♐ Sagittarius. A typical representative of the Sagittarius sign

Chapter 9

Element of fire, transformation zone, moving cross. Ruler Jupiter, imprisoned Mercury.
In order to correctly understand Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, it is necessary to significantly expand your understanding of the fundamental principles on which the inner and outer life of a person rests (there are twelve of these principles, according to the number of signs of the Zodiac) and recognize as fundamental such moments that for surface observer do not exist or seem ephemeral. In the signs of the transformation zone, the elements manifest themselves more perfectly than in the previous zones, making it clear that they receive their true sound only in the subtle world.
Another feature of the signs of the transformation zone is that in them, along with the element they represent, the next element in order begins to sound indirectly, in the background, that is, elements of the earth element appear in Sagittarius, in Capricorn - air, Aquarius - water, and in Pisces - fire.

Sagittarius man.
The element of fire in Sagittarius is largely represented in an ideal way, that is, the energy flow of Sagittarius goes through ideas, for the most part of a general nature. The Supreme Sagittarius is a spiritual leader, a religious leader overshadowed by grace, whose ideas and words have the power to inflame people and lead them along the path indicated by Sagittarius. The accuracy of hitting his arrows is amazing, but they do not destroy human hearts, but subordinate them to the archer's idea. The background of the earth element in Sagittarius is expressed in the fact that this idea necessarily has a completely practical orientation (another thing is what it results in when implemented).

Sagittarius and Virgo are the main idealists of the Zodiac; the difference between them lies in the fact that Virgo looks from the bottom up, from the earth to the sky, and sees the earth well, and the sky - badly, and Sagittarius, on the contrary, looks from the sky to the earth, and its details are floating for him, but he is excellent focuses on the sky, that is, among high ideas and their energy flows. Sagittarius, for himself, full of practices, he is driven exclusively by practical and earthly problems, but for some reason he often does not notice obvious things and such private details as the field of the situation, the mood of the interlocutor, and the like. His idea owns him completely, and he wants to benefit the whole world with it, but he has neither the limitations of Aries, nor the dominance of Leo, and if Sagittarius seems naive to someone (especially Virgo), then in reality this is not at all the case: just on he looks at some things too far, but it should be remembered that, unlike air and water signs, he always looks at the ground, and if he can make a mistake in particulars, he is not mistaken in general.

If the manifestation of Aries resembles a bomb explosion, and Leo is an even flow of a flamethrower, then Sagittarius (a moving cross) can be compared to a gas burner with many flames. Sagittarius does not have one narrow idea; there are either many of them, or one, but wide enough and perfectly adaptable to a wide variety of situations. For Sagittarius, neither sharp Aries depressions nor the stubborn constancy of Leo are typical: the strongest gust of wind can extinguish only a few flames of Sagittarius; the rest will remain burning and soon the extinguished ones will be lit again. Sagittarius is not inclined to force the situation: seeing that it is not amenable to his influence, he will change his approach or retire, but he will not receive psychological trauma in either case. His optimism and cheerfulness seem inexhaustible; this is almost true, especially given his dislike of hopeless and fading situations where there is pure energy consumption, and vampires of any kind. From such situations and from such people, Sagittarius runs away with a speed inaccessible to other signs of the Zodiac, taking advantage of the obvious advantage in the number and length of legs. His typical behavior in everyday life is to distribute with great enthusiasm a thousand advances and promises and honestly try to fulfill them all ... well, what didn’t work out, excuse me, I did everything I could - after which the conversation is naturally and charmingly transferred to another topic .
The highest octave of signs of the transformation zone represents cosmic love manifested in the corresponding element. Sagittarius represents the fiery manifestation of divine love, which is perceived by unprepared people as an incomprehensible charm and attractiveness of personality and ideas; in fact, Sagittarius, with its arrows, strikes a spark of divine fire in the heart, and for a second a person feels like Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva, depending on his horoscope and the current situation.

All signs of the transformation zone are instinctively religious, regardless of rational beliefs. This means that they have an open channel of communication with the egregor from birth, which they can use at any time; the nature of the connection depends on the element. Sagittarius feels his connection with the Cosmos in the most direct way, through energy. It must be said that despite the outward roughness characteristic of all signs of fire, Sagittarius is much thinner than his brothers Aries and Leo, his energy flows are much more connected in general and subtle ideas, and he literally feels their divine origin and invisible power over the world , therefore, he is not as persistent as Leo, and not as aggressive as Aries: he knows that his energy and ideas will reach even without direct pressure, it is enough just to spread them around him, and then the principle works: "when I come, everything My disciples will recognize Me." This direct channel of energy communication with the egregor works almost always, so Sagittarius is difficult to understand not only for non-fiery signs, but even sometimes for Aries and Leo.

First, Sagittarius is always filled with the best and highest intentions and always strives to do the best. Secondly, Sagittarius is consistent in the belief that the straight line going through him, even if the rough truth, is absolutely necessary for everyone with whom he deals (and the rest too). Thirdly (if there is no strong defeat), this is usually the case, and those around him easily forgive his mistakes, and not so much because of his supernatural direct charm (although it is significant), but because he (everyone feels it) there really is no ulterior motive. The subtlety lies in the fact that such behavior is allowed karmically only for Sagittarius. It is forbidden even to Aries and Leo, in view of their specific fiery complex (the significance of their flow); however, Sagittarius is really not busy with self-affirmation and does not particularly strive for it: for him the main thing is the very ability to shine, that is, to energetically express his thoughts and feelings, and to what extent others will correctly understand and appreciate them, worries him much less. Sagittarius, instinctively guarding his energy channel, will not tolerate any restriction of his freedom, and a possible oppressor or aggressor will have a very bad time, because Sagittarius' anger resembles a forest fire. However, Sagittarius primarily perceives freedom as freedom of self-expression, especially in subtle terms.
A developed Sagittarius will suffer much more from the lack of freedom of the press in society than from his own poverty, even if he is not a writer or public figure.

The main temptation of Sagittarius lies in the fact that at some point it begins to seem to him that everything is allowed to him, and he can make up for any rudeness and inattention with his charm; the main difficulty for him is this: Sagittarius needs to learn to perceive his energy flow as God's gift (he always was, is and, of course! Always will be), which must be distributed to others exactly at His command, and not at his whim. However, if this is not done, Sagittarius degrades. His ideas are emasculated (that is, energy disappears from them, the Streltsy egregore narrows the channel) and become flat mental clichés, unable to inspire anyone, and causing severe irritation (empty slogans and no power of justification). Then Sagittarius either changes egregor (more precisely, his egregor gives Sagittarius into slavery to a lower egregor) and switches to a tougher energy, so that his rudeness is already perceived as ordinary rudeness, and sincerity of self-expression gives off standard egoism, or leaves reality in a very low-energy world pale fantasies and stereotyped romantic dreams, where the above criticism of the Virgin turns out to be quite fair. Love of freedom and independence in the lower octave of Sagittarius turn into dogmatism and a fanatical desire to comb everyone with one's own comb: here independence is understood as the unquestioning subordination of others to oneself, and freedom is provided only for one's ego. The unfinished Sagittarius is extremely superficial, but this superficiality is in a sense the opposite of Gemini's superficiality: he looks too broadly so that the details are invisible and the result is a flat (and banal) picture with a very rough energy; the undeveloped Gemini looks too isolated and concrete and does not feel depth at all, so that all plans merge.
The rule of Jupiter gives Sagittarius extreme optimism and a sense of the general patronage of fate. In addition, Jupiter emphasizes the nobility of the element of fire in Sagittarius, the source of which is a wide view of things. To understand a phenomenon means to find its exact place in the picture of the world, and Jupiter helps to do this; the trick is that in this case the phenomenon is illuminated with a bright light, and what previously seemed ugly, ugly and unnecessary, turns out to be functional and beautiful in its own way. However, for this you need to stand on the right point of view or, for stability, on several such points, which Sagittarius succeeds perfectly. His ethics are Jupiterian, he can pity anyone and give him a piece of divine energy for free, but, unfortunately, he is not inclined to look at what the happy will do with it, and therefore Sagittarius can, with the best intentions, cultivate a huge amount of evil without paying any attention to it . His frivolity, irresponsibility and adventurism can only be compared with his charm. However, at the same time, all this is just camouflage; in fact, Sagittarius performs a very important karmic task - he spreads his energy, enthusiasm and good luck to the whole world; therefore, you cannot be offended by him: otherwise Jupiter will cease to bring you happiness.

Jupiter is the planet of compensation, empowerment. Therefore, Sagittarius never gets stuck on his problems and failures, but finds internal reserves and ways to switch; his natural way of consoling a friend goes something like this: is it worth killing yourself over loss or failure, when there are still so many in the world (friends, women, jobs, opportunities ... - underline as necessary). And there are really a lot of them - for Sagittarius. If Cancer is looking for reserves in the depths of his psyche, then Sagittarius finds them without deepening, with a simple expansion, which gives the impression of a light character, and with a deeper look it looks like a miracle: a person constantly receives psychological support without any visible reason. Good mood and optimism are not unreasonable: their basis is strong energy. In this sense, Sagittarius is the most protected sign of the Zodiac, since everywhere (including psychologically and energetically) he feels the support of the beneficent Jupiter, and for the same reason he is a weak psychologist, since it is difficult for him to imagine the typical difficulties and sorrows of other people. The most difficult thing for Sagittarius is in situations where the energy is low and it is not required to increase it, but a deep restructuring of the situation at a given energy level. Here, the standard archer behavior is inappropriate, and he becomes really uncomfortable: he feels that his energy is not accepted, and the charm does not work; the situation pushes him out, and if there is an opportunity, he quickly disappears.

The imprisonment of Mercury gives the undeveloped Sagittarius a poor understanding of rational argumentation, the difficulty of perception in mental contacts and the dubious persuasiveness of one's own ideas; however, he (seems) this is not necessary: ​​a detailed logical analysis kills inspiration, destroys the energy flow (not without reason the fall of Mercury in Leo, the main sign of energy). The imprisonment of Mercury emphasizes the external indifference of Sagittarius to the results of his energy impact, but gives an internal, subconscious desire to maximize his energy channels (that is, to distribute to the world what was previously called grace). The main internal task of Sagittarius (as well as Gemini) is to establish a balance between Jupiter and Mercury. The dominance of Jupiter gives Sagittarius a too general view of things; the imprisonment of Mercury gives an inner desire for details, the direct implementation of which leads to deprivation of energy; in addition, Jupiter does not allow you to focus too closely on the details, they begin to change and flicker like in a kaleidoscope, which Sagittarius cannot withstand for a long time and returns to his usual general diffuse perception. The latter does not mean at all that his arrows fly past the target. Sagittarius, especially developed, hits unusually accurately, but he himself does not know why. In reality, two factors overlap here: on the one hand, the developed Sagittarius consciously sees the whole picture (Jupiter) and quite often demonstrates to the world the power of general considerations (the deductive method), and on the other hand, his subconscious (Mercury) carefully traces the details of the most important fragments of reality pointed out by Jupiter.
Sagittarius of the highest octave knows how, rising to the highest levels of generalization and abstraction, nevertheless remain practical and not lose sight of essential details. This is a sign of high religious teachers and existential philosophers who are able to demonstrate to the surprised world the unity of the Cosmos and the Absolute in a drop of dew.

The situation of Sagittarius at the everyday level, for example, is a cheerful feast with lush toasts in an oriental style, in which it sounds not reality, but the ideal to which, according to the toast, it should strive. The lower octave of the Sagittarius situation is religious wars, nationalism and any fanaticism, that is, a blind adherence to an energy idea considered as the highest. Under Sagittarius, there is the creation and unification of ethnic groups, national liberation and civil wars. Sagittarius' belonging to the movable cross is reflected in the fact that he chooses such slogans for mass movements that are simple and intuitive for everyone, their inspiring and unifying power exceeds all expectations.
True, other signs, most often despised by him, have to disentangle the results of Sagittarius' activities. The high situation of Sagittarius is inspired prayer, especially collective and with specific goals, an ardent sermon, a heated religious or philosophical debate. The charm of Sagittarius has a strong effect on young people, who are easily inspired by the typical streltsy hot naive-romantic ideas of rebuilding the world, creating new types of states or social relations; it is typical for Sagittarius that the focus is on the temperature of the performance and the general nobility of the main idea, but not on logic - the latter is considered insignificant.

A harmonious Sagittarius is easily identified by a smile: it is completely irresistible. You immediately feel that the person sincerely loves you and wants only good, and all the evil that is in you will undoubtedly forgive or have already forgiven. In fact, all this is not entirely true; harmonious Sagittarius loves you not in itself, as a person, but rather as part of a large and beautiful landscape called the world (as Sagittarius sees it), and the evil that you cause him, he will not forgive, but rather will not notice or will not pay attention to such trifles (for him, these are really trifles). But if you really infringe on him, then you will be unhappy, any, even harmonious Sagittarius, in anger is terrible and merciless.
A harmonious Sagittarius sincerely believes that the world is beautiful, and if someone does not understand this, then they just need to be taught optimism and good mood (a developed Sagittarius has one more point added - a good attitude towards people). The strangest thing is that if you want, he will really teach you this, well, to some extent ... and if you don’t want to, he won’t get upset and waste time and will take care of someone else, for the benefit of friends and acquaintances he is enough, and everyone loves him. Some idealism, laziness and unwillingness to understand the details seem to only decorate him, and sincerity, benevolence, directness (but without rudeness) and breadth of views are always perceived in the foreground. Sagittarius is generally a bad psychologist, and laziness and unwillingness to dig in one place for a long time tempt the harmonious Sagittarius to be superficial and unreliable in a difficult situation; what it will be depends largely on the presence of planets in the signs of water and the position of Saturn. However, one should not demand too much from a harmonious Sagittarius. His karmic task is to carry the flow of cosmic energy and grace to those who are ready and want to receive it.

The afflicted Sagittarius in the lower octave is a typical adventurer. He has no less charm than a harmonious Sagittarius, at least at first glance, and he is inclined to use it for selfish purposes. The struck Sagittarius is full of false ideas, in any case, false in the form in which they come to him, and he actively broadcasts them to the world, finding a considerable number of listeners and students. Failures do not discourage him at all, and he endures the betrayal of supporters without much mental trauma, easily replacing them with new ones. Usually his ideas are well received by society, at least some of it, and after the collapse of the current adventure, Sagittarius quickly moves on to the next. He can come up with a witty strategic line and break into details, apparently accidental, but in fact inevitable, but he does not learn anything for a long time: Jupiter compensates too easily, and Mercury is in prison; in case of defeat, superficiality, inattention, illogicality and rudeness of Sagittarius are accentuated.
Here the karmic task is to find a rational grain in the idea that overwhelms Sagittarius, reject its husk (that is, make it more harmonious, practical and appropriate for society) and carefully plan your actions, including feedback from the world (and not just a pure broadcast of your energy ideas). The struck Sagittarius is peculiarly stubborn: he will never directly answer objections, but will stubbornly bypass them, lubricate, distort, or simply ignore them. This tendency, leading to a distortion of the worldview, must be carefully eliminated, otherwise the amazed Sagittarius will gradually go into an already completely fantastic, although, perhaps, beautiful world in its own way. In the soft version, this is an ardent romantic, in the hard version, a violent fanatic.

The defeat of Sagittarius does not mean a weakening of the Jupiterian principle of compensation (quite the opposite), but its distorted, disharmonious nature. The principle "wouldn't there be happiness, but misfortune helped ... unfortunately, not for long" applies here. When working through the struck Sagittarius, a person is obtained who knows the true value of great ideas, optimism, faith in people, fate and God, and knows when, to whom, what and how to say in order to really direct a person on the true path.

Planets in Sagittarius
Sagittarius no planets
Quiet Sagittarius.
A person who has no planets in Sagittarius and is not aspected by Jupiter will not find himself in the role of toastmaster at a holiday, and great ideas are unlikely to bring him to fanaticism. he most likely will not be characterized by adventurism and he will not often count on luck, and the general picture of the world and its fragments will not develop in his head by itself; but when this happens, it will not have the characteristic extreme idealism and glaring white spots.

Sun in Sagittarius
Relentless Sagittarius.
The Sun forces Sagittarius to fight for his idea, to put it into practice, but not as straightforward as Aries and Leo do. This, on the one hand, facilitates the task of Sagittarius, since he knows how to choose the general type of energy and behavior in relation to the situation, and on the other hand, it leads to the possibility of large distortions.
If solar Aries is deprived of flow for misbehavior, and Leo is hit on the head, then solar Sagittarius knows how to quickly find a different approach or change an idea; his enthusiasm and will do not long suffer from defeat. The sun generally gives a sense of divinity, or at least the inviolability of personal will (in the houses where it stands, controls or aspects), and the solar Sagittarius has to live with a sense of God's chosenness of his general picture of the world, his ideas and energy flows that he conducts . Therefore, he fights for them not for life, but for death, but (generally speaking) more plastically and intelligently than other signs of fire. With a strong defeat, fanaticism and narrowness of views, but an extraordinary influence on supporters; Sagittarius, outlining general ideas, always strives for practice, and to what extent he achieves it depends on elaboration; at the same time, the defeat of the Sun brings it down to earth faster than harmonious aspects, which can easily be given, for example, by a romantic domestic philosopher, in whom the Sun is practically not included in the horoscope at all (a common danger for harmoniously standing planets and signs). The developed aspect gives an energetic and flexible leader who has an individual approach to people, and most importantly, who knows how to inspire them with the idea that he serves; however, it will be difficult for him to reasonably limit and administer, he will prefer to take a Capricorn deputy for himself. What the solar Sagittarius does not tolerate is the restriction of his freedom and the absence of an idea that inspires him; if, with all its flexibility, it cannot find it, it goes out and smokes.

Moon in Sagittarius
Inattentive Sagittarius.
Lunar Sagittarius is tuned to some inner, poorly realized and expressed in words high idea, with which he subconsciously measures everything he sees, and on which he builds his ethics; it is the most inwardly noble aspect. At the same time, there is a fairly strong projection of the inner ideal outward, which makes the perception of the lunar Sagittarius very distorted, the world is seen by him in pink colors (in case of defeat and poor study, absolute cynicism and nihilism are possible as a defensive reaction), and if there are no opposite influences, this is very spiritual man: it is warm next to him, and he always stands in wide enough positions so as not to condemn you. He often really does not notice meanness in relation to himself or treats it like a noble person, but he will certainly stand up for loved ones, and here he can be merciless; the feeling of the group (family, clan, nation) and its ethics is strong, but in general, and in specific circumstances, it can be confused, but it will never lose optimism, which, however, may turn out to be inappropriate. It is very difficult (but necessary) to work out here, because (if there is no strong defeat) roses constantly bloom in the soul (the person himself may not count it, but it can be seen), and there are too good means of compensating for mental trauma and problems that are covered with cotton , are veiled and forgotten, and the protective program switches attention to the next channel. Big problems in focusing on one idea and activity.

Mercury in Sagittarius
Intelligent Sagittarius.
This is a promising aspect. With its development, a person gets the opportunity to express higher energies in words or other sign systems and find an intermediate level and connection between the highest religious and worldview ideals and everyday life. Mercury helps Sagittarius find those specific details and means of communication that will connect his abstract vision and inspiration with reality.
At the same time, at a low level of development, the aspect means a purely mental interest in higher views, ideas and possibilities; Mercury pulls Sagittarius apart into small pieces and raisins; after reading the Gospel, the Mercurial Sagittarius can say with outrageous ease: "I was interested"; he just needs to go the distance from mental curiosity to inner reverence for the divine revelation of higher vision in the course of his life. Another danger of the aspect is the complete subordination of Mercury to Jupiter (especially if the second in the horoscope is stronger). Then, in a person, the vision of details turns out to be subordinate to the vision of the whole and therefore often leads to misinformation, especially with the defeat of Mercury, when both the ideas and actions of Sagittarius and reality in the perception of the latter are falsely interpreted; in any case (except for the aspect of Saturn) Mercury emphasizes the superficiality, mobility and inconsistency of Sagittarius.

Venus in Sagittarius
Refined Sagittarius.
Venus directs the attention and ideals of Sagittarius towards the social and aesthetic; it also influences his ethics. Venus greatly softens the rude humor and antics of Sagittarius, directing him to the perception of social and psychological reality (his own and someone else's). The Venusian Sagittarius is very sensitive to social currents and ideology and seeks to influence them in accordance with his convictions, but he succeeds better indirectly, through art; however, if Venus is aspected by Mars or Jupiter, great oratory. Affected Venus gives the temptation of strong snobbery, false elitism, nationalism; when worked out, if there are additional indications in the horoscope, it can turn out to be a bright artist of a social or philosophical direction, whose works will literally ignite a higher principle in people and form elements of true ethics and self-awareness.
With poor elaboration, dogmatism in religious, aesthetic and ethical positions that are imposed on the environment, especially close ones, aesthetic snobbery and elitism (the position "beautiful is what is considered as such in my circle"), however, nevertheless, the general cheerfulness is liveliness and sociability ( if there is no strong defeat), everyone loves them. Of all the planets, Venus is perhaps the only one that helps Sagittarius in developing a direct-sensory perception of the world, which greatly adorns him.

Mars in Sagittarius
Irresistible Sagittarius.
Mars accentuates the energy and self-confidence of Sagittarius. At the same time, it complicates its connection with reality, and the problem is to assess the limits of its power over the world, since in moments of inspiration it seems to the Martian Sagittarius that they do not exist at all. At a high level, this aspect gives Streltsov's ideas an amazing power of influence; at a low level, Sagittarius does not know how to aim properly, because of this he destroys a lot (due to inattention) and receives return blows in abundance, which, however, he ignores for a long time, since his energy and enthusiasm, especially in the field of ideas, seem inexhaustible.
This aspect, especially when Mars is afflicted, has a dangerous hypnotism: Sagittarius seems to change the reality around you, literally making you believe what he expounds with such fervor (and not always, although mostly disinterestedly). After some time, the spell dissipates, but it may be too late; as a seducer, such a person is definitely dangerous and, if other factors do not contradict, can become a real black teacher with a good religious and philosophical background.
Working out here is difficult, since it is very difficult to curb the Martian Sagittarius: he is very strong and runs exceptionally fast, and an appeal to self-consciousness is difficult, because he has his own general view of things, which he feels as God's chosen and unshakable, and he does not like to go into details , unless there is a hidden trine to Virgo. Elaboration is expressed in the fact that Sagittarius learns to perceive reality in more detail, assess situations more accurately and act more subtly, and most importantly - on higher planes of the subtle world, sometimes right in the egregore, if his spiritual and religious-philosophical level allows.

Jupiter in Sagittarius
Benevolent Sagittarius.
If Mars makes Sagittarius irresistible, then Jupiter, on the contrary, impenetrable. His breadth of views, benevolence, inability and unwillingness to see unpleasant details and a general philosophical view of things make him completely invulnerable to any adversity. Jupiter always gives Sagittarius psychological or real compensation, new opportunities, luck, etc., as a result of which he feels in this world (more precisely, in houses controlled or aspected by Sagittarius) at ease and confidently, although in essence, especially when bad elaboration, may have insufficient grounds for this. In the lower octave, this is an aspect of an ideological and administrative leader above the average level, who regularly fails the work entrusted to him, after which fate or patronage safely transfers him to the next, no less honorable and responsible position. In case of defeat, snobbery is possible, and under the guise of a breadth of views, their extreme superficiality and narrowness, too strong influence of society, and fundamental disregard for a specific vision and activity.
This aspect gives a strong stream of cosmic fire of a rather high level and a temptation to try to warm the whole world with it. The karmic task is, firstly, not to reduce the level of vibrations of the energy flow, and secondly, to find an adequate field of activity for it, that is, to inspire the right people to the right things, showing them the big picture in the light they need.

Saturn in Sagittarius
Limited Sagittarius.
Saturn forces Sagittarius to take a very accurate aim. Saturn replaces the optimism and carelessness of Sagittarius with a serious attitude to world problems and rigid requirements for social programs and one's own destiny. Saturn subjects the Sagittarius energy flows and ideas to scrutiny and, in particular, with regard to their practical applicability, and here, especially in adolescence and youth (up to 30 years, until Saturn transits the second time in Sagittarius), the danger of superficial nihilism in relation to their own and other people's ideas. The fact is that if an attempt to realize (my) idea ends in nothing, then this does not mean that this idea is false; much less that in general all (my) ideas are false: it is quite possible that the idea fell into inept hands or was not quite correctly interpreted. Therefore, the study of this very promising aspect is connected with two points. This is, firstly, thinning out those ideas that arise in Sagittarius (there are many of them, despite the presence of Saturn), and secondly, careful work with those that turn out to be constructive. In general, this aspect gives external skepticism and at the same time an internal passionate desire for high energy ideas and secret dreams of their implementation. In case of defeat, ideological dogmatism and, at times, extreme adventurism are possible. Phobia: I am a creature and decay, because nothing high can inspire me.

Chiron in Sagittarius
Fantastic Sagittarius.
Chiron supplies Sagittarius with ideas on the verge of reality; however, this limit is achievable with appropriate work. Chiron is trying to knock Sagittarius off his standard vision of the picture of the world and show him in practice that she needs a change in fundamental principles. Initially, this aggravates the chaotic nature of the ideas and energy of Sagittarius, who, by going to a wide vision plan, tries to ignore what still does not fit into the framework known to him. When working through the aspect, Sagittarius learns to look for intermediate levels for the realization of his almost fantastic ideas and really bring them to life. Interest in UFOs, extraterrestrial civilizations, spiritual development of a person, mastery of higher energies and mental capabilities (telekinesis, telepathy, etc.) is typical; at a high level, breakthroughs to the construction of a synthetic picture of the world are possible, which are not always understood by contemporaries, and the ideas of social organization of a fundamentally new type. However, this aspect is difficult to work through, and without it - chaotic throwing in the surface layer of the described ideas, love for science fiction.

Uranus in Sagittarius (1981-1988)
Romantic Sagittarius.
Uranus worries Sagittarius even more than Chiron, because it gives him even more fantastic ideas. When poorly developed, this is a romantic dreamer with ardent, but completely ephemeral ideas that easily replace one another without touching reality; in case of defeat, stubbornness in the style of a movable cross is possible, that is, insisting on one’s own while ignoring and plastically avoiding conflicting opinions, and in case of a strong defeat, attempts to actively transform reality in accordance with one’s ideas and in full conviction that everything will be the way they are planned in their imagination, with no feedback from the real world.
The high octave of the aspect gives the development of fundamentally new ways of developing religious and philosophical systems and bringing them closer to the life of mankind; in particular, the ability to astrology.
In general, this generation is inclined towards the perception of cosmic love and energy by collectives, for it the concepts of brotherhood and friendship are sacred, and individual religiosity and spiritual development are doubtful.

Neptune in Sagittarius (1970-1984)
Spiritual Sagittarius.
Neptune helps the highest octave of Sagittarius to connect the high external ideals of development with the internal spiritual goals of this person. The developed aspect makes it possible to influence the world through in-depth individual meditation. The generation as a whole has a fashion for mystical religions, the occult, the idea of ​​​​cosmic love as the energetic basis for the development of evolution is widespread, and this is a completely different way of seeing the world than previous generations, which have much less general kindness.
With poor study of the uncertainty of ideals and therefore difficulties in choosing a spiritual path, one must learn to distinguish the evolutionarily higher from the lower. For Neptunian Sagittarius, high ideas are dizzy, therefore criticism and the possibility of their clear consideration, and especially the circumstances of their implementation and practical consequences, are reduced. There is a possibility that this generation will find ways to synthesize individual and group wills on the basis of a significant expansion of consciousness and comprehension of both the depths of the individual psyche and the spheres of the social subconscious.

Pluto in Sagittarius (1995-2008)
Clarifying Sagittarius.
Plutonic Sagittarius makes a deep and subtle cleansing of fundamental social ideas, ideals, religious and scientific concepts. He brings into the public (and personal) consciousness the rubbish and rubbish that has managed to accumulate behind the best ideas and lofty ideals. It is known that any idea, being perceived by the masses, is profaned; plutonic Sagittarius is designed to compensate for this effect. The generation of the beginning of the third millennium (that is, the beginning of the Age of Aquarius) will make a thorough revision of all spiritual, ethical and moral values, rebuild religions, change their role in people's lives and finally put civilization on its head; much of modern science will wither away and be viewed by historians as an amusing but pointless exercise, such as trying to simulate a real war by playing a carefully chosen chess position. The laws of karma will become the basis for planning the development of society.


Sagittarius - Sagittarius. November 23 - December 21. Ninth . His symbol is an arrow and a bow. Depicted mainly as a centaur. All this symbolizes the conflict between the mind and the flesh. Key words for the disclosure of the symbol: purposefulness, enthusiasm, progressiveness, generosity, extravagance. Fire sign, mutable, active, diurnal, dry.

A typical representative of the Sagittarius sign

Sagittarius expressed a desire to know the world. They are able to see the target well, capable of growth and expansion of horizons. These people are assertive, but can compromise if necessary to achieve their goal. They can go to a goal, a career for a long time, they know how to establish contacts and connections.

They strive and focus on social success and on people of a certain circle (selectivity). Able to support someone, but always expect gratitude in return. In childhood, it is desirable to orient such a child well in a good circle of friends, tk. the Sagittarius value system is formed in the system of child education (in the family). Mind and reason theoretical.

Benefits in character- Sagittarius always wants to go beyond, characterized by freedom of views due to optimism and the ability to enjoy life. They have foresight and a prophetic gift, the ability to hit the target exactly in statements and actions, in motivations for actions. Luck from God, at the very last moment always get help. It is also a minion of fate.

Character traits: strategic thinking and broad knowledge, foresight, a heightened sense of justice, a strong imagination, this gives them priority over other people. A broad and optimistic, energizing and inspiring personality.

Negative traits with severe damage to the Sun appear in hypocrisy and adventurism, hypertrophied pride. It can be a seductive and seductive person, trying to charm with his conceited character, exaggerating his own importance. Recklessness, nervousness, fussiness with or without reason are characteristic. A special desire to be in the spotlight, a false idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmorality and morality. This is a false teacher and a bad student, a religious fanatic or a sophist, the dogma: "I am right, and the rest may or may not be." Language is his main enemy, he cannot remain silent, as he tries to compensate for the know-it-all complex. Prodigal son.

Weak side (vulnerability)- Excessive selfishness and need for recognition.

Planets in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius

In your may be the following planets:

Ascendant in Sagittarius (rising sign)

Other people see you as a good athlete and a good friend, but not always consistent. In conversations, you seize the initiative, speak loudly, harshly, as if shooting from a bow, but on the whole quite good-natured, optimistic, cheerful and frank. Always say what you think, even when they don’t ask, skillfully advertise yourself and your tendency to narcissism: you won’t praise yourself - no one will guess. You are a gambler, ready to take risks, like to talk, promise something, and at the same time you are usually very convincing. You have great faith in life and quickly recover from disappointments and defeats.

Ruler planet Jupiter

"Star of Kings" or Great Happiness

In the physical world, Jupiter corresponds energy of motion, centrifugal force, heat. Sets the direction of movement from the source. The planet of spiritual and material wealth, giving healing energy.

  • Ruler of the day of the week- Thursday
  • Numbers 4 and giving a total of 4. For example, 4, 13, 22, 31.40, 112 ...
  • Substances- gas and gasoline, solid fats, wax and paraffin.
  • Interaction and combinations of objects- from alcohol and fire, icons (healing).


Moral ethical values, ideals, higher laws, social and political life,gurus, priests, spiritual leaders, scientists, preachers. Everything related to higher education, science, philology, teaching, international creative projects.

Optics, telescopes and photo, communications industry, internet, unlimited, traffic.

Any large business, as a rule, is international. Business related to aircraft, cars, gas stations, motor ships, long-distance transport, industrial and jointly international corporations.

Shuttle and wholesale business, publishing business, authorities and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, justice bodies, jurisprudence, military sciences. Banks and multinational companies.

The manifestation of Jupiter in the horoscope

Social planet Jupiter - independence, empowerment, divine patronage.

Jupiter function- the highest being, maintaining the stability of the World, a mixture of all principles in the world.

Qualities of Jupiter- there are many qualities and they are versatile, associated with the need for recognition, craving for external things, the importance of public opinion, orientation towards a prestigious position. Also generosity and abundance. Self-esteem, which can be exaggerated. It's pushy, but soft, with the ability to compromise.

Finding Jupiter in the sign of the zodiac shows how the needs of a person in the expansion of activity and activity will be manifested. How a person will show his initiative, strive to expand his field of activity in order to succeed. It is also the sphere of observance of laws, worldview, attitude towards religion and the ability to obtain a degree.

Jupiter in the houses of the horoscope- these are the areas where a person is able and will strive to expand his activities, career and education. Also, these are spheres of manifestation of religious, philosophical, pedagogical and educational tendencies. It is very important for a person to be recognized in this house. The house shows an orientation towards society "I will teach you, I will give you."

Ninth - IX house

Wanderings. Piety. Divine

Planets in the Ninth House

The ninth house is identical with the sign of Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter.

Ninth house in the horoscope- Philanthropy. Spiritual Guides, Mission and Purpose. Dharma and Wisdom. Worship (through rituals, temples). These are research and scientific, publishing and diplomatic activities, judicial and legislative affairs, foreign contacts and communications. Luck and luck.

The ninth house symbolizes philosophy, religion, the desire for higher education, long trips, travel, attitude to the culture of other nationalities, relations with foreigners, with high-ranking officials, people associated with the law (court, customs).

Inauspicious ninth house: adventurism, dangers in travel, risk, problems with the law, unfair attitude to life, false preaching, atheism and lack of spirituality, scandalous reputation, charlatanism, unrecognized creativity, lack of support from above.

The material used the concept

Synthetic sign Sagittarius

You are friendly, philosophical, completely frank in your beliefs and views. Sometimes, when you get carried away with enthusiasm, you may show a tendency to exaggerate. Often you like to talk, promise something, and at the same time are very convincing. Your dreams are always big. You have great faith in life and quickly bounce back from disappointments and defeats. Freedom-loving and independent, can't stand "imprisonment" for a long time, friends and loved ones must respect your need for freedom and movement. Obligations and responsibilities often weigh on you, and you may be reluctant to accept the limitations of adulthood if necessary. Other people see you as a good friend, consider you a wise person, but not always consistent, because you do not get stuck in pettiness, but are able to see the situation as a whole, which opens up new opportunities. You like to have a goal to strive for, but when you reach it, immediately look for another. Always on the lookout for new opportunities.
Your weaknesses: You feel like a prisoner if you are forced to be in the same calm, familiar, safe little world all the time. Also - a gambler, ready for risk and adventure.

Allegory for Sagittarius

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and in each of them put the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

"I ask you, Sagittarius, to make people laugh, because amidst their misunderstanding of My Idea, they become bitter. Through laughter, you must give people hope, and through hope, turn their eyes back to Me. You will touch many lives, even if only for moment, and you will recognize the restlessness in every life you touch. To you, Sagittarius, I give the gift of Boundless Abundance, so that you can spread wide enough to reach every dark corner and bring light there."

And Sagittarius retreated to his place.

Martin Shulman from Karmic Astrology.

Keywords in the horoscope for Sagittarius - Jupiter - Ninth House:

Church, priest, wedding, spiritual patron, teaching, enlightenment, foreign citizen, pilgrim, adventurer, religious swindlers, air travel, diplomat, Fortune, success, achievements, expansion of activity, freedom, adventure, independence, insight, eloquence, flexibility, purposefulness, enthusiasm, progressiveness, generosity, prodigality. Royal combination in the horoscope.

tell friends

Tags: Sagittarius, Sun in Sagittarius, zodiac sign Sagittarius, patron stone, Sagittarius talisman, keywords, planet Jupiter, Ninth house, Allegory for Sagittarius, function and quality of Jupiter

Sagittarius - Sagittarius. November 23 - December 21. Ninth . His symbol is an arrow and a bow. Depicted mainly as a centaur. All this symbolizes the conflict between the mind and the flesh. Key words for the disclosure of the symbol: purposefulness, enthusiasm, progressiveness, generosity, extravagance. Fire sign, mutable, active, diurnal, dry.

A typical representative of the Sagittarius sign

Sagittarius expressed a desire to know the world. They are able to see the target well, capable of growth and expansion of horizons. These people are assertive, but can compromise if necessary to achieve their goal. They can go to a goal, a career for a long time, they know how to establish contacts and connections.

They strive and focus on social success and on people of a certain circle (selectivity). Able to support someone, but always expect gratitude in return. In childhood, it is desirable to orient such a child well in a good circle of friends, tk. the Sagittarius value system is formed in the system of child education (in the family). Mind and reason theoretical.

Benefits in character- Sagittarius always wants to go beyond, characterized by freedom of views due to optimism and the ability to enjoy life. They have foresight and a prophetic gift, the ability to hit the target exactly in statements and actions, in motivations for actions. Luck from God, at the very last moment always get help. It is also a minion of fate.

Character traits: strategic thinking and broad knowledge, foresight, a heightened sense of justice, a strong imagination, this gives them priority over other people. A broad and optimistic, energizing and inspiring personality.

Negative traits with severe damage to the Sun appear in hypocrisy and adventurism, hypertrophied pride. It can be a seductive and seductive person, trying to charm with his conceited character, exaggerating his own importance. Recklessness, nervousness, fussiness with or without reason are characteristic. A special desire to be in the spotlight, a false idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmorality and morality. This is a false teacher and a bad student, a religious fanatic or a sophist, the dogma: "I am right, and the rest may or may not be." Language is his main enemy, he cannot remain silent, as he tries to compensate for the know-it-all complex. Prodigal son.

Weak side (vulnerability)- Excessive selfishness and need for recognition.

Planets in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius

In your may be the following planets:

Ascendant in Sagittarius (rising sign)

Other people see you as a good athlete and a good friend, but not always consistent. In conversations, you seize the initiative, speak loudly, harshly, as if shooting from a bow, but on the whole quite good-natured, optimistic, cheerful and frank. Always say what you think, even when they don’t ask, skillfully advertise yourself and your tendency to narcissism: you won’t praise yourself - no one will guess. You are a gambler, ready to take risks, like to talk, promise something, and at the same time you are usually very convincing. You have great faith in life and quickly recover from disappointments and defeats.

Ruler planet Jupiter

"Star of Kings" or Great Happiness

In the physical world, Jupiter corresponds energy of motion, centrifugal force, heat. Sets the direction of movement from the source. The planet of spiritual and material wealth, giving healing energy.

  • Ruler of the day of the week- Thursday
  • Numbers 4 and giving a total of 4. For example, 4, 13, 22, 31.40, 112 ...
  • Substances- gas and gasoline, solid fats, wax and paraffin.
  • Interaction and combinations of objects- from alcohol and fire, icons (healing).


Moral ethical values, ideals, higher laws, social and political life,gurus, priests, spiritual leaders, scientists, preachers. Everything related to higher education, science, philology, teaching, international creative projects.

Optics, telescopes and photo, communications industry, internet, unlimited, traffic.

Any large business, as a rule, is international. Business related to aircraft, cars, gas stations, motor ships, long-distance transport, industrial and jointly international corporations.

Shuttle and wholesale business, publishing business, authorities and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, justice bodies, jurisprudence, military sciences. Banks and multinational companies.

The manifestation of Jupiter in the horoscope

Social planet Jupiter - independence, empowerment, divine patronage.

Jupiter function- the highest being, maintaining the stability of the World, a mixture of all principles in the world.

Qualities of Jupiter- there are many qualities and they are versatile, associated with the need for recognition, craving for external things, the importance of public opinion, orientation towards a prestigious position. Also generosity and abundance. Self-esteem, which can be exaggerated. It's pushy, but soft, with the ability to compromise.

Finding Jupiter in the sign of the zodiac shows how the needs of a person in the expansion of activity and activity will be manifested. How a person will show his initiative, strive to expand his field of activity in order to succeed. It is also the sphere of observance of laws, worldview, attitude towards religion and the ability to obtain a degree.

Jupiter in the houses of the horoscope- these are the areas where a person is able and will strive to expand his activities, career and education. Also, these are spheres of manifestation of religious, philosophical, pedagogical and educational tendencies. It is very important for a person to be recognized in this house. The house shows an orientation towards society "I will teach you, I will give you."

Ninth - IX house

Wanderings. Piety. Divine

Planets in the Ninth House

The ninth house is identical with the sign of Sagittarius and the planet Jupiter.

Ninth house in the horoscope- Philanthropy. Spiritual Guides, Mission and Purpose. Dharma and Wisdom. Worship (through rituals, temples). These are research and scientific, publishing and diplomatic activities, judicial and legislative affairs, foreign contacts and communications. Luck and luck.

The ninth house symbolizes philosophy, religion, the desire for higher education, long trips, travel, attitude to the culture of other nationalities, relations with foreigners, with high-ranking officials, people associated with the law (court, customs).

Inauspicious ninth house: adventurism, dangers in travel, risk, problems with the law, unfair attitude to life, false preaching, atheism and lack of spirituality, scandalous reputation, charlatanism, unrecognized creativity, lack of support from above.

The material used the concept

Synthetic sign Sagittarius

You are friendly, philosophical, completely frank in your beliefs and views. Sometimes, when you get carried away with enthusiasm, you may show a tendency to exaggerate. Often you like to talk, promise something, and at the same time are very convincing. Your dreams are always big. You have great faith in life and quickly bounce back from disappointments and defeats. Freedom-loving and independent, can't stand "imprisonment" for a long time, friends and loved ones must respect your need for freedom and movement. Obligations and responsibilities often weigh on you, and you may be reluctant to accept the limitations of adulthood if necessary. Other people see you as a good friend, consider you a wise person, but not always consistent, because you do not get stuck in pettiness, but are able to see the situation as a whole, which opens up new opportunities. You like to have a goal to strive for, but when you reach it, immediately look for another. Always on the lookout for new opportunities.
Your weaknesses: You feel like a prisoner if you are forced to be in the same calm, familiar, safe little world all the time. Also - a gambler, ready for risk and adventure.

Allegory for Sagittarius

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and in each of them put the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

"I ask you, Sagittarius, to make people laugh, because amidst their misunderstanding of My Idea, they become bitter. Through laughter, you must give people hope, and through hope, turn their eyes back to Me. You will touch many lives, even if only for moment, and you will recognize the restlessness in every life you touch. To you, Sagittarius, I give the gift of Boundless Abundance, so that you can spread wide enough to reach every dark corner and bring light there."

And Sagittarius retreated to his place.

Martin Shulman from Karmic Astrology.

Keywords in the horoscope for Sagittarius - Jupiter - Ninth House:

Church, priest, wedding, spiritual patron, teaching, enlightenment, foreign citizen, pilgrim, adventurer, religious swindlers, air travel, diplomat, Fortune, success, achievements, expansion of activity, freedom, adventure, independence, insight, eloquence, flexibility, purposefulness, enthusiasm, progressiveness, generosity, prodigality. Royal combination in the horoscope.

tell friends

Tags: Sagittarius, Sun in Sagittarius, zodiac sign Sagittarius, patron stone, Sagittarius talisman, keywords, planet Jupiter, Ninth house, Allegory for Sagittarius, function and quality of Jupiter

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Element- the fire.

patron planet- Jupiter.

Color- blue.

Stone- amethyst, topaz, chrysolite.

Main character trait- to consult and lead.

positive character: active, open, sincere, cheerful, truthful, freedom-loving, friendly, philosophizing, fair, brave, inquisitive, ambitious, guiding, purposeful.

Negative character: superficial, impatient, straightforward, undiplomatic, tactless, curious, noisy, reckless, selfish, commanding and controlling, infantile.

Your child is an extremely active, inquisitive and sociable creature from birth. He will cry alone, but will sleep peacefully in a room full of guests, as he feels better in company. When the baby is a little older and starts walking, he will be incredibly active in and out of the house. Remove dangerous items, household chemicals from his path. Spend as much time with him as possible on the playground, in the park. These children are usually clumsy and at the same time mobile, so they always walk around in bumps and bruises. This is not dangerous, everything will pass. But you need to take cuts seriously, disinfect them thoroughly. If the child hit his head and lost consciousness, it is necessary to show him to the doctor, even if everything has already passed. Sagittarians have a truly inexhaustible optimism and friendliness. They will actively look for friends for themselves, and if for some reason they fail, they will make new attempts. Unlike all brothers, Leo and Aries, Sagittarians are able to admit their mistakes. Sagittarius children are characterized by innate honesty and truthfulness. They often retain these qualities as adults, which sometimes leads to an awkward situation, since not everyone likes to listen to the truth. Sagittarius parents should remember that these children do not forgive the lies of others, even if they are their own parents. At the same time, raising these children is easier than others, since the child does not know how to lie.

Sagittarians, like people born under other fire signs, love noise. If you give him a drum, he will be very pleased, but you should not show irritation if the noise bothers you. The older the child, the more he will be attracted to activities outside the home. he will love all kinds of games and outdoor activities. He will be attracted to sports, since competition and competition are always a tempting stimulus for him. As a rule, these children love animals, so it may happen that their sports activities will be associated with animals: dog training, pigeon competitions. In boys, this is more pronounced than in girls. The older the child, the more difficult it is to keep him at home. It's hard to put down for lessons when the sun is shining and so many interesting things are happening in the yard, on the street. Perseverance is not characteristic of Sagittarius.

You will have to show a lot of patience and ingenuity to teach the child to order, cleanliness, discipline. You need to come up with something to make reading and books attractive for him. Sagittarius children love stories about knights, dragons and the rescue of beautiful princesses. It is better to alternate mental activities with physical activity, since restriction in movement is harmful for these children. To console parents, we can say that these children can learn well in adolescence and adolescence, when they have a specific goal. For example, if a child decides to become a lawyer or a doctor, he will learn those subjects that he needs to achieve his goal. Just like that, just in case, for the future, these children, as a rule, cannot learn subjects. Nevertheless, offer games from an early age that train not only the body, but the intellect. By the way, Sagittarians love logic games.

If a child does not study well, you can try to hurt his pride by mentioning, among other things, that his friends study well, but he apparently cannot do it. An older child may show interest in politics, then offer him to read newspapers, political books, documentaries, journalism.

Usually these children are brave. They have little to fear, danger can only spur their pride.

Health in Sagittarius, as a rule, good, high vitality. When they are still very small, it is necessary to monitor the temperature in the room. Like all fire signs, it is harmful for them to freeze or overheat. Babies don't like bathing. These children may have liver problems. Although the main problem is bruises, bumps, even fractures.

What is contraindicated for your child?

Restrictions in physical activity. Short temper in dealing with him. Do not allow dishonesty or injustice in his presence, you may lose his respect. Do not punish him if he does not study well; try to hurt his self-esteem by expressing doubt about his abilities. You can try to form a goal in him, then he will begin to learn on his own.

What does your child need?

In our patience, because he is too active, inquisitive and energetic. At friendly disposal. In honesty and justice towards him. Instill in him a love of cleanliness, order and discipline as early as possible. He does not like to wash his hands and is generally indifferent to cleanliness and order. Instill in him a love of reading from an early age. When he goes to school, it will be too late. Spend as much time with him in the fresh air.

wiki>, wiki>, wiki>wiki>, wiki>, wiki>, wiki>, wiki>, wiki>wiki>, wiki>, black wiki>, wiki>, wiki>, wiki>, blue wiki>, wiki> .
Born under this sign: Christina Aguilera, Steven Spielberg, Nero, Maria Stuart, Gianni Versace, Leonid Brezhnev.

The centaur is a wonderful creature, half-man, half-horse, born from the fantasy of ancient Greek myths. And it is he who symbolizes the sign of Sagittarius - stubborn, hot, aiming exactly at the target, but often allowing the “horse” to prevail over the “man”, and therefore frivolous and a little superficial. Sagittarians are the most skilled hunters of the Zodiac cycle, they crave perfection in everything, but they have a cheerful and gentle character that does not allow them, like the gloomy Scorpions or tough Capricorns, to get hung up on the unattainable.

Sagittarians are incorrigible optimists, they are one of those who go through life laughing, and as a result, oddly enough, they achieve great success, because they are patronized by Jupiter himself - the planet responsible for life success and stability. Sagittarians quickly grasp the main thing, they are impatient and passionately give themselves to their favorite business, but it is impossible to force them to do what they are not interested in. Sagittarius has an open soul - as a rule, he has a lot of friends, buddies and acquaintances around him, he has a great sense of humor and the charm of a child who rediscovers the world.

The highest hypostasis of Sagittarius is a spiritual teacher, a missionary who sends an arrow of truth into the sea of ​​ignorance. Sagittarians make excellent teachers, tutors, priests, politicians. They always adhere to a clear, even tough line of behavior, follow traditions; sometimes, on the lower manifestations, Sagittarius becomes a manager-bureaucrat with an irrepressible craving for awards and honors. Absolutely all Sagittarians dream of leaving their mark on the earth, they feel significant.

In work, Sagittarius aims high from childhood, believes in his lucky star and can wait patiently and long for exaltation. They have the widest field of activity, but they are especially successful, in addition to the above professions, in professions related to animal husbandry and hunting, sports, military affairs, and organizational work. Creative Sagittarians often go into show business - they love social life, noisy parties, gravitate towards brightness and some vulgarity. Sagittarians have a special relationship with money - they are not money-grubbers, but they love despicable metal very much, they intuitively feel it, they are cheaters and speculators, they alternate streaks of luck and failure. Businessmen from Sagittarius are also good - they "see" the shortest path to success, sometimes money comes to them in an unusual way, for example, through a treasure or an unexpected inheritance.

Sagittarius is not a very romantic sign, they are amorous and often change the object of their passion, but in marriage they become good partners and hospitable hosts. The only negative is that they do not consider infidelity to be such a sin, and the Sagittarius spouse should not be too jealous, Sagittarius is not an owner and does not tolerate this in others, as he does not like monotony and does not get along next to a homebody. The best partners for Sagittarius are Pisces, Gemini, Aquarius and Leo; jealous and conservative Aries, Cancer and Capricorn will not suit Sagittarius at all.

Sagittarius needs freedom in the truest sense of the word - this is a tireless traveler and explorer who is bored of sitting in one place all his life. He has a lot of adventurism, he loves surprises and adventures. Sagittarius parents are not strict - they like to communicate more with grown-up children, they become friends rather than strict mentors.

The metals of Sagittarius are gold, platinum, bronze, iron and brass; copper, silver, nickel and cupronickel are not recommended. For Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces, leg jewelry is perfect - chains, bracelets, rings. With the right selection of gems, such jewelry can correct fate, changing it for the better, and attract friends and like-minded people.

The universal stone for Sagittarius is wiki>, the blue stone of victory and happiness. wiki> makes Sagittarius lucky, helps to win the authority he needs so much and break through to power. It is especially good for Sagittarius, who have chosen the path of selfless help to humanity - missionaries, preachers, philanthropists - it helps to fight evil, inspires high deeds, enlightens the mind and prevents bad and sinful deeds. wiki> is an inexhaustible source of energy, a kind of accumulator of cosmic energy, charging the tireless Sagittarius with fresh forces. It is said that the hand on which there is a turquoise ring will never get poorer - this is one of the most powerful talismans of monetary luck, attracting abundance and favor of sponsors and patrons, to whose help Sagittarians often tend to resort. In love, wiki> will also help - it will save Sagittarius from rash steps and infidelity, give happiness in personal and family life, peace and tranquility in the house. And traveling Sagittarius wiki> will protect from dangers and make the road interesting and enjoyable.

Wiki>wiki> is a stone that in ancient times was considered to have fallen from the sky, absorbing all the colors of heaven. He is the best fit for Sagittarius politicians and public figures - he will reveal to them the hidden intentions of opponents, ensure the favor of the electorate. For Sagittarius entrepreneurs starting a new business, wiki>wiki> will help you discover new opportunities, reorganize finances, give you enough energy to implement the most unusual plans and projects, and help you make quick and right decisions. In love, wiki>wiki> brings a "new round" in existing relationships, infuses fresh strength and strengthens the partners' faith in each other, which is necessary for Sagittarius, who are in an eternal unconscious search. In addition, the stone is able to attract true friends and increases attractiveness in the eyes of others.

Wiki> is a fairly young gem, found only in the second half of the 20th century on the banks of a Siberian river. This soft lilac stone has a powerful effect on the sphere of personal relationships. He endows a slightly rough and straightforward Sagittarius with softness, tenderness and subtle perception of a partner, increases sexuality and attracts mutual love. wiki> calms Sagittarius, relieves stress accumulated during the working day, it is especially useful to peer into lilac patterns for several minutes - this contributes to endurance, restraint and peace. A figurine from wiki>a is a wonderful gift for Sagittarius, it will bring him family happiness and peace of mind.

Wiki> is an extraordinary stone that changes color depending on the light from bluish-green to purple-red. This is a stone that is perfect for Sagittarians who suffer from frequent mood swings - it is able to change color not only because of the lighting, but also following the mental state of the owner. wiki> calms, normalizes relationships, pacifies Sagittarius, making him more accommodating. wiki> can only be worn by people with a strong spirit, it helps them cope with any troubles and win all battles, brings success and glory. This is a talisman for those Sagittarius who have become military men, lawyers or are engaged in show business.

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