The Ural dumplings team was split by money. Ural dumplings break up Dmitry Sokolov left the Ural dumplings

The creative producer of the show called "Merry Evening" was a member of the "Ural dumplings" team "Vyacheslav Myasnikov. Together with him, his colleagues Andrei Rozhkov and Yulia Mikhalkova participate in the program. They say that the program will not be broadcast on STS.


Yulia Mikhalkova said that changes are coming in the Pelmeni team. "I still remain a participant in the show, continue to tour with the team, and prepare for autumn filming. The Cheerful Evening program is a separate project, in which I received an invitation to participate from another TV channel and my colleagues Slava Myasnikov and Andrey Rozhkov," shared spectacular actress.

Mikhalkova is sure that participation in the new project promises creative growth and expansion of the television audience. "In the new show, I am not only in the usual role of a comedian, but also the host of the program. In light of the latest news, we understand that the new television season will surprise viewers with the transition of different hosts from channel to channel. So I am in the trend of television transfers this fall ", Julia noted.

The girl admitted that at some point they started fighting for her. "Each of us is an independent creative unit and can work on several projects at once. We will not exist exclusively together until the end of our days," the artist quotes

A few days ago, many Russians were alarmed by reports that the famous Ural Pelmeni KVN team was breaking up. This is due to numerous conflicts within the team. However, it is still difficult to definitively discuss this.

Fans immediately began to discuss this news. Everyone began to come to the conclusion that there is no smoke without fire, and there are several reasons for talking about the collapse of the team. It's no secret that the "dumplings" are having a showdown in court with ex-director Sergeev Netievsky. This affects the atmosphere in the team and at their concerts.

The process has been going on for more than one month and is accompanied by unpleasant statements. It's about who owns the team's brand and who owns the rights to the team's video. This, as you know, is always complex lawsuits. Especially when former friends and members of the same team are suing, which has existed for a long time and has a long history.

But not everything is so unambiguous, and so far only one member of the team has commented on these rumors. Yulia Mikhalkova wrote a post on Instagram on this topic. She wrote that in the morning, sitting at coffee, she saw a newspaper where it was written about the breakup of the team. But according to her, this is not true. They are still together and continue to move forward and soon a new concert in Moscow.

Rumors about the breakup were also supported by the fact that there were no several members on the team's poster in the Krasnodar Territory, which also worried the team. But there was also an explanation for this. It turns out that the team members who did not go to Krasnodar could not go because of their employment in other projects.

Mikhalkova also clarified here and stated that the team would continue to write jokes and delight the audience. Fans reacted with joy to this post. And rumors about the breakup appear more because of the courts. "Dumplings" still can not figure out whose brand it is. But still the team continues to become more popular. Yes, the team has a busy tour schedule.

In 2011, LLC "Creative Association "Ural Pelmeni" was established. The founders of the legal entity are ten participants of the show - Dmitry Brekotkin, Sergey Ershov, Sergey Isaev, Sergey Kalugin, Vyacheslav Myasnikov, Sergey Netievsky, Alexander Popov, Andrey Rozhkov, Dmitry Sokolov and Maxim Yaritsa. Each owns 10% of the company's share.

At the moment, the post of director of the team is disputed. Until October 2015, this position was held by Sergey Netievsky, after which Sergey Isaev was appointed director by decision of the staff meeting. On June 29, 2016, this decision was declared invalid by the court, however, the participants of the show do not agree with the court ruling.

Since December 2016, Andrey Rozhkov has taken over as director, and since February 2018, Natalia Tkacheva has taken over. However, the post of director of the team is still contested by Netievsky.

The ex-director of the Ural dumplings demands that former colleagues Orlov and Isaev be prosecuted.

Representatives of Idea Fix Media LLC (director Sergei Natievsky, producer of the Ural Pelmeni show) wrote a statement to the metropolitan police with the aim of bringing to criminal responsibility the director of Ural Pelmeni Production LLC Evgeny Orlov and the director of Ural Pelmeni Creative Association LLC Sergey Isaev . writes about it.

As lawyer Igor Katin explained to the publication, Netievsky demands to initiate a criminal case against Orlov and Isaev under part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Fraud on an especially large scale” due to failure to comply with the 2015 agreement on the creation of a synopsis and script for the film iiichtluv with the working title "Seven weeks around Olesya ..." for 1 million 180 thousand rubles.

Sergei Isaev refused to comment on this topic in any way, saying that he did not know anything about this. At the moment, there is a trial and clarification of the circumstances of this case.

The actress spoke about the rumors that appeared in the media that she left the team.

The popular actress Yulia Mikhalkova, known for her participation in the comedy show "Ural dumplings", published an entry on Instagram in which she stated that she did not leave the group.

“I have just read the morning papers over a cup of coffee. I was surprised to learn that, it turns out, "Ural Pelmeni" ogooooo - rrr ran away! I declare responsibly: We are together and, having closed ranks, we are confidently moving into a bright, humorous future. A new step tomorrow evening - a concert in Moscow! Your Julia,” she wrote.

Sokolov left his wife because of his career, and Mikhalkova seduced an honest deputy

For two television seasons in a row, the readers of Express Newspaper called the show Ural Pelmeni the most popular humorous program. Last year, this team of cheerful and resourceful first got into the Forbes ranking of the richest Russian celebrities - the guys were in 15th place with an annual income of $ 2.8 million, displacing superstars URGANT, GALUSTYAN and SVETLAKOV. And in this - they celebrated the anniversary: ​​for 20 years of creative life, "dumplings" have become native to half of the vast country. True, if the project participants talk about life outside the television, it is only in their characteristic humorous manner. We tried to find out what is a joke in their stories and what is true.

Sokolov left his wife because of his career

The most mature and colorful "dumpling" - Dmitry Sokolov was born in the small town of Pervouralsk, not far from Yekaterinburg. He grew up as a mischievous - educators and teachers often called their parents to the carpet. But in amorous affairs, the guy always shied away.

In kindergarten, he liked the princess with curls and pink bows. But she preferred another boy. Sokolov fought with an opponent, but could not fight off the sweetheart. Dima had unrequited love in the ninth grade. To buy the girl a huge bouquet of her favorite roses, he went to work hard at the collective farm. Then he came to her house, but the door was opened by my mother. Dima was at a loss, asked to hand over the flowers, and he himself - tear. Nothing worked out with that young lady: she jumped out to marry a friend of Sokolov.

And only at the institute, another love that covered Dmitry with his head turned out to be mutual. At that time, student construction teams were popular: the guys went to collective farms and state farms, helped the locals as much as they could, and organized concerts in the evenings. There he met his future wife. The joker and the ringleader, nicknamed the Falcon, quickly attracted the attention of Natalya. The candy-bouquet period did not last long - they soon got married, their son Sasha was born, and ten years later, their daughter Anya. But the fanatical hobby of the husband of KVN began to annoy Natalya: it did not bring a constant income, while it took a lot of time.

Natasha is a wonderful woman, sighs Sokolov's mother, Irina Aleksandrovna. - When Dima became interested in "dumplings", all the worries about the house and children fell on her shoulders. It was very difficult for Natasha, and she put him before a choice. She wanted her husband to be always there, and Dima - in constant travel. And they parted. Divorce was hard for Natalya, but, having swallowed the insult, she did not interfere with Dima from meeting with the children. Now they are friends. Natasha has not adjusted her personal life - it seems to me that she is still worried.

But Sokol did not stay in bachelors. In 2006, at a meeting of KVN student teams in Yekaterinburg, he met a young member of the Irina Mikhailovna team. Xenia Lee(she turned out to be 23 years younger) performed on stage, and Dmitry sat on the jury as a Kaveen guru. And it started spinning ... Their relationship moved into a serious phase after they spent the New Year holidays together in Sochi. - Sokol bought Ksenia a fur coat, a car, a house! - says their mutual friend Vladimir Kovalev. - But the main thing is that he, like no one else, supported Ksyusha in the most difficult period for her: from childhood she suffered from a progressive deformity of her legs. It got to the point that the girl could not walk normally, moved on crutches. I had to have an operation. Ksenia was worried - she could not make up her mind, and the rehabilitation needed a lot of money. But Dima managed to persuade her. He was there all the time, massaging her legs at night to relieve pain. Agree, not everyone is capable of this! The wedding of Dima and Ksyusha was played on September 8, 2011, as befits the KVN, noisy and fun. And in October 2012, the young wife gave Sokolov a daughter, Masha.

For the sake of the children, Rozhkov and his wife compromised

The 43-year-old performer of almost all female roles in the show "dumplings" Andrey Rozhkov personal life was also not smooth. In his youth, he could not find a mate for a long time. Once Rozhkov worked as a driver in a "heel" - he delivered cement to construction sites and was known as an inveterate bachelor. But 18 years ago he came to Moscow, and his friends brought him together with a pretty brunette Elechka. The guys rubbed each other for six years. Then Andrey decided to make an offer. Two sons were born - Semyon and Peter. Elvira dragged the household, took care of the children. There were no problems with the eldest son, but the youngest grew up as a fool. At some point, Elya could not stand it.

She was exhausted by the endless hustle and bustle. I wanted attention, to grow creatively, and Andrey put her in four walls, - a family friend complained to us Inga Chernykh. - Elvira gave Rozhkov an ultimatum: either she goes to work, or - a divorce! Andrei loves children very much, so he agreed to all the conditions of his wife. Now she is engaged in the manufacture of stained-glass windows. There is no end to customers - fashionable decor is now in price.

Mikhalkova seduced an honest deputy

About the only "dumpling" - a sexy beauty Yulia Mikhalkova- there were the most incredible rumors. The newspapers wrote that she was from Yekaterinburg, married to a bandit, and started her career as a stripper...

In fact, Julia was born in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, a suburb of the Ural capital, and after school she was going to become an actress. But, frightened of the competition in the theater, she applied to the pedagogical institute. In her free time, the girl played in the local KVN team "NeParni", which she supervised Sergey Ershov- one of the participants in the "Ural dumplings" and one of the "Real Boys" (by the way, very little is known about Ershov's off-screen life: he is married by a second marriage, three children - an adult daughter from the first, two sons - from the current one). When "dumplings" a lady was required for the role, most often the name was lively and pretty Yulechka, and soon she became a permanent member of the team. Fans of the Ural Dumplings have been tormented by an important question for a year: why is she still free? After all, Yulia has already turned 30.

At one time, Mikhalkova was credited with an affair with Sergei Netievsky- member and producer of the team. Everyone noticed how gently at each performance Yulia touched Sergey's hand during the performance of the final song. However, it turned out that Netievsky had been married for a long time and was hopelessly (he and his wife Natalya had been together for almost 17 years) and had three children, while Mikhalkova's heart was occupied with something else.

In 2010, Yulia fell in love with a 39-year-old deputy of the Regional Duma of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region Igor Danilov. Now he heads the Housing and Utilities Committee of the Public Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region. They say he is one of the few deputies who is considered honest in the Urals. His “horse” is the fight against scammers. For a long time, the couple lived in the apartments of the five-star Ramada Hotel in Yekaterinburg, paying 300 thousand rubles for rent. per month. And last summer, Yulia and Igor moved into their own apartment. Shortly before this, Danilov made an offer to Mikhalkova: at a party in honor of her birthday, he presented a diamond ring. True, the lovers have not yet decided on the date of the wedding.

Myasnikov tamed fashion model

In the family of a 34 year old Vyacheslav Myasnikov- the most vociferous "Ural dumpling" - peace and order reign. Every time after performances, he rushes home to his wife Nadezhda and the twins Kostya and Max.

Myasnikov's wife is a former model and also comes from Yekaterinburg. A bright, stately blonde before marriage, she participated in fashion shows. But she conquered Vyacheslav not so much with her beauty as with her surprisingly meek disposition. “Nadya is three years younger than Slava and seems ready to fulfill his every whim,” the couple’s friends smile. - The star in the family is definitely Slava. He says so: “I will be alone in the TV and newspapers. I don't want competition!" Nadyukha does not argue with him - she has enough things to do with her children.

Bricklayer Brekotkin raises an Olympic champion

Funny Dmitry Brekotkin got to the "dumplings" thanks to Dmitry Sokolov and Sergey Ershov - they met in the construction team while studying at the university. True, Brekotkin failed to get a higher education - he was expelled for poor progress and absenteeism. But the guy mastered a lot of construction professions - a plasterer, a bricklayer, a finisher - and met his fate, the charming Katerina. The courtship was short-lived - in 1995 the guys got married. Two years later, a daughter, Nastya, appeared in the family, and six years later, Liza.

While Dima is on tour, his wife runs the household and raises children: the eldest daughter is part of the Yekaterinburg synchronized swimming team and is graduating from school this year, and the youngest sings in the children's choir.

Isaev found love in the homeland of watermelons

42 year old Sergey Isaev- not only a talented artist, but also a businessman, biker and even tried himself as a candidate for deputies. But the man's personal life did not go well for a long time.

His first wife was the Astrakhan cavalry officer Evgenia. They met during the tour of the Ural team in the homeland of watermelons. Zhenya immediately drew attention to a handsome and groovy guy and after the game took the first step. We had dinner and ... broke up for five months. As soon as Sergei managed to escape to Astrakhan once again, he immediately dialed Zhenya's number and ... made an offer. She agreed without hesitation. The wedding was played, of course, in Eburg. But family life was not as fabulous as they dreamed. They broke up a year later. After an unsuccessful marriage, Isaev told everyone that he would definitely not go to the registry office for the second time. He had many girls, but a serious relationship did not develop for a long time. Until I met the dark-eyed fashion model Irina. The girl resigned herself to the lifestyle of the famous "dumpling" and agreed to cohabit with him without a stamp in her passport. On October 12, 2013, Ira gave her beloved son Elisha.

The other day there were rumors that the "Ural Pelmeni" broke up. Actress Yulia Mikhalkova commented on this information.

The Ural Pelmeni KVN team is going through hard times. For many months the team has been suing the former director Sergei Netievsky, which affects their work.

The other day it became known that Vyacheslav Myasnikov, Yulia Mikhalkova and Andrei Rozhkov did not take part in the concerts held in the Krasnodar Territory. Their photos were absent from the event poster, which is why fans assumed that the team was breaking up.

Yulia Mikhalkova decided to get in touch with the fans and reassure them. According to the humorist, "Ural dumplings" will continue to work and delight the audience with their jokes.

« Hello friends! I have now read the morning papers over a cup of coffee. I was surprised to learn that, it turns out, the "Ural Pelmeni" fled! I declare responsibly: We are together and, having closed ranks, we are confidently moving into a bright, humorous future. New step tomorrow night - concert in Moscow", said Mikhalkov.

Later it turned out that the stars of the team warned the audience in advance that they would not be able to take part in the Krasnodar concerts due to being busy in other projects.

Julia's post delighted and inspired numerous fans of the famous team. According to fans, rumors about the dissolution of the Ural dumplings regularly arise against the backdrop of their long-standing conflict with Sergei Netievsky.

The fact is that the team is suing the former director for the right to own the releases of the television show and distribute them. The conflict has been going on for more than a month, and the parties still cannot agree on who should own the Ural Pelmeni brand.

Despite the constant litigation, the popularity of the team is only growing year by year. The team often performs in different parts of the country, and its members work on television and at private events.

Apparently, the "Ural dumplings" really do not think to break up. At the very least, the stars of the team often share photos together, and their tour schedule is scheduled months in advance.

Now the fans hope that the comedians will be able to settle the protracted conflict with Sergei Netievsky, because then the "Ural dumplings" will be able to please them even more often with their creativity.

"Guys didn't do anything"

Interview with the ex-director of the "Ural dumplings" Sergey Netievsky about the scandal in the team

Sergei Netievsky

Next week, the Moscow Arbitration Court will hold the first meeting on the claims of the company of the ex-director of Ural Pelmeni, Sergey Netievsky, against former colleagues in the amount of more than 100 million rubles. This time, the "dumplings" share the right to use the archives of recordings of their performances on STS.

Litigation between former friends has been going on for more than a year and a half. At first, the participants of the "dumplings" tried to dismiss Sergei Netievsky from the post of director of the team, accusing him of withdrawing funds and unwillingness to engage in general creativity. Then friends began to sue because of the combined trademark "Ural dumplings".

In an interview with the site, Sergey Netievsky told why a conflict arose in the team, who threatens him with criminal cases, and whether the reunification of the Ural dumplings is possible.

“Everyone knew the working conditions”

- In 2011, the company "Creative Association "Ural Pelmeni" LLC" was established, the shareholders of which were equally all 10 members of the team: actors and authors. Why did you personally create two more companies in 2012: Fest Hand Media LLC and Idea Fix Media?

- These are production companies created together with partners - the WBD-group company, whose representatives were directly involved in the production and promotion of the Ural dumplings show. The Idea Fix Media company was engaged in the supply of creative products to television. And Fest Hand Media is one of the shareholders of Idea Fix Media (according to SPARK, 50% of Idea Fix Media is owned by Fest Hand Media, another 50% is owned by WBD GROUP JSC ..

- Are you talking about the show that was sold to the STS channel? Which of the three companies entered into a cooperation agreement with STS?

- Yes, I'm talking about the television project of the Ural Pelmeni team, which was regularly aired on STS. Since 2009, all agreements with the channel have been concluded by WBD Group, and since 2012 by Idea Fix Media.

- If the artists and authors of Ural Dumplings were still involved in creating the content of the show, and the employees of Idea Fix Media were involved in filming, organizing, promoting and selling the finished show on STS, then who, in your opinion, in this case owns rights to archive these recordings with the right to further use?

— The first 27 concerts belong to WBD GROUP JSC. And since 2012, when Idea Fix Media began producing the show, all rights to the archives began to belong to it.

- The current director of Ural Pelmeni Production LLC Evgeny Orlov, in his interviews with the media, claims that you "received income from the sale of shows to TV channels, hiding it from the team for three years (from 2012 to 2015.". Allegedly, you told the team that they work for fees, and the guys believed this version, and at that time you appropriated the money for yourself.Explain the conditions under which cooperation with STS was carried out?How was the income of the artists and the production company formed?

- Yevgeny Orlov has a substitution of concepts in the matter of remuneration. As if everything that the production company and I, as a producer, earned, had to be shared with the team. Producing work is a huge work on the production of the show, different from the actors and authors. It doesn't just happen by itself! The guys did nothing as producers.

"Ural dumplings" again sued their ex-director Sergei Netievsky

The team performed the functions of actors and screenwriters, so the production company entered into contracts with them, as with actors and authors. And they got paid for every episode of our show. By the way, these agreements were concluded with him by Evgeny Orlov, who was then the general director of Idea Fix Media and worked by proxy. The guys knew about all the conditions of their work. How could I have misled them for so many years? They also knew about the production company and that I was working as a producer on the show. Of course, Idea Fix Media, as a production company, also received its income for work. This is the media business!

By the way, after we launched the show on STS, the actors began to receive a separate percentage from each showing of the show from Idea Fix Media. Previously, they did not have these conditions. This is my advantage as a producer - I achieved this for the team.

“Orlov withdrew money from the company in favor of third parties”

- Now the Moscow Arbitration Court is considering several lawsuits from your company Fest Hand Media against its subsidiary Idea Fix Media. You are trying to challenge in court the loan agreements that Yevgeny Orlov concluded when he was the CEO of Idea Fix Media. What was the reason for filing these claims? Have you begun to suspect a former colleague of something?

- The shareholders and founders of Idea Fix Media conducted an audit and found out that Orlov was withdrawing money from the company in favor of third parties with the help of loans. And he did not coordinate all these transactions with the founders. We believe that Orlov acted illegally. And the court will look into it. Actually, that's why Orlov was fired from the company, because he began to act non-transparently.

- What damage did Idea Fix Media receive from these unapproved loans, according to the audit?

— We have filed lawsuits with the Moscow Arbitration Court for a total amount of more than 100 million rubles. I'm afraid to make a mistake, it seems to be 107 million rubles. These are loans in favor of legal entities and individuals.

— But, if now Orlov is fired, then from whom in your own subsidiary do you want to claim damages?

- We are suing Idea Fix Media as one of the shareholders, and, as far as I know, the second shareholders of the company (VBT Group JSC join this lawsuit. They have already stated this in court. The lawsuit was not drawn up against Orlov personally , but according to the results of his activities in the "Idea Fix Media". Who will pay, let the court sort it out. Probably, these will be the companies to which he distributed loans.

“We repeatedly urged the team to negotiate”

- Also in the Moscow Arbitration Court there are claims from Fest Hand Media against Ural Pelmeni Production LLC. You demand to return to your company the right to dispose of the archival recordings of the performances of the "Ural dumplings" on STS. How did it happen that this right, which previously belonged to Idea Fix Media, passed to Ural Pelmeni Production?

- Evgeny Orlov, taking advantage of his position, withdrew the licensing rights for all concerts from Idea Fix Media in favor of the Ural Pelmeni Production company, where he later became the general director. He also did not coordinate this action with the shareholders of Idea Fix Media. You see, the actors, the scriptwriters, and the production company that produced the show have the rights to record these concerts. It is necessary to agree on the procedure for the use of these rights. And we repeatedly urged the team to these negotiations when disputes began between us. But Orlov decided to act in his own way.

- Sergey, none of your companies is in any way connected with the Ural dumplings. Why do you need the rights to record their concerts? You just don't want to miss out on the potential profit you can make from another sale of these archives on TV?

We want legitimacy! Audiovisual works must belong to those who produced them. How can people who did not do anything as producers for the show, can claim and, moreover, take the fruits of someone else's labor? It's not fair. And, yes, of course, it's a matter of business.

- It turns out that Yevgeny Orlov, in your words, performed all the illegal actions being your subordinate. In fact, all the machinations you are talking about, he carried out under your nose. How could you not notice this?

“I don’t go with him all the time! He acted by proxy. Evgeny Orlov was responsible for this. The founders look at the reports once a year. Yes, we gave the company some recommendations, engaged in its strategic development. And he ran the business.

Is there any personal conflict between you and Evgeny Orlov? He used to work for you, then, as you say, he committed these frauds, now he works for opponents.

- When Orlov worked as a manager at Idea Fix Media, he also received his income. At some point in time, Orlov began to claim bonuses (profit. From production income that did not depend on him. Shareholders deprived him of part of the bonuses, which he was terribly offended and told me: “I’ll arrange it for you.” I think that’s why he made such a revolution between us.

“It would be great to prescribe everything, as in a marriage contract”

- Let's go back to that period of the Ural dumplings, when you were still the director. Why did you only have a charter in your company, but didn’t conclude corporate contracts, written partnership agreements between actors-shareholders? After all, then none of the artists could be guided by their idea of ​​​​justice. Potential steps for each of you would have been agreed in advance.

- The "Ural dumplings" was then still minimal activity. We did not burden ourselves with additional documentation. But, probably, it would be great if we concluded them and prescribed everything, as in a good marriage contract. But when people begin joint activities, they do not always think about how they will need to part.

- But, by the way, that is why in 2016 there was a conflict with your dismissal from the Ural dumplings. The artists could not fire you legally, because for this, according to the charter, your consent was also needed. And if you were going to leave the team anyway, why did you prove the illegality of your dismissal through the court? Is it a matter of principle?

- I was fired illegally, without even notifying about the meeting. I had to return to the post of director of Ural Pelmeni in order to accept the combined trademark Ural Pelmeni from the Fest Hand Media company. The situation is as follows: the text of the trademark (the name of the team was invented by the team, its graphic image is the Fest Hand Media design team. As a producer, it was just convenient for me that these trademarks were united in a production company, that is, Fest Hand Media ". When there was a discord in the team, Fest Hand Media decided to give the guys a trademark so that they could use it. But the guys themselves just didn’t want to take it. That is, they used it, but they wanted to get it only through the court. Therefore I had to prove that I had been fired illegally, return to the position of director at Creative Association ‚Uralskie Pelmeni' and take over the trademark.After that, I left.

The official group of "Ural dumplings" in the social network "VKontakte"

That is, instead of solving everything peacefully, the guys sued me, as if I had once illegally appropriated a text trademark. But that's not the case. When I was a producer, I combined a text trademark with a graphic one for the collective. And, when our relationship ended, I did not prevent the guys from using it further. I gave away the trademark for only 2 rubles. And they still try to take away the trademark, which they already own, through the court! The decision has entered into force and there is no subject of dispute. They have a sign. All the courts are only for the sake of media hype, for the sake of pressure on me to withdraw my claims from the arbitration court. It is obvious.

- You know, from the outside, this story looks absurd, really.

“But it is. Word by word.

- Over the past week, a lot of materials have appeared in the media that you left your wife with three children, accumulated a debt of about 1.5 million rubles in alimony. This is true?

- These are dirty fake articles, not supported by facts. Yes, my wife and I separated a long time ago, and all property issues have been resolved with us. But as soon as we (the Fest Hand Media company.) filed two big lawsuits for the illegal actions of Yevgeny Orlov, these dirty articles from the waist down immediately appear in the media. What do you think, why is this being done? Moreover, Orlov’s representatives , they threaten me with criminal cases.Obviously this is pressure to refuse the courts!

- One way or another, but the story of your relationship with the "Ural dumplings" is over. What is Fest Hand Media doing now?

- Life at the "Ural dumplings" has not ended. We are doing other projects.

Sergei Netievsky handed over a disputed trademark to Ural dumplings for two rubles

- Which for example? Are you currently producing any show that is comparable in income to Ural Pelmeni?

It's still a trade secret. I would not like to speak. There are projects that we are working on.

- A trade secret is a specific figure. It's not about that.

- So far, Fest Hand Media does not have such a big project as Ural Pelmeni, but there are others that we are developing. After all, the show "Ural dumplings" became successful and profitable only three years later.

- Do you think your reunion with former colleagues and friends is still possible?

- We talked for a year and a half, talked. As you can see, nothing has happened yet. I doubt very much that a reunion is possible when "weapons sellers" are next to the guys. I am ready to negotiate in order to leave disputes in the past and for everyone to move forward in their own direction. This is the most correct way out. No need to cling to the past.

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