Laser show symphony of lights in hong kong. Hong Kong Cheap Hotels, Avenue of Stars and Symphony of Lights Laser Show Hong Kong Light Show

I know it's trite for seasoned travelers, but I can't help but post a mini-report about the Avenue of Stars in Hong Kong and the light show there. As a rule, everyone visits this very alley during the day, but I didn’t want to specifically look at the stars immured in concrete, so it was decided to combine it with watching a light show that starts at 8 pm and lasts about 15 minutes. I want to note that if you stop at or somewhere else on Nathan Road, then the embankment will be the only normal place for walking. Although no, I’m lying, there is also Kowloon Park nearby, but there is no sea flavor and tourist traffic, just a park and that’s it. Remarkably, free wifi was caught on the embankment, that is, you can sit to work or just surf the Internet. I don’t know if he is there all the time or not, but there is a Starbucks right on the shore where you can also sit.

Although I sometimes like to watch various films, I have a very poor memory for names, so I don’t know a single director and remember literally a dozen actors. In the Hong Kong Avenue of Stars, in general, all some people I don’t know, and many, I think, too. Of those I know - the legendary Bruce Lee and no less famous - Jackie Chan, these two I remember from childhood. And apparently I will never be able to forget the image of a man in yellow pants and a black stripe on the side that immediately pops up in my memory, as well as another one who is always fighting with the crowd with all the objects that come to hand. Then 30 years ago there were not so many films, and we watched them in poor quality on video cassettes. Oh, how long ago it was, now on one flash drive as much fits as before it didn’t fit into a whole closet :)

In general, cinema lovers will probably be interested, you can put your hands on the prints of the great hands and thus join them. Of course, the Avenue of Stars in Hong Kong is much more modest than Hollywood, but where are we, and where is America. I flew to Hong Kong from Moscow on a direct flight for 400 bucks in total, but you can’t get to Hollywood for that amount.

Avenue of Stars in Hong Kong

Avenue of Stars in Hong Kong

Laser show in Hong Kong

As I already wrote, laser show starts at 20.00 and goes 15 minutes. Represents the movement of laser beams in the sky and flashing lights on skyscrapers to the music (not quite in time). In fact, I won’t say that this show is special, I kept waiting for a certain climax, but it never came. Why he was included in the Guinness Book of Records is not clear. I watched the show from the waterfront of the Kowloon Peninsula in the direction of the skyscrapers of Hong Kong Island. I think in reverse side if you look (from the waterfront of Hong Kong Island), the spectacle will be even weaker. Nevertheless, you can watch the show, because there is nothing to do in the evening anyway, especially if you are not too tempted by impressions. Possibly in holidays or on some certain dates everything looks much cooler, but I was not lucky.

Not far from the Avenue of Stars

Laser show in Hong Kong

Laser show in Hong Kong

After the show, just skyscrapers again, only with the moon

Neighborhood Avenue of Stars

To get as much as possible more impressions from this place, it makes sense to take a walk around the neighborhood. Figures of some characters are periodically exhibited here, mimes meet, at the intersection of Nathan Road and Salisbury Road, there is a square with huge tree on a high pedestal, a pavilion with a Time Ball mechanism and old artillery pieces. And if you are tired of this side, then you can easily find yourself on Hong Kong Island through.

Not far from the Avenue of Stars

One of business cards Hong Kong is considered the Symphony of Lights. This is a truly impressive sight, which amazes with its scale and beauty. It is believed that if you visited Hong Kong and did not see the Symphony of Lights, then the trip was in vain. After all, it is very easy to watch this grandiose show - every evening, 42 skyscrapers of Hong Kong in the business center of the city begin their performance synchronized with music.

Light and sound laser show in Hong Kong

The Symphony of Lights began operating in 2004. The technology for the project was developed by Australian firm LaserVision and cost approximately HK$44 million to implement.

What is this grandiose project? Within 10 minutes, on both sides of Victoria Harbor, the roofs and facades of skyscrapers begin to be illuminated with multi-colored lights. For this, the most powerful spotlights are used. You can see beautiful fairy dragons, heroes of Chinese folk legends, beautiful flowers and varied geometric figures. The colorful images are reflected in the bay, creating a truly unique spectacle.

In addition to the floodlights, fireworks are launched at the same time, and fireworks rumble over the skyscrapers. From the loudspeakers installed right on the skyscrapers, a loud classical music in modern processing. This is indeed musical accompaniment can be heard from city loudspeakers or by tuning in to a specific radio wave.

The show includes five acts, each of which is filled with secret meaning, as it has been accepted in Chinese traditions since ancient times: awakening, life, heritage, cooperation, celebration.

  • A year after its opening, the Symphony of Lights got into the Guinness Book of Records under the definition of "the world's largest permanent light and sound show."
  • At the very beginning of its appearance, the Symphony of Lights took place only on one side of the bay, and twenty skyscrapers participated in it.
  • It is most convenient to watch this landmark of Hong Kong from the Avenue of Stars - it is from there that every detail of the grandiose performance is best seen.
  • Thousands of Hong Kong residents and many tourists gather here every evening to capture these amazing moments in their memory and on camera pictures.

Useful information

Light show hours: daily at 20:00.

The best view of the Symphony of Lights: from the Tsim Sha Tsui embankment.

How to get there:

  • Take the subway to Tsim Sha Tsui Station or Tsim Sha Tsui East Station. Proceed to exits L6 and J. Follow the signs to get to the Tsim Sha Tsui embankment.
  • you can get to the embankment at Golden Bauhinia Square in Wanchai by metro, get off at Wanchai station, walk along the pedestrian bridge to exit A5.
  • take a cruise on Victoria Harbor to watch the Symphony of Lights from the water.

Symphony of Lights on the map of Hong Kong

One of the hallmarks of Hong Kong is the Symphony of Lights. This is a truly impressive sight, which amazes with its scale and beauty. It is believed that if you visited Hong Kong and did not see the Symphony of Lights, then the trip was in vain. After all, it is very easy to watch this grandiose show - every evening 42 skyscrapers of Hong Kong in the business center of the city begin their synchro..." />

Every evening, hundreds of people gather on the Hong Kong waterfront, about which I wrote, because at 20:00 the Symphony of Lights laser show begins. It is a game of lasers and light projections on skyscrapers from the opposite shore. I came to see it too! Think: “After all, there will certainly be some incredible extravaganza!”.

The show blew my mind! On the cover photo- the most modest frame.

And this is the most enchanting:

Feel the global difference?))

The show struck me with its incompetence) And this is Hong Kong, where everything is built and done on an impressive scale!

The laser extravaganza lasts 15 minutes, at which time music plays, buildings are illuminated and the voice of the announcer tells what is in them. Then the lasers merge in musical ecstasy and glow in different sides.

Everything is very modest. Firstly, because of the eternal Hong Kong haze in the sky, half of the world is simply lost, and secondly, the laser show itself is somehow, well, meeeeeee modest.

In general, cherishing the idea that I just don’t understand anything about laser shows, I wandered home that evening to sleep)

The embankment is really crowded with fans of this cool show :))

Well, Hong Kong at night from the waterfront.

Other posts about Hong Kong:

Laser show « Symphony of Lights” takes place in Hong Kong every day on the skyscrapers of downtown Hong Kong. It makes sense to include it in your travel program and take a walk on the embankment, look at the avenue of stars and at the same time see this show.

Hong Kong Laser Show start time

Since the laser show starts in the evening at 20.00 and lasts 15 minutes. The viewing point is not far from, and it makes sense to watch the Avenue of Stars in daylight, then I recommend coming here at 17.00 hours. This way you can see the avenue of stars, then at about 18.00 - 18.30 it gets dark, you can have a bite to eat somewhere on Nathan Road and come to the embankment to enjoy the spectacle.

How to get to the Hong Kong Laser Show

The embankment and the avenue of stars itself are located on the Koloon Peninsula, on the Tsin Sha Tsui embankment. In fact, the laser show can be seen from many points in Hong Kong or Cleaver, but it's best to do it from the waterfront. You can get to the embankment at. To do this, you need to get to the Tsim Sha Tsui station, then walk a little along Nattan Road towards the sea.

The second way, you can use the ferry from Hong Kong Island (Star Ferry). Its pier is located near the Avenue of Stars. .

The most convenient, but at the same time the most wasteful way is a taxi. .

Laser Show "Symphony of Lights"

The show itself is the music pouring from the speakers on the embankments and the show of laser beams, which sometimes wink at each other not to the beat of the music. Well, what do you want for free. Experienced travelers will certainly not be impressed, but if you are watching this for the first time, you might like it. In any case, the photo looks better than in reality.

Also during the show, this building is illuminated in different colors.

In general, the laser show in Hong Kong did not impress me much. Another question is that there is nothing much to do in Hong Kong in the evening, except to go to this show or hang around shopping centers and spend money.


  • Laser Show "Symphony of Lights" takes place on the embankment every day
  • Watch shows for free
  • The laser show in Hong Kong starts at exactly 20.00 and lasts 15 minutes
  • It is best to watch the show from the Kolun Peninsula, from the waterfront (Tsim Sha Tsui)
  • Arriving at the Laser show, you can also look at.

Hong Kong is not only the city with the largest number of skyscrapers, but there are already more than 7,700 tall buildings. It also hosts the largest regular (daily) light and sound performance in the world, listed in the Guinness Book of Records - Symphony of Lights.

This show has long become a classic of Hong Kong and is considered one of the must-sees for every tourist.

Since 2004, Victoria Strait has been transformed every evening. Nearly 50 buildings on both sides of the Victoria Strait take part in the illumination, they are the perfect backdrop for the performance.

The Philharmonic Orchestra recorded a specially new symphony, under which laser lights and LED screens create a show.

On special holidays, there is a laser show with a pyrotechnic effect, in other words, with fireworks on the roofs of skyscrapers.

The largest light show

Where is the best place to watch the laser show?

    1. One of the most popular viewing platforms, from where it is convenient to observe the "Symphony of Light" - Tsim Tsa Tsui embankment. From here the best views on the skyscrapers of Hong Kong Island and the music of the symphony will be heard. It is generally pleasant to walk here, quite a tourist area and always a lot of people. Also, before or after the performance, you can take a walk in the Garden of the Stars, East Tsim Sha Tsui Station subway exit P1. Here are exhibits of "celebrity hands" from the former Avenue of Stars.
    2. It can be observed from Hong Kong, then a view of Kowloon (Kowloon) opens, laser lights will also be visible. Best Places will be at the Golden Bauhinia or along the embankment to the Ferris wheel.
    3. Of course, you can watch the light show from your hotel room if you have a view of Victoria Harbor. Or from a restaurant overlooking the strait. But in that case, you have to tune the Hong Kong radio to hear also the symphony, under which the lights shine.
    4. Probably the best vantage point to look out for is the Hong Kong Red Sail Junk sailing along the Victoria Strait. So you can contemplate the show from all sides at once.

How to get to the light show?

  1. If you are a tourist, it is best to come by Star Ferry from Central or Wan Chai. So you can look at another local attraction, so to speak, the classic of Hong Kong, the oldest ferry operating since 1888. At Tsim Tsa Tsui, immediately turn right towards the Clock Tower.
  2. Of course, you can come by metro. As an option, first get off at East Tsim Sha Tsui Station exit P1 to look at the Garden of Stars, and then walk along the promenade, which offers a great view of the skyscrapers.

Or immediately get off at Tsim Sha Tsui Station, Exit L6 and walk to the Clock Tower (Clock Tower)

The show runs every day, except on days when a tropical cyclone is number 3 or higher, or when a red or black signal is warning of a downpour.

The play of light begins at exactly 20:00 and lasts only 10 minutes.

Light show on Hong Kong Island

I can't say that you will be blown away by the show, but there is a certain zest in it. In addition, if this is your first time in this metropolis, it’s still worth a look at the show, because it’s not for nothing that it is considered one of the hallmarks of Hong Kong.

If you want to visit more interesting places, a list with a description can be found .

And if you want to save money on visiting attractions, it is better to use the Hong Kong Pass. Most importantly, it allows you to go to many places without a queue, thereby saving the most precious tourist time.

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