The most dangerous and shocking sports. "extreme will make you a different person"

Sport is the favorite word of millions of people around the world. For some, this is the Olympic Games, for others - a roaring fan stadium at the final of the World Cup in football or hockey, for others - a way to show their wealth and status in society, and for some, sport is a pleasant and interesting way to spend their free time, find like-minded people, make new acquaintances. And in connection with the growing fashion for a healthy lifestyle every year, playing sports is not only useful, but also fashionable. And if earlier cricket, golf, sailing regatta and even football were fashionable sports, now you will not surprise anyone with them; extreme sports have become the most fashionable among young people (and not only).

Fashionable ways to get your dose of adrenaline

There are a huge number of sports that can rightly be called extreme, and each generation comes up with more and more extreme sports, thereby creating a fashion for them. Some of them will soon become so widespread that official competitions begin to be held on them, and some are even included in the program of the Olympic Games. Every country in the world invents its own extreme ways to spend their free time, here are the most popular of them:

- an extreme sport that has already entered the list of official sports of the Olympic Games. In the mountains, special tracks are equipped for snowboarding, amateur athletes specially travel to different countries - ski resorts, where you can try out new tracks. But the mountains, so attractive with their magical romance, are fraught with too many dangers, and people who find themselves in the mountains put themselves at risk every minute.

- water version of snowboarding, and no less dangerous and extreme. Athletes conquer the waves on fragile boards, relying only on their own sense of balance. Many avid surfers take unnecessary risks by rushing into the highest and most dangerous waves that can drag a light board to the seabed.

is an incredibly popular sport among young people, and although many do not consider it extreme, in fact, athletes often get injured in training and competitions, and avid athletes are so passionate about this sport that they do not feel the limits of their own capabilities and go out for the thrill to the city streets and roads for an unforgettable experience.

- one of the most dangerous extreme sports, but at the same time the most accessible for young people. Thousands of fans of this sport travel all over the world in search of the highest platforms for jumping into the abyss - bridges, towers, sheer cliffs - any high object can become a place for base jumpers to jump, whose life at the time of the jump depends on a small parachute.

Basejumping is an unusually extreme sport - jumping. This is perhaps the most dangerous sport in the world, athletes jump from great heights and fly into the unknown in free fall. The only insurance is a cable, with which the athlete is tied by the belt to the mount at the top of the site. The life of an athlete depends on the strength and quality of this cable and the serviceability of the fasteners. But still, the adrenaline that people get during such jumps and the romance of danger attract thousands of interested people around the world to this sport.

- perhaps the most beautiful kind of extreme sport, which few people perceive as really dangerous. Diving has become a favorite way of entertainment for tourists in almost all seaside resorts in the world. Vacationers love to go scuba diving under the supervision of a local diving instructor in order to enjoy the breathtaking views of the coral reefs and the seabed. But such dives are carried out exclusively in coastal areas in order to eliminate the risk to the life of an unprepared person. Real divers, on the other hand, dive to great depths, spending up to several hours under the ocean and experiencing the pressure of the deep sea.

This is not a complete list of extreme sports that are fashionable to engage in today's youth. Climbing, roofing, parkour and much more attracts with its danger and the opportunity to get an unforgettable adrenaline rush.

Pros of extreme sports

Despite the fact that those sports that were discussed carry a constant danger and a share of risk for those who decide to go in for them, it should be noted that extreme sports have a number of advantages and benefits:

  • The opportunity to see different points of the globe, to be in places where the usual tourist will not set foot. Often, extreme sports are practiced in places remote from the main tourist routes, which makes it possible to enjoy the beauty of wild beaches, mountain peaks, wild and untouched nature.
  • New interesting acquaintances. Still, not as many people are involved in extreme sports as in classic sports. Therefore, surfers, divers, base jumpers are not just athletes, they are a whole community that brings together people of the same interests, thanks to a common interest and craving for extreme sports, people find new friends, some even their soul mate.
  • Extreme sports attract people who are bored with the monotonous monotony of city life, for them it is an opportunity to add color to an ordinary day, make life brighter, get unforgettable impressions, and a surge of adrenaline into the blood stimulates the body, gives a sense of freedom and euphoria from overcoming oneself and your fear.
  • Extreme sport helps to fight one's phobias, makes a person morally stronger and more resilient to the difficulties that life has in store for us (perhaps the most extreme sport in the world).

Cons of extreme sports

It is impossible not to take into account the fact that people involved in dangerous sports each time risk not only their health, but also their lives. News that an athlete was injured or even killed during a parachute jump, fell off a cliff or went missing under an avalanche appears in the news feed with enviable frequency. There are even ratings of the most dangerous sports in terms of mortality among athletes.

But not only an accident can cause serious harm to human health, the body is simply unprepared for the overloads that an athlete exposes himself to. Low pressure at sea depth has a detrimental effect on the human brain and can lead to hemorrhage and death. And skydiving or free-falling often causes cardiac arrest simply from fear.

In addition, some of these sports in most countries are illegal and athletes can be prosecuted for hooliganism and forced to pay heavy fines.

One way or another, the decision whether or not to engage in extreme sports, as well as the responsibility for one’s life and health, lies with the person himself, and if the thirst for adventure, the craving for learning something new is stronger than the feeling of self-preservation, then perhaps such a risk will be justified and life will become brighter and more interesting.

Extreme is a spectacular and extraordinary activity. Therefore, it is not surprising that, following the US and European countries, a wave of popularity of extreme sports has swept over Russia.

Certain types of sports disciplines began to gain fans in the mid-1950s, and over time they were classified as extreme. Mandatory conditions for such sports: an increased edge of danger, a large number of complex tricks, the maximum release of adrenaline.

Extreme sports: list

  • Aquabike - the collective designation of the disciplines of the Navy (water-motor sport), which is characterized by racing on water scooters.
  • Mountaineering - the main goal is to conquer the peaks of the mountains, where natural obstacles are encountered on the way to them.
  • Base jumping is a recreation in which a parachute (special) is used to jump from an object that is fixed in one place.
  • BTSh - tractor distillation (take place only in the Russian Federation).
  • Boking - jogging and jumping on stilts with springs.
  • Wakeboarding combines water skiing and jumping. A wakeboard is a board that combines snowboarding, skateboarding and skiing.
  • Wingsuit is flying in a specific fabric device that is shaped like a wing.
  • Windsurfing - racing on wooden boards with a sail (Slalom). Swimming at speed (Speed) and performing tricks on large waves (Riding).
  • BMX (fast cycling) - races with a combination of various tricks using a bicycle.
  • Alpine skiing - downhill skiing.
  • Grafitty (bombing) - the essence of this sport is to quickly draw a picture with a spray can of paint, in hard-to-reach or dangerous places.
  • Diving - jumping and being in the underwater world with special equipment (scuba gear).
  • Hang gliding - soaring on a special aircraft, which is called a "hang glider".
  • Zorbing is a fast descent from a high slope with the help of a transparent ball.
  • Kitesurfing - movement through the cavity of the water with the help of a traction force created by a person and controlled by a kite (draft kite).
  • Canyoning - crossing or overcoming canyons from rivers. It does not use any means for swimming.
  • Kayaking - crossing or sailing on a ship for 1 person.
  • Longboarding - descent along the asphalt slope on an elongated board. This is more accelerated and plastic skating than with a skateboard.
  • Mountainboarding is a modified skateboard with larger wheels that allow you to move on any surface.
  • Mountain biking is a very dangerous descent from the mountain with the help of a special bike.
  • Paragliding - gliding with the help of updrafts, which give an increased air flow for the use of a paraglider.
  • Skydiving - jumping using a parachute, acrobatics under a dome, etc.
  • Rafting - swimming in a sports inflatable boat.
  • Roup Jumping - jumping from a high-lying object using a special rope for safety net.
  • Roofing - a quick climb to the roofs and heights of tall buildings, where hard-to-reach passages stand on the way to the goal. In this case, you can not use safety devices.
  • Surfing is riding a wave using special boards or cut fins.
  • Power Extreme - when a person performs power sets, the following items are used: cars, stones, cars, etc.
  • Rock climbing - ascents and descents on natural or artificial terrain.
  • Skateboarding - performing various tricks with the help of a skateboard board.
  • Snowboarding - downhill skiing on the slopes of mountains covered with snow using a snowboard.
  • Snowkiting is the performance of sliding movements and tricks on ice or on snow, helping oneself to hold the kite.
  • Sandboarding - moving through the sandy terrain with the help of a snowboard. Most often, this is done in sand pits or on desert barkans.
  • Speleology is an active sport in which you need to go through hard-to-reach caves.
  • Stuntriding - riding and demonstrating tricks on motorcycles.
  • Trial is a kind of extreme entertainment related to overcoming various obstacles with the help of trucks, bicycles or motorcycles.
  • Free Boarding - descending from paved slopes using a freeboard.
  • Rollerblading - moving with the help of roller skates and performing tricks.
  • Freeride - descending from natural hills and mountains on unprepared roads.
  • Parkour - fast overcoming and passing obstacles: fences, stairs, handrails, roofs of houses in urban areas.

The most extreme sports: an overview

At some point in time, even parachuting was an extreme sport, because only people who knew no fear could jump from a height of 4000 m. Now you will not surprise anyone with this activity, because extreme entertainment is progressing, and even more dangerous types of hobbies have replaced skydiving.

  • Volcanoboarding. It has become out of fashion to buy snowboards and go to ski resorts. Now it's better to go to the volcanoes. And there to move out at an insane speed along the frozen magma.
  • Trainsurfing. The meaning of this sport is to catch on the go for the car of a passing train and climb onto the roof. This is an illegal and extremely dangerous activity, so think carefully before you tempt fate in this way.
  • Airkicking. This is a jump into the pool with the help of a special catapult, which is capable of throwing a person to a height of 8 m.
  • Walk by car through the dunes. This is moving along the highest dunes, while there is a great risk of falling off the cliff of the dune or turning over in a car.
  • Base jumping. These are jumps with a parachute folded behind your back from the highest points: bridges, rocks, roofs, etc.
  • Speedriding. This is a "mix" of paragliding and skiing. Thanks to the wing, you can ski down the slope at great speed.
  • Slacklining. To do this kind of extreme, you need hard ropes and height: openings between rocks, houses, etc.
  • Bull run. To get a double dose of the maximum allowable adrenaline, a person will be helped by running from an angry bull.
  • "Bird Man". With the help of a wing-suit, a person will be able to fly and fly from one cliff to another without any problems. The maximum speed of such flights reaches about 180 km / h.
  • Sport of street sled. In order to get more extreme sensations, people changed to sleds and began their descents through the hills, which provides a fairly high speed and adrenaline rush.

Pros and cons of extreme sports


  1. Doing extreme sports, you:
  2. Get rid of the fear of heights and flying
  3. Become more confident
  4. You will attract attention
  5. Get rid of stress and aggression
  6. You will have an athletic and toned body
  7. Provide yourself with positive emotions and joy


  1. Permanent injuries
  2. Risk of serious injury with life-long consequences
  3. Expensive equipment
  4. High costs for moving to the desired area

Yet extreme sports are extremely important for human health and development. It helps to relax, avoid unnecessary negativity and express your "I". For some people, the search for adrenaline is the meaning of life. In any case, before joining the ranks of extreme sportsmen, it is necessary to carefully weigh all the pros and cons.

Regardless of your physical fitness, whether you can run or not, you can always choose a sport to your liking. Every country has its most famous sport, be it baseball, basketball, football or hockey. There are, of course, a variety of reasons for the universal popularity of sports. We benefit greatly from this as it is a great way to meet new people or gather old friends, and it can also help you improve your physical and mental health.

When we start to be interested in extreme sports, our physical condition comes first, because this sport involves great risks. Pastimes such as mud cycling, bungee jumping, snowboarding, and perhaps skateboarding are widely known around the world for their high level of risk in terms of bodily injury. Participation in these sports has long been considered a priority for adrenaline addicts who are looking for additional sensations, they simply lack regular football. Also, those who take part in it are often known as rebels. Here, we'll take a look at some sports that are so extreme that you've probably never even heard of them. Yes, and do not try it again!

At number ten, we introduce you to slacklining, a sport that involves balancing along a narrow moving ribbon that is stretched close to the ground. To some extent it resembles walking on a tightrope, but in this version there is no special lighting and a mesh stretched underneath. The sport originated in the 70s at Camp Yosemite when climbers began using the slacklining process to improve their core strength and balance between climbs. It has proven to be very beneficial, and has become a favorite sport among adrenaline junkies.

The really quirky Trainsurfing is ninth on our list. It is a dangerous pastime that seems to have been very popular in South Africa and India. Why is it so attractive to young people? The fact is that you have to perform the so-called "dance" on a rapidly rushing train. Train surfers must continuously avoid cables carrying up to 3,000 volts. The most dangerous thing about this sport is that those who practice it do sometimes very dangerous tricks in order to become famous among their like-minded people.

Volcanoboarding is number eight. It is also called "snowboarding without the cold". It is an extremely popular sport in Nicaragua and takes place on the Cerro volcano. The sport was invented in 2005 by an Australian expat. Surfing down a volcano is like a snowboard, but can withstand volcanic ash and reach fifty miles an hour. This is a great option for thrill seekers. You also run the risk of being hit by a volcanic eruption during your trip. The last eruption occurred in 1999.

In number seven is the less popular, but no less dangerous and bizarre ice skating. Skaters who do this must be able to sit on the splits in order to pass under the horizontal bar, which is very low. Recently, the record was set by six-year-old Karuna Waghela. She rode the seven-kilometer path in the city of Belgaon in Karnataka, India, and rolled under a bar nine inches above the ground one hundred and seventy-six times. This sport is not for the average adrenaline junkie, you need a good stretch to do it.

A more extreme and funnier version of mountain biking, mountain unicycling. This includes riding a unicycle on mountain bike tracks from gravel to steep hills. The island of kris, where the sport originated, recommends mountain unicycling as an alternative to cycling with a dog. On this type of transport, you can develop speed to keep up with your furry friend. To practice this sport, you need to have a good experience in riding a unicycle.

This is a meeting of brains and muscles. Chessboxing is a hybrid of chess and boxing. Invented by Dutch artist Lepe Rubingh, the sport alternates games of chess with rounds of boxing between games ending in defeat or knockout. Chessboxing is played by two people and the game can last up to eleven rounds. It starts with four minutes of chess and continues with two minutes of boxing. This is one of the strangest sports. Those who are good at chess and boxing will excel in this sport - a perfect combination of brains and brawn.

Number four is Calcio Fiorentino, translated as "Florentine Kick", which is essentially similar to football, only requires more physical strength. Calcio Fiorentino are fifty minutes of games on a sandy square. There are two teams of up to twenty-seven players, the object of the game is to get the ball of the opponents in any way. And the fact that it is still played to this day shows that showing brute force while playing towards others helps generate a lot of adrenaline.

Number three is wingsuit flight, an exhilarating combination of skydiving and free-gliding in the air. The meaning of this sport is to jump off a high cliff or from an airplane, as in the above-mentioned competition, but the wingsuit flight is different in that it allows a person to "fly", for example, along the coast. In this case, you resemble a flying squirrel, wearing a suit that helps transform your body into a "wing". When you are in the air, you first need to spread your arms and legs in order to power the suit. In this way, your "wings" are fully expanded. Wingsuit is one of the most exhilarating sports because it allows a person to truly fly.

The penultimate extreme sport on this list is krieking, which is a version of kayaking. You must make your way along the river through the most difficult places, rocky ledges and waterfalls. Kayaks used for river rafting have a wider nose and stern than regular kayaks to help prevent falling into the water. Cricking is one of the widely available extreme sports and is often offered in entertainment centers.

At number one is the really quirky sport of Buzkashi, the national sport of Afghanistan. Buzkashi means "killing a goat" and the premise of the sport is correspondingly as horrifying as the name. The rider or the whole team on horseback must pass the dead calf across the line. One game can last a whole week. It also has a rich history in the country, but is not a sport for the mentally unstable or physically unprepared. Animal rights activists are trying to ban these games.

Our life often presents many surprises, sometimes extreme, pushing us to the edge of our possibilities. However, this is not always enough to satisfy the inner desire for risk, thrills - a person is looking for something else that can inspire him to change his life, productive work and much more. At this point, the passion for extreme sports comes to the rescue.

What is extreme and extreme sports

Turning to extreme sports is often due to a lack of positive emotions in life, or their complete absence. This is not surprising, because any extreme activity implies a huge release of adrenaline into the blood, which causes a feeling of euphoria, happiness, and joy. The feeling of fear associated with this type of activity is inextricably linked with the production of the hormone adrenaline. At the same time, overcoming this fear causes an even greater flow of positive emotions, which is why extreme sports bribe more and more of their followers.

Extreme, extreme actions are the activities and actions of a person that occur on the verge of his capabilities, as well as balancing between what is permitted and prohibited. Often the word "extreme" is used as a synonym for the word "danger", since actions of this kind involve a considerable risk to human life.

Extreme sports are sports activities that involve life-threatening physical activities and sometimes involve activities that are contrary to the laws of a particular country.

Most Popular Extreme Sports

To date, more than 40 types of extreme sports are known, as they say, for every taste and color. It is safe to say that the craving of extreme people to create new branches of such activities will not end there, because trying your luck and feeling an adrenaline rush is one thing, but using different methods and environments for this is quite another.

Among the most popular are several types of extreme sports.

  • Mountaineering is an activity for lovers of conquering peaks. Mountain romance, associated with the risk of falling under an avalanche or falling down, attracts enthusiastic natures, striving for personal freedom and self-overcoming. This is one of the most dangerous and difficult types of extreme sports, requiring high physical and moral investments. If desired, a one-day ascent can turn into a long hike with the installation of tents on a mountain slope. From mountaineering also follows such an extreme sport as rock climbing. Its main difference is that the athlete overcomes natural or artificial sheer cliffs, moving almost perpendicular to the ground.
  • Base jumping - skydiving from a stationary object. This sport is also one of the most dangerous. The percentage of injuries and deaths is one of the highest! In addition, in most countries this extreme sport is prohibited by law, and base jumpers are prosecuted by law enforcement agencies, as they not only risk their lives, but also violate public order and peace. Despite all of the above, base jumping is becoming more and more popular every year with young people looking for thrills.
  • Skydiving is a fully certified and organized activity that you can do without breaking the law. Preliminary briefing and proper uniforms exclude accidents by 90%.
  • Wakeboarding is a water sport that involves riding on a special board behind a moving boat. An extreme of such a plan can be carried out both with overcoming obstacles and as high-speed races. This sport is gaining particular popularity in the summer on the sea coasts. Close to wakeboarding are such extreme activities as surfing (riding on a special board on the waves) and windsurfing (riding on the waves on a sailing board), as well as kitesurfing (driving behind a boat on a large kite with water skis or a board).
  • Ski slope - descent from the snowy mountain. As a rule, passion for this activity is supported in ski resorts and in special areas for winter sports. In addition to skis, snowboarding and special kites are suitable for extreme sports, which, respectively, will be called snowboarding and snowkiting.
  • Diving - scuba diving with an instructor or on your own if you have a good experience in personal diving. The purpose of such swims may be to study the seabed, take interesting photos or search for treasures in places of historical events. An offshoot of this extreme sport is cave diving - sea diving with the study of underwater caves.
  • Hang gliding and paragliding are similar extreme sports that involve free flights on a hang glider and paraglider in specially designated areas in good weather.
  • Kayaking - rafting on mountain rivers on a single boat (kayak). One of the most traumatic types of extreme sports, the danger of which is increased by the fact that you, as an athlete, are almost alone with the wildness and unpredictability of nature. Close to this sport is rafting - rafting on a special inflatable boat.
  • Skateboarding is perhaps one of the most harmless extreme sports, which is preferred mainly by teenagers and young adults. The main danger manifests itself when performing complex tricks - riding curbs, jumping over obstacles, etc. Alternatives to this direction are longboarding (on a long skateboard for more convenient descent on an inclined surface, highway), mountainboarding (riding a special skateboard on a natural landscape).
  • Rope jumping - jumping on an elastic cable from a great height.
  • Power extreme is a type of extreme activity in which a person lifts weights that were not originally intended for sports activities (large stones, cars, wagons). At the same time, power extreme is widespread not only among men, but also among women. Some countries even hold full-fledged competitions in this sport.
  • Trial is a kind of extreme sport, the basis of which is to overcome various obstacles on a bicycle, motorcycle or car. Of course, if you are interested in such an activity, for starters, at least, you will have to master the control of one or another type of transport, and then gain courage and attention in order to learn all the principles of performing tricks, but how many sensations after the first obstacles overcome!
  • Parkour is a bright, ambitious extreme sport. It can be called the breath of the street and the movement of freedom, because there are no obstacles and difficulties for parkourers. Jumping from roof to roof, quickly climbing a building, climbing 10-20 flights of stairs in a minute - parkour opens up many possibilities and also trains the body perfectly.

These are far from all types of extreme sports, so anyone who suffers from experiencing new sensations can start with something less dangerous and accessible, gradually increasing the degree of involvement, until, finally, he chooses the right one for him.

Extreme and safety

It should be noted that any of these extreme sports is a potential danger to human life and health. To minimize the risks, you should follow a few simple principles:

  • Whatever type of extreme activity you choose, be sure to purchase all the necessary equipment and protection;
  • reinforce your knowledge about sports by studying information on the Internet, specialized magazines, talking with veterans of the direction;
  • evaluate all risks and own opportunities;
  • be sure to conduct all classes with an experienced instructor;
  • conduct the first classes in specially designated places, zones, halls, clubs;
  • make sure that your actions will not be prosecuted by law;
  • where possible, take small first aid kits with you so as not to be left without help in a critical situation;
  • if you are doing extreme sports alone, get a beacon, walkie-talkie or powerful phone so that you can call for help or give a signal if necessary;
  • try to do extreme sports in a team to always have a person nearby who can help in a critical situation.

Once upon a time, bungee jumping or parachuting from a height of six thousand meters was considered the most dangerous. But today, this is not much of a surprise, because extreme sports do not stand still.

We present to your attention a list of dozens of dangerous types of extreme sports, the existence of which you, perhaps, did not even suspect.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Volcanoboarding

Snowboarding is yesterday! We present to your attention a new sport - riding on a volcano. Volcanoboarding is as insane as it seems at first glance. The only place in the world where you can ride the slope of an active volcano is Nicaragua, Department of Leon. It is here that the active volcano Cerro Negro is located. Anyone can rush down from a height of 725 meters on a special wooden board at speeds up to 80 km / h, knowing that the volcano is still active, and its last eruption occurred just over 10 years ago. This is a truly powerful adrenaline rush! It will take 45 minutes to climb to the top of Cerro Negro, and God forbid you go down not only with a breeze, but in its entirety, because the slope of the mountain is really steep: 41 degrees.

2. Trainsurfing

This activity is completely illegal. But this article is not about laws, but about absolute extreme sports, so we will tell you about trainsurfing. Its essence lies in riding on the roof or on the running board of trains moving at full speed. You have probably seen a lot of shots with similar "passengers" made in Africa or India. An extensive campaign against this type of extreme is currently being launched. Its main hazard is that "passengers" may be thrown off the train at full speed or injured while driving over an overhead contact line or entering a tunnel. Although extreme is extreme, and it is unlikely that such difficulties will be able to frighten truly desperate people.

3. Human catapult

Airkick(R) is another extreme sport that is also called the "human catapult" (I think this name puts everything in its place). A special throwing device throws the extreme up along a pre-calculated trajectory using air pressure and water reverse technology. Extreme presses a button to lift himself into the air by 8 meters, and flies at high speed into a pool of water. At the same time, it is very important to enter the water correctly: if you fall flat on your stomach, you can get serious damage! This activity is clearly for those to whom the usual prefabricated pool for giving is already small.

4. Driving through the dunes in jeeps

Just imagine the most steep and high sand dunes, which are simply impossible to climb, and then imagine that you are overcoming these heights in a four-wheel drive car and at the same time you are overcome by the fear of falling - this is the indescribable feeling of extreme desert jeep tours. This type of extreme is popular in the United Arab Emirates, and this is not surprising, because local cars are best adapted for this. If you decide on such a trip, do not forget to take a video camera with you: there will be something to show your friends, otherwise they will not take your word for it!

5. Base jumping

For those who have the urge to jump off a very tall building...the help of experts is clearly needed! But for those extreme sportsmen who are already tired of banal skydiving, base jumping will help in search of thrills. It differs from conventional skydiving in that base jumpers skydive from fixed objects, as in paragliding. There are four types of fixed objects for base jumping: buildings, antennas, bridge spans and rocks. The danger lies in the fact that there is very little time for the parachute to open, so you need to pull the ring at the very beginning of the jump, otherwise the consequences can be disastrous.

6. Speedriding

Speedriding is an amazing mix of paragliding and skiing. Speedriders use a special kind of parachute and ski to go downhill quickly and gain speed in the process. This kind of extreme sport is very dangerous and involves such high speeds that it has already been banned on some ski slopes. Thanks to the use of a parachute, the glide speed is incredibly increased: it is impossible to accelerate so much just skiing.

7. Slacklining

This extreme sport requires strong but not too tight ropes. If the rope is not too tight, then if necessary, it can stretch like an elastic band. But the rope with a stretched string is easier to move, which allows you to perform some tricks! By the way, very dangerous. The slacklining record is held by Christian Schu, who walked a tightrope over a gorge at a height of one kilometer, which is equal to the height of three Eiffel towers.

8. Run with the bulls

is the perfect way to get a truly colossal dose of adrenaline. Not everyone is able to voluntarily run ahead of an angry animal that weighs a ton. Nevertheless, every July crowds of people gather in the Spanish city of Pamplona to participate in the race with the bulls, which are then used for bullfighting. The only criterion that the participant must meet is the age of over 18 years. Therefore, any adult can run a distance of 840 meters along with hundreds of other thrill-seekers. But you need to keep in mind that 14 people who took part in such races have already died.

9. Bird Man

Many of us fly in our dreams, but Birdman does it in reality. Flying made a reality a special wing suit, with which you can control your movements when jumping from a cliff. Using this miracle suit, you can reach speeds from 225 to 240 km / h. The Romsdal valley in Norway during the summer solstice is the most popular place for such flights. As the suit fills with air and the nylon wings carry Birdman forward, he can experience the unparalleled feeling of freefall.

10. Luge street sport

Last but not least is street luge, which originated in southern California among skateboarders. These guys once discovered that they could develop much faster speeds while lying on the board and sliding down very steep slopes. To date, this type of extreme has gained great popularity in Europe. If you want to try, then prepare for possible injuries, namely fractures, which are very possible, because when sledding down a slope at a speed of 96 km / h, the legs often serve as brakes.

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