How to make something for a doll. Original beds for monster high dolls with their own hands

Monster High dolls are very popular right now, and our readers' daughters probably have these funny beauties. It is very important for girls to provide their favorite dolls with conditions for beautiful life, including furniture. You can buy a bed for Monster High dolls in the store, or you can make an exclusive item yourself, avoiding unnecessary costs.

Step by step instructions

There are many ways to make toy furniture, including beds. We will tell you a few of them, simple and fast. The most important thing in our case is the correct styling, and the base is done quite easily and even standardly.

It is very important that the outside of the bed is designed to match the style of your doll.

Whatever type of bed you choose for the Monster High doll, you may need the following materials and tools in your work:

  • a suitable cardboard box (for example, from under shoes);
  • paper - colored, velvet or corrugated;
  • scissors and a paper knife;
  • stapler;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • colored markers;
  • gouache or watercolor paints, brushes;
  • PVA glue, adhesive tape.

And now let's proceed directly to the manufacture of the bed. We will describe in detail to you several ways, and you choose the most suitable one.

regular bed

For this crib, you need to take two small cardboard boxes and viscose napkins in two colors.

Please note: when choosing boxes for making a bed, rely on the fact that the doll in the lying position should fit completely on the bed, and in the sitting position, it should be free to reach the floor with its feet.

Thick cardboard or a shoe box is an excellent base for a crib.

We will start from the dimensions of the box 29.5 cm long and 6 cm high.

Try to make a simple ottoman in the same way as in the picture.

A simple ottoman bed for a doll

For this on cardboard box measure with a ruler and draw a line with a pencil, retreating 2 cm from the top and 1 cm on the sides. Cut out the bed as shown in the photo.

Cut out the frame for the bed

Paste the workpiece with paper - colored or velvet. You can use clippings from magazines, and decorate with beads and rhinestones.

Paste the blank with paper and decorate

Cut out the back from thick paper or cardboard. Make it tall and shape it, color it to match the style of your monster doll. Glue the back to the bed and make the bed.

Cut out the back and color to match the style of your doll.

bunk bed

This bed is not that hard to make. It will come in handy if your daughter has a whole collection of Monster High dolls. You will need:

  • shoe boxes;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • the cloth;
  • glue;
  • wooden skewers or sushi sticks.

bunk bed option

Cover the boxes with colored paper. Inside, fasten the synthetic winterizer in several layers, which will serve as a mattress, cover with a piece of fabric that is suitable in size.

Glue sushi sticks to the bottom of the box at the ends. From the bottom side, they should protrude slightly, literally 1 cm, beyond the box - these will be the legs of the bed.

Attach the second box to the tops of the sticks. Your doll bed is ready!

Video: making a crib for Monster High

A couple of unusual and original ideas

if you have free time and the desire to use fantasy, you can use the ideas below. Your doll will receive a very interesting and unusual piece of furniture.


It can be made collapsible without using glue. It is enough to fasten the parts with pieces of adhesive tape if you want the bed to be more stable.

Bed constructornbsp;

Cut a 30x15 cm rectangle out of cardboard. This will be the bed sheet. Make four parts that will become legs and side borders at the same time 6x6 cm and 6x12 cm. And two more parts - backs 15x7 cm and 15x5 cm.

Diagram of the details of the designer bed

First, mark with a pencil, the future places of the cuts as shown in the photo, retreating everywhere from the edge of 1.5 cm. Then cut the side backs by 1.5 cm. Cut the bed sheet by 3 cm and the borders also by 3 cm and 1.5 cm .

Assemble the bed and secure the joints with tape. Now it can be decorated with any patterns, painted, covered with rhinestones and ribbons. Make the bed and put the tired doll to sleep.

Coffin for Draculaura Monster High

Everyone knows that Monster High Draculaura loves to sleep in a coffin. Let's make her such an extreme bed.

Coffin bed for Draculaura

Take a shoebox, fold the edges over and secure them with glue and tape. Cover the coffin with black and red colored paper.

Attach four chains to the corners with a stapler, cover the coffin and invite the doll to try out the bed.

The coffin bed can be made and not suspended. Take another box, cut out the side, paint it and cover it.

Options Gallery

Coffin for Draculaura

Do you know that you can make your own Monster High dolls? You can also easily make furniture, shoes and clothes for them by familiarizing yourself with the master classes.

The content of the article:

Thanks to the cartoon "School of Monsters", Monster High dolls have become very popular. Therefore, the price of these toys is not small. If you don’t have enough money to buy a store, see how to make a Monster High doll with your own hands. If the child has such a toy, then you can save on clothes for Monster High. Make your own furniture for dolls, accessories, house to please your child.

How to make a Monster High doll - two ways

Two methods will be presented below. Using the second, you can remake a Barbie doll or similar into Monster High. The first option will teach you how to do monster high from polymer clay. If you like this species needlework, you can create the heroine of this cartoon not only for your children, but also as a gift for others. Having stuffed your hand, if you wish, you can make Monster High, so that you can then sell them.

To embody the idea of ​​the first option, take:
  • white polymer clay and granite colors;
  • doci;
  • blade from a stationery knife;
  • nail file;
  • remains of polymer clay;
  • tresa artificial hair;
  • acrylic paints;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • A4 paper sheet;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • scissors;
  • pins;
  • pin;
  • pliers;
  • the cloth.

Dotsi are devices that allow you to draw on your nails. You can buy pins at a sewing store.

The next two photos show what these tools look like. If you do not have them, replace with similar devices.

If you haven't done any plastic work before and don't have any leftover material, then pick the one you plan to use the least. Usually it is green polymer clay.

The principles of creating this part for these heroines are the same. This master class will tell you how to make Rochelle Goyle, who is also one of the heroines of the Monster School cartoon.

A little about her. This girl has an unusual skin color and original ears, she is a gargoyle. Her skin is a mixture of gray, white and black, which makes the coating look like granite. Use this property when creating Rochelle Goyle. The girl's hair is pink, interspersed with blue strands.

Having formed the head from unnecessary pieces of plastic, stick a pin from the pin into the neck area, bake the head in the oven at a temperature of 130 degrees for 15 minutes. If you have taken another type of plastic, look in the instructions at what temperature it hardens.

Mix white plastic with granite-colored polymer clay. If you take only the latter, without light, then the skin will turn out too dark. Cover the head of Rochelle Goyle with the resulting mass. From the same material, roll one, then the second sausage. Use these pieces as the doll's lips, and secure them in place with the dots. Make her nose in the same way, send the face blank to bake again in the oven for 15 minutes, during which time make other parts of the head.

To make the ears, break off a piece of polymer clay and shape it into a triangle. With the help of a dots, make two horizontal recesses on them.

Slightly bend the tip of the ear back, arrange the second in the same way. Attach these pieces to the head, which is now baked. Now place this blank in the oven for 15 minutes. Don't waste your time and use waste plastic to form the body of Monster High Rochelle Goyle. Insert the pin into one shoulder, bring it out through the other. Also put the pins where the legs will be located.

During this time, the head is baked, try it on the neck. Secure with a pin. But this is not yet the final stage. You just made a recess in the body, now also send it to harden in the oven.

Wrap your body in polymer clay skin made from white and granite.

Blind 2 breasts from the same mass, form small protruding collarbones, which are created from two small "sausages" of plastics. Add some polymer clay to the belly area, make the navel dots here. Put the workpiece to bake.

Turn the doll over on the back side, her spine is formed with the same tool. Roll a ball out of plastic, make buttocks for our heroine.

Put this part of the body of the Monster High Rochelle Goyle doll back in the oven for 15 minutes. Now take the head, use the pin to connect it to the body.

If the metal bar is too long, shorten it with pliers. Do the same with those pins on which you will put your arms and legs.

To ensure that the limbs and head fit well to the body, use a clerical knife blade to make cuts on them where you will attach them to the base.

From the same polymer clay, form a sausage in the form of a doll's hand, do the second one in the same way. Put them in the oven to harden.

At this time, break off a small piece of the same plastic, attach it to the forehead of the doll. Take a bigger ball, glue it to the back of the head to make it stick out more.

Take your hands out of the oven. Before they cool down, insert a pin into each of them. When the blanks are cold, this will be more difficult to do.

Remove the metal rod from your hand, grease its end with superglue, stick it back in. reverse side fasten the rod in the shoulder. Here you do not glue the pin so that the hand can move. Attach the second one as well.

Make the lower part of the arm in the form of a sausage, attach it to the upper one. Blind two parts of the legs, up to the knee and below it. Attach the feet here, and to the hands of the palms, cut out the gaps to make 4 fingers. The fifth you blind from the remains of polymer clay. Send the blanks to harden in the oven.

Take them out, cool, walk over the surface with a fine sandpaper to sand.

To make a monster high hairstyle, cut a small section of pink artificial hair, coat it with superglue, and attach it to your head. Glue all the hair of this color in the same way. Then attach the blue strands.

Help yourself with a toothpick. Gather all the hair with an elastic band, remove the head from the body. Now the skills gained from the first article on this topic will come in handy, as you will need to draw the eyes of the Monster High doll. Also depict eyelashes and pupils. Paint over its squirrels with white paint.

Black draw eyelashes, lens, circle the eyes. Draw eyebrows, pupils in light brown, paint highlights on them with white paint.

Carefully decorate the upper lip with black paint, the lower pink. When these surfaces dry, make stripes on the upper lip pink paint, and on the bottom black.

Make a Rochelle manicure using black paint. Give shine to eyes, lips, nails by covering these parts with acrylic varnish.

To make the Monster High doll's dress, place the silver fabric right side up against her body, wrapping it around. Baste stitch here on your hands using black thread. Trim excess fabric, leaving seam allowances.

Mark the length of the dress, cut off excess fabric.

Now you need to make three flounces from black fabric, the length of each is 2 times the final length. Make the bottom shuttle the widest, the top the narrowest, and the central one the middle in width.

Gather each shuttlecock at the top, sew the edges. Connect the upper parts of these finishing parts, stitch them to the bottom of the hem of the dress. From the same black fabric, cut two strips, sew them vertically onto the back.

Sew Velcro on the back of these black stripes on the back. Close the junction of the flounces with the bottom of the dress with a ribbon cut from silver fabric, tie at the back with a bow. Sew a black braid to the left shoulder.

Now you know how to do monster doll High Roshal do it yourself.

If this method seemed too laborious for you, then use the second one.

How to transform a doll into a Monster High character?

To create your favorite image, take:

  • clear nail polish;
  • acrylic paints;
  • solvent;
  • thin brushes;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • doll preparation.

The biggest problem in this process is finding the doll blank. You can use unnecessary Barbie, Cindy, Ken.

For these dolls, you need to erase facial features with a solvent using cotton wool. Wear rubber gloves to avoid damaging your hands and nails.

See which Monster School heroine you would like to make. Their eyes are drawn in the same way, but sometimes using different colors. To do this, you need to first paint white acrylic paint eyeball, then circle the eyes with black paint. Depending on what kind of heroine it is, apply shadows of the appropriate color. In this case, they are green.

Light brown eyebrows. Using the same or a different paint, complete the pupils. Black draw the lens, and white highlights on the pupils. Also, with the help of paint, you need to highlight the lips. If the character has fangs, draw them.

Draw eyelashes. To make your facial features shine, top the paint with clear nail polish. Looking at the photo of your favorite heroine, apply the scars, tattoos that she has on the doll.

The following master class will help you style the hair of the heroines.

Do-it-yourself hairstyles for Monster High

If you're making Barbie or Cindy Monster High dolls that don't have the hair color you want, then dye them. Now you can start hairstyles.

To make the first one, take:

  • comb;
  • elastic band to match the hair;
  • English pin.
Comb the toy's hair. On one and the other side of the temporal parts, separate small strands, braid them in the form of a braid.

Connect these two elements behind the back of the head, tie with an elastic band.

Continue weaving the braid further, lay it on the back of the head, so that the so-called cuckoo hairstyle is obtained here. Secure this element with a safety pin.

To make another hairstyle for Monster High, separate some hair in the bangs area, divide it into three strands. You will braid the braid inside out, tucking the outer strands under the central one, and not going over it, as is usually done.

Make two such turns, then separate the small strand on the left, connect it with the braid strand, which is on the same side.

Bring this fragment under the central strand. Do the same on the right side. Do the same, weave the braid further.

You will get such a wonderful braid.

If you want to style your Monster High hair in curls, but you don't have thin curlers, then here's how to do it.


  • comb;
  • a bowl of water;
  • hair spray;
  • several small rubber bands.
Instructions for creating
  1. Squeeze a little gaseous varnish into a bowl of water by pressing the can button 2-3 times. Braid the doll a few small braids, fix their ends with an elastic band. Now dip your hair completely in a solution of water and varnish, moisten your hair.
  2. Then dry it well. To speed up this process, first blot excess water with a towel, then dry your hair near a hot radiator or with a warm stream of a hair dryer.
  3. When they are completely dry, unbraid the pigtails, you will see what wonderful curls you get.

Shoes for Monster High

You can also make it yourself. First of all take:

  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • napkins;
  • eraser;
  • thin braid.
Step by step manufacturing:
  1. Moisten pieces of napkins in water, cover the doll's leg with them in 2 layers. Let it dry, then grease with PVA glue, glue another 3-4 layers of napkins here.
  2. Wait for them to dry. Then cut this paper blank on the heel. Take it off the doll's leg.
  3. Since the cartoon girls wear high heels, make these pieces out of eraser by cutting out the sole along with the heel. Glue this paper blank on the heel and with the eraser blank, connecting the junction with a braid, which also needs to be put on glue.
  4. Decorate other parts of the shoes with this ribbon, after making cuts in them, so that you get such graceful beautiful open sandals.

You can make several pairs of shoes for Monster High, put them in beautiful boxes, DIY creation.

Furniture for Monster High dolls: master class

It is also not necessary to buy it, you can make it yourself from simple materials. Let's make such a wonderful chair in which the dolls can rest.

To create this piece of furniture you will need:
  • pieces of fabric;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • lace;
  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • glue gun;
  • newspapers;
  • milk carton.
A washed and dried milk carton or from under the juice is the basis of the chair for dolls. To make its armrests, place newspapers on a sheet of cardboard of the appropriate size, roll this blank into a roll. Measure its dimensions in order to cut out the detail from the padding polyester.

Wrap these rollers around them, sew the junction or seal it with tape. Also make a pattern of synthetic winterizer to close the milk carton with it. See how much fabric it takes to sew a chair cover.

Cover the seat with fabric, fix the joints with a glue gun. Stitch the side seams of each roller in a typewriter or on your hands, collect on the 1st and 2nd sides of the sidewall on a thread, tighten, tie them into a couple of knots.

At the bottom of the seat, you will need to sew a frill, for this, cut out a rectangular ribbon from the same fabric, its length should be 2-3 times longer than the perimeter of the seat. This value depends on how you want this detail to be splendor. Tuck this tape at the top and bottom, sew on a typewriter. Lay the folds, secure them with a pin or basting hand stitch. Stepping back from the top of the tape 3-4 cm, sew on an openwork braid.

Cover 4 flat buttons with fabric, sew each of these details on one side of the roller.

Make the back curly by cutting it out of cardboard. Also cover with padding polyester, then with a cloth. Glue this part to the seat, put the rollers here and decorative pillows, which you can sew from cardboard circles. A synthetic winterizer is placed on them on both sides, all this is covered with fabric.

Monster High clothes can hang on hangers, you can make a similar design yourself.

To do this, take:
  • small rectangular wooden box;
  • two narrow planks
  • wooden bar;
  • black paint in a can;
  • glue;
  • small screws.
Attach wooden planks to one and the other small side of the wooden box. At the top, connect them with a bar, gluing it to the blanks.

In order for the structure to be firmly connected, wrap it with electrical tape for a while, leave it until the next morning so that the glue dries.

Now you can put it on unnecessary sheets of paper, cover it with spray paint in black.

When it dries, you can place hangers. If you don’t have such puppets, then let an adult use a drill to make holes in the center of the wooden bars, insert the wire here, bending it from above in the form of a hook.

Can be used for cardboard base by gluing them or attaching 4 layers. In the center of such a workpiece, you need to make a hole with a silk, also insert the wire, bend its top with a hook, and make a small loop at the bottom so that the wire does not jump out of the base.

If you want to make a cabinet for Monster High, then take:

Put a sheet of white cardboard in front of you, mark 2 cm vertically from the bottom and top, draw two horizontal lines. On them, mark three segments 6 cm long, draw these three vertical lines.

Measure another 4 cm from above, draw horizontal line parallel to the first. On the segment just made, measure 3 cm to the right and left of the second vertical line. Connect each of these points to the corresponding point on the upper horizontal segment, and draw a line down from one side and the other to the corresponding point.

Erase the guide lines. Stepping back from the extreme 2 cm, draw the lines for gluing the shelves and along the strip for gluing the sides of the cabinet.

See how to make a Monster High closet next. You need to draw the detail shown in the next photo. The side stripes on it are of equal width - 2 cm.

The next detail is sides cabinet, where the strips for gluing are already indicated.

Next, draw up the shelves of the cabinet, cut out these details.

Using double-sided tape, connect them to the main element.

Then glue the top and bottom shelf.

Glue the doors, which should open well. Inside the cabinet you need to glue black paper, and glue red paper on the outside.

To make a dress bar, attach a handle bar under the top shelf. You can buy Monster High stickers or draw them yourself and cut them out of paper. Attach these items inside and outside of the closet, decorating it this way.

Draw hangers for dresses on a sheet of cardboard, cut out these details, you can paint them red or black or combine it.

To be able to fix the doors, glue ribbons on one side and the other, you will tie or untie them to get an outfit for your favorite doll.

Here is such a wonderful monster high furniture you can make. If cardboard hangers seem too unreliable to you, then make them from paper clips. To make hangers for doll dresses, straighten the paper clip on the left side, and on the right side also slightly straighten the tip. Fix it with a turn of the left half of the workpiece. This is such a wonderful thing for you.

It is convenient to bend the tip of the paper clip using a pencil.

Here's how much you can do with your own hands with your children to please them with new toys, clothes, furniture for Monster High dolls.

If you want to see a master class on making a sofa for such dolls, then check out a short video.

The following will teach you how to make a Draculaura wig to wear to a party or Halloween.

Now every children's store sells various dolls with attributes: clothes, sports equipment, houses and furniture. But all this is by no means cheap. You can try to make your own, for example, furniture for dolls. In addition, the child will also like this activity.

The question arises: "How to make furniture for Monster High dolls?" Photos of all store accessories look impressive, so I don’t want to make a mistake. It is necessary to understand all the subtleties of this manual work.

Benefits of homemade furniture

Choosing a toy for your child is now easier than ever, but paying a rather impressive amount for it is much more difficult. And if the daughter requires furniture for her dolls, for example, Monster High. Then you should think about how to make furniture for Monster High dolls with your own hands.

There are several reasons why parents decide to make their own:

  1. In stores there are toys that are by no means of excellent quality. It is better to make it yourself than to throw out a newly acquired one after a couple of days.
  2. In some settlements located far from the city, it is difficult to find doll furniture.
  3. A homemade product requires minimal cash costs than factory options.
  4. Many parents like to create something new to please their children.

improvised means

Monster High are popular dolls that almost all girls like. Each baby wants to provide her pet with everything necessary: ​​a dollhouse with furniture and clothes. Furniture, of course, can be found in the store, but you can save family money and make it yourself. But how to make furniture for Monster High dolls? For beginners, you can choose simpler options. These are the ones we'll be looking at. .

Whatever the furniture is in the end, immediately before manufacturing, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • thick cardboard or a small box;
  • colored paper (matte or corrugated);
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • paper clips or stapler;
  • simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • colored markers;
  • gouache or watercolor;
  • tape or glue.

We make a closet

So how to make furniture for Monster High dolls, for example, a wardrobe? It is necessary to prepare an A4 cardboard sheet, scissors, a pencil, glue, colored paper, a grater and adhesive tape.

Now let's get down to manufacturing.

We take a cardboard sheet and measure 2 cm from the edges, draw vertical lines. From above we retreat 6 cm exactly along the line and make a mark. We do the same with the bottom. As a result, small squares are obtained along the edges of the sheet, they must be cut out. Then fold over the side edges. We do the same with the top and bottom edges. The result is a box for the future cabinet.

Shelves can be made from the same cardboard, the main thing is to take measurements correctly. To fasten the shelves to the walls of the cabinet, you need to use glue, and for decoration - colored paper. So the beautiful cabinet for Monster High dolls is ready.

Homemade crib

To make a doll bed, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • plywood sheet;
  • paper;
  • foam rubber;
  • varnish;
  • glue;
  • fabric;
  • acrylic paint;
  • scissors.

On a paper sheet, you need to draw the base and backs for the future crib. The resulting parts are cut out. For these blanks, you need to cut out the details from plywood. We fasten them with glue. Glue foam rubber to the bed and cover everything with a cloth. We paint the rest of the parts with paint and apply varnish.

doll sofa

What miniature house can do without the main furniture element - a sofa? On it, the dolls can rest. And how to make furniture for Monster High dolls, or rather, a sofa? You must have items such as:

  • ruler;
  • stationery knife or scissors;
  • simple pencil;
  • viscose napkin.

For convenience, it is better to make a low sofa. Cut the box into two halves with a knife. One half should have a height of 8 cm, and the second - 3 cm. The low part is necessary for the base, and the high part, respectively, under the seat. One side is cut off in width, then the sides and back are formed.

Using PVA, we fasten the base of the sofa with the seat. We are waiting for the sofa to dry.

After the sofa has completely dried, you can proceed to the phased pasting of it with viscose fabric.

First glue the front. We are waiting for the glue to dry. Then we take the back and armrests. For the softness of the seat, it is desirable to apply a second layer of napkins on top of the first.

Kitchen furniture

And what and how to make furniture for Monster High dolls? Refrigerator, for example? An indispensable thing in the kitchen, even for children. So, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • 2 small boxes (from under the eggs);
  • cardboard;
  • paint;
  • clear transparent plastic;
  • cotton swabs;
  • colored paper;
  • glue.

First, cut out the protrusions from the box. The top part should open like a door. The second box must be turned over so that the doors open in one direction. We connect two boxes with glue.

The outside of the box is covered with colored paper. The result is a refrigerator with a freezer, just like a real one. Shelves for our refrigerator can be made of plastic, it is enough to cut them to such a size that they fit perfectly inside the boxes. You can also make baskets for vegetables from small plastic packages (if any). Cotton buds will serve as handles for this kitchen appliance. Cut off the cotton tips and glue to the place where the handles should be. We paint over them. Small stickers are suitable as decoration. So we got a wonderful and unusual doll refrigerator for Monster High.

Every girl, of course, wants to equip the toy house of her Monster High doll, but today's children are used to the fact that all the attributes, including doll furniture, can be purchased at the store. Children do not even think about how to make furniture for Monster High dolls. But that's pretty fascinating process developing the ability to be creative. What could be more interesting and useful than the joint activity of a child and a parent?

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