Literary works that talk about goodness. Do good! Good books for children about good deeds

O. de Balzac wrote: “The fabric of our life is woven from tangled threads, good and evil coexist in it.” And it’s true - we are constantly faced with the choice of what to do, humanely or heartlessly? But it is sometimes impossible to predict the consequences of our actions. In his works, A.S. Pushkin shows the reader different situations in which kindness and cruelty are connected, but each has its own outcome.


  1. (Good and evil return like a boomerang) In the story “The Captain's Daughter,” the main character, even though he is young, may act rashly, but always tries to do everything according to his conscience. When Pugachev helped him in a snowstorm (then the young man did not yet know who he was), Grinev ordered the servant to give him a good sheepskin coat as a token of gratitude. Before this, he invited the counselor to drink wine with them and warm up. In this work, good begat good: during mass executions, Pugachev saved a young officer (although he did not swear allegiance to him) because he remembered that he treated him humanely. Thus, good deeds are returned to the person who performed them.
  2. (Kindness is the norm of behavior in society) The main character of the novel of the same name, Eugene Onegin, treated Tatyana kindly, who, in a fit of feelings, wrote him a letter about her attitude towards him, which was quite reckless in the 19th century. The man did not laugh at her, kept this message secret and honestly refused her love: “Believe me (conscience is a guarantee), Marriage will be torment for us.” He admitted to Tatyana that if he were looking for a wife, he would not have found anyone better than her, but he was not worthy of her “perfections” and would not make her happy. Pushkin noted that such a conversation was noble on Onegin’s part: “Our friend acted very kindly to sad Tanya.” This behavior, however, does not make Eugene a righteous man; he acted as was customary in secular circles: he did not “wash dirty linen in public” and returned the incriminating papers to their owner. Every self-respecting nobleman behaved this way and not otherwise, and this is the norm of life, and not a moral feat. If the hero had divulged this secret and disgraced the young lady, he would simply have ceased to be accepted and noticed in society.
  3. (What qualities are inherent in a good person?) In the children's story “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish,” an old man catches a goldfish and, when asked to let it go, lovingly replies: “God be with you, goldfish! I don’t need your ransom; Go to the blue sea, take a walk there in the open space.” These words reflect the kindness and selflessness of the hero, who marveled at the miracle and did not destroy it. Every time the old woman sent him to the fish to ask for new riches, the old man addressed her respectfully, “with a bow.” Despite the tyranny of the wife to whom he obeyed, he was able to retain kindness in himself. Perhaps that is why the fish granted wishes: she wanted to repay the kind-hearted person who let her go without any conditions. Thus, the basis of virtue is selflessness.
  4. (Kindness is strength, not weakness) In one of the “Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin” Pushkin shows that kindness is inherent only to strong personalities who are in complete control of their emotions and actions. In “The Shot,” the main character Silvio wanted to take revenge on the offender by shooting him after his wedding with the woman he loved, thereby causing pain not only to the man who insulted him, but also to his wife. During the years of his stormy youth, Silvio was in conflict with a rich and noble nobleman, who publicly humiliated him, and during the duel he behaved indifferently and disrespectfully: “He stood under a pistol, choosing ripe cherries from his cap and spitting out the seeds that reached me.” Then the hero decided to wait for the moment when his opponent did not care about his life, and retained the right to shoot. Silvio waited for revenge for six years, but at the last moment he changed his cruel decision and left the count alive: “I am satisfied: I saw your confusion, your timidity... I betray you to your conscience.” The hero could have taken the extreme step of murder, but the duelist’s inner strength and kindness saved his offender. Such a decision was not easy for him, he hesitated, but subdued his raging feelings and showed mercy by refusing easy prey. This achievement shows the strength of his character; a weak person would not be able to control himself and would splash out all the accumulated evil.
  5. (The price of kindness is self-sacrifice) In the poem “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” a Circassian woman, although she was refused love from a Russian captive, saves him in the end: she comes to him at night and saws off his chains herself. A girl who fell in love with a young man with all her heart refuses to run away with him when he proposes to her: she understood that her love was not mutual, and she did not want to suffer anymore. The Circassian woman frees the young man at the moment when he has a chance to escape - the Russians were fighting not far away, which he eventually reaches. The girl herself kills herself: “Suddenly the waves made a dull noise, and a distant groan was heard...”. So, she completely lets go of the man she loved - he is not bound by chains, nor by her feelings, nor by the desire to repay her kindness. Obviously, giving up personal happiness was not easy for the heroine, and she sacrificed herself in order to do a good deed. Without this sacrifice, such nobility would be impossible, which means that the willingness to help a person at the cost of one’s suffering is a mandatory attribute of generous and merciful people.


However, the heroes that Pushkin writes about have not only nobility and virtue, but also cruelty and injustice.

  1. (Cowardice is the mother of cruelty) Onegin acts ugly with his friend Lensky: he begins to flirt with his bride, dances only with her at the reception, and all for the sake of petty revenge - the young poet asked him to come to Tatyana’s name day and assured him that there would be a narrow circle of friends there, but in fact in fact: “In the morning, the Larins’ house is full of guests...” The disgruntled man deliberately angers Lensky, and when he challenges him to a duel, he does not refuse, although he understands that he himself was wrong: he should not have laughed so cruelly at the young man’s sincere feelings. But the quarrel involved the “old duelist” Zaretsky, who, if Onegin did not accept the challenge, could spread rumors about his cowardice. Evgeniy is afraid of public opinion, so he prefers to participate in a bloody performance for the benefit of the crowd. In the duel, the main character kills his friend, although his death is meaningless. Thus, cowardice gave rise to cruelty, which became the cause of the death of an innocent young man.
  2. (Is there a valid reason for cruelty?) In the story “Dubrovsky” the reader also sees a disagreement between two friends, which leads to the death of one of them. The master Kirila Petrovich Troekurov and the bankrupt landowner Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky were comrades in the service, and then became friends. The rich nobleman respected his colleague, and he was not afraid to contradict him if he disagreed with something. One day, Kirila Petrovich brought guests to his kennel, which he loved to boast about. Andrei Gavrilovich was a little jealous, but rightly noted that not all people live as well as his friend’s dogs. Then one of the hounds was offended and hinted that not all nobles have the same wonderful and warm estates as “any local kennels.” Everyone began to laugh, and Dubrovsky, for whom this was humiliating, left. Thus began an unjust and cruel war between two friends. Troekurov, completely enraged and without thinking through his actions, fraudulently takes away his estate from the impoverished nobleman. This cruel act greatly undermined old Dubrovsky - his mind became clouded, and a few days later he died. For Kirila Petrovich, this victory meant nothing: “He was not selfish by nature, the desire for revenge led him too far, his conscience grumbled.” But his evil and cruel actions and words cost his honest friend and good nobleman his life. Thus, even the hero himself understood that his actions could not be justified by a compelling motive; they were the result of a quarrel, for which, by and large, the insolent servant was to blame. Cruelty cannot be justified by any reason, because it is always not equivalent to it.
  3. (Who can be called a cruel person?) In the story “The Captain's Daughter” there is a hero who cannot evoke positive feelings in any way - this is Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin. Throughout the entire work, he acts basely and unworthily. He betrayed his oath, sided with Pugachev and denounced his former comrades. He locked the captain's daughter in the room and blackmailed her into becoming his wife. He regularly tried to frame the main character, Pyotr Andreevich Grinev: first he whispered something to the leader of the rebels, because of which he did not even ask the young man whether he would join his ranks; then, when Shvabrin was arrested, he writes a denunciation to the general against his rival, as if he served as a spy for Pugachev. It would seem that it is time to forget all past grievances and try to improve, but Shvabrin’s cruel and cunning soul is incapable of virtue. Alexey knew what to count on when you write denunciations against an officer. Fortunately, there was someone to stand up for the kind and honest Grinev, so the plans of the vengeful hero did not come true. Thus, seeing the unjust and vile actions of a man, we can conclude that he is cruel by nature, because he never repented for his actions, never felt a reproach of conscience, which means he considers them justified and natural.
  4. (Domestic violence and its consequences) Pushkin describes cruelty towards his father in “The Station Agent,” which is included in the cycle “Belkin’s Tale.” Dunya, the beautiful daughter of Samson Vyrin, the station superintendent, leaves with a rich gentleman. She leaves her parent without telling him anything, because she understood that he would not let her go, since he would not believe in the sincere feelings of the young people. But Dunya acts ungratefully and extremely cruelly: she leaves her old father in poverty, although he cared for and cherished his only child. Samson Vyrin tried to meet and talk with his daughter, but Dunya, blinded by luxury and love, did not want this. Perhaps she was ashamed of her father, and therefore she decided to visit him only after many years. Alas, she never found him alive. Thus, the girl’s cruelty and selfishness brought her parent to death, because after Minsky kicked him out, he started drinking and died of boredom. Such are the tragic consequences of atrocities within the family.
  5. (What makes kind people cruel?) In the “little tragedy” “Mozart and Salieri”, envy of a colleague’s musical gift gave rise to the main character’s desire to kill his friend. This is what happens in the second scene of the play: the great composer drinks the poison that Salieri planted on him. Mozart's genius, however, did not in any way affect his character: he was a very open, simple person, and enjoyed listening to the blind violinist at the inn. His antipode and killer did not have such talent. All his successes are the results of the hard work of a musician, so he highly valued equally hardworking people. Everything came easier to Mozart, and this caused such strong envy on the part of Salieri that he brutally kills the one who considered him his friend and trusted him. The hero tries to justify himself by saying that Mozart’s genius is of no use to others, because no one can learn anything from him. But these are just tricks of conscience, because before this incident the composer did not envy anyone, and certainly did not bully anyone. It was the false belief in the injustice of fate that became the reason for the man’s bitterness: black envy destroyed his soul.

Thus, Pushkin shows in his works different situations in which heroes commit kind and cruel deeds. The author appreciates the mercy they show towards other people, regardless of their situation. The Spanish writer M. Cervantes believed that “cruelty cannot be a companion to valor.” So it is with Pushkin: not a single inhumane action had beneficial consequences.

Lack of goodness affects people adversely. For example, Akaki Akakievich from Gogol’s story “The Overcoat” died because those around him did not show any concern for him. Evil scoundrels robbed him, but the whole city remained indifferent to the misfortune; it is in him that the author sees the source of evil, because a good person is never indifferent to the feelings of another.

In Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen", the main character, by the power of her kindness, saves Kai, melting his frozen heart. The author used a metaphor: in fact, he wanted to say that the warmth of a loving heart can destroy the coldness of even the most arrogant person.

Andersen's fairy tale "The Ugly Duckling" reveals the idea of ​​inner beauty, which is expressed precisely in kindness to others. Society rejected the hero, but he did not become embittered and still walked towards the world with an open heart. This quality of his was rewarded with external beauty, but worthless in comparison with the charm of the soul, called kindness.

In Pushkin’s fairy tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, the princess chose only one of the knights - Ruslan - only because he did not wish harm to any of his rivals, and was kind and fair. The heroine did this not only out of the inclination of her soul: she understood that the ruler of the state must have, first of all, kindness in order to teach people to become better by her example, and not just manage them.

Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky” also reveals the theme of kindness. Masha Troekurova, showing understanding and gentleness towards Vladimir, rejected by everyone, brings him back to life from the darkness of hatred into which circumstances have driven him. The hero responds to kindness with active and devoted love for the daughter of his enemy.

In Pushkin's story "The Station Warden" the hero dies from a lack of kindness. His daughter ran away with the hussar and never made her presence known, and her fiancé pushed her father out of the house. The young did not have enough sensitivity for the old man, for whom the whole world lay in his daughter. This is how kindness restrained in the heart can destroy someone whom it did not warm in time.
In Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matrenin’s Dvor,” the heroine generously gave affection. Out of the kindness of her heart, all she did was help others: she raised someone else’s daughter, gave her everything she had, and always worked for the sake of other people’s successes. Her selflessness is a sign of holiness, without which, according to the author, not only the village, but the whole world will not survive.

In Griboedov's play "Woe from Wit" the theme of kindness is touched upon by the main character. He calls on Famus society to show mercy and compassion for the peasants who are mercilessly oppressed by the landowners. His monologue convinces us that one cannot be condescending to people, no matter who they are, because true nobility is not a title, but a virtue.

In Pushkin’s poem “Eugene Onegin,” the main character neglected kindness and killed his comrade. From that moment his true misfortune began: he did not find peace anywhere. But if he had not drowned out the voice of his heart, his kindness would have found words for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, because it implies a readiness for dialogue and a desire for harmony.

In Green's work "Scarlet Sails" the heroine was a kind and bright girl. And as if as a reward for this, the wizard predicted a happy fate for her. It cannot be otherwise: only a kind person believes in a dream more than in cruel reality. Therefore, kindness attracts those who are ready to make her dreams come true in spite of harsh reality.

Essay “What is kindness?” is one of the options for mini-essays offered to ninth-grade graduates during the Russian language exam.

Compilation algorithm

In order to successfully cope with the task, to write a high-quality essay on the topic “What is kindness,” you need to use a certain algorithm. First you need to study the statement proposed in the task. Next, you need to read the task itself and analyze it.

At the next stage, it is important to correctly determine the main idea of ​​the proposed statement.

For example, the essay “What is kindness” implies an analysis of this term and the features of its manifestation.

Next, you need to think about an introduction option that includes no more than three sentences. The mini-essay “What is kindness” involves indicating the position of the author of the statement and demonstrating one’s own attitude to this problem.

Among the words that can be used when writing an introduction, we highlight “the author argues, analyzes, notes.”

In order for the essay “What is kindness” to be complete and highly appreciated by experts, it is important to show your attitude to this issue, using the words “I agree with the author, I share the author’s position, I have to agree.”

In the main part of the essay, it is necessary to consider the problem in more detail, give an example from literary sources, and add a description of your own experience.

In order for the essay “What is Kindness” to be assessed positively, it must provide at least two arguments.

Any exam essay, regardless of its topic, must have a conclusion. It can begin with the words “thus,” or “we are convinced that.” The following is the result of the research, which was obtained by the author as a result of analyzing the arguments.

Final essay outline

An essay in the Russian language “What is kindness” can be written using one of several types of diagrams.

In one version, a thesis is first used, the author’s attitude to good and evil is reflected, and his attitude to this phenomenon is indicated. The following are two arguments that relate to the theme of goodness. At the end of the argument there is a clear conclusion.

According to the second scheme, an essay on the topic “What is kindness” begins with the author’s statement (thesis). Next, you can imagine your own attitude towards good and evil, and give an example from classical literature. Then the second argument is selected and an example is given that confirms it. At the end of the essay there is a conclusion.

First example

Here are some examples of exam papers, the topic of which is “What is kindness.” An essay-reasoning can be based on different literary sources; the choice is made by the student himself.

Kindness is a positive quality that everyone living on our planet should have. Only a kind person is able to help people who find themselves in difficult conditions and need support. During war, people share their last piece of bread. In peacetime, they donate blood, helping those in trouble survive. True kindness does not manifest itself in beautiful words, but in support and understanding.

After an earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, thousands of civilians were among the victims. People from all over the world rushed to help the Japanese, and Russia was no exception. Popular wisdom says: “Kindness will save the world.”

People have always considered goodness to be a quality that is necessary for any person. It is not for nothing that in fairy tales it always triumphs over evil.

Today there are fewer and fewer people who possess this amazing quality. Many adults are selfish and indifferent, concerned only with their own affairs and problems. Instead of normal human communication, people use computers and mobile phones. The person began to depend on the Internet, he lost his sincerity, lost his compassion.

In my opinion, you need to think about how to do good to another person. You cannot indifferently pass by people who ask for help. If a person strives only for his personal well-being, he ceases to be a person. A.P. Chekhov reminded: “Hurry to do good.” How relevant his statement is today!

Second sample

Here is another version of the final work on the topic “What is kindness.” An essay-reasoning can begin with the problem of wealth and poverty.

Kindness is a positive quality that every person on our planet should possess. Goodness is a pleasant and bright feeling that brings joy and smiles to other people. It can be compared to real happiness.

My friends believe that kind people are not capable of offending, deceiving, or humiliating the dignity of another person.

In my understanding, the word “good” is selfless help to those who need support and understanding. For me, a pleasant deed will be a deed that is done at the behest of my heart.

Every person is born kind, but this quality manifests itself differently in everyone. Some people try to support their colleagues and friends, others are happy when there are no unhappy people around them. I am absolutely convinced that kindness is a huge force!

One more example

Let's think about what kindness is. An essay with arguments on this topic is one of the assignment options offered to ninth grade graduates. Let us present a version of a ready-made argument concerning this problem.

What is kindness? You can take any definition for an essay. But they all boil down to the fact that good is a concept that does not have self-interest and envy. It is associated with generosity, mercy, and the desire to benefit other people.

This term is associated with love, joy, a positive attitude towards other people and living nature. V.V. Mayakovsky discussed evil and good in his poems. It confirms the fine line that exists between these two terms. They are the fundamental concepts of morality.

Despite the fact that for several centuries humanity has been fighting evil, people are in no hurry to do good. I am convinced that the situation that has developed in the modern world is bringing humanity closer to self-destruction. If good cannot defend itself, compassion and mutual understanding will disappear, people will turn into evil and insidious creatures.

The relationship between evil and good

Let's continue the conversation about what kindness is. An OGE essay related to this topic must be supported by arguments from literary sources. Many actions that people perform are associated with good intentions. But, as you know, “good intentions lead the way to hell.”

This expression indicates that initially people perform actions that are aimed at helping others, but in the end they do not always turn out to be good deeds. Increasingly, evil is disguised as good.

The situation that has been observed in the world in recent years indicates that people cease to value goodness; more and more often their actions are connected only with the achievement of personal gain.

What is good

This issue should be covered in the final essay, so we will dwell on it in more detail. Good is a gift that does not imply self-interest. People help each other without demanding material benefits in return. Many Russians have an innate need to do good deeds and help people who need it.

Unfortunately, in the world of innovative technologies, more and more attention is paid to material values ​​and benefits, and less and less time is allocated for ordinary human relationships, communication with friends and family. Warmth and responsiveness these days can be safely included in the Red Book.

Selection of arguments for an essay

Kindness can make a person happy. Happiness and kindness can be considered two sides of the same coin. By giving his love to others, a person receives happiness and harmony in return.

An example of mutual assistance can be considered the situation that occurred in the St. Petersburg metro. There were no indifferent people; everyone tried to help those who suffered from the terrorist’s actions. This argument confirms that people are capable of doing good without thinking about what material benefits they will receive in doing so.


Any examination essay written by ninth grade graduates requires compliance with a certain sequence of actions. For example, if a child writes a discussion about kindness on the OGE, first he must indicate a quote and show his attitude to the thought proposed by the author. In order for an essay to be accepted, the student must provide at least two arguments. They are selected in accordance with the main theme of the final essay.

One of them can be taken from literary works, and the second can be based on personal experience. Certain sections must be followed in the structure of the essay. In the introduction, it is important to show your position towards kindness. The main part involves considering two arguments, confirming the importance and significance of good. In the final part of his essay, the student concludes about the extreme importance of good deeds, their dominance over aggression and anger.

  1. (53 words) Lack of goodness affects people adversely. For example, Akaki Akakievich from Gogol’s story “The Overcoat” died because those around him did not show any concern for him. Evil scoundrels robbed him, but the whole city remained indifferent to the misfortune; it is in him that the author sees the source of evil, because a good person is never indifferent to the feelings of another.
  2. (37 words) In Andersen’s fairy tale “The Snow Queen,” the main character saves Kai with the power of her kindness, melting his frozen heart. The author used a metaphor: in fact, he wanted to say that the warmth of a loving heart can destroy the coldness of even the most arrogant person.
  3. (51 words) Andersen’s fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling” reveals the idea of ​​inner beauty, which is expressed precisely in kindness to others. Society rejected the hero, but he did not become embittered and still walked towards the world with an open heart. This quality of his was rewarded with external beauty, but worthless in comparison with the charm of the soul, called kindness.
  4. (60 words) In Pushkin’s fairy tale “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, the princess chose only one of the knights - Ruslan - only because he did not wish harm to any of his rivals, and was kind and fair. The heroine did this not only out of the inclination of her soul: she understood that the ruler of the state must have, first of all, kindness in order to teach people to become better by her example, and not just manage them.
  5. (45 words) Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky” also reveals the theme of kindness. Masha Troekurova, showing understanding and gentleness towards Vladimir, rejected by everyone, brings him back to life from the darkness of hatred into which circumstances have driven him. The hero responds to kindness with active and devoted love for the daughter of his enemy.
  6. (58 words) In Pushkin’s story “The Station Warden,” the hero dies from a lack of kindness. His daughter ran away with the hussar and never made her presence known, and her fiancé pushed her father out of the house. The young did not have enough sensitivity for the old man, for whom the whole world lay in his daughter. This is how kindness restrained in the heart can destroy someone whom it did not warm in time.
  7. (52 words) In Solzhenitsyn’s story “Matrenin’s Dvor,” the heroine generously gave affection. Out of the kindness of her heart, all she did was help others: she raised someone else’s daughter, gave her everything she had, and always worked for the sake of other people’s successes. Her selflessness is a sign of holiness, without which, according to the author, not only the village, but the whole world will not survive.
  8. (50 words) In Griboyedov’s play “Woe from Wit,” the theme of kindness is touched upon by the main character. He calls on Famus society to show mercy and compassion for the peasants who are mercilessly oppressed by the landowners. His monologue convinces us that one cannot be condescending to people, no matter who they are, because true nobility is not a title, but a virtue.
  9. (55 words) In Pushkin’s poem “Eugene Onegin,” the main character neglected kindness and killed a comrade. From that moment his true misfortune began: he did not find peace anywhere. But if he had not drowned out the voice of his heart, his kindness would have found words for a peaceful resolution of the conflict, because it implies a readiness for dialogue and a desire for harmony.
  10. (54 words) In Green’s work “Scarlet Sails,” the heroine was a kind and bright girl. And as if as a reward for this, the wizard predicted a happy fate for her. It cannot be otherwise: only a kind person believes in a dream more than in cruel reality. Therefore, kindness attracts those who are ready to make her dreams come true in spite of harsh reality.
  11. Examples from life

    1. (53 words) The first time I thought about kindness was when I noticed that my sister was sneakily feeding the cat on the street. She saved her pocket money to buy him food, deprived herself at dinner to treat her pet, and even in the rain managed to run out to him with a gift. Then I realized that kindness makes people sublime and good.
    2. (53 words) One dog shocked me with its kindness. She treated cats poorly, always barked at them, but one day a kitten wandered into her den. He barely opened his eyes, apparently he had been orphaned early. To my surprise, the dog not only did not touch him, but also warmed him up in his booth. So he grew up under her care.
    3. (58 words) I can give another example from life. One day I saw my brother and sister walking from school, when suddenly my brother was attacked by older guys. They didn’t touch the girl, but she, without hesitation, stood up and began to attack. The guys were embarrassed, walked away, and the brave girl didn’t even tell anyone about what happened. I realized that this is real kindness.
    4. (58 words) Let me give you an example of the kindness of our class teacher. She was strict, no one really expected anything good from her. But one day, having learned that one of the “troubled” girls had not returned home, she went alone at night to look for her. Having found her in dubious company, the woman was not afraid of hooligans and took the girl home. Since then I have respected her immensely.
    5. (49 words) Personally, I felt the desire to do a good deed when I saw a program where they showed sick children. They needed expensive operations, and I, looking back at my prosperous and happy life, realized that I could do without ice cream. I transferred a small amount and was happy that I was able to do something really important.
    6. (59 words) My father told me about kindness when he once again returned with a bandaged hand. He donated blood. I was very afraid of injections and did not understand his motivation. Then he said that he himself was once in the hospital after an accident, and his entire native village donated blood to him. I imagined this willingness to help uniting completely different people, and I realized that kindness is the driving force of humanity.
    7. (57 words) I learned about kindness when I first went to the hospital. I was scared and lonely. My sister came to me, I was already huddled under the blanket, waiting for the injections, but then she smiled and just started chatting with me. She played up all the procedures as if they were an empty formality. Then I realized how important it is, no matter who you are, to remain a kind person.
    8. (53 words) I consider my friend truly kind. One day the boys caught a frog and wanted to cheat it. And then he screams at us with good obscenities, and snatches it from the main instigator of the prank that no one had time to figure out. He released her, but he and I received a fair beating. But goodness is still worth standing up for.
    9. (66 words) From my experience, I remember a situation when a stray cat appeared in our barn. I felt very sorry for her, but I was afraid to tell my grandmother about her, because she did not like living creatures in the house. So I fed her secretly until I noticed that grandma was doing the same. She explained that she was afraid to adopt a cat because of my asthma. Since then, I know for sure that I went into it with a soft character.
    10. (68 words) I learned about kindness when I was put with one girl. She didn’t know mathematics, unlike me, and I was terribly proud of this, I didn’t let her cheat. But chemistry didn’t work out for me, but she was the smartest girl in the class. And then, on the final test, she sees that I’m failing, and... lets me write it off! Since then we have been friends, and I realized that kindness is more important than mathematics.
    11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

Help. An essay on the topic “Kindness is a treasure” and even with a literary example!!! and got the best answer

Reply from 404 Not Found[guru]
Kindness is the best quality of a person. It helps a person learn a lot. Without her there would be no life, everyone would walk around sad and cheerless. Kindness is like a fairy, it brings goodness into the house and helps in difficult times. Many people do not know how to do good, but only evil. It’s good that there is kindness in the world, I love it very much and cherish it. I wish you to have it too. Kindness is the very, very best thing. And the best word. She is like a rainbow, colorful and kind, Have it and spread it. I wish you all the best.
you can find a literary example yourself

Answer from Џ [guru]
Help someone who needs help and he will remember you!
When he needs help again...

Answer from Boris the animal[guru]
Well, for example, “Crime and Punishment” ... kind Lizaveta and her old pawnbroker sister - with a treasure under the bed ... and how kind Sonechka Marmeladova is! just a treasure.
Go ahead, girl, develop the topic.

Answer from Karina[active]
The most important quality of a person is kindness. Nowadays, finding a kind person is as difficult as finding a treasure. Only probably even more expensive. Every day people become angrier, but long ago this quality of a person was glorified in many works of Russian writers; kindness was instilled in children from an early age. there are a lot of examples, but I would like to remember the fairy tale “The Cat’s House”: the evil cat did not want to let the kittens in, but when grief came to her, everyone turned away from her and only the good kittens let in the aunt cat and the cat became happy and they built a new house, big and beautiful. If it weren’t for the kindness of the kittens, each one would have lived separately in a destroyed house and would not have been happy. after all, kindness (I’ll steal the first answer) helps a person learn a lot. Without her there would be no life, everyone would walk around sad and cheerless. Kindness is like a fairy, it brings goodness into the house and helps in difficult times. Many people do not know how to do good, but only evil. It’s good that there is kindness in the world, I love it very much and cherish it. I wish you to have it too. Kindness is the very, very best thing. And the best word. She is like a rainbow, colorful and kind, Have it and spread it. I wish you all the best.

Answer from Sasha Korshunov[active]
The main reason is that he tried to please two classes at once, the rich and the poor. Therefore, he carried out reforms, either to please one or the other. Until finally everyone got tired of it. Even those who put him on the throne.

Answer from Vadim Andreevich Gorbunov[newbie]

Answer from Andrey Sovertkov[newbie]
Kindness is a sincere and bright feeling, expressed in a selfless, kind attitude towards people and, in general, towards everything living in this world. Kindness will be the basis of such feelings as mercy, empathy, compassion and even push towards heroism.

Answer from TREATMENT OF ESAULS[newbie]
kindness to you khan pnh everything

Answer from Lyubov Sevastyanova[newbie]

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