Children's fairy tales and their authors list. Famous storytellers

An old man lived with his old woman
By the very blue sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years.
The old man was fishing with a net,
The old woman was spinning her yarn.
Once he threw a net into the sea -
The net came with one slime.
He threw a seine another time -
A seine came with sea grass.
For the third time he threw a net -
A seine came with one fish,
With not a simple fish - gold.
How the goldfish will beg!
He says in a human voice:
"Let me go, old man, into the sea!
Dear for myself, I will give a ransom:
I'll buy whatever you want."

Tales of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak - Twelve months

Do you know how many months in a year?


And what are their names?

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.

As soon as one month ends, another immediately begins. And it has never happened before that February came before January left, and May would overtake April.

Months go one after another and never meet.

But people say that in the mountainous country of Bohemia there was a girl who saw all twelve months at once.

How did it happen? That's how.

In one small village there lived an evil and stingy woman with her daughter and stepdaughter. She loved her daughter, but her stepdaughter could not please her in any way. Whatever the stepdaughter does - everything is wrong, no matter how she turns - everything is in the wrong direction.

Tale of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky - Aibolit

kind doctor Aibolit!
He sits under a tree.
Come to him for treatment.
Both the cow and the wolf
And a bug, and a worm,
And a bear!
Heal everyone, heal
Good Doctor Aibolit!

And the fox came to Aibolit:
"Oh, I got bitten by a wasp!"
And the watchdog came to Aibolit:
"A chicken pecked on my nose!"
And the hare came running
And she screamed: "Ay, ay!
My bunny got hit by a tram!
My bunny, my boy
Got hit by a tram!
He ran down the path
And his legs were cut
And now he's sick and lame
My little hare!"
And Aibolit said:
"Don't worry! Give it here!

Literary author's fairy tale- probably one of the most popular genres of our time. Interest in such works is inexhaustible both among children and among their parents, and Russian writers of fairy tales have made a worthy contribution to the common creative work. It should be remembered that a literary fairy tale is different from folklore on several parameters. First of all, the fact that it has a specific author. There are also differences in the way the material is conveyed and in the clear use of plots and images, allowing one to say that this genre has the right to complete independence.

Poetic Tales of Pushkin

If you make a list of fairy tales by Russian writers, then it will take more than one sheet of paper. Moreover, creations were written not only in prose, but also in verse. Here a prime example can serve A. Pushkin, initially not planning to compose children's works. But after a while, the poetic creations “About Tsar Saltan”, “About the priest and his worker Balda”, “About dead princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”, “About the Golden Cockerel” added to the list of fairy tales of Russian writers. A simple and figurative form of presentation, memorable images, vivid plots - all this is characteristic of the work of the great poet. And these works are still included in the treasury

List continued

Some other, no less famous, can be attributed to the literary tales of the period under consideration. Russian writers of fairy tales: Zhukovsky ("War of mice and frogs"), Ershov ("Humpbacked Horse"), Aksakov (" The Scarlet Flower") - made their worthy contribution to the development of the genre. And the great collector of folklore and interpreter of the Russian language Dal also wrote a certain amount fairy tales. Among them: "Crow", "Girl Snow Maiden", "About the Woodpecker" and others. You can also recall other fairy tales of famous Russian writers: “The Wind and the Sun”, “The Blind Horse”, “The Fox and the Goat” by Ushinsky, “The Black Hen, or Underground inhabitants" Pogorelsky, "The Traveling Frog", "The Tale of the Toad and the Rose" by Garshin, " wild landlord», « wise gudgeon» Saltykov-Shchedrin. Of course, this is not a complete list.

Russian writers of fairy tales

Leo Tolstoy, and Paustovsky, and Mamin-Sibiryak, and Gorky, and many others wrote literary fairy tales. Among the most outstanding works, one can note the “Golden Key” by Alexei Tolstoy. The work was planned as a free retelling of "Pinocchio" by Carlo Collodi. But here is the case when the alteration surpassed the original - this is how many Russian-speaking critics evaluate the writer's work. The wooden boy Pinocchio, familiar to everyone from childhood, won the hearts of young readers and their parents for a long time with his spontaneity and brave heart. We all remember Pinocchio's friends: Malvina, Artemon, Pierrot. And his enemies: the evil Karabas and the nasty Duremar, and the fox Alice. Vivid images The characters are so peculiar and original, recognizable, that once you read Tolstoy's work, you remember them for the rest of your life.

Revolutionary tales

These include with confidence the creation of Yuri Olesha "Three Fat Men". In this tale, the author reveals the theme of the class struggle against the background of such eternal values ​​as friendship, mutual assistance; the characters of the heroes are distinguished by courage and revolutionary impulse. And the work of Arkady Gaidar "Malchish-Kibalchish" tells of a difficult period for the formation Soviet state - civil war. The boy is a bright, memorable symbol of that era of struggle for revolutionary ideals. It is no coincidence that these images were later used by other authors, for example, in the work of Joseph Kurlat, who in the fairy tale-poem "The Song of the Malchish-Kibalchish" revived the bright image of the hero.

These authors include those who gave literature such fairy tales-plays as "The Naked King", "Shadow" - based on the works of Andersen. And his original creations "Dragon" and "Ordinary Miracle" (at first banned from productions) forever entered the treasury of Soviet literature.

The poetic works of the genre include the fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky: “Fly-Tsokotukha”, “Moydodyr”, “Barmaley”, “Aibolit”, “Cockroach”. To this day they are the most widely read fairy tales in Russia for children of all ages. Instructive and daring, brave and monstrous images and characters of the heroes are recognizable from the first lines. And the poems of Marshak, and the delightful work of Kharms? And Zakhoder, Moritz and Kurlat? It is impossible to list them all in this rather short article.

Modern evolution of the genre

We can say that the genre literary fairy tale evolved from folklore, in a sense exploiting its plots and images of characters. So at present, many Russian writers of fairy tales are evolving into science fiction writers, giving birth to good works in fashion style fantasy. These authors, probably, include Yemets, Gromyko, Lukyanenko, Fry, Oldie and many others. This is a worthy replacement for previous generations of authors of literary fairy tales.

Hans Christian Andersen

Danish prose writer and poet, author worldwide famous fairy tales for children and adults: Ugly duck”,“ The King’s New Dress ”,“ Persistent tin soldier”,“ The Princess and the Pea ”,“ Ole Lukoye ”,“ The Snow Queen"and many others. Despite the fact that Hans Christian Andersen is one of the best storytellers, he had a very bad character. In Denmark, there is a legend about the royal origin of Andersen.

In Denmark, there is a legend about the royal origin of Andersen

This is due to the fact that in an early autobiography the author himself wrote about how, as a child, he played with Prince Frits, later King Frederick VII, and he had no friends among street boys. Only the prince. Andersen's friendship with Frits, according to the storyteller's fantasy, continued into adulthood, until the latter's death, and, according to the writer himself, he was the only one, with the exception of relatives, who was admitted to the coffin of the deceased.

Charles Perrault

Few people know that Perrault was an academician of the French Academy, the author of famous scientific papers. But worldwide fame and recognition of his descendants were brought to him not by serious books, but by beautiful fairy tales Cinderella, Puss in Boots, Bluebeard, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty.

Perrault was an academician of the French Academy, the author of scientific papers

Perrault published his fairy tales not under own name, but under the name of his 19-year-old son Perro d'Armancourt, apparently trying to protect his already established literary reputation from accusations of working with the "low" fairy tale genre.

Brothers Grimm

The Brothers Grimm: Jacob and Wilhelm, German Researchers folk culture and storytellers. They are were born in Hanau. For a long time they lived in the city of Kassel. Andstudied the grammar of the Germanic languages, the history of law and mythology. The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm are known all over the world. They collected folklore and published several collections called Grimm's Tales, which became quite popular. At the end of their lives, they set about creating the first dictionary of the German language.

Pavel Petrovich Bazhov

In 1939, a collection of Bazhov's tales "Malachite Box" was published.

He was born in the city of Sysert, Yekaterinburg district, Perm province. He graduated from the Ekaterinburg Theological School, and later the Perm Theological Seminary. He worked as a teacher, political worker, journalist and editor of the Ural newspapers. In 1939, a collection of Bazhov's tales "The Malachite Box" was published.In 1944, The Malachite Box was translated into English and published in London and New York, then in Prague, and in 1947 in Paris. Translated into German, Hungarian, Romanian, Chinese, Japanese languages. In total, according to the library. Lenin - into 100 languages ​​of the world.

Astrid Lindgren

Lindgren's fairy tales are close to folk art, in them the connection of fantasy with the truth of life is palpable.Author of a number of worldwide famous books for children, includingKid and Carlson, who lives on the roof» and tetralogy about« Peppy long stocking » . In Russian, her books became known and very popular thanks to the translation.Lilianna Lungina.

Lindgren dedicated almost all of her books to children. “I haven’t written books for adults and I don’t think I ever will,” Astrid said emphatically. She, along with the heroes of the books, taught the children that "If you live out of habit, your whole life will be a day!".

The writer herself always called her childhood happy (it had a lot of games and adventures, interspersed with work on the farm and in its environs) and pointed out that it was it that served as a source of inspiration for her work.

Rudyard Kipling

Famous writer, poet and reformer. Heborn in Bombay (India), at the age of 6 he was brought to England, those years he later called "years of suffering". When the writer was 42 years old, he was awarded Nobel Prize- and to this day he remains the youngest writer-winner in his nomination.

Kipling's most famous children's book is The Jungle Book.

Kipling's most famous children's book is, of course, The Jungle Book, the main character of which was the boy Mowgli, it is also very interesting to read other fairy tales: the leopard got his spots”, they all tell about distant lands and are very interesting.

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