Name spelling in English. New transliteration in the passport: what has changed

This section of the site allows you to automate the translation of Russian letters into Latin. It is enough to write your last name, first name and patronymic in Russian and click the Transliterate to Latin button. The text in the field will be translated into the Latin alphabet in accordance with the new rules developed on the basis of GOST R 52535.1-2006.

There are various systems or rules for transliteration of names and surnames (transliteration of Russian words)


Do you want to know how your name and surname will be written in the passport according to the new rules? To do this, you need to enter your data in the appropriate cells of the form below and click on the "Translate to Latin" button

What is transliteration?

On our site you can find out what transliteration is, what it is for, where it is used and how to use it correctly.

Transliteration is the conversion of text from Cyrillic to Latin or vice versa. In other words, the designation in Latin letters of words written in Russian, or the designation in Cyrillic of words written in foreign languages ​​using the Latin alphabet.

Transliteration is used in various areas of our daily life: in the banking system - when issuing credit cards, in OVIR - when filling out documents for obtaining a foreign passport, in international payment systems - when filling out data for making bank transfers, for purchasing goods via the Internet, and, finally , when passing the integration exam in the Russian language, the history of Russia and the fundamentals of the law of the Russian Federation, and for the subsequent submission of documents for obtaining: a patent for work, a temporary residence permit (TRP) and a residence permit (residence permit).

RVP, residence permit and patent applicants should take into account that the free translation of the surname, name and patronymic from Cyrillic to Latin or from Latin to Cyrillic will have negative consequences when submitting documents to the Federal Migration Service of Russia. The fact is that since 2010 the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology introduced new rules for writing Cyrillic letters in Latin letters. They are based on a simple replacement of letters of the Russian alphabet with letters or a combination of letters of the Latin alphabet. These rules are already in force in the Federal Migration Service of Russia and it is by them that the correctness of the translation by a foreigner of his name and surname from the Russian alphabet into Latin is determined. In this case, pronunciation (or transcription) is not taken into account. The action of transliteration implies a clear regulation in the graphic definition of one character by another, which differs significantly from transcription. Because when transcribing from the Russian language, letters and combinations of letters of the Latin alphabet are used to maximally approximate the pronunciation of the letters of the source language.

How to write a surname in English?

Now the time comes when we need to draw up documents, submit passports for a visa, conclude important contracts, and even sign a notebook for a child’s school… But the hand freezes in a stupor, the brain begins to analyze the facts, the letters become re-registered, the pupils expand in awareness of the pettiness of being , the criticality of the situation is growing and this universally significant question is born - how to write your last name in English correctly?

So, the Native English School team will help you figure this out!

To begin with, let's consider how this or that sound can be transmitted from Russian to English, by the way, all this is beautifully called transliteration(from English translate - translate).

14 rules for writing a surname in English that will help you:

1. Let's start with a soft and hard sign - b,Kommersant. In English spelling, they are not transmitted:

Baker Vladimir - Pekar Vladimir,

Overnikov Mikhail - Overnikov Mikhail.

2. Letters S and Y should be written as Y:

Kryshkin Konstantin - Kryshkin Konstantin,

Martynkina Vladislav - Martynkina Vladislava.

3. This also applies to endings - ii and - YY:

March Valentine - Martovsky Valentin,

Snub-nosed Stanislav - Kurnosy Stanislav.

4. Letters E and E will be transmitted in the same way - E:

Kemerova Elizaveta - Kemerova Elizaveta,

Emanuilov Karen - Emanuilov Karen.

5. But, E can transform into YE, if it is at the beginning of a word, after b or b signs:

Evdokia Astafyeva - Evdokiya Astafyeva.

6. Letter Yo broadcast as YE provided that it is placed at the beginning of a word, in other cases - E:

Demina Marina – Demina Marina,

Yershinkov Alexander - Yershunkov Aleksandr.

7. Letter AND when writing will be - ZH:

Mazhorov Pavel - Mazhorov Pavel,

Rozhzhov Ruslan - Rozhzhov Ruslan.

8. Letter X in English spelling will be KN:

David Kholmov - David Kholmov,

Oksana Volkhova - Oksana Volkhova.

9. Voiced consonant C will be written as TS:

Kuznetsov Igor - Kuznetsov Igor,

Nadezhda Tsarapina - Nadezhda Tsarapina.

10. Letter H will be sent as CH:

Chebotarny Konstantin - Chebotarny Konstantin,

Chaban Vladimir - Chaban Vladimir.

11. Consonant hissing W will be written as SH:

Shapovalova Oksana — Shapovalova Oksana

Sharko Dana - Sharko Dana.

12. But the letter SCH will be sent as SHCH:

Shemilova Alexandra - Shchemilova Aleksandra,

Shcheglov Marat - Shcheglov Marat.

13. Vowel YU will be written as YU:

Yulia Vladimirova - Yuliya Vladimirova,

Yuzhnov Artem - Yuzhnov Artem.

14. And the last vowel I will be sent as YA:

Yaroshenko Konstantin - Yaroshenko Konstantin,

Yagda Yadviga - Yagda Yadviga.

The NES team is always happy to help its students with the correct paperwork and suggest the correct spelling of the English text. Good luck to you, our dear students!

There is nothing more natural than to start learning English by writing your own name in Latin letters.

Writing Russian names in English often causes difficulties - largely because there are no uniform rules in this regard. However, a set of general principles can still be defined.

  • Read further in our article about the special transliteration rules currently used when issuing passports.

General rules for transliteration of names

The first thing to remember is names and surnames are not translated especially when it comes to documents and business correspondence. You should not pick up English-language counterparts and call Elena - Helen, and Michael - Michael. Instead, the name should be transliterated, that is, written in Latin. In this case, the following system of correspondence can be used:

A A Andrey (Andrey) O O Olga (Olga)
B B Boris (Boris) P P Pavel (Paul)
AT V Valery (Valery) R R Roman (Roman)
G G Gleb (Gleb) FROM S Sergey (Sergey)
D D Dmitry (Dmitry) T T Tatyana (Tatiana)
E Ye/E Yelena, Elena (Elena) At U Ulyana (Ulyana)
Yo Yo/E Pyotr, Petr (Peter) F F Filipp (Philip)
AND Zh Zhanna (Jeanne) X Kh Khariton (Khariton)
W Z Zinaida (Zinaida) C Ts Tsarev (Tsarev)
And I Irina (Irina) H Ch Chaykin (Chaykin)
Y Y Timofe y(Timof th) W Sh Sharov (Balls)
K K Konstantin (Konstantin) SCH Shch Shchepkin (Schepkin)
L L Larisa (Larisa) S Y M y skin (M s skin)
M M Margarita (Margarita) E E Eldar (Eldar)
H N Nicholas (Nicholas) YU Yu Yury (Yuri)
I Ya Yaroslav (Yaroslav)

Special rules for transliteration of names

In addition to the more obvious rules of transliteration, there are cases where it is not entirely clear how one or another name should be written. Let's look at these options.

Letter b and Kommersant are not transmitted in transliteration. Using an apostrophe (") in their place is also not recommended:

  • Daria
  • Igor
  • Olga

Letters S and Y transmitted by letter Y:

  • Bystrov
  • Sadyrova
  • Mayorov - Mayorov

If the last name ends with "-th", in transliteration remains "-y":

  • White

Since the letter H in English sometimes it is not readable, for the transmission of Russian sound "X" combination is used KH:

  • Akhmatova
  • Rachmaninov - Rakhmaninov

Russian combination KS it's better to spell it out KS, but not X:

  • Ksenia - Ksenia
  • Aleksandr

If letter E denotes one sound (as in the name Vera), it is transmitted by the Latin letter E Vera. If it denotes two sounds (after a soft sign), it is transmitted by a combination YE— Astafyev.

But: If a E stands at the beginning of the name, both options are possible: the name Elena can be written as Elena or Yelena.

Letter Yo usually written in the same way as E, but if you want to emphasize the pronunciation of the name, then you should use the letter combination YO— Fyodor, Piotr.

Letter W can be written in the form SCH, but in German this combination will be read as "sh". In order to avoid confusion, it is recommended to use an unpronounceable, at first glance, combination of letters SHCH.

The ending "-and I" can be transliterated as -IA or -IYA. However, to avoid unnecessary bulkiness, Y usually do not write:

  • Maria - Maria
  • Valeria - Valerie

Important note: transliteration when issuing passports

The rules for transliteration when applying for foreign passports often change. At the moment, as of 2015, the following transliteration rules apply (we present the differences from the main table):

  • Previously, when issuing foreign passports, the rules of GOST R 52535.1-2006, introduced in 2010, were used.

If you want to keep the original spelling of your name and surname when you receive a new passport, you can write a corresponding application to the issuing authority, duly substantiating your desire. The basis for such a statement is the presence of documents with a different spelling of your first and last name: passports, diplomas, residence permits, visas, as well as other registration and banking documents, including bank cards.

And, well. family f. , lat. family. 1. Family with slaves and clients in ancient Rome. BAS 1. An old Russian courtyard, a complex family of a householder with a wife, children and unseparated relatives, brothers, nephews .., corresponded to the ancient ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

SURNAME- (French and German, from Latin). Family, all family members; generic name, generic name. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. SURNAME 1) a nickname added to the name and fatherland; 2) family, clan. See FAMILY ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

surname- See genus... Synonym dictionary

SURNAME- SURNAME, surnames, wives. (lat. familia). 1. Hereditary family name, added to a personal name and passing from father (or mother) to children, and also (before the revolution, now optional) from husband to wife. State your first and last name. ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

SURNAME- SURNAME, and, wives. 1. An inherited family name added to a personal name. F., first name and patronymic. How is your f.? Maiden f. (before marriage). F. husband (accepted by the wife upon marriage). 2. Same as genus 1 (in 2 meanings). Ancient f. 3… Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

SURNAME- female, French, German family, family; | clan, tribe, generation, tribe, blood, ancestors and offspring. He is an ancient, good family, noble family. | Nickname, name, generic name. | Haberdashery courtesy is the name of the spouse, wife. I myself do not ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Surname- (Gurzuf, Crimea) Hotel category: Address: Builders Street 3, 98645 Gurzuf, Crimea ... Hotel catalog

SURNAME- (lat. familia) 1) in ancient Rome, a family economic legal unit, which, in addition to blood relatives, included slaves; 2) a generic name acquired at birth, changing the original F., adoption, marriage and ... ... Law Dictionary

SURNAME- (Latin familia), 1) family, genus. 2) In ancient Rome, a family economic legal unit, which, in addition to blood relatives, included slaves. 3) Generic name acquired at birth, change of the original surname, ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

SURNAME- (lat. familia) ..1) family, clan2)] In Dr. Rome, a family economic legal unit, which, in addition to blood relatives, included slaves3) The generic name acquired at birth, change of the original surname, adoption, ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Surname- (lat. familia) 1) in Dr. In Rome, a family economic legal unit, which, in addition to blood relatives, included slaves. 2) family, clan. Generic name acquired at birth, change of the original surname, adoption, in ... ... Political science. Dictionary.


  • Surname Ruchkin. Surname history. Part 1, Vladimir Ruchkin. The real awareness of the topic began with a phrase written on a piece of the Pravda newspaper - “do not drink water to fish”, which I found in a garbage dump. Approached Aldous Huxley only gave some advice ... Buy for 200 rubles electronic book
  • What does your last name mean? , Yu. A. Fedosyuk. The book in a popular form tells about the history of the emergence and various sources of formation of about 1000 Russian surnames. The question "What does your last name mean?" is a special science...

A couple of years ago, some procedures related to the use of passports changed in the Russian Federation. The process of obtaining the document remained the same. But the rules of transliteration have undergone a small but important transformation. This was motivated by the desire of the Russian authorities to switch to the international system of transcription of names and surnames. The changes made it possible to eliminate the confusion associated with the use of previous standards.

The transliteration of names and surnames means the romanization of the Russian text. Simply put, the Cyrillic spelling of letters and their combinations is replaced by Latin. The transliteration rules have changed several times. And now they are brought to international standards.

Before applying for a new passport, you can check the spelling of your name and surname in Latin. This is easy to do on our website. Online transliteration is available absolutely free of charge.

You need to enter the first and last name in Russian. The data is entered in the appropriate form. They will be automatically translated into Latin in accordance with the new transliteration rules.

Key changes

The new transliteration rules affected:

  • Most popular Russian names.
  • Many common surnames in our country.

For example, EGOR in the new spelling format turned into EGOR (instead of YEGOR). And the surname TsAPLIN used to be written in Latin as TCAPLIN. The latest standardized variant is TSAPLIN. Thus, the main changes affected the following Cyrillic letters:

  • The letter "E" is transliterated as "E". Previously, it was represented by the combination "YE".
  • "Y" received a new designation "I", while previously it was written with the letter "Y".
  • The vowel "Yu" when translated is transformed into "I" with the addition of "U". That is, the correct spelling is "IU". Previously, "Yu" turned into the Latin letters "YU".
  • "C" is now denoted by the combination "TS". Previously, the “role” of this letter was the symbols “TC”.
  • "Kommersant", which disappeared under the previous system of romanization of the Cyrillic alphabet, received its designation. Now the "hard sign" is written as "IE".

For example, according to the new standards, YULIA became IULIIA DMITRY - DMITRII, and VALERY - VALERII.

Difference in documents

Do not worry if the spelling of the name and surname in the new passport is different from the old one. This also applies to cases where a ticket for a foreign trip was purchased on a document with the same transcription. The Russians will not have problems with traveling on a passport with a new transliteration. However, especially suspicious citizens have the right to ask to keep the previous version of the letter designation of the name and surname.

How to leave the old spelling

If a citizen does not agree to change the spelling of his name and surname in the new passport, it is allowed to leave the previous version. To do this, a corresponding request is attached to the papers for replacing the identity card. In it, the applicant asks to keep the name and surname as they are indicated in the previous sample. In this case, one should refer to the 28th paragraph of Order No. 211, signed by the FMS in 2014.

The application is written in free form. But the citizen must be sure to indicate the reason that prompts him to leave the previous data. As justification, it is recommended to use documents issued on the basis of a passport. For example:

  • open visa.
  • Residence permit of another state.
  • Marriage certificate obtained outside the Russian Federation.
  • Education documents

Documents must be valid. The applicant submits their copies.

If an error has crept in

It is also possible that the data about the citizen was entered incorrectly in the new passport - they wrote down the wrong letter in the name or surname. This should be immediately reported to the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where the applicant received the document. You should first make sure that this is really a mistake, and not a new transcription standard.

If the error occurred through the fault of officials, the citizen will be issued a corrected passport within a couple of hours. The applicant will only have to provide another passport photo. There is no need to re-pay the state fee and write an application.

However, the efficiency of correcting such shortcomings applies only to old-style documents. The necessary amendments to the new generation of identity cards make a little longer. Therefore, it is advisable to carefully check the relevance of the transliteration rules at the time of ordering a new passport for foreign tours.

According to the Russian authorities, the changes in the transliteration rules for the international passport will benefit the owners of this document. It is under the new rules that the names and surnames of Russians are now entered into the passport and documents issued on its basis. The latter, in particular, include tour bookings, visas, foreign residence permits, foreign bank accounts, various certificates, etc.

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