Meditation to restore your energy. Restoring vital energy through meditation: modern practical techniques

Meditation gives you complete recovery, in these moments you are not just a city with its special air, color, light, suit, you are the hearts and blood of people, rhythm, breath. In these moments of meditation on the restoration of energy, you are the power. Now in this huge organism find yourself, your heart. At first it will be a weak impulse, but every moment it will grow and grow stronger, beating with the heart of the city in unison.

Meditation in the city - how to independently carry out recuperation

Self-guided online energy restoration meditation can be performed even on a noisy city street. Stay in the crowd, freeze. Listen. What do you hear? Loud rough sounds near and around you. But, listen further, and you will hear the more distant, deeper sounds of the city, the sound of the world itself, which is everywhere, far beyond the city. Surrendering to the sound of the world, listening to its voice, being healed by it - this is the main goal of independent meditation to restore energy. Standing in a crowd that is in constant motion, try to merge with it, dissolve in the atmosphere of the city, become it.

For a while you will be gone, your ego will be gone, your attitudes and motives will be gone. You merge with the city, dissolve in it, become something huge, powerful, you have so much strength, so much energy and expression that you are ready to go forward, further in life, solve problems, do business without feeling tired. Such a meditation on the restoration of energy on video is necessary for everyone who is engaged in self-knowledge, who uses the practice of communicating with himself.

Meditation to restore energy - listen to the atmosphere of the city

Often we get so deep into our problems and worries that we forget about the existence of other people, about the outside world. We forget the voice of the world, its sounds and intonations, but this does not mean that the world stops talking to us. Even if at some point in our lives we need to be alone, we cannot do without the outside world, because we need energy.

Feel how the huge organism of the city fills you with its strength, nourishes, increases your temperament, affects your activity - this is how online meditation to restore energy works. Having received a portion of energy, slowly return to yourself. Feel your heartbeat, take a deep breath in and out, open your eyes and listen to the city. How do you hear it now?

Experiences from this practice are always contrasting. With this recovery meditation, you will gain the ability to hear the true world around you and open your channel to the system of which you are a part. Living in a city, you are connected with its consciousness, the ability to feel this system will be very useful for you. &one

Life energy is called the special energy of shakti. Thanks to her, a person is alert and active, achieves his goals and lives a full life. Sickness and stress consume shakti. A person feels empty and tired, his energy body becomes thinner. Regular meditation helps to cope with these problems. to restore energy helps to restore the integrity of the mental shell, maintain health and emotional stability.

How to restore feminine energy

A woman expends energy quickly and generously. Work, taking care of the house and children, the daily routine takes away her health and strength. The female energy field is weaker, ruled by the soft, passive planet Venus. Unlike the aggressive and harsh male patron of Mars, she endows women with a thin protective biofield, but it is restored faster than the male one.

Meditation of love and self-acceptance will help replenish female energy. You should sit down, close your eyes and imagine how the body is filled with strength. Each cell opens and renews itself. Every organ is healthy and performs its functions. The skin is clear and radiant. The face is beautiful and attractive. You should mentally thank your body. Rejoice in the opportunities that it gives, because without a physical body it is impossible to hear, see and feel.

To restore peace of mind, you can perform the exercise "Bowl":

  • Imagine how a beautiful carved thicket filled with clear water appeared at chest level. At the bottom of the bowl rests a golden ball.
  • For several minutes, you need to mentally hold the bowl, not allowing the water to overflow. If water spills, empty the bowl and refill.
  • Then allow the golden ball to absorb water from itself and let it go. The ball should float up.

The exercise is considered correctly performed if after it there is a feeling of warmth and fullness of positive energy.

To renew the energy shield, after a difficult unpleasant situation, women are helped by a special meditation to restore the strength of the family. It fills with wisdom and love, which family members, living and departed, share with the meditator. You need to sit down and imagine how all the dear people appear nearby. They smile, respond to greetings and are ready to support in any situation. Feel how the energy of the family passes from them and fills the soul with peace and confidence.

Cleansing the aura and energizing the chakras

Aura is the energy body of a person. When the integrity of its structure is broken, it negatively affects the physical body. A person quickly gets tired, he develops diseases that cannot be treated. For healing, it is necessary to cleanse the aura, restore its integrity.

To perform meditation, you should sit in the lotus position and close your eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly. When the body relaxes, it's time to move on to the exercise. You need to imagine how a cocoon gradually forms around the body. It is warm and bright yellow. With each breath, the cocoon expands, becoming denser and brighter. It fills with energy, gets stronger, its shape becomes very clear. Nothing can destroy this cocoon, it is safe and joyful in it. If cracks or dirty spots suddenly appear on it, you need to mentally erase them, fix all the flaws.

Chakra is an energy center. There are 7 chakras in the human body, they are inextricably linked with the aura and the physical body. From time to time they need to be cleansed and filled with new energy. To do this, you need to sit or lie down, relax and imagine each chakra in turn, starting from the bottom. A chakra is a flower or ball of light. With an exhalation, heavy negative energy leaves it, with an inhalation, fresh and clean energy enters. Restored chakras fill the body with warmth and love.

Meditation with the element of fire - how to work with a candle

The flame purifies bioenergetics - this has been known since ancient times. Shamans, in order to fall into a trance, kindled fires and recited mantras. In a modern apartment, you can get by with ordinary candles.

To meditate with a candle you will need:

  • 1 white wax candle;
  • candlestick made of natural material;
  • coarse salt.

The candle must be installed in a candlestick and placed on the floor so that it is comfortable to sit next to it and nothing prevents you from looking at the fire. Pour salt around the candlestick - it absorbs negative energy and serves as additional protection. Light a candle and make sure that it stands firmly and will not fall. For a while, you just need to look at the fire and not think about anything. After that, close your eyes and imagine how all problems burn in a flame. When everything burns down, you need to sit in front of the candle for a few more minutes to be filled with the energy of fire. After, thank the elements for help and put out the candle.

Solar energy can replace fire. Black energy evaporates under the influence of warm healing rays, like melt water. It is best to recharge with sunlight early in the morning. To do this, go to the balcony or go to the open window. Stand up so that the rays hit the skin. Close your eyes and imagine how the sunlight envelops, surrounds with a ring, and all fatigue goes away, dissolves in a golden glow. Constant work with the element of fire makes a person strong and hardy. It enhances the protective function of the psyche and improves immunity.

Boosting energy with water

Water is the source of health. When you need to urgently conduct meditation to restore strength, the best option is to go to a natural water source. Both a large river and a small spring will do. If there is nothing suitable nearby, you can sit next to an open tap. All the water on the planet is connected, and through the sewer, the water with the absorbed dirty energy will go to an open source and be purified there.

To perform meditation with water you need:

  1. 5-10 minutes to listen to the flow of water, allowing the sound to capture all attention;
  2. having reached the desired level of concentration, imagine yourself in the middle of a swift mountain stream;
  3. see how water passes through the body and takes with it everything that poisons the body;
  4. wait until the dirty water drains and becomes completely transparent;
  5. feeling clean and refreshed, get out of the flow.

It is advisable to meditate no more than once a week. This meditation is very powerful, it washes away all energy accumulations and completely renews them. Together with the negative experience, he can also carry away the positive aspects that could not be considered against the background of problematic situations.

Restoring energy with the power of the earth

The earth is a natural magnet. It attracts accumulated fatigue to itself, and in return saturates a person with energy. The healing power of the earth is mentioned even in folk tales and epics. The bogatyrs knelt down to the ground in order to restore their lost strength and took a bundle of earth from their home with them on campaigns.

A modern person can also use the wisdom of his ancestors, especially if most of his life is spent in an office or apartment, away from nature. Ideally, you need to get out of the city, away from other people. Walk barefoot on the grass, sit under a tree. Not everyone has the opportunity to leave home often, so the land can be collected in a bag and brought home. It is useful for a simplified purification ritual.

For him you will need:

  • 1.5-2 kg of land collected in a forest or in a clearing;
  • cotton towel;
  • basin with warm water.

You need to spread a towel, scatter the earth on it with a thin layer and stand on it with bare feet. Imagine how her energy rises up her legs, spreading throughout her body. From the body, it tends down to the very core of the earth. Repeatedly increased, it rises back and nourishes the body with strength. Feeling that the energy balance has been replenished, you need to get up from the ground and wash your feet thoroughly. Take out the used earth to the park and pour it out under the trees.

Meditation is a simple and quick way to restore energy. Its effectiveness has been proven by hundreds of thousands of people who practice meditation exercises daily. The main and strict rule is to take ancient science seriously and not wait for "fabulous" magic. Meditation works only when a person trusts his inner feelings and believes in the energy connections between people and the Universe. The Cosmos itself responds to the requests of a true believer, and the life of such people is easy and bright.

Suppose you decide to start meditating. They sat down in a comfortable position, presented a beautiful landscape. And at this moment you find that it is very difficult for you to concentrate on one subject, thoughts are in a hurry somewhere, and it is difficult for you to slow down the train of thought. Some time passes, and the posture in which you meditate begins to seem uncomfortable: the spine drops, the legs become numb, the arms require movement. Finally, you find that meditation is not an easy task. Dont be upset! Rest in meditation alone cannot happen magically. There is a certain path to take towards this.

First, choose a comfortable position for yourself. In yoga, the most suitable asanas for meditation are considered to be Padmasana, Virasana, Siddhasana. However, it is quite difficult to stay in them for a long time and, at the same time, in a relaxed state. Try to find a comfortable body position for you. You can meditate lying down or sitting on a chair with a back so as not to strain your spine. Turn on soothing music. Then try to relax the body, watch it. Focus on your breath. Feel the prana filling your body. It flows through energy channels (nadis). Through breathing, you can regulate and direct the flow of prana, which in turn allows you to stabilize your mind and body for meditation. Together with prana you get a surge of new energy.

Video. Meditation to restore strength and energy

Why meditate in the bosom of nature? The energy recovery benefits of meditation are enormous. This practice will help you greatly increase your abilities for physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development, as well as improve your health.

Meditation to restore energy is a process of calming the mind with all its needs and desires. You have to get rid of extraneous thoughts and then allow the universe to come in and bring you a certain type of healing energy.

The best places to meditate

Meditative exercises should be carried out outdoors, away from the bustle of the city. This is necessary for a deeper connection with Mother Earth and with the Universe that surrounds her. Find some quiet place outside, away from people and noise, and enjoy the beautiful sounds of nature. Even in the big cities there are many such places where you can find peace.

Before you begin, you must do "grounding" - this is the preparatory stage that helps to strengthen our relationship with the Earth. This is an exercise to be done every morning and always done before the Energy Recovery Meditation. The grounding process helps you stay "anchored" in this dimension while you try to activate the subtle bodies during meditation. "Grounding" activates and clears yours, thereby making you physically stronger.

To ground yourself, close your eyes and breathe calmly and deeply. Imagine powerful energy moving up your spine and then down to the ground through both legs. Now imagine this energy descending deep into the earth, miles and miles down. Watch as the energy of your spine merges with the energy of the Earth, and in a few minutes you will be ready to begin meditation.

Merging with nature

Get all thoughts, worries, joys and plans out of your head. Forget about your problems and what you think you need to do. Just allow yourself to feel every moment. Listen to the voice of the wind, the singing of birds and the sounds they make. Try to hear the rustle of leaves and tree branches. Feel the wind blowing in your face, become one with nature.

Feel the surface you are sitting on. Touch a plant near you. Hug a tree, stroke its bark, and you will feel the powerful energy that these simple actions bring. If you are near a spring or other body of water, listen to the sound of the water.

Take your time, spend as much time in nature as you need. The meditation process is very slow. Start talking mentally with the surrounding stones, trees, plants, animals, water. They will gladly answer you. Just ask them how they feel, is there anything they want to tell you? Talk to nature and listen to what she tells you. Connect with the energy of Mother Earth!

Then turn your attention to the sky. Marvel at the beautiful shapes of the clouds that float above you. Imagine other planets that also circle the sun with such incredible precision. Each planet has its own energy, which is part of the energy of the Universe and affects each of us. We are all connected. Imagine the vast Universe and our planet, which looks like just a speck of dust in the boundless space.

Switch your attention back to Mother Earth, try to catch the rhythm of the earthly heart. Our planet has breath, momentum and rhythm. If you put all your effort, you will feel the beating of the "heart" of the Earth and tune in with the planet on the same wavelength.

After you have felt the pulsations of Mother Earth, thank her for giving us everything we need for a fulfilling life and prosperity. Ask her forgiveness for all the damage that humanity does on a daily basis. Ask her to show you how to become more caring and loving. Proclaim glory to the silent Mother Earth!

Benefits of meditation in nature

Over time, you will experience the many benefits of meditation on Mother Earth and the Universe:

You will feel physically stronger and more energetic.

You will feel a connection with the outside world, you can get rid of the feeling of loneliness.

Your confidence in yourself and your abilities will increase.

Many of your fears, phobias and obsessions will subside.

You will feel much more deeply connected to your body, your emotions, your thoughts, your inner self.

You will feel rested and renewed, ready for fruitful work.

Meditating in nature will help you connect with the healing energy of Mother Earth and all the energy of the universe. Use this technique and you will be able to feel the harmony and love of the world!

The constant progress of the modern world has both positive and negative effects on the human body. In twenty-four hours, each of us must complete work hours, manage household chores, take care of children, and also make time for ourselves.

It would seem that it is not very difficult. After all, our grandparents, moms and dads also had a bunch of activities and coped with them. In addition, they had free minutes for evening gatherings with neighbors and peaceful tea parties in the family circle.

The current century is still different from past years. Constant traffic jams, working at a computer, increased demands at work - all this is exhausting and adversely affects the nervous system. People become irritable, quarrel over trifles, break down on relatives and friends.

Each of us is familiar with this situation. Waking up in the morning and enjoying an invigorating cup of coffee, we try to plan a to-do list for the coming day. We are resolutely ready to fulfill them, but, as a rule, we only have enough strength for half, or even less. Either the head starts to hurt, then the hands drop, then the general condition worsens.

To date, moral fatigue is the problem of a larger percentage of the population of our planet. That is, not physical labor takes all the energy. Communication with unpleasant people, unloved work, stress and disagreements cause loss of energy and lack of vitality.

There is a way out of this situation - you need to do a special restorative meditation.

Meditation to restore strength and vitality developed over the centuries. She is able to charge a person with energy, give him strength, help him love himself, give a desire to make plans and fulfill them.

The use of meditation to restore energy and vitality

Recently, all the people around are constantly in a hurry somewhere. Haste becomes an obstacle to internal dialogue. We stop hearing our inner voice, which is trying to reach out to our thoughts and push on the right path.

Technology and its development certainly make our lives easier. It is easier for us to get to work on a flat asphalt road, we can call a taxi at any time to get to anywhere in the city, there are cafes and restaurants at every step that provide us with delicious food.

But no one thinks that there are so many valuable things around that are worthy of attention. After all, this is the blue sky above your head, and warm sunny touches, and a light breeze. You probably can't remember the last time you enjoyed a summer rain, right?

Connecting with nature, with the natural course of things, we are restored. The mind is freed from bad impressions and experiences, the body is cleansed of hard work, all the cells of the body replenish the lost energy forces.

It is in the fresh air that meditation should be practiced to restore strength and vitality. Feeling the touch of nature, we plunge into a harmonious state that can work wonders.

Of course, it is difficult to get out of the city. Therefore, any quiet environment is suitable for practice. If you feel that you have lost all your inner reserves of strength or can no longer calmly endure the surrounding atmosphere, take a few minutes of this type of restorative meditation.

Recently, people often suffer from panic attacks, this is especially common among young people. After checking with doctors, it turns out that the person is absolutely healthy, but at certain moments he has so-called panic attacks, there is a feeling of fear and fear for his life. In such cases, the meditation of restoring strength and vitality will become an assistant.

This meditation is used for mental disorders associated with the loss of people dear to the heart, with the departure of a loved one, with separation. After such moments, a depressive state often sets in, which can induce unconscious actions.

Practicing recuperation meditation will become a guide to the world of naturalness and naturalness. They will develop a sense of moderation, calmness and peace of mind. As mentioned earlier, you can practice at any suitable moment. The time of sunrise and sunset is also suitable, when nature awakens and falls into a dream.

Meditation technique to relieve fatigue and fill with vitality

Do you have your favorite place in the house? It will be the most suitable for meditation to restore energy and vitality. Before diving into the mysterious inner world, take care of your comfort. Nothing should distract your thought process: no phone calls, no unexpected guests, no TV turned on.

An important condition is a straight back during class. It should create an absolutely straight line, which will personify the link between you and the Higher Forces. The legs and the end of the spine will merge with the incredible power of the Earth. She will share her endless resources with you. The head should be kept straight so that its highest point goes to the Sky, thereby creating an energy flow.

Take care of your breathing before practice. It will be better if you practice in advance. Breathing movements should not strain the body, everything happens freely and easily. The air entering the lungs can be associated with a powerful force that gives confidence and fills all the cells of the body.

Muscles should be relaxed. If the position has become uncomfortable for you, you can stretch a little and make circular movements with the spine.

If you feel like one with the universe, with every element, then you are on the right track. Earth, Sky and Air will turn your whole worldview upside down. It would seem that they are always there, we feel them, but no. In fact, the problem lies in the fact that over time, humanity began to forget how to establish contact with these forces. But they have not disappeared anywhere and are always ready to help restore our resources and energize our body.

Nature itself will tell you when to finish the lesson. You should feel good emotions and thoughts sink into your mind. The whole body will become light and carefree. You will want to turn the whole world around and help everyone around you cope with problems. All irritating factors will lose their significance.

Your attention will no longer be focused on such trifles as a scratch on the car, a lost hair clip, or an inattentive and rude salesman in a store. In no time at all, you'll solve a scratch problem at the auto repair shop, buy an even prettier hair ornament, or smile in response to an employee's nasty look.

After the meditation of restoring strength and vitality, do not forget to say words of gratitude to Nature, the Universe, the Supreme Deity. You can do this mentally or out loud, most importantly, let these words sound from the heart. Also praise yourself for stepping over your fatigue and insecurity for doing it yourself.

You will feel the effect after the first try. But in order to consolidate it, one must not forget about practice and daily indulge in solitude with natural energy.

If outdoor activities are not suitable for you, you can purchase special audio or video recordings containing all the sounds and images.

Already at birth, we receive the necessary set of knowledge and skills, which helps to find a common language with nature. It's in our blood.

As you remember, in Kipling's book: "You and I are of the same blood!". We just start to forget about it over time. Interfere with everyday problems, fatigue. All life is in constant tension.

Feel your connection to external energy sources. Feel like one with them. Do not think that you are doing something wrong or that you will not succeed. Nature itself will direct your efforts in the right direction. She will see your sincere desire and help. The main thing is faith in your own strength and success. And the next step is for the Universe - it will support in difficult moments and give strength to endure.

Video Meditation for Restoring Strength and Energy

Friends, rejuvenation and vitality meditation effectively help restore dialogue with natural forces. She will become a guide to the enchanting world. Each element has its own meaning, which serves for our calm, healing, purification. By regularly practicing this meditation, you can forget about problems forever - after all, their solution will come easily and naturally!

Meditate and restore vitality!

Artur Golovin


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