Zhanna Badoeva: “My husband and I are an absolutely realistic couple! Zhanna Badoeva: “All my men are different, but they are all leaders Igor Kurachenko.

Zhanna Badoeva

Zhanna Badoeva has soft magic and feminine charm, which men appreciate so much and immediately offer her a hand and a heart. Zhanna has already been married three times! The first marriage, with businessman Igor Kucharenko, lasted eight years, the second - with clip maker Alan Badoev - nine. But even after parting, she manages to maintain an excellent relationship with ex-spouses. Two years ago, Jeanne married again - to designer Vasily Melnichin - and moved to live in Italy. About how her family life is developing, our heroine told in an interview.

Jeanne, many women, having gone through a divorce, are in no hurry to get married again. You are not one of them...

“When I got divorced for the first time, I was twenty-eight years old. I was very worried, although maybe I didn’t show it outwardly. And I got out of depression for a long time. But then, over time, she accepted the fact that divorce is the end of some life period and the beginning of a new one. Today, I would not have suffered so much. (Smiling.) After all, life is so short! If you lose heart for a long time, there will be no time for joy. It is necessary to analyze the mistakes, draw conclusions and move on.

- That is, you still return to the past: you are trying to figure out who was to blame, why it didn’t work out.

Of course. But I am sure: when people disagree, it does not happen that one person is wrong. Even if you were greatly offended, it means that there is a share of your guilt in this. It was you who made this situation possible. I didn’t see, or rather, I didn’t want to see what kind of person you were marrying. Surely there were prerequisites that everything would happen that way. But when we are in love, we prefer to close our eyes to everything. “No, this is an accident, he is not like that,” we are deceiving ourselves. We must look at things soberly and give a real assessment of what is happening.

- Probably, it was not that you suddenly looked differently at your life partner. It's that you both grew out of that relationship.

- If you take my case specifically, then yes. My first husband, Igor, married a twenty-year-old girl who was just discovering the world. And he was in it a king and a god. But then I had a child, I went to college, my social circle expanded. I wanted self-realization, but he did not want to accept it, put up with it. And, it seems to me, he did not take a wise step in order to resolve the situation. I guess I didn't act too wisely either. But, I think, the gap would still happen sooner or later. Now I understand that Igor and I are completely different people. They crossed paths at some point, fulfilled the mission they were supposed to fulfill in relation to each other, and parted. We exist perfectly in parallel.

- Did you have any regrets, attempts to return?

— God forbid! Of course not. I suffered for several years. I tried to figure out why it happened, whether it was possible to change something. But time passed, and when I realized that there was no turning back, I stopped regretting it.

- Do you think you choose men who are similar in type?

No, they are all completely different. The only thing that unites them is that they are leaders, strong men who are able to make independent decisions and lead a woman behind them. Otherwise, I wouldn't be interested. To get married in order to command, to subdue my husband - for me this makes no sense. Then it's better to be alone. I need someone I can lean on. This is my opinion, I'm not saying that everyone should be like this.

- Your third marriage was hasty, unexpected for many. How did it happen?

- It was unexpected, probably, for journalists. (Laughs.) I just did not advertise our relationship. In general, at that time Vasily and I had known each other for two years, and the marriage became a logical continuation of our story. It was in Venice - an absolutely fleeting acquaintance in a common company. Then I left, but we exchanged contacts, began to correspond. And then we met again. And now two years have passed since we got married, but the feeling that arose then has survived to this day. I could marry him on the very first day.

Is it chemistry?

I am not a fan of such clichés. Chemistry, love at first sight - I don't know. Vasily is the person next to whom I feel the taste of life. I feel good with him, calm, comfortable and interesting. With him, I can be myself. This is exactly the kind of relationship I've always wanted.

- Italians are sensual, temperamental people and know how to look after beautifully. Is this true of Vasily, who lived in Italy for many years?

- I love this man very much because he never tries to do something on purpose, for show. And he doesn't know how to give flowers. When I once told him about this, he presented me with a beautiful velvet rose: “Now you will always have a flower from me.” So I don’t have any stereotyped fairy tale stories typical of the candy-bouquet period. But Vasily was always sincere, I felt his desire to be with me, and this warmed me very much.

- Still, Venice is such a beautiful city, you must have had some romantic walks.

Yes, I have always dreamed of going to Venice. I had a picture before my eyes: I was in this mysterious city, in a gondola with my loved one. And on the day when we met for the second time, everything was exactly like that. It seemed to me that we were alone in this city, we were so close mentally.

- Venice makes a completely different impression on people: someone sees romance, and someone sees extinction.

There is nothing surprising in this, all people are different. I know people who don't like Paris. I love Venice, it's rich in history, culture, beautiful architecture. It inspires me a lot. It was the north of Italy that I always really liked. Directly mine. You know, it feels like butterflies in your stomach.

- Why did you decide to move so easily?

- It was not a clear choice. We also considered the possibility of Vasily moving to me. But, having weighed all the pros and cons, they realized that in this case he would lose much more. Due to the peculiarities of my work, I have a nomadic lifestyle, and I do not stay at home for long. The children did not have any doubts at all, they enthusiastically accepted the idea of ​​​​moving to Italy. Everything happened quite organically and easily. The children went to school there, I began to work at home, my work went according to my schedule.

- And your second ex-husband, Alan, was not against it? After all, now he will see children much less often.

- I can not say that before that they met so often. Alan is also on the set, then on the road. Then, Europe is not America. Two hours and you're there. He can come when he wants. We discussed this issue, and Alan was not against it. He was even glad that the children would be educated in Europe. We didn't have any obstacles to overcome. Everything went very smoothly, as it should be. Everyone warned me that I would begin to feel nostalgia for my homeland. I have been waiting for the second year - it does not come. (Laughs.) I don't know, maybe in ten years it will show up. Since I travel a lot, my mentality has become collective. And in principle, I can live in any place where it will be good for me and my family.

- In Italy, a completely different rhythm of life than in our crazy capital. And they have a siesta!

- I can say that my rhythm of life has not changed at all. Maybe there are fewer senseless actions. I'm terribly tired here in three days. There, the number of cases does not seem to change, but I exist in some kind of pleasant mode. In Italy, it is not customary to call a person and arrange a meeting in an hour. At best, you can agree on tomorrow. Everything is very measured. And if it's a siesta, no one even picks up the phone. At least kill yourself - people are resting at this moment. After seven in the evening, it is also uncivilized to call. And in such a rhythm they somehow have a business, an economy, nothing collapses. At first I could not understand how they live at all if they rest all the time. (Laughs.) I came to the commune for important documents, it turned out that they work from eight to ten in the morning, and even then not every day. It turns out that they calculate what time more people come, how many people need to be served - and that’s it, they don’t need to work anymore.

- What is a commune?

- It's like a housing office and a registry office, all issues related to documentation and registration are resolved here.

- Did you and Vasily sign in the commune? Did you have a big wedding?

- We signed in the commune, only close relatives were present at the ceremony. We celebrated the event, sat in a good restaurant, and then went to the cinema. (Laughs.) And myself as part of my TV program. Now we are thinking about marriage. Vasily said: “If you want, let's get married. It's so beautiful."

- I read that Vasily is busy in the field of haute couture. What exactly?

— He is a shoe designer. His company cooperates with almost all world brands such as Valentino, Gucci, Chloe, Marc Jacobs.

- Did you manage to personally meet one of the luminaries of high fashion?

— I haven’t met personally yet, but I know the designers who work with them. Meet the man who made shoes for Lady Gaga for her last show.

- Are you interested in fashion?

- Of course! But I'm not a fan and I don't run immediately after the show to buy things from the latest collection. I may admire Gucci and Dolce & Gabbana, but I will only wear what suits me. In general, my weakness is shoes and bags. Sometimes I buy shoes, realizing that I am unlikely to wear them anywhere. But I get great pleasure just from the purchase itself. This is such a woman's story. (Laughs.)

- Probably, when you come to Moscow, you carry several suitcases with things? Do your friends order from you?

No, they do it differently. They come to me and arrange shopping.

— What else did you discover in Italy? Do you go to the opera, theater?

- Of course. I'll just come home, let's go to La Traviata. Both Venice and Verona have a very good theater. We live in such a place that it would be strange not to enjoy these benefits. Moreover, I love both opera and performances. The only thing, while I suffer, when I go to the cinema in Italian, I do not fully understand everything. But I do it on principle. Therefore, being in Moscow, as soon as I have such an opportunity, I go to the cinema. You can't imagine what a pleasure it is to watch a movie in Russian! (Laughs) What else did I discover for myself in Italy? I like the cuisine and the food culture itself. For example, for breakfast they do not eat the usual scrambled eggs and sausages. Only coffee and brioche, croissant. And this is how almost everyone has breakfast: coffee and something sweet. They have enough of this until twelve o'clock, before dinner. Everything is strictly on schedule, there are no those snacks that I so often sinned in Moscow. Lunch is usually dense: lasagna, spaghetti, for the second - potatoes, salad. Dinner is fish and vegetables. The most interesting thing is that I calmly eat pizza, pasta there and do not get better. But as soon as I come here, immediately plus a kilo or two. They must know some secret. By the way, I noticed that all Italian women over forty are usually thin. What they do, I don't know. (Laughs.)

- Do you cook at home?

Usually I only make coffee and salad. My son and Vasily are excellent cooks. What's the point of me climbing where people are much more talented? But every Wednesday we have a market where they bring the freshest fish. Here is a fish I cook well. The only one in the house who can handle the fish is me. The rest are specialists in meat and flour dishes.

- Are the children well settled in the country?

- Yes. Lolita has even begun to forget Russian a little. The school is Italian, friends are Italians. We speak Russian at home, and when I come to Moscow I buy books for her. But I see that it is difficult for her to express her thoughts in Russian. I ask: "The capital of Italy?" - Roma. - “OK, but how do you say it in Russian?” She arrived there, she was nine years old, and three days later she went to school. At first, a Russian teacher sat at her desk with her, helped, translated. But after six months, the daughter began to cope on her own.

- And the son finished school in Kyiv, and then he had to study again!

— Yes, in Italy the secondary education is thirteen years. He still has a year and a half left. But it is easier for Boris, because he knows English very well. And in parallel, he also learns Italian, French, German, Japanese, Latin. He is a polyglot, languages ​​are easy for him.

- Probably, he connects his future profession with languages?

— No, he associates it with creativity. But he does not yet understand where exactly to move, he is in search.

— Do you have any thoughts about a new job?

- Yes, I have already started doing something, but I don’t have the opportunity to talk about it yet. Let me just say that this is a different area, not television. The main thing is to master the language. Not enough time yet to get close. Although, perhaps, these are excuses.

- How important is it for you that the children approve of the choice of a life partner?

“It's a fundamental factor. If I saw that Vasily did not have mutual understanding with them, nothing would have happened. And it's not about some kind of sacrifice in the name of children. Honestly, I do not live for the sake of children. But if my man cannot find contact with my children, then something is wrong with him. I am grateful to Vasya that he didn’t do anything specifically to please them, didn’t appease them in any way, didn’t give them gifts. No, he is just such an open, honest and kind person that they themselves reached out to him. You can't fool the kids. At the same time, he is quite strict with them, he does not lisp. He knows a lot. Sometimes they go to him for advice, not to me. Vasya does homework with them, goes to parent-teacher meetings.

- But I understand that you have non-problem children?

- There are moments of disobedience, and then Vasily enters the stage. He is just a diplomat in a relationship! Unlike me: I immediately explode. I fit in well with Italian reality: I wave my hands and shout loudly. (Laughs.) And Vasily is very calm and measured: "So, let's figure it out ...". And while he begins to put everything on the shelves with his monotonous voice, we return to normal and understand that no one is going anywhere. (Laughs.) But if we talk about tough conflicts, then we don't have them. We try to find out through negotiations what desires anyone has and to find compromises.

- Vasily is the first marriage, and immediately such a large family?

- Yes, he was lucky: he had two children at once, and he also brought a dog. (Laughs.) In my opinion, he loves her the most. Although I used to hate small dogs. We have a dwarf spitz: this misunderstanding was born only in order to sleep, eat and accept our caresses. He is no longer capable of anything. He just forces us to this lisp, stupid musi-pusi, we turn into absolute idiots next to him. (Laughs.)

- Do you have a house or an apartment?

We have a house for four people. The apartments are separate, each family has its own entrance. We can meet on the shared veranda.

- In Italy, they go to their neighbors for salt and matches?

- Not. Nobody forbids making friends, but in general it’s not customary to just suddenly come. First you need to notify in advance about your visit. “We will come to you for a cup of coffee then and there.” Basically, everyone does not meet at home, but somewhere on neutral territory, in a cafe, restaurant. On weekends, we can come to friends for a barbecue, but we agree on this a week in advance.

- That is, there is no concept of "round-the-clock friendship" when you can wake up your girlfriend in the middle of the night and tell some kind of tearful story?

- I don’t have such friends in Italy, I don’t know. I don't think they need it at all. That's what psychotherapists are for. (Laughs) I have a close friend in Lithuania, since school. We often talk to her on Skype. When we really miss each other, she flies to visit me. It's good to fly here for a short time. But since I don't spend much time with my family due to my work, my first desire is to communicate with my children and my husband.

- Large families are not uncommon for Italy, and, probably, Vasily would like to have his own child?

- Why only Vasily? And I would like to. God willing, of course it will. We are ready for this.

On the TV channel Friday!».

Biography of Zhanna Badoeva

Zhanna Badoeva(in nee - Dolgopolskaya) was born on March 18, 1976 in the Lithuanian city of Mazeikiai . Jeanne's parents were engineers and wanted their daughter to enter a construction college.

Thanks to the creative influence of her grandmother, a pianist, Zhanna took up dancing and was interested in music as a child.However, at the request of her parents with a technical mindset, she graduated from a construction institute in Kyiv, where the family had moved by that time. Nevertheless, Zhanna did not want to work in her specialty and after that she entered the theater institute at the faculty of television directors (initially Zhanna went to acting, but she was not accepted there because of her age).

Creative career of Zhanna Badoeva

Zhanna began her career by participating in the comedy program Comedy Club and became the first female resident. After that, she worked as a production director on such popular projects as " barrel organ", dance television competition" I dance for you", talent show" Superstar"on the Ukrainian channel" 1+1 ».

In 2011, Zhanna came up with and implemented her author's project " Eagle and Tails on the Ukrainian TV channel Inter. The show gained immense popularity and was soon taken over by Russian television. Jeanne spent three seasons in the project as a host, after which she decided to leave the show and move on.

Zhanna Badoeva: “At the institute, I dreamed of making a travel program, but the path turned out to be long and thorny. In general, traveling is my way of life. You can say that I am a person who lives thanks to the movement ... After the third season, it became clear that as a host I realized myself. I needed to move on."

In 2012, Zhanna became a judge of the popular Ukrainian culinary project "Masterchef", joining the famous chef Hector Hemenes-Bravo and the famous restaurateur Nikolai Tishchenko.

In March 2015 on the Friday! the project "Battle of salons" was launched, which was also led by Zhanna Badoeva. In each edition of the show, representatives of three beauty salons of different service classes became clients in the establishments of their competitors.

In the fall of 2015, a pleasant surprise awaited the presenter's fans: Zhanna Badoeva became the host of the #ZHANNAPOZHENI project on the Friday! channel. Moreover, Zhanna Badoeva not only acted as a wedding planner, but also tried on a white dress herself. #ZHANNAPOZHENI has become a project for those who dared to run away without warning from friends and relatives, from standard wedding contests and toastmaster jokes, from “photo in a jump” and herring under a fur coat.

At the end of May 2016, the TV channel " Friday!"announced the premiere of the extreme travel show" Dangerous tour". In this project, the brutal showman Vova Myaso became Zhanna's guide through the world of marginal Europe. An experienced traveler, Badoeva had to spend the night in porn hotels and drink absinthe.

In the winter of 2017, it became known that Zhanna would return to one of the episodes of the Eagle and Tails. Star Season ”, in which the presenters of past seasons paired with the stars of Russian show business. The program was attended by Comedy Club member Alexander Revva, Ukrainian singer Svetlana Loboda, actresses and presenters Ekaterina Varnava and Anfisa Chekhova, actor Mikhail Bashkatov and others. Actor Viktor Vasilyev became a couple of Zhanna.

In 2019, another Zhanna show started on Channel One - the travel program “The Life of Others”, dedicated to the ordinary everyday life of people from different countries and cities of the world.

Personal life of Zhanna Badoeva

With Igor, her first husband, Zhanna Badoeva was married to 1996 to 1998 In this marriage, the son Boris (born 1997) was born.

Zhanna met Alan Badoev at the institute. They managed to become a married couple only after graduation, Jeanne's divorce from her first husband and a trip to Egypt. Jeanne and Alan had a daughter, Lolita (born in 2005). Jeanne was married to Alan from 2003 to 2012.

On August 28, 2012, Zhanna Badoeva and Alan Badoev announced their divorce. The former spouses also said in an interview that the Eagle and Tails project was the last attempt to reanimate their family relationships. As a result, the couple made a difficult but correct decision: first they left the show in turn, and then the family nest.

The third husband of Zhanna Badoeva is a businessman Vasily Melnichin from Italy. The couple got married in 2015, after which Jeanne and her children moved to the Italian city of Padua.

Zhanna Badoeva: “We met Sergey several years ago in a common company. For a long time we communicated at a distance - on social networks: Seryozha lives in America, and I live in Kyiv. But one day we met and realized that we could not live without each other. Such a boring story."

According to Jeanne, she was always away often, and then the children had to do without her for some time. According to the presenter, they are already accustomed to the fact that their mother is constantly leaving somewhere, and respect her right to their creative life.

“If I am not around, then there is always a nanny, grandmother, husband ... I know women who stay at home, but at the same time communicate very little with their children. We live in a time of such technological progress, when we have everything to be in touch 24 hours a day. I am aware of all events and always within reach. And then, if I’m not at home for a week, I don’t think that during this period you can go crazy with longing or not solve some problem.

Today, Badoeva's son has already become an independent young man and lives separately from his parents in Milan, where he works as an editor.

At the beginning of 2019, rumors appeared on the Internet that Zhanna was expecting a third child, but Badoeva herself did not confirm this information.

Participant name: Zhanna Osipovna Badoeva

Age (birthday): 11.03.1976

City: Mazeikiai, Lithuanian SSR

Education: Theater Institute, Construction Institute

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Reading this article:

Zhanna Badoeva was born and raised in Lithuania, her parents worked as engineers and believed that their daughter should certainly follow in their footsteps.

Grandmother Jeanne had other preferences, she instilled in her granddaughter a love of music - thanks to her, Jeanne was carried away not only by notes, but also by choreography.

After graduating from school Badoeva entered the construction, as the parents wished, but a year later the family had to change their place of residence, moving to Kyiv.

Here the fate of Zhanna began to take shape, despite the wishes of her father and mother, she decided not to transfer to the construction, but to apply to the theater.

Zhanna no longer passed to the acting faculty due to her age., so she entered the theater.

The teachers immediately noticed in the new student the makings of a real actress, so after the second semester she was offered to teach a subject at the acting department. She worked in this position for almost 2 years.

After graduating from teaching and training, Zhanna discovers new facets - she becomes a resident of the Ukrainian Comedy Club. Soon she leaves the stage and goes to the position of producer of a humorous project.

This was followed by an offer to become a director of a number of programs on the 1 + 1 channel - this work, to which Zhanna devoted several years of her life, gave her an incredible experience.

The project "Eagle and Tails" brought immense popularity to the talented girl.

She came up with the main concept of the show, believing that it would be interesting for the audience not only to see the whole world and see its beautiful sights, but also to find out if it is possible to relax in one place or another for $100.

The second participant was asked to do the same, only with a bank card with an unlimited amount of money.

It was entrusted to an ordinary coin to decide the fate of which of the participants will show off and who will be modest. Hence the name of the project.

The first presenters were Zhanna and her husband Alan Badoev, in the second season, Andrey Bednyakov took his place.

Zhanna herself lasted for several seasons, and in 2012 she vacated the position of the host, citing her family being too busy and tired of traveling all the time.

Badoeva did not rest for long, after the travel show was followed by a culinary show, then “Do not leave me”, then “Jeanne Marry” and many others. Today, the TV presenter has a lot of projects, but even more not implemented, which are just getting ready for release.

Jeanne's personal life is just as diverse and full of bright events.- The first time she married while still a university student. Igor, an oil businessman, became her chosen one.

From him Zhanna gave birth to a son, they named him Boris. But the couple quickly dispersed, as the husband wanted his wife to be at home, and Jeanne was simply torn from ideas and passion for creativity.

The director Alan Badoev became the second spouse - two soul mates quickly got married, soon their daughter Lolita was born. But after 9 years, Zhanna divorced again.

Now she is married to businessman Vasily living in Italy. Interestingly, the newlyweds played a wedding in the strictest secrecy - there is still not a single photo from this event on the network.

Zhanna's photo

The presenter has an instagram, where there are almost 1 million subscribers.

Many fell in love as the host of a popular travel show Eagle and Tails.The famous Ukrainian director and clipmaker Alan Badoev calls her "the most wonderful woman." What work is behind Jeanne's fame, read further in our material.

Childhood and youth

The future TV star Zhanna Badoeva was born on March 18, 1976 in the city of Mazeikiai in a family of engineers. The girl's grandmother was very fond of music, and often played the piano. It was she who instilled in little Jeanne a love of music. The second serious hobby of the baby was dancing.

Zhanna Badoeva with her parents

After some time, the family moved to Kyiv. Deciding to follow in the footsteps of her parents, Zhanna entered the construction institute. It was here that she developed a passion for art. But the dream of studying at the acting department was not destined to come true - after graduating from a construction university, she no longer looked like her age. Therefore, she graduated from the directing department of the Institute of Film and Television.


The first job of Zhanna Badoeva was teaching acting. She was offered a job at the acting department by Nina Vladimirovna Sharolopova. After several years of teaching, she decided to pursue her own career. Soon Badoeva became the first female resident of a humorous project. comedy club.

Zhanna Badoeva

Further on television, Zhanna Badoeva took the position of creative producer. She did not forget about profile education, working as a director on such projects as I dance for you, barrel organ, Superstar.

Travel project Orel and Tails made Zhanna Badoeva a real favorite of the people. She was one of the authors of this show, so she gave a lot of energy to its production. At first, she traveled with her husband Alan Badoev. During the nine months of filming, they traveled to many countries, filming the entire first season.

Zhanna and Alan Badoevvy in the Eagle and Tails program

Zhanna stepped down as a host in 2012. She explained her decision by the fact that the shooting took away her time, which she wanted to spend with the children. After that, Badoeva became the co-host of the program MasterChef. Her project partners were Hector Jimenez-Bravo and Nikolai Tishchenko, who.

Personal life

Zhanna Badoeva was married three times. For the first time, a woman got married at the age of 20, while her chosen one was much worse than her. Oil businessman Igor put her before a choice - a family or an institute. The girl chose a dream and a theater university. She has a son Boris from her first marriage.

Zhanna and Alan Badoev with children Boris and Lolita

Zhanna's second marriage to clip maker Alan Badoev, who was watched by all of Ukraine. One of the brightest couples in domestic show business regularly published joint photos from their holidays on social networks .. Alan and Jeanne have a common daughter, Lolita.

Children and family were the most important thing for the spouses, but in 2012 they divorced. Zhanna admitted that this was due to the fact that the feelings had passed, and they decided to remain friends. At the moment, Zhanna and Alan continue to communicate, relax with the children and speak only good things about each other. The director does not stop saying that she is the most wonderful woman.

Zhanna Badoeva and Vasily Melchanin

After the divorce, businessman Sergei Babenko became Zhanna Badoeva's companion. The wedding of lovers was supposed to take place on February 16, 2014, but the couple broke up earlier. Now Zhanna is married to Vasily Melchanin. The man has a business in Italy, so Badoeva spends almost all her time in this country. The secret marriage ceremony took place at the end of 2014.

Watch the video about Zhanna Badoeva's beauty secrets:

Recall that they discussed earlier on the Web. Project lead choreographer Dances with stars 2018 told which of the participants is the most comfortable to work with. Details and photos can be found in our material.

Read the most interesting news of Ukrainian, Russian and world show business at.

Many are interested in learning about the personal lives of stars. And Zhanna Badoeva is no exception. The surname of Jeanne before marriage is Dolgopolskaya. She was born on March 18, 1976 in Lithuania.

First marriage

Jeanne's first marriage took place when she was nineteen years old. Her husband was a wealthy man, a successful businessman - Igor Kucharenko. The age difference was fifteen years. At that time, Igor was already divorced and had a daughter.

For Jeanne, he became not only a husband, but also a friend, and to some extent a father. Shortly after her marriage, Zhanna gave birth to a son, they named him Boris. A little more time will pass and their marriage will fall apart. And the reason for the divorce was that Badoeva's husband gave her a choice: institute or housework.

Badoeva was categorical, and she was no longer satisfied with sitting within four walls. She chose the institute. Her husband, as promised, decided to leave the family. On this occasion, Jeanne shed many tears, because she did not expect such an act from Igor. But somehow it was necessary to live on. At that time, she still had a baby and she could not work yet, so her parents came to the rescue.

Seven years later, Zhanna met her classmate Alan Badoev. At that time, he had already become a music video director and director. Later, their common daughter Lolita was born. Badoev got along well with Jeanne's first son, Boris, and considered him also his own, so they never quarreled over children.

Nine years later, they announced their divorce to the public. TV viewers were shocked by this news. Because their union seemed the happiest in the world. Later, Zhanna Badoeva admitted that the reason was that Badoev spent a lot of time at work, and could not be at home for several days.

So, such an attitude was established in their family that they simply lived as good friends, and each went about his own business, without getting into each other's affairs. They could no longer live together as a family.

New life

A little time passed after the union with Alan broke up, and Badoeva had a new lover. Successful entrepreneur Sergei Babenko was able to win Zhanna's heart. Their acquaintance took place in the United States of America.

After a short acquaintance, they thought of getting married, but this never happened, because they said goodbye forever.

Soon Jeanne met a new boyfriend. They became the musician Vasily Melnichin. He was born in the city of Lvov, and met Zhanna in Venice. Vasily is a professional musician, his permanent place of residence is Italy.

It is presumably known that Jeanne and Vasily got married in 2014. After that, Jeanne immigrated with his children to Italy. But in connection with her work, Jeanne has to constantly travel around.

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