A brief description of the duties of the seller cashier rotation.  job description of the seller-cashier - chief accountant-info

The cashier-seller of the store is an employee commercial enterprise ______ "_________________" and refers to the category of specialists whose activities are regulated labor law RF and regulatory documents of the company.

A person with a special trade education, or in some cases, with at least secondary education, who has passed a qualifying interview and preliminary certification, is appointed to the position of a cashier-seller, if necessary, the candidate undergoes introductory training.

The cashier-seller must know:

Trade legislation of the Russian Federation concerning the work of cashiers and customer service,

Decrees, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of territorial and other administrative and executive bodies relating to the work of the seller-cashier,

Rules and methods of organizing the customer service process,

Types and procedure for performing work operations,

· Rules of the internal labor schedule,

· Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

Appointment to the position of a cashier-seller and dismissal from it is carried out by a personnel order Director General by company ____________________.

After enrolling in the position of cashier-seller:

1. Has a personal personnel number and access to network resources of the sales system,

2. Reports directly to the store's senior cashier or shift's senior cashier.

The remuneration of the cashier-seller depends on the quantity and quality of the hours worked and the qualification level, which are determined by the regulatory documents on the motivation of employees and the staffing table.


The cashier-seller is obliged:

1. Observe the internal work schedule of the store,

2. Carry out settlement and cash transactions with buyers in accordance with the rules of trade and internal regulatory documents (work instructions),

3. Achieve planned results in work,

4. To identify the absence, order and, in accordance with the planogram, carry out the display of goods in the checkout and checkout areas, as well as at the direction of the direct manager in the entire trading floor of the store,

5. At the direction of the immediate supervisor, assist in the packaging of goods,

6. Timely inform the store administration about running out of consumables, about malfunctions in the sales and accounting system, about violations in the operation of technical means, commercial and operational equipment,

7. Control the availability, order and hang price tags for goods on the trading floor,

8. Monitor the cleanliness of the workplace and at the end of work, clean the cash settlement area, as well as, at the direction of the immediate supervisor, assist in cleaning trading floor and the surrounding area of ​​the store,

9. Within its competence, to advise customers on the operation of the store, the availability and rules for the sale of goods,

10. Treat customers politely and correctly, greet the customer at the beginning of the service and thank them for the purchase, do not disrespect the customer, and in case of conflict situations call a senior manager to resolve the conflict,

11. Monitor the timing of the medical examination, take medical tests in a timely manner, and promptly notify the immediate supervisor of all violations of the medical book,

12. Carry out separate official assignments of your immediate supervisor,

13. Carefully and accurately operate the store's trading and operating equipment,

14. Achieve cost savings,

15. Take all measures to ensure the safety of entrusted money and securities,

16. Prevent product, property and financial damage to the company,

17. Inform the store management or security officer about persons violating public order spoiling the equipment and furniture of the company and attempting to steal goods,

18. Monitor your appearance and follow the rules for wearing clothes and communicating with company employees, in accordance with established corporate rules.


The cashier-seller has the right:

1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the company's management regarding its activities,

2. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction,

3. Within the limits of his competence, report to his immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination,

4. Request personally or on behalf of the management from the divisions of the enterprise and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

5. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their official rights and duties.

6. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance to improve working conditions.

A responsibility

The seller-cashier is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties under this job description,

2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities,

3. For causing material damage, in accordance with agreements on collective and individual liability,

4. For non-compliance with the internal regulations of the store,

5. For failure to comply with the orders of higher management.

HR Director ________________________/__________________

"___" ___________200__

Acquainted with the instruction: ________________________ / __________________

Job description of the seller-cashier


(name of institution,





(organ legal entity(founders);


(person authorized to approve



00.00.0000 № 00


job description)

_______ _________________

(signature) (surname, initials)


1. The seller-cashier belongs to the category of technical performers.

2. A person with an initial professional education no requirement for experience.

3. The seller-cashier is appointed to the position and dismissed by the director of the organization on the proposal of the chief accountant.

4. The seller-cashier must know:

Decrees, orders, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher and other bodies relating to the conduct of cash transactions,

Legislative and regulatory legal acts, teaching materials on retail and protection of consumer rights, marketing and supply of products,

Forms of cash and bank documents,

Rules for acceptance, issuance, accounting and storage Money and valuable papers,

The procedure for processing income and expenditure documents,

Limits on cash balances set for the organization,

Rules for ensuring their safety,

The procedure for maintaining a cash book, compiling cash reports,

The pricing procedure, wholesale and retail prices for products sold by the organization,

Methods and procedure for the development of product inventory standards,

The procedure for concluding contracts for the supply of products,

Rules for the preparation of sales documentation,

The procedure for preparing claims to buyers and responding to incoming claims,

Standards and specifications on the products sold by the organization,

Requirements for the organization of accounting for sales operations and reporting on the implementation of the implementation plan,

Rules for the operation of electronic computers, cash equipment,

Fundamentals of labor organization,

labor law,

Internal labor regulations,

Rules and norms of labor protection.

5. The seller-cashier in his activities is guided by:

RF legislation,

the charter of the organization,

By orders of the director and instructions of the chief accountant of the organization,

By this job description,

The internal labor regulations of the organization.

6. The seller-cashier reports directly to the chief accountant and director of the organization.

7. During the absence of the seller-cashier (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the director of the organization, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the high-quality and timely performance of his duties.

8. _______________________________________________________.



1. Carries out the sale of goods to buyers in the department _________________-.

2. Politely and intelligibly tells customers about new products that have appeared on sale, about the characteristics of the goods (composition, expiration date, properties, manufacturer, etc.).

3. Monitors the work of the cash and other equipment and inventory entrusted to him.

4. Keeps records of the sale of goods in his department.

5. When accepting, transferring a shift, draws up acts of acceptance and transfer of goods, on the next business day after the shift, submits a report to the director ______________________________.

6. Maintains cleanliness and order in clothes and at his workplace in compliance with all necessary sanitary and fire safety standards and requirements.

7. Provides, at the request of the buyer, a “Book of reviews and suggestions”.

8. Controls the state of stocks of goods in the department and, if necessary, ensures their replenishment.

9. Carries out operations for the receipt, accounting, issuance and storage of funds with the obligatory observance of the rules that ensure their safety.

10. Maintains a cash book based on receipts and expenditures.

11. Reconciles the actual availability of cash balances with the book balance.

12. Compiles inventories of old banknotes, as well as relevant documents for their transfer to bank institutions in order to replace them with new ones.

13. Transmits according to established order money to collectors.

14. Prepares cash statements.

15. Carefully treats the values ​​entrusted to him, exercises control over cash register tapes, and ensures their storage.

16. Takes all measures to ensure the safety of the funds and securities entrusted to him and to prevent damage.

17. Timely informs the chief accountant of all circumstances that threaten the safety of the equipment, inventory, and valuables entrusted to him.

18. Nowhere, never and in no way discloses information known to him about the operations of storing valuables, their dispatch, transportation, security, signaling, as well as office assignments at the cash desk.

19. Complies with safety regulations.

20. Performs separate official assignments of the chief accountant and director of the organization.

21. Other obligations established by the current labor legislation.

22. _____________________________________________________________.


The seller-cashier has the right:

1. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

2. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management regarding its activities.

3. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the duties provided for in this instruction.

4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from the employees of the organization information and documents necessary for the performance of their duties.

5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including the provision of organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

6. Other rights established by the current labor legislation

7. ______________________________________________________________.


The seller-cashier is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the organization - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. _____________________________________________________________.

The job description was developed in

According to______________________

(name, number and date of the document)

Head of structural

The seller, the cashier, not only accepts money for the purchased goods, although this is precisely his direct responsibility according to the instructions, but also provides consulting and reference services. Often, the cashier seller replaces the sales assistant in his person. He must have the knowledge to be able to answer customer questions in different areas. Therefore, it is so important to correctly and in detail draw up a job description for this category of employees.

Sample job description for a sales clerk

Working with people is always hard work, which is why the cashier salesperson must have special skills, knowledge and character traits that allow him not only to provide quality service to customers, but also to maintain a favorable atmosphere in the store. The job description of the cashier of the seller of food or non-food products should contain clear requirements for his duties. The financial responsibility that is imposed on all employees of this profession obliges them to comply with special rules while doing your job. Any significant nuances must be reflected in the instructions.

The preparation of such a document is not regulated by law, but requires professional approach. Therefore, it is better to use already developed sample templates, in which you can add additional items or remove unnecessary sentences.

General provisions

The job description of the seller-cashier of non-food products and the job description of the cashier of the seller of food products are generally identical, but differ only in the correct storage of goods and their characteristics. The education requirements for a cashier seller vary depending on the store, it can be both initial vocational education and higher education. Experience is also not a basic requirement. It is important for the cashier seller to have knowledge of standardization for goods different groups and their storage conditions. He must be able to work with cash registers and be able to keep cash records. In addition, the cashier salesperson must be an energetic and positive person. All of these requirements must be reflected in general provisions job description. It is also necessary to indicate information about the possibilities of replacing and dismissing an employee.

Job Responsibilities

The cashier must always be neat and tidy in clothes and appearance and behave kindly and politely. In addition, the seller-cashier has the following job responsibilities:

  1. exercise your direct activity quality and uninterrupted.
  2. Control the safety of inventory items, including products, technical means and banknotes.
  3. Perform operations for receiving money from customers and issuing cash receipts to them.
  4. Conduct a pre-sale inspection of products, and in case of non-conformity, change or withdraw goods.
  5. Maintain cash registers properly.
  6. To produce the display of goods in compliance with sanitary and sales standards.
  7. Know the rules of labor protection and fire safety.

In addition to everything, the duties of the cashier seller may include other duties, the list of which is included in the job description at the request of the head. The duties of cashier sellers can have different volumes, depending on the degree of subordination - a senior or an ordinary employee.


The seller-cashier has the right to know reliable information regarding his work. He can also request data and documents as part of his direct duties. The management must notify the employee about projects and innovations in his professional field and provide him with every assistance to complete the work. In addition, the store employee has the right not to sell alcohol and tobacco products to persons under 18 years of age and at a time not set for sale.

A responsibility

The seller-cashier is responsible for the safety of inventory and compliance with cash discipline. Working directly with money, a cash desk employee may be held administratively, civilly and criminally liable for offenses committed. An employee may be subject to disciplinary liability for dishonest performance of their labor duties.

Working conditions

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