Calculation of the cash balance limit: if there is cash revenue and if it is not

Annually individual entrepreneurs are faced with the need to revise cash limits. At the same time, since 2012, they have to determine this indicator on their own, and then they need to submit it to the bank. Difficulties for entrepreneurs arise due to the fact that the rules for calculating the cash limit depend on whether the individual entrepreneur has cash earnings or not. How to accurately calculate and approve this limit, you will learn from the article.

Why set a cash limit

The obligation of individual entrepreneurs to set a cash limit is enshrined in the Regulation of the Bank of Russia dated October 12, 2011 N 373-P on the procedure for maintaining cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory Russian Federation(hereinafter - Regulation N 373-P). And if the entrepreneur does not set a limit, it is considered that it is equal to zero. As a result, the individual entrepreneur will not be entitled to keep money at the cash desk at the end of the day, and the cash balance withdrawn daily in must be zero.
Consequently, in the absence of an approved cash limit, it is likely that the entrepreneur will allow it to be exceeded, which is a violation of the law. So, in such a situation, the entrepreneur is threatened with penalties.
In accordance with Art. 4.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), an individual entrepreneur can be brought to administrative responsibility within two months from the day when he exceeded the limit.

Document Fragment. Article 15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
Violation of the procedure for working with cash and the procedure for conducting cash transactions, expressed in cash settlements with other organizations in excess of the established amounts, non-receipt (incomplete capitalization) at the cash desk cash, non-observance of the procedure for keeping free cash, as well as in the accumulation of cash in cash in excess of the established limits, - entails the imposition of an administrative fine

  • on officials in the amount of four thousand to five thousand rubles;
  • for legal entities - from forty thousand to fifty thousand rubles.

In addition, if an individual entrepreneur does not have an established cash limit, this may become an obstacle to opening a bank account for him. Although the legislation of the Russian Federation does not establish the need for individual entrepreneurs to open bank accounts, at the same time they are not exempt from the obligation prescribed in clause 1.4 of the Regulations to keep cash in bank accounts in excess of the established limit.
It is worth noting that arbitrage practice does not work in favor of the perpetrators.

Arbitrage practice. In the Resolution of 09.02.2012 in case N A56-44496 / 2011, the Thirteenth Arbitration Court of Appeal concluded that non-compliance with the procedure for storing free cash, non-receiving (incomplete posting) of cash to the cash desk, exceeding the cash limit are violations of the law.
The Twelfth Arbitration Court of Appeal came to a similar conclusion in its Resolution dated February 3, 2012 in case N A12-20502 / 2011: the absence or distortion of accounting for cash received or not received by the cash desk (part of the money) is recognized as a violation entailing administrative responsibility.

How to calculate cash limit

The procedure for calculating the cash limit is prescribed in the Appendix to Regulation N 373-P (hereinafter referred to as the Appendix). It depends on whether the entrepreneur has cash proceeds from the sale of goods (works, services) or whether he only issues cash. The day of each case in the Appendix has its own formula. The cash balance limit is determined in rubles. At the same time, to round the limit to the ruble, the rules of mathematical rounding may be applied (Letter of the Bank of Russia dated September 24, 2012 N 36-3/1876).

When an individual entrepreneur constantly receives cash proceeds

If the expected volume of cash receipts for goods sold, work performed, services rendered is known, the cash balance limit is calculated by the formula:

L = (V / P) x N

V - the amount of cash receipts for goods sold, work performed, services rendered for billing period in rubles;
P - settlement period determined by an individual entrepreneur, for which the volume of cash receipts for goods sold, work performed, services rendered, in working days, is taken into account;
N - the period of time between the days of delivery to the bank by an individual entrepreneur of the received cash in working days. The specified period should not exceed 7 working days, and if the entrepreneur is located in a settlement where there is no bank, - 14 working days.
In this case, the billing period cannot exceed 92 business days. It is determined by the entrepreneur independently: for example, it can be the period preceding the period of setting the limit, or the period when cash revenue is maximum, or the corresponding period of the last year.

Example 1. Individual entrepreneur Cherkasov I.F. is a retailer of children's clothing. The billing period is August 2013 (22 working days). The volume of proceeds from the sale of goods for the billing period amounted to 157,000 rubles. The store is open five days a week.
The cash balance limit will be 14,273 rubles. (157,000 rubles / 22 working days x 2 days).

When there is no permanent cash flow

Nowadays more and more cash employees are not issued from the cash desk, but are transferred to bank cards. In a non-cash manner, settlements under contracts are also made. As a result, a situation arises when the entrepreneur does not have cash receipts for goods sold, work performed or services rendered. In such a case, the following formula is used to calculate the cash limit:

L = (R / P) x N

where L is the cash balance limit in rubles;
R - the amount of cash withdrawal, except for the amounts of cash intended for payments wages, scholarships and other payments to employees for the billing period in rubles;
P - billing period determined by an individual entrepreneur, for which the volume of cash withdrawals is taken into account, in working days;
N - the period of time between the days of receipt by the entrepreneur of cash on a cash check in the bank, with the exception of amounts intended for payments to employees, in working days.

Example 2. Individual entrepreneur Tvorov S.L. carries out retail print media products. Payment for products is made only by bank transfer. Given that the store is open seven days a week, the duration of the billing period is 31 days. August 2013 was taken as the billing period. The volume of cash withdrawals for the period amounted to 175,000 rubles. Receipt of cash from the bank by check is carried out twice a month (together with wages).
The cash balance limit on hand is 84,677 rubles. (175,000 rubles / 31 days x 15 days).

It should be noted that if the volume of cash withdrawals from the cash desk of the organization for the billing period is zero (that is, the funds were transferred to accountable persons on a bank card), then the balance in the cash desk of the entrepreneur at the end of the day, equal to the unused amount contributed by the accountable employee, will be considered overlimit. This amount the entrepreneur needs to deposit from the cash desk to his bank account.

How to set a limit

It is not required to agree on the amount of the cash limit with the bank. However, in order to start applying the calculated indicator, an individual entrepreneur must approve it with his order (instruction) (see the sample order for approving the cash limit in example 3).

Example 3. Sample order on approval of cash limit

Individual entrepreneur Cherkasov A.A.



On approval of the limit value

balance of cash on hand for the fourth quarter of 2013

Guided by Regulations of the Bank of Russia No. 373-P dated October 12, 2011 on the procedure for conducting cash transactions with banknotes and coins of the Bank of Russia on the territory of the Russian Federation,


1. Approve for the IV quarter of 2013 the limit of the cash balance in the cash desk of an individual entrepreneur Cherkasov A.A. in the amount of 11,214 rubles. The calculation of the amount of the cash balance limit was made on the basis of the following information:

  • billing period - July - September 2013 (66 working days);
  • the total amount of revenue for July - September 2013 (66 working days) - 380,000 rubles;
  • the proceeds are deposited in the bank every three days.

Calculation of the amount of the cash balance limit at the cash desk: 380,000 / 66 x 3 = 17,273 rubles.

2. I reserve control over the execution of the order.

Individual entrepreneur Cherkasov A.A. Cherkasov

The introduction of the obligation to set a cash limit has made life difficult for individual entrepreneurs. At the same time, they do not need to approve this indicator every year. Let me remind you that according to the rules that were in force until 2012, organizations had to determine the cash balance limit annually. Now, the validity of the order to approve the cash limit is not limited and entrepreneurs have the right to review its size at their discretion.

What mistakes do entrepreneurs make when setting a limit

Entrepreneurs' mistakes are usually associated with the wrong definition limit amount cash on hand, with an incorrect choice of the settlement period or with non-compliance with cash discipline.

size error

As a rule, the limit is determined incorrectly for one of two reasons:

  • the desire to set a higher cash limit;
  • the inability to accurately determine the amount of cash receipts for goods sold, work performed, services rendered for the billing period in rubles.

In practice, determining the amount of income is especially difficult for an entrepreneur who has just registered. But a lot of work experience does not guarantee a stable income. In this regard, the cash limit is often determined by eye.

Opinion. Konstantin Andreev, accountant at Vyazemsky Kolos LLC
When determining the cash limit, do not forget that Regulation N 373-P limits the amount of cash payments between organizations and individual entrepreneurs: it should not exceed 100,000 rubles. under one contract. This value is established by paragraph 1 of the Instructions of the Bank of Russia dated 06/20/2007 N 1843-U.

Errors with a period

Problems in the calculation may also be related to the choice of the calculation period. The fact is that it can be from 1 to 92 business days. In this case, the limitation of the period is not specified. To set the limit, it is advisable to choose the day with the highest performance.

Mistakes in observance of cash discipline

Control over compliance with cash discipline since 2012 lies with the tax service, and not with banks, as it was before. When conducting audits, the tax authorities are guided by the Administrative Regulations approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 17, 2011 N 133n (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Regulations).

Document fragment. Paragraph 7 section. I of the Administrative Regulations.
When checking the cash limit, they will check the compliance of the data in the following documents:

  • incoming and outgoing cash orders;
  • journal of registration of incoming and outgoing cash documents;
  • advance reports;
  • cash book;
  • administrative document on the established limit of the cash balance.

Discrepancies in documents can cause claims and lead to penalties for violation of cash discipline.

Opinion. Veronika Paradzinskaya, Deputy Chief Accountant of Nord-Sales LLC
Cash transactions must be documented. Acceptance of cash, including from employees, the entrepreneur must issue a cash receipt order. Issuance of cash against the report on the costs associated with the implementation entrepreneurial activity, is carried out on account cash warrants. In this case, a written application for the issuance of funds must be received from the accountable person. You can compose it in any form. All cash transactions must be reflected in the cash book: make entries on the basis of incoming and outgoing cash orders (full posting to the cash desk).

One of the main disciplinary errors is related to the accumulation of cash in the cash register in excess of the established limits.

Opinion. Konstantin Andreev, accountant at Vyazemsky Kolos LLC
An individual entrepreneur is obliged to keep cash in excess of the established limit in bank accounts. It is necessary to hand over the excess cash to the bank on the same day when the limit was exceeded. True, this rule cannot be observed if the entrepreneur receives large proceeds on a weekend or non-working holiday. Accumulation at the cash desk of amounts in excess of the established limit is also allowed on the days of payment of wages. For example, the Seventh Arbitration Court of Appeal noted that exceeding the limits is lawful in a situation where cash in excess of the established limit is intended to pay employees and is in the cash register for no more than three days (Decree of 03.27.2012 N 07AP-1697 / 12 in case N A03-16725/2011). But these cases are the exception to the rule.

An enterprise, organization, individual entrepreneur who carry out their activities with the help of cash transactions must comply with cash discipline, comply with the rules for conducting transactions with cash and documents, observe the cash limit. Control over the order of conducting all disciplines is entrusted to the servicing bank and tax authorities.

The cash limit is the regulated, maximum allowable amount of cash present in the cash register at the end of the day. To date, it is provided that the limit balance is determined by the subjects independently, but in accordance with the established formula. The funds accumulated in the cash desk in excess of the limit must be credited to the current account. There are exceptions that allow the limit to be exceeded. These are the days of payment of salaries, scholarships, social payments, holidays and weekends.

Why is calculation necessary?

The calculation of the cash balance limit is necessary for determining and approving, by means of a signed order or order, the maximum amount of cash, to comply with the laws of the Russian Federation on tax reporting and the procedure for conducting cash transactions. The regulation on the limit is established for all legal entities, including separate subdivisions who have a bank account.

Most of the settlements between entities should be carried out in a non-cash form, through a current account. From the limit cash funds, cash payments are made:

  • salaries and benefits;
  • for consumer needs of individual entrepreneurs, without taking into account the needs for entrepreneurial activity;
  • payment for goods and services of third parties (except for securities);
  • issuance of funds under the report to employees of the organization;
  • refund for services not rendered, work not performed, previously paid in cash, but returned goods.

Cash is not used for other purposes. All funds in excess of the limit are transferred to the bank, to the current account. All operations related to the observance of cash discipline are carried out by a cashier with the relevant rights and obligations regulated by official duties, under painting.

How to carry out the calculation - this is discussed in the video. We invite you to watch.

Limit calculation based on cash proceeds

cash receipts combines the entire cash volume accepted at the cash desk for services rendered, goods sold, works performed. When calculating the limit of a newly created organization, take into account the expected amount of cash is accepted.

The formula for calculating the cash limit is as follows:

  • About - in this case, the amount of revenue;
  • R - billing period;
  • Pi - the period of collection in the bank;
  • L - received limit.

The billing period can be any period within three months (92 working days). It can be a week, a month or one day, including peak receipts. The volume is considered total revenue for the specified period. The period of collection is the frequency of transfer of cash to the bank. This can be a daily procedure or less frequent, but no more than once every 7 days. Moreover, for entities in whose territory there is no servicing bank (meaning a settlement), the period increases to two weeks.

For example, we consider the week from September 12 to September 19 as the billing period. The sum of all proceeds during this time amounted to 280,000 rubles. Collection to the bank is made every three days. Then, the cash limit will be:

280000:7*3=120000 rubles

The frequency of delivery to the bank is absolutely it is not necessary to comply with this rule. This can be done more or less frequently, depending on the established schedule or the needs of the organization.

According to the rules of the present time, the head of an organization or an individual entrepreneur has the right to set a cash limit independently and as often as required by the dynamics of work. The main thing is to correctly calculate the indicators and issue an order to set the appropriate limit.

This order, or instruction, is the main document to be presented to regulatory authorities during the verification of compliance with cash discipline. Simply put, if there is a need for a significant increase in the cash limit, it is necessary to take a suitable period for the delivery of revenue (increased) for calculations and issue a new order after recalculating the formula.

If there is no cash flow

Organizations that do not accept revenue for services, sales of goods and work performed at their own cash desk, but conduct non-cash settlements, also have a cash desk limit on the costs of an economic entity. The calculation of the cash limit in the absence of cash proceeds occurs in the following way:

In this case the entire structure is preserved, with the exception of paragraph PP. It means the period between receipt (withdrawal) of money in the bank. The list of permitted cash payments from the cash desk is the same as for organizations with cash proceeds, except for the payroll and benefits.

Consider an example of calculating the cash limit. The cashier, for household needs, once a week (once every five working days) withdraws money from the bank. It is convenient to take any week as the settlement period (five working days). Let's say 10,000 rubles were withdrawn. Then we calculate the cash limit as follows:

10000:5*5=10000 rubles

Restrictions on the interval between receiving cash from the bank and choosing the settlement period remain (7 and 92 days). When calculating the cash limit, you often get fractional values. The indicator in this case is determined in whole rubles. The figure must be rounded up.

What can't you spend cash on?

The Bank of the Russian Federation has defined a list of purposes prohibited from financing from funds received by the cashier in the form of cash:

  1. Operations with securities.
  2. Payment of property rent.
  3. Return and issuance of loans.
  4. Making payments on winnings gambling held by lotteries.

For these purposes, cash withdrawn from the bank account of the organization is used. Cash settlement is limited to the amount of 100 thousand rubles under one contract.

What happens if the cash limit is not set

If there is no document (order) confirming its official establishment for the subject, then all the proceeds (cash) in the cash register at the time of the check will be considered excess. A representative of a bank or a tax officer who discovered a violation in terms of exceeding the limit, fixes the fact of violation in the relevant document, and then transfers it to the IFTS. On its basis, a decision is made on the violation and a fine is imposed. For an official it is provided for up to 5 thousand rubles, for the organization - up to 50 thousand rubles.

It is not a violation to keep at the cash desk without an established limit of cash provided for the payment of salaries, benefits. The main thing is to meet the issuance within three days, starting from the day the money is received at the bank.

Other violations of the cash limit

The list of limit violations also includes:

  • accumulation of funds at the cash desk in excess of the established limit;
  • non-receipt of received cash at the cash desk;
  • violation of the procedure for keeping cash;
  • cash settlements in excess of the limited limits.

Scheduled inspection in organizations according to the rules for conducting cash transactions by regulatory authorities must be carried out at least once every two years, but this does not mean that they do not have the right to check cash discipline more often. There is no limit or restrictions on repeated checks. At the same time, the tax authorities check cash discipline itself, and servicing banks - primary documents, on the basis of financial monitoring.

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Every accounting employee in the Russian Federation is aware of the changes in the procedure for conducting cash transactions, which came into force on January 1, 2012. They affected not only organizations, but also. What are these innovations and how will they affect document management and other business activities? We will talk about this in our article.

The cash balance limit does not need to be approved by the bank

According to the new procedure for conducting cash transactions, the maximum allowable cash balance limit is not approved by the bank as before, but is determined by the organizations and entrepreneurs themselves. The size of the limit must be fixed in the administrative document, for example, by order of the head.

New rules for cash transactions for individual entrepreneurs

In accordance with the new procedure, individual entrepreneurs and small businesses have the right not to set a limit on the balance of cash on hand.

In addition, from June 1, 2014, individual entrepreneurs who keep records of income or income and expenses and (or) other objects of taxation or physical indicators characterizing certain kind entrepreneurial activities may not keep a cash book.

How to calculate the cash balance limit for individual entrepreneurs in 2017

According to the adopted changes in the conduct of cash transactions, an individual entrepreneur is not required to open a bank account, and may also have bank accounts if he makes all payments in cash (but not more than 100 thousand rubles under 1 contract). If an individual entrepreneur carries out cash transactions, then he should also set a cash balance limit. The procedure for calculating the limit for individual entrepreneurs is the same as for organizations and enterprises. If the IP cash desk limit is not set, then it will default to zero. by the most in a simple way To ensure a zero balance in the cash register is an extract of all the cash remaining at the end of the day with the help of an expense order to the entrepreneur as “Issuance of funds to the entrepreneur for personal needs”.

Formulas for calculating the cash limit in 2017

According to the new procedure for conducting cash transactions, new formulas are introduced for calculating the cash limit.

If the organization receives cash proceeds, then the limit is equal to the proceeds for a certain period of time, divided by the number of working days in this period and multiplied by the period of time between the delivery of cash to the bank.

For example, an organization works from Monday to Friday, and receives 2,000,000 rubles per week. Money is deposited to the bank once every three days, not counting Saturdays and Sundays. Then the limit will be equal to 1,200,000 rubles. (2,000,000 rubles: 5 working days x 3 working days).

If the company does not have cash revenue, then the limit is calculated based on the amount of money issued (excluding salaries, scholarships and other payments to staff) for a certain period. This indicator must be divided by the number of working days in the period and multiplied by the number of working days between receiving money from the bank.

For example, an enterprise operates from Monday to Friday and spends 4,000,000 rubles per week. Money is withdrawn from the bank account once every two days, not counting Saturdays and Sundays. Then the limit will be 1,600,000 rubles. (4,000,000 rubles: 5 working days x 2 working days).

The period for receiving revenue and issuing money to calculate the limit is now independently determined by the heads of organizations and entrepreneurs, based on their interests.

In what cases can you exceed the cash limit

According to new rules for conducting cash transactions, the cash limit can be exceeded not only on the days of the payment of salaries, scholarships and social benefits, but also when the organization or individual entrepreneur works and receives cash proceeds on weekends and holidays. The deadline for exceeding the limit on paydays has also been extended. Previously, it was three days (in the regions of the Far North - five days), now the manager can set the deadline for paying salaries on their own in the payroll, the main thing is that it does not exceed 5 days, including the day the money is received from the bank.

The checkout area may not be equipped

According to the new procedure for conducting cash transactions, the cash desk may not be equipped with a safe or a special window for issuing money. Now the head of the enterprise or the entrepreneur is personally responsible for the safety of money.

How to draw up cash documents in 2017

The new rules for conducting cash transactions in 2012 clearly spell out who should keep the cash register and sign cash documents. This should be done by the cashier, who is endowed with the relevant duties and familiarized with them against signature. It is also allowed to conduct cash transactions and the head of the enterprise.

Cash documents can be filled out in two ways: on paper or filled out on a computer, while electronic documents should be printed on paper.

Also, according to the new procedure for maintaining cash documents, the cashier must always verify the signatures on receipt and expenditure orders with the sample signatures of the head, chief accountant and accountants before each acceptance of money.

An order with a list of accountable persons is no longer needed

According to the new rules for conducting cash transactions since 2012, an order with a list of accountable persons is no longer needed. Now, in order to receive money under the report, the employee must each time write an application, which must be signed by the head of the enterprise, putting down the amount and terms.

In order to ensure the safety of cash, facilitate its accounting, organizations and enterprises set a cash balance limit, that is, the maximum possible amount, which remains at the end of the day.

The procedure for establishing a cash limit is regulated by the Regulation on the procedure for conducting cash transactions No. 373-P dated October 12, 2011, in the appendix to which the relevant formulas are given. The regulation determines that the calculation should be carried out not only legal entities but also entrepreneurs, including those without a bank account. One of the innovations was that the cash balance limit is set by the enterprises and individual entrepreneurs themselves, and not by banks, as it was before.

If the company has separate branches, the calculation is made taking into account the cash held in these divisions. The exceptions are units that have a bank account. They should have their own limit.

Limit calculation procedure

Legal entities and entrepreneurs whose activities involve the receipt of cash for goods sold, work done, services rendered calculate the cash limit using the formula:

L = V/ T * Nc

L - limit (in rubles)

V - total cash inflow for the billing period (for newly created enterprises - the estimated receipt)

T - the period for which the above cash receipt occurs (in working days)

Nc is the interval set by the head of the enterprise (in working days) between money transfers to the bank.

Cash flow should be determined based on the highs of previous years, taking into account the existing dynamics. The billing period can be any relevant period from the past, not exceeding 92 business days. The interval between the days of transferring cash to a bank or giving it to an entrepreneur should not be more than seven working days, and in the absence of a bank in the locality - fourteen working days

The meaning of the formula by which the cash balance limit is calculated is very simple. The average daily revenue is determined (as a rule, the maximum possible) and multiplied by the number of days that this money will accumulate in the cash register before being transferred to a bank account.

Calculation procedure in the absence of revenue

Organizations that do not have cash inflows calculate according to a similar formula, in which instead of revenue, the funds received from the bank for issuance are indicated:

L = R / T * Nn

L - cash limit (in rubles)

R - the amount of cash issued for the billing period

T - the period for which this issuance took place (maximum 92 business days)

Nn is the interval (in working days) between receipts of funds for issuance by bank check or from an individual entrepreneur who does not have a bank account.

Here, as in the previous case, one should take into account past periods of maximum disbursements, or expected disbursements - for newly created enterprises. The maximum allowable interval between receipts is the same - 7 (14) days.

Any option for calculating the cash limit of the balance does not take into account cash received for the payment of salaries, scholarships, allowances and other similar purposes, starting from the day these funds are received from the bank account. It should be remembered that, according to the Regulations on cash transactions, no more than five working days are allocated for the issuance of salaries and other benefits.

Another exception, when it is permissible to exceed the balance of money in the cash register, are weekends and holidays. This refers to the days that are working for the enterprise, and days off for the bank.

In all other cases, the excess is unacceptable. If this happens, you must immediately hand over the funds to the bank (or individual entrepreneur). Another option would be to issue a certain amount for reporting to one of the employees. Monitoring compliance with the cash limit at the cash desk is carried out according to the cash book 0310004 after the withdrawal of balances at the end of the working day.

Order on setting a cash limit

The accepted cash limit is issued in the form of an order of the head of the enterprise or individual entrepreneur. The appendix to the order contains a calculation, which should contain:

  • selected period for calculation (month, quarter or other period)
  • the amount of revenue (issuance) for this period
  • the selected interval for the delivery (receipt) of cash
  • the result of the calculation (rounded to the nearest whole number of rubles).

The order can set any duration of the limit, from one month to several years. With possible changes in cash flow, the limited cash balance can be recalculated at any time. In the absence of an order establishing a cash limit, it is taken equal to zero, i.e., at the end of the working day, there should be no cash in the cash register.

Supervisory authorities may check compliance with the balance limit. In case of excess, penalties are applied to the enterprise.

The current one is established by the Ordinance Central Bank Russia No. 3210-U dated 03/11/2014.

According to the updated rules, entrepreneurs and organizations carrying out commercial activity are required to have an approved cash limit.

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What it is?

The cash limit is the maximum amount of cash to be kept at the cash desk of an economic entity. Surplus funds must be transferred to the bank account of the organization. The fixed balance may be exceeded only during the period of granting scholarships, wages, allowances and other payments, as well as on holidays and non-working days off (provided that operations are carried out on these days).

Setting a limit allows you to reduce the amount of cash in circulation, which greatly simplifies the implementation of monetary transactions.

Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3210-U determined that the maximum allowable amount of cash at the end of the day calculated by organizations independently, but using approved formulas. This measure, on the one hand, regulates the procedure for calculating the carry-over balance, and on the other hand, allows it to be brought closer to a “convenient” value for a particular subject.

If the organization does not have an approved limit, then it is considered zero. This means that you can not keep cash in the cash register. For any violation of the procedure for handling cash and maintaining financial transactions the subject can be brought to administrative responsibility and fined.

What companies can not install it?

Cash balance amount must be established by all legal entities regardless of their legal form and the system of taxation used.

According to paragraph 2 of the Instructions of the Central Bank of Russia No. 3210-U, the exception is small businesses, which include individual entrepreneurs. For these participants economic activity a simplified scheme for conducting cash transactions without the approval of a limited balance is allowed.

A company is classified as a small business if it meets the following criteria:

  • annual revenue does not exceed the amount of 800 million rubles;
  • the average number of employees is no more than 100 people;
  • the share of third parties in the authorized capital is not higher than 49%.

If the organization suddenly has the right to cancel the limit, then it can do it at any time. To do this, it is necessary to issue an appropriate order. Only its presence means that the company can keep any amount of money in cash and dispose of cash at its discretion.

You can learn more about this procedure from the following video:

How often should it be installed?

The rules for conducting cash transactions in the Russian Federation do not provide for specific deadlines for setting a limit, as well as grounds for its revision. This means that the need to recalculate the balance of cash on hand is determined by the organization independently.

As a rule, the decision on the duration of the cash limit remains with the head and is documented in the relevant order.

It is best to set it for any reasonable period - a quarter, half a year, a year. After the expiration of the order, it is necessary to extend its term or issue new document. The absence of an indication of the validity period in the order means that the organization can apply the established figures indefinitely.

When significant change such performance indicators as the amount of incoming revenue or the amount of cash issued, you can always recalculate the balance and issue a new order.

Calculation formulas with examples

According to the Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3210-U, there are two main options for calculating the carry-over balance. Their difference lies in the fact that in one case data on cash proceeds are taken as the basis, in the second - information on cash expenses. At the same time, there is no direct indication of which formula is preferable for a particular organization. This means that now economic entities are free to decide which method of payment to use, and can choose the most convenient and profitable option for themselves.

When calculating based on cash flow the following formula is used:

L=V/P*N, where

  • V is the income received in the form of cash for a certain period of time. For newly formed organizations, the estimated earnings are taken into account.
  • P is the period of time in working days, not exceeding 92 days, for which the considered amount of revenue was received. It turns out that when calculating, you can even use one working day or take into account the peak period in terms of revenues (for example, New Year's Eve weeks).
  • N - time period in working days, reflecting the frequency of depositing funds with the bank, but not exceeding 7 working days, and in the absence of a banking institution in locality- 14 days.

Consider an example. The company sets a limit for 2016 and takes as the basis for calculation the peak period in its work - April-May 2015, which is 61 business days. During this period, cash proceeds in the amount of 1,500,000 rubles were received. Cash is deposited to the bank every three days. So, the carry-over balance for this organization will be:

  • L \u003d 1,500,000 / 61 * 3 \u003d 73,770 (we round up to whole rubles).

Second calculation formula based on out-of-pocket expenses convenient to use when the business entity's receipts to the cash desk are insignificant or absent at all:

L=R/P*N, where

  • R is cash given out for a certain period in rubles, not counting the following payments: wages, vacation pay, allowances, scholarships, etc. For the first time, organizations created use the expected amount of the loan to calculate.
  • P is the period of time in working days for which funds were issued. It can be from 1 to 92 days.
  • N - the time period for receiving cash in a banking institution (excluding the amounts of wages, benefits, etc.). This period is also no more than 7 working days, in the absence of a bank nearby - 14 days.

Calculation example. The company sets a limit for 2016. The amount of out-of-pocket expenditures made in September 2015 is taken as the basis. With a five-day working week the billing period is 22 business days. Cash payments to counterparties for this month amounted to 450,000 rubles. Money is withdrawn from the bank account every four days.

As a rule, an order is issued to establish a cash limit and the procedure for its determination. The calculation of the carry-over balance must be attached to the order in order to understand how the approved figure was obtained. No bank approval required, the signature of the head of the organization is sufficient.

If during the year there are objective grounds for changing the amount (for example, an increase in revenue or a reduction in production), then it can be reviewed at any time by issuing a new order. For small businesses, it is mandatory to have an order to cancel the limit, confirming their right not to have a limited balance.

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