Innovative ideas for small business. Implementation of innovations in production (on the example of OAO "mpovt")

In modern conditions, increasing the efficiency of production can be achieved mainly through the development of innovative processes, which are ultimately expressed in new technologies, new types of competitive products. The search for and use of innovations directly at enterprises is an urgent problem. The development of new technical and organizational and technological solutions, the improvement of the basic principles of management in relation to the specifics of the domestic market create conditions for updating the reproduction processes at enterprises and give an additional impetus to economic growth. By their nature, innovations include not only technical or technological developments, but also any changes for the better in all areas of scientific and industrial activity. The constant updating of equipment and technologies makes the innovation process the main condition for the production of competitive products, gaining and maintaining the position of enterprises in the market and increasing productivity, as well as the efficiency of the enterprise.

The Austrian economist J. Schumpeter is the founder of the theory of innovation. He considered innovation (technical) as a means for the entrepreneur to make a profit and substantiated that the "dynamic entrepreneur" is a source of market fluctuations. Analyzing the causes of these fluctuations, J. Schumpeter, for the first time in economics, singled out and characterized "new combinations of changes in development."

Schumpeter identified five typical changes:

  • production of products with new properties;
  • introduction of a new method (method) of production;
  • development of new sales markets;
  • use of a new source of raw materials;
  • carrying out an appropriate reorganization of production.

In the 30s, I. Schumpeter meant by the concept of “innovation” any possible change that occurs as a result of the use of new or improved solutions of a technical, technological, organizational nature in the processes of production, supply, marketing of products, etc.

P.F. Drucker defines innovation as a special tool for entrepreneurs, a means by which they use change as a chance to implement a new kind of business or service.

Definition of P.F. Drucker, in our opinion, more fully reflects the essence of the classical definition of J. Schumpeter, while emphasizing the need for the practical implementation of a new product and the importance of the entrepreneurial factor as a condition for the efficiency of production development.

In accordance with international standards, innovation is defined as the end result of innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practice.

Traditionally, all innovations are divided into two main categories: technological and non-technological.

Most researchers pay the most attention to technological innovations, which are a direct characteristic of the intensity of production development. These include all changes affecting the means, methods, production technologies that determine scientific and technological progress.

Accordingly, organizational, managerial, legal, social, and environmental innovations are classified as non-technological innovations.

The classification of innovations according to the criterion of significance in the development of the productive forces of society involves their division into the following groups:

Firstly, basic innovations are innovations that implement the largest inventions and become the basis for revolutionary revolutions in technology, the formation of its new directions, qualitative changes in the technological system, and the creation of new industries. Such innovations require a long period of time and large expenses for development, but they provide a significant national economic effect in terms of level and scale.

Secondly, major and fundamental innovations are innovations that have arisen on the basis of a similar rank of inventions, scientific and technical recommendations, as a result of which there is a change in generations of technology within a given area or the emergence of a new technology while maintaining the original fundamental scientific principle.

Created as a result of predominantly applied research and development, new equipment and technology has higher technical and economic indicators to meet new needs. The implementation of these innovations occurs in a shorter time and at lower costs, but the leap in technical level and efficiency is much smaller.

Thirdly, average and combinatorial innovations are the use of various combinations of constructive connection of elements. By implementing the average level of invention and know-how, these innovations make it possible to create a basis for the development of new models and modifications of this generation of equipment, improve existing technology, and improve the main technical and economic indicators of manufactured products.

Fourth, small and combinatorial innovations are innovations that arise on the basis of small inventions, rationalization proposals, and production experience. They are necessary to maintain the technical and economic level of the main or improve the secondary technical and economic parameters of equipment and technology, improve the parameters of manufactured products, which contributes to more efficient production of these products, or to increase the efficiency of their use.

In order to improve the efficiency of the enterprise, innovation should provide:

  • the most complete and timely satisfaction of needs;
  • competitiveness of the enterprise in terms of product quality and production efficiency, achieving a balance between stability (traditional technology management) and efforts to introduce new technology. While preserving the traditional productive technology, it is necessary to simultaneously direct part of the resources to the introduction of new technology, thereby diversifying the set of technical means;
  • efficiency in a wide range of radical innovations and adapt flexibly to both evolutionary, constantly implemented innovations, and radical, periodically implemented innovations. At the same time, a combination of continuous management of evolutionary technological innovations and programmatic management of radical innovations should be ensured;
  • organization of interaction between internal and external elements of the development system, the main factors of which are the system of information about the innovation market, the selection of projects from among alternatives and mutual interest.

Currently, the strategies of many enterprises are undergoing a certain reorientation, i.e., a transition from the full use of the economic effect of large-scale production to a more targeted innovation strategy. Innovations are the most important means of ensuring the stability of economic functioning, the efficiency of functioning and competitiveness. There is a strict relationship between competitive positions, the efficiency of the enterprise and its innovative potential. The efficiency of an enterprise can be achieved by improving the quality of products, implementing a resource-saving policy, launching new, competitive projects, and developing profitable business projects.

Of scientific interest is the statement of the well-known innovation theorist B. Twiss, who emphasizes that “the problem is not only in the innovations themselves, but rather in the effective, profit-oriented management of scientific and technical innovations.” In this regard, in our opinion, when speaking about the essence of “innovation”, it is necessary to consider this concept at the enterprise level and reflect its focus on improving the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole.

Of course, innovation is based on the satisfaction of certain social needs, but at the same time, increasing the efficiency of using individual resources or increasing the efficiency of individual production units, or increasing the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole as a result of introducing innovations and obtaining innovations does not always happen. The final success of an innovation, expressed in obtaining an economic effect or increasing the efficiency of an enterprise, is influenced by a combination of various factors (economic, legal, technical, market, etc.), the impact of which is extremely difficult to predict.

Thus, it can be argued that innovation is an innovation introduced into the activities of an enterprise in order to increase its efficiency based on better satisfaction of a certain social need. At the same time, it should be noted that efficiency should be understood as a certain economic, production, social, environmental and other result expected from the introduction of innovation.

Innovation in production? it is the result of labor that has been implemented in the form of a new or improved product, or a technological process through the use of scientific and technological achievements.

In the conditions of a planned economy, the development of new equipment and technology at enterprises took place in accordance with the State plans. Currently, this work is entirely under the responsibility of the enterprises themselves. Innovation specialists are becoming in demand, and they, to a large extent, are responsible for the survival and development of the enterprise.

In a number of works, the issues of survival of enterprises in a competitive environment are considered. 4 strategies are proposed.

violet The strategy involves mass production and supply of products of acceptable quality at low production costs, which allows you to set low prices based on a significant amount of demand. A violent strategy can be pursued by large organizations with a stable reputation that have mastered significant market segments.

Patient the strategy is designed to conquer and retain relatively narrow market niches. Manufacturers and sellers of exclusive goods sell them at high prices, which makes it possible to receive significant profits with small sales volumes. Competitiveness is achieved by the sophistication of the goods, high quality indicators.

Commutation strategy is designed to meet rapidly changing short-term needs of consumers. Therefore, it is characterized, above all, by high flexibility, which imposes special requirements on the restructuring of production for the production of periodically updated products. Typically, such a strategy is followed by non-specialized organizations with fairly versatile technologies and limited production volumes. The strategy does not provide for achieving high quality and sales at high prices.

Experiential The strategy is based on achieving benefits through design and technological innovations that allow us to outperform competitors in the production and delivery of new unique products to the market. The implementation of such a strategy requires a large initial capital, scientific and production potential, and highly qualified personnel.

Thus, the experiential survival strategy is most consistent with the principles of an innovative culture. It can be implemented by several innovative strategies, depending on the resources available to the enterprise and the positioning of the manufactured product on the S-curve of its life cycle ( rice. one).

Rice. 1 The relationship of costs and results when using a new product and implementing a new technology

At stage I, the consumer properties of new designs are significantly higher than those developed earlier, which is associated with the implementation of new innovations and the use of fundamentally different technical solutions. At the end of stage I, the most optimal designs are identified and leading firms in the corresponding type of product are identified.

At stage II, the traditionally established optimal design is improved through the use of more advanced technologies, materials and components used. The main factors of innovation activity are economic and technological. Output volumes increase sharply and leading firms receive significant profits and compensate for the costs incurred at stage I.

At stage III, the innovative capabilities of the product are exhausted and a fundamentally new product appears, on which the innovative potential of the manufacturer is concentrated.

From the point of view of technologies used in the production of goods, at the stages of the S-curve, there are [ 2 ]:

Critical Technology is a fundamentally new technology that provides a replacement high technology, change of generation of technology. At this moment of "crisis" (from the Greek crisis - turning point, outcome, decision) a new S-shaped curve begins to form on completely new principles. For example, in air transport technologies, piston-engine aircraft have been replaced by jets.

Innovations that improve provide significant advantages over existing technologies, but they are not based on fundamentally new scientific and technological achievements, new physical principles of operation. Usually, improving innovations are associated with the production of modified equipment of the same generation. Such an innovative process corresponds mainly to high technologies.

high technology is a technology located in the upper part of the S-curve of the development of a technical system (device or method) of a given principle of operation. As technical systems develop over time, technology characteristics are continuously improved through inventive, rationalization and local R&D, which leads to the advancement of this technology up the s-curve.

The development of technologies in the retrospective period can be considered on the example of the theory of changing technological patterns . The technological structure is understood as a set of related industries (interconnected technological chains) with a single technical level and considered as a kind of structural subsystem of the economic system - alternative in relation to such subsystems as industries.

The complex of basic sets of technologically related industries forms the core of the technological order. Technological innovations involved in the creation of the core of the technological order are called " key factor". Industries that intensively consume a key factor, playing a leading role in the spread of a new technological order, are its carrier industries. To date, in the world technical and economic development (starting with the industrial revolution in England), life cycles can be distinguished five successively replacing each other technological structures, including the dominant information technology structure in the structure of the modern economy. The characteristics of the structures are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Characteristics of technological modes

Technological order number
1 2 3 4 5
From 1980
until 2030-
Great Britain,
UK, France,
Germany, USA, UK, France,
Switzerland, Netherlands
USA, Western European countries, USSR, Canada, Japan Japan,
German states, Netherlands Italy,
Netherlands, Switzerland,
Russia, Italy, Denmark, Austria-Hungary, Canada, Japan, Spain, Sweden Brazil, Mexico, China, Taiwan, India Brazil,
way of life
Textile industry, textile machinery, iron smelting, iron processing, canal construction, water engine Steam
engine, railway construction, transportation,
Machine-steam building, coal, machine-tool industry, ferrous metallurgy
Electrical engineering, heavy engineering, steel production and rolling,
power lines, inorganic chemistry
Automobile-tractor building, non-ferrous metallurgy, production of durable goods, synthetic materials, organic chemistry, oil production and refining Electronic industry, computing, optical
communications, robotics, manufacturing and processing
Textile machines steam engine,
machine tools
Electric motor, steel Internal combustion engine, petrochemistry Microelectric
throne rooms
way of life
Steam engines, mechanical engineering Steel, power industry, heavy engineering, inorganic chemistry Automotive industry, organic chemistry, oil production and processing, non-ferrous metallurgy, road construction. Radars, pipeline construction, aircraft industry, gas production and processing Biotechnology, space
fine chemistry
way of life compared
with the preceding
Mechanization and concentration of production in factories Growth of scale and concentration of production based on the use of a steam engine Raise
flexibility of production based on the use of an electric motor, standardization of production, urbanization
Mass and serial production Individual
dualization of the consumer, increase
production, overcoming environmental restrictions
for energy and metal
based on telecommunications
scientific technologies

Microelectronics and software are the key factor in the technological order that dominates today. The industries that form its core include electronic components and devices, electronic computers, radio and telecommunications equipment, laser equipment, and computer equipment maintenance services. The generation of technological innovations that determine the development of this technological mode occurs within the specified complex of industries and is mediated by strong nonlinear feedbacks between them.

At present, as follows from the current rhythm of long-term technical and economic development, this technological mode is close to the limits of its growth - the surge and fall in energy prices, the global financial crisis are sure signs of the final phase of the life cycle of the dominant technological mode and the beginning of the structural reorganization of the economy on the basis of the next. Today, the reproduction system of a new, sixth technological order is being formed, the formation and growth of which will determine global economic development in the next two to three decades.

The development of technological equipment for machine-building production in the 4th and 5th technological modes took place in the following directions:

  • increase in productivity and processing accuracy,
  • reduction of resource consumption,
  • increasing the level of automation and flexibility,
  • improving reliability and durability.

Among the design solutions that ensure the implementation of these areas, the following can be distinguished.

1. Processing concentration. Thanks to the use of new target equipment, the effect is achieved by performing all technological operations per unit of equipment. Technical efficiency due to the increase in accuracy due to the 1st installation. Economic efficiency due to 2 factors: 1) reduction in processing time and order fulfillment due to the lack of transfer of parts from one equipment to another; 2) reducing the need for labor.

Commercialization of innovations is carried out in 2 ways:

  • sale of standard equipment to an impersonal buyer;
  • sale of a special execution for the processing of a specific group.

In this case, in addition to the basic equipment, sets of management programs, tools and devices are supplied.

2. The use of a laser in machining. Laser equipment makes it possible to increase the efficiency of processing hard materials, for example, based on titanium and tungsten alloys. Technical efficiency due to: 1) reduction of processing time; 2) improving the quality of the treated surface. Economic efficiency achieved by increasing labor productivity. Commercialization is carried out by the supply of laser equipment with a set of control programs

3. Flexible automated production. The emergence of flexible manufacturing is due to the following reasons. 1) In the context of increased competition, Violent and patient enterprises should develop products focused on a fairly narrow market segment, which corresponds to the concept of marketing: providing the maximum breadth of choice and intensifying commercial efforts. At the same time, the manufacturer must have diversified production capacities for each type of product, which reduces the return on assets and increases the payback period. 2) In the context of the intensification of scientific and technological progress and the rapid change in product models in production, the equipment used does not have time to undergo physical and moral deterioration, but is decommissioned. 3) Maintaining high labor costs, the need to increase labor productivity.

Flexible automated production implies the presence of equipment with program control, integrated automatic transport, robotic loading device and controlled by a single program. Technical the advantage is an increase in productivity and a reduction in staff. Economic production efficiency is due to an increase in the terms of use of fixed assets, a decrease in the payback period and an increase in capital productivity. Commercialization is carried out by a complex supply of production in accordance with the terms of reference of the user.

4. High speed processing. With increasing requirements, processing accuracy, it became necessary to minimize the cutting force, which is achieved by a significant increase in processing speeds. Technical efficiency due to an increase in accuracy and a decrease in the roughness of the part. Economic efficiency due to a reduction in the cost of processing due to a reduction in the number of technological operations. Commercialization expands the range of technical equipment through high-speed modification based on the standard version.

5. Vertical arrangement of equipment. The prerequisites for the emergence of innovation was the increase in the cost of productive premises in developed countries, which is due to the increase in the cost of resources. The task of reducing the area occupied by the equipment has become urgent. Technical efficiency achieved by improving chip removal. Economic efficiency due to lower costs at the stage of equipment operation.

6. Equipment with parallel kinematics (hexapods, tripods). The prerequisites for the emergence of hexapods were the requirements for the need to concentrate operations, including assembly and control. Structurally, the equipment is a set of mechatronic devices that allow processing, assembly and control of the product from the first installations. Technical the advantage is reduced processing time and increased flexibility. Economic the benefits are due to an increase in labor productivity and an increase in the capital productivity of equipment. Commercialization carries out the production of hexapods that meet the specific requirements of the customer.

As can be seen from the review, innovations in technological equipment can significantly improve their consumer properties and bring them closer to the dynamically changing requirements of users, but this requires a restructuring of the manufacturer's activities, adapting it to modern economic conditions.

To implement an integrated approach to the implementation of innovations, the following innovative strategies of the enterprise can be proposed.

Traditional strategy is focused on the manufacturer of products that are in steady demand due to the high quality and authority of the manufacturer. The application of the strategy is justified for goods with fairly stable consumer properties, which can be slightly increased due to technological and design innovation at the second stage of product development. Disadvantage: the impossibility of application for high-tech products corresponding to the first stage of product development.

Opportunistic strategy corresponds to the situation when a company appears on the market that does not have enough innovative resources, but has working capital to identify unoccupied niches, organize the production of products with a short cycle and obtain maximum profit in the minimum time. Drawback: unstable market position , will not be able to compete with well-known enterprises focused on innovation strategy when they occupy this market niche.

Simulation strategy implemented by enterprises that do not have sufficient innovation potential and do not want to take risks when implementing an opportunistic strategy. The strategy is to acquire a patent, license and other intellectual property rights to produce a product that is in demand in the market. Through the acquisition of ready-made technologies and staff training, an increase in product quality is achieved, making it competitive in the domestic and partly in the foreign market. Disadvantage: the likelihood that the enterprise will never become a leader in the production of goods and will not receive advantages corresponding to the investment stage of product development.

Defensive strategy provides that the enterprise has sufficient innovative potential and financial resources to organize the production of goods corresponding to the investment stage. At the same time, due to intense competition, all market niches are occupied, and enterprises do not want to give way to leading firms by acquiring intellectual property from them. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out a full cycle of innovative work, incurring the corresponding costs. A defensive strategy is justified in those cases when it is necessary to ensure the economic independence of the country. Disadvantage: a decrease in income at stage I and partially at stage II of the product, as there is some lag behind the leading firms that receive the main profit.

Dependent strategy corresponds to a situation where a large enterprise with significant innovative potential transfers mastered products to branches and subsidiaries, usually located in underdeveloped countries. The dependent strategy corresponds to a minimum of costs and does not require the availability of innovative potential.

offensive strategy corresponds to the position of a leading firm that has sufficient innovation potential and working capital to allow a return on investment after a few years, as well as an irretrievable loss due to the risk of innovation. The offensive strategy is most consistent with the ideas of innovation management and can be implemented in two types of enterprises:

a) the leading enterprise in this type of product,

b) a venture firm with sufficient innovation potential.

To select the optimal strategy, the table presents expert data, ranked by scores of characteristics that are necessary for the implementation of the corresponding strategy. [ 3 ]

Table 2. Resources needed to implement the strategy

resource characteristics fun-damen. research butt. research an experience. prod. planning counter. quality ser. service security intelligence. property scientific-tech. info. level of training of workers organization level. production
name of the strategy
offensive 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5
dependent 1 1 2 3 5 1 1 3 3 2
defensive 2 3 5 5 4 3 4 5 4 4
imitation 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 5 3 3
opportunistic 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 5
traditional 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1

Thus, the enterprise can choose a strategy based on available resources, or increase resources in accordance with the chosen strategy.

A.A. Kornienko
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


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  3. Zavlin P. N. Innovative activity in the conditions of the market. - St. Petersburg, - 1994.
  4. Kornienko A.A. Management of technological equipment park development. M.: Janus-M, 2006. - 154 p.
  5. Yudanov A.Yu. Competition: theory and practice. - M., -1998. - 381s.
  6. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Organization competitiveness management. - M.: EKSMO, - 2004. - 541s.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “small business”? Most likely, you imagine a small kiosk selling all sorts of useful and not very trifles, an inexpensive hairdressing salon without any frills, or, at worst, a freelance designer. But what small business does not fit in with is science-intensive industries and innovative projects.

Indeed, how can a tiny firm with a dozen professionals in the state promote innovation in the country? They also require serious investments, both financial and intellectual. Innovation is something large-scale, all-encompassing... By the way, what is hidden behind such a “fashionable” term today? You can hear it from almost every iron, but almost no one can give it a clear definition.

Some experts even believe that the very terms "innovation" or "innovative" today must be used with great care. Many consumers, and even business representatives, have already developed a certain immunity to everything supposedly innovative. Many associate with these words the banal bluster of the so-called startups and a bad marketing strategy, but not science-intensive technologies. Therefore, do not rush to call any development, at least somehow connected with the IT sphere, innovative. You should see the difference between innovative developments or production and just a technologized business.

The main features of innovation are novelty and a direct relationship to science

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of whether a small business can be innovative, since the criteria for innovation themselves are very vague and subjective. However, many agree that small business today may well become both a “conductor” of innovation, actively mastering new technologies, and a direct creator of innovative products. The last thesis is proved by the experience of Western countries, where small businesses are quite successful in working with innovations.

Innovation and small business with them and with us

The phrase "innovative small business" in Western, as well as in some Asian countries, no longer seems to be an oxymoron. Thus, in Europe, the “conductor” of innovations is more often precisely small businesses, rather than large enterprises.

For example, in Germany there are hundreds of thousands of small and medium-sized engineering companies that work together with giants: they produce individual parts for Daimler, BMW and Volkswagen cars or electronics for Siemens. The same companies single-handedly bring projects to the market in the areas of IT, biotechnology, etc. and often have a serious weight in a particular industry.

A similar picture is observed in other European countries. Ten years ago, small firms in Finland, Denmark and Ireland were far more likely to innovate than their medium and large counterparts.

The reason is simple: in Europe since the 1970s. active work is carried out to support innovative business activities.

In the same Germany, as well as in Britain, entrepreneurship is taught from the school bench, and newcomers who aim at innovation are actively consulted for free.

No less success in the development of innovative small business was achieved in Japan. Here, a special bet was made on the so-called entrepreneurial culture, which is promoted by creating optional "quality circles" at enterprises. Within these circles, employees identify problems related to production efficiency and product quality, and look for ways to solve these problems.

In the last decade, much attention has been paid to innovation in China, where since 2003 two long-term programs for the development of entrepreneurship have been running at once. For 13 years, together they have increased the share of small business in the country's economy to 60% and made it the main driver of innovation.

In Russia, however, a completely different situation is observed: more than 60% of our small businesses are engaged in trade, or, more precisely, in the resale of imported goods. But in terms of innovation, Russian small business lags far behind its foreign counterparts, according to data from the National Institute for System Research on Entrepreneurship Problems (NISIPP). Moreover, most often, Russian enterprises to introduce innovations at home and conduct innovative activities themselves are hindered by a lack of funding, low qualifications of staff and a narrow sales market for products.

True, the Russian government still thought about how to solve at least some of these problems and encourage small businesses to work in an innovative niche. From January 1, 2016, several documents related to SMEs came into force at once:

Law on an annual increase of 5% in the costs of state-owned companies for the purchase of innovations,

The list of companies that are required to purchase innovations from small businesses,

A document obliging to include innovative and high-tech products, including those produced by small businesses, in the procurement plan,

Regulation on the purchase of innovations, which companies will regulate their purchasing activities

Sergei Fakhretdinov

Head of the Business Russia Committee for the development of interaction between business and state-owned companies

Undoubtedly, these measures to support industrial small and medium-sized businesses will “untie their hands” and open up new opportunities for entrepreneurs. Now our task is to ensure that all the envisaged measures are implemented not only on paper, but also in practice.

According to the estimates of the Ministry of Economic Development, in 2015 state-owned companies purchased approximately 1-2% of innovations. State-owned companies where the purchase of innovations is many times higher, for example, Russian Railways, PJSC Rostelecom, will need additional efforts in inviting SMEs to work.

The procurement procedure for innovations and high-tech products can be facilitated by a clear strategy of action, the development and further implementation of which the business community is ready to join.

However, in practice, there may be problems with the purchase of innovations from small businesses. Some state corporations buy products that small businesses do not manufacture at all.

In addition, rather stringent requirements are imposed on the participants of tenders through which state-owned companies make purchases: non-zero quarterly reporting, a period of work of at least three years, etc. Not every tech startup can boast of meeting such criteria. Yes, and the economic background in this case is strong: the tenderer must transfer to the customer 5% of the order amount, and in case of victory - another 30% as a guarantee of fulfilling all the terms of the agreement. For these reasons, small businesses are not so eager to sell innovations to state-owned companies. By the way, the latter are also not eager to buy innovative products from anyone.

Vladimir Knyazhitsky

CEO of Fast Lane Group in Russia and the CIS

Large, and even medium-sized businesses, are not so actively introducing innovations, because often it is simply not profitable for them. In order not to be unfounded, I will give an example. Take such an innovative product as cloud accounting.

Medium and large businesses, in fact, do not need this development. For them, the volume of services is not great, but the complexity of transferring to a new product is great. In addition, there is often a lack of confidence in this very product. It is more difficult for large companies to change their processes, and the risks of failures at the time of introducing a solution are always huge.

Do small businesses need innovation?

But in small business the situation is diametrically opposite: it is easier and more profitable for it to introduce new innovative solutions. But do small businesses really need innovation?

Nikolai Kalmykov

As the surveys of 2014-2015 in Moscow, in which more than 10 thousand business leaders took part, showed, it was at a difficult moment that many managers said that they planned, along with optimizing activities, to take a closer look at new technologies and engage in technological re-equipment. This applies primarily to those whose business is related to production.

It can be seen from this that innovations are at least in demand in a crisis, and as a maximum, they lay the foundation for the future economic development of the country, allow you to do business more efficiently, reduce costs and efforts, providing the necessary level of service and communications with customers.
At the same time, innovations must solve specific problems. For example, to simplify registration with the tax office and the organization of the cash register, control the work of employees with clients, etc. These are just those things without which it is much more difficult to do business today.

So, innovative developments are much more needed by small enterprises, and not by large concerns. The latter are too sluggish to introduce innovations, and often have little interest in this.

And again, another small business can produce most innovative products for small businesses. The main thing is to identify the needs of colleagues in the workshop and offer them a project that most often requires not so much investment at the start.

What is in demand?

An indisputable fact: innovation is different from innovation. Not all advanced technologies are in demand by small or large businesses or private clients; not every one of them can be used to create your own enterprise. For example, 3D printing has been on the list of promising technologies for several years now, but products printed in this way are not yet widely distributed.

It is worth noting that various experts and authoritative sources call different market niches promising, one way or another related to innovation. For example, the publication "General Director", based on research data from international consulting companies and an analytical center under the government of the Russian Federation, included the following industries among the most promising:

Mobile payments

Internet of Things

Massive Online Courses

Wearable electronics (smart watches, fitness bracelets, etc.)

3D printing

- "Smart" materials

But the authoritative American business portal included the production of drones, artificial intelligence, everything related to virtual reality, innovative production and analysis of food products, the creation of environmentally friendly building materials, etc. among the most promising areas.

The British source suggests focusing on the development of fitness devices, educational applications, platforms for booking venues for events and various low-cost smart home systems. But what is the prospect for Russian entrepreneurs?

1. A high-quality site, where the main criterion for its quality is the ability to sell. I often have to audit externally beautiful sites that are originally designed, but do not contribute to the sale of the service at all.

2. Creation and proper promotion of mobile applications.

4. Cloud accounting services.

5. Corporate cloud document management services.

6. Efficient telephony with cloud number and cloud PBX.

In a word, if you are driven by the desire to start an innovative business by all means, you can take a closer look at one of the areas indicated above. At the same time, it is worth developing just such a product that would be in demand from other baby companies. This, in this case, is perhaps the most grateful audience. But projects aimed at state-owned companies or individuals should be launched with caution, since this target audience has very little demand. Of course, a funny invention like a drinking buddy robot will delight, but few people want to buy it in the next 20 years.

Enterprise Innovation- a form of manifestation of scientific and technological progress at the micro level. They contribute to updating the range of products, improving its quality in order to meet the needs of consumers and maximize the profit of the organization.

The effectiveness of innovative(scientific and technical) development enterprises are determined based on the ratio effect(profit of the organization) and the costs that caused it. There are four main types of effect from innovations: technical, resource, economic and social.

The success of the implementation of innovations in the enterprise is influenced by many factors, among which we note the scientific and technical potential; production and technical base; main types of resources; large investments; appropriate control system. The correct ratio and use of these factors, as well as the close relationship through the management system between the innovation, production and marketing activities of the company, lead to a positive result in the implementation of the innovation strategy.

Innovative development of an enterprise is the basis for increasing the efficiency of its activities

- the end result of the introduction of innovation in order to change the object of management and obtain an economic, environmental, scientific, technical or other type of effect.

Scientific and technical progress- this is a process of continuous development of science, technology, technology, improvement of objects of labor, forms and methods of organizing production and labor. It is the most important means of solving social and economic problems, such as improving working conditions, protecting the environment, and, as a result, increasing the well-being of the nation. Scientific and technical progress is of great importance for ensuring the system of national security and defense.

In its development, STP manifests itself in two interrelated and interdependent forms (Table 1).

Table 1 Forms of scientific and technological progress

NTP form

Term and essence



Can last quite a long time and provide significant economic results (especially in the initial stages)

Gradual and continuous improvement of traditional technical means and technologies; accumulation of base for fundamental transformations


There are qualitative changes in the material and technical base of production in a relatively short time. Contributes to the rapid development of industries that determine the technical re-equipment of the national economy

Based on the achievements of science and technology. It is characterized by the use of new energy sources, the widespread use of electronics, new technological processes, advanced materials

The relationship between these two forms is manifested in the following: scientific and technological progress, being the basis for fundamental changes in the field of science and technology, constantly improves revolutionary inventions, i.e. contributes to the scientific and technological revolution. For example, the invented internal combustion engine gave a powerful impetus to the development of the automotive industry. Recent improvements in automotive technology are increasingly bringing manufacturers closer to a new breakthrough, the rejection of gasoline and diesel engines. The scientific and technological revolution, in turn, accelerates scientific and technological progress, brings it to a qualitatively new level. A vivid example is the development of agriculture after the invention and introduction of electricity (incubators for poultry, milking machines, automatic feeding system for animals and birds, etc.).

Efficiency innovative (scientific and technical) development of the organization is determined based on the ratio of the effect and the costs that caused it (Fig. 1). Efficiency is a relative value measured in fractions of a unit or as a percentage and characterizing the result of the costs incurred. The efficiency criterion is the maximization of the effect (profit) at a given cost or the minimization of costs (production costs) to achieve a given effect.

Thus, the innovative development of the organization is closely related to its investment activities. Significant investment is required both to bring the results of research and development (laboratory technologies) to industrial readiness (industrial or pilot technologies), and to purchase ready-made industrial technology (which is much less capital intensive).

Rice. 1. Efficiency of innovative development (IR) of the organization

The amount of investment depends on the features of the innovation process, such as a variety of options for achieving the goal, a high level of risk when introducing an innovation, a low level of predictive estimates of the result, the need to process large amounts of information to build an innovative company strategy, etc.

In recent years, the systemic reform of Russian enterprises has been of great importance. It is necessary to radically change the production technology, which is associated with innovation strategy enterprises, organizations and firms, which is important in a market economy characterized by a rapid change in the situation and active competitive struggle of enterprises. Effective development and implementation of innovations allow the company to successfully operate in already developed areas and open up opportunities to enter new areas. The success of innovation in an organization is influenced by:

  • scientific and technical potential;
  • production and technical base;
  • main types of resources;
  • large investments;
  • appropriate control system.

The correct ratio and use of these factors, as well as the close relationship through the management system between the innovation, production and marketing activities of the company, lead to a positive result in the implementation of the innovation strategy.

The formation of innovative strategies is based on the general socio-economic goals and innovative tasks of the organization. Making profit and maximizing it is the fundamental goal of the organization in market conditions. To achieve it, the organization defines specific goals of lower orders. Among the general socio-economic goals of the second level are:

  • growth in the scale of production;
  • market share growth;
  • stabilization of the market position;
  • development of new markets (Table 2).

A properly formed portfolio of innovative strategies contributes to a more rational allocation of resources and, accordingly, affects the efficiency of the organization as a whole. However, the development and implementation of an innovation strategy largely depends on the factors of the external environment of the organization. In strategic planning, it is necessary to take into account the innovative potential of competitors, and the attitude of the state to the innovative activities of the organization, and the general scientific, technical, economic, political and social atmosphere in the country.

The main directions of innovative development of the organization

The main directions of innovative development of the enterprise in the modern economy:

  • complex mechanization and automation;
  • chemicalization;
  • electrification;
  • electronization of production;
  • introduction of new materials;
  • mastering new technologies (Fig. 2).

Table 2 Formation of an innovation strategy in an organization

Purpose of the organization

The mission of the organization

The essence of the innovative strategy of the organization

Increasing the scale of production:

  • Rapid growth (more than 20% per year)
  • Very high (20%), high (10%) growth
  • Medium (5%), small (below 5%) growth
  • Major renovation, expansion or new construction
  • Entering the market of a new product and development of already created and commissioned capacities
  • Production of a product that is at the beginning of the maturity stage (i.e. at the end of the growth stage)
  • Design and purchase of new equipment; development of new types of products and new technological processes
  • Improvement of existing technological processes and modification of products; scientific and technological preparations for future periods
  • Ensuring the improvement of existing technological processes in order to reduce costs, improve the product and prepare for the introduction of new products to the market

Market share growth

Production of related products; growth in production volumes; driving competitors out of the market

Raising the technical level of production, scientific and technical support for the launch of products with characteristics that surpass those of competitors. Developing innovations to sustainably reduce production costs to lower levels than competitors

Stabilization of the market position

Following the product life cycle; timely introduction of products to the market; keeping production costs low

Achieving a high technical level of products and technologies; ensuring that the product life cycle is consistent with R&D cycles

Development of new markets

Mastering the production of new products to meet the requirements of various markets; mobile scientific and technical potential capable of switching to solving diverse tasks

Development of differentiated products and processes; scientific and technical support for the processes of bringing goods to the market

1. Integrated mechanization and automation of production- widespread introduction of interconnected and interdependent machines, devices, instruments, equipment in all areas of production, operations and types of work. It contributes to the intensification of production, growth, reducing the share of manual labor in production, facilitating and improving working conditions, and reducing the labor intensity of products. Thus, mechanization displaces manual labor and replaces it with machines in the main and auxiliary technological operations.

In the process of development, mechanization has gone through several stages: from the mechanization of the main technological processes, which are characterized by the greatest labor intensity, to the mechanization of both the main and auxiliary technological processes (complex mechanization).

Automation of production means the use of technical means in order to completely or partially replace human participation in the processes of obtaining, transforming, transmitting and using energy, materials or information. Automation can be:

  • partial (covers individual operations and processes);
  • complex (covers the entire cycle of work);
  • complete (an automated process is implemented without the direct participation of a person).

2. Chemicalization of production— improvement of production processes as a result of the introduction of chemical technologies, raw materials, materials, products in order to intensify, obtain new types of products and improve their quality. This reduces production costs and increases the efficiency of the organization in the market. Examples are "new generation" lacquers and coatings, chemical additives, synthetic fibers, lightweight and durable plastics.

3. Electrification of production- widespread introduction of electricity as a source of power for the production power apparatus. On the basis of electrification, complex mechanization and automation of production are carried out, and progressive technology is introduced. Electrophysical and electrochemical processing methods make it possible to obtain products of complex geometric shapes. Lasers are widely used for cutting and welding metals, heat treatment.

4. Electronicization of production- providing all departments of the organization with highly efficient electronics - from personal computers to satellite communication and information systems. On the base computer and microprocessors create technological complexes, machines and equipment, measuring, regulating and information systems, conduct design work and scientific research, provide information services, training. This increases labor productivity, reduces the time for obtaining information, and increases the speed of the production process.

5. Creation and implementation new materials possessing qualitatively new effective properties (heat resistance, superconductivity, corrosion and radiation resistance, etc.), makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of manufactured products. This, in turn, will positively affect the profitability of the organization.

6. Mastering new technologies solves many industrial and socio-economic problems. In the production process, fundamentally new technologies make it possible to increase the volume of output without involving additional factors of production. The development of new biotechnologies will help solve the problems of hunger in developing countries, control pests of agricultural crops without harming the environment, provide raw materials for all regions of the world economy, and create waste-free production.

Domestic enterprises in the context of a decline in production during the period of economic reforms faced a serious problem in the field of innovative development. The main difficulties were caused by the refusal to finance R&D by the state, which led to a temporary freeze of this type of activity of the organization. Today, however, many Russian enterprises have begun to adapt to market conditions, and there has been some rise in domestic industry. The transition of enterprises to self-financing, the attraction of domestic and foreign investors prompted enterprises to innovate. In addition, the leaders of industrial enterprises have realized that strategic planning in the field of innovation is a fundamental element in improving the efficiency of the company in a market economy. In this regard, part of the internal investments began to be directed to the innovative development of the enterprise.

Innovations, however, require not only significant investments, but also effective management in order to obtain a positive result from their application.

Innovation activity is a complex of scientific, technological, organizational, financial and commercial activities aimed at commercialization of accumulated knowledge, technologies and equipment. The result of innovation activity is new or additional goods/services or goods/services with new qualities.

Also, innovation activity can be defined as the activity of creating, mastering, disseminating and using innovations.

Innovation activities include:

Identification of enterprise problems;

Implementation of the innovation process;

Organization of innovation activity.

The main prerequisite for the innovative activity of an enterprise is that everything that exists is aging. Therefore, it is necessary to systematically discard everything that is worn out, outdated, has become a brake on the path to progress, and also take into account mistakes, failures and miscalculations. To do this, enterprises periodically need to conduct certification of products, technologies and jobs, analyze the market and distribution channels. In other words, a kind of radiograph of all aspects of the enterprise's activities should be carried out. This is not just a diagnosis of the production and economic activities of the enterprise, its products, markets, etc. Based on it, managers should be the first to think about how to make their products (services) obsolete themselves, and not wait until competitors do it. And this, in turn, will encourage enterprises to innovate. Practice shows that nothing makes a leader focus on an innovative idea as much as the realization that the product being produced will become obsolete in the near future.

2. The concept of innovative production.

Innovative production is production based on the use of new knowledge (or new use of knowledge) embodied in technology, KNOW-HOW, new combinations of production factors, the structure of organization and production management, and allowing you to get additional rent and various kinds of advantages over competitors.

3. The strategy of innovative activity of the enterprise.

An innovation strategy is one of the means to achieve the goals of an enterprise, which differs from other means in its novelty, primarily for this company and, possibly, for the industry, market, and consumers. The innovation strategy is subordinated to the general strategy of the enterprise. It sets the goals of innovation, the choice of means to achieve them and the sources of attraction of these funds.

Innovative strategies create particularly difficult conditions for project, firm and corporate management. These conditions include:

Increasing the level of uncertainty of results. This makes it necessary to develop such a specific function as innovation risk management;

Increasing investment risks of projects. The portfolio of innovative projects is dominated by medium-term and especially long-term projects. We have to look for more risky investors. A qualitatively new object of management appears in front of the control system of this organization - an innovation-investment project;

Strengthening the flow of changes in the organization due to innovative restructuring. Streams of strategic change should be combined with stable ongoing production processes. It is required to ensure a combination of interests and coordination of decisions of strategic, scientific, technical, financial, production, and marketing management.

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