My little pony in pencil. How to draw a pony with a pencil step by step

In this tutorial, I decided to draw several characters from Equestria together. If you want, I can make more of them together with other animals: zebras, buffaloes, dragons, manticores and everyone else who still lives in the world of ponies. Write me about it in the comments. Now watch my drawing lesson:

How to draw Friendship is a miracle with a pencil step by step

Step one. They are round ponies, so I start drawing with circles. Each circle represents the head, and with lines we will show the torso and tail of the pony.
Step two. Now in these circles I depict the eyes of a pony. They are big enough. Usually big eyes are characteristic of the anime style, but in the cartoon Friendship is a Miracle, the pony also has large and beautiful eyes. Another important point is the hairstyle. A distinctive feature of ponies is not only their special signs, but with hairstyles, or manes, it is better to say.
Step three. Now I will draw the torso in detail and paint over the eyes. To make the ponies seem cuter, you need to add a glare in the eyes. Remember that highlights should be on one side.
Step four. The drawing of a pony from the cartoon Friendship is a Miracle is almost ready. It remains to add shadows. I do not color my drawings, but only stroke them. So, if you want, you can skip this step, take colored pencils, paints or felt-tip pens and color each pony.
Thanks for watching my tutorial. I'm sure if you all repeated after me, then you got good pony drawings. You can send your drawings below this lesson. And you can also leave comments there. Also check out my other pony tutorials, they are even better.

The news portal "site" opens a series of articles that will be devoted to drawing. From our articles you will learn how to easily and simply draw this or that character of your favorite animated film, various objects, animals, flowers ...

And we will start with the cartoon characters that are popular today among modern kids - these are “My Little Ponies. Friendship is the miracle". This animated series very quickly won love among little girls, and sometimes boys also like to watch this cartoon. What is the secret of this cartoon?

The answer is simple. All actions in this bright and colorful animated series take place in a fictional fairy-tale world where charming ponies, fantastic heroes, cows and zebras, bunnies and squirrels, cats and dogs live. And nothing in this fairy-tale world called Equestria happens by chance: the sisters Celestia and the Moon are responsible for the sunrise, clouds, clouds, snow and rainbows are made at a magical factory.

Well, now, let's get acquainted with the main characters of this animated series "Friendship is a miracle", so fashionable and interesting to all girls.

Twilight Sparkle - she devotes a lot of time to reading books, which reduces her communication with other ponies to a minimum. Throughout the cartoon, Sparkle is sure to learn something new and interesting about true friendship.

rainbow dash- manages and controls the weather in the town of Ponyville. By nature - a daredevil.

Rarity is always bright and fashionable, an adorable unicorn pony who has a very unusual talent for a real designer.

Fluttershy- loves animals and everything connected with them. She is shy and modest by nature.

Pinkie Pie- a pony who loves noisy and unforgettable parties.

applejack is a hardworking pony who works on an apple farm.

The main characters of this cartoon are very different and characteristic. Each girl will definitely recognize herself in one of the heroines.

Well, now, let's learn to draw ...

Having learned how to draw your favorite characters of the cartoon series about ponies "Friendship is a miracle", you can decorate your rooms, desktops, decorate holiday cards and birthday invitations with drawings, surprise and delight your girlfriends, friends and loved ones.

How to draw a unicorn pony Twilight Sparkle?

How to draw a pony Pinkie Pie?

How to draw Rainbow Dash Pegasus?

How to draw unicorn pony Rarity?

How to draw pony pegasus Fluttershy?

How to draw a pony Applejack?

If you can draw well and are ready to show your creative work to others, then the Site news portal will be happy to place your drawings on the site. Send photos of your drawings to our email address -

Note: The author of this lesson is our reader under the nickname MR-Kreker. If you also have your own drawing lessons and you want to publish them on our blog, write to me about it on the page:. Thank you for your attention, and now let's see what MR-Kreker has prepared for us.

First, let's see what we need: H and B type pencils, a sheet of paper, a stand and colored pencils. I immediately apologize for the quality of the photos - the scanner is under repair. Since this is my first lesson and I was just too lazy to go to the nearest store for a stand, I built it myself from the designer. Check it out:
As you can see, you can always find a way to draw, there would be a desire. And now I will tell you more about the drawing process.

How to drawMyLittlePony pencil step by step

Step one. Let's draw a circle. It will represent the head. Remember that it should not be completely perfect, but slightly flattened. Then draw an oblong oval. This will be our body.
Step two. Let's create a markup for the eyes. This is a line that runs through the middle of the head and depending on how you look at the face, it can either go down or up along the edges. In our case, it goes up.
Step three. Let's draw the approximate contours of the eyes. At this stage, it is important not to put pressure on the pencil so that you can correct mistakes later. By the way, for many of the artists it is important to know what they get even before the final result. It helps them to be inspired and not to give up their work. Therefore, we will continue to detail the face of our pony. We continue to detail: we more accurately and smoothly outline the contours of the head, draw the pupils and reflections on them, select the nose, mouth, as well as part of the hair and the ear. Know that the nose should not be higher than the eyes, otherwise you will get a badass. 🙂 And here is what we ended up with:
Step four. See what happened? The drawing seemed to have changed and now I want to continue it. Draw again and again!
Oops, we had a joint: due to the fact that I strained my convolutions, my body turned out to be too long and I had to tinker a bit to get the proportions to match the original. Tip: to draw proportions correctly, squint with one eye and look at the drawing: what seems strange, but not too much, gently erase with an eraser and correct. Also at this stage we draw the legs of the pony and the wing.

Step five. Next, we will continue to our ponyashka to create hair. Draw them with smooth lines. A little touch up with an eraser and voila: our sketch is ready! Now we move on to stroking and eliminating minor flaws. For this purpose, I would advise you to take a soft pencil of type B. First, outline the head, eyes, ear, and then gently shade the pupils.
Step six. We circle the hair. Try at this stage to slightly improve your sketch and make the lines smooth. Outline the body and legs. And now - the pony is ready!
Step seven. We take colored pencils and color. And here's what it should look like:
Let's give the name of our pony and sign the drawing.

Little ponies are magical creatures that are loved by children of all ages. The animated series has gathered its fans for a new release. The ponies are back together and ready to fight evil in the name of good. We can help them with this, but first we will learn how to draw my little pony in stages with a pencil. Studies have shown that this cartoon is very fond of girls aged four to seven years. And after the next viewing of this cartoon, they often pester their parents with the following questions: how to draw May Little Pony Equestria? how to draw my little pony cartoons? So, dear parents, we are helping you with this difficult task.

Tools and materials:

1. Kraft paper sheet;

2. Simple pencil;

3. Eraser;

4. Colored pencils;

5. Black handle;

6. White pen.

Stages of work:

1. Draw six circles of different sizes. This is the base for the pony heads.

2. Now let's outline the eyes, nose and mouth of the characters.

3. Now let's draw the pony's mane.

4. In the eyes, draw the pupils, iris and highlights.

5. Move on to the rest of the body. Some ponies will have horns and wings.

6. Draw the eyes with a black and white pen.

7. Draw the mane and body of some ponies with pink and lilac.

9. We continue to apply color. This time we use a white, lilac and blue pencil.

11. Draw a pony hat in light brown, and with a black pen, select the outline of the drawings.

Ready! Continue to learn with us how to draw my little pony with a pencil step by step? And share your success

Recently, the cartoon "Friendship is a miracle" has become really popular. And not only among the children's audience, but also among adults. Therefore, it is not surprising that more and more people are beginning to be interested in how to draw a pony Rarity. Drawing a character on your own can be difficult, but if you follow a step-by-step plan, the task is greatly simplified.

This lesson is suitable not only for girls, as it may seem at first glance. It can be used by any fan of this cartoon, as well as a person who just wants to learn something else to draw. It is recommended to consistently follow all the recommendations indicated in the article so that the result is really good.

  • it is convenient to sit at the table, preferably on a chair with a back;
  • set the lighting so that it falls from the left side;
  • A4 sheet, although you can draw on a regular notebook sheet if you prefer;
  • prepare a couple of simple pencils, as well as an eraser and a sharpener;
  • find about thirty minutes of free time (it is desirable that no one distracts you).

And now that everything is ready, you can take a closer look at the process itself. It is as simple as possible and even a novice artist can handle it.

Rarity or Rarity is a truly stylish, well-groomed and beautiful unicorn pony that has refined manners. She is the owner of a really fashionable clothing store in Ponyville. She is not only an excellent fashion designer, but also a good designer. With the help of her magic, Rarity is able to find gems.

She has a white body, tail and mane - purple. They are always beautifully laid and look as attractive as possible. A distinctive feature of Rarity is three sparkling blue diamonds. All in all, this is a very cute pony that every My Little Pony fan will want to draw.

Support figures and lines of the head

First, draw a circle in the upper right corner. It is she who will set the tone for the whole picture. Do not try to make it perfectly even, anyway, after a while its shape will have to be changed. If you have just started learning to draw, you can make a couple of corrections, but it is better to do without them at all.

Next, you need to create an intersection of two lines. One of them should be vertical and should be closer to the right edge, and the second should be horizontal and should be drawn as low as possible. Make sure the lines are curved. You could do something similar if you took a lesson on the one on our website. As a result, you should get an intersection.

The bottom line defines the border of the eyes. Since the characters in Friendship is Magic have big eyes, we will also keep up with this trend. In the upper left, draw an ellipse stretched vertically. In the upper right part, draw the same circle, but slightly reduced and narrowed. It is necessary that the drawing looked correctly and complied with the laws of perspective.

Now you need to set the basis for the ears and horns of our pony. Since we are considering how to draw a Rarity pony with a pencil, it is better to make the lines thin and barely noticeable. This will allow in the future to erase inaccurate contours without any consequences. Draw two triangles with rounded corners. In this case, one should be on the left and directed upwards, and the second closer to the center and directed to the right. This is also explained by the laws of perspective.

Body base

Find the intersection point of the vertical line and the reference circle. Step back down a bit and to the left. This will be the right border of the new reference circle. Draw it slightly elongated in the horizontal plane. Imagine that you need to draw a rectangle and fit a circle inside it. This is the base for Rarity's torso.

Next, you need to depict the neck. Ponies are small horses, so their neck should be proportional. As you know, horses are quite long. Therefore, we draw curved lines. One should start from the top center and go almost vertically, and the second from the bottom right and have a curved shape. Something similar was discussed in the lesson on.

Next, you need to set the guides for the tail and legs. In the cartoon "Friendship is Magic", the ponies have very long tails, so we draw a curved line. It should descend to the height of two torsos. You should also outline the position of the legs. Let them be bent in front and remain straight in the back. Although you can draw them the way you want if you want. On this part of the lesson on how to draw a pony Rarity from My Little Pony ends and it's the turn of drawing.

Head drawing

Based on the circle, depict the lower part of the head in the form of a short arc. Its continuation will be the outer part of the nose. Make sure it doesn't rise too high. Next, round it and direct it towards the circles for the eyes. You should also add the bottom of the nose and make it parallel to the top. At the end, add a dot indicating bulging and adding volume.

I remember when I was just learning to draw, I really liked redrawing the characters of various cartoons. I still do it with pleasure, though I draw from memory and try to come up with some unusual pose for them or create a plot. If you are just starting to learn, then try to do the same. And on our website you can find great help in the form of detailed lessons. In order not to miss any - subscribe to updates.

Rarity is a very pretty pony, so we'll make her look a bit flirtatious. To do this, she needs to slightly cover her eyes and draw eyelashes. Based on the reference circles draw the lower borders of the eyes. Then draw horizontal lines from them. They can bulge slightly to create an arrow effect. At the end, draw some eyelashes. In doing so, make sure that:

  1. There weren't too many of them.
  2. They were directed in the direction of the lines.
  3. On the right eye, they could slightly go beyond the borders of the picture.
  4. They narrowed towards the end.

Despite the fact that the pony's eyes are half-closed, the eyelids are still worth painting. This is the feature of drawing My Little Pony. Since we are talking about how to draw a pony Rarity, we will do the same. Now you need to depict the pupil. Its outer edge should cut off a small part on the right. Back off a little distance and then draw another curve. Leave two large circles for highlights, and shade the rest. Repeat the same steps with the other eye.

The next step is the horn. Earlier we drew a reference curve for this element. Now you need to draw it more carefully. First of all, it must have a pyramidal elongated shape. Don't close the bottom borders as the horn grows out of the head. Then, with the help of several semicircles, mark the bumps. In principle, this will be enough.

Did you know that for the first time the series "Friendship is a miracle" was shown on October 10, 2011. Since then, new seasons of this interesting and very exciting cartoon come out every year. Thanks to the bright drawing and unusual plot, many people liked this series and it is watched not only by children, but also by adults.

Next, you need to finish the head. Draw a short line from the border of the right eye to the horn. Then along the reference circle to the ear. There you need to draw an elongated triangle with a rounded top. In this case, the base circle will also serve as the lower boundary. From the lower border of the ear, draw a curve that will smoothly pass into the neck. At the end, add a stroke outlining the border of the ears.

Magnificent mane

Now it's time to draw the mane or hair, whichever you prefer. To do this, you need to draw a line from the horn in an arc. Then, from the middle of the head, draw the same line, only more and they should connect in one place. From the upper border of the ear, draw a line to the right strand. The last part should fall to the shoulder and have the shape of a drop. Since we are showing you how to draw a Rarity pony, you can use a simple cartoon style.

Next, you need to depict curls. Let's start with the top one. Draw a curved line from the middle of the upper arc to the head. Then, lower a short curve from the end of the previous strand. Connect everything from below and get the base. Next, outline the outer borders of the curl in a semicircle. Add two curved rectangles in the center. Make sure they are behind the last strand of the mane.

Repeat the same procedure for the second curl. However, note that here the strand looks more like a rectangle bent outward. Otherwise, everything must be done in the same way, only in a vertical plane. By the way, several lessons on how to draw hair so that it looks realistic and beautiful will soon appear on our website. If you don't want to miss them, be sure to subscribe to updates.

Draw the body

First of all, you need to draw the legs of our pony. First, draw the front right. To do this, draw a horizontal line from the body to the right. Step back a little from the beginning and draw a short vertical line. Then you need to draw a long arc so that its end coincides with the start line. Draw a vertical arc to the left and end the leg with a short check mark to indicate the bend of the knee. To draw the left leg, it is enough to draw two straight vertical lines and connect them with an arc.

Since we are talking in detail about how to draw a Rareli pony, let's look at the process of drawing the hind legs. They should shoot forward, that is, you need to create a bulge to the outside. Also keep in mind that the right leg connects to the torso with a slight extension. Behind, you need to complete the drawing with a short horizontal line. Do the same with the other leg.

Now you can draw the body. Draw a short arc between the legs, indicating the abdomen. The back of the body should go vertically, and then smoothly into the back. From the front, draw an arc up to the head. The more smoothly and evenly it will be drawn, the better.

It's the turn of the tail. Based on the reference line, draw an outer outline that goes down to the middle of the back right leg. Then draw a vertical line, denoting the boundaries of the tail. Next, you need to draw an arc from the outer contour to the end of the vertical bar. Then give the drawing volume, completing it with a short arc from the inside.

At the end, you can draw a few curls. It has already been described how to do it correctly. You can simply repeat what is drawn in the image. Although it is not necessary to do everything the same, the more creative your approach, the better and more interesting.

What to do next?

If you did everything right, then in the end you should get something like this picture. You can leave everything as it is, but I recommend getting rid of all the reference lines. First, it will make the drawing really complete. Secondly, you can color it in various ways. I got a similar picture.

How to decorate a pony Rareli? Here it is worth relying on the cartoon. There she has purple hair and lavender skin. Also on the body of Rarel are 3 characteristic crystals. If you want to have everything like in a cartoon, you can add them. In the end, I got this result, but you can get creative and create something interesting.

If you still have any questions about how to draw a Rareli pony, feel free to ask them in the comments. You can also write your wishes and messages there. Do not forget to subscribe to updates to always be aware of the latest lessons and not miss anything important. I hope this material helps you. Bye!

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