha) - the people, the indigenous population of Yakutia (365 thousand people), the total number is 382 thousand people. (1992). Yakut language. Believers are Orthodox

Jamaicans- the people, the main population of Jamaica (2.37 million people. The total number is 3.47 million people (1992). Mostly blacks and mulattos, They speak a dialect of the English language. Believers are mostly Protestants.

YANOMAMA- a group of Indian peoples (Shiriana, Vaika, etc.) in the south of Venezuela (15 thousand people, 1992) and the north of Brazil (12 thousand people). The languages ​​are close to the Chibchan languages. Preserve traditional beliefs, there are Christians.

nuclear weapons(self-named - min, man, zao) - people in southern China (2.2 million people, 1992), northern Vietnam (460 thousand people) and Laos (about 90 thousand people). The language of the Miao-Yao group. Believers are adherents of traditional beliefs.

nuclear weapons(wayao) - the people of the Bantu group in western Malawi (about 1.4 million people, 1992), southern Tanzania (over 571 thousand people) and northern Mozambique (over 560 thousand people). Believers are Sunni Muslims, there are Christians.

JAPANESE(self-named - nihonjin) - the people, the main population of Japan (123.6 million people). The total number of 125.6 million people. (1992). Japanese language. Believers are mostly Shintoists and Buddhists, there are Christians and followers of syncretic cults.

776 nationalities live in Russia, many of which number no more than a few hundred people, and some are on the verge of extinction. We remembered the small nations of our country.

Chulym Turks or Iyus Kizhiler ("Chulym people") live on the banks of the Chulym River in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and have their own language. In former times, they lived in uluses, where dugouts (odyg), semi-dugouts (kyshtag), yurts and chums were built. They were engaged in fishing, hunting for fur-bearing animals, medicinal herbs, pine nuts, grew barley and millet, harvested birch bark and bast, wove ropes, nets, made boats, skis, sleds. Later they began to grow rye, oats and wheat and live in huts. Both women and men wore trousers made of burbot skins and shirts trimmed with fur. Women braided many braids, wore pendants made of coins and jewelry. Dwellings are characterized by chuvals with open hearths, low clay ovens (kemega), bunks and chests. Some Chulymchi adopted Orthodoxy, others remained shamanists.
The people have preserved traditional folklore and crafts, but only 17% of 355 people speak their native language.

Indigenous people of Sakhalin. They call themselves Uilta, which means "deer".
The Orok language is unwritten and is spoken by almost half of the 295 remaining Oroks. The Oroks were nicknamed by the Japanese.
The Uilta are engaged in hunting - sea and taiga, fishing (they get pink salmon, chum salmon, coho salmon and sim), reindeer herding and gathering. Now reindeer husbandry has declined, and hunting and fishing are under threat due to oil developments and land problems. Scientists evaluate the prospects for the further existence of the nationality with great caution.

Enets shamanists, they are Yenisei Samoyeds, call themselves Encho, Mogadi or Pebay. They live in Taimyr at the mouth of the Yenisei in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The traditional dwelling is a conical tent. Of the 227 people, only a third speaks their native language. The rest speak Russian or Nenets.
The national clothes of the Enets are a parka, fur pants and stockings. For women, the parka is oar, for men it is one-piece. Traditional food is fresh or frozen meat, fresh fish, fishmeal - porsa.
From time immemorial, the Enets have been hunting reindeer, reindeer herding, and fox hunting. Almost all modern Enets live in stationary settlements.

Tazy (tadzy, datzy) is a small and rather young people living on the Ussuri River in Primorsky Krai. First mentioned in the 18th century. The Tazy originated from a mixture of Nanai and Udege with the Manchus and Chinese.

The language is similar to the dialects of northern China, but very different. Now there are 274 Tazis in Russia, and almost none of them speaks mother tongue. If at the end of the 19th century 1050 people knew it, now it is owned by several elderly women in the village of Mikhailovka.
The Tazy live by hunting, fishing, gathering, farming and animal husbandry.
Recently, they are trying to revive the culture and customs of their ancestors.

The Finno-Ugric people Izhora (Izhora) lived on the eponymous tributary of the Neva. The self-name of the people is Karyalaysht, which means "Karelians". The language is close to Karelian. They profess Orthodoxy.
During the Time of Troubles, the Izhors fell under the rule of the Swedes, and fleeing the introduction of Lutheranism, they moved to Russian lands.
The main occupation of the Izhors was fishing, namely, the extraction of smelt and herring. The Izhors were carpenters, weavers and basket weavers. In the middle of the 19th century, 18,000 Izhors lived in St. Petersburg and Vyborg provinces. The events of the Second World War catastrophically affected the population. Part of the villages burned down, the Izhors were taken to the territory of Finland, and those who returned from there were transported to Siberia. Those who remained in place disappeared among the Russian population. Now there are only 266 Izhors left.

The self-name of this Orthodox Finno-Ugric disappearing people of Russia is vodyalain, waddyalaizyd. In the 2010 census, only 64 people identified themselves as Vod. The language of the people is close to the southeastern dialect of the Estonian language and to the Liv language.
From time immemorial, Vod lived south of the Gulf of Finland, on the territory of the so-called Vodskaya Pyatina, which is mentioned in the annals. The nation itself was formed in the 1st millennium of our era.

Agriculture was the basis of life. They grew rye, oats, barley, raised cattle and poultry, and were engaged in fishing. They lived in rigs, similar to Estonian ones, and since the 19th century - in huts. The girls wore a sundress made of white canvas, a short "ihad" jacket. Young people chose their own bride and groom. Married women cut their hair short, and the elderly shaved their heads and wore a “paykas” headdress. In the rites of the people, many pagan remnants have been preserved. Now the Vodi culture is under study, a museum has been created, and the language is being taught.

Disappearing people. Only four of them remained on the entire territory of Russia. And in 2002 there were eight. The tragedy of this Paleo-Asiatic people was that since ancient times they lived on the border of Chukotka and Kamchatka and found themselves between two fires: the Chukchi fought with the Koryaks, and the Ankalgakku got it - that's what the Kereks call themselves. In translation, it means "people living by the sea."

Enemies burned houses, women were taken into slavery, men were killed. Many Kereks died during epidemics that swept the lands at the end of the 18th century.
The Kereks themselves led a settled way of life, they got food by fishing and hunting, they beat sea and fur-bearing animals. They were engaged in reindeer herding. The Kereks contributed to dog riding. Harnessing dogs in a train is their invention. The Chukchi harnessed the dogs "fan".
The Kerek language belongs to the Chukchi-Kamchatka. In 1991, there were three people left in Chukotka who spoke it. To save it, a dictionary was written, which included about 5000 words.

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