How to draw a hand? Anatomy for the artist. Art lessons: draw the body

How to draw a human skeleton? It is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Using this algorithm, even a novice artist will cope with this task. To achieve a successful result, we advise you to follow the recommendations of an experienced master step by step.

We create the frame of the future skeleton

Step 1. Now let's learn in more detail how to draw a skeleton with a pencil. First, draw the basic frame. To do this, you need to start with a circle for the skull. Divide the circle into 4 segments with two lines intersecting at right angles, draw another one a little lower under the horizontal line. Draw a contour of the bottom of the skull under the circle. Draw eye sockets, nose opening and teeth as shown in fig. one.

Extend the vertical line of the skull below - this is (the spine). Add a line of shoulders, parallel to this line, draw 2 shorter straight lines below to indicate the bases of the pelvis. From the shoulder and pelvic lines down, draw in straight lines the basis for the bones of the arms and legs, respectively.

Mark the middle of the spine with a fragment of a sinusoid. In the middle of the straight lines, denoting the legs, outline the elbow joints and knees in circles. At the ends of these straight lines, mark the future hands and feet with ovals. When building a skeleton, refer to Figure 1, which will tell you how to draw a skeleton correctly.

Draw the upper body skeleton

Step 2. First, fill the distance between the skull and the shoulder line with two short flat ovals to create the visibility of the cervical vertebrae.

Let's draw the collarbones, for which we circle with elongated ovals horizontal lines along the entire length to the right and left of the neck. Let's draw the humerus (upper) bone and the forearm (lower) of the same length. In this case, for plausibility, it is necessary to highlight the shoulder and elbow joints.

Figure 2 clearly shows how to draw the skeleton of the chest itself. The main thing is to try to draw correctly - these are the bones that are connected in pairs with the thoracic vertebrae. In total, a person has 12 pairs of ribs, but fewer (7 pairs of ribs are shown in our figure).

If everything worked out, half the job is done. Let's move on to the next stage.

How to draw the skeleton of the lower torso

Step 3. Draw 4 vertebrae schematically under the sternum bone. Under them, with a vertically elongated cone, we denote the sacrum.

Drawing will be a little more difficult. If you look closely at the drawing, they resemble the outline. The line starts from the bone of the sacrum, rises in a smooth semicircle to the costal bones and also smoothly falls at an angle to the bottom of the sacrum. It turned out what in anatomy is called the pelvic area.

Now draw the femur (upper) and tibia (lower) bones of both legs. At the same time, note that the upper bone, in order to maintain the proportionality of the skeleton, is drawn a few millimeters longer than the lower one.

The femur and tibia are connected to each other in the region of the patella. In the first figure, this place was indicated by a circle.

Final stage

Step 4. To make the drawing natural, it is necessary to remove all the axial (auxiliary) lines with an eraser. At the end, it is desirable to add details to make the skeleton as similar to the real one as possible. For example, in the skull it is necessary to finish the cheekbones, outline in more detail the radius and ulna of the arms, the tibia and fibula of the legs, the connecting joints, carefully draw the hands and feet.

After the final stage, your drawing should resemble this one. If everything worked out, then now you know how to draw a skeleton.

Now we will have a lesson on anatomical drawing. We will learn how to draw a human skeleton. To do this, you must have a minimum of biological knowledge, at least from the course school curriculum. Everyone knows that the skeleton is like a frame of the human body. It is made up of bones that are connected to each other by ligaments and joints. And muscles are attached to bones.

All this makes up the musculoskeletal system of a person and forms his appearance. There are a lot of bones in the human skeleton. All of them have their own Latin and Russian name. And each bone has its purpose. Models of human skeletons can be seen in biology classrooms in schools and medical institutions. Let's start drawing this difficult object.

Stage 1. We draw the skeleton on the entire sheet of paper. The estimated lumbar line will be in the middle of the sheet. Therefore, we preliminarily sketch over the middle auxiliary lines the top of the skeleton. And under the middle of the sheet - the same lines of the lower part of the skeleton. So, in the upper part we sketch out two ovals, larger and smaller, and one slightly curved curved line. In a small oval, draw the contours of the skull of the head. We make its frontal part large, show the zygomatic protrusions. The lower jaw is attached to the upper. Next, draw the spinal column. And already under the head we show the first three cervical vertebrae on the spine.

Stage 2. Draw the processes of the vertebrae, on both sides of it. We also show two symmetrically located scapular bones - scapulae. They are drawn under the curve. Next, we make out the chest. On a large oval, draw ribs in both directions. They converge to the central straight spine.

Stage 3. Now draw the pelvic bones. In general, the pelvis is formed by three pairs of pelvic bones that fuse together. We draw the sides of the pelvis on both sides of the lower part of the spinal column. They look like open wings of a butterfly. Then, you need to draw the bones of the limbs. Draw the shoulder and forearm along the lines. This is the skeleton of the arm. And from the pelvis, also in straight lines on both sides, draw the thigh and lower leg. This is the skeleton of a leg. The largest are the femurs.

Stage 4. At this stage, in an enlarged view, the windows show different elements skeleton, which still needs to be completed more accurately. This is the chest. Here we finish drawing the sternum and the ribs attached to it. And below you need to add a few strokes to the image of the pelvis.

Stage 6. Add the phalanges of the fingers in the skeleton of the hands. On the skull we show the eye sockets, nasal cavity and mouth.

Stage 7. Well, you did it hard lesson! The result was an image of a human skeleton with almost all the details.

    Very interesting options have already been proposed, so I will propose to draw such a skeleton, in just four stages it is drawn !!

    If you follow the drawing sequence, then quite a good skeleton will come out !!

    To draw a human skeleton, we need a detailed and accurate picture if you want to get a good result and get the correct skeleton scheme.

    I recommend starting with the head of the skeleton. We draw an oval figure, add eye sockets, jaws, teeth. Next, draw the rest of the skeleton: neck, chest, pelvic bones, arms and legs. Coloring is not necessary, as the skeleton is already white. More detailed instructions in the video, which I will add below.

    Draw the human skeleton as it is in full height incredibly difficult due to the large variety of complex bones that need to be drawn clearly as they are in order to get a realistic skeleton.

    I propose to draw a perky dancing skeleton, which is perfect for drawings on the holiday of wickedness and magic Halloween.

    Master class on step by step drawing skeleton.

    The skull is especially difficult to draw, so I will separately attach the same video on how to draw a human skull step by step.

    The most simplified options for how to draw a skeleton on a note.

    I can tell you from my own experience that drawing a skeleton is very difficult. When drawing it, you need to take into account a bunch of nuances. Here is a picture, looking at which you can draw a skeleton.

    I will try to explain how this can be done.

    So, draw a circle, divide it into 4 equal parts cross by cross. We draw a line that defines the length of the body. Next, we define the length of the limbs with lines, indicating where the knees will be, and where the elbows.

    The next step is drawing the skull. We make out the eyes, mouth (or rather teeth), cheekbones, outlines of the chin.

    Now we draw the chest part, drawing the braids and ribs.

    So, the turn has come to the hands. We outline everything to the smallest detail.

    In conclusion, we outline the hip bones, bones of the lower leg and foot.

    Of course, to draw a skeleton you need to know the structure of a person, observe the proportions of the body and much more that is very complex, but you can do without this if you follow in detail all the steps below. The result is a real human skeleton:

    Here finished drawing after coloring, of course, you can not paint over it, or choose other colors.

    In order to draw the skeleton correctly, you need to know the anatomy of all human bones well:

    Start with the head (I think this is the most difficult because the cranial bones have different specific features):

    then draw the bones of the chest and spine (i.e. the ribs and vertebrae), and then draw the bones of the upper and lower extremities, and the bones of the pelvis.

    Here are videos for help:

    First of all, we draw a circle for the base of the head of the future skeleton. Thin strokes indicate the location of the eye sockets and jaw. Then we work on the shape of the skull - we draw the eye sockets, the collapse of the nose, we draw the cheekbones and teeth. Next, draw the body of the skeleton: vertebrae, pelvis, arms and legs. At the end, you can decorate the drawing.

    To begin with, we must designate all the locations of all parts in the human body so that it is not so difficult for us to depict the skeleton.

    Then we have to select and draw all the bones of the skeleton in this drawing.

    Then we will need to draw the ribs of the skeleton, we need to be careful about the image of their number, shape and location. We then depict the skull.

    Then we will have to delete all the guide lines in the drawing and we will definitely need to add some hatching as well as shadows. And it will look like this.

    And in this way, everything in the end should work out for us. For work, you will need paper, as well as a pencil and an eraser.

    Before Halloween - drawing a skeleton is a hot topic. Unfortunately, you did not specify whose skeleton (drawing) you need - a person, a bird, an animal, a mythical character (say, a dragon), a snake ... In any case, drawing it is not very difficult, since in fact it is just bones, but it is important to draw them all and proportionately correct.

    This is how the human skeleton is drawn.

Quote message ART LESSONS: Draw the body. The human skeleton and its structure, General principles.

We draw the body. General principles.

The human skeleton and its structure

Let's take a look at the human skeleton and try to draw it.

Drawing the bottom of the skeleton will allow you to show more natural body movement by conveying body rotation and weight distribution.

Draw in blocks

Imagine that the joints and abdomen are spheres. When drawing occurs through the use of shapes and spheres, the future outlines of the muscles are immediately determined. In addition, in this way you can feel the three-dimensional structure of the body.

Look closely at how the clavicle is attached.

Pay attention to the angle of the shoulders and their projection, visible from the selected view.

If you don't have a projection of the shoulders on the other side, just use the 3D surface to define the shape.

Female body in blocks

Blocks are just guide lines for your convenience. So don't get hung up on drawing them.

Pay attention to drawing the sides. The posterior muscles of men are usually drawn longer, while those of women are shorter and move faster into the hips.

Do you want to draw well? You must always remember about the invisible parts of the body being drawn.

Draw movement

When to draw human body in movement, the central line of the spine and the curve of movement are taken as the basis. The center line separates the right and left sides of the body, thus creating a balancing state. It goes both front and back.

Pay special attention to the movement in the waist area.
Draw the center line on visible side body.

Depict the center line as running along the character's direction of movement. It may well be that the central line on the visible side of the body will coincide with the curve of movement.

Using a motion curve will help you draw the correct body position and make it easier to work with character movements.

Drawing from an angle

Highly a large number of poses can be drawn using the shapes method, however the best option there will be a combination of the viewing angle and the skeletal method.

It will be easier to draw if you base the pose on the position of the spine.

Standard male body shape

Below are the most important things to remember when drawing a male body.
- Watch the position of the elbow when the hand is at its highest point.
- Consider the radius of movement of the elbow and shoulder.
- Correctly place the muscles of the collarbone and sternum.
- The trapezius (muscle) contracts and tenses when moving.
- The area of ​​the sternum coincides with the area of ​​narrowing of the arms.
- The crotch has a small gap between the thighs when the legs are together, and when the legs are apart, the gap increases, but never draw the crotch as shown in the picture above (bottom, small).

When you cannot decide on the length of the arms in their horizontal position, use a guide line. This will make it easier to show the length of the parts of the arm. Another way to depict the length of the deltoid is to add a small length of the biceps and the hinge (elbow).

Now let's look from the back

- The muscles on the side in which the tilt is performed are compressed.
- On the other side, the muscles, on the contrary, are stretched.
- If you look at the shoulder blades from a slightly different position, they look very much like a face. Try to use this interesting feature.
- Deformation of the body always occurs when it moves (tilts, turns).
- The shoulder blades rise when the arm goes up.

What You'll Be Creating

If you want to learn how to draw a skeleton, then I can show you how to do it step by step. Together we will draw the spine, thorax, pelvis, arms and legs - each bone is simplified and described!

1. How to Draw the Chest

Step 1

Draw a vertical line, and then divide it into five parts - these will be the lumbar vertebrae. Don't forget that the sketch lines should be light so you can add the final lines on top of them later.

Step 2

Draw 12 more links, making them smaller as you complete them.

Step 3

Draw discs between the vertebrae.

Step 4

Give shape to each vertebra.

Step 5

The chest will start from the third vertebra from the bottom. Here, draw two squares with five vertebrae along these squares.

Step 6

From the base of the square, draw a curve that goes around the entire spine. This will be the main outline of the chest.

Step 7

"Cut off" the sides of the chest to round off its shape.

Step 8

Now draw the back of the ribs: 11 long ones and one short one. Also, add pseudo-ribs to the rest of the vertebrae.

Step 9

Let's move on to the front of the chest. Draw the chest.

Step 10

Divide the sternum into quarters and the bottom quarter into thirds.

Step 11

Now add the front part of the ribs. Seven of them must be connected directly to the sternum...

And the remaining three to the seventh. The last two edges are "free" and not connected to anything.

Step 12

Now you can outline the edges, giving them some thickness.

Step 13

The ribs are attached to the sternum with cartilage. Separate it from the rest of the edges with a curve.

Step 14

To add the neck and head, draw two lines at the top using the following dimensions:

Step 15

Draw a skull in the form of a circle.

Step 16

Draw a skull using our separate tutorial:

Step 17

Draw the neck using the same technique we used earlier when creating the vertebrae.

2. Draw a Taz

Step 1

Mark the distance between the chest and pelvis. The distance should be approximately two vertebrae in length.

Step 2

Draw two squares similar to the ones we drew earlier.

Step 3

Cut off the sides.

Step 4

Add a "bow" to the last vertebra.

Step 5

Add two large circles on either side of this bow.

Step 6

Draw a big oval below.

Step 7

Draw a small circle below the oval.

Step 8

Draw a curve inside the beveled sides, connecting with a small circle.

Step 9

Convert the small circle to a narrow oval.

Step 10

Draw half a heart below.

Step 11

Add two circles on either side of the narrow oval.

Add more circles to help us create the detailed shape of the pelvis.

Step 14

Outline the pelvis using these guide lines.

Step 15

Let's also add the sacrum. It consists of five vertebrae connected, although one of them is already used in the "bow", so add only four links.

Step 16

Draw the sides of the sacrum and connect them to the rest of the pelvis (big circles).

Step 17

Add a tiny "tail" vertebra.

Step 18

Despite the fact that the sacral vertebrae are united, the space between them is still visible. Label it with simple circles.

3. Draw the Hands

Step 1

Draw a trapezoid around the chest to define the width of the shoulders.

Step 2

Draw curves for the clavicles attached to the top of the sternum.

Step 3

Add two ovals on both sides of the collarbones.

Step 4

Outline the clavicle to give them thickness.

Step 5

Add a circle on each side of the collarbone. This will be the shoulder blade.

Step 6

Draw a slanted oval on each side.

Step 7

The clavicle is attached to the shoulder blade in a special way. Draw its back and a ledge in front.

Step 8

Now draw the shoulder blades.

Step 9

Draw the ball of the humerus attached to the socket.

Step 10

Draw the position of the hands. The upper arm should be longer than the forearm. The elbow in the neutral position is exactly in the waist area.

Step 11

Draw an oval wrist. Right hand will be directed with the palm towards us, and the left will be turned to the side.

Step 12

First add three fingers since they are the same length, middle finger- will be the longest.

Step 13

Now add the rest of the fingers.

Step 14

Draw the bones of the arms with a few simple guides:

Step 15

Between the hand and the forearm there is cartilage, a special shape that allows the bones of the forearm to rotate:

Step 16

Draw the radius and elbow joint. Note their rotation in the left hand.

Step 17

Draw lines across the finger in the form of a "spider web", indicating the location of the joints.

Step 18

Add oval joints.

Step 19

Step 20

Add some small bones on the wrists.

4. How to Draw the Feet

Step 1

Draw the heads of the femur attached to the sockets in the pelvis.

Step 2

Draw the length of the femur. These bones should be slightly inclined towards the midline. Give them about the same length as the chest plus waist.

Step 3

Add some space before you draw the tibia.

Step 4

Draw the tibia.

Step 5

Add small ovals to create the shape of the thigh bone.

Step 6

Outline the thigh bone.

Step 7

Add knees.

Step 8

Add guide shapes for the tibia.

Step 9

Outline the tibia.

Step 10

There is another bone here, a fibula. Draw it in the same way:

Step 11

Add some details to the knees.

Step 12

Draw the bones of the lower leg.

Step 13

Draw the fingers all the way.

Step 14

Note the joints.

Step 15

Add ovals for the joints.

Step 16

Outline the bones of the fingers.

Step 17

Add heels at the back.

5. Finishing the Skeleton Drawing

Step 1

So, it's time to finish the drawing! Take a darker tool or erase the main part of the guide lines with an eraser, and then add the final lines and all the important outlines.

Step 2

You can add some details to the drawing that were not included in the guide lines:

So scary!

Now you know how to draw a skeleton from scratch! Do you want to draw other interesting objects? Then visit our next lessons.

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