Woe from Wit 1 action characteristic of Famusov. BUT

A.S. It is not by chance that Griboedov chooses Famusov's last name. In Latin, "fama" sounds like "rumor", and "famosus" in Latin means "famous." Knowing this, every reader understands from the first lines of the work that we are talking about an important person occupying a high position in society. A titled landowner, a wealthy gentleman, related to the eminent nobleman Maxim Petrovich, Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov rotates among important, respectable Moscow persons and high-ranking officials, often hosting them in his house.

Famusov is a person for whom the judgments of rumor and society are more important own opinion. At the end of the play, Famusov is in no hurry to support his daughter disappointed in love. Pavel Afanasyevich is most worried about the opinion of Princess Marya Aleksevna about the events in his own house.

The image of Famusov is quite realistic and eloquent. Before the reader, Pavel Afanasyevich appears as a caring, strict father, and an important official, and a gentleman who sacredly honors age-old traditions. He is gentle, witty, always cordially receives his guests, patronizes his relatives and friends. Like any person, it is quick-tempered and grouchy. Nothing human is alien to him, neither virtues nor vices.

He fawns in every possible way before those who are higher than his rank, flatters those on whom he is dependent. How ridiculous and ridiculous Famusov looks, giving excessive attention at home to the stupid martinet Skalozub, who picked up awards and distinctions with the help of flattery! In a completely different tone, Pavel Afanasyevich addresses the servants, calling them donkeys and does not stand on ceremony with the choice of words and expressions. Communicating with Molchalin, he does not for a moment let him forget that he sheltered him in his house, benefiting him with his service. Famusov constantly refers to Molchalin as "you", demonstrating the condescending and patronizing tone of the benefactor boss. Considering the noble origin of Chatsky, Famusov communicates with him on an equal footing. Pavel Afanasyevich communicates with his daughter Sofya like any loving father, either scolding her, or caressing her, or teaching an inexperienced girl a lesson.

Famusov's speech is a vivid expression of his peculiar nature. Pavel Afanasyevich communicates with others like a typical Moscow gentleman. He often uses the words inherent in the common people: there is no urine, to kill, really, vegetated, odorant, to beat the buckets, by chance. Such primordially Russian speech of Pavel Afanasyevich testifies that he is a Russian master and knows the traditions of his people well. In his speech, Famusov sometimes uses words of foreign origin, calling Chatsky carbonary. Telling Chatsky about the royal reception, he uses the foreign word kurtag, which means a reception day in the royal court. Despite the relatively rich vocabulary, Famusov does not use scientific terms, which indicates his limitations. In his vocabulary there are no words that convey deep emotional experiences, since Pavel Afanasyevich, by and large, is a layman who is not very concerned about everyday problems. He is content with what he has and is deprived lofty aspirations and motives. His limitations are especially evident when his guests talk about the dangers of teaching and books. Famusov supports them and offers to burn all the books from which, in his opinion, all evil comes. Famusov is deeply convinced that serfdom unshakable and the only correct one. He admires bygone days and old orders, violently rejecting everything new and incomprehensible.

AT famous work"Woe from Wit" A.S. Griboyedov vividly and realistically showed Famusov how typical representative Russian nobility early XIX century and a fierce defender of the reactionary autocratic system, personifying the inert and backward Russia of that period.

Updated: 2011-05-07

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The representative of the old nobility, Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, becomes the character in whose house all the events of the comedy develop.

The image and characterization of Famusov in the comedy "Woe from Wit" help to present and understand the ideology of the society of that time, the essence of the conflict of generations.

Description of the appearance and character of Famusov

Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov is a widower raising his daughter Sophia. The master is proud of his widowhood. A rich man did not begin to tie himself up with new bonds of marriage, because his mother was windy. Freedom is compared to power. Famusov, "his own master", does not want to depend on women's whims. This position does not make him a person who shuns the opposite half. The nobleman flirts with the maid. Words are heard from the speech that help to imagine how the owner of the house behaves when no one sees him:
  • huddles;
  • flirting;
  • indulges;
  • changes facial expressions.

The rich man is aged, but he looks cheerful and fresh: he shows off his strong physique. Behavioral features also speak about his health:

  • fussy;
  • quick;
  • restless.
The stage where the planning of events takes place is interesting. Pavel Afanasyevich strives not to lose everything in his memory desired events: christenings, balls, commemorations, add them to the calendar. Such an attitude is characteristic of a real nobility. Characterizes the comedy hero as a dual quality. On the one hand, the property is positive. The owner of the estate does not want to offend anyone by missing an important event. On the other hand, it's negative. It's ridiculous to hear how a visit to the birth of someone who has not yet been born is planned. The speech is confusing. It is blasphemous to arrange christenings and commemorations nearby, without even thinking about the significance human life. On the other hand, this behavior is very real. Famusov - no fictional character, but the personification of the majority.

Positive features

Reality is confirmed by the nearby negative and positive traits personality.

Good nature. Positively characterizes Pavel Afanasyevich's attitude towards Chatsky. After the death of Chatsky's father, Famusov took him to his house and began to raise him as a son. This could only be done by a kind and caring father of the family, a true friend. This is how he is presented in relation to his daughter and childhood friend. Good feelings are also visible in relation to some courtiers, to Secretary Molchalin.

Hospitality. Many scenes confirm this quality of Famusov: the arrival of Chatsky, the ball, the arrival of Skalozub. It should only be understood that hospitality in the house is only for the rich. There is no place for the poor and the ignorant.

Love for the past. All old people cherish past events in their memory. The owner of the house protects the past, is afraid of criticism. Everything that has passed is his fate. Preserving the past is the task of his generation.

Negative personality traits

Obesity. The nobleman, the owner of the house, behaves like a bourgeois. Uselessly angry and often in the mood when he is dissatisfied with everything. He hurries, grumbles and scolds the courtiers. It's amazing that a man himself knows about this property. But it only gives him a lot of pleasure. It seems that swearing is his usual state.

Coarseness. In dealing with those who serve him, the owner of the house does not hesitate in expressions. Such rudeness was inherent in all the nobles of the conservative part of society. Rudeness and power in this case are synonymous. For Famusov, servants are donkeys, blockheads, lazy grouse. Rudeness disappears when Famusov is surrounded by people of his circle or higher status. There is balance and modesty here.

Loud intonations. The loudness of the owner scares the tenants. He is heard everywhere. The voice is compared to trumpets. The master does not try to speak quietly. His position: I am the owner and have the right to shout.

Madness. A father can do such things that they call him crazy. Famusov is a true representative of the ruling part. Choosing expressions, changing behaviors is not in his rules.

Flattery. Pavel Afanasyevich flatters and is ready to please those from whom benefit is possible. Several scenes of his conversation with Colonel Skalozub give a clear example of this behavior: he changes in posture, speech and manner of speaking.

False business. At the time of Famusov, this quality was called differently - a businessman. Any means is good to achieve your goals. He will do everything that will help him achieve the desired rank and reward.

Patterns of life and ideological principles

Famusov serves as a manager in a state-owned state institution, like most Moscow nobles. Arranges for the service of relatives, near and far. Gives them awards, promotes them career ladder. Family ties are above all for him. “He is happy” in front of his relatives, realizing that the status of the entire family depends on him. Wealth and title explain the desire of Pavel Afanasyevich to find a rich husband for his daughter. It is desirable that the groom be noble, have awards and strive for promotion.

Famusov is a member of a club that is considered prestigious for the elite of the Moscow nobility. The English club allowed itself to be presented as politically educated and advanced.

The master is worried when events occur that can change attitudes towards him. Afraid of gossip, human rumor and gossip.

Speech features of the hero

Pavel Afanasyevich speaks pure Russian, confirming that he is a true nobleman. There are many colloquial phrases and expressions in his speech:
  • "no urine";
  • "kill";
  • "vegetated";
  • "accidentally";
  • "beat the buckets."

The original speech of the nobleman allows us to believe that Pavel Afanasyevich loves and honors the traditions of his country, the Russian people. Famusov's speech cannot be called poor. The nobleman speaks clearly, competently expressing his thoughts. There are no scientific terms in the vocabulary. So, the master is still limited in education. It is understandable, therefore, his attitude to learning. He did not need to study, others do not need it either. Learning is a disease comparable to a plague that strikes quickly and irrevocably. Books are evil, which is better to destroy, burn, so that there is no trace left. But the father understands that scholarship has taken its place in society, so the daughter, as expected, has teachers. Knows Famusov and foreign words but rarely uses them.

The image of one of Famusov's characters made it possible to characterize a whole society of nobles. Their conservatism, worship of wealth and rank, causes a sarcastic grin. The task set by the author has become achievable.

A. S. Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit" refers to those works that do not lose their sharpness and relevance over time. Moreover, the more years separate them from the moment of creation, the more valuable they are. So it is with precious wines, paintings, sculptures, buildings, etc.

Story and plot

To begin with, let us recall what a plot and a plot are. These are the most important literary concepts, without the knowledge of which it is impossible to analyze any of them. It is customary to call a series of events that change one another in the course of the content. In the comedy, this is morning at Famusov's house, an accidental collision with his secretary in Sophia's apartment. Then the even more unexpected arrival of Chatsky in Moscow, his visits, conversations with Afanasy Pavlovich, an attempt to find out who became a successful rival. Finally, the ball, the culmination of all the intrigues and intricacies, rumors that Chatsky is crazy. The disappointments of Sophia, the horror of Famusov and the flight of the young "carbonaria" out of Moscow. As for the plot and the conflict, they are connected, in fact, by two characters: Chatsky and Famusov. Their characterization will help to determine the main parameters of the work. Let's take a closer look at what the latter is.

The personification of lordly Moscow

In comedy, the first capital of Russia is the personification of the ancient way of life, which has been formed over the centuries. Glitter and luxury are associated primarily with the past times of Catherine II. This century is considered ideal by Famusov. The characterization of the hero fits well with the meaning of his last name, which Griboedov chose for the character not by chance. "Fama" in Latin means "rumor". Rumors, publicity, other people's idle talk and Pavel Afanasyevich is afraid. He has two "horror stories": "no matter what happens" and "what will Princess Marya Alekseevna say." However, another meaning of the surname "Famusov" is important. The characterization of the character as a well-known person who enjoys influence and respect in society also corresponds to him. It is not for nothing that they curry favor with the hero, seek his patronage, and listen to his opinion. According to Griboyedov’s plan, it is Famusov (his characterization in the comedy proves this) who personifies the old lordly Moscow: hospitable, loving to take a walk, gossip, observing etiquette and external rules of decency, the keeper of the house-building, patriarchal, autocratic-serf traditions.

Main character traits

What role does Famusov play in Woe from Wit? The characterization of Pavel Afanasyevich is completely unambiguous. He is already in years, a widower, but has excellent health, which allows him to drag along the pretty Lisa, exposing himself at the same time as an exemplary, modest, sedate family man and father in front of Sophia. For the sake of fashion and new times, he is forced to teach his daughter “in French”, dances and “all sciences”, dress in foreign stores on Kuznetsky Most, and he himself speaks with righteous anger about the sciences, education. In his opinion, scholarship is “this is the plague”, a source of dissent, revolutionary ideas, everything new that threatens to shift the course of things familiar and convenient for the hero, the autocratic system, to break the way on which both Famusov’s power and wealth are based. Clever, cunning and prudent, this “old Russian gentleman” yearns for the times of “Maxim Petrovich”, when high ranks and titles, awards and salaries were distributed not on merit and merit, but on the basis of flattery, servility, servility and flattery. An inveterate serf-owner and a retrograde, looking down on those who are poor, he gladly acts as a benefactor, as in the case of Molchalin. He expresses his firm conviction to Sofya: “Whoever is poor is not a couple for you.” This is also quite a bright “Woe from Wit”, in fact, it is a portrait of two eras: the “past century” and Skalozub, Princess Mary Alekseevna, the Tugoukhovsky princes, Famusov himself, who rallied around him, and also the “present century”, which was personified by the loner Chatsky .

According to critics, Chatsky won the comedy. But very doubtful, resembling more defeat. And the reasoners Famusovs, alas, were, are and continue to be, remaining the main, routine part of society.

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In the world you will rarely find a doctrine that would promote violence, lies and deceit. For the most part, world dogmas affirm the principles of humanity, peacefulness and a respectful attitude towards other people, however, real life away from these teachings.

Despite all efforts, deceit and deceit prevail in society. This trend is typical for any social groups. However, the realization that the elite of society is also not devoid of these vices of humanity is depressing - I want to believe that there is a certain ideal of society in the world and this is not a utopia.

Famus Society, quite possibly, could serve as such an ideal model, but this does not happen. With the help of exposing Alexander Chatsky, the reader learns about the vices and negative qualities of character typical of aristocrats.

The denunciation of the aristocracy takes place on the example of the manager public institution Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov in Moscow. He does not possess any unique biography, nor a unique character - all his qualities are typical of the aristocracy of that time.

Famusov's family life

In the story, the reader gets acquainted with an already formed, mature person both biologically and psychologically.

His exact age is not indicated in the play - at the time of the unfolding of the main events, he is a man of respectable age: “In my years, you can’t squat on me,” Famusov himself says about his age.

Family life Pavel Afanasyevich was not cloudless - his wife died, and he remarried a certain "Madame Rosier". Famusov cannot boast of a large number of successors of his family - he has one child - daughter Sonya, born from his first wife.

Famusov is not devoid of a sense of compassion - he took his friend's son Alexander Chatsky to his upbringing after the boy was orphaned. Alexander retained pleasant impressions of his teacher, and after returning from a long trip abroad, the first thing he does is pay a visit to Pavel Afanasyevich. Frankly speaking, his respect and gratitude towards Famusov is not the only reason for the visit. Chatsky is in love with Sonya and expects to marry a girl.

Based on this situation, we can conclude that Pavel Afanasyevich was a good educator, he knew how to win over Alexander at any age, otherwise Chatsky would not have sought to pay him a visit with such zeal.

However, Famusov's meeting with Chatsky became a cause for disappointment and quarrel. Alexander begins to analyze the actions and position of his teacher and comes to extremely unsatisfactory results, on his part.

Famusov Public Service

The reader gets acquainted with Famusov already when he is in the position of manager "in a government place", about how he got this position, and what was his career path Griboyedov does not specify.

It is known that Famusov prefers to see relatives among his fellow employees: “With me, employees of strangers are very rare.”

Pavel Afanasyevich surrounded himself with relatives at work, he likes to please them with a promotion or another award, but he does it for a reason - the concept of disinterestedness is alien to Famusov.

Personal qualities and habits of Famusov

First of all, selfish motives stand out. He himself is a rich and wealthy person, therefore, when choosing his future son-in-law, he focuses on the prospects for growth, both career and financial. young man, because in Famusov's concept the first is inseparable from the second.

Famusov himself is dependent on ranks, he believes that a person with a proper rank and many awards is already a priori worthy of respect.

“You, passionate for ranks” - Chatsky gives him such a description. In addition to the desire to achieve a rank, his son-in-law must also have sufficient financial support. At the same time, Pavel Afanasyevich is not interested in the morality and integrity of the young man.

Based on this position, Alexander Chatsky looks like an extremely unattractive candidate for the husband of Sonya Famusova. He left from military service, the civil service also does not arouse interest in him, of course, Chatsky has a family estate, but this does not inspire reliability and prospects in the eyes of Famusov: "He who is poor is not a match for you."

Dumbfounded by such a verdict, Chatsky still does not lose hope of reuniting with his beloved, but further development conflict forces Chatsky to abandon this idea.

Famusov highly appreciates the achievements of the period of the reign of Catherine II, and considers Maksim Maksimych to be the ideal person, who, thanks to his subservience and ability to please, reached heights in his career and was held in high esteem:

At the courthouse he happened to step in;
He fell, so much so that he almost hit the back of his head;
Were you to laugh; how is he?
Fell suddenly in a row - on purpose,
And the laughter is louder, it is the same for the third time.
BUT? what do you think? in our opinion - smart.

Guided by old principles, Famusov evaluates a person according to his condition, and the ability to get what he needs, even through humiliation, becomes an object of admiration.

Famusov is dismissive of the people who serve him, he experiences a certain amount of relief, scolding and shouting at his serfs. Phrases like "Donkeys! a hundred times to repeat to you? and "You, Filka, you are a straight block" - a common occurrence in his vocabulary.

By the way, constant discontent is characteristic of Pavel Afanasyevich. He is dissatisfied with the servants, dissatisfied with the new time, modern youth, science and cultural figures.

The conflict between Chatsky and Famusov

The images of Chatsky and Famusov denounce the "current century" and "the past century." Famusov adheres to a conservative look and believes that it is necessary to adhere to the orders of the past, because the ancestors were wiser than their contemporaries. Famusov spends everything in comparison "it was" and "became".

It is difficult for him to realize that the time of his ancestors has passed and the requirements of society have changed:

At fifteen, teachers will be taught!
What about our old people? - How will enthusiasm take them,
They will judge about deeds, that the word is a sentence, -
After all, pillars are everything, they don’t blow anyone’s mustache;
And sometimes they talk about the government like that,
What if someone overheard them...

In addition to such a division, the images of Famusov and Chatsky distinguish between the world of carnal pleasures and the spiritual world. Famusov and people like him are guided in life by the basic needs of the body, not caring about their spiritual and moral development. They embody a person as a representative of the animal world.

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