What does the fascist sign mean. What does Hitler's swastika mean?

Nowadays, the Swastika is negative symbol and is associated only with murder and violence. Today, the Swastika is strongly associated with fascism. However, this symbol appeared much earlier than fascism and has nothing to do with Hitler. Although it is worth recognizing that the Swastika symbol has discredited itself and many people have a negative opinion about this symbol, except perhaps the Ukrainians, who revived Nazism on their land, which they are very happy about.

History of the Swastika

According to some historians, this symbol arose several thousand years ago, when there was no mention of Germany. The meaning of this symbol was to designate the rotation of the galaxy, if you look at some space images, you can see spiral galaxies that somehow resemble this sign.

Slavic tribes used the Swastika symbol to decorate their dwellings and places of worship, wore embroidery on their clothes in the form of this ancient symbol, used it as amulets against evil forces, applied this sign to exquisite weapons.
For our ancestors, this symbol personified the heavenly body, represented all the brightest and kindest that is in our world.
Actually, this symbol was used not only by the Slavs, but also by many other people in whom it meant faith, goodness and peace.
How did it happen that this beautiful symbol of goodness and light suddenly became the personification of murder and hatred?

Thousands of years have passed since the sign of the Swastika was of great importance, gradually it began to be forgotten, and in the Middle Ages it was completely forgotten, only occasionally this symbol was embroidered on clothes. And only by a strange whim at the beginning of the twentieth century this sign saw the light again. at that time in Germany it was very restless and in order to gain faith in oneself and instill it in other people, they used various methods in including occult knowledge. The Swastika sign first appeared on the helmets of German militants, and only a year later it was recognized as the official symbol of the Nazi party. Much later, Hitler himself liked to perform under the banners with this sign.

Types of swastika

Let's dot the "i" first. The fact is that the Swastika can be depicted in two forms, with the tips bent counterclockwise, and clockwise.
Both of these symbols contain a completely different opposite meaning, thus balancing each other. That Swastika, the tips of the rays of which are directed counterclockwise, that is, to the left, mean goodness and light, denoting the rising sun.
The same symbol, but with the tips turned to the right, carries a completely opposite meaning and means - misfortune, evil, all kinds of troubles.
If you look at what kind of Swastika Nazi Germany had, you can make sure that its tips are bent to the right. This means that this symbol has nothing to do with light and goodness.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that not everything is as simple as it seemed to us. Therefore, do not confuse these two completely opposite in meaning Swastikas. This sign can still serve as an excellent protective amulet in our time, if only it is depicted correctly. If people will fearfully pointing at this amulet with your finger, you can explain the meaning of the Swastika symbol and make a short digression into the history of our ancestors, for whom this symbol was a sign of light and goodness.

There is one graphic sign that has ancient history and deepest meaning, but who was very unlucky with fans, as a result of which he was discredited for many decades, if not forever. In this case, we are talking about a swastika that occurred and separated from the image of the symbol of the cross in a deep ancient times, when it was interpreted as an exclusively solar, magical sign.

Solar symbols.

Sun Sign

The very word "swastika" is translated from Sanskrit as "well-being", "well-being" (the Thai greeting "Savatdiya" comes from the Sanskrit "su" and "asti"). This ancient solar sign- one of the most archaic, and therefore one of the most effective, since it is imprinted in the deep memory of mankind. The swastika is a sign visible movement Sun around the Earth and the division of the year into 4 seasons. In addition, it includes the idea of ​​the four cardinal directions.

This sign was associated with the cult of the Sun among many peoples and is found already in the Upper Paleolithic and even more often in the Neolithic, primarily in Asia. Already from the 7th - 6th centuries BC. e. he enters Buddhist symbolism where means the secret doctrine of the Buddha.

Even before our era, the swastika is actively used in symbolism in India and Iran and ends up in China. This sign was also used in Central America by the Maya, where it symbolized the cycle of the Sun. Around the time bronze age the swastika ends up in Europe, where it becomes especially popular in Scandinavia. Here it is used as one of the attributes of the supreme god Odin. Almost everywhere, in all corners of the Earth, in all cultures and traditions swastika used as solar sign and a symbol of prosperity. And only when she got into Ancient Greece from Asia Minor, it was changed so that its meaning also changed. By turning the swastika, which was alien to them, counterclockwise, the Greeks turned it into a sign of evil and death (in their opinion).

Swastika in the symbols of Russia and other countries

In the Middle Ages, the swastika was somehow forgotten and remembered closer to the beginning of the twentieth century. And not only in Germany, as one might assume. For some, this may be surprising, but the swastika was used in official symbols in Russia. In 1917, in April, new banknotes denominations of 250 and 1000 rubles, which had an image of a swastika. The swastika was also present on Soviet banknotes in denominations of 5 and 10 thousand rubles and were in use until 1922. Yes, and in some parts of the Red Army, for example, among the Kalmyk formations, the swastika was integral part sleeve badge pattern.

During the First World War, the swastika was applied to the fuselages of the aircraft of the famous American squadron "Lafayette". Her images were also on the R-12 Briefings, which were in service with the US Air Force from 1929 to 1941. Additionally, the symbol was featured on the chevron of the US Army's 45th Infantry Division from 1923 to 1939.

It is especially worth talking about Finland. Today this country is the only one in the world in which the swastika is present in the official symbols. It is included in the presidential standard, and is also included in the military and naval flags of the country.

Modern flag of the Finnish Air Force Academy in Kuahava.

According to the explanation given on the website of the Finnish Defense Forces, the swastika as ancient symbol happiness of the Finno-Ugric peoples was adopted as a symbol of the Finnish Air Force as early as 1918, that is, before it was used as a fascist sign. And although under the terms of the peace treaty after the end of the Second World War, the Finns had to refuse to use it, this was not done. In addition, the explanation on the website of the Finnish Defense Forces emphasizes that, unlike the Nazi, the Finnish swastika is strictly vertical.

AT modern India the swastika is found everywhere.

Note that there is modern world one country where images of the swastika can be seen almost at every turn. This is India. In it, this symbol has been used in Hinduism for more than one millennium, and no government can prohibit it.

Nazi swastika

It is worth mentioning the widespread myth that the Nazis used an inverted swastika. Where he came from is completely incomprehensible, since german swastika the most common is in the direction of the sun. Another thing is that it was depicted at an angle of 45 degrees, and not vertically. As for the inverted swastika, it is used in the Bon religion, which is followed by many Tibetans in our time. Note that the use of an inverted swastika is not such a rare occurrence: its image is found in ancient Greek culture, in pre-Christian Roman mosaics, medieval coats of arms, and even in the logo of Rudyard Kipling.

An inverted swastika in the Bon monastery.

As for the Nazi swastika, it became the official emblem of the Nazi fascist party in 1923, on the eve of the “beer putsch” in Munich. Since September 1935, it has become the main state emblem of Nazi Germany, included in its coat of arms and flag. And for ten years, the swastika was associated directly with fascism, turning from a symbol of goodness and prosperity into a symbol of evil and inhumanity. Not surprisingly, after 1945, all states, with the exception of Finland and Spain, in which the swastika was in symbolism until November 1975, refused to use this symbol as compromised by fascism.

The version that it was Hitler who had the brilliant idea to make the swastika a symbol of the National Socialist movement belongs to the Fuhrer himself and was voiced in Mein Kampf. Probably, for the first time, nine-year-old Adolf saw a swastika on the wall of a Catholic monastery near the town of Lambach.

The swastika has been popular since ancient times. A cross with bent ends appeared on coins, household items, coats of arms since the eighth millennium BC. The swastika personified life, the sun, prosperity. Hitler could see the swastika again in Vienna on the emblem of Austrian anti-Semitic organizations.

By christening the archaic solar symbol the Hakenkreuz (Hakenkreuz is German for hook cross), Hitler claimed the priority of discoverer, even though the idea of ​​the swastika as a political symbol had taken root in Germany before him. In 1920, Hitler, who was an unprofessional and mediocre, but still an artist, allegedly independently developed the design of the party logo, proposing a red flag with a white circle in the middle, in the center of which a black swastika was rapaciously spreading hooks.

The red color, according to the leader of the National Socialists, was chosen in imitation of the Marxists, who also used it. Seeing the one hundred and twenty thousandth demonstration of the left forces under the scarlet banners, Hitler noted the active influence of the bloody color on common man. In Mein Kampf, the Fuhrer mentioned the "great psychological significance" of symbols and their ability to powerfully influence emotions. But it was precisely by controlling the emotions of the crowd that Hitler managed to introduce the ideology of his party to the masses in an unprecedented way.

By adding a swastika to the red color, Adolf gave a diametrically opposite meaning to the favorite color scheme of the socialists. By attracting the attention of the workers with the familiar color of the posters, Hitler was "re-recruiting".

The red color in the interpretation of Hitler personified the idea of ​​movement, white - the sky and nationalism, the hoe-shaped swastika - labor and the anti-Semitic struggle of the Aryans. Creative work was mysteriously treated as anti-Semitic.

In general, it is impossible to call Hitler the author of National Socialist symbols, contrary to his statements. He borrowed the color from the Marxists, the swastika and even the name of the party (slightly rearranging the letters) from the Viennese nationalists. The idea of ​​using symbols is also plagiarism. It belongs to the oldest member of the party - a dentist named Friedrich Krohn, who submitted a memorandum back in 1919 to the party leadership. However, in the bible of National Socialism, the book Mein Kampf, the name of the quick-witted dentist is not mentioned.

However, Kron put a different content into the decoding of symbols. The red color of the banner is love for the motherland, white circle- a symbol of innocence for the outbreak of the First World War, the black color of the cross - grief over the loss in the war.

In the interpretation of Hitler, the swastika became a sign of the Aryan struggle against "subhumans". The claws of the cross seem to be aimed at Jews, Slavs, representatives of other peoples who do not belong to the race of "blond beasts".

Unfortunately, the ancient positive sign was discredited by the National Socialists. The Nuremberg Tribunal in 1946 banned Nazi ideology and symbols. The swastika was also banned. AT recent times she is somewhat rehabilitated. Roskomnadzor, for example, admitted in April 2015 that displaying this sign outside of a propaganda context is not an act of extremism. Although the "reprehensible past" cannot be deleted from the biography, the swastika is used by some racist organizations.

The version that it was Hitler who had the brilliant idea to make the swastika a symbol of the National Socialist movement belongs to the Fuhrer himself and was voiced in Mein Kampf. Probably, for the first time, nine-year-old Adolf saw a swastika on the wall of a Catholic monastery near the town of Lambach.

The swastika has been popular since ancient times. A cross with curved ends has been featured on coins, household items, coats of arms since the eighth millennium BC. The swastika personified life, the sun, prosperity. Hitler could see the swastika again in Vienna on the emblem of Austrian anti-Semitic organizations.

By christening the archaic solar symbol the Hakenkreuz (Hakenkreuz is German for hook cross), Hitler claimed the priority of discoverer, even though the idea of ​​the swastika as a political symbol had taken root in Germany before him. In 1920, Hitler, who was an unprofessional and mediocre, but still an artist, allegedly independently developed the design of the party logo, proposing a red flag with a white circle in the middle, in the center of which a black swastika was rapaciously spreading hooks.

The red color, according to the leader of the National Socialists, was chosen in imitation of the Marxists, who also used it. Seeing the one hundred and twenty thousandth demonstration of the left forces under the scarlet banners, Hitler noted the active influence of the bloody color on the common man. In Mein Kampf, the Fuhrer mentioned the "great psychological significance" of symbols and their ability to powerfully influence emotions. But it was precisely by controlling the emotions of the crowd that Hitler managed to introduce the ideology of his party to the masses in an unprecedented way.

By adding a swastika to the red color, Adolf gave a diametrically opposite meaning to the favorite color scheme of the socialists. By attracting the attention of the workers with the familiar color of the posters, Hitler was "re-recruiting".

The red color in the interpretation of Hitler personified the idea of ​​movement, white - the sky and nationalism, the hoe-shaped swastika - labor and the anti-Semitic struggle of the Aryans. Creative work was mysteriously treated as anti-Semitic.

In general, it is impossible to call Hitler the author of National Socialist symbols, contrary to his statements. He borrowed the color from the Marxists, the swastika and even the name of the party (slightly rearranging the letters) from the Viennese nationalists. The idea of ​​using symbols is also plagiarism. It belongs to the oldest member of the party - a dentist named Friedrich Krohn, who submitted a memorandum back in 1919 to the party leadership. However, in the bible of National Socialism, the book Mein Kampf, the name of the quick-witted dentist is not mentioned.

However, Kron put a different content into the decoding of symbols. The red color of the banner is love for the motherland, the white circle is a symbol of innocence for unleashing the First World War, the black color of the cross is grief over losing the war.

In the interpretation of Hitler, the swastika became a sign of the Aryan struggle against "subhumans". The claws of the cross seem to be aimed at Jews, Slavs, representatives of other peoples who do not belong to the race of "blond beasts".

Unfortunately, the ancient positive sign was discredited by the National Socialists. The Nuremberg Tribunal in 1946 banned Nazi ideology and symbols. The swastika was also banned. Recently, she has been somewhat rehabilitated. Roskomnadzor, for example, admitted in April 2015 that displaying this sign outside of a propaganda context is not an act of extremism. Although the "reprehensible past" cannot be deleted from the biography, the swastika is used by some racist organizations.

Yes, reader, let's now be puzzled by this question, why did Adolf Hitler make the swastika a symbol of National Socialism ?!

The fact that the swastika - the gamma cross - is an Aryan symbol, most modern people the planet learned, unfortunately, at the suggestion of Hitler. Alas, it happened. The Nazi Fuhrer himself claimed that he was Aryan, and for this reason he had full right adopt the Aryan swastika.

What this "Aryan" did in history, we all know. The Second unleashed by him World War(1939-1945) only killed 50 million people different nationalities and another 100 million people became crippled. And all this atrocity against many peoples was committed under the sign of the Aryan swastika. Here under this sign:

At the same time, it is known that a few decades earlier, the same cross symbol, only with a different direction of bending of its ends, was especially revered in the Russian Empire.

It could be seen, for example, on the car of Tsar Nicholas II and in the everyday life of ordinary Russians. Here are a number of photographic documents to confirm this.

Towel. Tarnogsky district Vologda region. Late XIX century.

What did the swastika sign symbolize in the minds of Russians?

Why did the last Russian tsar have it with him, and why did ordinary Russians in the recent past also have a swastika in their homes in the form of embroideries and drawings?

If you dig in encyclopedias, you can find the following explanation: "The swastika has been a symbol of well-being for the Slavs since ancient times."

Such a definition explains quite exhaustively why this symbol was once widely used. Was it thought to bring prosperity? Well, who doesn't want to have one?

Once I saw the same swastika signs on ancient clothes stored in the museum. Orthodox priests. This museum is located in the Novodevichy Bogoroditsa-Smolensky Monastery.

Personally, this presence of swastikas on the old clothes of Russian clergy surprised me a little, puzzled me, and then prompted me to think that the swastika is not just"symbol of prosperity", behind this sign-cross lies something more. And I wanted to dig deeper, explore this topic.

In the process of searching, I found out that the words "symbol of prosperity" is just an adjective. A simple example: sometimes at weddings, the groom is given the task of naming 10 adjective words for his bride, and he begins to list: beloved, affectionate, kind, caring, and so on ... So the words "symbol of well-being" are adjectives .. .

I am sure that most modern people who have not conducted such a search like me will never guess that in ancient times the swastika sign was, it turns out, the most important symbol of Christianity!

Yes, yes, the most important!

I will say more: it was the only cross in true Christianity, if by true Christianity we mean practical activities Jesus Christ and his disciples-apostles numbering 12 people.

So, this symbol of the swastika in the teachings and practice of Jesus Christ graphically denoted God, who is Spirit!

"God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth" (John 4:23-24).

Have you heard, do you know these words of Christ the Savior?

From the very beginning, this graphic image of the God-Spirit in the form of a swastika filled the Teachings of Jesus Christ with a deep ideological meaning, one might even say a natural science meaning.

The image shown here is from the 2nd-5th century. new era. This drawing (on the left - restored, on the right - a fragment of the original) was found on the wall in the catacombs of Priscilla, in Rome. It is interpreted that the dove here depicts the soul of a deceased righteous man who flew to Paradise to take communion from a vessel with"by the Holy Spirit" . Not to write on the bowl of the word"Holy Spirit"or"spirit"who drew replaced the words graphic image- sign of the swastika.

Reference: Catacombs of Priscilla- Christian underground burials of the II-V centuries in Rome, forming three levels. These catacombs originated in the burial place of the Roman family of the consul Aquilia Glabrius. In the 1st century A.D. e. This family owned vast lands. One of the representatives of this family, Priscilla, was executed by order of the emperor Domitian. In the Greek chapel (Italian: Capella Greca), named after the discovered inscriptions in Greek, a feast scene (an allegory of the Eucharist) is depicted. Samples of early Christian art have been preserved in this chapel, including the oldest image of the Virgin Mary with a baby in her arms and the prophet Isaiah or Balaam, dating back to the 2nd century.

Exactly the same vessel"by the Holy Spirit" , which is guarded by birds of paradise, was depicted in an old mosaic floor painting, also related to early Christian art. And here we also see the swastika. This image is a screenshot from documentary about Christianity in the first centuries. In 2016 it was featured on Russian TV channel"Culture".

And now you will see a completely interesting mosaic floor picture of one of the early Christian churches. To be honest, this picture really impressed me!

This is a swastika on a mosaic floor in a Christian church built in the city of Geras (Jerash) in the Northern Jordan in 553. Orthodox Church"Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian".

This floor mosaic picture shows multiple images of swastikas moving in all directions! So the early Christian artist tried to convey through painting the meaning that was previously clear to every believing Christian: "Holy Spirit" moves in space, and in movement he performs some kind of sacred action known only to him.

In the presented picture, we find a swastika in the form of such "bricks" different directions rotation in the projection - left-handed and right-handed.

If a simple flat sign of the swastika symbolizes some kind of rotation around its axis in one direction or another, then creating a similar three-dimensional image of the swastika, the ancient Orthodox artist tried to show some kind of "spiritual movement" in space, in which one can guessspiral movement!

This mosaic picture testifies that in ancient times the first Christians had a natural-scientific idea of"Holy Spirit" !

And there is evidence (practically proof!) that the ancients saw the physical meaning of the "Holy Spirit" - in its spiral movement!

In the language of ancient scientists - Latin - the word spiral (spiralis from spira) - means "coil, curl". And the word spiro translated from the same Latin into Russian - means "to blow, winnow, be alive."

I note that in the old days the people in Russia image "gamma cross" did not call "swastika", but called the word "breeze". Which completely coincides with the meaning of "to blow, winnow, be alive." This can be read historian Roman Bagdasarov.

Now attention! "Holy Spirit" in Latin - Spiritus Sanctus.

As you can see, the root is the same everywhere - "spir", and therefore the meaning is the same!

These are the miracles that open up for someone (for me they have been opened for a long time!) after past centuries from Christmas!!!

And now we are all being convinced, and many have already been convinced, literally forced to believe that main character Christianity is the cross on which, according to the Gospels, the Savior was crucified. And no one among the believers thinks (there is faith - no mind is needed?) That it is blasphemy - to turn the object or instrument of killing a holy person into a symbol of faith. However, today, alas, Christians of all denominations, after the war unleashed by Adolf Hitler, revere only the wooden cross-crucifix, well, the golden cross-crucifix that they hang around their necks, as a symbol of Christianity. And if you think about it, this cross is nothing more than a symbol of the torment and death of one of the great enlighteners.

It is phenomenal that many people today literally look at the swastika with fear, and at the same time, the crucifixion of Christ the Savior on display does not frighten or shock them at all!

Roman play called: "Look, Christians, what we have done to your God!"

Do you think Adolf Hitler did not know about the real sacred sense swastikas when he took it as a symbol of Nazism and World War II?!

Do you think he did not know that in early Christianity it was a symbol of God, who is a spirit?

Of course he did! He had a powerful organization "Ahnenerbe", which was specially created back in 1935 for "studying the traditions, history and heritage of the German race with the aim of occult and ideological support for the functioning of the state apparatus of the Third Reich".

And if he knew everything, then what?

Why did the early Christian symbol of God, a symbol of well-being, (a symbol of receiving a blessing!), Which in pre-revolutionary Russia was a holy symbol, why did he use it to make June 22, 1941, on the day of the summer solstice, perfidious attack on the USSR?

Pay attention to the word "treacherous", and to the fact that Hitler planned the attack on the USSR on a holy day for the sun-worshipping Slavs. It was, firstly, the summer solstice, and secondly, it was Sunday!

In 1941, in the reports of the Sovinformburo about Germany's treacherous attack on the USSR It was said more than once, and every Soviet person understood it in his own way. Most, of course, thought that this word referred to the political relationship and agreements between Stalin and Hitler. In part, this was true. But it was even more true in a religious sense: using the swastika as a symbol of war and Nazism, Adolf Hitler acted literally as the Anti-Christ. That was the biggest treachery on his part...

Treachery in the sense that he used the symbol christian god to kill millions of people...

Continuation of the topic in a separate article "DEVIL'S LAIR: The Truth About Switzerland, Zionism and the Jews!"

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