The Daily Mail said that Kurt Cobain is alive. Kurt Cobain's suicide note: Who did the musician blame?

On Friday, April 8, 1994 at 8:45 am local time, the Seattle Police Department registered phone call. The caller identified himself as Gary Smith and stated that he found the bloodied corpse of a man in house number 171, owned by the couple of musicians Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love. Arriving at the scene 11 minutes later, a squad of law enforcement officers actually found the subject-applicant and the body of the deceased, dressed in jeans, a hoodie and sneakers. You don't have to be an expert in forensic medicine to imagine the picture that opened up to the eyes of the police: a man shot himself in the mouth with a large-caliber Remington rifle of the 11th model ... no action was found.

From the protocol of interrogation Gary Smith revealed the following. Smith is a full-time electrician who maintains burglar alarms for houses located on Rake Washington Boulevard, including the Cobain mansion. The electrician's job was to inspect the alarm system daily. At 8:30 in the morning, Gary Smith, checking the alarm sensors, climbed the stairs to the second floor and in the room above the garage saw a human corpse through the window. Within 15 minutes, Mr. Smith called the police, the nearest hospital, and the local radio station. At 11 o'clock, radio station KISW broadcast a message that the body of a man who had committed suicide with a gunshot to the head was found in Cobain's house. However, it is not yet known that the suicide is Kurt Cobain. The MTV report specified that the last person to see the musician was John Silva, the manager of NIRVANA. At 12 noon, Seattle's Channel 9 alerted viewers that NIRVANA's planned Lollapallooza tour was in doubt. After 45 minutes, the corpse was identified by fingerprints. To the dismay of millions of fans, experts stated that it was the leader of NIRVANA who was killed. The suicide occurred long before the discovery of the corpse. To end his life, Kurt put the rifle between his legs and shot himself in the mouth.

At one o'clock in the afternoon, radio stations in the northwestern United States filled the air with NIRVANA songs. Fans began to flock to Cobain's house. A couple of hours later, traffic on Lake Washington Boulevard was paralyzed by at least five thousand fans who came to say goodbye to their idol. By nightfall the crowd had not dispersed, and thousands of candles were lit in the darkness. The vigil to the soundtrack of NIRVANA songs continued until morning. At 2:00 pm, American news agencies broadcast the details of the event throughout the country and to Europe. The first interview was given by Chris Novoselic. He ended this interview with the words: "At this time, one should not think badly of Kurt. Let his soul be free. The statement that it was drugs that caused Cobain's death is incorrect. Heroin was only a small part of his life. Kurt was eliminated by the "mystical forces of rock." Rock stars of this order are doomed. Their lethal outcome is a foregone conclusion." MTV news also noted that Cobain's death automatically puts an end to the band's career.
“I was amazed when the suicide happened,” producer Steve Albini said in an interview, “but I was not surprised that Kurt was capable of this. I think everyone who considers his existence thinks about suicide. because you have to deal with your problems strictly and disciplined.But some people decide to change the situation, and one of the ways to change it is to leave.Maybe many people who would have a life as difficult as Kurt's would not end it Well, I think it's a display of resilience, but that doesn't mean Kurt's act was unjustified."
What events preceded tragic denouement? During a tour of Europe, in Rome, Kurt Cobain ended up in a clinic where he was taken out of a drug-alcohol coma for 36 hours. This time he was saved by doctors who restored the vital functions of the body, but were unable to return him peace of mind. The conclusion was unambiguous - a suicide attempt with the painkiller Roinpol, which Kurt washed down with a certain amount of champagne. In the room where the musician tried to solve all the problems in one fell swoop, a suicide note was even found, which was not advertised in the interests of the cause. Two recent concert NIRVANA, of course, were canceled and the group returned to their homeland.

For two weeks after returning, Kurt kept himself in control. True, he told Love that he no longer wants to work with NIRVANA and it would be much more interesting for him to perform with Michael Stipe (R.E.M. vocalist). It was then that he began to "arm", although the house already had a "Tauras" revolver and a "Beretta" submachine gun. He "fell off" abruptly. NIRVANA didn't actually exist anymore. Kurt was physically unable to rehearse, let alone perform on stage. In the end, he sent Novoselic away, which immediately became known to the cunning journalists of the Los Angeles Times. US tour organizer "Lollapalooza" (summer 1994) Perry Farrell stated that the famous trio, announced with SMASHING PUMPKINS as headliners, "probably will not be ready to work their bill." Kurt's mother Wendy O Connor, who saw her son six days before the tragedy, tried to reason with her child, suggesting that further music lessons "would not lead to good." “I was sure that everything would turn out like this,” she told reporters, “but I wasn’t able to fix something. He told me that people want him dead, that such an outcome is quite logical. Just fate, nothing else, as "the continuation of the history of rock and roll."

Courtney Love in this troubled period repeatedly saw her husband with a rifle in his hands. “He once told me that he would shoot himself if they didn’t leave him alone. When I started to persuade him to quit heroin, he told me that he couldn’t fight pain without drugs. I understood that it was “withdrawal” and the only thing I could do was send Kurt to rehab in LA."

On March 18, 1994, Courtney and Novoselic gathered Cobain's closest relatives and friends in the person of Pat Smear and Dylan Carlson, also inviting Denny Goldberg, now head of Atlantik Records. A total of ten people came. Almost every one of them tried to reason with Kurt, set him on the right path, "that is, take care of himself and quit drugs. But Cobain sat with a blank expression on his face, silent and thoughtful. He looked at the faces of those present with a feeling of deep indifference, then he contemplated his own legs He soon got up and, after telling Smear that they needed to work in the studio, left the room.
Courtney left Seattle on March 25 and moved to Los Angeles, settling into the Peninsula Hotel in Beverly Hills and leaving her two-year-old daughter, Frances Bean, in the care of nanny Jackie Franny. The reason for leaving was not the disagreements that arose with her husband. Just a group of Courtney was going to release their album in Los Angeles. Periodically, she called Kurt and persuaded him to go to the Exodus Recovery Center hospital in the city of Marino Del to undergo a rehabilitation course. On March 28, Cobain finally succumbed to persuasion and promised to go and see what this hospital is like.

Kurt was in the hospital for only two days, constantly keeping in touch with his wife. His last call was the strangest. "Whatever happens, I want you to know that you've made a great album," he said. Courtney asked what he meant, what happened? But Kurt only replied, "Just remember, no matter what happens, I love you." It was theirs last time dialect Alarmed, Love called all her friends, but no one knew where her husband was. On April 3, she, with the knowledge of the Geffen firm, hired private detectives to search for Cobain. Everyone assumed Kurt was back in Seattle. In fact, he was there as early as March 30 and, meeting with Dylan Carlson, asked him to buy a gun for him, ostensibly for self-defense. Cobain asked Dylan to register the weapon in his name, as he feared that he would get into trouble with the police, who had previously confiscated his arsenal. This raises another question - why should Kurt worry about the police if he decided to commit suicide? It turns out that either someone really threatened his life, or another psychosis broke out in him.

“Of course, if I knew or at least guessed what Kurt had in mind,” Carlson later said in an interview, “then I would never buy a rifle for him. But his mood then was optimistic, he was determined to overcome all your problems." After buying a 20-gauge "61b Remington Model 11" shotgun, the buddies parted ways. They were not destined to meet again. That same day, Kurt bought another pack of ammo from another gun shop. What for? Cobain spent the night in his country house in Carnation, 40 miles from Seattle. Courtney later claimed that, judging by the someone else's sleeping bag and cigarettes in the ashtray, someone else was with him. From the first to the eighth of April, none of his relatives and close friends, according to them, knew anything about the whereabouts of the leader of NIRVANA.

According to the official version, which was based on forensic evidence, Kurt Cobain showed up at his home on Lake Washington on April 5, drugged with heroin and sleeping pills. Only a third of the dose of these drugs contained in his blood could lead to ordinary person to lethal outcome. There was deathly silence in the huge empty house. The house had never looked so sinister. So Kurt turned on the TV, and then headed to the second floor of the garage annex, next to the house where his daughter's nanny used to live. Choosing a pen with red ink, he wrote his last message to his wife, daughter, colleagues and admirers, sealed the letter in an envelope, then took a gun and shot himself in the head. Thus, his corpse lay for almost three days, until the electrician Gary Smith raised the alarm on April 8.

In these three days, many people were looking for Cobain. Private detectives, buddies courtney Love brought in, and cops contacted by Kurt's mother, Wendy O'Connor, when she found out her son had bought a gun. The police visited the house on Lake Washington several times, looking for Cobain in the haunts, but to no avail. He sank into the water. There were rumors that on April 5 Kurt was contacted by a company representative, who did not identify himself, who urged him to contact local center rehabilitation. But allegedly the musician refused to do so. According to other sources, Cobain was seen in the company of drug dealers. However, these rumors were not confirmed.

The facts are like this. On the evening of April 7, Courtney Love called the hotel administrator and asked for medical assistance due to a severe allergic reaction to a seemingly ordinary medicine. Ambulance took her to the clinic, but as a result, the police became interested in the patient. After discovering a narcotic drug, a syringe, and a prescription book that was found to be someone else's property, Courtney was arrested by Beverly Hills police but released on $10,000 bail. Later, Love stated that this drug was prescribed to her by her attending physician, who forgot his book in her hotel room. It is possible that Courtney did not have a simple nervous breakdown, but she somehow found out (if only telepathically) about the death of her husband.
Returning to Seattle, Love made a statement to MTV reporters: “Two weeks before the suicide, Kurt was firmly “addicted” to drugs. It was impossible to communicate with him. He did not want to see anyone and was in a state of deep depression. I suspected that Kurt would do to himself THIS, but it seemed to me that his life would end when he was at least forty years old. During the interview, Kourtney wore her late husband's jeans and socks, and carried a tuft of unwashed hair cut from Cobain's head as a talisman in her pocket. Later, during the vigil, reading fragments from Cobain's dying message in a fallen voice, she gave vent to her feelings and shouted: "You bastard, you bastard!"

While fans mourned the death of the "star", comforting themselves with listening to the MTV Unplugget In Ney York album, Cobain's "case" took a completely unexpected turn in Seattle. The preliminary stage of the investigation into the circumstances of the death of the singer and composer was completed and made public in the music press. These results were shocking: it is possible that Kurt Cobain did not shoot himself, but was shot. This conclusion was reached by private detective Tom Grant, who was hired by Courtney Love on April 3, that is, five days before Cobain's death. What prompted Love to take such a step? Fear for your life? But in an interview, Courtney repeatedly stressed that Kurt "had kind heart and he knew how to love so much. "Fear for the life of his daughter? Excluded. The same Courtney said that according to her husband, he was going to live up to 120 years, and that the only force holding him in this world is precisely his child. Fear for the life of himself Kurt? Most likely. But what does a private investigation have to do with it? Not "outside" people, but at least doctors, but better relatives should watch the dying person. And one more thing. If Tom Grant has been following Kurt relentlessly since -Angelesskogo rehab, why did he allow the tragedy?

Grant dealt with the circumstances of the death of a celebrity for a total of eight months. “I immediately knew it was a murder,” the detective told the Star newspaper, “Kurt was in a drug trance. In this state, a person is not aware of his actions and does not understand what is happening. I am sure that someone staged a staged suicide and pressed Kurt's finger on the trigger of the rifle. Death note, found at the scene, was half fake. I spent a long time studying this sheet of paper, written by Kurt with a red ink pen, and found that the last two lines, in which he actually said goodbye to life, were written by another person. This was confirmed by the examination. Kurt valued death more than life. It wasn't a secret. And someone skillfully took advantage of the knowledge of this secret.

For the sake of completeness, here is Cobain's last message to Bodda, the musician's "alter ego", in its entirety:

I speak the language of an experienced simple person who would clearly prefer to be a lethargic, infantile complainer. This note will be fairly easy to understand. All warnings short course punk rock over the years, since I got to know, so to speak, the ethics of independence and acceptance of your community, turned out to be really fair. For many years I have not experienced the excitement of listening, as well as creating music, both in concert and in the process of composing. I can't put into words how ashamed I am of all this. For example, when we're backstage and the lights come on and this crazy roar of the crowd starts, it doesn't move me the way it did with Freddie Mercury, who seems to enjoy enjoying the love and adoration of the crowd, which I'm very surprised and jealous of. The thing is, I can't deceive all of you, none of you. It just wouldn't be fair to you or me. The worst crime I can imagine is to deceive people with such pretense and pretend that I am 100% happy. Sometimes I feel like I wish I could stop the clock when I go on stage. I tried to do everything in my power to understand the meaning of this. And I understand God, believe me, I understand, but it's not enough. I understand that we touched someone's feelings, entertained someone, not even someone, but very many. I must be one of those narcissists who only appreciate something when it's gone. I'm too sensitive. I need to dampen my feelings a little in order to regain the enthusiasm that I had as a child. During our last three tours, I understood much better all the people I knew personally and the fans of our music, but I still can't get over the disappointment, guilt and pity that I feel for everyone. There's something good in all of us, and I think I just love people too much. So much so that it's what makes me so fucking sad. Sad, small, sensitive, ungrateful, Pisces (Kurt's zodiac sign - ed.). My God! Why doesn't it suit you? I dont know! I have a goddess wife who is full of ambition and compassion, and a daughter who is so much like the way I was. Loving and cheerful, welcoming every person she sees, because everything is good and does not harm her. And it terrifies me to the point where I can barely do anything. I can't bear the thought that Francis could become the same miserable, self-destructive rocker that I have become. I'm doing well, very well, and I'm grateful, but from the age of seven I began to hate all people. Only because it seems so easy for them to live and feel compassion. Compassion! Just because I love and feel sorry for people too much, I get something in return. I thank you all from the depths of my burning, nauseated stomach for your letters and support in last years. I'm too weird, sullen baby! I no longer have passion and therefore, remember - it is better to burn out instantly than to fade away slowly. Peace, love, compassion. Kurt Cobain.
Francis and Courtney, I'll be at your altar.
Please move on Courtney
in the name of Francis
For the sake of her life, which will be much happier without me.

Except for the last lines, everything else was actually written by Kurt. But it was a LETTER in which he announced that he was leaving show business, not life. He wrote a similar letter back in Rome, and, of course, those who needed the death of the singer already knew about it. Tom Grand also questioned all the conclusions of the police and the experimental group. In his opinion, the investigation into the circumstances of the case was not professional. Even potential witnesses were not interviewed. But the most amazing fact is that two days before the tragedy, at least two people already knew that Kurt Cobain WILL be killed. They knew, but were silent. Tom Grant met with them, but he still keeps the names of these people a secret. Again, they committed a crime without preventing the murder, but no one is going to hold them accountable under the law.

There is one more detail. The body was found in a room, the door to which was propped up with a stool from the inside. In the other two rooms, overlooking the balcony, the chairs were placed in the middle, and the rooms were not locked. Therefore, someone was clearly in Cobain's company, calmly preparing the scene of the murder. It is unlikely that Kurt, who was in a semi-conscious state, was engaged in arranging chairs and looking for a room where it would be more convenient to "carry out the sentence." It is also alarming that an unknown person tried several times to use Cobain's credit card, which Courtney Love canceled as soon as she learned that her husband had fled the clinic. According to Courtney, she did this in order to determine where to look for Kurt. They tried to use a credit card on the days when, according to the medical examination, Cobain was already dead. And in general, what could be more surprising than the fact that no one knew about the whereabouts of one of America's most famous rock musicians for almost a week? Or rather, someone knew for sure, but before today prefers to keep quiet. This whole story, in its mysticism, is not inferior to the twisted plot of the Twin Peaks series, which, by the way, was filmed in these places.

This is the work of one person, or a whole group of people. Grant's repeated demands to file a criminal case are denied by the Police Department "due to insufficient evidence." Thus, the perpetrators of the crime have not yet been identified. "I am sure that the traces of the murder should be looked for only in Seattle. In its criminal circles associated with the drug business," Tom Grant summed up his work. Well, it's quite possible. Seattle is gradually becoming America's largest drug staging post. Compared with 1993, the level of heroin use among young people in this city has increased by 60%. However, there is not even indirect evidence of Kurt's involvement in the drug mafia.

More likely interest in the removal of Cobain management "Gold Mountain Entertainment". It was no longer a secret to anyone that Kurt wanted to "get out of the game." So in the end, it was decided to make big money on his death. Indeed, in England alone, NIRVANA's last two records were bought outright and hit the Top 30. But the albums of Kurt Cobain and without such a "precedent" were sold in huge numbers. In total, 15 million discs were sold around the world. Maybe Kurt as a leader American youth, posed a danger to the secret services? Unlikely. Cobain's lyrics did not pose a social threat. So who needs the death of Kurt, who would have taken his own life anyway? The answer is perhaps simple. He was killed by those who gave birth to him. Seattle today downtown music industry USA, no less than Los Angeles, New York or Cleveland. The city needed a new Idol and God, because Jimi Hendrix (who is buried in Seattle's Greenwood Memorial Park) means little to the new generation. Kurt was the only candidate for the role of the Martyr, which he was rushed to MAKE.

The Seattle (Washington) police released the text, which is contained in a previously unknown letter from the musician, which he wrote just a few hours before his death. This note from the lead singer of the cult band was found in his wallet right after Kurt Cobain committed suicide in 1994.

20 years later, Washington state law enforcement finally decided to release the contents of Cobain's suicide note to the general public. She was attached to the materials of the case of the musician's death, which has not yet been closed. For a long time, the police kept secret the text that was written by the musician before his death. She believes that the handwriting in the note is very similar to Kurt Cobain's, but when exactly it was written remains unclear.

Summary of Kurt Cobain's suicide note

suicide note the singer begins with a wedding vow, which the bride and groom traditionally make to each other on the day of the ceremony. But then Kurt Cobain describes his marriage to Courtney Love in obscene language. In particular, he accused his wife of spending the money he earned on drugs and "fornication" without hesitation. What exactly did Kurt mean by last word he did not explain. Quote from the note:

Are you ready, Kurt Cobain, to accept Courtney Michelle Love as your legal wife ... Even if this pimple-faced bitch is ready to spend all your money on drugs and fornication?

Fragment of the singer's letter, which he wrote before his death

The text of Cobain's new suicide note is radically different from his first message, which was made public earlier. In a previous note, it was written that the musician "feels guilty before his fans and loved ones," and also confesses his feelings for Courtney Love and asks for her forgiveness. Representatives of the singer have not yet commented on the second note of the Nirvana soloist.

Kurt Cobain's death was a shock to his fans

Kurt Cobain death case

Recall that musician Kurt Cobain was found dead at his home on April 8, 1994, three days after his death. According to the official version, he committed suicide by shooting himself in the head. Despite the fact that the case of the death of the lead singer of "Nirvana" has not yet been closed. One of the detectives working for Courtney Love suggested that the singer's wife herself could be the customer of the crime. However, so far this opinion remains only a version that has not found evidence.

His wife, Courtney Love, was also among the suspects in the case of the musician's death.

Even after his death, Kurt Cobain earned a sensational amount: his music brought $ 800 million to the copyright holders.

On April 8, 1994, the cult performer Kurt Cobain left this world, the exact cause of death of which has not yet been named. His shocking death sparked a flurry of discussion that continues to this day. Was it suicide, or did the artist's haters achieve their goal and take their lives? famous musician? His death came as a surprise not only to millions of fans, but also to the inner circle of the lead singer of Nirvana.

The real cause of Kurt Cobain's death

Nothing foreshadowed the tragic death: neither Kurt's intimate conversations with close friends, nor his behavior, in which there was not a drop of strangeness.

Before expressing existing versions death of Kurt Cobain, it would not be superfluous to mention the one that is recognized as official. So, on April 8, 1994, electrician Gary Smith, who came to the celebrity's house to install a security system, rang Kurt's door several times. Smith, seeing that the garage was open and there was a car parked near it, decided that the owner of the house could be found somewhere on the terrace. He climbed the stairs to the greenhouse. Looking through the glass doors, the electrician was horrified to see a man lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

The police, who arrived at the scene of the crime, near the body of the star found not only a gun, but also a suicide note by Kurt Cobain, with the help of which the death of the artist was called nothing more than a suicide.

It is worth noting that the note was called a message with many inconsistencies, but main point which is that Cobain tried to pour out his soul, shared the most intimate experiences.

Everyone knows that during his lifetime the singer suffered from, but in his suicide note he writes that in fact he is not the same as in recent times the public saw it. He is a vulnerable, gentle person who painfully experiences every failure, every insult. Kurt writes that as a 7-year-old kid, hatred and self-destruction grew in him, and all this is the result of troubles in his family. He leaves in the name of his beloved daughter Frances, because he does not want her to grow up like him.

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Returning to the cause of death of Kurt Cobain, it is important to mention the fact that private detective Tom Grant confidently stated that this was a premeditated murder. For the reason that on April 8, the singer was under the influence of drugs, which means that his mind was clouded, someone took advantage of the situation and perfectly planned suicide.

Kurt Donald Cobain - vocalist, guitarist, songwriter and leader of the famous American rock band Nirvana.

The death of Kurt Cobain in 1994, when Nirvana was at the height of its popularity, shocked the public. Even today, the debate around this tragic event does not subside: was it a suicide "at the right moment" to forever remain at the peak of fame, or someone special "ordered" the leader of Nirvana. We will probably never know what the actual cause of Kurt Cobain's death was.

The tragic death of a young (he was only 27 years old) musician did not even foreshadow anything: neither the events that happened to him at that moment, nor spiritual conversations, nor his behavior. That is why the most incredible rumors and assumptions are still spinning around his unexpected and shocking death.

Kurt Cobain official cause of death

On 04/08/1994, security systems installer Gary Smith arrived at the specified address in Seattle. He rang the doorbell several times, but no one opened it. The electrician was about to leave, but he saw a car standing near the garage. He decided that the owners were somewhere in the house. Gary went up to the greenhouse and saw through the glass doors a body lying on the floor and a pool of blood. He decided that a murder had been committed and informed the police.

A gun was found at the crime scene and from this it was concluded that Kurt Cobain's cause of death was suicide. According to the official version, the leader of Nirvana committed suicide by shooting himself in the forehead with a gun. It was also established that the vocalist had shot himself three days earlier, i.е. April 5.

Many believe that the investigation into the death of the Nirvana leader was superficial. A few months later, new facts surfaced that cast doubt on the fact that it was suicide.

Cause of death of Kurt Cobain according to private investigator Thomas Grant

Detective Grant was hired by Cobain's wife Courtney Love before the celebrity's death. She assigned Thomas to look after her husband. The detective put forward his version of how and why Kurt Cobain died. The cause of death, according to Grant's investigation, was shocking. Private investigator questioned and criticized official version and investigation in general. According to him, the police did not take into account the fact that traces of numerous injections were found on the body of the deceased musician, and morphine and the drug Diazepam were found in the blood in an amount exceeding the lethal dose for a person by more than three times. In the state in which Cobain was, it was impossible to take a gun and shoot, since death should have come instantly.

Another mystery is the complete absence of any fingerprints on the gun Cobain allegedly fired from and on the pen with which he wrote the suicide note. As for the note itself, not everything is going smoothly here either. The part of the text that talks about Kurt's attitude to the stage, the band, music, his disappointment with all this and the desire to quit, is written in one hand. And the one where Cobain says that he is going to die and says goodbye to his wife and daughter, someone else has clearly added.

Kurt Cobain's death is the work of his wife Courtney Love

There is also such a version. The fact is that immediately after the death of the musician, Courtney's father publicly accused his daughter of killing her husband. And the testimony of the widow herself was contradictory from the very beginning. In addition, thanks to the efforts of Courtney Love, in public consciousness there was an opinion that Kurt Cobain was a depressed and suicidal person.

And in 1996, Eldon Hawk made a confession to the press that she had previously been ready to pay him a large sum for the murder of Kurt Cobain. Eldon Hawk has even been polygraph tested. And the most interesting thing is that the device revealed that the percentage of lies is only 1 in 1000. This version is made even more plausible by the fact that some time later Hawk died in an accident ...

To this day, the death of the famous grunge musician and immortal leader of Nirvana is shrouded in a mystery that has never been solved by anyone. It is likely that someone knew that this terrible tragedy would happen, but still prefers to remain silent.

On April 5, 1994, singer and guitarist Kurt Cobain, leader rock bands Nirvana. The musician, who became the idol of millions, passed away own will when he was only 27 years old. Glory did not bring Kurt satisfaction in life, and therefore he decided to settle scores with her. Next you will find a lot of interesting things about life and death talented singer, which has become a real legend for rock lovers.

Kurt Cobain was born in the USA, but his ancestors included Irish, English, Scots and Germans.

Among his relatives were many musicians: his uncle performed with The Beachcombers, his aunt played the guitar in local ensembles, and his great-uncle was a professional tenor.

From the age of two, the boy sang songs with might and main The Beatles, played drums and began learning to play guitar at the age of 14, inspired by an article about the Sex Pistols. Then he definitely decided that he would create his own group.

Kurt's childhood was marred by the divorce of his parents, who separated when he was nine. Each of them created new family, but the boy did not take root in either one or the other.

In 1993, Cobain spoke about this: "I was ashamed of my parents. I could not communicate properly with classmates, because I really wanted to have a typical family: mother, father. I wanted this confidence, and because of this I was angry with parents."

In June 1976, shortly after his parents divorced, the young man wrote the following inscription on the bedroom wall: "I hate mom, I hate dad, dad hates mom, mom hates dad, it's just impossible not to be sad from this."

Perhaps against this background, Cobain had an imaginary friend named "Boddah", to whom he often addressed in his diaries.

The guy lived in new family mothers, then in the new family of the father, then with relatives. After graduating from school, he decided not to go to art college, as he was going to, then his mother put him before a choice - either he goes to work or leaves home.

Kurt left and later lived with his friends, moving from house to house every day. Often he had to sleep in the yards of friends' houses, spent the rest of the time in the library, "waiting for the end of the day"

Cobain, following the dream of creating a band, recorded a demo tape, which he distributed to his acquaintances in search of those who would be interested in playing with him. One of the cassettes went to Krist Novoselic, his friend. When drummer Chad Channing joined them, the band that became a legend was formed.

Skid Row, Ted Ed Fred, Bliss, Pen Cap Chew - Kurt and his comrades sorted through such names before he settled on Nirvana. According to him, he "was looking for a name that would be beautiful or pleasant."

The guys recorded the first album, and in 1991 the second album, Nevermind, became an unexpected breakthrough for the group into the mainstream. The single "Smells Like Teen Spirit" became a hit on MTV. The sudden success of Nirvana on international stage brought the Seattle grunge scene to public attention and spawned a wave of imitators.

Cobain himself was not at all happy with the unexpected popularity that fell on his head: he himself saw himself primarily as a representative of the independent rock scene, and he was annoyed that he had become the idol of the masses.

The musician was an active advocate for the rights of women and sexual minorities and supported the right of women to have an abortion. Included in the liner notes for the Incesticide compilation were the words: "If any of you hate homosexuals, people of a different race, or women for anything, please do us a favor and go fuck yourself and leave us alone! Don't come to our concerts and don't buy our albums."

After performing "Territorial Pissings" on Saturday Night Live, Cobain and the band's bassist began kissing, which SNL, which aired the show, refused to play on repeat.

The rocker met his future wife Courtney Love in 1990 at a concert in a Portland club, where both performed with their bands. Courtney had noticed and expressed interest in Cobain a year earlier, but Kurt shied away from intimacy. He later explained: "I wanted to be single for another year, but I realized that I was really crazy about Courtney, and it was difficult to stay away from her for so many months."

After another year of persistent attempts by Courtney, they began an affair. In 1992, Love discovered that she was expecting a child from Cobain, and on February 24, 1992, their marriage ceremony took place on a Hawaiian beach in Waikiki.

Courtney wore a dress that once belonged to actress Frances Farmer, whom both newlyweds admired, and Kurt was dressed in pajamas - "because he was too lazy to put on a suit."

The daughter of Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, Frances Bean Cobain, was born on August 18, 1992. She was named after Frances McKee, the vocalist of Cobain's favorite Scottish bands The Vaselines.

Shortly before the birth of the girl Courtney, in an interview with Vanity Fair's Lynn Hirshberg, she recklessly mentioned that she used heroin during pregnancy for some time, not yet knowing that she would have a child. The journalist presented everything as if Love continued to use drugs after she found out that she was pregnant.

Because of this, young parents had to sue the Los Angeles Department of Children's Affairs, which intended to deprive the spouses of parental rights, based precisely on this publication. In the end, they were allowed to leave Francis.

Cobain with early age pursued health problems. He suffered all his life from chronic bronchitis and stomach pains of unknown origin.

He was diagnosed with ADHD as a child and was prescribed Ritalin. A little later, he was diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder (manic-depressive psychosis).

Kurt sometimes had moments where he could sit in a corner for 45 minutes and not say a word.

Plus, at the age of 13, Cobain first tried marijuana, and later began experimenting with LSD and other hallucinogens. He first tried heroin around 1986.

Several years of heroin use led to the fact that by early 1991 he had developed a full-fledged, severe addiction. At a photo shoot on the day of Nirvana's performance on Saturday Night Live, he "passed out" several times in front of the camera.

When Courtney became pregnant, both spouses went to rehab. During the ensuing Nirvana tour of Australia, Cobain appeared thin, pale and ill, apparently suffering from withdrawal symptoms.

Kurt returned to drugs and in July 1993 he experienced a severe heroin overdose: his wife found him lying unconscious, and instead of calling an ambulance, she herself injected him with naloxone (a drug that blocks opioid receptors).

A year later, she woke up and found him lying unconscious and showing no signs of life. It turned out that he had an overdose of Rohypnol in combination with champagne, with which he washed down the pills.

He spent the next few days in the hospital and then returned to Seattle. Many believe that this was his first suicide attempt, although Cobain himself stated that it was just a "mistake".

Some time later, Love called the police as Kurt had locked himself in a room with a gun and was threatening to kill himself. Arriving police officers confiscated several guns from Cobain (in their free time Kurt liked to buy cuts of meat and then shoot them in the nearby woods) and a jar of pills unknown origin.

On March 25, Love called together ten of Kurt's friends and record company employees to convince him to go to treatment for heroin addiction. The musician was rude, but nevertheless agreed to undergo a rehabilitation course.

At the clinic, Kurt seemed calm, interacted freely with the medical staff, and even had fun playing with Frances Bean when her nanny brought the one and a half year old girl to meet her father (this was the last time he saw his daughter.

That evening, he climbed over a two-meter wall, took a taxi and drove to the Los Angeles airport, from where he flew to Seattle.

On the plane, his neighbor was Duff McKagan from Guns N "Roses; despite Cobain's hostile attitude towards this group, he seemed glad to see Duff. Cobain behaved affably, but McKagan later admitted that something in his behavior confused him : "Instinct told me that something was wrong."

Over the next few days, Cobain was spotted in various places in Seattle, but his wife and bandmates did not know his whereabouts and tried unsuccessfully to find him. Courtney even hired a private detective to help her track down her husband.

On April 8, 1994, an electrician named Gary Smith arrived at the Cobain home at 171 Lake Washington Blvd East in Seattle at 8:30 a.m. to install a security system.

Smith called, but no one answered. After that, he noticed a Volvo car parked in the garage next to the house, and decided that the owners of the house, perhaps in the garage or greenhouse, which was located directly above the garage.

Smith checked the garage, then climbed the stairs to the greenhouse. Through glass door In the greenhouse, he noticed the body and assumed that someone was sleeping, but then he saw blood at the left ear and a gun lying across the body.

This is how Kurt Cobain's body was discovered. At 8:45 a.m., Gary Smith called the police and the local radio station.

Kurt left a suicide note written in red ink. There he complained that he "has not been enjoying listening to and writing music for a long time" and confessed to "guilt" in front of his relatives and fans, which he "could not cope with." The note was addressed to "Bodda", his imaginary childhood friend.

The incident site inspection protocol was drawn up formally, without an in-depth analysis of the details. According to one version of the investigation, Cobain injected himself with an incompatible dose of heroin and shot himself in the head with a gun.

Forensics also concluded that Kurt died on April 5 and his dead body lay in the house for three days. There is also speculation about the deliberate murder of Kurt. The list of suspects unofficially included Courtney Love.

In March 2014, on the eve of the anniversary of Cobain's death, the Seattle Police Department released Additional materials concerning the circumstances of his death. The secondary investigation confirmed the original conclusion: suicide.

In turn, many of Kurt's relatives and acquaintances, including his mother, Wendy Cobain, and his former bandmates, are skeptical about the version of the murder.

In an interview with the Today newspaper, Wendy said: "Kurt's suicide was not an accident. He carefully considered his step and carried it out methodically. For the past two years, I have lived in the belief that he will die soon."

Curiously, over the years, Cobain has been involved in the creation of a series of films called "Super-8", in one of these films there is a scene of his suicide.

A public memorial service for Cobain was held on April 10 in the park cultural center Seattle Center. At the ceremony, a tape was played with pre-recorded messages from Novoselic, Grohl and Courtney Love, who read fragments from her husband's suicide note onto the cassette. Toward the end of the memorial service, Love appeared on it in person, talked to grieving fans and gave them some of her late husband's clothes.

After cremation, some of Cobain's ashes were scattered over the Wishka River in his native Aberdeen, and Courtney kept some for herself. An unofficial place of worship for the memory of the singer is a memorial bench in Viretta Park, located near last home Cobain in Seattle. The greenhouse above the garage where Kurt's body was found was demolished in 1997 and the house sold.

In the spring of 2012, one of Cobain's close friends, Eric Erlandson, claimed in an interview that shortly before his death in 1994, Cobain was working on solo album. Are there any records for this moment unknown, but Nevermind producer Butch Vig strongly disagrees with Eric's views on the existence of material records.

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