Lena from the quarter gave birth. Elena Kravets showed a touching photo of the baby

Producer and actress of Kvartal 95 Studio Elena Kravets told Caravan of Stories about her husband Sergei and daughter Masha, about family relationships with quarters and why she has been in psychotherapy for many years

One day my mother met a friend on the street. She asks: “How is Lenochka doing? It's so funny, everyone thinks that she is Vova Zelensky's wife." Mom answered: “Thank God, even though you know that she is not Zelensky’s wife.” “Well, of course, I know, she’s married to Zhenya Koshevoy!”

Everyone is used to this: they confuse our surnames and first names, they say that "Styopa" (actor Sergei Kazanin - Auth.)– my brother, because we are similar. This is the cost of a comic show. Vova Zelensky has a wonderful marriage, and we are all family friends. My parents' family also had many friends.

My mother is an economist, my father is a metallurgist. Dad is simple kind person are its main advantages. He greatly influenced my attitude to the world. A bright view of the world, which I try not to lose and pass on to my own daughter, is my father's merit.

Elena Kravets with her parents, 1986

Most of my upbringing was done by my mother. It was from her that I received the lion's share of the knowledge that a family usually gives a child. I have no brothers and sisters, therefore, in order not to cultivate selfishness, my mother constantly asked me the same problem: “There are three apples on the table, one is the largest and most beautiful. You are offered to take the apple first. Which one will you choose? And I answered with a sigh memorized: "I'll take the smallest."

She explained that flowers cannot be picked, only smelled; that no one should be offended - neither animals, nor birds, nor insects; that a girl should always look decent, dress neatly. The sewn-in nylon tights are terrible: either wear trousers, or make sure that the tights do not tear.

Elena Kravets immediately gave her husband Sergei a son and a daughter. The babies were born in one of the capital's clinics.

Recall that Elena Kravets and her husband Sergei are also raising their 13-year-old daughter Masha.

The fact that the actress wants more children, Elena first announced two years ago in Viva interview!, when we were preparing a special project dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the Kvartal 95 studio. “There was a desire to give birth to a second child, to build a house. I realized that the simplest things in life are the most important and that happiness is not measured by the number of cars, money and statuses, ”Kravets frankly shared with us then.

Elena Kravets with her husband Sergey and daughter Masha

Photo from Viva!

At the end of March this year at one of the concerts. The showman publicly announced that Kvartal 95 had recently returned from a tour of Israel, where the only woman did not go on the team. “We wanted to bring a new prime minister and good weather from there, but it didn’t work out,” Zelensky joked from the stage, adding that he had two news for the audience: “First: Elena Kravets is pregnant, and therefore she did not fly to Israel, second: we did not we know from whom. Later, Vladimir, of course, said that Lena was expecting a child from her husband Sergei.

By the way, the husband of Elena Kravets, who worked for many years as the executive producer of the Kvartal 95 studio, and is now engaged in television post-production, also admitted in an interview that he would like more children (they are already raising their 13-year-old daughter Masha) and it would be better if it were son.

As a result, it turned out even better: Elena Kravets immediately gave birth to twins - a son and a daughter.

A former member of the KVN team of the city of Krivoy Rog called "95th Quarter", later the creative producer of this humorous project, and now known in the circles of fast driving enthusiasts, Sergey Kravets is somewhat inferior to his wife in popularity.

A young man does not appear on television screens as often as Elena Kravets, who has been a participant in a humorous program for many years " Evening quarter and Studio 95.

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born on May 1, 1979 in the Ukrainian city with the name of Krivoy Rog. After graduating from secondary school, he entered the higher educational institution of his city, or rather, the Krivoy Rog Institute of Economics. The guy stood out sharp feeling humor and creativity, so he easily got into the local kaween team.

Getting to know my wife

In the same educational institution Sergey met his future wife - at that time Elena Yuryevna Malyashenko, who was also a kaveenschite.

The young people met while still students, then they participated in KVN games, both were cheerful, bold, funny, they turned out to have many common interests and views. So, the students first became friends, and after a while they began to meet.


The couple legalized their relationship on September 21, 2002, everything was traditional: a white puffy dress, a veil, more than a hundred guests, including members of the 95th quarter studio. The newlyweds themselves paid for the wedding, because then they were already making good money by touring with their Kaveen team.

The next year, the couple had a girl, who was named Masha. Sergei Kravets was happy with the birth of their little princess and adores his daughter, who is now thirteen years old.

The wife of Sergei Kravets is the only representative of the fair sex in cast studio "Quarter 95", in addition, Elena works as its administrative director. Despite the fact that the young woman is an economist by education, she earns a living as a humorous actress, TV presenter, creative figure and producer.

Elena Kravets was very remembered by the public in the role of Yulia Timoshenko, which the woman performed in the humorous TV show "Evening Quarter". And also a humorist, together with Evgeny Koshev, led morning program on the Ukrainian channel "Inter", the program "Family size" with Denis Manzhosov. Elena's production project called "Legend. Lyudmila Gurchenko" was released in 2011. On the Russian television viewers saw this young woman in the program "Ukrainian Quarter".

And also Elena several times got into the list of the most beautiful and powerful women Ukraine.

Moving to Kyiv

In 2003, the couple moved to live in Kyiv, as things at the "95 quarter" were rising more and more rapidly, and all the participants slowly began to move to the capital. This city had more possibilities for career advancement, because it is in the capital of Ukraine that the cultural, financial and economic life of the country is concentrated. An interesting, new, intense creative and personal life began in Kyiv. Sergey Kravets moved behind the scenes of the program and practically did not appear on stage, taking the position of creative producer at the Kvartal 95 studio.

Despite the constant presence close to each other and a common creative territory, the spouses remain close people with a good relationship.


The husband of Elena Kravets is also known as a lover of fast driving. At first it was a simple hobby, but now, after a few years, car racing has become a serious hobby, to which he dedicates his free time Sergey Kravets. "95 quarter" takes no less time in life young man where he became a successful creative writer.

In this extreme and pretty dangerous sports Sergey has been participating for about ten years and makes great success. The young man not only began to actively engage in auto racing, but even takes part in international competitions. For the rally, Sergey uses his favorite car of the Ford brand, it is a winning red color and with the symbolic number 95.

Sergey Kravets, whose biography was replenished with facts about prize-winning places in international auto racing competitions, insists that his wife take a course of counter-emergency driving, which Elena cannot decide on. But Elena strongly supports her husband's hobby and even comes to cheer for him.


Elena Kravets, Sergey Kravets do not make their personal lives public, they prefer to surprise the viewer with their creative success. But it is clear that it is strong married couple, who has been remarkably able to work together and raise three children together for many years.

The eldest daughter - Maria, who is now a thirteen-year-old beauty, was born the next year after the wedding of young people.

Last summer, another joyful event took place in the Kravets family, there was a new addition to their family, and what a new one! Elena gave birth to the so-called royal twins - a girl and a boy, who received the names Ivan and Ekaterina.

Having starred in several "pregnant" photo shoots as part of the promotion of her clothing brand, and having held several events for women in position, the star of "Studio Quarter-95" Elena Kravets disappeared from social networks. Therefore, the fans, who was still pregnant at that time, the TV presenter, had a seriously increased interest in whether Elena had accidentally given birth.

And now it is already possible to congratulate the indispensable artist of the Kvartal 95 studio with a double replenishment - the birth of twins. Moreover, Elena Kravets is a real lucky woman, because she became the owner of a very rare, as she is also called, "royal" twins - when both a boy and a girl are born at the same time.

The newborns are doing well. Elena herself, too, and even managed to name the kids with her husband. The boy was given Ukrainian name Vanya, and the girl was named Ekaterina.

Recall that the popular actress and TV presenter, the star of the 1 + 1 TV channel, is raising her 13-year-old daughter Masha with her husband. So after the second birth, in star family Elena Kravets will now have three children growing up.

The beauty and mother of many children, Elena Kravets, first posted a photo on the network, which shows the tiny hand of a newborn baby.

Perhaps every mother has such pictures, along with photographs of tiny heels. But it only seems that they are all the same. In fact, each of these photographs reflects a whole new unique world of a new little man.

She is a public person, she has such a job, however, she tries to protect her personal life as best she can. Therefore, there are no photos of the babies anywhere yet, but the first picture has already appeared and, judging by the signature, this is the pen of little Katenka.

Dad, are you that big or am I that small? ?? #This is just the beginning

In general, Elena is not a fan of social networks, and although she is present in the main ones, she rarely makes publications. Even the fact that twin babies were born was not reported by the mother herself, but by her friends and moderators of the official fan group of Elena Kravets.

Nevertheless, there were so many congratulations and wishes that Elena decided to thank her fans personally by writing words of gratitude and showing the first transport of her kids.

The other day, Elena Kravets for the first time after the birth of the twins came out - a photo of Lena and her friends in one of Kyiv restaurants appeared on the network.

The fact that the 39-year-old actress, member of the Kvartal 95 troupe is pregnant for the first time was told by her work colleague Vladmir Zelensky. At the end of April 2016, Zelensky told why the only woman in the team did not fly with the troupe on tour to Israel, because replenishment was waiting. At the end of May, the journalists finally received official confirmation and Lena stopped hiding her position. She even took part in a photo shoot showcasing maternity dresses from her newly formed brand, OneSize by Lena Kravets.

In June, during an interview, Elena Kravets let slip that she was expecting twins. On August 15, 2016, Elena Kravets gave birth to twins - a boy and a girl, who were named Vanechka and Katyusha. Elena, her husband Sergey and eldest daughter 13-year-old Maria does not hide her happiness and accepts congratulations and gifts.

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