Analysis and archive of draws 6 out of 45. Statistical analysis of gosloto lotteries

For those who regularly play Gosloto lotteries 6 out of 45, 5 out of 36, 4 out of 20 or 7 out of 49, it is probably very important to learn how to win at Gosloto. You probably had to, you saw the happy faces of the winners and thought at the same time: “Some people know how not only to play, but to win!” What helps people win, what should be the mood, the set of circumstances? What is needed to win: mathematical calculation or banal luck?

In this article, you will learn how to find the best combinations, what are the secrets, how to use the winning number generator system.

Gosloto 6 out of 45, 4 out of 20, 5 out of 36, 7 out of 49

How to combine numbers, what techniques and knowledge you need to apply in order to predict big win. Of course, small amounts do not count, they can be won quite easily. But when the Jackpot is at stake, or a car, a fancy apartment or large sum money, then the desire to take part in the Gosloto lottery and receive a prize increases many times over.

Four variants of Gosloto attract the attention of those who have not lost faith in their luck, for those who want to take risks in order to get a lot at once. Also, the lottery is a great way to have fun, so why not challenge yourself? The 6 out of 45 lottery is considered the most popular because it can be played twice a day at 11 am and 11 pm. You can follow the game in live on the official website of Gosloto. Prize Fund here is one of the highest in the country.

On the Internet you will find a lot of information on how to win the Gosloto lottery, how to tune in, how to choose the right winning combination digits. But for you to be really lucky, you need to know a few rules that will help you. We conducted a survey among those who have already won, they shared their emotions and talked about what tricks helped them get large sums of money.

Secrets of how to win Gosloto Jackpot 6 out of 45

Here are the reviews of the survey participants who know better than anyone what really helped them, how to attract good luck and not just play, but win.

Learn how to not just play, but win. Here you will find tips from Gosloto winners:

  • Do not share your inner feelings with anyone. Luck does not like discussion. You will only dissipate the positive energy that you need, on the contrary, to accumulate in yourself. It is best not to even tell anyone that you have bought a ticket. Tell me later if you win. Well, if you are not lucky, then you will be less upset and will not see mocking looks that block your subconscious and will not allow you to tune in to win next time;
  • check frequently falling numbers that are published on the site Here are selected numbers that win more often than others. This is very useful information which will help you win;

  • Don't focus on the first few. Many choose the numbers that are contained in their dates of birth. And these are usually numbers from 1 to 31. Compare even with the statistics given above: the number 44, 43, 38 falls out most often. That is, if you bypass these numbers only because you were born on the 31st, then luck will bypass side of you;
  • It is very important to treat the lottery like a game. This is the advice of almost all survey participants. If you worry, worry, get upset about losing, then nothing will come of it. Fortune loves the merry and comes to those who take losses lightly;
  • Don't waste your last money on a ticket. You should not depend on winning and risk everything you have. Remember the saying: “Money goes to money.” So, in the case of winning, this principle works 100%. You should have enough money in your pocket or purse that will allow you to remain joyful and calm in case of failure. Money should attract winnings, because the one who has them will be able to properly dispose of them;

  • The energy of money, though not noticeable, but it definitely exists. Just as we cannot see an electric current, but no one denies that it exists. Money does not like those who are afraid of it, who speak negatively about it, who have been using such phrases as: “Money is evil”, “Money ruins everything”, “All problems are because of money”, etc. Repeating this , you thereby convince your subconscious of this and repel luck. Work on your thoughts in this direction;

  • play regularly, allocating some of the budget for lottery tickets. One or two times won't help you win. Do not be upset by losses, because each new loss brings you closer to the real significant win. According to statistics, those who play only a few times in their lives rarely win;
  • plan what you spend your money on. They come to those who know how to dispose of them. Visualize winning, visualize money coming into your life, filling your pockets, visualize yourself happy in the midst of an abundance of money.

Gosloto 5 of 36 winning number generator system

To win 5 out of 36 in Gosloto, you can use all the previous tips. But there are a few more techniques that are used by people who know how to use their intuition. Have you ever been surprised that some things you can foresee in advance? Have you managed to avoid trouble at least once in your life by receiving a certain sign? The ability to recognize these signs is the key to making friends with your subconscious and using intuitive prompts. Continue to develop this gift to win the lotteries and receive bonuses from life.

Many who have already won say that on the eve of buying a lottery ticket they try to meditate, imagine the winning field, read the numbers that appear in the mind in the form of clues. This can be done before going to bed or just plunging into yourself.

Look at the archives of Gosloto draws for 2017 and 2018, conduct an analysis, trying to understand how the numbers are located, which combinations of numbers win most often.

Here are the statistics for the latest Gosloto draws in 2018:

Please note that in most cases the winning numbers are those that are not in a row. Out of each ten, one or two digits occur. Try to find some pattern that can be traced in combinations of numbers.

And a few more tips:

  • never choose only even or only odd numbers. Try to combine them with each other.
  • Distribute the numbers evenly across the field of the lottery ticket. Very rarely they are located in only one part.
  • Buy multiple tickets at once to increase your chances of winning.

And remember: only those who believe in luck are lucky! First you need to believe that you may well become the owner of a large cash prize, and then buy a Gosloto ticket!

How to play
To take part in GOSLOTO 6 out of 45

  • contact the official distributor of the All-Russian state lottery Gosloto in its locality(see the section "Where to buy" for more details);
  • get a free coupon and fill it in according to the rules;
  • pass the coupon to the distributor for scanning by the lottery terminal;
  • pay lottery bet;
  • receive a lottery ticket printed out by the terminal with the combination you have chosen;
  • wait for the draw! How to fill out a coupon correctly When filling out a coupon, strictly follow the rules: use a pen or marker with dark (black or blue) ink;
  • mark your choice game combination in one or more playing fields using the following characters:
  • the marks on the numbers must be clear and not go beyond the filled cell;
  • if you made a mistake when filling out the coupon, check the "Cancel" box in the corresponding playing field.

Only if these rules are observed, the terminal will be able to accurately scan the coupon with the selected numbers and issue your lottery ticket correctly. The terminal takes into account only filled and not canceled playing fields.
Choose how to play

« simple game» The name of the game speaks for itself: just choose any 6 numbers out of 45 on one of the coupon playing fields. The cost of one "Simple Game" is equal to the cost of one combination (50 rubles).
"Extended Game" When choosing more than 6 numbers in one playing field, the number of possible combinations increases significantly. Along with it, your chances of winning also grow! The cost of the "Detailed game" depends on the number of combinations received. Please note that the coupon contains 6 playing fields, which means that you can play the "simple" or "expanded" game six times by choosing different combinations.
"Auto Select" By checking the box "Automatically", you allow electronic system choose for you any 6 numbers randomly. After your coupon has been scanned using the terminal, you will receive a provisional receipt from the distributor. It indicates the numbers you have chosen and the cost of the game.

Before you pay your bet, check if the numbers on the provisional check match the numbers on the coupon. After payment, the terminal will print your ticket. It remains only to wait for the draw. Information about the place, date and time of the upcoming draw can be found on your lottery ticket.

Winning combination
Based on the results of the draw, 6 numbers are determined, which together make up the winning combination. All lottery tickets are won, in which at least 2 numbers marked in one playing field of the coupon coincided with the numbers of the winning combination. Winnings are divided into categories depending on the number of guessed numbers:

  1. th category - guessed 6 numbers;
  2. th category - guessed 5 numbers;
  3. th category - guessed 4 numbers;
  4. th category - guessed 3 numbers;
  5. th category - guessed 2 numbers.

The jackpot will be in the draw until all 6 numbers are matched. If there are several winners, they will share the super prize among themselves equally.

super prize- unplayed prize of the 1st category, passing from circulation to circulation.

If for one reason or another you missed the draw in which your ticket took part, you can check the winning combination with the GOSLOTO VGL distributors, on the websites and, as well as on free phone information support: 8-800-100-00-01. For information on how to claim your winnings, see the "How to claim winnings" section.

Before taking part in GOSLOTO 6 out of 45, please read the Rules for participation in the GOSLOTO 6 out of 45 draw.


If you make a lot of bets on the Gosloto 6 out of 45 draw, or if you make detailed bets, then it can be difficult to quickly check such tickets just by watching the draw. Especially for such cases, we on the Lotopobeda website have developed for you automatic check lottery ticket "Gosloto 6 out of 45" by its number.

It is not difficult to check a ticket of any held circulation in this way. On this page you can find the ticket verification form. Just fill in two fields in it: in the first, enter the number of the draw you are interested in, and in the second, enter the number of your ticket. Press the "Check" button and within a second you will get the result. It will appear below the form.

How to fill out the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery ticket verification form?

Enter only numbers as draw and ticket numbers. You can find them on your ticket. If you want to check several tickets, you need to do it sequentially, each time entering the number of the next ticket and checking it. It is IMPOSSIBLE to enter several numbers at once (separated by a space, comma or other separators). The same applies to the issue number.

Our ticket check is 100% accurate as it works on the same principle as the check at the official points of sale. We receive data on winnings directly from Stoloto. Dear friends, play Gosloto 6 out of 45, check tickets, win prizes and get only pleasant emotions from playing the lottery!

Getting a circulation table for any Gosloto 6 out of 45 draw on the Lotopobeda lottery portal is as easy as checking a ticket. Just enter the number of the circulation you are interested in in the form on this page and click the "Get the circulation table" button. Under the form, the result will immediately be displayed - the numbers of the this edition balls.

Why might Gosloto 6 out of 45 circulation tables be needed? They may be useful in different occasions. For example, in this way experienced players can check the ticket - just compare the winning combination of the draw with the combination in your ticket and determine the number of matched numbers. If there are two or more than two, the ticket won. Also, draw tables are useful if you collect statistics on numbers falling out to determine which numbers fall out more often and which ones less often, and by how much.

What data is contained in circulation tables

You no longer need to look through multiple pages of results, all the results are collected in the same place. All information about the draws comes directly from the Stoloto lottery company, so the draw tables do not contain errors. If you are busy developing your own game system in Gosloto 6 out of 45 (based on the most frequently drawn numbers or, conversely, on the most rarely drawn ones, it doesn’t matter), a function such as receiving draw tables will surely make your job easier.

Is it possible to win the Gosloto lottery? If we exclude the assumption of dishonesty of the organizers of the lottery, then we can say with confidence: yes, it is real.

How to win at Gosloto is known to those who rely not only on intuition, but also use statistical analysis, powerful analytical mathematical tools and various lottery systems.

It has long been known that, along with the laws of nature, sociology, economics, etc. there are also laws of numbers. There are also some mathematical formulas and axioms that can be used to maximize the probability of a certain sequence of numbers falling out. Among them, I would highlight the following


1. Agree that, despite theoretical probabilities and calculations, the chance of a sequence falling out only from even or only from odd numbers very small? Therefore, you should avoid such combinations in your bets.

2. Sequences also have a very unlikely chance of falling out with a small or vice versa very large sum of their numbers.
For example: 1,4,6,9,11,12 or 35,37,40,41,44,45 (I'm already silent about 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 40,41,42,43, 44.45).

3. Western practitioners and analysts, analyzing large archives of various lotteries, came to the conclusion that when choosing numbers for your bets, it is not necessary to analyze starting from some shaggy year of 1900, but it is enough to analyze the last 50 draws this lottery. The result will not be worse, but most often even better.

4. Statistics show that there are so-called "hot numbers" (Hot numbers) most frequently drawn in the previous 10 draws and which have a 61% (on average) probability of being drawn again in the next draw.

5. Moreover, you will not believe it, but you can see for yourself that with a probability of about 10%, the numbers that fell out in the previous (last) draw fall out. It's super hot "priority numbers" (Prior numbers).

6. Similarly, 27% (on average) have the so-called "cold numbers" (Cold numbers) - numbers that have not been drawn for a very long time.

7. With a probability of about 2% they drop out "expected numbers" (Due numbers), which most often fall out along with hot or cold numbers in pairs, triples or fours.

8. Well, it would be a sin to deny that the chances of winning increase if you place more bets using full and incomplete (reduced) lottery systems in the game. For example, such as .

How can I put it all together and use it now?

Very simple. Use special software, everything is already thought out for us!
I don't know how to Russian developments, but the West is full of it (google something like "lotto software").

Personally, I really liked it and I have been using the program from

In short, Lotto Pro is a rather curious application that is designed to guess the most likely, “lucky” numbers in all kinds of lotteries. Its distinctive feature is that it is not a generator that is used to calculate the numbers. random numbers, but a powerful analytical tool based on statistical analysis, and it does its job well, taking into account all the above wishes.

More than 100 types of lotteries (all Western) are preinstalled in the program. But you can choose among them similar to our Gosloto lotteries, for example, the same 6 out of 45 or 5 out of 36. Or you can enter your own lottery into the program with your own conditions:

The program also has a bunch of different full, incomplete, incomplete with extensions and key systems preinstalled:

For correct operation programs need to know lotteries (preferably at least 50 draws). They need to be entered in a special form and click on the button responsible for starting the analysis. After that, the program will calculate and offer a list of numbers with most likely drops in the next draw.

How to choose? Let's say you decide to use .

18 rooms. 11 of them (~61%) of your choice and preference you choose from the Hot column (behind the numbers in brackets is the number of their occurrences in 10 latest editions), 2 numbers (~10%) - from the Prior column, 4 or 5 numbers (~27%) - from the Cold column (numbers in brackets indicate how many runs back in last time this number fell out) and your choice of 1 number from the expected numbers or nothing - the Due column.

You can apply filters to the selected combinations by the number of even or odd numbers or by the minimum and maximum amount in combinations:

According to the developers, in some types of lotteries the program allows you to guess winning numbers with a probability of 87%.

The minus of the program is, as always, it is paid ($ 29.95; trial period 15 days). But worth it. In general, I recommend!

Well, in our kiosk you can buy. And quite inexpensive. I also recommend!

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