How many lives does a human soul have and what is reincarnation. About the reincarnation of the soul: theories, evidence and personal experience

The word “reincarnation” is translated as “re-incarnation”. The theory of reincarnation includes two components:

  1. The soul, not the body, is the true essence of man. This position is consistent with the Christian worldview and is rejected by materialism.
  2. After the death of the body, the soul of a person incarnates in a new body after a certain period of time. Each of us has lived many lives on Earth and has experiences that go beyond the current life.

Identification with the body causes a person to experience a strong fear of death. After all, after it, he will completely disappear, and all his works will be meaningless. It makes people act like death doesn't exist at all. In order to distract from the idea of ​​the finiteness of their existence and the lack of meaning in life, people try to forget themselves in fleeting affairs and entertainment. It can be a focus on your family or a strong immersion in work. A person can also resort to such dangerous entertainments as drug use. Belief in the finiteness of life forms a spiritual vacuum in people's hearts. Faith in the eternal nature of the soul allows you to rediscover the meaning of life.

Reincarnation is a law that applies to a person regardless of his faith. The doctrine of reincarnation says that a person is responsible for his own actions. The subsequent birth depends on his deeds in previous lives. Thus, justice is established, and the difficult circumstances of the life of those who have not yet sinned are explained. The subsequent incarnation allows the soul to correct its mistakes and go beyond limiting ideas. The very idea of ​​continuous soul training is inspiring. We can get rid of obsession with current affairs, find a new perspective on difficult and depressing situations. With the help of abilities developed in past births, the soul gets the opportunity to overcome those problems that were not resolved before.

Many of us do not have memories of our past lives. There may be two reasons for this:

  1. We have been taught not to remember them. If the family belongs to another faith or one of the family members is an atheist, then such memories will be suppressed. A child's statement about the details of a past life can be perceived as fiction or even as a mental disorder. Thus, the child learns to hide his memories, and subsequently forgets them himself.
  2. Memories can be difficult or shocking. They can prevent us from maintaining our identity in the current life. We can not stand them and really go crazy.

The idea of ​​reincarnation has been supported by various scientists and sages for thousands of years. At the moment, the doctrine of reincarnation is largely preserved in Hinduism. Many travel to India to get in touch with this religion and get a spiritual experience. However, there were also followers of this theory in the West. Below we will consider the great personalities of different historical periods, supporting soul reincarnation theory.

The doctrine of transmigration of souls in the religions of the East

The doctrine of reincarnation is central to many Indian religions. It is also present in Buddhism. For representatives of Eastern creeds, the idea of ​​reincarnation is natural.

The concept of reincarnation of souls is central to Hinduism. It is written about him in sacred texts: in the Vedas and Upanishads. In the Bhagavad Gita, which contains the essence of Hinduism, reincarnation is compared to changing old clothes for new ones.

Hinduism teaches that our soul is in a constant cycle of birth and death. After many births, she becomes disillusioned with material enjoyment and seeks the highest source of happiness. Spiritual practice allows us to realize that our true Self is a soul, and not a temporary body. When material desires cease to control it, the soul leaves the cycle and moves to the spiritual world.

In Buddhism, it is stated that there are five levels on which one can incarnate: the inhabitants of hell, animals, spirits, people and deities. The conditions in which the soul will be born next time depend on its activity. The process of rebirth continues until the being disintegrates or reaches the void, which is accessible to few. Jatakas (ancient Indian parables) tell about 547 births of the Buddha. He incarnated in different worlds, helping to gain liberation for their inhabitants.

Reincarnation in the philosophy of ancient Greece

In ancient Greece, Pythagoras and his followers were adherents of the concept of reincarnation. Now the merits of Pythagoras and his school in mathematics and cosmology are recognized. We all know the Pythagorean theorem from school. But Pythagoras also became famous as a philosopher. According to Pythagoras, the soul comes from heaven into the body of a person or animal and incarnates until it receives the right to return. The philosopher claimed to remember his previous incarnations.

Another representative of the philosophers in ancient Greece, Empedocles, outlined the theory of the transmigration of souls in the poem "Purification".

The famous philosopher Plato was also a supporter of the concept of reincarnation. Plato wrote the famous dialogues, where he conveys conversations with his teacher Socrates, who did not leave his own works. In the Phaedo dialogue, Plato writes on behalf of Socrates that our soul can come to earth again in a human body or in the form of animals, plants. The soul descends from heaven and is first born in a human body. Degrading, the soul passes into the shell of the animal. In the process of development, the soul again appears in the human body and gets the opportunity to gain freedom. Depending on the shortcomings to which a person is subject, the soul can incarnate in an animal of the corresponding type.

The doctrine of reincarnation was also adhered to by Plotinus, the founder of the Neoplatonist school. Plotinus argued that a man who killed his mother would in his next birth become a woman who would be killed by his son.

Early Christianity

Modern Christian teaching asserts that the soul incarnates only once. It seems that this has always been the case. However, there are opinions that early Christianity favored the idea of ​​reincarnation. Among those who supported this idea was Origen, a Greek theologian and philosopher.

Origen had great authority among his contemporaries and became the founder of Christian science. His ideas have influenced both Eastern and Western theology. Origen studied for 5 years with the Neoplatonist Ammonius Sax. At the same time, Plotinus studied with Ammonius. Origen said that the Bible includes three levels: bodily, mental and spiritual. The Bible cannot be interpreted literally, because in addition to a specific meaning, it carries a secret message that is not accessible to everyone. About 230 AD e. Origen created an exposition of Christian philosophy in the treatise On the Beginnings. In it, he also writes about reincarnation. The philosopher wrote that souls inclined to evil can be born in the shell of an animal and even a plant. Having corrected their mistakes, they rise up and gain the Kingdom of Heaven again. The soul enters the world with the power of victories or weakened by the defeats of the previous incarnation. The actions a person performs in this life predetermine the circumstances of birth in the next.

In 553, the theory of the reincarnation of souls was condemned at the Fifth Ecumenical Council. The cathedral was founded by the Byzantine emperor Justinian. By means of a vote, the members of the council decided whether Origenism was acceptable for Christians. The entire voting process was under the control of the emperor, some of the votes were falsified. Origen's theory was anathematized.

Middle Ages and Renaissance

During this period, the doctrine of the transmigration of souls develops in Kabbalah - an esoteric trend in Judaism. Kabbalah spread in the XII-XIII centuries. Medieval Kabbalists identified three types of migration. Birth in a new body was designated by the term "gilgul". In the description of gilgul, Jewish texts are similar to Hinduism. The book "Zohar" says that the subsequent birth is determined by what addictions a person had in the previous one. The last thoughts before death also affect him. Kabbalah also mentions two other types of reincarnation: when the soul moves into an already existing body with evil or good thoughts.

Among other figures of that time, the concept was adhered to by Giordano Bruno, an Italian philosopher. From the school curriculum, we know that he supported the heliocentric views of Copernicus, for which he was burned at the stake. However, few people know that he was sentenced to be burned not only for this. Bruno said that the human soul after the death of the body can return to earth in another body. Or go further and travel through the many worlds that exist in the universe. Man's salvation is not determined by his relationship with the Church, but depends on a direct relationship with God.

new time

In modern times, the concept of reincarnation was developed by Leibniz. This manifested itself in his theory of monads. The philosopher argued that the world consists of substances called monads. Every monad is a microcosm and is at its stage of development. Depending on the stage of development, a monad has a connection with a different number of lower-level monads subordinate to it. This connection forms a new complex substance. Death is the separation of the main monad from the subordinates. Thus, death and birth are identical to the usual metabolism that occurs in a living being in the process of life. Only in the case of reincarnation does the exchange have the character of a leap.

The theory of reincarnation was developed by Charles Bonnet. He believed that at the time of death the soul retains a part of its body and then develops a new one. Supported her and Goethe . Goethe said that the concept of activity convinces him of the correctness of the theory of the transmigration of souls. If a person works tirelessly, then nature must give him a new form of life when the existing one cannot hold his spirit.

Arthur Schopenhauer was also a supporter of the theory of reincarnation. Schopenhauer expressed his admiration for Indian philosophy and said that the creators of the Vedas and Upanishads realized the essence of things more clearly and deeply than weakened generations. Here are his reflections on the eternity of the soul:

  • The belief that we are inaccessible to death, carried by each of us, comes from the awareness of our originality and eternity.
  • Life after death is no more incomprehensible than the present life. If the possibility of existence is open in the present, then it will be open in the future. Death cannot destroy more than we had at birth.
  • There is an existence which cannot be destroyed by death. It existed forever before birth and will forever exist after death. To demand the immortality of the individual consciousness, which is destroyed along with the death of the body, means to desire the constant repetition of the same mistake. It is not enough for a person to move to a better world. There needs to be a change within him.
  • The belief that the spirit of love will never disappear has a deep foundation.

XIX-XX centuries

Carl Gustav Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist who developed the theory of the collective unconscious, also believed in reincarnation. Jung used the concept of the eternal "I", which is born again, to comprehend his deepest secrets.

The well-known political leader Mahatma Gandhi said that the concept of reincarnation supported him in his activities. He believed that if not in this, then in another incarnation, his dream of universal peace would come true. Mahatma Gandhi was not only the political leader of India. He was also her spiritual leader. Following his ideals made Gandhi a real authority. Gandhi's worldview was formed thanks to the understanding of the Bhagavad Gita. Gandhi rejected any form of violence. Gandhi did not distinguish between mere service and prestigious work.

He cleaned the toilets himself. Among the many merits of Gandhi, the main ones are:

  • Gandhi made a decisive contribution to improving the situation of the untouchables. He did not go to those temples where the untouchables were forbidden to enter. Thanks to his sermons, laws were passed that prevented the humiliation of the lower castes.
  • Ensuring the independence of India from Great Britain. Gandhi acted with the tactics of civil disobedience. The Indians had to give up the titles that Great Britain gave, jobs in the civil service, in the police, in the army and from the purchase of English goods. In 1947, Britain itself gave independence to India.


L.N. Tolstoy is a widely known Russian writer. Many of his works were studied at school. However, few people know that Tolstoy was interested in Vedic philosophy and studied the Bhagavad Gita. Leo Tolstoy recognized the doctrine of reincarnation. Speaking about life after death, Tolstoy showed the possibility of two paths. Either the soul will merge with the All, or be born again in a limited state. Tolstoy considered the second more probable, because he believed that knowing only limitedness, the soul cannot expect unlimited life. If the soul lives somewhere after death, it means that it lived somewhere, and Tolstoy claimed before birth.

N. O. Lossky is a representative of Russian religious philosophy. He was one of the founders of the direction of intuitionism in philosophy. Here is how the Russian philosopher proves the idea of ​​reincarnation:

  1. It is impossible to give a person salvation from outside. He must deal with his own evil. God puts man in situations that will show the insignificance of evil and the power of good. For this, it is necessary that the soul continues to live after physical death, gaining new experience. All evil is expiated by suffering until the heart becomes pure. This fix takes time. It cannot happen within one short human life.
  2. By creating a personality, God gives it the power to create. The type of life a person develops himself. Therefore, he is responsible for his actions, for his character traits and for his external manifestation in the body.
  3. Lossky noted that forgetting is a natural human property. Many adults do not remember part of their childhood. Personal identity is not based on memories, but on basic aspirations that influence which path a person takes.
  4. If the passion that caused the unseemly deed in the past incarnation remains in the soul at the next birth, then even without remembering the committed deeds, its very presence and manifestation lead to punishments.
  5. The benefits and hardships that newborns receive are determined by their past birth. Without the theory of reincarnation, the different conditions of birth are contrary to the goodness of God. Otherwise, the born being itself creates them. Therefore, it is responsible for them.

Lossky, however, denied that a person in the next incarnation could be born in the shell of an animal or plant.

Karma and reincarnation

The concept of karma is closely related to the theory of reincarnation. The law of karma is the law of cause and effect, according to which a person's actions in the present determine his life both in this and in subsequent incarnations. What is happening to us now is a consequence of the actions of the past.

In the text of Srimad-Bhagavatam, one of the main Puranas, it is said that the actions of a being create its next shell. With the advent of death, a person ceases to reap the fruits of a certain stage of activity. With birth, he receives the results of the next stage.

After physical death, the soul can be reincarnated not only in a human shell, but also in the body of an animal, plant, or even a demigod. The body in which we live is called the gross body. However, there is also a subtle body, consisting of the mind, intellect and ego. When the gross body dies, the subtle body remains. This explains the fact that in the next incarnation, the aspirations and personality traits that were characteristic of her in a previous life are preserved. We see that even a baby has its own individual character.

Henry Ford said that his talent was accumulated over many lifetimes. He accepted the doctrine of rebirth at the age of 26. The work did not bring him complete satisfaction, because he understood that the inevitability of death makes his efforts in vain. The idea of ​​reincarnation gave him the opportunity to believe in further development.

Relationship Reincarnation

In addition to personal relationships, there are more subtle connections. In previous incarnations, we have already met some people. And this relationship can last for several lifetimes. It happens that we did not solve some problems in front of a person in a past life, and we must solve them in the present.

There are several types of connections:

  • Soul mates. Those souls that help each other move to a new level of consciousness. They often have opposite genders to balance each other out. A meeting with a soul mate may not last long, but it can have a strong impact on the person.
  • Twin souls. They are very similar to each other in character, in their interests. They often feel each other from a distance. When you meet, you get the feeling that you have known a person for a long time, there is a feeling of unconditional love.
  • Karmic relationships. Such relationships are often difficult, they need a lot of work on themselves. People need to work through a situation together. If there is any debt to a person from a past life, then it's time to return it.

Lossky also wrote about the connection of souls in subsequent lives. The beings of the God realm have a cosmic body and are connected with each other. A person who has true love for another person is connected with him by an indestructible bond. With a new birth, the connection remains at least in the form of unconscious sympathy. At a higher stage of development, we will be able to remember all the previous stages. Then there is the possibility of conscious communication with the person whom we have loved with eternal love.

The soul cannot be content with material enjoyment alone. However, the highest pleasures can be achieved only with the help of spiritual experience, which helps to realize one's spiritual nature. The concept of reincarnation teaches us not to get hung up on transient moments, it allows us to realize the eternity of the soul, which will help in solving complex problems and in finding the meaning of life.

All the religions of the world claim that the soul is immortal! And since mortality in this world is 100%. This means that there is a process of rebirth, which is called "reincarnation" in the East.

It's nice to know you're immortal. Therefore, no one usually objects to the idea of ​​the immortality of the soul. But as soon as it comes to a series of reincarnations, inevitable for each of us, one immediately hears: “It can’t be!”

It is difficult for us to accept the possibility of being born in a completely unpresentable body of a dog or a pig. However, we ourselves order our future birth...

The idea of ​​reincarnation, or soul reincarnations, more often than others causes controversy and surprise in society. Still would! The soul is immortal and from life to life it simply changes bodies. And it turns out, as in the song of V. Vysotsky: “Perhaps that shabby cat used to be a scoundrel, but this nice person used to be a kind dog!”. However, the poet was mistaken in saying that this idea was "invented by the Hindus."

Reincarnation of the soul in world religions

The doctrine of the reincarnation of the soul was recognized by the ancient mystical schools of Egypt, Greece, and the Middle East. Reincarnation is one of the fundamental concepts of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, African cosmology, and American Indian beliefs.


Many of those who pay attention to their spiritual development have come across stories that speak of such a phenomenon as the rebirth of the soul after death.

The soul after the death of the body immediately or after some time incarnates in another. The ancient Greek philosophers Socrates, Pythagoras and Plato believed in it.

Reincarnation is spoken of in Kabbalah. Many

They describe cases where people remember their past lives and identify themselves with a specific person.

Over the past decades, the number of people who believe in reincarnation has increased significantly.

The souls of children return

Often mothers who have lost their children for some reason see their souls in the newly born.

The small North Ossetian town of Beslan in 2004 turned into a territory of mourning. 186 children died. In the first three years after the tragedy, seventeen children appeared in the families of those killed in Beslan.

Zarina Dzhampaeva, who lost her son Zaur in that tragedy, was categorically forbidden by doctors to become a mother for the second time. Even after the birth of her first child, she was transfused with infected blood - as a result, cirrhosis of the liver, chronic hepatitis and disability. Three years was a real nightmare.

One morning, Zarina approached her mother in a completely different way - she was unusually cheerful, saying that a swallow had begun to make a nest over one of the windows of the house - which means that they will soon have a child.

Lydia Dzampaeva: " I see Zaurik in a dream, and he was such a cheerful boy. He came, stands next to me and tells me - granny, I was born again, I am yours again. I told this dream and I say, Zarina, do not be afraid, this child will be born..

After another examination, it became clear that Zarina was carrying a child under her heart. As one doctors persuaded her to terminate the pregnancy. Having given a receipt, the expectant mother refused this. The birth of an absolutely healthy boy, Alan, doctors called a miracle.

Zarina believes that she has already met with the soul of her dead son. There was a rebirth of the soul after the death of Zaur. For Zarina, they are obvious. The boy most of all reaches for his deceased brother's favorite toys, and when looking at his photographs, he becomes indescribably delighted.


Together with Zaur, 14-year-old Sonya Arsoeva died on that fateful day. Exactly to the mother, promising to return. Fatima Arsoeva, the mother of the deceased Sonya, surprisingly easily endured the pregnancy, carried look at your age. The girl was named Anastasia, which means "resurrected."

Every day I find something new from Sonechka in my daughter. Nastya can play with Sonya's favorite toys for hours.

Girls are very different only in appearance. Habits, character, and even the first words, little Nastya exactly repeats the deceased Sonya.

With my first daughter, Sonya, I was a very strict mother - both in clothes and in everything. I really regret it”- says Fatima Arsoeva. - " If the soul of the deceased Sonya really embodied in her sister Anastasia, this time her childhood will be happier«.

Conscious rebirth of the soul after death

Do you want ? It is believed that the conscious rebirth of the soul after death is within the power of a few enlightened Tibetan lamas. On the eve of their death, they can name the date and place of their future birth. This greatly simplifies their search in the future. This is what happens with the line of the highest Tibetan lamas of the Karma Kagyu tradition - the Karmapas.

Back in the twelfth century, the first Karmapa, Dusum Khyenpa, left a letter before his death, where he indicated the exact time, place and family in which he would be born next. His followers only had to go there, find him and start teaching. Since then, he has been dying and being reborn to continue his mission. Conscious reincarnations help to preserve the traditions of this religious teaching. The chain of reincarnations from the 12th century has not been interrupted even once until today.

In the last century, the sixteenth Karmapa was born in 1924 in one of the provinces of Tibet, where the monks found him thanks to a letter from his predecessor. After his death in 1981, the search for his next reincarnation lay ahead. For the first time in many centuries, a successor was not immediately discovered. This time ordinary people helped to find him. They said that they know an unusual child, who calls himself Karmapa since childhood.

The seventeenth Karmapa Thaye George was found at the age of eleven. The monks conducted a check - they showed the boy several personal belongings of his predecessor, and the child unmistakably chose them. After that, he was recognized as the next reincarnation of the Karmapa, which allows us to speak about the reality of conscious reincarnations.

Now, looking at Thaye George, it is hard to imagine that he lived through more than one life. One day, the day will come when he will leave a prediction letter with information about where and when he will be reborn next time.
So far, the Tibetan Karmapas are reborn once a century.

How does organ transplant affect the experience of the soul?

But what happens when a person in real life suddenly receives a memory of the experience of another soul? As it happens with organ transplants and blood transfusions.

Doctors have noticed that organ transplant patients have a change in personality. They have character traits that patients did not have before the transplant.

Knowledge of human cellular memory is closely connected with the concept of reincarnation. The memory of the soul, And from life to life, the soul transfers all its experience, entering a new physical body with each incarnation.

An organ, getting into another body, can lead to a change in psychosomatic reflexes that are not

are under the control of the brain. In other words: together with donor organs, a person receives a particle of the donor soul.

Jewish girl Yael Aloni underwent a heart transplant at the age of nine, after which she began to play football. The donor for Yael was the thirteen-year-old boy Omri, who was covered with sand during the game.

Despite all the efforts of the doctors, the miracle did not happen. The boy died without regaining consciousness. Doctors persuaded the parents to donate their son's organs to other people who need them. So, after his death, the boy was able to help seven people.

In order for the rehabilitation after the operation to be successful, the girl needed to take a lot of medicines. She took them with a snack of chocolate - with a new heart, she received a strong love for sweets.

Passion for outdoor activities was also a new “acquisition” for her - immediately after the operation, she went on an excursion with her classmates.

I have much more strength now. I now put more effort into fulfilling my desires. If earlier I did not have serious hobbies, now I am seriously engaged in dancing. I really like hip-hop, because there are a lot of sports elements.' says Yael.

The girl's mother noticed that from a closed, uncommunicative child, her daughter became the soul of the company. Any injustice could cause a fit of aggression in Yael.

She became bolder - in a good way, began to answer me in a way that she had not answered before. It became clearer to show that she did not like something. I don’t know where she has such a character.”

According to the boy's father, Ofer Gilmour, his son was a cheerful, active child. He was respected by his peers for justice and honesty. He never let himself be offended and always defended the weak.

Mother Yael Aloni wanted to meet the parents of the boy, thanks to whom her daughter is now alive. The meeting was tense, because the boy's parents were in mourning. To defuse the situation, the girl turned on the music. The boy's parents were shocked when, out of all the discs, Yael chose the one that their son liked the most.

At that moment I realized how similar they are says Omri's father, Ofer Gilmour, even the manner of speaking and being silent is the same for them. Yael reminds me a lot of my son”.

Once, when Omri came across information about a donation in a cafe, he read it and for some reason said that he could become a donor. Remembering this incident, his parents decided that it was a kind of testament to their son.

To date, Yael Aloni has also filled out a donor card - a lifetime consent to transplant internal organs to those in need in the event of her death.

Transplanted heart helps solve crime

A few years ago, in one of the US cities, residents were shocked by the murder of a ten-year-old girl. There was no evidence, no witnesses, and the case was about to be closed. But a girl called the station, who in. The narrator was transplanted the heart of a girl killed by a maniac.

After the operation, the child began to have nightmares in which she was killed. She told her doctor about it. After listening to the smallest details of the story of his patient, the doctor was convinced that we were talking about the circumstances of the death of the donor girl.

The phenomenon of rebirth of the soul after death allows traditions to continue, gives hope to people for the rebirth of their loved ones and meeting them.

Is there life after death, where do we go after death, and what happens in the afterlife?

Countless studies around the world clearly indicate that there is life after death. Various institutions have conducted research on the afterlife, the near-death experience, or consciousness after death, finding evidence that life continues after death. There have been many cases of near-death experiences where people have encountered the afterlife, for example, or met their loved ones who died. In all recorded cases of rebirth, it was noted that there is an indefinite period of time between the death of a person and his incarnation on Earth.

So, where do we go after death before our reincarnation on Earth? Is there one plane of existence, or are there many? If so, what factors determine? In this article, we invite you to get acquainted with the answers to these and other questions about life after death. These answers are the results of a Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) searcher with a highly developed sixth sense (ESP).

Spiritual research has shown that a person consists of four main bodies:

  • Physical
  • mental
  • Causal or intellect body
  • Causal body or subtle ego

The picture below shows how we are set up.

Each zone of Hell ( Patal) has a subzone ( Narak). This subzone is dedicated to the worst of ghosts (demans, demons, negative energies, etc.). They undergo more severe punishment there than in the main zone of Hell.

Life continues after death either in positive or negative planes of existence.


1. Despite the fact that we have shown you the zones one above the other, in reality they are all in the same space. The earth is the only gross (physical) zone, while the others are more and more subtle and invisible to material vision. There are people on our planet who, in accordance with their thoughts and feelings, belong to different levels of this Universe. For example, a Saint who has more than 70% is sent to the positive zones of Paradise and above. Whereas a person with thoughts of a thief goes to the 1st zone of Hell, and one who thinks of harming others to the 2nd, a person planning a murder goes to the 7th zone of Hell, etc. However, no one can pass through 2 different zones at the same time (positive and negative).

2. Purgatory is actually located away from God. Nevertheless, we have depicted it as a positive zone, since the soul from this zone has the opportunity to be born again on Earth in order to grow spiritually. But if the soul falls into one of the zones of Hell, then the probability of being born on Earth in order to grow spiritually is very insignificant.

Explanation of colors

  • The earth is reddish because it represents the action (component Rajah). This is the only physical area where we have a physical body to do things.
  • Paradise is depicted in pink and represents prosperity and happiness.
  • The yellow color represents spiritual knowledge and the predominance of the quality of goodness. The higher level is colored almost white, which means closeness to the unmanifested root cause of God.
  • The zones of Hell are presented from dark to black colors, as they are dominated by the component Tama.

3. Characteristics of positive zones in the Universe

Universe Levels¹ Spiritual level % Share of sattva component type of person Dominant body 6 Dominant emotion
Satyalok 90 95 close to perfection Subtle it / Super-causal sattwic happiness (5%)
Bliss and tranquility (95%)
Tapalok 80 90 highly educated Intelligence/Causal sattwic happiness (25%)
Bliss and tranquility (75%)
Janalok 70 85 Medium educated Intelligence/Causal sattwic happiness (50%)
Bliss and Tranquility (50%)
mahalok 60 5 80 Educated Intelligence/Causal sattwic happiness 9 (75%)
Bliss and Tranquility (25%) 10
Upper Paradise 50 75 More merit Intelligence/Causal More happiness
nether paradise 40 4 60 less merit Mental body or mind Less happiness8
(Boowalk) 2
25 40 Average Desires, part of the mental body Misfortune7
Earth 20 3 33 Average Physical Happiness/Unhappiness

Note(red numbers in the table):

  1. Each of the positive and negative zones, unlike the Earth, is thinner and thinner. By "subtle" we mean that they are beyond the understanding of the five senses, mind and intelligence. Satyalok the most subtle zone of all the higher zones, it is very difficult to perceive, except for a very high extra-sensory sense.
  2. Due to the lack of spiritual practice, most of the souls of our era go to Purgatory or one of the zones of Hell. Usually, we go to Purgatory when our deficiencies reach 30%. These faults include malice toward others and many unfulfilled desires. In this state, there is a very high chance of being attacked by higher ranked ghosts.
  3. Earth is the only place of existence where there are souls of different spiritual levels. Therefore, after death, everyone goes to the Zone that corresponds to his level.
  4. In order to go to Paradise, you need to reach at least 60%. Please refer to the article which explains what the spiritual level is and gives. In general, according to spiritual science, in order to go to Heaven or above, one must act in accordance with the principles of God-realization. The following three steps can be applied:
    • Actions performed without a doer, that is, with the understanding that God Himself achieves results and I cannot appropriate the fruits for myself.
    • Act without expecting approval or appreciation.
    • Act without expecting a result.
    • In activity, the attitude towards it is most valued than the action itself.
  5. To reach the zones above Paradise, you need to reach a spiritual level above 80%. This is only possible through continuous spiritual practice in accordance with the six principles of spirituality and minimal ego.
  6. By predominant body we mean the body that is more active, that is, the mind, intellect and subtle ego. For example, in Purgatory, the subtle body still has many desires and attachments. As a result, they often become ghosts in order to achieve certain desires. This weakens them and allows the higher ranked ghosts from the lower zones to take control of them, using their cravings to influence people.
  7. In Purgatory, there is some kind of happiness. However, misfortunes are much stronger in comparison with misfortunes on Earth.
  8. In Paradise, souls experience boundless happiness. It far surpasses happiness on Earth in quality, quantity and duration. The higher the level of positive zones, the higher the quality of happiness and the absence of unhappiness.
  9. satvik happiness means that happiness that we acquire in the process of helping others without waiting. When the ego is involved, it becomes rajasik.
  10. Peace of mind transcends bliss.

3.1 Positive Zones and rebirth on Earth

Those souls that are in the zone below mahaloka, must be reborn on Earth in order to work out their accounts with others and complete their destiny.

When the soul reaches mahalok and Janalok after death, it means that her spiritual level is 80%. And such a soul is no longer reborn on Earth; it can work out a small remnant of its fate in these zones. However, this exalted soul can, at its own request, be reborn on Earth in order to help people in their spiritual development.

In rare cases, some souls who have reached 60% spiritual levels can reach mahalok. There, further spiritual development is taken into account. Through spiritual research, we have found that there are five factors that affect the possibility of further development.

  • High level
  • Low ego
  • Strong desire for spiritual growth
  • Engaging in regular spiritual practice at a higher level
  • Influence or lack of influence of negative energy

Being affected by negative energy can greatly hinder one's ability to grow spiritually. Even when a person's level is at 65%, his ability to reach higher zones is like mahalok, limited.

When the soul reaches Tapalok or Satyalok, then she is no longer born on Earth, but continues her spiritual practice until she unites with God.

3.2 Importance of the existence of the Earth zone

The Earth Zone is very important, as it is the only zone where we can find rapid spiritual growth and very quickly work out the give-and-take or karma. The reason is that due to the gross-physical body we can perform certain austerities for spiritual growth and also rise above ignorance.

Other areas where you can continue spiritual growth are mahalok and higher. In Paradise, the soul runs the risk of falling into the trap of endless pleasures that this zone offers. In Purgatory and the Hellish zones, the suffering from punishments and disturbances is so great that it is almost impossible to find the strength to practice spirituality.

4. What is Hell and what happens there?

  • The lower the levels of Hell, the more and more decreases, and the atmosphere becomes unsuitable for feeling happy.
  • In these zones, there are ghosts who engage in spiritual practice in order to gain strength. The most powerful ghost leaders are at the seventh level of Hell. Their spiritual level reaches 90%, like the Saint. They control everyone, including the more spiritually weak ghosts.
  • In all zones of Hell from the 1st to the 7th, the extent of happiness is dramatically reduced, while unhappiness increases. The only consolation the soul experiences is through the pleasant memories of a past life. But also the memory of physical pain, humiliating events, unfulfilled desires such as education, expectations of children and life in general, career, etc., cause her additional suffering.
  • The degree of punishment/pain experienced in different zones of Hell is constantly growing. As for the sub-zones of Hell ( Nakar), then there the duration of suffering is twice as long as compared to the main zones of Hell. For example, if we take into account the punishment in the first zone of Hell at 100%, then the force of punishment in the first sub-zone is 50% more, which is 150%.

The following table shows an example of the average amount of happiness and unhappiness experienced in different areas of Hell.

5. The movement of the soul between the subtle zones of the Universe

The soul reaches the zone that corresponds to its main component, such as . This also applies to her spiritual level. Consequently, the soul cannot move from lower positive zones to higher ones, and also from the first negative zones of Hell to go to lower zones. This can be compared to how people living in the plains have difficulty breathing in the mountains.

6. What determines where we go after death?

At the moment of death, the physical body becomes inactive, and the life-sustaining soul in this body is released into space. The life energy of the soul takes it away from the Earth zone. Just as the weight of a projectile matters in how far it travels, the weight of a soul also determines which zone it will go to.

The “weight” of the subtle body is first of all determined by the amount of ignorance in the subtle body of the soul.

Three main qualities: Each of us is made up of three basic qualities or gong. These qualities, spiritual in nature, characterize our personality.

  • Satva: Purity and knowledge
  • Rajah: Action and Passion
  • Tama: Ignorance and laziness that are present in an average person are up to 50%

Please read the article about the three main qualities present in nature.

The more we have Rajas and Tama, the more the following characteristics are manifested, which add weight to our subtle body and affect where we go after death:

  • Strong attachments to material things and selfishness
  • Unsatisfied desires
  • Feeling of vengeance
  • A large number of unrighteous deeds
  • A large number of vices such as: anger, greed, fear, etc.
  • High ego level: refers to how much a person identifies with the body, mind and intellect compared to the soul
  • The result of a low spiritual level

Permanent decrease in proportion Tama depends on continuous spiritual practice in accordance with the six basic principles of spirituality. Improved mental state from reading books from the "help yourself" series, trying to act godly at all levels.

6.1 Importance of state of mind at death

In contrast to what we have already said above, the state of mind at the time of death is very important. This state usually refers to the quantity of the basic qualities of our nature.

If a person is actively engaged in spiritual practice, at the time of death, for example, then the influence on him of desires, attachments, ghosts, etc. will be minimal compared to if he did not chant. It also makes the subtle body lighter, so if he dies while chanting, he will go to the positive zone.

If at the moment of death a person can surrender to God in the process of chanting, then he will reach an even better zone. Since, having left the body, the soul no longer has the opportunity to increase the ego. Also, she bears all responsibility for her further path.

6.2 Who goes to Hell?

The table shows the actions committed by us during our lifetime, which are responsible for which of the zones of Hell we will go to.

Factors such as the duration, intent and extent of our atrocities are much more important than his act in determining which zone of Hell we will fall into.

7. Suicide and life after death

There are two types of death related to time.

Intended Death: This time no one can escape.

Possible death: This is when it is possible to sweep. Any person can fall into a dying state, but survive thanks to their pious deeds.

In cases where a person goes through an indefinite crisis in his personal life or in a state of severe mental disorder, he may think about suicide. ghosts (demons, demons, negative energy) also increase the state of depression and even push him to the extreme to commit this action. However, suicide is a deliberate act that is committed when a person passes the phase of possible death according to their destiny.

Birth on Earth is a very rare event and it is given to us mainly so that we can grow spiritually. When we kill someone, we create a give-and-take account with that soul. However, by committing suicide, we waste the opportunity for further growth and accumulate the strongest sin. The consequences are such that such a soul goes to the 7th zone of Hell, for about 60,000 years. This place where there is no light is like being in solitary confinement. Since there is no one there who would give the soul spiritual knowledge, he arrives in complete spiritual ignorance.

8. Why is there a delay between rebirths?

During research by immersion in a hypnotic trance to determine past lives, it was determined that the interval between rebirth on Earth can be in the aisles from 50 to 400 years on Earth. The reasons are as follows:

  • The soul is in Purgatory or Paradise for a certain period of time in order to work out its pious or sinful deeds.
  • Circumstances on Earth must be suitable to complete your give-and-take accounts with souls from a previous birth. All of this is in accordance with the law. Karma. The rebirth of the soul is delayed until the other souls with whom they need to work their accounts are also ready for rebirth.
  • Sometimes, due to the regression of former lives, a chelek cannot remember his rebirth in a state of trance. This is due to the fact that some rebirths have passed without much impression or are very short and the person does not remember any details from them.

In the event that the soul has fallen into the lowest levels of Hell, then the interval between its rebirth on Earth can reach even a millennium. They remain there until they are fully punished for their sinful activities. In most cases, the soul arrives there before destruction of the universe.

9. Conclusion

The above factors of different zones of the Universe give us a good idea about the possible consequences of life after death. It is only through spiritual practice or pious deeds that the soul can reach the higher realms and thereby enjoy its stay there. Also, from these zones there is a high probability for the soul to be reborn on Earth in order to get into conditions favorable for spiritual practice. Thanks to this, the soul will be able to reach higher zones and complete its cycle of births and deaths. Given our age of discord Kali Yugu), there is a very small chance of getting there.

Getting into one of the lower zones, such as Purgatory or Hell, the soul remains there for thousands of years until it fully works off its sins, passing through severe punishments.

By engaging in spiritual practice on Earth in this era, in accordance with , we can be sure that we have the opportunity to reach higher levels of existence after death.

Every person, regardless of religion, at least once in his life thought about what awaits him after death. Someone does not believe in the existence of a parallel reality, someone is convinced that they will go to heaven or hell, and someone is looking for all kinds of evidence of the reincarnation of the soul, hoping for rebirth in a new body. The latest version is gaining more and more popularity. Many people believe that a person is able to be reborn, and even films are made about reincarnation, after watching which the hypothesis looks more than convincing.

Where did the theory come from?

Representatives of Judaism and Buddhism were the first to believe in the transmigration of souls after death. It was these beliefs that formed the basis of religions that embody the love of the world, the wisdom of the ages, as well as faith in infinity. Eastern sages have always been sure that they are immortal. Despite the fact that our body ages and then completely dies, the spiritual personality remains.

Each of us has moments when we are forced to say goodbye to loved ones, realizing that we will never see them again. However, if you believe the Eastern sages who know the laws of reincarnation, the deceased can be found, but only in a completely different way. The soul is able to move into another body, which does not have to be human. It can be any animal, for example, a dog.

There are a huge number of stories that relatives of deceased people perceive as evidence of the reincarnation of the soul. Maybe your family has them too. Try to remember. Maybe the same bird often sits on your fence, which is not afraid of you or even behaves strangely, trying to draw attention to itself. Someone refers to such manifestations as a wild fantasy, an ordinary coincidence, but there are those who listen to their inner voice, see this as a sign.

From the point of view of science

Scientists, philosophers and esotericists have been trying for centuries to unravel this mystery, to find convincing evidence of the reincarnation of souls. Many years of work on the version, suggesting the possibility of transmigration of spiritual matter from one body to another, gave rise to a variety of hypotheses.

One of the theories says that the human soul performs a certain function, namely, it maintains the natural balance. In each life, she receives the necessary experience, and after the death of the physical body, she moves to another, but always of the opposite sex.

If the deceased was not buried according to the rules or vandals abused his tombstone, then the person into whom the soul will move will experience serious mental health problems. Perhaps he will develop diseases such as schizophrenia, a split personality or persecution mania. If you believe this hypothesis, then all people with mental disabilities ended their past life unsuccessfully.

The transmigration of souls after death can leave a mark on the body, for example, in the form of moles. One of the theories that arose in the process of studying this phenomenon indicates that large birthmarks are marks from the past. To be more precise, these are the places where there were scars on your "old" body. Perhaps a large birthmark indicates a mortal wound that killed the person whose soul now lives in you.

Some sources claim that the souls of people who led the wrong way of life continue to exist in the body of animals. However, this version causes a lot of controversy among those who professionally deal with this issue. Most are convinced that the human soul is not able to take root in the body of an animal.

Eastern religion has its own views on this matter. The sages believe that the soul of a person who has sinned greatly during his lifetime is doomed to a long and painful existence in the body, for example, of a dung beetle. It is also believed that the energy matter that has left a person who has done a lot of trouble during his life can be imprisoned in a stone or some household item.

Some people tell incredible stories, assuring others that from time to time images and memories arise in their minds that have nothing to do with real life. They are convinced that these are “pre-reincarnation” fragments reproduced at the level of cellular memory.

Most likely, among those who are now reading this article, there are people who know firsthand about deja vu. There are a huge number of explanations for this phenomenon, but no one has come to a consensus that would fully reveal the secret of this strange feeling.

Some believe that this is due to the closure of intracerebral impulses, while others are sure that this is a layering of intertemporal segments on top of each other. Experiencing a state of deja vu, people begin to think that everything that happens around has already happened once. They seem to have been at this time and in this place, they absolutely clearly predict the further development of events and even know what their interlocutor will say next. It is unlikely that so many coincidences can occur at one moment.

Several documented cases

Experiments aimed at establishing the facts of reincarnation were carried out long before the moment when various equipment and scientific laboratories appeared. So, in the eastern countries there were unique burial traditions. A deceased person was punctured in a certain part of the body, and when a newborn was born, they looked for a mole on him in a similar place. Have you ever wondered what your birthmarks are? Perhaps their appearance is not accidental.

Many years later, researcher Jim Tucker became interested in this custom, who documented the most interesting cases of reincarnation. So, one of his texts says that a year after the death of his grandfather, a baby was born. There was a strange mole on his arm, exactly in the place where a mark had been left before the funeral of the deceased.

But the oddities didn't end there. A few years later, when the boy began to talk, he suddenly turned to his grandmother in a diminutive form, just like his grandfather liked to do. After the death of her husband, no one called the elderly widow that way. Everyone was in the deepest shock, and the boy's mother admitted that she saw her father in a dream, who did not want to part with his family and was looking for a way to return home.


In the same book about reincarnation, there is another case that makes people think about the likelihood of the existence of this phenomenon. A woman named Diana has worked at a community hospital in Miami all her adult life. In the hospital, she met her soul mate. The man whom Diana married and later married had a birthmark that looked like a crescent moon.

The couple lived for many years in love and joy, but the most interesting thing happened at the reception of a psychotherapist. A woman shared a story that allegedly happened in her previous life. She claimed that she was in the body of an Indian woman who was forced to hide from the colonialists from Europe who occupied America. Once, in order not to betray herself and the crying child she held in her arms, the woman had to close his mouth. By negligence, she strangled the baby, on the back of whose head there was a mole in the form of a crescent.

fatal wound

Modern scientists also had to deal with the example of reincarnation. A boy was born in a Turkish town. After a while, he began to claim that he remembers numerous fragments from a past life in which he was a soldier. The boy said that when he was a soldier, he was shot with a large-caliber gun. The wound turned out to be fatal. For the first time, he began to talk about his memories at a very young age, absolutely not knowing what reincarnation is. Later it became known that in the archives of the local clinic, a case was found with the medical history of a soldier who was admitted for treatment with a wound to the right area of ​​​​the face. A week later he died. Is it worth saying that the boy was born with multiple congenital defects on the right side of his face?

Evidence for reincarnation of the soul

Modern psychotherapists and psychologists often use a technique that is known as past regression. Used in conjunction with hypnosis, you can restore memories that are deep in the subconscious.

Most likely, everyone has heard or seen in films how the patient is immersed in a state of hypnosis, after which it is possible to remember not only facts, for example, from early childhood, but even from a past life. When a person is brought to his senses, he remembers absolutely nothing of what he said to the doctor while in hypnosis. This practice makes it possible to understand all the subtleties of the human worldview. There are several cases that describe clear facts confirming the existence of reincarnation after death.

In medicine, there is such a thing as false memories. Researchers conducted a survey among children of different ages. To their surprise, most of the guys described the last minutes of their previous life in colors. As a rule, death occurred as a result of violent acts, and the events themselves took place several years before the children interviewed were born. The most realistic and plausible stories were from babies aged 2 to 6 years.

Twilight Zone

And here is one of the situations that Brian Weiss, a psychoanalyst with many years of experience, described in his works. During the next session, to which the girl-patient came, the doctor plunged her into a trance state. Katherine (that was the name of the patient) began to say that she felt the presence of Brian's father, as well as his son, who died due to heart problems. It is worth noting the fact that the girl knew absolutely nothing about the doctor's personal life and could not guess what tragedy Weiss had experienced. A similar phenomenon, when someone sees the deceased relatives of his interlocutor, is commonly called the "twilight zone".

The story of two brothers

An even stranger story happened in the 1970s. The young woman had a son named Kevin. At the age of two, the boy died of blood cancer caused by a complex fracture of the leg, which did not heal properly. They desperately tried to save the young patient, they conducted a course of chemotherapy. He was introduced a catheter through the neck on the right side, and in the area of ​​the left ear, due to the deformation of the eye, a scar appeared. The child died in terrible agony.

Ten years later, the woman who lost her son gave birth to another child, but from another man. A newborn boy showed a birthmark exactly in the place where the scar of the deceased baby was. Later it turned out that the second son has congenital problems with his left eye, and also limps on the leg that was broken in his older brother, although no pathologies were found.

Having become quite an adult, the guy told incredible stories, revealing the whole essence of reincarnation. He claimed that the soul of the older brother was reborn in his image. He unmistakably recounted the entire medication course, and also accurately indicated the location of the catheter. In addition to memories associated with pain and suffering, the guy remembered his old place of residence, describing in detail the house in which, in fact, he had never been.

Burmese girl with a Japanese background

The world learned about this story thanks to the work of psychiatrist Ian Stevenson, who described an amazing case in his teachings on reincarnation. In the sixties of the last century, a girl was born on the territory of Burma, who at the age of three began to talk about the fact that in a past life she was a Japanese soldier. According to her, he was burned alive by local residents, tied tightly to a tree.

In addition to the fact that the girl was overcome by terrible memories, she was radically different from her peers in her behavior. She did not recognize Buddhism, did not wear long hair, and the children with whom she periodically walked on the playground were slapped in the face in the same way as the Japanese soldiers who attacked Burma did.

It is worth noting the fact that she was an unusual child from birth. On the girl's right hand, a clear defect was noticeable: the ring and middle fingers were fused, resembling the membrane of waterfowl. A few days later, doctors amputated some of the phalanges, and the child's mother claims that on her daughter's right arm there was a stain resembling a burn, as well as stripes very similar to rope marks.

30 rupees

When asked if reincarnation exists, the inhabitants of the village of Alluna Miana, which is located in India, will give you a positive answer. It was here that a boy named Taranjit Singh lived. At the age of two, he stated that in a past life he was an ordinary student named Satnam Singh, who lived sixty kilometers from his native village of Taranjit.

The boy told his parents that his previous life was cut short as a result of a ridiculous accident, namely, after a scooter flew into a student. The boy also said that he remembers the last seconds of his former existence, as if he was lying in a pool of blood, and notes and textbooks were lying around. Taranjit remembered that at the time of the accident he had exactly thirty rupees in his pocket.

The words of the boy were not taken seriously for a long time, because in the village, where the population is poorly educated, no one knows what reincarnation is. However, the father, tired of the constant stories of his child, decided to look into the situation and get to the bottom of the truth. He became aware that a guy with that name really lived, and then died under the wheels of a scooter. Having gone with their son to a neighboring village, they found the house in which Setnam lived. His parents were shocked by what facts from the life of their son someone else's child operates on. They confirmed that Setnam was dying in a pool of blood, with textbooks scattered around, and that at the time of his death he had thirty rupees in his pocket.

Rumors of an incredible soul rebirth quickly spread throughout the province. Local authorities turned to experts who were asked to conduct an examination. Taranjit was asked to write a few sentences, after which they did judicial handwriting. Everyone was in real bewilderment when it turned out that the handwriting of both guys was almost identical.


In medicine, there are often cases when people begin to speak foreign languages, sometimes the most exotic ones. Most often, this phenomenon becomes the result of clinical death, severe traumatic brain injury or experienced stress. In parapsychology, this condition has its own name - xenoglossia.

For example, a person living in Russia can suddenly speak Turkish, without any accent. The only explanation that comes to mind is that in a past life he was a Turk.

For clarity, we can give a real example that took place in medical practice. So one American woman, born to immigrants from Eastern Europe who spoke Czech, Russian and Polish, began to surprise others. At an appointment with a psychoanalyst, while under hypnosis, a woman suddenly spoke in Swedish, introducing herself as a peasant who once lived in Sweden. Despite the fact that the people who followed the test absolutely did not believe the woman, the polygraph showed that she was telling the truth. There is not a single person in her family who knows Swedish, and she has never been interested in learning it. However, this did not prevent the woman from speaking it without an accent.

Films about reincarnation

Famous directors working with the Mystery genre could not pass by such a phenomenon. The best films based on real stories about the transmigration of souls can be called: "Birth", "Little Buddha", "Restless Anna".

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