From the heroes was time. Lyrics of the song Officers - About the heroes of bygone times

In fact, the song of the composer Rafail Khozak and the poet Yevgeny Agranovich has a different name: “Eternal Flame”, but, as often happens, they remember it by the first lines:

From the heroes of yesteryear

Sometimes there are no names left.

Those who have accepted mortal combat,

Became just earth and grass...

For the first time the song sounded in the film, which has become a cult for several generations of Soviet people - in the film, which was shot by director Vladimir Rogovoi - "Officers". Remember the famous message of the heroes: "There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland"?

The film premiered in June 1971.

It is incomprehensible how, in my opinion, such seemingly completely incompatible things as this film and this song can not only exist together, but also complement each other in an amazing way.

Both the words, the music, and the style of the first performance of the song (and the second director Vladimir Zlatoustovsky sings it in the film…) – chamber, thoughtful, with warm sadness – sound somehow dissonant with the style and content of the film. Few paintings show such a burning mixture of the special romance of revolutionary idealism, the sublime dream of “the new happiness of mankind”, illuminated by the shining light of the bright, difficult youth of the heroes, ennobled by the great vocation - to stand guard over the Fatherland. What is worth only a poignant episode when the dashing grunt Ivan Varavva jumps on the move from the train to pick a bouquet of wildflowers for his beloved woman - his friend's wife, giving birth in a wagon, on hay to the sound of wagon wheels! And we, the audience, reveled in the restrained modesty of Alexei Trofimov (the hero of Georgy Yumatov), ​​calmly and reliably fulfilling these same professional duties - to protect the Motherland, the extraordinary warmth, femininity and sacrifice of his wife Lyuba (the heroine Alina Pokrovskaya), the desperation and selflessness of Ivan's life and ministry Barabbas (hero Vasily Lanovoy).

Since then, a lot has changed: we evaluate the revolution a little differently than the authors of the film, and the romantic mood has diminished. But the song suddenly took on a completely different sound. It was the words of this song that came to mind when I watched the endless stream of the Immortal Regiment through the streets and squares of the capital and cities of Russia on May 9 this year.

Look at my fighters -

The whole world remembers them by sight.

Here the battalion froze in the ranks ...

I recognize old friends again.

Although they are not twenty-five,

They had to go through a difficult path,

These are those who rose with hostility as one,

Those who took Berlin!

Such poignant lines could only be written by a person who himself went through difficult military roads. And this is true: the author of the poems, the poet Yevgeny Agranovich, went to the front as a volunteer in July 1941. By the way, by that time he, a student of the M. Gorky Literary Institute, was already the author of the popular song "Odessa-Mama". And although he soon changed his rifle to a pen, becoming a war correspondent, he received a very exhaustive description in the award list: “Brave, selfless, excellent in all types of weapons, journalist, poet, often on the battlefield.” Passed "from the capital to the capital."

By the way, it was far from obvious to everyone at the studio that a front-line soldier should write such a song. “... They wanted to order some famous young poet,” Evgeny Agranovich recalled, “but director Vladimir Rogovoi convinced the directorate of the Gorky film studio that a front-line soldier should write a song for such a film, the one who heard how she, damned , whistles, the war is something. And who to take? Yes, Zhenya Agranovich is walking along the corridor. He fought, he went through the whole war ... He writes poems for dubbing. Yes, and the composer Rafail Khozak really asked for this author ... So they asked me.

And the poet was able to choose words that each listener perceives as an appeal to him personally, directly, to his feelings and memory.

There is no such family in Russia,

Where the hero was not remembered.

And the eyes of young soldiers

They look from the photographs of the withered ...

Maybe that's why the song is included in their repertoire not only by performers of the traditional pop style - and it was sung by Mark Bernes, Mikhail Nozhkin, Dmitry Koldun, Sergey Bezrukov, but also by musicians of modern styles - for example, the rock group "Eternal Boy".

This look is like the highest court

For the guys that are growing up now.

And the boys can neither lie nor deceive,

Turn off the path!

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Officers - From the Heroes of bygone times, there are sometimes no names left. Officers - From the Heroes of bygone times, sometimes there are no names

movie "Officers"
Stage director: Vladimir Rogovoy

music R. Hozak
sl. E. Agranovich

From the heroes of yesteryear
Sometimes there are no names left.
Those who have accepted mortal combat,
They became just earth, grass ...
Only their formidable prowess
Settled in the hearts of the living.
This eternal flame, bequeathed to us alone,
We store in the chest.

Look at my fighters -
The whole world remembers them by sight.
Here the battalion froze in the ranks ...
I recognize old friends again.
Although they are not twenty-five,
They had to go through a difficult path,
These are those who rose with hostility as one,
Those who took Berlin!

There is no such family in Russia,
Wherever your hero is remembered.
And the eyes of young soldiers
They look from the photographs of the withered ...
This look is like the highest court
For the guys that are growing up now.
And the boys can neither lie nor deceive,
Turn off the path! movie "Officers"
Director: Vladimir Rogovoy

muses. R.Hozak
seq. E.Agranovicha

The heroes of yore
Sometimes no more names.
Those who took mortal combat
Became just the ground, grass ...
Only their formidable prowess
Settled in the hearts of the living.
This eternal flame, a testament to us,
We keep in the chest.

Look at my men
A light remembers them in the face.
Here stood a battalion in the ranks ...
Again old friends know.
Though they don't have twenty-five,
Hard way they had to go
It is those who rose in arms as one,
Those who took Berlin!

No family in Russia
Where it had not been remembered was his hero.
And the eyes of young soldiers
With images fading stare...
This look like a supreme court
For the guys that are now growing.
And the boys can neither lie nor deceive,
With no way to roll!

For the first time the song sounded in the film, which has become a cult for several generations of Soviet people - in the film, which was shot by director Vladimir Rogovoi - "Officers". Remember the famous message of the heroes: "There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland"? The film premiered in June 1971.

It is incomprehensible how, in my opinion, such seemingly completely incompatible things as this film and this song can not only exist together, but also complement each other in an amazing way.

Both the words, the music, and the style of the first performance of the song (and the second director Vladimir Zlatoustovsky sings it in the film…) – chamber, thoughtful, with warm sadness – sound somehow dissonant with the style and content of the film. Few paintings show such a burning mixture of the special romance of revolutionary idealism, the sublime dream of “the new happiness of mankind”, illuminated by the shining light of the bright, difficult youth of the heroes, ennobled by the great vocation - to stand guard over the Fatherland. What is worth only a poignant episode when the dashing grunt Ivan Varavva jumps on the move from the train to pick a bouquet of wildflowers for his beloved woman - his friend's wife, giving birth in a wagon, on hay to the sound of wagon wheels! And we, the audience, reveled in the restrained modesty of Alexei Trofimov (the hero of Georgy Yumatov), ​​calmly and reliably fulfilling these same professional duties - to protect the Motherland, the extraordinary warmth, femininity and sacrifice of his wife Lyuba (the heroine of Alina Pokrovskaya), the desperation and selflessness of Ivan's life and ministry Barabbas (hero Vasily Lanovoy).

Since then, a lot has changed: we evaluate the revolution a little differently than the authors of the film, and the romantic mood has diminished. But the song suddenly took on a completely different sound. It was the words of this song that came to mind when I watched the endless stream of the Immortal Regiment through the streets and squares of the capital and cities of Russia on May 9 this year.

Look at my fighters -
The whole world remembers them by sight.
Here the battalion froze in the ranks ...
I recognize old friends again.
Although they are not twenty-five,
They had to go through a difficult path,
These are those who rose with hostility as one,
Those who took Berlin!

Such poignant lines could only be written by a person who himself went through difficult military roads. And this is true: the author of the poems, the poet Yevgeny Agranovich, went to the front as a volunteer in July 1941. By the way, by that time he, a student of the M. Gorky Literary Institute, was already the author of the popular song “Odessa-Mama”. And although he soon changed his rifle to a pen, becoming a war correspondent, he received a very exhaustive description in the award list: “Brave, selfless, excellent in all types of weapons, journalist, poet, often on the battlefield.” Passed "from the capital to the capital."

On December 3, the Orekhovo-Zuevskoye regional branch of the BROTHER IN BATTLE held an event dedicated to the memory of the UNKNOWN SOLDIER. A new memorable date has been established this year and is historically connected with the important events of December 3, 1966. Then, on the 25th anniversary of the defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow, the ashes of one of the defenders of the capital were transferred from the mass grave on the 41st kilometer of the Leningradskoye highway to the Kremlin wall in the Alexander Garden.

If you open any "Book of Memory" published in our country, then opposite the names of a huge number of Soviet soldiers - privates, sergeants, officers who did not return from the Great Patriotic War, you will see - "missing." And not all those who are listed as killed have a burial place indicated. These are those soldiers and commanders of the Red Army who remained lying where death overtook them: in collapsed dugouts, in filled trenches or craters, and sometimes simply in the open. To great sorrow, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Victory, in the fields, forests and swamps of Russia, the unknown remains of the soldiers who died in that war still lie. In recent years, detachments of volunteer searchers, pathfinders have been doing a lot in order to honor the land with the remains of warriors. After all, the words of the great Russian commander, Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov sound prophetic that "The war is not over until the last soldier is buried."

This first significant event dedicated to the memory of the UNKNOWN SOLDIER was organized here in Russia. This is a memory not only of the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, but also of the soldiers of modern local wars.

As you know, the ashes of more than a hundred soldiers, whose names have not been established to this day, lie at the Bogorodskoye cemetery in the city of Noginsk near Moscow. But they are our contemporaries and fell in bloody battles on the territory of the Chechen Republic in 1994-1996, defending the state integrity of the Russian Federation.

We, and our sons and grandchildren, will always remember the feat of courageous soldiers who defended the Soviet Union, defended the interests of our Motherland in the hot spots of the 1980s and 1990s. Warriors who have preserved the integrity of the Fatherland for all of us and future generations.

Privates, sergeants, officers - they are alive in the hearts and in human memory. From generation to generation, this sacred MEMORY is carefully preserved and passed on. And I am glad that today the civil society of Russia is united as never before in relation to its heroes. I am convinced that this Day of Remembrance of the UNKNOWN SOLDIER will be celebrated according to tradition in the future - our heroes deserve it.

The touching commemorative event was actively attended by members of the BROTHERHOOD IN BATTLE and students of the Moscow Regional Railway Industrial College, whose educational institution for many years worthy bears the name of our fellow countryman Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Bondarenko, who died in November 1943 during the liberation of Ukraine from fascist invaders.

The rally was opened by the deputy board of the organization N. A. Voronov, and. about. the head of the administration of the Orekhovo-Zuevsky urban district, E.V. V. Bondarenko Victor Volkov.

Many of the participants in the memorable event remembered the lines of a wonderful song about the heroes of past wars, and these words are in tune with our memory:

From the heroes of bygone times there are sometimes no names left.

Those who took the fight to the death became just earth and grass.

Only their formidable valor settled in the hearts of the living.

This eternal flame bequeathed to us alone. We store in the chest.

Vladimir Makarov,
reserve captain, soldier-internationalist,
Chairman of the Orekhovo-Zuevsky District Branch of the All-Russian Society "Battle Brotherhood"

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