Works by sh perro for children. Journey through the fairy tales of Charles Perrault

Literary game based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault.

Ved.: Many years ago in France there lived a successful lawyer, an architect at the court of the king, a recognized scientist and poet. At the age of 68, he published a book of fairy tales "Stories, or Tales of bygone times (tales of my mother Goose) with moral teachings."

Thanks to this book, the world got acquainted with Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Puss in Boots ... These heroes are known all over the world today. The book of fairy tales was published under the name of Darmankur (son of Charles Perrault), but most scholars consider Ch. Perrault to be the author.

Charles Perrault was born on January 12, 1628 in Paris into a family of a big bourgeois. C. Perro began to compose early, and by the age of thirteen he had developed as a well-prepared writer. Having received a good education, Perrault first becomes a lawyer, and then works as a clerk for his older brother, a financial collector in Paris. Since 1663, he headed the Literature Committee and became a prominent figure at the court of the French king Louis XIV. All this time he composes poems, plays and does not think about fairy tales at all.

In 1672, Charles Perrault marries Marie Pichon, who bore him four children. But in 1678, trouble struck - the wife of Charles Perrault fell ill with smallpox and died. Perrault spends all his days at work, and the widowed father devotes his evenings to his children. He recalls those fairy tales that he once heard from the elders, and tells them to his children.

The year 1685 was an important year in the biography of Perrault and the first year in the biography of Perrault, the storyteller. He undertook to write his first fairy tale. Perrault called her "Griselda" - after the name of the main character, a simple shepherdess who became the wife of the prince. Griselda faced difficult trials, but she, having overcome them, achieved her happiness.

In Perrault's time, the fairy tale was the unloved stepdaughter of literature, it had no place either in the book or in the salon of a rich house. But thanks to Charles Perrault, fairy tales became popular and loved in all families - rich and poor. Perrault continues to write fairy tales. In 1695, the first edition of Perrault's tales, The Tales of Mother Goose, was published. Fairy tales are republished, translated into other languages.

Charles Perrault died in 1703. But his fairy tales are still known and read by children all over the world. Let's see if you know them.

The game.

1 competition. Warm-up "Ashipki".

The teams are given cards with the names of Perrault's fairy tales mixed up. Participants must write the correct names.

1. "Blue cap". (Red Riding Hood)

2. "Girl with a finger." (Tom Thumb)

3. "Red beard". (Blue Beard)

4. "Rike in boots." (Rike with a tuft)

5. "Gifts of the beauty." (Fairy Gifts)

6. "Cat with a tuft." (Puss in Boots)

7. Sleeping Cinderella. (Sleeping Beauty. Cinderella)

2 competition. "Guess a riddle".

One person comes out of the team, draws out a card with riddles and guesses them.

1. What kind of animal walks in a fairy tale. 2. She is beautiful and kind,

Mustache puffs up, squints her eyes, Her name is from the word "ash".

In a hat, with a saber in hand, (Cinderella)

And big boots.

(Puss in Boots)

3. A good girl walks along the fox,

But the girl does not know that danger awaits:

Behind the bushes glows a pair of angry eyes,

Someone terrible will meet the girl now.

(Red Riding Hood)

1. All his wives suffered an evil fate - 2. I am a well-known boy,

He took their lives ... I'm exactly the size of a finger.

What a villain! But I'm not upset

Who is he? Name a name soon! I just smile.

(Bluebeard) (Thumb boy)

3. The young maiden has been sleeping for a hundred years,

There is no savior-prince.

(Sleeping Beauty)

1. Life did not endow him with beauty, 2. Know this rascal

But she rewarded her mind beyond measure. Don't fool anyone:

Mind and helped him become happy. Cannibal like a mouse

Who can guess his name? I managed to swallow!

(Rike with a tuft) (Puss in Boots)

3. The princess sleeps for a hundred years, a hundred years,

But the knight is still missing.

And if the knight is not found,

The princess never wakes up.

(Sleeping Beauty)

1. This tale is not new, 2. The hunter needs a double-barreled shotgun,

In it, the princess slept all the time, To save the girl from ... .. (wolf)

Fairy wicked then wine

And the prick of the spindle. (Sleeping Beauty)

3. I have never been to a ball,

Cleaned, washed, boiled and spun,

When did it happen that I got to the ball,

The prince lost his head from love,

And I lost my shoe at the same time!

Who is it? Who can tell here? (Cinderella)

3 competition. Quiz What? How? Why?"

Questions are asked to teams in turn. If a team does not answer or answers incorrectly, then the question is transferred to another team.

1. Why was the stepdaughter called Cinderella? (She often sat in a corner near the fireplace on a box of ashes)

2. How many sons did the miller have? (Three)

3. What did Little Red Riding Hood carry to her grandmother? (Pie and pot of butter)

4. How many times did the Ogre make his transformations and what did he turn into? (Two: into a lion and a mouse)

5. Who saved Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother? (Lumberjacks)

6. How many years did the enchanted princess have to sleep? (One hundred)

7. What did Puss in Boots call his master? (Marquis de Carabas)

8. How old was the princess when she fell asleep? (Sixteen)

9. What did the elder brothers of the Marquis de Carabas inherit? (Senior - a mill, middle - a donkey)

10. How many sorceresses were invited to be godmothers to the princess? (Seven)

11. What did Cinderella lose when she ran away from the ball? (Crystal shoe)

12. What had to happen for Sleeping Beauty to wake up? (The prince should have kissed her)

13. What was the name of the royal son with the crest? (Rike)

14. What did the princess prick her finger with? (Spindle)

15. What skin replaced the princess's dress? (Donkey)

16. From what vegetable did the fairy make a carriage for Cinderella? (Pumpkin)

4 contest. Crossword "Eight Tales of Charles Perrault".

  1. Red (hat)
  2. sleeping (gorgeous)
  3. ……. cap. (red)
  4. Dirty. (Cinderella)
  5. …….. with a finger. (boy)
  6. boy with (finger)
  7. Fairy. (enchantress)
  8. Blue (beard)
  9. …. with a tuft. (Rike)
  10. 10. Cat in (boots).

5 competition. Museum of Wonderful Things.

Teams receive cards with a list of magical items from Perrault's fairy tales and write which fairy tale each of them is from.

1. Magic wand. (Cinderella)

2. Pumpkin. (Cinderella)

3. Crystal shoes. (Cinderella)

4. Spindle. (Sleeping Beauty)

5. Boots. (Puss in Boots, Thumb Boy)

6. Pebbles. (Boy-with-finger)

7. Basket with pies. (Red Riding Hood)

8. Little Red Riding Hood. (Red Riding Hood)

9. Ring. (Donkey skin)

10. A bunch of keys. (Blue Beard)

6 competition. "Telegrams".

Teams receive telegrams and must guess who their author is.


“Everyone! Everyone! To all princes and queens! We kindly ask you not to disturb us for the next hundred years. I want to sleep!” (Sleeping Beauty)

"The evening would soon come

And the long-awaited hour has come,

To me in a gilded carriage

Go to a fairy ball. (Cinderella)

“My mother loved me very much.

She gave me a red hat. (Red Riding Hood)

"And I'm small, but remote!" (Boy-with-finger)

Ved.: This is where our game comes to an end. Let's summarize.

The winner team is determined, the participants of which are awarded prizes.

Charles Perrault(fr. Charles Perrault)

(12.01.1628 - 16.05.1703)

Often, when studying the biographies of writers, we notice that in addition to their successful creative activity, they occupied a rather high position in the society of the time in which they lived. This is not surprising, since in those distant times there were very few educated people, mostly the elite were educated, so it turned out that the nobles, being close to the emperor, in addition to performing their official duties, wrote famous and exciting works, thanks to which they entered historical heritage of mankind. One such writer is Charles Perrault. Born into the family of Pierre Perrault, a judge of the Parisian parliament, he received a decent education for that time. And thanks to his father's connections and his personal qualities, he rapidly climbed the career ladder. Perrault was both a lawyer and tax collector, and for 20 years he was at the top of the administrative state pyramid, being an adviser to the king and chief inspector of buildings. Perrault also had to deal with foreign policy issues, the royal production of furniture and tapestries, and cultural issues. Taking into account the workload of the writer, it would be more likely to assume that some magazines, reports, etc. will form his legacy. for historians and economists, however, the tales of Charles Perrault were inherited, for which he miraculously had enough time to write. As we can see, this man was diversified and perfectly aware of the spirit of society, which soared both in the elite and in the lower strata of society of that time. And the times, it must be admitted, were far from the best! Constant peasant revolts, constant hunger, lack of medicine, sanitation led to epidemics ... Charles Perrault, holding such a high position, had a clear idea of ​​​​all this. Probably all this situation made people more cruel, more evil, more merciless, which we observe when we start reading the fairy tales of Charles Perrault. It should be noted that almost all the fairy tales of Charles Perrault, which were printed in the Soviet Union, were changed by the press. The compilers removed all the cruelty and left the plots with a good ending. Probably because of this, in childhood, we so liked the works of Charles Perrault to read his fairy tales in which good always triumphs over evil. However, in the original source, these tales were filled with the harsh reality of the time in which Charles Perrault lived and wrote tales. Reading the collection "Tales of Mother Goose" by Charles Perrault, Little Red Riding Hood, having listened to the wolf, was eaten with her grandmother and this is where the fairy tale ends, no one frees her, the Sleeping Beauty also faces a sad fate. Her mother-in-law is a cannibal who hates her daughter-in-law, it was only by a miracle that the sleeping beauty and her children managed to escape, The Thumb Boy and Bluebeard also amaze with the amount of blood and cruelty. It seems to us that our compilers removed all these scenes from Perrault's fairy tales and made them really childish. On our website, we published fairy tales from different editions, trying to choose fairy tales with the least number of atrocities, but you can’t remove everything, so we strongly recommend that parents first familiarize themselves with the content of fairy tales, and then make their own decision to read Charles Perrault’s fairy tales online. children, or wait until they grow up and then introduce them to the work of the French storyteller of the 17th century. Also on our site you can download the fairy tales of Charles Perrault in the formats you need.

Literary game based on the fairy tales of Charles Perrault

slide 1.

Who is this person whose portrait you see?

How are these dates related to this great man?

Yes, this is Charles Perrault and the dates of his life.

Why do we remember him and spend a week of children's books dedicated to his work?

(He would have turned 380 in 2008.)

What do you know about him?

Slide 2.

There was once a wealthy nobleman in Paris who had four sons and three daughters. The eldest, Claude, was a famous architect, author of the East facade of the Louvre, physicist, archaeologist and mechanic, one of the middle brothers - Nicolas - became a priest, the other - Pierre - a financier and lawyer.

On January 12, 1628, twins were born in one of the wealthy Parisian houses, they were named Francois and Charles. Together they were destined to live only six months - six months later, little Francois died. Charles grew up closed, tongue-tied, constrained, experienced difficulties in communicating with peers. Parents had no illusions that something worthwhile would grow out of Charles, they even considered their youngest son not quite normal. However, Perrault's father tried to give all his sons a good education, and Charles was sent to school - to the College of Beauvais. On the very first day, he disgraced himself: when the teacher asked him what his name was, he could not give an intelligible answer. The teacher was very surprised by the "abilities" of the boy - after all, the three older brothers Perrault were his best students! Until the age of thirteen, Beauvais College was a nightmare for Charles: extra hours of classes, teachers trying to squeeze at least one intelligible answer out of him. Here he had no friends, except perhaps the same as him, Borin, a fat outcast who had even worse than Charles. And if classmates were afraid to offend Charles, because older brothers came to school for him, then Borin got it for two.

One chilly Parisian morning, three teenagers pushed Borin into a puddle and, with disgusting pleasure, began to dip his face in the mud. Charles, who was present at this scene, could not stand it. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to explain what happened to him at that moment, but he rushed at the villains with such wild fury that they were confused. He bit them, scratched, beat, pulled out their hair, beside himself with anger and hatred. The offenders, who belonged to the most noble noble families of France, did not know how to behave in such a situation - they were brought up in an atmosphere of posturing and gallantry (of course, for their own circle), and here such undisguised rudeness! In addition, they are not used to being rebuffed.

The next morning, a miracle happened - for the first time in five years, Charles volunteered to answer the lesson himself, and under the astonished glances of the teacher and classmates, he recited a huge passage from Plutarch in perfect Latin without hesitation!

From that day on, Charles's life changed dramatically - he became one of the first students, graduated from high school and entered the university, where he received a law degree. True, as a lawyer, Perrault practiced for a very short time. Around the age of 25, Charles began to write poems, some of which he dedicated to the king.

Charles Perrault, it turns out, was an important government official - the king himself consulted with him. Perrault was even president of the French Academy, founded in 1635 by Cardinal Richelieu. His apartments were in the Louvre, and then in Versailles. There were legends about Perro's wealth, and not by chance: only in Paris he had eight houses, and not far from the city of Troyes - his own castle of Rosier. Perrault wrote touching stories about the poor daughter of the forester Cinderella, about the impoverished son of the miller, who, after the division of property, gets only a cat, about the poor lumberjack, who, due to poverty and hunger, leads his seven children into the forest to be eaten by wolves. and among them - the Boy-with-a-finger ...

Charles Perrault, of course, did not invent fairy tales himself, he remembered some from childhood, others he learned during his life, because when he sat down for fairy tales, he was already 65 years old. But he not only wrote them down, but he himself turned out to be an excellent storyteller. Like a real storyteller, he made them terribly modern. In Russian, Perrault's tales were first published in Moscow in 1768 under the title "Tales of Sorceresses with Morales", and they were titled like this: "The Tale of a Girl with a Little Red Riding Hood", "The Tale of a Man with a Blue Beard", “The Tale of the Father Cat in Spurs and Boots”, “The Tale of the Beauty Sleeping in the Forest” and so on. Then new translations appeared, they came out in 1805 and 1825. Soon, Russian children, as well as their peers in other countries, learned about the adventures of Little Thumb, Cinderella and Puss in Boots. And now there is no person in our country who would not have heard of Little Red Riding Hood or Sleeping Beauty.

On May 16, 1703, Charles Perrault died in Paris. He was buried in the Saint-Be-Nois cemetery in Paris. At the beginning of the 19th century, his remains were transferred from the closing cemetery to the underground necropolis.

slide 3.

Guess the name of the story.

Tale of the poor daughter of the forester.


slide 4.

A fairy tale about a beggar miller's son who, after the division of property, gets only a cat.

("Puss in Boots".)

Slide 5.

A story about a poor woodcutter who, because of poverty and hunger, leads his seven children into the forest to be eaten by wolves.


slide 6.

A fairy tale about a princess who fell asleep after being injected with a piece of needlework for 100 years.

("Sleeping Beauty".)

Slide 7.

A fairy tale about a little girl in a bright headdress visiting her sick relative. ("Red Riding Hood".)

slide 8.

A tale about a certain man with a blue beard. ("Blue Borough

Charles Perrault(1628-1703) - French poet and critic of the Classical era, member of the French Academy. He gained worldwide popularity thanks to the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty" and the book "Tales of Mother Goose, or Stories and Tales of Old Times with Teachings".

The fairy tales of Charles Perrault must be read for their special liveliness, cheerful instructiveness and the finest irony, sustained in an elegant style. They have not lost their relevance even in our days of all kinds of information technologies, probably because life itself was a source of inspiration for the author.

Perrault's tales can be read to understand the laws of life. The heroes of his works are aristocratically gallant and practical intelligent, spiritual and highly moral. It doesn't matter who they are - kind girls from the common people or spoiled society ladies - each character perfectly embodies a specific type of person. Cunning or industrious, selfish or generous - such as is a universal example or such as should not be.

Read fairy tales by Charles Perrault online

A whole wonderful world, which may seem naive, is unusually complex and deep, therefore it is able to sincerely captivate the imagination of not only a small, but also an adult. Open this world right now - read the fairy tales of Charles Perrault online!

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