Girls from the show Ural dumplings. Love secrets of the "Ural dumplings"

Graduated from Ural State Pedagogical University (teacher of Russian language and literature) and Yekaterinburg State Theatre Institute(actor of the theater of drama and cinema). Both specialties are more than used on the same stage with Ural Pelmeny, while managing to outshine the entire team no more than 9 times out of 10.

Biker, athlete, hockey fan and just a fan!
“My first craving for hockey arose, like many boys in the 80s, in the yard. I really wanted to get into the yard team, so that they would give out a uniform, a helmet. Once I was put on the gate. After one of the blows, I turned my stick, and the puck hit my lip. On this I finished with hockey, ”Sergey Isaev recalls his Khimmashev childhood.

Sergey Kalugin is a sound engineer and musician. Member of the team since 1995.
Got on the team Ural dumplings through A major.

Therefore, he immediately took the niche of music in the team.

With these hands, he composes words in such an order that it becomes ridiculous.

I got into the team "Ural dumplings" on a trolleybus.
He masterfully owns rhymes: “the toilet seat is a merry fellow” and “the seat is a darling”.

Changed the burden of glory to the oppression of oblivion with a surcharge.

I got into the team on the way from Kazakhstan to Moscow State University, leaving the train on the platform for dumplings.
Nickname "Kutila". No money, but lives widely! There are often breakdowns.
During the next profitably changed a six-room apartment to a basement.

Slava got into the team "Ural dumplings" in 1998, according to the distribution from the institute.
Vyacheslav is a very independent young man, when he was born there was no one at home, and there was a note on the table: “The pot is on the floor, the tit is in the refrigerator!”.

Born at 7 years old. Immediately began to develop, picking up a stick. At the age of 8 he mastered the bat and by force of will stopped development.
At school, according to the sum of marks from the diary, he was in first place, they pulled out deuces. Lagging behind in intelligence, he quickly caught up with his classmates in height.
He joined the army for health reasons. The army taught him to take responsibility for all the bullshit.

Under the guise of a child, he entered the family. He grew up as a boy, maybe not gifted, but a boy. This made him very happy.
In general, he grew up as a boy, a boy and grew up.
Teetotaler. At the sounds of "Will you drink?" loses time, memory, money and the Soyuz-Apollo badge.
He is very attached to the house, but sometimes he gnaws at the reins and runs away.

As a child, Andryusha grew up quiet and shy. Sasha.
According to the horoscope, he is a chair. Secretive, stingy, when driving along the ring road - closed.
Still waiting for letters from Pushkin, upset when they are not.
Once upon a time new year's eve became a man, but then changed his mind and became a snoring rubbish.

Ilana Yurieva (Isakzhanova) was born on July 7, 1988 in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). From the age of 7 she hosted the children's program "Firefly" on local television. As a child, she was engaged in ballroom dancing for 8 years, has a class "C" in sports ballroom dancing. At the age of 10, Ilana moved with her parents to St. Petersburg, where she graduated from high school and music school at the same time.

Love for KVN Ksenia was instilled in her parents and from the age of 9 she played in the school team, but this was not very similar to a real KVN. Later, at the university, in the first year, Ksenia approached the KVNschik and said that I wanted to play. He consulted with the captain of the team and they took her.

Artem Pushkin has been associated with the Ural Pelmeni since the days of KVN. He took part in many performances in the Major League. He is one of the writers who write for the show. And only recently, namely in the second half of 2016, he began to participate in the show as an actor.

Former members of the Ural Pelmeni

He considers himself a Polish Belarusian, since his grandmother's surname is Abramovich.

Yulia Mikhalkova-Matyukhina, who once also played in KVN as part of the Ural State Pedagogical University "NeParni". Together with the education of a philologist, she also mastered the acting craft, which she has been demonstrating to the audience as part of the Ural Dumplings since 2009. On stage, she succeeds both in the images of young naive girls and insolent bitchy ladies. Before participating in the show, the girl worked as a news and weather forecaster. In addition to participating in the project, Yulia manages to run her own business - the speech center "Rechevik" was opened for her. There is also love in a girl's life - for several years she has been with a politician from the Sverdlovsk region.

Ilana Yuryeva (Isakzhanova) became the next participant to join the Ural dumplings team. She is in Bishkek and there she began her creative television career. From the age of 7, she hosted the Firefly program, at the same time she managed to practice ballroom dancing. After moving to Russia (she moved to St. Petersburg with her parents), she studied music. After school she graduated from the Institute of Culture and Arts in St. Petersburg. Ilana found her feminine happiness with Anton Yuryev, with whom they are members of the bright musical duet An-2. Also, the girl is an actress in Stas Namin, manages to act in films and TV shows. Ilana began to appear on stage together with the Ural dumplings in mid-2012. Almost always represents romantic heroines, but easily transforms into screaming scandalous women with eternal curlers on their heads.

The newest member of the Ural dumplings was a girl not only with interesting appearance, but no less interesting name- Stefania-Maryana Gurskaya. The creators of the show noticed a girl from Kamensk-Uralsky in another of their projects, MyasorUpka. The girl also once played in KVN, however, on the big stage - in the Higher League or the Premier League - her duet Claudel Models failed to get through, but artistry was noted. Stefania is the youngest of the participants in the show (born in 1992), but she copes with a variety of things, striking her acting skills. She became a participant in the Ural dumplings concerts in 2013.


More recently, the participants of the show themselves thought about the frequently asked question why there are so many girls in the team for Pelmeny. From this came an excellent number "Meeting of the Girls", which amused all the people present at the concert, and then reached the audience at the screens.

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Popular at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the Ural Pelmeni KVN team has long become a real show theater. The peculiarity of all their numbers and miniatures is fictional characters bear the same names as the actors. So the whole country knows the performers not only in person.


Some participants joined the Dumplings later. The author of reprises and jokes Alexander Popov - in 1997. Sometimes he also takes the stage in episodic roles, as well as the sound engineer Sergey Kalugin. Sergei has been with the national team since 1995. The performer of most of the songs that sound in the show, Vyacheslav Myasnikov - from younger generation commands. He became a "dumpling" in early 2000, just before the team won the title of champion of the Major League of KVN. Now the show "Ural dumplings" is hard to imagine without its funny and lyrical songs with guitar accompaniment. Professional actress Yulia Mikhalkova-Matyukhina joined the team in 2010 on a permanent basis, and before that she appeared on stage in some scenes. Few people know that this girl not only talentedly plays stupid young ladies, but also acts as an expert at the Speech Center, where people study public speaking. Sometimes two more actresses are invited to the female roles of "Dumplings" - Ilana Isakzhanova and Stefania-Maryana Gurskaya.

But several people refused at one time to perform with a popular team. These are Olga Zakharova, Nikolai Rybakov, little known to the general public. Katerina Kudryavtseva and other actors. But for Sergei Svetlakov, leaving the national team only benefited. He played in Pelmeny for about two years, at the peak of the team's fame, and then chose solo path author and actor.

Hi all!

Gentlemen, don't you think that blogs are not enough female beauty? I propose to correct this shortcoming!

I bring to your attention to admire the girls from the show "Ural dumplings"! In taste and color, as they say, all felt-tip pens are different, but the girls are really good, although Julia, in my opinion, is recent times went too far with plastic)))

More recently, in the Pelmeni team, there was only one girl - Yulia Mikhalkova. The bright beauty stood out very much from the rest and they decided to create competition for her, to invite two more girls for a change. Now there are three young ladies in the team.

I'll start with the main participant - Yulia Mikhalkova.

Yulia Evgenievna Mikhalkova-Matyukhina was born on July 12, 1983 in the city of Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk Region. Studied in high school general education school No. 2. While still in the 10th grade of school, Yulia began working on local television as a youth news anchor.

After leaving school, she entered Faculty of Philology Ural State Pedagogical University in Yekaterinburg (specialty - teacher of Russian language and literature). From the first year, Yulia became a member of the KVN university team, where she participated in the Premier League. After two years of study at the Pedagogical University, she entered the Yekaterinburg State Theater Institute (specialty - actress drama theater, film and television), which she graduated in 2008.

In 2005, she became the host of the program guide on the Fourth Channel of Yekaterinburg TV, later she began to conduct a weather forecast in Novosti. Since 2009 - actress of the comedy show "Ural dumplings".

On October 23, 2013, at the Breakthrough of the Year 2013 award ceremony according to MODA topical magazine, as part of the Ural Dumplings project, she received an award in the Best Comedy Show nomination.

Heads the Center for Correct and Beautiful Speech by Yulia Mikhalkova "Rechevik".

Also on the account of the actress there are several roles in television series ("In love and unarmed", "Real boys", "Silver"). In 2012, she starred in Nikolai Rotov's video "Star of Gelendzhik", where she also performed one of the vocal parts.

In January 2013, she posed nude for the cover of Maxim magazine.

Second - Ilana (Isakzhanova) Yurieva.

Ilana Yurieva (Isakzhanova) was born on July 7, 1988 in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan). From the age of 7 she hosted the children's program "Firefly" on local television. As a child, she was engaged in ballroom dancing for 8 years, has a class “C” in sports ballroom dancing. At the age of 10, Ilana moved with her parents to St. Petersburg, where she graduated from high school and music school at the same time. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University of Cinematography, Faculty of Arts, Department of Directing and Acting. Married to the soloist of the An-2 group Anton Yuryev.

Ilana Isakzhanova has been participating in the Ural dumplings show since September 2012.

Ilana according to the horoscope, like Yulia Mikhalkova, Cancer. Therefore, guys often invite girls to beer.

The third girl with unusual name - Stefania-Maryana Gurskaya(in the people of Steph).

The actress was born on January 9, 1992. She spent her childhood and youth in the city of Kamensk-Uralsk, then moved to Yekaterinburg.

The biography of the actress and her life are closely connected with famous program"Club of cheerful and resourceful." First there were performances in local teams of Kamensk-Uralsk and Yekaterinburg, then - big stage. She was a member of the "Voices" team, which was deservedly called the second "dumplings". The team participated in the festivals of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and even reached the final of the First League.

In September 2012, the Claudel Models duo was invited to perform in the Moscow filming of the MyasorUpka project, where the judges were the participants of the Ural dumplings. Soon Stephanie was invited to the project.

Stefa (as her teammates call her) first appeared on the Ural Dumplings show on March 8, 2013 in a program called Women's Right Now. Her debut number was a performance with Dmitry Brekotkin in the skit "When there is nothing to wear."

And the fourth, most respectable - grandmother, performed by Andrey Rozhkov! "And-and-igooooor!!!"

Well, a few videos.

For two television seasons in a row, the readers of Express Newspaper called the show Ural Pelmeni the most popular humorous program. Last year, this team of fun and resourceful first got into the ranking of the richest Russian celebrities, compiled by Forbes, - the guys were in 15th place with annual income$2.8 million, displacing superstars URGANT, GALUSTYAN and SVETLAKOV. And in this - they celebrated the anniversary: ​​for 20 years creative life"Dumplings" became native to half huge country. True, if the project participants talk about life outside the television, it is only in their characteristic humorous manner. We tried to find out what is a joke in their stories and what is true.

Sokolov left his wife because of his career

The most mature and colorful "dumpling" - Dmitry Sokolov was born in the small town of Pervouralsk, not far from Yekaterinburg. He grew up as a mischievous - educators and teachers often called their parents to the carpet. But in amorous affairs, the guy always shied away.
AT kindergarten he liked the princess with curls and pink bows. But she preferred another boy. Sokolov fought with an opponent, but could not fight off the sweetheart.
Unrequited love happened to Dima in the ninth grade. To buy the girl a huge bouquet of her favorite roses, he went to work hard at the collective farm. Then he came to her house, but the door was opened by my mother. Dima was at a loss, asked to hand over the flowers, and he himself - tear. Nothing worked out with that young lady: she jumped out to marry a friend of Sokolov.

And only at the institute, another love that covered Dmitry with his head turned out to be mutual. At that time, student construction teams were popular: the guys went to collective farms and state farms, helped the locals as much as they could, and organized concerts in the evenings. There he met his future wife. The joker and the ringleader, nicknamed the Falcon, quickly attracted the attention of Natalya. The candy-bouquet period did not last long - they soon got married, their son Sasha was born, and ten years later, their daughter Anya. But the fanatical hobby of the husband of KVN began to annoy Natalya: it did not bring a constant income, while it took a lot of time.
- Natasha is a wonderful woman, - Sokolova's mother, Irina Alexandrovna, sighs. - When Dima became interested in "dumplings", all the worries about the house and children fell on her shoulders. It was very difficult for Natasha, and she put him before a choice. She wanted her husband to be always there, and Dima - in constant travel. And they parted. Divorce was hard for Natalya, but, having swallowed the insult, she did not interfere with Dima from meeting with the children. Now they are friends. Natasha has not adjusted her personal life - it seems to me that she is still worried.
But Sokol did not stay in bachelors. In 2006 at a meeting student teams KVN in Yekaterinburg met a young member of the Irina Mikhailovna team. Ksenia Li (she turned out to be 23 years younger) performed on stage, and Dmitry sat on the jury as a Kaveen guru. And it started spinning ... Their relationship moved into a serious phase after they spent new year holidays in Sochi.
- Falcon bought Ksenia a fur coat, a car, a house! - says their mutual friend Vladimir Kovalev. - But the main thing is that he, like no one else, supported Ksyusha in the most difficult period for her: from childhood she suffered from a progressive deformity of her legs. It got to the point that the girl could not walk normally, moved on crutches. I had to have an operation. Ksenia was worried - she could not make up her mind, and the rehabilitation needed a lot of money. But Dima managed to persuade her. He was there all the time, massaging her legs at night to relieve pain. Agree, not everyone is capable of this! The wedding of Dima and Ksyusha was played on September 8, 2011, as befits the KVN, noisy and fun. And in October 2012, the young wife gave Sokolov a daughter, Masha.

For the sake of the children, Rozhkov and his wife compromised

The 43-year-old performer has almost all female roles in the show "dumplings" by Andrei Rozhkov, personal life also did not develop smoothly. In his youth, he could not find a mate for a long time. Once Rozhkov worked as a driver in a "heel" - he delivered cement to construction sites and was known as an inveterate bachelor. But 18 years ago he came to Moscow, and his friends brought him together with a pretty brunette Elechka. The guys rubbed each other for six years. Then Andrey decided to make an offer. Two sons were born - Semyon and Peter. Elvira dragged the household, took care of the children. There were no problems with the eldest son, but the youngest grew up as a fool. At some point, Elya could not stand it.
- She was exhausted by the endless fuss. I wanted attention, to grow creatively, and Andrei put her in four walls, - a friend of the family, Inga Chernykh, complained to us. - Elvira gave Rozhkov an ultimatum: either she goes to work, or - a divorce! Andrei loves children very much, so he agreed to all the conditions of his wife. Now she is engaged in the manufacture of stained-glass windows. There is no end to customers - fashionable decor is now in price.

Mikhalkova seduced an honest deputy

The most incredible rumors circulated about the only "dumpling" - the sexy beauty Yulia Mikhalkova. The newspapers wrote that she was from Yekaterinburg, married to a bandit, and started her career as a stripper...
In fact, Julia was born in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, a suburb of the Ural capital, and after school she was going to become an actress. But, frightened of the competition in the theater, she applied to the pedagogical institute. AT free time the girl played in the local KVN team "NeParni", which was supervised by Sergey Ershov - one of the participants in the "Ural dumplings" and one of the "Real Boys" (by the way, very little is known about Ershov's off-screen life: he is married with a second marriage, three children - an adult daughter from the first, two sons - from the current one).
When the “dumplings” needed a lady for the role, most often they called the lively and pretty Yulechka, and soon she became a permanent member of the team.
Fans of "Ural dumplings" have been tormented by an important question for a year: why is she still free? After all, Yulia has already turned 30.

At one time, Mikhalkova was credited with an affair with Sergei Netievsky, a member and producer of the team. Everyone noticed how gently at each performance Yulia touched Sergey's hand during the performance of the final song. However, it turned out that Netievsky had been married for a long time and was hopelessly (he and his wife Natalya had been together for almost 17 years) and had three children, while Mikhalkova's heart was occupied with something else.
In 2010, Yulia fell in love with a 39-year-old deputy of the Regional Duma of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region, Igor Danilov. Now he heads the Housing and Utilities Committee of the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region. They say he is one of the few deputies who is considered honest in the Urals. His “horse” is the fight against scammers.

For a long time, the couple lived in the apartments of the five-star Ramada Hotel in Yekaterinburg, paying 300 thousand rubles for rent. per month. And last summer, Yulia and Igor moved into their own apartment. Shortly before this, Danilov made an offer to Mikhalkova: at a party in honor of her birthday, he presented a diamond ring. True, the lovers have not yet decided on the date of the wedding.

Myasnikov tamed fashion model

In the family of 34-year-old Vyacheslav Myasnikov - the most vociferous "Ural dumpling" - peace and order reign. Every time after performances, he rushes home to his wife Nadezhda and the twins Kostya and Max.
Myasnikov's wife is a former model and also comes from Yekaterinburg. A bright, stately blonde before marriage, she participated in fashion shows. But she conquered Vyacheslav not so much with her beauty, but with her surprisingly meek disposition.
“Nadya is three years younger than Slava and seems ready to fulfill his every whim,” the couple’s friends smile. - The star in the family is definitely Slava. He says so: “I will be alone in the TV and newspapers. I don't want competition!" Nadyukha does not argue with him - she has enough things to do with her children.

Bricklayer Brekotkin raises an Olympic champion

Funny Dmitry Brekotkin got to the "dumplings" thanks to Dmitry Sokolov and Sergey Ershov - they met in a construction team while studying at the university. True, get higher education Brekotkin failed - he was expelled for academic failure and absenteeism. But the guy mastered a lot of construction professions - a plasterer, a bricklayer, a finisher - and met his fate, the charming Katerina. The courtship was short-lived - in 1995 the guys got married. Two years later, a daughter, Nastya, appeared in the family, and six years later, Liza.
While Dima is on tour, his wife runs the household and raises children: the eldest daughter is part of the Yekaterinburg synchronized swimming team and is graduating from school this year, and the youngest sings in the children's choir.

Isaev found love in the homeland of watermelons

42-year-old Sergey Isaev is not only a talented artist, but also a businessman, biker and even tried himself as a candidate for deputies. But the man's personal life did not go well for a long time.
His first wife was the Astrakhan cavalry officer Evgenia. They met while on tour. Ural team in the homeland of watermelons. Zhenya immediately drew attention to a handsome and groovy guy and after the game took the first step. We had dinner and ... broke up for five months. As soon as Sergei managed to escape to Astrakhan once again, he immediately dialed Zhenya's number and ... made an offer. She agreed without hesitation. The wedding was played, of course, in Eburg. But family life turned out to be not as fabulous as they dreamed. They broke up after a year.
After bad marriage Isaev told everyone that he would definitely not go to the registry office for the second time. He had many girls, but a serious relationship did not develop for a long time. Until I met the dark-eyed fashion model Irina. The girl resigned herself to the lifestyle of the famous "dumpling" and agreed to cohabit with him without a stamp in her passport. On October 12, 2013, Ira gave her beloved son Elisha.

The VTsIOM data on the attitude of Russians to humorous programs is impressive: the comedy show “Ural dumplings” broke into second place in popularity, losing the first line to KVN. But the fact that the beloved team had its own history of participation in popular game, recalled only 24% of respondents. So, who is Alena Tigleva, the audience has forgotten. The article is dedicated to the famous "Masha from Uralmash" - a member of the very first composition of the legendary team.

Creation of "Ural dumplings"

In the 90s, the Yekaterinburg squad "Neighbours" played on the stage of the Major League. Several people from its composition, headed by Dmitry Sokolov, planned to create new team where not only actor play, but also the author's contribution of the participants. The composition was recruited from the student teams of the UPI - the Ural Polytechnic, famous for its fun shows. The first 15 people gathered to devote their lives to humor. Alena Tigleva also appeared in the team from the Zemlyana construction team.

"Ural dumplings" first made themselves known in the region: a year later they became the champions of Yekaterinburg, defeating the USU team in the final. Having made their debut in 1995, unexpectedly for themselves and those around them, they became participants in a gala concert, having received a well-deserved ticket to major league. The guys merrily played up the name by presenting VIA "Ural dumplings". And the high beautiful girl With long hair appeared in the form of Masha from Uralmash, offering to sing "something sincere to yell."

"Jump into the third millennium"

This phrase will be uttered by one of the team members in the final game of 2000, which brought the team a well-deserved victory. The guys went to this result for a long five years, developing own style and raising acting skills. They dressed in black trousers and orange shirts, creating an orange mood. Only Alena Tigleva invariably went out in long skirts, adding new colors to the team's performance.

In the very first game, she represented Lyudochka, who has seven miners' husbands. The guys beat the construction of the metro in Yekaterinburg, fervently singing: "And we entered the meter metro." Alena was the only girl on the team for a long time, until Olga Zakharova appeared in the 1997 season. It was she who was lucky enough to play in the final game for the championship title. Tigleva herself did not part with KVN until mid-2000.

Best numbers

The phenomenon of "Ural dumplings" is that there is no clear leader in the team. The main participants are bright actors with a special charisma, complementing each other on stage. Therefore, the girls from the "Ural dumplings" only brought a certain variety to the performances, without getting out of the general concept of the performance.

Nevertheless, they created some truly memorable images that have become popular on the Internet. An interesting scene by Tigleva and Sokolov about how they will meet in 50 years, and the participant’s singing of the song “Tenderness” “for two armor” at the festival in Jurmala demonstrated her musical and acting talent.

Excellent diction and a pleasant timbre of voice helped the girl create an unforgettable image of a talkative registrar in a room created by Uralskie Pelmeni in 2010. Alena was invited specially, although in comedy show appeared a year earlier new member- Julia Mikhalkov. The performance was called “Hurrah! Scholarship!", and the episode is dedicated to the theme of "Wedding". Alena Tigleva keeps the audience in suspense for 10 minutes, and the video with the registration of the wedding in the registry office breaks records for views among other episodes of the show.

Bio pages

After completing their playing career in KVN, the team took part in festivals for several years, winning KiViNs of various denominations. The guys performed in various television projects, and Sergei Svetlakov and Boris Netievsky went to conquer Moscow. Boris came up with the idea of ​​creating a show that since 2008 has been delighting fans of humor and uplifting the mood of the country's residents. It allowed to preserve the team and friendship between the participants. Alena Tigleva, whose biography is little known to the audience, returned to the profession. Today she heads one of the major departments of Sberbank.

A native of Yekaterinburg, the girl was born on 11/14/1970. After graduating from general education and music school, entered the UPI. Now it is the B. N. Yeltsin University. The girl was lucky to study in those years when the Kaveen movement was especially strong in him - 1989-1993. The time of performances for the Ural dumplings team was one of the brightest in her life, she is still friends with Sergey Ershov and other guys. Today, other girls from Ural Dumplings are on stage: in addition to Yulia Mikhalkova, Ilana Yuryeva and Stefania Gurskaya appeared, but they have already entered a professional show.

Personal life

The girl's maiden name is Yaschenko. Alena Tigleva at the time of the invitation to KVN was already married to a young man named Oleg. The couple has a son, Roman. After participating in the show in 2010, they saw a toastmaster in her and began to vying to call for wedding celebrations. But she only laughs: KVN has become a happy episode in her life. She never knew how to improvise and was not the author of reprises and sketches of the team, which is why her paths with the guys parted. The girl chose a family and an earthly profession. But who knows, maybe someday there will appear in the young KVN team from the Urals new star- Roman Tiglev.

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