Year of birth of Alla Sigalova. Alla Sigalova: “Before marriage, I lived a stormy life

(since 2004) and Professor, Head of the Department of Modern Choreography and Stage Dance at the Russian University of Theater Arts (GITIS), teaching since 1983 at GITIS. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2014) , Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2001) . Winner of the Golden Mask Award (). Award Government Russian Federation 2013 in the field of culture for the creation of the television program "Big Ballet" .


From 1983 to 2004 - a teacher at the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS).

1987-1989 - choreographer at the Russian State Theater "Satyricon" named after. A. Raikin.

1989-1999 - artistic director of the theater "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova".

Since 2013, he has also been the head of the Department of Modern Choreography and Stage Dance at RUTI-GITIS.

From 2007 to 2011 - member of the jury of the dance competition-TV show "Dancing with the Stars" on the TV channel "Russia 1".

2011 - host of the television project of the channel "Culture" - "All Russia".

2011-2014 - host of the television project of the channel "Culture" - "Big Opera".

2012 - host of the television program on the TV channel "Culture" - "Big Ballet"

2013 - host of the television project of the TV channel "Culture" - "Big Jazz".

2015 - chief choreographer of the project "Dancing with the Stars" on the TV channel "Russia-1".

2017 - participation in the judging of the new dance show "Everybody dance! "on the TV channel "Russia-1".

A family

Mother of two children (daughter - Anna, 1982; son - Mikhail, 1994). The widow of director Roman Kozak.



The work of the director and choreographer (opera, ballet)

  • 1990 - " Othello”, a choreographic performance to music by G. Verdi,“ Alla Sigalova’s Independent Troupe ”
  • 1991 - " Queen of Spades”, a choreographic performance to the music of A. Schnittke (dir. Y. Borisov), "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
  • 1991 - " Salome”, a choreographic performance based on O. Wilde, to the music of K. Shimanovsky and E. Chausson, “The Independent Company of Alla Sigalova”
  • 1992 - " Pugachev”, a choreographic performance based on S. Yesenin, to the music of F. Handel and A. Schnittke, “The Independent Company of Alla Sigalova”
  • 1993 - La Divina, a choreographic performance in memory of M. Kallas, "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova". Moscow.
  • 1995 - "Nutcracker", ballet to music by P. Tchaikovsky, Municipal Theater of Contemporary Ballet, Yekaterinburg.
  • 1996 - "Cynics", choreographic performance by A. Mariengof, "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
  • 1996 - "Duets" ballet to music by A. Terteryan, E. Satie. Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre. Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • 1997 - "Yellow Tango", ballet to music by A. Piazzolla, Latvian National Opera. Riga. Latvia.1999 - "La Traviata", to music by D. Verdi, Novaya Opera Theatre, Moscow.
  • 1998 - " Visions of Ivan the Terrible”, to the music of S. Slonimsky, Samara Opera and Ballet Theater.
  • 1999 - "La Traviata", opera to music by D. Verdi, Novaya Opera Theatre, Moscow.
  • 2000 - "Bolero", ballet to music by M. Ravel, Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre. Lithuania.
  • 2000 - "Sketches for Sunset", choreographic performance to music by L. Desyatnikov, A. Piazzolla, E. Satie.
  • 2001 - " Seven deadly sins”, opera-ballet after K. Weil and B. Brecht, Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre. Vilnius. Lithuania.
  • 2001 - " Dreams of love", a choreographic performance at the music. European tango, Variety Theatre. Moscow.
  • 2002 - " Red and black dancing”, a choreographic performance to the music of L. Desyatnikov, A. Piazzolla M. Ravel, and A. Terteryan, Theatrical enterprise “Angar”.
  • 2003 - "Wedding" and " Fairy Kiss» ballet to music by I. Stravinsky (dir. T. Currentzis
  • 2005 - "Russian Seasons", ballet to music by L. Desyatnikov (dir. T. Currentzis), Novosibirsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre.
  • 2005 - "Falstaff", opera by D. Verdi, Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg.
  • 2006 - "Concerto Grosso", ballet to music by F. Handel ( benefit I. Zelensky), Mariinskii Opera House.
  • 2006 - "Carmen. Sketches» according to P. Merimee, choreographic performance to the music. Bizet-Shchedrin / Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov - "Grand Prix" of the International Festival of Student Works of VGIK named after. Gerasimov. "Golden Mask"- 2008 - "For fruitful synthesis of choreography and drama".
  • 2007 - "Stravinsky. Games." choreographic performance to music by I. Stravinsky, Moscow Art Theater School, premiered at the Mikhail Baryshnikov Center, New York. In 2008 for the performance "Stravinsky. Games" (graduation performance of the Moscow Art Theater School, course of Konstantin Raikin) received the Grand Prix of the fourth international festival of student performances "Your Chance". And the Grand Prix of the 28th VGIK International Festival in the theater competition section.
  • August 16, 2008 - "Amadeus": theatrical-musical-plastic project, based on the small tragedy "Mozart and Salieri" by A. S. Pushkin and the works of V. A. Mozart and A. Salieri. Yaroslavl, festival "Transfiguration".
  • 2009 - "Poor Lisa"- choreographic short story to the music of L. Desyatnikov's chamber opera, at the State Theater of Nations.
  • 2010 - "Giselle, or Deceived Brides"- choreographic performance to music by A. Adan, Moscow Art Theater School. New stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Moscow.
  • 2012 - "Final Cut"- choreographic performance based on the Pink Floyd album " The Final Cut". Graduation performance of the Moscow Art Theater School
  • 2011 - "Othello"- choreographic performance to music by J. S. Bach, J. Xenakis, A. Terteryan based on the tragedy William Shakespeare, Latvian National Opera. Riga. Latvia.
  • 2013 - film performance "Final Cut"-based on a choreographic performance to the music of Pink Floyd's album "" The Final Cut”, TV channel “Culture.
  • 2014 - "Jenufa" - opera by L. Janacek, choreographer, theater La Monet (Royal Opera) Brussels, joint work with director Alvis Hermanis. Belgium.
  • 2014 - "Khanuma" - jazz-comedy based on the play by A. Tsigareli, music by G. Kancheli, director and choreographer, Riga Russian Theater. Mikhail Chekhov, Latvia.
  • 2014 - "Final Cut"- plastic performance based on the Pink Floyd album " The Final Cut". Graduation performance by Harvard University, Boston. USA.
  • 2014 - The Nutcracker. Opera” opera to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky’s ballet “The Nutcracker”. Author of the idea (together with P. Kaplevich), director, choreographer. Theater New Opera. Moscow. Russia.
  • 2015 - "Jenufa" - opera by L. Janacek, choreographer, Bologna Municipal Opera. Italy.
  • 2015 - "Five stories about love", based on the prose of I. Bunin, music by S. Rachmaninov. Choreographic performance of the Moscow Art Theater School. New stage of the Moscow Art Theater. Moscow.
  • 2015 - "Ballad", one-act ballet to music by B. Yusupov and S. Rachmaninoff. Choreographer. Premiere at the Kremlin Gala. Moscow.
  • 2015 - "The Condemnation of Faust" opera G. Berlioz. Choreographer. Opera National de Paris, Opera Bastille stage. France.
  • 2016 - "Two Foscari" opera by D. Verdi. Choreographer. La Scala, Milan. Italy.
  • 2016 - "Yenufa" opera by L. Yanachik. Choreographer. Opera and Ballet Theater in Poznan. Poland.
  • 2016 - "Journey to TWIN PEAKS", fantasy on the themes of David Lynch's series "Twin Peaks". Music by Angelo Badalamenti. Stage director and choreographer. School-Studio of the Moscow Art Theater. Moscow.
  • 2016 - "Love of Danae" opera by R. Strauss. Choreographer. Salzburg International Music Festival - Salzburger Festspiele. Salzburg. Austria.
  • 2016 - "Love", performance based on the play by V. Tokareva "Well, let it be", director and choreographer, Riga Russian Theater. Mikhail Chekhov, Latvia.
  • 2016 - "Madama Butterfly" opera by D. Puccini. Choreographer. La Scala. Milan. Italy.
  • 2017 --- "Carmen", choreographic etudes to music by J. Bizet. Choreographer. Graduation performance by Harvard University, Boston. USA.
  • 2017 - "Katerina Ilvovna", a choreographic drama in two parts based on the essay by N. S. Leskov "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District". Stage director. Moscow theater n / r O. Tabakov, stage on Sukharevskaya.

The work of the choreographer in dramatic performances

  • 1984 - " Diary of an ordinary girl”, based on the “Diary” of Nina Kosterina, Theater. Mayakovsky.
  • 1985 - " Cathedral of Notre Dame”, by V. Hugo, Theater of Musical Comedy, Kyiv.
  • 1986 - " Bug”, according to V. Mayakovsky, Theater. Mayakovsky.
  • 1987 - " overstocked barrel» according to V. Aksyonov, Theater-studio O. Tabakov.
  • 1988 - " maidservants”, by J. Genet (dir. R. Viktyuk), Theater "Satyricon". Moscow.
  • 1989 - " Hercules and the Augean Stables”, according to F. Dürrenmatt, Satyricon Theater. Moscow.
  • 1989 - " Playing hide and seek with loneliness”, to the music of O. Messiaen, G. Mahler, J. Gershwin, “Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova” Moscow.
  • 1993 - "Mask Maker", after F. Krommelink, to the music of K. Orff (dir. I. Popovsky), "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova" Moscow.
  • 1993 - " Passion for Bumbarash» Y. Kim after A. Gaidar, music. V. Dashkevich (dir. V. Mashkov), Theater-studio O. Tabakov. Moscow.
  • 1994 - " Banana”, based on the play by S. Mrozhek (dir. R. Kozak), Moscow City Council Theater. Moscow.
  • 1994 - " Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy”, after W. Gombrowicz, State Theater of Lower Saxony, Hannover. Germany.
  • 1994 - "Tango", according to S. Mrozhek, Nuremberg Municipal Theater. Germany.
  • 1994 - "Piggy bank", vaudeville by E. Labiche, municipal theater of Liege. Belgium.
  • 2004 - "Jan", after A. Platonov (dir. R. Kozak), Moscow Drama Theatre. A. S. Pushkin.
  • 2008 - "Office"- performance based on the play by Ingrid Lauzund, Moscow Drama Theater. A. S. Pushkin, Moscow.
  • 2010 - "The Young Ladies from Wilco"- a performance based on the prose of Y. Ivashkevich, the theater of Modena (Italy), together with dir. A. Hermanis.
  • 2010 - "After the Curtain"- performance by E. Kamenkovich based on the plays by Anton Chekhov and Brian Friel, Moscow theater "Pyotr Fomenko Workshop".
  • 2011 - "Casting / Casting"- performance based on the libretto by J. Kirkwood A Chorus Line, Mossovet Theatre. Choreographer and lead actress. Moscow.

TV work

  • Choreographer of variety programs of Laima Vaykule (since 1995) and Anzhelika Varum, as well as many television show programs on Channel One: "Old songs about the main thing-2", "Old songs about the main thing-3", New Year's show on NTV. Host of New Year's and other television show projects on the Kultura TV channel.
  • Chief choreographer of the TV channel Russia1 project "Dancing with the Stars" in 2015.

To many who have seen this fragile, beautiful woman with huge eyes, a charming smile, and a chiseled figure, it seems that she is completely different from the professor. But the facts are a stubborn thing: the dance and plastic lessons of Alla Mikhailovna are remembered with gratitude by dozens of pop stars and students of theater universities from our country and neighboring countries. All of them unanimously declare that Seagalova is a choreographer with a capital letter. It was she who was the first in our country to seriously engage in modern dance.

Alla Sigalova - Honored Artist of Russia, Soviet and Russian choreographer, laureate of the Golden Mask award. She staged performances at the best venues in the world - at the Mariinsky Theater, at La Scala, at the Royal Opera (Brussels). Alla Mikhailovna is undoubtedly a strong, successful and self-sufficient woman, but there were difficult situations and terrible losses in her fate.

Biography of choreographer Alla Sigalova: childhood and youth

Probably, the fate of Alla Mikhailovna - the choreographer-producer famous and in demand not only in our country, but also in foreign countries - was predetermined even before her birth.

Alla's family belonged to the family of the artist Somov. Father Michael (Moses) is a Jew by nationality. He was a talented pianist. Mom Tamara Alexandrovna is Russian. She was a ballerina. In one of the interviews, Alla Mikhailovna admitted that her character was greatly influenced by her Jewish origin. It sometimes seems to her that Jewish blood boils more strongly in her than Slavic.

The girl Alla was born on February 28, 1959 in Stalingrad (now Volgograd). Parents moved there after graduating from a university in Leningrad by distribution. Two years later, the family with their little daughter returned to their native northern capital.

A creative atmosphere reigned in the Sigalovs' house at all times. Tamara Alexandrovna instilled in her daughter a love for literature, dance, poetry, and her father introduced the girl to the masterpieces of classical music. Art played an important role in Alla's life, but most of all she was fascinated by dancing. From the age of six she danced, and her father accompanied her on the piano.

Vaganovskoye school

The girl worked hard to become a student of the Vaganovsky school. Alla's teachers admired her amazing natural abilities, artistry and plasticity. Despite this, she did not immediately enter the famous Vaganov School, but during her studies she showed herself in the best possible way. The teacher N. M. Dudinskaya saw in Alla a dancer with a great future. The girl was great at dancing. The teachers of the academy were sure that the audience would soon see a rising ballet star on world stages.

But fate decreed otherwise. In the biography of Alla Sigalova, a tragedy occurred that changed her whole future life. While working at the ballet barre, Alla received a severe injury, which crossed out her plans and blocked her path to classical ballet. For six months the girl lay in a cast, and then she learned to walk for the same amount of time.

In addition to physical suffering, she also experienced mental suffering. As soon as her health was restored, Alla Sigalova moved to Moscow and entered GITIS for the course of A.V. Efros and I.M. Tumanov. True, later Alla Mikhailovna admitted that she had left for Moscow not only to enter the university. She could not see her fellow students and teachers and catch their sympathetic looks on herself. In 1983, Alla received a diploma as a choreographer and teacher.


In 1978, Alla Sigalova tried her hand at cinema. She played a major role in the Soviet-Turkish film "My Love, My Sorrow", based on the play by Nazim Hikmet. Stars of Soviet cinema such as Irina Miroshnichenko, Anatoly Papanov, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan and popular Turkish actors starred in this tape.

Later, Alla's filmography was replenished with several more works: "Plato is my friend", "Split Sky", "Sky in Diamonds" and others. However, Alla Mikhailovna decided that the theater was closer to her.

Theater of Alla Sigalova

After working for a short time at the Satyricon Theater, Alla Mikhailovna decides to create her own dance group. In 1989, her theater became the first group in the country to promote and develop modern dance styles in dance. The original productions of the young choreographer Alla Sigalova very soon became known and popular in the country. The troupe began to go on foreign tours.

However, the economic situation in the country at the end of the nineties did not allow the team to develop. There were fewer and fewer performances, so in 1999 the theater ceased operations.

Working with the stars

During this difficult period, Alla Sigalova begins to work with pop stars. She puts on magnificent dance numbers for such singers as Anzhelika Varum, Laima Vaikule. All seasons of "Songs about the main thing" Alla Mikhailovna is the main choreographer of the project.


For three seasons, Alla Mikhailovna, in collaboration with Alexei Begak, has been leading the television competition "Big Opera". And since 2010, viewers of the Kultura TV channel have been watching her author's programs with pleasure: Eye to Eye, All Russia.

In 2013, the Kultura TV channel began broadcasting the Big Jazz competition, which Alla and jazzman Vadim Eilenkrig were invited to host.

Teaching activity

Alla Sigalova, whose photo we posted in this article, in 2004 became a teacher at the Moscow Art Theater School, and later a professor at the department of plastic education. She transfers her knowledge not only to students, but also to dance teachers who come from all over the country. With master classes, Alla Mikhailovna visited many countries of North America and Europe.


Alla Mikhailovna devotes a lot of time and energy to the theater. One of her most famous works was the musical performance "Poor Lisa" with Chulpan Khamatova in the title role, staged on the stage of the Theater of Nations, directed by Yevgeny Mironov.

In 2001, the audience could appreciate the production of "Dreams of Love" on the stage of the Variety Theater. Its premiere took place during the World Theater Olympiad. The famous choreographer staged the performance in collaboration with the Imperial Russian Ballet.

Another bright and memorable performance by Sigalova is the dance musical "Casting", which was successfully staged on the stage of the Theater. Moscow City Council. The main roles were played by Olga Kabo, Stanislav Bondarenko, Anatoly Adoskin. For staging dance numbers in the play “Carmen. Etudes" choreographer in 2008 was awarded the "Golden Mask" award. The skill of Sigalova was also appreciated in Latvia. For the production of "Othello", which premiered at the Latvian National Opera, she was awarded the "Best Ballet Performance of the Year" award.

A little about personal

According to Alla Sigalova, personal life is the most important thing a person has. Even a very successful career will never replace the warmth and love of close and dear people for a woman. She believes that a real woman is determined by her desire and ability to love. All the performances of the famous choreographer are about this. She is sure that there is nothing more important than a woman's ability to give this bright feeling.

In the second year of GITIS, Alla got married, and in 1982 her daughter Anna was born. The marriage broke up very soon. For 12 years, Alla Mikhailovna raised the child alone. She does not like to remember this experience of family life. Alla is grateful to her first husband only for her daughter, although many years after parting with her first husband, in an interview she admitted that she regrets that her daughter did not live with her father. She is sure that a complete family is the key to the proper upbringing of children.

The second husband of Alla Sigalova was a wonderful, intelligent and kind person - director Roman Kozak. A mature marriage (Alla was 36 years old at that time) brought her real female happiness. Alla not only loved her husband very much, but also respected him immensely. She was grateful to fate for giving her a meeting with this successful, strong, wise, confident and cheerful person. In marriage, a son, Mikhail, was born, who became a joy for parents.

Alla Mikhailovna appreciated every moment spent with her husband. They could talk for hours, they were always interested in each other. Roman considered his wife amazing. She fell asleep and woke up with a smile for all 16 years that they had a chance to live together. He always marveled at her ability to be an absolutely happy person. But happiness did not last long - in 2010 Roman Kozak died after a long illness. This year has become a real test for a fragile woman. In 2010, she buried not only her beloved husband, but also both parents.


The children of Alla Sigalova (daughter Anna and son Mikhail, born in a second marriage) are the main achievement and wealth of her life. Alla Mikhailovna is absolutely sure of this. Daughter Anna has become a successful and already quite famous interior designer in the capital. She has her own construction design agency. Anna gave Alla Mikhailovna a wonderful grandson, Fyodor, in whom the famous grandmother does not have a soul and tries to spend time with him more often.

Son Michael became interested in television and journalism. He is studying in Washington to be an operator. Today Alla Sigalova leads an active creative life, full of energy, strength and new ideas. In July 2018, she informed her fans that she was learning to ride a bike. He thinks it's better to do it late than never.

Soviet and Russian choreographer, actress, professor at the Moscow Art Theater School, Honored Artist of Russia, laureate of the " golden mask". Since 2007 Alla Sigalova- Permanent member of the jury of the TV competition " Dancing with the Stars ».

Childhood of Alla Sigalova

Although Alla Sigalova was born in Volgograd, where her Leningrad parents came after graduating from the institute, she grew up in Leningrad, where she spent her childhood, and she considers this city to be her home. From infancy, Alla was involved in art in all its manifestations, since she was brought up in an intelligent family of descendants of the Russian artist Somov. Her mother, Tamara Alexandrovna, was a dancer. It was she who opened the world of classical ballet to Alla. The father, who left the family when Alla was only six years old, was a pianist and also had a huge influence on the development of the future choreographer.

Alla's passion for classical ballet awakened quite early. As a little girl, she dreamed of the Vaganov School, but she failed to get there the first time. This was the first obstacle on a rather difficult creative path. Alla Sigalova.

The creative path of Alla Sigalova

I had to connect my parents' connections, and Alla was accepted thanks to patronage. Academy of Russian Ballet. Agrippina Vaganova(Class N.M. Dudinskaya) Alla Sigalova graduated in 1978. Unfortunately, in the same year she had to leave professional ballet due to an injury. For seven months, Alla literally did not get out of bed, she was partially paralyzed. It took a whole year to overcome the physical and mental trauma, however Alla Sigalova found the strength to move on. Moving from St. Petersburg to Moscow, cutting off painful old ties, opened up new opportunities and prospects. Alla enters the directing department of GITIS (teachers A.V. Efros, THEM. Tumanov) and studies again - until 1983.

Having passed the tough school of the Vaganovsky school, Alla Sigalova not only brilliantly graduates from GITIS, but also becomes his teacher herself. In addition, Alla does not leave her dream of ballet, she dances herself, puts on her own performances as a choreographer and director. So, from 1987 to 1989 she was the choreographer of the theater " Satyricon", and from 1989 to 1999 - the head of his own creative studio," Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova". Here she acts as an innovator, and her group is the first in Russia to begin to engage in the so-called "modern dance".

Contemporary dance is a new trend in contemporary choreography. Its basis is the theatrical form of presentation of a dance performance, a performance.

Unfortunately, the team quickly exhausts itself, and the difficult economic conditions in the country do not allow looking for new development prospects. In 1995, the troupe is going through a crisis, and although its work continues until 1999, these are episodic performances and performances. In 1998, after the last performance in Japan, the troupe ceases to exist both de jure and de facto.

Having tried herself as the head of an independent creative association, Alla decides not to return to this role. At this time, she is working on the choreography of pop performances by such popular singers as Laima Vaikule and Angelica Varum. In 2004 Alla Sigalova becomes the head of the department of plastic education of the Moscow Art Theater School.

On the TV channel "Russia", in the ice show " Dancing with the Stars », Alla Sigalova came in 2007. A professional of the highest level and a charming woman, she confidently wins the sympathy of viewers.

In 2008 Alla Sigalova receives an award "Golden Mask""for the best work of the choreographer" in the play "Carmen. Sketches».

In 2016, in this project, Alla performed in a pair with dancer Eric Mirzoyan. The second television project, in which Sigalova also acts as a judge Dancing on the floor dedicated to ballroom dancing. Her fame goes beyond the theatrical environment, and Alla is invited to the Kultura radio as the author and host of the Contradance dance program.

March 19, 2017 on the channel "Russia 1" launched the project "Everybody Dance", the jury included Alla Sigalova, Egor Druzhinin and Vladimir Derevianko .

Alla Sigalova's personal life

May 28, 2010 family Alla Sigalova suffered a heavy loss. At the age of 53, her husband, head of the Pushkin Moscow Drama Theater, died as a result of a serious illness. Roman Kozak. Together with Alla, they lived for 16 years, raised two children: Anna, Alla's daughter from her first marriage, and Mikhail, their joint child. director Roman Kozak and choreographer Alla Sigalova united not only by family ties, but also by joint work. Yes, in the play Roman Kazak based on the story by Andrey Platonov Jan» Alla Sigalova first tried herself in the role of a dramatic actress. Together they worked at the Moscow Art Theater School, and after the death of her husband Alla Sigalova took his course, completing it with a diploma statement of graduates " Giselle, or Deceived Brides».

Daughter Alla Sigalova Anna is engaged in interior design and brings up her son Fedor. Alla's son Mikhail is a journalist.

Filmography of Alla Sigalova

1999 - Sky in Diamonds, Nina
1990 - Mystifier
1979 - Broken sky
1978 - My love is my sadness, Shirin (voiced by E. Koreneva)

Theatrical works of Alla Sigalova

2010 - "The Young Ladies from Vilko" - a performance based on the prose of Y. Ivashkevich, the theater of Modena (Italy), together with dir. A. Hermanis
2010 - "Giselle, or Deceived Brides" - a choreographic performance to the music. A. Adana, Moscow Art Theater School-Studio
2009 - "Poor Lisa" - a choreographic novella to the music of L. Desyatnikov's chamber opera, at the Theater of Nations
2008, August 16 - "Amadeus" - theatrical-musical-plastic project, based on the small tragedy "Mozart and Salieri" by A.S. Pushkin and works by V.A. Mozart and A. Salieri (E. Stychkin - Mozart; D. Spivakovsky - Salieri), Yaroslavl, Festival "Transfiguration", City Exhibition Center "Old Town"
2007 - Stravinsky. Games” – School-Studio of the Moscow Art Theater, K. Raikin’s course
2006 - "Concerto Grosso", to the music of F. Handel (I. Zelensky's benefit performance), Mariinsky Theater
2006 - Madame Bovary, after G. Flaubert, Moscow Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin
2006 - Carmen. Etudes ”by P. Merimee, to the music. Bizet-Shchedrin, Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov
2005 - Russian Seasons, to music by L. Desyatnikov (conductor T. Currentzis), Novosibirsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theater
2004 - "Jan", after A. Platonov (dir. R. Kozak), Moscow Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin
2003 – Kiss of the Fairy, to music by I. Stravinsky (conductor T. Currentzis), Novosibirsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theater
2003 - "Nights of Cabiria", after F. Fellini, to the music of R. Pauls, Moscow Drama Theater. A.S. Pushkin
2002 - "Red and Black Dances", to the music of L. Desyatnikov, M. Ravel, A. Piazzolla and A. Terteryan, Theater "Angar"
2001 - "The Seven Deadly Sins", according to K. Weil and B. Brecht, Lithuanian Opera and Ballet Theatre.
2001 - "Dreams of Love", to the music. European tango
2000 - "Bolero" to music by M. Ravel, Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theater
2000 - "Sketches for the sunset", to the music of L. Desyatnikov, A. Piazzolla, E. Satie (music director A. Goribol)
1999 - "La Traviata", to the music of D. Verdi, the New Theater.
1998 - "Visions of Ivan the Terrible", to the music of S. Slonimsky
1997 - "Yellow Tango", to the music of A. Piazzolla
1996 - "Cynics" by A. Mariengof / "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
1996 - Duets
1995 - "The Nutcracker", to the music of P. Tchaikovsky
1994 - "Banana", based on the play by S. Mrozhek "Widows" (dir. R. Kozak) / "Independent troupe of A. Sigalova"
1994 - "Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy", after V. Gombrowicz / State Theater of Lower Saxony, Hannover (Germany)
1994 - "Tango", according to S. Mrozhek
1994 - "Piggy bank", according to E. Labiche
1993 - The Mask Maker, after F. Krommelink, to the music of K. Orff (dir. I. Popovski) / Alla Sigalova's Independent Troupe
1993) - "La Divina", in memory of M. Callas / "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
1993 - "Passion for Bumbarash" by Y. Kim after A. Gaidar, music. V. Dashkevich (dir. V. Mashkov) / Moscow theater-studio n/r Oleg Tabakov
1992 - "Pugachev", according to S. Yesenin, to the music of F. Handel and A. Schnittke / "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
1991 - "The Queen of Spades", to the music of A. Schnittke (dir. Yu. Borisov), "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
1991 - "Salome", after O. Wilde, to the music of K. Shimanovsky and E. Chausson, "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
1990 - "Otello", to the music of G. Verdi, "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
1989 - "Hercules and the Augean Stables", by F. Dürrenmatt
1989 - "Hide and seek with loneliness", to the music of O. Messiaen, G. Mahler, J. Gershwin, "The Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova"
1988 - "Servants", after J. Genet (dir. R. Viktyuk), Theater "Satyricon"
1987 - "Overstocked barrel" by V. Aksyonov, Theater n / p O. Tabakov
1986 - "Bedbug", according to V. Mayakovsky, Theater. Mayakovsky
1985 - "Notre Dame Cathedral", after V. Hugo, Theater of Musical Comedy, Kyiv
1984 - "The Diary of an Ordinary Girl", based on the "Diary" by Nina Kosterina, Theater. Mayakovsky

She was born on February 28, 1959.
1969 - 1978 Leningrad Academy of Ballet. AND I. Vaganova
1979 - 1983 Russian Academy of Theater
Arts (GITIS), directing department.
1983 - 1985 Assistant at the Russian Academy of Theater Arts, specialty teacher-choreographer.

From 1984 to 2004 - a teacher at the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS), in 1987-1989 - a choreographer at the Satyricon Theater, in 1989-1999 - artistic director of the Alla Sigalova Independent Troupe Theater. Since 2004, he has been the head of the Department of Plastic Education at the Moscow Art Theater School.

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2001)

theatrical work

1984 - "The Diary of an Ordinary Girl" based on the "Diary" of Nina Kosterina Theater. Mayakovsky.
1985 - "Notre Dame Cathedral" by V. Hugo / Theater of Musical Comedy, Kyiv.
1986 - "Bedbug" by V. Mayakovsky / Theater. Mayakovsky.
1987 - "Overstocked barrel" by V. Aksyonov / theater directed by O. Tabakov.
1988 - "Servants" by J. Genet (dir. R. Viktyuk) / Theater "Satyricon"
1989 - "Hercules and the Augean Stables" by F. Dürrenmatt
1989 - "Hide and seek with loneliness" to the music of O. Messiaen, G. Mahler, J. Gershwin / "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
1990 - "Otello" to the music of G. Verdi / "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
1991 - "The Queen of Spades" to music by A. Schnittke (dir. Yu. Borisov) / "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
1991 - "Salome" by O. Wilde, to the music of K. Shimanovsky and E. Chausson / "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
1992 - "Pugachev" by S. Yesenin, to the music of F. Handel and A. Schnittke / "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
1993 - “The Mask Sculptor” by F. Krommelink, to the music of K. Orff (dir. I. Popovsky) / “Independent Troupe of Alla Sigalova”
1993) - "La Divina", in memory of M. Callas / "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
1993 - “Passion for Bumbarash” by Y. Kim after A. Gaidar, music. V. Dashkevich (dir. V. Mashkov) / Moscow theater-studio n/r Oleg Tabakov
1994 - "Banana" based on the play by S. Mrozhek "Widows" (dir. R. Kozak) / "Independent troupe of A. Sigalova"
1994 - "Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy" by V. Gombrowicz / State Theater of Lower Saxony, Hannover (Germany)
1994 - "Tango", according to S. Mrozhek
1994 - "Piggy Bank" by E. Labiche
1995 - "The Nutcracker" to the music of P. Tchaikovsky
1996 - "Cynics" by A. Mariengof / "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
1996 - Duets
1997 - "Yellow Tango" to the music of A. Piazzolla
1998 - "Visions of Ivan the Terrible" to music by S. Slonimsky
1999 - "La traviata" to music by D. Verdi theater New theater.
2000 - "Bolero" to the music of M. Ravel Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre.
2000 - “Sketches for sunset to the music of L. Desyatnikov, A. Piazzolla, E. Satie (music director A. Goribol)
2001 - "The Seven Deadly Sins" by K. Weil and B. Brecht / Lithuanian Opera and Ballet Theatre.
2001 - "Dreams of Love" to the music. European tango
2002 - "Red and Black Dances" to the music of L. Desyatnikov, M. Ravel, A. Piazzolla and A. Terteryan / Theater "Angar"
2003 - Fairy's Kiss to music by I. Stravinsky (conductor T. Currentzis) / Novosibirsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theater
2003 - "Nights of Cabiria" by F. Fellini, to the music of R. Pauls / Moscow Drama Theater. A. S. Pushkin
2004 - "Jan" by A. Platonov (dir. R. Kozak) / Moscow Drama Theater. A. S. Pushkin
2005 - "Russian Seasons" to music by L. Desyatnikov (conductor T. Currentzis) / Novosibirsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theater
2006 - "Concerto Grosso" to the music of F. Handel (I. Zelensky's benefit performance) / Mariinsky Theater
2006 - "Madame Bovary" by G. Flaubert / Moscow Drama Theater. A. S. Pushkin
2006 - “Carmen. Etudes ”by P. Merimee, to the music. Bizet-Shchedrin / Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov - "Golden Mask" - 2008 - "For the fruitful synthesis of choreography and drama."
2007 - Stravinsky. Games» / Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, K. Raikin’s course
2008, August 16 - "Amadeus": theatrical-musical-plastic project, based on the small tragedy "Mozart and Salieri" by A. S. Pushkin and the works of V. A. Mozart and A. Salieri (E. Stychkin, - Mozart; D .Spivakovsky, - Salieri) / Yaroslavl, Festival "Transfiguration", City Exhibition Center "Old Town"
2008 - "Office" - a performance based on the play by Ingrid Lauzund, the Pushkin Theater, Moscow.
2009 - "Poor Lisa" - a choreographic novella to the music of L. Desyatnikov's chamber opera, at the Theater of Nations.
2010 - "The Young Ladies from Vilko" - a performance based on the prose of Y. Ivashkevich, the theater of Modena (Italy), together with dir. A. Hermanis.
2010 - "Giselle, or deceived brides" - a choreographic performance on the music of A. Adam, School-Studio of the Moscow Art Theater.
2011 - "Casting / Casting" - a performance based on the libretto by J. Kirkwood "A Chorus Line" - the Mossovet Theater.

» (), Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2013 in the field of culture for the creation of the television program "Big Ballet", Prize of the Government of Moscow in 2018 for the creation of the play "Katerina Ilvovna" at the Moscow Theater under the direction of O. Tabakov.

Alla Sigalova
Name at birth Alla Moiseevna Sigalova
Date of Birth 28th of February(1959-02-28 ) (60 years)
Place of Birth
  • Stalingrad, USSR
IMDb ID 0797410
Alla Sigalova at Wikimedia Commons


From 1983 to 2004 - a teacher at the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS).

1986-1989 - choreographer at the Russian State Theater "Satyricon" named after I. A. Raikin.

1989-1999 - artistic director of the theater "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova".

Since 2013, he has also been the head of the Department of Modern Choreography and Stage Dance at GITIS.

Dancing with the Stars" on the TV channel "Russia 1".

2011-2014 - host of the television project of the channel "Culture" - "Big Opera".

2012 - host of the television program on the TV channel "Culture" - "Big Ballet"

2013 - host of the television project of the TV channel "Culture" - "Big Jazz".

2015 - chief choreographer of the project "Dancing with the Stars" on the TV channel "Russia-1".

2017 - participation in the judging of the new dance show “Everybody Dance! "on the TV channel "Russia-1".

A family



The work of the director and choreographer (opera, ballet)

  • 1989 - "Hide and seek with loneliness", a choreographic performance to the music of composers of the 20th century, "the independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
  • 1990 - " Othello”, a choreographic performance to the music of G. Verdi,“ the independent troupe of Alla Sigalova ”
  • 1991 - " Queen of Spades”, a choreographic performance to the music of A. Schnittke (dir. Y. Borisov), "independent troupe of Alla Sigalova"
  • 1991 - " Salome”, a choreographic performance based on O. Wilde, to the music of K. Shimanovsky and E. Chausson,“ the independent troupe of Alla Sigalova ”
  • 1992 - " Pugachev”, a choreographic performance based on S. Yesenin, to the music of F. Handel and A. Schnittke,“ the independent troupe of Alla Sigalova ”
  • 1993 - La Divina, a choreographic performance in memory of M. Kallas, "the independent troupe of Alla Sigalova". Moscow.
  • 1995 - "Nutcracker", ballet to music by P. Tchaikovsky, Municipal Theater of Contemporary Ballet, Yekaterinburg.
  • 1996 - "Cynics", choreographic performance according to A. Mariengof, "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova".
  • 1996 - "Duets" ballet to music by A. Terteryan, E. Satie. Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre. Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • 1997 - "Yellow Tango", ballet to music by A. Piazzolla, Latvian National Opera, Riga, Latvia, 1999 - "La Traviata", to music by D. Verdi, Novaya Opera Theatre, Moscow. Kus tsmok!
  • 1998 - " Visions of Ivan the Terrible”, to the music of S. Slonimsky, Samara Opera and Ballet Theater.
  • 1999 - "La Traviata", opera to music by D. Verdi, Novaya Opera Theatre, Moscow.
  • 2000 - "Bolero", ballet to music by M. Ravel, Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre. Lithuania.
  • 2000 - "Sketches for Sunset", choreographic performance to music by L. Desyatnikov, A. Piazzolla, E. Satie.
  • 2001 - " Seven deadly sins”, opera-ballet after K. Weil and B. Brecht, Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre, Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • 2001 - " Dreams of love", a choreographic performance at the music. European tango, variety theater. Moscow.
  • 2002 - " Red and black dances”, a choreographic performance to the music of L. Desyatnikov, A. Piazzolla, M. Ravel and A. Terteryan, theatrical entreprise “Angar”.
  • 2003 - "Wedding" and " Fairy Kiss» ballet to music by I. Stravinsky (dir. T. Currentzis
  • 2005 - "Russian Seasons", ballet to music by L. Desyatnikov (dir. T. Currentzis), Novosibirsk Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre.
  • 2005 - "Falstaff", choreography in the opera by D. Verdi, director K. Serebrennikov, Mariinsky Theater, St. Petersburg.
  • 2006 - "Concerto Grosso", ballet to music by F. Handel ( benefit I. Zelensky), Mariinskii Opera House.
  • 2006 - "Carmen. Sketches» according to P. Merimee, choreographic performance to the music. Bizet-Shchedrin / Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov - Grand Prix of the International Festival of Student Works VGIK named after. Gerasimov. "Golden Mask" - 2008 - "For fruitful synthesis of choreography and drama", Grand Prix of the international festival of student performances "Your Chance" - 2008.
  • 2007 - "Stravinsky. Games." choreographic performance to the music of I. Stravinsky, Moscow Art Theater School, premiered at the Mikhail Baryshnikov Center, New York. In 2008 for the performance "Stravinsky. Games" (the graduation performance of the Moscow Art Theater School, course of Konstantin Raikin) received the Grand Prix of the fourth international festival of student performances "Your Chance". And the Grand Prix of the 28th VGIK International Festival in the theater competition section.
  • August 16, 2008 - "Amadeus": theatrical-musical-plastic project, based on the small tragedy "Mozart and Salieri" by A. S. Pushkin and the works of V. A. Mozart and A. Salieri. Yaroslavl, festival "Transfiguration".
  • 2009 - "Poor Lisa"- a choreographic short story to the music of L. Desyatnikov's chamber opera, in the State Theater of Nations.
  • 2010 - "Giselle, or Deceived Brides"- choreographic performance to the music of A. Adam, Moscow Art Theater School, new stage of the Moscow Art Theater, Moscow.
  • 2012 - "Final Cut"- choreographic performance based on the Pink Floyd album " The Final Cut”, graduation performance of the Moscow Art Theater School
  • 2011 - "Othello"- choreographic performance to music by J. S. Bach, J. Xenakis, A. Terteryan based on the tragedy William Shakespeare, Latvian National Opera, Riga, Latvia.
  • 2013 - film performance "Final Cut"- based on a choreographic performance to the music of Pink Floyd's album "" The Final Cut", TV channel "Culture".
  • 2014 - "Jenufa" - opera by L. Janacek, choreographer, La Monet Theater (Royal Opera), Brussels, joint work with director Alvis Hermanis, Belgium.
  • 2014 - "Khanuma" - jazz-comedy based on the play by A. Tsigareli, music by G. Kancheli, director and choreographer, Riga Russian Theater. Mikhail Chekhov, Latvia.
  • 2014 - "Final Cut"- plastic performance based on the Pink Floyd album " The Final Cut Graduation Performance by Harvard University, Boston. USA.
  • 2014 - The Nutcracker Opera, opera to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky's ballet The Nutcracker. Author of the idea (together with P. Kaplevich), stage director, choreographer, Novaya Opera Theatre, Moscow, Russia.
  • 2015 - "Jenufa" - opera by L. Janacek, choreographer, Bologna Municipal Opera, Italy.
  • 2015 - "Five stories about love", based on the prose of I. Bunin, music by S. Rachmaninov, choreographic performance of the Moscow Art Theater School, new stage of the Moscow Art Theater, Moscow.
  • 2015 - "Ballad", one-act ballet to music by B. Yusupov and S. Rachmaninov, choreographer, premiere at the Kremlin Gala, Moscow.
  • 2015 - "The Condemnation of Faust", opera by G. Berlioz, choreographer, Opéra National de Paris, stage of Opéra Bastille, France.
  • 2016 - "Two Foscari", opera by D. Verdi, choreographer, La Scala, Milan, Italy.
  • 2016 - "Jenufa" opera by L. Janachik, choreographer, Opera and Ballet Theatre, Poznan, Poland.
  • 2016 - "Journey to TWIN PEAKS", fantasy on the themes of David Lynch's series "Twin Peaks", music by Angelo Badalamenti, director and choreographer, Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, Moscow.
  • 2016 - "Love of Danae" opera by R. Strauss, choreographer, Salzburg International Music Festival - Salzburger Festspiele, Salzburg, Austria.
  • 2016 - “Love”, performance based on the play by V. Tokareva “Well, let it be”, director and choreographer, Riga Russian Theater. Mikhail Chekhov, Latvia.
  • 2016 - "Madama Butterfly", opera by D. Puccini, choreographer, La Scala, Milan, Italy.
  • 2017 - "Carmen", choreographic etudes to music by J. Bizet, choreographer, graduation performance at Harvard University, Boston, USA.
  • 2017 - “Katerina Ilvovna”, choreographic drama in two parts based on the essay by N. S. Leskov “Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District”, director, Moscow Theater n/r O. Tabakov, stage on Sukharevskaya.
  • 2018 - "I'm Not Afraid to Say", a choreographic graduation performance, to modern music. Stage director and choreographer, Moscow Art Theater School, Moscow.
  • 2018 - "My Fair Lady", a musical performance based on the play "Pygmalion" by George Bernard Shaw, author - Alan Jay Lerner, music by Frederick Lowe, director and choreographer, Riga Russian Theater. Mikhail Chekhov, Latvia.
  • 2018 -- "XX Century. Ball", author of the libretto (co-authored with K. L. Ernst), director, choreographer and sound designer. Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. Moscow.

The work of the choreographer in dramatic performances

  • 1984 - " Diary of an ordinary girl”, according to the “Diary” of Nina Kosterina, the theater. Mayakovsky.
  • 1985 - " Cathedral of Notre Dame”, by V. Hugo, musical comedy theater, Kyiv.
  • 1986 - " Bug”, according to V. Mayakovsky, the theater. Mayakovsky.
  • 1988 - " maidservants”, by J. Genet (dir. R. Viktyuk), theater "Satyricon", Moscow.
  • 1989 - " overstocked barrel» according to V. Aksyonov, the theater-studio of O. Tabakov.
  • 1989 - " Hercules and the Augean Stables”, according to F. Dürrenmatt, Satyricon Theater, Moscow.
  • 1989 - " Playing hide and seek with loneliness”, to the music of O. Messiaen, G. Mahler, J. Gershwin,“ the independent troupe of Alla Sigalova ”, Moscow.
  • 1993 - "Mask Maker", after F. Krommelink, to the music of K. Orff (dir. I. Popovsky), "Independent troupe of Alla Sigalova", Moscow.
  • 1993 - " Passion for Bumbarash» Y. Kim after A. Gaidar, music. V. Dashkevich (dir. V. Mashkov), theater-studio O. Tabakov, Moscow.
  • 1994 - " Banana”, based on the play by S. Mrozhek (dir. R. Kozak), Mossovet Theater, Moscow.
  • 1994 - " Yvonne, Princess of Burgundy”, after W. Gombrowicz, State Theater of Lower Saxony, Hannover, Germany.
  • 1994 - "Tango", after S. Mrozhek, Municipal Theater of Nuremberg, Germany.
  • 1994 - "Piggy bank", vaudeville by E. Labiche, municipal theater of Liege, Belgium.
  • 2004 - "Jan", after A. Platonov (dir. R. Kozak), Moscow Drama Theatre. A. S. Pushkin.
  • 2008 - "Office"- performance based on the play by Ingrid Lauzund, Moscow Drama Theater. A. S. Pushkin, Moscow.
  • 2010 - "The Young Ladies from Wilco"- a performance based on the prose of Y. Ivashkevich, the theater of Modena (Italy), together with dir. A. Hermanis.
  • 2010 - "After the Curtain"- based on plays by Anton Chekhov and Brian Friel, dir. E. Kamenkovich, Moscow theater "Workshop of Peter Fomenko".
  • 2011 - "Casting / Casting"- performance based on the libretto by J. Kirkwood A Chorus Line, Mossovet Theatre, choreographer and leading lady, Moscow.
  • 2017 - "Bespradannitsa", A. N. Ostrovsky, Burgtheater, director Alvis Hermanis, Vienna, Austria.

TV work

  • Choreographer of variety programs by Laima Vaikule (since 1995) and Anzhelika Varum, as well as many television show programs on the first channel: "Old songs about the main thing-2", "Old songs about the main thing-3", a New Year's show on NTV, host of New Year's and other television show projects on the Kultura TV channel.

From 2007 to 2011 - member of the jury of the dance competition-TV show "Dancing with the Stars" on the TV channel "Russia 1".

2011 - host of the television project of the channel "Culture" - "All Russia".

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