How to draw a scary forest. How to draw a forest with a pencil step by step

Nature is eternal source for inspiration creative people. Poets and prose writers, composers and artists dedicate their works to her. One of the most frequent subjects of landscapes is the forest. This is not surprising. He is so different. Good and beautiful at any time of the year. What kind of flowers you will not see in the crowns of trees!

Pencil painting

Each artist has his favorite materials for drawing, fortunately, now there is great amount their types. However, among the favorites is still an ordinary simple pencil.

Before starting work, the master needs to think about how to draw a forest with a pencil, since it is quite difficult to convey all the beauty of the landscape with just one color.

The difficulty may also lie in the fact that it is difficult for novice talents to convey a shadow.

To make the image more voluminous, it is necessary to apply it with strokes. Lines are best done in different keys.

How to draw a forest with a pencil in stages?

Choosing this type of drawing, you first need to depict common features. First of all, straight, curved lines appear on paper. These are sketches of future trees and hills. After that, you need to draw a few thick trunks.

The next step is to place the bushes and grass.

When this is done, you should depict the trees that grow in the background.

If all the main objects are already placed on the canvas, then you need to think about the details. In how to draw a forest, it is very important that the picture is believable. In order for the image to look realistic, the master uses shading. The stroke can be either horizontal or vertical. It is necessary to leave unshaded some areas of the image - those where the color falls. A similar effect can be achieved with an eraser.

tree image

Trees are the main components of the picture. Thinking about how to draw a forest, you should learn how to draw trees. When drawing a sketch of each individual tree on paper, some rules must be considered:

  • the further the object is, the more it will be enveloped in a bluish fog, and the contours of the image will look fuzzy, as if blurry (one of the rules of aerial perspective);
  • the closer the tree is to the master, the more saturated the color of its crown will be.

Creating a beautiful texture can help right choice drawing paper: watercolor paper may have rough edges. They will help create a beautiful view of the leaves and bark of the tree. To do this, do not press the pencil too hard, shading the surface.

In order for the image to look realistic, it is important to be able to correctly work with the foreground and background of the picture. For example, so that the trees that are closer do not mix with those that grow a little further, they need to be painted with brighter colors.

Watercolor drawing

For those who prefer to paint with a brush, watercolors are perfect as paints.

Starting work, you need to sketch the landscape. This is best done with a pencil. Sketch with thin lines, otherwise a shadow may appear on the picture.

After the outlines are made, it is necessary to take up the image of the sky. Having chosen its location, it is necessary to apply ultramarine and cobalt colors to it. In order for the line of clouds to be clearly visible, it is better to draw its edge with diluted burnt umber. A good option if carmine is added to it.

If the question arose of how to draw a forest especially expressively, then you should know that for this purpose more attention is paid to the foreground. Grass is drawn with jerky, sharp movements.

Leaves can be depicted in any color that the imagination suggests. The most advantageous is the variation that uses a large number of various shades.

When choosing how to draw a forest, it is important to choose a method that will bring as much pleasure from creative work as possible. Young artists should sometimes listen to advice on how to choose the right light, what time of the day to draw, how to correctly compose color scheme. But the main thing is unity with nature and a creative impulse.

If the artist has a developed sense of harmony, how to draw a forest in stages goes by the wayside. Any manner of execution will only emphasize beauty.

Every 4 seconds, an area of ​​forest is cut down in the world, equal to the standard football field. This is statistics. The fastest rate of deforestation in South-East Asia. The Chinese are multiplying, but they have nowhere to live. And what to do? We need drawing paper! I want to tell you how to draw a forest with a pencil. It won't restore our fauna, but it's worth a try. Forest Facts:

  • Aokihara Forest, or Suicide Forest. strange place deservedly earned its name. It itself is so thick that the light practically does not penetrate there, and the compasses stop working. For some reason, this particular place in Japan has become a favorite for those who want to commit suicide (apparently, some do not have the courage to do hara-kiri).
  • There is a forest in the Kaliningrad region, which locals called Dancing, or drunk. No, alcoholics and drug addicts do not gather there. The fact is that pine trees grow on 1 square kilometer, which, for an unknown reason, twisted their trunks in a strange way. Some even wrapped themselves in knots. It was as if they were suffering from pain in the stomach.
  • It is generally accepted that tropical forests are full of various sounds and noise. I will disappoint you - in the day the jungle is quieter than a sleeping child. The life of all animals there begins at night, and even then they behave very carefully and quietly.

Let's try to draw.

How to draw a forest with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's start with a simple one: draw a horizon line, and draw a path with two vertical lines.
Step two. On the sides of the invented path we draw tree trunks, large and small.
Step three. Let's draw the trunks higher, and sketch their bottoms with a pencil. We will also add some grass at the foot of the trunks.
Sha fourth. Finally, draw the tops with branches, add shadows.
Step five.
Step six.
Save the forest - use paper on both sides (just not in the toilet). But it is better to plant new plants. I look forward to your wishes and ideas on this page.

Every 4 seconds, an area of ​​forest equal to a standard football field is cut down in the world. This is statistics. The fastest rate of deforestation in Southeast Asia. The Chinese are multiplying, but they have nowhere to live. And what to do? We need drawing paper! I want to tell you how to draw a forest with a pencil. It won't restore our fauna, but it's worth a try.

Forest Facts:

  • Aokihara Forest, or Suicide Forest. The strange place deservedly got its name. It itself is so thick that the light practically does not penetrate there, and the compasses stop working. For some reason, this particular place in Japan has become a favorite for those who want to commit suicide (apparently, some do not have the courage to do hara-kiri).
  • In the Kaliningrad region there is a forest that the locals called Dancing, or drunk. No, alcoholics and drug addicts do not gather there. The fact is that pine trees grow on 1 square kilometer, which, for an unknown reason, twisted their trunks in a strange way. Some even wrapped themselves in knots. It was as if they were suffering from pain in the stomach.
  • It is generally accepted that tropical forests are full of various sounds and noises. I will disappoint you - in the day the jungle is quieter than a sleeping child. The life of all animals there begins at night, and even then they behave very carefully and quietly.

Let's try to draw.

How to draw a forest with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's start with a simple one: draw a horizon line, and draw a path with two vertical lines.

Step two. On the sides of the invented path we draw tree trunks, large and small.

Step three. Let's draw the trunks higher, and sketch their bottoms with a pencil. We will also add some grass at the foot of the trunks.

Sha fourth. Finally, draw the tops with branches, add shadows.

Step five.

The forest can be very different. For example, it may be a small forest in which it is difficult to get lost, or it may be a dense thicket. To better understand how to draw a forest, it is recommended to carefully consider the work the greatest painters on this topic. For example, the canvases of Shishkin are very interesting, who was unusually good at conveying the atmosphere of a mysterious and enchanting forest in his wonderful works.
You can also draw a forest with a pencil from nature. Such a walk, during which you can make a series of sketches from nature, will also be very useful for health. After all, it's not a secret for anyone that the air in the forest is particularly clean and fresh. If it is impossible to go to some forest, then you can learn how to draw a forest using beautiful photos.
Before you draw the forest in stages, you must definitely make sure that all the accessories you need for this, which are listed a little below, are nearby. So, to draw a forest you need:
1). multi-colored pencils;
2). Eraser;
3). Liner;
four). Paper;
5). Pencil.

Now you can learn how to draw a forest with a pencil in stages, and then color it:
1. Draw a horizon line first;
2. Draw the outlines of the tree trunks that are in the foreground;
3. The drawing will look more interesting if the trees are different. Therefore, draw the first tree, making it a Christmas tree;
4. Draw the second tree, which half hides the spruce. Let it be a birch;
5. Now draw more clearly the third tree, which is the largest. Let it be oak;
6. In the background, depict the trunks of other trees, without much detail;
7. In the foreground, draw blades of grass and mushrooms;
8. Circle the sketch with a liner;
9. Use the eraser to erase the preview pencil drawing;
10. different shades Brown paint over the trunks of those trees that are not birches. Paint over the cones on the spruce with a light brown tone;
11. Stroke birch trunks with light gray and gray pencils;
12. blue green paint the outlines of the forest in the distance. Light green and rich green hues paint the grass;
13. Color the mushroom caps in different colors;
14. Shade the sky with a blue tone. Color the leaves of the trees in various shades of green.
Now you understand how to draw a forest with a pencil, and then colorize this picture. Of course, the forest will look most impressive if it is painted with paints.

Hello dear friends!

I am sure that almost all of you are interested in the topic of creating landscapes. Landscapes can be very different, showing beautiful and interesting views various parts of our planet, in many of them you are in contact with the task of depicting trees. How to draw a living, beautiful and natural tree is the topic of our today's lesson.

Trees are not difficult to draw, only sometimes they come out somehow too drawn or flat.

Basic Mistakes

The main mistakes in drawing trees are:

Lack of volume

The lack of volume in the drawing (in color or black and white) is achieved by using paints of different tone and intensity. Even on a cloudy day, some part of the crown and trunk will be more shaded, and some less. In the thick of foliage, the colors are always darker. Think of a tree as a ball (crown) and a cylinder (trunk) to understand how shadows form on this complex shape.

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