The former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva gave a frank interview to Andrey Malakhov. "Tatyana Vasilyeva

The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva, in an interview with Izvestia correspondent Alexandra Krasnogorodskaya, spoke about the basic foundations of education, the transfer of schools to the regions and human values. The material was published on August 2 on the website of the Izvestia newspaper.

Passing the exam even under cameras is easier than 6-7 exams the old fashioned way, astronomy is returning to the course of the school curriculum, in the near future 55 thousand new study places will appear in Russia, and schools from municipal subordination are moving to the regional. The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Olga Vasilyeva spoke about this in an interview with Izvestia.

Olga Yuryevna, August 19 marks one year since your appointment as Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. What could you mark as achievements and, conversely, what could not be solved yet?

The year was very difficult and interesting. I managed to figure out what happened and understand where to move on. For example, the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) of 2004 were very vague, they lacked the most important thing - the content of education. Therefore, the key task was to fill the standards with the basic foundations of education.

They differ from the previous ones in that they contain content. I want to note that on July 24, the ministry completed a two-week public discussion of draft new standards. We saw great interest from the expert community and an understanding of the need for change. Users could look for each subject, what basic content the child should know in each grade from the first to the ninth. More than 7 thousand people joined the discussion, almost all the feedback was positive, and we received almost 200 specific proposals. Now these proposals are being worked out in detail, after which the projects will be submitted for anti-corruption expertise. This is important for teachers, and for parents, and for the child himself.

If we create a unified educational space, then we must create a conceptual vision, standards, on the basis of which we write textbooks. 1423 textbooks on the federal list is an unthinkable number. There were many discussions about the historical and cultural standard, nevertheless, this year our children are going to study using textbooks written on the basis of the historical and cultural standard. I emphasize that we are talking about two or three lines of textbooks, among which there must be basic and advanced textbooks.

Here are the main tasks in school education that faced me in the first year.

- Are there any tasks that you would like to solve, but have not yet succeeded?

Being an emotional person, I still try to soberly evaluate what I do. Of course, not everything works out. I have enough opponents, I always invite them to dialogue. If you think that something is bad, come and prove it, explain, together we will do better.

My most important concern is pedagogical education, teacher training, otherwise we will not be able to solve all the problems. There will be no revolutions - I'm only for the evolutionary path. Everything new is well-forgotten old, but in new technological realities.

These are the issues of preparation of subject certification of teachers. We have a great idea that will be implemented very soon - a national teacher development system. First of all, we are talking about building a system for improving the quality of teaching and training the teaching staff.

Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the instruction to develop a system of teacher growth following a meeting of the State Council on improving the system of general education, held on December 23, 2015.

In particular, it is necessary to form a national system of teacher growth, which will determine the levels of professional competencies of teaching staff, confirmed by the results of certification. It is also supposed to take into account the opinions of graduates of general educational organizations, but not earlier than four years after their graduation from such organizations.

There are more tasks ahead than we managed to do.

Critical remarks have been addressed to you regarding the resubordination of schools to regions. Opponents say that in this case municipalities will not be motivated to raise additional funds for institutions.

We already have two regions that work according to this scheme - Moscow and the Samara region. In this matter, the numbers speak for themselves.

For example, in the Samara region, the changes made it possible to reduce the share of expenses for the maintenance of educational authorities. From 8.2% to 3.1% of the industry budget. And such a remarkable indicator: over the past six years in the competition "Teacher of the Year of Russia" three winners and one absolute winner are representatives of the Samara region.

According to the results of 2016, Moscow took the sixth place in the international rating of educational systems PISA, which is considered the largest international study of the quality of education. This system assesses the literacy of schoolchildren at the age of 15 in reading, mathematics and science.

The advantage of regional subordination is that the content part is built up more rigidly and clearly, and the financial side becomes more transparent. I see many advantages of transferring schools to regions. When my opponents say that it will be bad, I invite to discussion.

- Can the program of consolidation of educational institutions be called successful?

Everything is individual. In Moscow, for example, consolidation in the overwhelming majority of cases is absolutely justified. This is the optimization of management, the number of managers from education has decreased by 3%, the salaries of teachers have risen, the quality of education has become higher. But we cannot do this in every region. In the Pskov region, for example, there is a school on an island with three students. There can be no talk of any enlargement there. The nearest school is too far away, we can't take the kids that far.

- Can I sum up the results of the exam this year? And what changes are planned to be introduced in the near future?

The results of the exam this year are better than last year. And this is the merit of Rosobrnadzor. For four years, the perception of the exam has changed, the realization has come that this is a state final certification, and not coaching for passing the test.

This year, 703,000 people took the USE, of which 617,000 were 2017 graduates. Violations recorded one and a half times less than last year. It is especially gratifying for me that this year, almost twice as many children as compared to last year in all subjects have overcome the lower score. In the Russian language, the number of students who did not overcome the minimum threshold decreased by 2 times, in history - by 2 times, in physics - by 1.6 times, in literature - by 1.5 times, in basic mathematics and geography - by almost 1.5 times, in social science, computer science and English - by a quarter.

The tests remained only in the oral part of the foreign language exam. We are currently discussing in which regions next year we will introduce the oral part in the ninth grade in Russian as a pilot project. In two years, we plan to distribute this throughout the country, and the necessary recommendations have already been prepared.

Experts are sounding the alarm because, according to various estimates, 25-45% of our children have lost functional reading. The child reads the text and cannot retell the content. I fully agree that this is a big problem that needs to be addressed.

- What would you say to the opponents of the Unified State Examination, who note the incredible nervous tension in children during the exam?

People either forgot how many exams they took or they are younger than those who took 6-7 exams. I am sure that asking a country to pass six exams will be even more difficult.

- They say that it's hard to pass under the cameras ...

In order to stop throwing cigarette butts past the trash can in Singapore, there were cameras on the streets for ten years. We have had four years of a new format for passing the exam. I believe that we have made great strides.

Most importantly, the content is changing. The main thing is to change the attitude to the exam as to coaching. We teach children, they are not afraid, because they come to take exams on the studied material. This is how we were once taught. There was no wild fear. We returned the essay as admission to the exam. Russian oral will be a pass to the GIA in the ninth grade.

Many refer to the experience of past years, preparing for three exams causes fear, but how will we pass six exams? It is necessary not to engage in coaching, but to teach in such a way that the student can pass the exam. It's the same exam, just in a different form. But when we were in school, we didn't have that fear of exams.

- What is the difference between Soviet and Russian graduates of the school?

It is hard to imagine a Soviet graduate with such informational potential, surrounded by such a huge base of omnipotent gadgets.

Of course, the possibilities of modern children were not available to a graduate twenty years ago. But those children were, in my opinion, more inquisitive, more interested, because they had to make more efforts to get an answer to their question. It was necessary to find a book, look, analyze. There was no such volume of ready-made essays and all kinds of answers.

I am completely for the "figure" in education, but I stand up primarily for the head. Everything has accelerated, but the head has remained and should remain with any instrumentation. The most important task of a teacher is to develop and instill a desire to learn.

Do local teachers understand this?

If a person believes in what he is doing, then he will definitely get a result, even if he does not have materials at hand, but there is a charge that he will convey to the child. If you are indifferent, you are not interested, you are a bad subject teacher, nothing will work out.

This year, teachers in 15 regions are ready to undergo subject certification - for knowledge of the subject. It will be the Russian language and mathematics. This is not "USE for teachers", by no means. The goal is to analyze the situation together with the regions and build a system of advanced training for those who need it. I believe that every teacher must improve their qualifications: subject or in another area, but every three years, in order to grow constantly. Then there will be a result.

Today, the regions are actively working on the creation of large educational centers, and their creation and work are reflected in the level of education of the entire subject. These are Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm, Kirov, Tyumen, Leningrad and Moscow regions, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg. There, the results of appraisal work, including international ones, are very high.

In addition, our students show high results at the international level. We are talking about international Olympiads: in physics - five gold, in chemistry - 3 gold and 2 silver, in mathematics - gold, silver and bronze. This suggests that a lot has been done to support talented children. And I want to give more. It is necessary to remember about optional and circle work.

- What subjects are missing in the school curriculum?

Many experts state the redundancy of items. Talk about increasing or decreasing the burden on a child naturally evokes a reaction in society. But there is a subject that, in my opinion, should not cause much controversy and doubt - this is astronomy. From September 1, 2017, she triumphantly returns to the school curriculum with a course of 35 hours. It's a paradox: the country that was the first to fly into space does not have astronomy in its schools, but our young men have been taking first places in international astronomy Olympiads for several years in a row.

In addition, I am convinced that chess should be played at school. It's hard to argue with statistics. In our country and abroad, the performance of children who play chess at school is 35–40% higher. This intellectual game develops the child. The important thing is that the techniques are so good that a primary school teacher can quite easily learn to play chess himself and teach children. Children should play chess at school outside school hours for free. And also must be free sports sections, literary circles, music. It turns out a classic set of five directions. You can also talk about entrepreneurial skills.

There are extracurricular activities - mandatory 10 hours to be used. The point is small - you need to want. Recommendations will be sent to the regions. By the way, 42 schools play chess in the Samara region. The Tyumen Region is playing, the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug is playing. Huge regions in which they play everywhere. Interest in chess in society is returning.

You are listing what formed the basis of Soviet education, which was lost in the 1990s along with the educational basis.

That's right, education is education and training. You can educate in the lessons of literature, history, extracurricular music classes. Valuable things are still carried by the humanitarian block, although the teacher of chemistry and physics will always bring them into the lesson - that's why he is a teacher. It is very important with what the child goes into life.

- To what extent does this correspond to the challenges of today - the new technological revolution?

I wholeheartedly support new technologies. But how does digital change human values? Love, mercy, compassion, pity, the ability to rejoice, laugh, love of work rarely directly correlate with the "figure", but are directly related to the school. It is there that one can talk about human values ​​if the family does not talk about them. The deep foundations are laid in the family, but the school has always helped and will help her in this. I am proud to say that in Russia there are more than 9.5 thousand free psychological and pedagogical centers for parents, where you can get advice from a psychologist, a teacher-psychologist. The number of such centers is growing and will continue to grow.

- Any teacher always has a stick and a carrot. What can be a whip at school?

My deepest conviction is that a whip is not needed with babies. A small person should not have chaos. There should be a change of activity and a clear idea of ​​what he is doing now, he will do in 10 minutes, in 15. To explain what is good and what is bad, we start from birth, so I don’t see hard whips here. And most importantly, love.

In adolescence, you need to explain, talk about situations that may be. This is a very difficult period in life. A teenager is like a crystal vessel.

- And in a corner to put on peas?

As a parent, I can say that peas are probably not our method. But there should be restrictions. What is possible and what is not, a small person should know from the very beginning. You have to constantly explain. Understanding doesn't come from nowhere.

Let's return from educational issues to urgent ones. Where is the problem of building schools particularly acute?

Problems in those regions where there is a third shift. This is Dagestan, Chechen Republic. This problem needs to be solved this very second - there should not be a third shift. The government allocates 25 billion rubles for the construction of new schools. And this year we will have 55,000 new places. 57 regions are participating in the program this year. We hope that this year will end as well as the last.

We were additionally allocated 3.8 billion from the reserve fund for schools in the regions of the North Caucasus. We hope that we will build additional schools under the program for the development of the North Caucasus. It is very important that schools have modern equipment and excellent laboratories. It will not be just buildings, not just chairs and tables. They build huge schools for 1.2-2.2 thousand people and very small rural schools.

How do you assess the level of education of modern university graduates? According to many experts, it is not so easy for them to find a job. Employers think they don't know anything.

Even 20 years ago young people were told that they did not know anything, it was just that the times were different. The level of preparation is not as bad as one would like to imagine. Of course, we will do our best to make it better. You need to change the legal framework so that the company or enterprise does not say that you need work experience to get hired. There are already developments that will enable the guys to start working. This includes support for the most talented, student innovative enterprises, and laboratories that already exist. Innovative enterprises that are created at universities can continue to work after students graduate. There are many forms of work within the NTI. We have a good experience that can be repeated in the new realities.

Will be 70 years old. An unpleasant gift for the anniversary of the actress was the appearance of her former daughter-in-law Anastasia Begunova in the talk show "Let them talk" on Channel One. The ex-wife of Philip Vasiliev said that she could no longer be silent, and accused Tatyana Grigorievna of having done everything to deprive her grandchildren Vanya and Grisha of the square meters they were entitled to.

Anastasia Begunova also voiced compromising information on her ex-spouse, providing audio recordings in which Philip Vasilyev, in a state of intoxication, admits that he wanted to kill his wife and mother-in-law, and also that he needs help, as he suffers from alcoholism. In addition, Anastasia is sure that it is Tatyana Grigorievna who is to blame for the fact that her marriage with Philip broke up, calling her son Vasilyeva absolutely spineless: “I did not divorce my husband, but my mother-in-law.”

In Andrei Malakhov's program, Begunova complained that she and her two sons had received an offer from a famous grandmother to give up Moscow real estate in exchange for monthly payments of 2,000 euros. The former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva claims that the money (we are talking about the amount of 350 thousand euros), which the actress once gave her and Philip and which she allegedly stole, her ex-husband squandered right and left, and Anastasia removed the rest, since she needed something to live on. Now she lives in Germany with her children and huddles in a modest apartment.

Begunova, as well as Philip Vasiliev, married a second time and gave birth to a child to her new husband. However, she will always be glad if Tatyana Vasilyeva and her son show a desire to meet Vanya and Grisha. But, according to Anastasia, since she refused monthly payments, the grandmother did not call her grandchildren anymore. At the end of the program, Andrei Malakhov explained that Tatyana Vasilyeva was invited to take part in the show, but the actress refused.

Former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva Anastasia Begunova and grandchildren of the famous actress Vanya and Grisha

Recall that Philip Vasiliev, the ex-husband of Anastasia Begunova, married a second time in October 2016. With an actress Maria Bolkonkina, who was already in her ninth month of pregnancy, he signed at the Tagansky registry office. Before that, he said in an interview that his first wife broke his heart. “I fell in love with Begunova at first sight, but she was always arrogant and cold. However, she accepted my courtship. After some time, Nastya became pregnant. You have no idea how happy I was! He immediately proposed to her. Vanya was born to us, and two years later - Grisha. It seemed to me that everything was fine with us, although over the years rumors had come to me that my wife was cheating on me, - said the son of Tatyana Vasilyeva in an interview with EG.RU - But I loved her so much that I didn’t trust anyone. Even my own mother. In vain! Now I’m clearing up: not only did Nastya leave the family, she also stole money from us - about 350 thousand euros!

The former daughter-in-law of Tatyana Vasilyeva gave a frank interview to Andrey Malakhov

The famous actress Tatyana Vasilyeva will respond to the accusation of her daughter-in-law, who said nothing less than that she is the culprit of the fact that her family collapsed. Stanislav Sadalsky asked her not to tell anyone about this and did everything to prevent this interview from getting on television. In addition, Vasilyeva will tell why on the eve of her anniversary she met with the heiress Vanga.

"New Russian Sensations" is a weekly program made in the genre of investigative journalism.

Each issue is a high-profile exclusive, an information bomb or a poignant, touching mono-story of a celebrity whose name is known throughout the country, and whose life is full of dramatic events.

A frank interview in the style of a television confession, unexpected meetings with people with whom they shared years, distances and past grievances, unknown facts, family secrets and "skeletons in the closet" - all this will be seen on television for the first time.

Year of issue: 2017
Released: Russia, LLC "PPK" commissioned by NTV

K. Larina― 14 hours 9 minutes. Let's start our transmission. At the microphone Ksenia Larina. And my guest is a wonderful artist and a beautiful woman Tatyana Vasilyeva. Tanechka, hello.

T. Vasilyeva- Hello.

K. Larina- Tanya and I have known each other for one hundred and fifty-eight years. There was no radio station "Echo of Moscow" yet, and we already knew each other. Therefore, I am always glad when Tanya comes. Although we have rarely met in recent years, somehow they did not coincide. I'm glad we finally met.

Dear friends, you also have the opportunity to chat with Tatyana Vasilyeva. You have SMS +7 985 970 45-45 for your questions. And then in the second part, according to tradition, we will give you a task.

Well, let's start our conversation. I wanted to give some Tanya a voice so that she sang something, because I found some incredible number of songs performed by Vasilyeva.

T. Vasilyeva Yes, I am a singer now.

K. Larina- But I was so offended that it was all from the performances of the recording, so the quality is not very good. And so my first question is to the singer Tatyana Vasilyeva: will an album ever be released, so that there will be a good studio recording, so that it can be played on the radio?

T. Vasilyeva“No, well, I don’t get so impudent, I hope. No no. And then, it's really for song performances. I try to sing myself. Well, sometimes it happens under the phonogram, under which I do not fall. This is a terrible ordeal. But I always choose the songs myself. This is what I really like: Okudzhava and all sorts of Celentano's songs, which are translated as we need ... Well, a lot of things have already accumulated, really.

K. Larina“White Bird” is incredible.

T. Vasilyeva- "White Bird", yes, amazing. Everything about love.

K. Larina- Look here. I understand that you have been there for many years. I don’t even know how many years you have been working in free swimming, when you left the stationary theater and became a free artist. How many years has your free and gypsy life been going on?

Tatyana Vasilieva: Those who can earn money earn money. Well, now the notion that a man is a breadwinner has already been erased

T. Vasilyeva Oh, I can't even count. A long time ago. When I was last kicked out of the theater ... Now I will tell you. From the Mayakovsky Theatre. Well, I think that...

K. Larina- Ninety-something.

T. Vasilyeva- Yes, ninety-something year - 93rd, 91st ... Here's some kind. Yes, I was fired under Article 33. And since then…

K. Larina- For what?

T. Vasilyeva- Well, for the fact that I ... because of me, as it were, the performance was canceled. Well, it wasn't my fault. Through my fault, nothing (I declare now) has ever been cancelled. I don't have a single used ballot in my life. And I hope it won't.

K. Larina- Pah-pah-pah!

T. Vasilyeva Yes, with God's help.

K. Larina- This free life, which has been going on for many years, more than twenty, has it somehow changed you as an actress and as a person? And how did she enrich you? Well, it is clear that you earn money for everyone, I understand, you just plow for your entire family, which is getting bigger and bigger.

T. Vasilyeva Yes, more and more. I don't have one, I have three families. And I'm the breadwinner, yes, for now. My children are on their way, they are coming. But of course they can't reach my Olympus yet (not in that sense). But everything will be, everything will be fine. And then, I think that if you can earn money… The one who can earn money earns. Well, now the notion that a man is a breadwinner has already been erased. It's not like that.

K. Larina- Well, of course.

T. Vasilyeva And now I'm the breadwinner. Then, maybe one of mine will be the breadwinner.

K. Larina- From children.

T. Vasilyeva- Yes, from children or from grandchildren. I don't know how it will turn out. But this does not bother me at all and has ceased to excite me, because, well, another life, another. If earlier I understood that I had graduated from the institute and I would go somewhere for distribution, and I would have a job and I would receive a salary, now there is nothing like that at all. Therefore it is very difficult. I really worry about all the young people. I don't know how they manage.

K. Larina- Well, Tanya, after all, if we talk about your profession, then today for young artists there is still a choice. When you came to the theater as a young artist... And even in the 90s, you even remember what it was. There was nothing at all - there were no serials, there were no entreprises, there was no choice at all. Here is a stationary theater and what this chief director puts in your mouth, or passes by you. It is absolutely slave life. But today it still exists. Don't know…

T. Vasilyeva- Well, yes. This is so and not so. But I released real premieres. All Moscow was waiting for this premiere.

K. Larina- Event.

T. Vasilyeva- All of Moscow knew that the premiere was being prepared, who would be busy. People went to theaters and go to theaters all their lives for the same performance, for the same actors. On the other hand, we are now in absolutely monstrous conditions, because I have to release two performances in a season. This is a lot.

K. Larina- New ones?

T. Vasilyeva- New ones, yes. Well, I made up my mind that way. It may or may not be released. You can, of course, trudge along with old luggage, but something must fall off from time to time, well, just for a number of reasons. And we need to do new performances. It is not known what this new performance will bring - whether it will bring what the old performance brought you. It's a risk every time. But no one will think for you. You decide everything yourself. Everything you will do is your own problem and concern.

Then everything was decided for you: here is the premiere, here is what role they gave you, here you begin to prepare it, here you have your own dressing room, then the tour will be for a month and a half, now the theater is leaving. Now I don't know where I am. When I wake up, I don't know if I'm on the train, on the plane, or at home. Then - my God, I gladly understand that I am at home, I am lying in my bed.

K. Larina Was it hard to get used to it?

T. Vasilyeva- Well, gradually.

K. Larina“It’s still a completely different rhythm.

T. Vasilyeva“Absolutely different, absolutely. He, in general, is not feminine or even human, I think. But yes, I can make money. I can ... Well, as much as I have the strength, I can earn as much. I don't refuse anything. My rhythm of life has not changed over the years, it just goes on increasing. And I am very afraid to slow down, because then there will be, so to speak, a rumor that "she is tired, and she can cancel something." This is very scary for me. Therefore, I say that nothing should be canceled through my fault.

K. Larina- You need to have iron health and iron nerves.

T. Vasilyeva- Nerves, health, yes. And nerves are health. Of course, all the diseases we have from them. But health ... I'm not treated, I basically treat everyone. I don't heal myself. I have one way - "a wedge with a wedge." I don't skip workouts. I come somewhere in the Far East, I go from an airplane ... This, of course, is madness, this is not normal. And everyone is right who says "you're an idiot." I agree with this - I'm an idiot. I've got to go and lie in bed, you know, and look up at the ceiling, and wait until it's six o'clock so I can jump up and run to the play or something. This is the kind of system I have.

And then, I think that ... You see, everything that concerns serials - I even somehow jumped out of this cage, because I don’t understand what to give me to play in the series, who I should play. Entreprise cursed by everyone, so to speak, by academic motives - it gives me everything, it gives me everything. I still play young girls who turn into grandmothers, completely in ruins. And I choose what I like. And if the producer, so to speak, takes me, then that's it, the problem is solved.

K. Larina- We have such an industry, unfortunately, unlike Western, American or European ... If we talk about cinema and TV shows, then it’s generally impossible for adult women (and men, by the way) to play nothing, because we basically have the main the heroes are all young and glossy girls. The story is like this. They are all youth. I don't know what it's about. Maybe because it is believed that ...

T. Vasilyeva- Or detectives, these investigators, investigators talking, investigators sitting at the table.

K. Larina“But there is nothing for great artists.

T. Vasilyeva- No, there is nothing. Well, such a period. But there is something else. It also doesn’t happen that nothing happens right away.

K. Larina- Of course. But there are difficulties here, as I understand it, in the industry in which you work - in an enterprise. There must be success here. We have no right to take risks here, as they say.

T. Vasilyeva- Not.

K. Larina“If we don’t have success, then that’s it, we can’t afford to crawl, we can’t afford people to leave. Here, probably, you also have some kind of feeling with experience, what is needed and what is not needed. How do you monitor it? What is the request of the public that comes to the theater today?

T. Vasilyeva- Well, chuyka, it seems to me that somehow it should work for everyone, what our viewer will do now. I understand that academic audiences go to theaters simply out of habit now. It's not because I, so to speak, oppose it. I myself go to theaters, I watch performances. Sometimes I suffer a lot there. Here is the last performance that I saw at Vakhtangov, "Oedipus Rex" - I liked it very much, very much. And I envied, because I understand that ... You see, the main character of this performance ... You watched, no?

K. Larina- Not. But I know what it is.

T. Vasilyeva- There is a pipe that absorbs everyone, crushes under itself, exterminates.

K. Larina- Yes Yes Yes.

T. Vasilyeva- And this is fate, this is fate and so on. And I think: yes, such a pipe would be good for us! But who will make it for us? And how are we going to take her? Therefore, of course, we can be accused of playing in rags, in some kind ... Three chairs, one chair and a telephone. Well, those days are gone, of course. But, on the other hand, Stanislavsky said: "Give me a rug - and we will all play." So it doesn't bother me that much either.

K. Larina- What about literature? How do you choose? Already have authors writing for you?

T. Vasilyeva- Yes Yes. Now the author has written a very funny play. In my opinion, this is insanely funny. In general, it is very difficult for me to make me laugh, although I am a comic artist. But I don't understand jokes, I rarely get laughed at. And then I just fell and laughed. I realized that if I laugh, it means it's really funny. Here we have a premiere in a month, of course. This is again a hassle and so on. Not enough time and all that. I understand that laughter has not been canceled, that, of course, there must be some kind of love line, a little bit melodramatic, well, a tragicomedy. Most likely, yes, this genre, which is the most in demand, yes, tragicomedy.

K. Larina- That is, not just to neigh, but to have some kind of experience, right?

T. Vasilyeva- Well, yes. Even in sitcom… I don’t like this genre very much, but even there, if you find this love line, some kind of relationship history, then it will be interesting. I'm talking about the performances that I saw. I always go only to what they say "it's impossible not to watch." If I walk by chance, I get hit, no one warned me that it is not necessary to watch, then this, of course, is a terrible torture. And I look at people. I look - they would forgive us this? Never. Never! They would leave. They would start slamming chairs. They would demand the money back - in the full sense of the word. Would require. And they would be right.

We cannot allow ourselves for a second to let their attention relax a little, or they lean back, or they rustle with a piece of paper, a chocolate bar, or they would want to go to the toilet. Everything, this is a disaster for us, this is a collapse. So something has to happen every second. We have no right to lose the viewer for half a second. Then it takes half an hour to return them.

K. Larina- And who usually conducts debriefing after the performance? You?

T. Vasilyeva“No, no, I don’t allow myself to do that. What do you? God forbid!

K. Larina- Producer?

T. Vasilyeva- The director, of course.

K. Larina- But the director does not always travel.

T. Vasilyeva“Not always, not always. No, we, of course, then exchange: “Well, how? Well?" I am very afraid to make comments to my partners. I never do it. Although it happens that I am on the verge of some hysterical experiences after the performance, when I understand that he did not achieve what he could. And we have a performance, for example, called "He is in Argentina", Petrushevskaya's play. I love Petrushevskaya very much.

Tatyana Vasilyeva: Spectators now go to academic theaters simply out of habit

K. Larina- Wonderful, by the way!

T. Vasilyeva- Yes, I love it. A very good performance.

K. Larina- I saw this performance at the Moscow Art Theater based on this play.

T. Vasilyeva- Yes. Well, we also have a performance, we play.

K. Larina- And who do you have?

T. Vasilyeva- Lesya Zheleznyak.

K. Larina- A wonderful actress.

T. Vasilyeva- Yes, I love her very much. And we played her so well! But this is a show for two. This is a big risk for an enterprise when the two characters are two women or two men. Well, at least a man and a woman. And we are two women. We collect. And it is, of course, a success. Well, the stuff itself is great. Fabulous! Very heavy! Of course, I'm terribly tired. And my partner gets tired. You can’t blame it on anyone, on a partner - well, you’ll somehow rest a little while she dissuades her there. No, there is this interaction going on all the time. And how to come from complete rejection to complete connection and the inability to live without each other.

K. Larina- So, after all, geography is huge, right? And the density of movement on the map of the Motherland, and not only - it is also some kind of incredible. I’d like to, if it’s possible, of course… What do you feel, what kind of people live in our country? How do you perceive them? This is not what we see on TV at all, right?

T. Vasilyeva- Nothing in common. First of all, these are people ... We live here in a fairy tale, in Moscow. Here we all swear insanely: “This is Moscow! Everything is so expensive! And nowhere to go! And there is nothing to breathe! And there is nothing!” Nothing like this. Everything is really here. Where we are going, well, in the big cities of Siberia… I like to travel to Siberia very much. The further you climb and the north, the people ... there is so much warmth in them, so much kindness! They are waiting for you! They are so grateful that we just got there! Well, it would seem - well, they arrived. Well, go back and forth - and that's it, success is guaranteed. But we don't work that way, of course. And they just stand up on command, huge halls of two thousand people stand up as one. And when you look at these people, you think: “Lord…” And they also bring flowers. And I understand that they spend decent money on these tickets (we have expensive tickets). And the flowers are still coming. We're leaving just in some flowerbed.

I don’t know, and we were at performances abroad - nothing like that. The better people live, the stingier they are, the more demanding they are. It's not clear what they want. For example, Moscow is like this. We very rarely play premieres in Moscow, because you are doomed to failure with the premiere.

K. Larina- Yes, what are you? Yes?

T. Vasilyeva- Well, in my memory - yes. Here you can play a performance for the twentieth, thirtieth, new performance. And so it’s better to hide it somewhere, so go to Siberia and roll it there or go somewhere in the North.

K. Larina- How do you explain it?

T. Vasilyeva- Well, because…

K. Larina What kind of society is this?

T. Vasilyeva- Society, yes ... Society is unique, of course. It doesn't know what it wants. Very swaggering. Maybe Moscow has always been like this, I don't know, because St. Petersburg is completely different. You can take the premiere to St. Petersburg. They are much kinder. They immediately place all the accents. And we know where and when there will be a reaction, what we did right and what was wrong. This is litmus - Peter. St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, a number of other cities ...

K. Larina- Yekaterinburg.

T. Vasilyeva- Yekaterinburg, yes, yes, yes. Here you can go there without any fear.

K. Larina- Is there such a thing for you, do you understand what it is, have you seen this - a depressive city?

T. Vasilyeva- Well, of course, of course, yes, there are such cities. I just don't want to offend anyone.

K. Larina- We won't call. And what is it expressed in?

T. Vasilyeva- It is expressed in this word - in depression. I can’t believe that people came, they were dragged there, to the theater. After all, no. They came, they wanted to get something from us. But such a complete feeling that we have not given them anything. That's how they came - that's how they leave. It is very difficult to break through, very difficult. Here we are now in Chelyabinsk, another city. In Chelyabinsk, we just didn’t have time to go out yet ... This, of course, is also not very correct, probably, such crazy love and desire ...

K. Larina- Expectation.

T. Vasilyeva“An expectation, yes, and a desire to see. Just a little is enough to make people so happy. And next to the city, 200 kilometers - some kind of complete ... I don’t even understand. I say: “Guys, are there spectators there or not?” Usually the noise comes from behind the curtain. And there's nothing! People sit and are silent.

K. Larina- They are silent.

T. Vasilyeva- Sit quietly. Well, I don't know what it depends on. Maybe the climate.

K. Larina- Are there theaters there?

T. Vasilyeva- And there are theaters, yes. I always come and ask: “Do they go to your theater?” - "Yes, the halls are always full, - they say, - always." And then, of course, we have a lot of traveling people. When we arrive, there is a poster hanging on the poster, they do not have time to hang up new posters. And all the entreprises - rush, rush, rush ...

K. Larina- Is there any competition?

T. Vasilyeva- Well, there is, of course, of course. I personally don't feel it. They say that it’s not good to have a lot of you, that you have many names, “this is not good, you need to reduce.” But if it is for sale, if I see a full hall in front of me, then why should I cut back? I do not understand. I don't want to shrink. I want…

K. Larina- Reproduce.

T. Vasilyeva- Yes.

K. Larina- Well, there is, of course, the traditional one... I am returning to Moscow again. It surprised me, of course. Perhaps the point is in such a traditional, somewhat arrogant attitude towards this type of theater, towards this method of theater, as an entreprise? How would it initially develop among such an audience, which is a fan of theatrical events in stationary theaters, and believes that this is such a second grade. There's no such thing? Has it been preserved?

T. Vasilyeva- No, it's just ... I think that they go to a stationary theater not only to see actors, but also to see a performance, to see a director. As a rule, our directors are not known, although there are very good directors, I know them, with whom I work. There you understand that this is Tuminas or ... Another one. What is his last name? I forget everything. Very difficult. In Mayakovka, which ...

K. Larina- Karbauskis.

T. Vasilyeva- Karbauskis. Know the directors. They go to the production, not to the artists. We go mostly to actors.

K. Larina- On the actors.

T. Vasilyeva- Yes. And they don't know what they're getting into. Therefore, we also need to think seriously about this issue, you understand, so as not to disappoint with our next opus.

K. Larina- Well, how do you feel about the artists who stayed to work in stationary theaters and did not achieve anything?

T. Vasilyeva- Sympathy.

K. Larina“Tell me, do you feel sorry for them?”

T. Vasilyeva- I'm very sorry! I just feel sorry for such a personal experience. Among them are my friends, with whom we started together. And they started, so they went about nostril to nostril. And now they are living out their lives there, just living out. I only pray to God that they live there, in general, so to speak, until the last journey.

K. Larina- This is a terrible, some kind of uncomplicated life! Such fading, human first of all.

T. Vasilyeva- Yes Yes Yes. And people put up with it, and they are so scared. And I always hear the same phrase: “I can’t live without a stage. I will die without the theatre." What do you get in the theatre? What can you give him already, on the other hand, too? Because people are untrained, they are fat, they don't move well, they don't speak well. If this is how you set yourself up, then, so to speak, you can still do something in the theater - that means, somehow take care of yourself, bring yourself into some kind of shape.

K. Larina― Tatyana Vasilyeva gives advice to her young colleagues. And we listen to the news.

K. Larina- Back to the program. Let me remind you that today our guest is actress Tatyana Vasilyeva. I will remind once again the SMS number for our listeners +7 985 970-45-45.

And by tradition, I want to offer you an exciting task for the second part of our program. When we have great artists visiting us, we invite our listeners to offer roles to actors. And so, comrades, today, let me remind you, Tatyana Vasilyeva is the one that you know and see very well. Here is the Tanya who would ask you today: “What would you suggest me to play?” My friends, please send your suggestions. Moreover, we just said that there is nothing to play, that there are practically no roles, in movies and TV shows, for sure. Let's offer roles for Tatyana Vasilyeva, you are welcome. We do not limit you. It can be historical figures, it can be any heroine of some high dramas or comedies from the world repertoire, from the Soviet, from today - for God's sake.

There is already the first role, which, not knowing about this task, was sent by our listener. This is "The Visit of the Old Lady". I also thought that it was necessary ... Have you ever tried to play it anywhere?

T. Vasilyeva- Have not tried. I was offered several times, but somehow I don’t want to.

K. Larina Didn't like the play, did you?

Tatyana Vasilieva: We have no right to lose the audience for half a second. Then you have to return them for half an hour

T. Vasilyeva- Didn't like it. Something there is not mine. I won't break through it all.

K. Larina- Well, let's see what our audience will offer, how much they feel about you as an actress today.

And among the questions, for example, there is such a question: “Teach how to choose a good performance. Tickets are very expensive. There is no hope for critics. Sometimes you come and want to run. What to do? How to choose a performance? - asks Irina.

T. Vasilyeva- Oh, Irina, if I knew, if I knew ... Well, tell you? You see, because ... This is now about an enterprise? Well, I work for Reichelgauz, this is a real theater, that's all. Go, then, to the actors. Take at least one risk. You will at least see an actor you know and probably love. I can not tell. There are, of course, a lot of dubious plays, especially modern ones. And it is very difficult to find a good contemporary play. Therefore, we very often rewrite modern plays in our own way with our names and so on. The big problem is that a huge, huge gap has arisen here. There are no good modern plays. No. And if they are, then up to half, and from the second half it is not. And of course it doesn't have an ending. And we sit and for half a month come up with the ending ourselves. So we also write these plays ourselves. So go for the actors for now.

K. Larina- One more question... Oh, by the way, a good question, I wanted to ask you myself. There is a famous saying that an actor says: "I can play my King Lear anywhere, in any role." Tell us, please, about your repertoire, about your roles.

T. Vasilyeva- Wonderful. This is my opinion too. It is not necessary to play Desdemona or Juliet, or some Shakespearean women. Not at all necessary. All this can be played in any play, in any, in any material. And that's exactly what I do personally. Even in its purest form, some classic story would be very boring to me, because there is little that can be added. Well, as a director, probably, it is possible, but as an actor, it somehow fetters everything, a classic. Well, except for Chekhov.

K. Larina- Of the works that you are currently playing, is this the one that is most dear to you, which you yourself came up with from beginning to end and put everything into it?

T. Vasilyeva- So I'm talking about, let's say, about "He's in Argentina." I really love this performance with Lesya Zheleznyak on Petrushevskaya. I loved The Cherry Orchard. Now I don’t have this performance, but they are slowly starting to offer me.

K. Larina- Again?

T. Vasilyeva- Yes, to make this performance. And of course I agree, The Cherry Orchard. Well, the last, as always, is the closest performance to you and the role is the one that you are rehearsing now. What I'm rehearsing right now. I can't even say what it will be called. Well, for now, such a conditional name is “Day of Surprises”. On the 17th we will play, August 17th. This is such a very funny and lyrical story. And I have very good partners.

K. Larina- That's about partners too ... I know that we worked a lot with Valera Garkalin. Are you continuing this collaboration?

T. Vasilyeva- No, not yet.

K. Larina- Not?

T. Vasilyeva- Not.

K. Larina“It was absolutely such an amazing duet.

T. Vasilyeva- Yes, for a long, long time ... For 20 years Valera and I just worked every day.

K. Larina- And now, I see, Stas Sadalsky is often with you, right?

T. Vasilyeva- Yes, we have with him ...

K. Larina- He is such an inconvenient artist, such a spontaneous one.

T. Vasilyeva- Yes. But he has a certain ... As I tell him: "You are a shaman." There is some kind of magnetism in him, which cannot leave people indifferent to him. He immediately takes the room. He sometimes says whatever he wants, something that is not even in the play. But you have to be very careful with it. You need to understand what this person is telling you, and, so to speak, enter into a dialogue, hearing him without fail. And the public loves him very much. And I love him very much as a partner. He is unpredictable, he is a brawler. But all the shops work just as well-coordinated as in a parade. Everything always works for us, and light, because before that there is always a terrible scandal and hysteria. Even if everything works, it will work even better. He has a great quality. He is not indifferent to how the door stands, why there is a crack, why the light sticks out from there. Everything worries him. And he is, of course, a great partner. And he is a very good dramatic actor. Few people know about this. Maybe just me. Very good.

And this is an actor whose eyes I try to draw to myself, because I am afraid of most partners. On the contrary, it happens that you know that you are playing with yourself. There is a person standing nearby, but he doesn’t need you, and you don’t need him either. And this is a big punishment. Stas is not. Yes, we are now playing several performances with him. And one performance has been going on for a long time, it's called "The Naked Truth". We play about ourselves, each with his own story. And then we join in two small performances. This is a very interesting story. I don't think anyone else has had this experience. This is not fiction, it's all about us, from our life. And all this is made by us. There is no such play at all, there is no such play “The Naked Truth”.

K. Larina“So you came up with everything yourself, right?”

T. Vasilyeva- Yes.

K. Larina Such an improvisation, huh?

K. Larina“Absolute improvisation, absolute, yes. Well, we sing there and talk about ourselves: he - about his life, I - about mine. It's interesting to everyone, well, because we're very outspoken people. That is, there we have no limit to our revelations. And I understand that, firstly, people already know a lot. Well, what am I going to tell the story of not my life now? Of course, they need confirmation from our side. And we give it to them. And most often we tell about ourselves some ... well, not that unsightly, but such controversial things, because of which we are still worried: about the theater, how it was for him in the theater, how it was for me in the theater, why we not in the theater - that's all that excites, it seems to me, people who are interested in this. As it turned out, a lot of people are interested in this - acting.

K. Larina- But this frankness, this “Naked Truth” - as I understand it, this is some kind of your manifesto, or something. Because I see that you are absolutely open, do not hide anything - neither age, nor any personal problems. It annoys someone terribly that it is already turning into some kind of endless caravan of stories, right? But I thought, I think: why is she doing this? - Watching another show. And then I thought: probably, after all, there is a right move in this, that it is impossible to compromise you. Impossible.

T. Vasilyeva- Do you know why? Because ... I would call it another word, very familiar to me and no longer offensive - that I'm stupid.

K. Larina- OK!

T. Vasilyeva- Well, to put it mildly. Yes Yes Yes. Because I can’t invent ... You see, as soon as they turn me on to some kind of story, I immediately start ...

K. Larina- Tell everything.

T. Vasilyeva- Sculpt everything at once, my whole story, as if someone asked me about it. I was just asked a question. I could tell a different story. Firstly, I will go astray right away, I will start myself ... I don’t know how to lie, so to speak, and therefore all my trouble is precisely in this. All my revelations are connected only with the fact that I can’t come up with something about myself. And I understand people who don't like it. Why is it necessary? Why post everything like this? And on the other hand, if I am asked such a question, then what - I then say: "I will not answer this question"? Like this or how? I don't know how. I dont know. And I'm not interested in people who smooth everything over, don't talk about anything.

K. Larina- And the children do not tell you: “Mom, why are you telling everything?”

T. Vasilyeva- They say. Of course they do. Of course of course. In front of the children, of course, I ... So I say - I do not have any restraining centers. I don’t know what it is, what is the name of such a stupid trait in character. And when I go somewhere, my children give me instructions: “You can not say anything about me.” “And about me, mom, too, please, no more. Okay? Thank you mom, thank you." And I go and just think ... I just wish I could keep track of this moment when they ask me this. And then I'll switch to something else - to myself, basically. What should I do?

K. Larina Are you satisfied with yourself as a mother? Good upbringing?

T. Vasilyeva- Not. Of course not.

K. Larina- Not?

T. Vasilyeva- No no. I'm not happy, because... Well, again, revelations will begin now.

K. Larina- You protected them so much, I remember when they were still small, when there was the last parting with the last husband.

T. Vasilyeva- Yes.

K. Larina- And I remember that you were very worried, somehow you really wanted to close them from everything, to save them from loneliness, from these adult problems. But now they have grown up, they already have children themselves.

T. Vasilyeva Yes, they have grown. Yes Yes Yes. Well, I keep patronizing, I keep talking. It seems to me that I even say sometimes: “Don’t listen to me and don’t act as I tell you now and advise you. Don't listen to me. You are adults. This is your life." But I still have to say. Therefore, I still say, like this, I shout at the door, through the crack: “So that they don’t forget it, and don’t do it. And not to be hunched over. And don't smoke." Well, what can be done about it? It's probably motherly.

K. Larina- Well, how about it. What then is the dissatisfaction with yourself? They raised wonderful children, good people. We put everything we could into them.

T. Vasilyeva“I think people are good, but… How do I say? You see, I am doing them even more harm by being so concerned about them and worrying so much about them. And they are followed by a rumor: “Well, this is her son. Well, she pushes him everywhere." I don't push him. Producers call me and say: “Can I do Philip?” I say: “Of course. Of course, take it." Well, then it all starts: "She drags him." Well, a few other people are making an effort to do so. And then I realize that I am completely powerless and I need to step aside. So - they must go their own way, their own way. It turns out that I only hurt by the fact that I exist nearby, by the fact that I have a job, and a lot of it. And I live the way I dreamed, probably the way I should live. But they should probably live differently. I dont know. Don't know…

I can't help them. You see, I didn't make connections. I can't call anyone. I can only call and say: "Oh, you know ..." For someone to ask. For someone I'm doing great! This person will be in such chocolate! And if I call and say “you know, I'm his niece” or “I'm his sister” or “I'm his grandmother”, then there will be an extra class, a luxury ward, a dropper! All will be delivered immediately. And everyone will carry this patient in their arms.

Tatyana Vasilyeva: I am very afraid to make comments to my partners. I never do

K. Larina- And for yours?

T. Vasilyeva- Not. For their own, no. No, it doesn't work. Or I ask for the directors - and the directors immediately have such a fate! I'm so lucky for others!

K. Larina- Contact, gentlemen, if anything.

T. Vasilyeva- Yes, directors, here. But, unfortunately, do not do good - you will not get evil. Don't do it when you're not asked to. This is how I came to this conclusion. No need. Here is the same thing - you don’t even need to give alms if they don’t come up to you and say: “Give me some money, please.” Give it then. And until they ask - do not give. No need, because...

Here, near my window, a woman sat for a whole year ... she didn’t sit, but lay, she hibernated on a bench all winter. Winter on the bench! She hid, she slept in some boxes, and opened during the day. And I looked: this woman will shoot a cigarette from someone, she is wearing glasses, just a clean teacher. She was sitting. I stand with a cup of coffee at the window and think: “So, she is sitting there. I stand warm with a cup of coffee. And who am I after that? I take my expensive coat. I think so: “No, I won’t even choose! I'll take this, my best coat." Warm - stove! Brought from somewhere.

I run to her, right in my bathrobe I run to her in the winter and say: “Hello. Take your coat, please, you're freezing." She said, “Oh, thank you very much, thank you. Put it there." I say: "Here, take the money." - “No, it's a lot. I won't take that much." I gave it there... I don't remember. 5 thousand wanted to give her. Her: “I won’t take that much.” I say: “How much will you take?” - "Well, I'll take a thousand." I gave a thousand.

And what do you think? I'm watching her. She didn't touch that coat. After a while I return from the rehearsal - she is sitting again in the same form in which she was sitting, without this coat. She has him somewhere, there, probably ...

K. Larina- Did you sell it?

T. Vasilyeva Well, I sold it, of course. Of course I sold it. Do you understand? This is what was annoying to me.

K. Larina- Did you say anything to her?

T. Vasilyeva- No no. Well, why would I put her in that position? She will say, "I took it somewhere," and so on. She will lie to me. What for? Here I am. You see, I go where I don't need to. Sit still! Sit. They gave you a role - go and learn it!

K. Larina There are many ingratitudes in life, right?

T. Vasilyeva- Yes Yes Yes. Well, all the proverbs - everything is said there.

K. Larina- Well, in the end, this is your destiny and your karma. Do you understand?

T. Vasilyeva- Yes Yes.

K. Larina- You have to think about it. These things, these actions must be done for yourself, after all.

T. Vasilyeva- Of course of course.

K. Larina And don't regret anything.

T. Vasilyeva- I'm just offended that she continued to freeze, and I stood with a cup of coffee, and I felt sorry for her again.

K. Larina- So, we will choose the roles, Tanya?

T. Vasilyeva- Yes, of course, let's. I'm ready.

K. Larina“So, what do we have here?” Well, firstly, a huge number of some kind of queens: Catherine the First, Catherine the Second, noblewoman Morozova ...

T. Vasilyeva- Oh, I'd love to! I would like it. Nobody offers.

T. Vasilyeva- Boar? Also a good role.

K. Larina- Nothing, yes, yes. “Dear Tanechka, we admire! God gives energy at your request. So keep it up! Everything is in your hands,” Svetlana writes to you.

T. Vasilyeva- Oh, thank you, thank you very much.

T. Vasilyeva Shakespeare was, I think...

K. Larina“This one… Peter Stein’s.

T. Vasilyeva“Stein’s, yes… No, it wasn’t Shakespeare. It was the Oresteia.

K. Larina- "Oresteia".

T. Vasilyeva- Yes. I'm sorry.

K. Larina Was there Shakespeare?

T. Vasilyeva There was no Shakespeare, no.

K. Larina- "Who is your critic at work?"

T. Vasilyeva- I.

K. Larina- The first critic and the most important?

T. Vasilyeva“The heaviest, the most depressing, the most deadly.

K. Larina- Yes Yes Yes. So, let's move on. Mom Courage.

T. Vasilyeva- Well, yes. Well, it’s true… If you make a musical, then yes.

K. Larina- Philomena.

T. Vasilyeva- Philomena?

K. Larina By the way, good role.

T. Vasilyeva“Good, very good, very good.

T. Vasilyeva- Oh, no, no! I do not like this old man's everything, shake the old man's. No, not ready yet. Wait.

K. Larina- "Marriage".

T. Vasilyeva- "Marriage" would be good.

K. Larina- Ekaterina again. Eliza, Pygmalion. The role of Sarah Bernhardt. Chekhov's plays. I also vote for Chekhov. And it was not by chance that Tatyana remembered the Cherry Orchard. This, of course ... I do not get tired of repeating this, every time Tanya confesses in this sense once again in love, because for me this is the best Ranevskaya in general of all times and peoples that I have seen. And the performance that was staged then ...

T. Vasilyeva- Trushkin.

K. Larina- Lenya Trushkin. It was an incredible event!

T. Vasilyeva- Truth.

K. Larina- And how many Cherry Orchards have been since then ... No! Here is where something incredible happened.

T. Vasilyeva- Well, now I would play even cooler.

K. Larina Doesn't he want to do it again?

T. Vasilyeva- No no no.

K. Larina- How to make a new edition.

T. Vasilyeva- No no no.

K. Larina- Not?

T. Vasilyeva No, no, no, he doesn't want to know me at all.

K. Larina“Tatyana, you can play whatever you want. You are the queen in every role! Anna writes to us. "And in what role do you play yourself?" Well, I think that this is just The Naked Truth, which Tanya has already talked about.

T. Vasilyeva Yes, The Naked Truth. Yes, and in all roles, of course. It's such a reciprocal action.

K. Larina- “Dear Tatyana, I enjoyed your work in Petrushevskaya's play. A completely unexpected role for you. Thank you immensely! Galina, the city of Zheleznodorozhny.

T. Vasilyeva- Oh, great! Thank you Galina.

K. Larina“Sincerity is such a rarity in our country. Thank you for this, Tatyana,” Yuri writes to you from St. Petersburg. Maria Stewart, Vassa Zheleznova, Ogudalova… Well, everyone is mothers. "Last Victim" Ostrovsky is offered a lot. Is this your author?

T. Vasilyeva- Ostrovsky? I only played Ostrovsky, "Hot Heart" at the Studio School.

K. Larina- It seems, quite, it seems to me, somehow ... Now I look - there is something in this handkerchief, some kind of matchmaker.

T. Vasilyeva- Wait a little more, I'll dial.

K. Larina Yes, Medea. "The Strange Mrs. Savage". Well, listen, comrades! Well, in general! What are you really? "Pippi Longstocking" was already there, Katya! You probably weren't even born when Pippi Longstocking was around. This was a show, right?

T. Vasilyeva- That was a long time ago.

K. Larina- You played, yes, yes, yes. Well, many people here remember, of course, all your comedic roles in all the Duennas, and so on and so forth. And they ask about the movie. Is there a movie in your life today? And if there is, where is it?

T. Vasilyeva Well, by and large, no, of course not. No. I won’t even name what I’m doing now in the cinema. Well, it's not a movie, it's also a series. I don't even want to talk. Well, not the time, not the time. You have to either endure it, or somehow forget it altogether.

K. Larina- Well, they ask you one more question (I also join him): “What is your attitude to modern art and modern directing?” Are you interested in this? Or maybe something bothers you, bothers you? As an actress, would you like to work in such performances that are staged by our young ... well, not too young, but middle-aged directors of radical trends?

Tatyana Vasilyeva: We very rarely play premieres in Moscow, because you are doomed to failure with the premiere

T. Vasilyeva Well, I would be interested, of course.

K. Larina- Interesting?

T. Vasilyeva- It would be interesting, yes. Well, at least there the actors are very protected by the director, the form. And again, I'm talking about the Vakhtangov Theatre. I envy these actors. But I envy them from the point of view that every second they are busy with something, that the director has thought of everything for them, they do not hang out there just like that, just on the mat.

K. Larina- And a hard drawing. And this does not limit artists in freedom?

T. Vasilyeva- No, no, on the contrary, on the contrary. If the spectacle is laid out in such a classy way, if you still fill it with your nerves and feel it all, if it does not remain a bare form, then it will, of course, be grandiose. Well, to me with such directors ... The only one who was? Pyotr Fomenko in my life, Pluchek ... That's all, perhaps.

K. Larina- Well, if you were called for a role in some theater with columns, I mean - for a specific job as a guest artist, I don’t know, besides Kirill Serebrennikov or Konstantin Bogomolov, or Tuminas, would you agree?

T. Vasilyeva I would be interested, yes.

K. Larina- Yes?

T. Vasilyeva- Of course. I would agree. It would be interesting for me.

K. Larina- Because today, you see, there is such irritation in society against such performances that are not very clear in terms of genre. You see how endlessly they are offended and denunciations are written about performances. How do you explain such a rejection of society from this?

T. Vasilyeva- It seems to me that this is a purely Moscow story.

K. Larina- Still?

T. Vasilyeva- It seems to me. I return to this. Lots of evil here. Lots of evil. And it’s easier to react like that, it’s easier to start blaming it all, scolding it, without even seeing it: “I won’t go! I know him,” and so on. And this is such a bad energy, which immediately ... There is an outflow of people, because ... For some reason, people are more pleased when someone is scolded than when someone is praised, when someone is admired. It seems to me that everything was somehow kinder before, well, at my age, when I was an actress. I didn't even know what they were saying about me. I just knew that I had this role, this role, and that's it. And it turns out - there were some stories of their own, but I did not know this. And now we all know what they say about us. Open this box here - and everything is there, it will not seem a little. So what? And what, bury yourself and no longer go on stage? Well, I don't have this box, I don't know anything.

K. Larina- Well, how? You have Instagram. Hello! I saw

T. Vasilyeva- Yes, I have.

K. Larina- You are there in a bathing suit and sawing firewood.

T. Vasilyeva- I sawed firewood in a bathing suit. Well, it's like it's not my initiative.

K. Larina- So this is “everything to win”?

T. Vasilyeva- Yes Yes Yes.

K. Larina“Everything for the front, everything for victory.”

T. Vasilyeva- Yes. Therefore, I don’t know ... Everything is always new, they begin to deny, reject, scold. And to get something useful from there - somehow we don’t do this at all. It's easier to close, blame, plant.

K. Larina- Well, thank God you don't have an SMS feed on stage yet. That would be great if the actor went on stage, and there would be a huge monitor, on which the audience could see everything they think at that very second.

T. Vasilyeva- Yes.

K. Larina- That would be...

T. Vasilyeva- Then it's over. It's all. Curtain

K. Larina- Well, the curtain! This concludes today's broadcast. Thank you very much Tatyana Vasilyeva for the conversation, for her frankness.

T. Vasilyeva- Thank you, thank you.

K. Larina- Thank you, Tanya.

T. Vasilyeva Thanks, Xenia.

The court denied Anastasia the right to a luxurious apartment on Patriarch's Ponds, bought in marriage with the son of actress Philip. Begunova declares that now she has nowhere to live, and she flew from Germany, where she lives with her children and common-law husband, to Moscow to ask for help.


In the talk show "Let them talk," the girl shared with the host Dmitry Borisov, the guests of the studio and the audience about the position she was in and what she was going to achieve from the Vasiliev family.

Earlier, Tatyana Grigorievna accused her daughter-in-law of embezzling 350 thousand euros. Nastya came to the capital to meet with her former mother-in-law and seek mercy for herself and her children.

Also on the air of the program, Anastasia made a sensational statement. She registered the child from her common-law husband as Philip Vasilyeva's son. The host was so surprised that he asked if this was really so. Nastya answered in the affirmative, arguing that Russian law allows such practice in particular cases.

“We live in a rented apartment on welfare. The current common-law husband helps. The grandchildren of the actress have 7,000 rubles alimony for two and no housing in Moscow! They took everything from them. I have a fear that if I come with them to the capital, I they will be taken away as easily as they left us without property," Begunova complained, adding that her ex-husband and his mother threatened her.

"The apartment on Patriarch's Ponds cost 25.5 million rubles. It was bought back in 2012, when Philip and I were married for four years. During the divorce, he signed a donation to his mother, saying that he was not married, that children were not registered in the housing , which is a lie," the girl shares. Anastasia made it clear that the court deprived her of the apartment on the basis of forged documents.

Vasilyeva herself is offended by her former daughter-in-law for not letting her see her grandchildren. She has not seen them for two years, only talking on the phone. Now Tatyana Grigorievna lives in the same apartment of discord and does not intend to share property. She told Nastya at a personal meeting that she was not going to give her even a share in the apartment.

She agrees to discuss all issues only in the presence of lawyers. “I have nothing to agree on, there are courts and will go on for the rest of my life. She wants an apartment, nothing else, she doesn’t want human relations,” the actress summed up.

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