New strangers will come out. Five directions opened by the "Covenant" to continue the story of Aliens

Having managed to launch the ship of the Creators from the planet, he calculates their home planet, thanks to the star maps found on it, and along the way restores the android David, attaching his head back to the body. They set the course for the ship, after which David puts Shaw into suspended animation in one of the Creators' cryogenic capsules (since it's a very long flight) and, left alone, begins to dive into the study of the latter. In the next scene, the ship arrives at the planet and hovering over central square large settlement. Standing in the main hangar of the ship, David opens the airlock, after which it is shown that many of the same cylinders with a dangerous pathogen that the Prometheus expedition found at the Creator base on LV-223 are attached to the ceiling of the hangar.

The film begins with a flashback in which David discusses with the head of the Weyland Corporation, Peter Weyland, that people created androids to serve, but even outstanding achievements in science and art fade against the background of the fact that humanity still does not know by whom and for what it was created.

In 2104, ten years after the events on LV-223, the colony ship Covenant with 2,000 colonists and 1,000 embryos heading for the planet Origae-6 is hit by a neutrino flare and the android Walter is forced to bring the crew out of cryosleep. Some of the colonists and the captain of the ship, who is the husband of Daniels, die. Daniels is having a hard time with the death of her husband and makes a promise to fulfill their old dream: to build a hut on the lake in the new world. During repairs, the crew of the ship receives a mysterious signal from an unknown planet, which, according to the computer, is much more habitable than their original destination. Despite the protests of Daniels, the new captain of the ship, Oram, decides to change the course of the ship and the Covenant is sent to a new planet. Arriving at the place, part of the crew landed on the planet and, to their surprise, they found wheat crops and other vegetation on it, but Daniels notes that there are no birds or animals around. The team splits up: Karin, the wife of Captain Oram, and another crew member collect samples for research, and the other part goes in the direction of the signal source. Soon they find themselves near the crashed ship of the Creators, inside of which a dog tag with the name of Elizabeth Shaw is found. One of the crew members accidentally inhales alien spores and becomes infected. Meanwhile, the one left with Karin also becomes infected, and both are placed in the medical bay for quarantine. A nightmarish creature emerges from the infected's back and kills Karin. The pilot Faris tries to shoot the monster with a shotgun, but one of the power units is hit and the shuttle explodes. Another infected crew member also shows symptoms of the disease and the second part of the crew hurries back to the shuttle, but does not have time: another creature escapes from the throat of the colonist.

Before diving into cryo-sleep, Daniels asks Walter if he can help her build a hut on the new planet, but Walter doesn't understand her question. Daniels is horrified to realize that Walter is not Walter at all, but David who has entered the ship, but does not have time to do anything and falls asleep in his capsule. David enters the compartment with the sleeping colonists, regurgitates two facehugger embryos smuggled aboard the ship, and leaves them there.

As it turns out, the film has a lot more in common with the 1979 film than meets the eye. The fact is that "Alien"
ends with Ellen Ripley throwing the xenomorph out of the ship, into space, and then talks about what happened and plunges into suspended animation. In fact, he planned that the fight between Ripley and the Alien would end not in Ellen's favor: the alien had to decapitate the woman, and then turn on the communication on the control panel and say in the voice of Captain Dallas: "End of communication." This would demonstrate his incredible ability to rapid adaptation.

"Stranger". Trailer in English
It was decided to abandon this idea in order to shoot a sequel to the film with the heroine. However, Ridley Scott cited his original intent at the end of "The Testament". We see the android Walter intercede with the android David for the surviving members of the crew of the spaceship. When they get to the Covenant, Walter joins them. After the team plunges into suspended animation, it is revealed that instead of the android Walter, it was David who was next to them all this time (both roles were played by the actor). He retrieves the hidden Alien eggs and continues his experiments on the sleeping crew. Thus, Scott (albeit not verbatim) embodied his idea of ​​a villain impersonating another character.

"Alien: Covenant". "Meet Walter" promo video in English
David becomes the main antagonist of the film, as it turns out he is responsible for the birth of the Aliens. There is no doubt that the future of the franchise is inextricably linked with this character: we probably have yet to see his inhuman experiments, as well as how they spiral out of control. Of course, in the event that Ridley Scott himself decides to continue developing the background of his world.

A series of films about insectoid, incredibly tenacious and extremely vicious space monsters "aliens" have already managed to become part of mass culture. The first four Alien films showed viewers a confrontation between humans and a fearsome form of alien life. In the future, director Ridley Scott decided to make films that would tell us not only about the appearance of xenomorphs, but also tell us about a new race of "space engineers", thanks to which life appeared on Earth.

So the film "Prometheus" was released, and after it - a kind of continuation under the name "Alien. Covenant". The last two films received mixed reviews from critics. On the one hand, they noted the excellent directorial work, the scenery worked out to the smallest detail and the excellent actor play, on the other hand, many noted a too illogical plot and many inconsistencies. Perhaps this was the reason why this project is currently considered closed and no release date has been set for Alien 5. But fans of xenomorph movies shouldn't get too upset, because it's very unlikely that Hollywood will stop working with such a hyped franchise and new films will be released soon.

The exact release date of Alien 5: Awakening and the trailer are at the bottom of the page, where you will find the full schedule.


The plot of the first films about "strangers" basically shows us the confrontation between people and space monsters. Each time, due to random circumstances or with the intent of a powerful corporation and even the government, at least one xenomorph managed to survive and once again become a threat to all mankind.

The last two films tell us about the appearance of xenomorphs. In the movie Prometheus, a research ship lands on a very Earth-like planet, where people soon discover spaceship unknown type. Having penetrated into its compartments, the research team discovers not only the surviving representative of an alien civilization, but also a very strange black substance.

Among the terrestrial team, an android named David also arrived on the planet. Initially mentally unstable, the android infects some of the crew members with a mysterious substance, which turns out to be an incredibly powerful mutagen that incredibly changes every living being. Mixed into everything that happened is the fact that a representative of an alien race decides to send his ship to Earth, thereby destroying all of humanity. Sacrificing themselves, the remnants of the crew die, and only David and Elizabeth Shaw remain alive. Together they go to one of the planets inhabited by "space engineers".

Many years pass and humanity begins to actively colonize other planets. One of these ark ships with many colonists on board gets caught in a magnetic storm and temporarily goes out of order. The android Walter, who is on board in a waking state, brings several crew members out of suspended animation, who are taken to repair the ship. While being repaired, the ship receives a signal from an unknown planet.

Realizing that he was sent by a man, the team makes a fateful decision to go to the source of the signal. Arriving in orbit of an unknown planet, a group of several people land on the surface. People do not find any birds, insects and animals on the planet, only plants. But the mutagen known to us earlier is also widespread on the planet, which infects one of the men.

An evil creature develops in the infected member of the expedition, which soon kills the host, breaks free and attacks the rest of the expedition members. But the android David keeps up with the group, who, like two drops of water, looks like Walter. David leads people to a mysterious citadel built by a race of "space engineers". It soon becomes clear that David long years did a lot of research with an alien mutagen and actually created a race of "aliens". Soon, a monster that attacked people earlier penetrates into the citadel and kills several people, but he himself is shot dead by the captain of the ship.

David tricks the captain into infecting the captain with a xenomorph and kills the android Walter. The surviving people leave the planet in a panic, miraculously destroy the xenomorph, and the android David posing as Walter returns to the ship. The film ends with Daniels plunging into suspended animation and realizing that David has entered the ship and he has brought with him xenomorph embryos.

Cast members

  • Actor Michael Fassbender plays the role of androids David and Walter in the films.
  • The role of Elizabeth Shaw in the film was played by actress Noomi Rapace. In the first film, she was the victim of David's crazy experiments.
  • Actress Katherine Waterson in the second film played the role of Daniels Branson - one of the crew members who lost her husband in flight and at the end of the film guesses that David got on the ship.

Interesting Facts

  • Many viewers and critics are very positive about the soundtrack of the two latest films. Composer Jed Kurzel managed to select and write unusual melodies that fit perfectly into the whole atmosphere of the film.
  • In addition to the films themselves, you can find many short films on the net that tell us about both xenomorphs and "space engineers". Many of these works are created by fans of the MCU.
  • Director Ridley Scott is known for his attention to set design and minimal use of computer graphics. He made such films as "The Martian", "Black Hawk Down", "Blade Runner". Each of the works is distinguished by the maximum thoughtfulness of all details and the creation of the effect of complete realism.

The release date of the film Alien 5: Awakening has not yet been set, below will be presented exact date release in Russia and the world, as well as a trailer.

Alien 5 release date

Name Country release date
Alien 5 world approximately end of 2019
Alien 5 Russia — — —

Alien 5 trailer

  • Premiere: during 2019 (worldwide)
  • Country of Origin: USA
  • Genre: horror, fantasy, thriller, adventure
  • Producer: Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator, The Martian)
  • Cast: Noomi Rapace

Noomi Rapace

12/28/1979 (40 years old)

The viewer is in anticipation of the release of the new film Alien: Awakening. This is a 2019 film, and this is its 5th part, in which space explorers are in the spotlight, they face the terrible danger posed by aliens that take the form of bloodthirsty creatures. The project has an original name, which can change over time to make a connection with the Testament.

What was originally shown?

On the eve of the 80s, director Ridley Scott showed the second full-fledged film adaptation, which forever left a mark on cinema. Since the motto sounded: “Your screams are not heard in space”, until now the phrase frightens and excites the soul, and the film fits perfectly into the list contemporary stories, therefore, she has an overabundance of imitators. The film adaptation is based on stories about jockeys in outer space, engineers and even extraordinary research. It was not easy for Ridley Scott, so he took James Cameron, who directed the sequel, as an assistant. original version. Then other directors were engaged in cinema.

AT given period time they say different versions"Alien" is available to be reviewed repeatedly, and this is in view of the fact that famous author I was not delighted with personal participation in the described epic film. Until a certain point, history was quadrology. Naturally, before that there was a fight with the Predator, although such a nuance is not discussed due to a number of reasons. A little later, Scott decided to take up the popular series again, but with a little caution. His "Prometheus" involved a lot of different questions, and there were always not enough answers to them, so the meter often shifted personal duties in "Aliens" to someone else. That person turned out to be Neil Blomkamp.

We are talking about the famous South African director, who was a bit different from Ridley Scott in terms of level, but he long time worked on the plot of a potential part of the film epic. Naturally, as a devoted fan of the film, I wanted to ignore the existence of chapters 3 and 4, continuing to tell from the point where the Cameron film ended. But due to the pressure of the film industry, the author of Blade Runner began to succumb to public opinion, and at the same time the producers resorted to the ideology of Ridley Scott.

There is nothing strange here, since the meter planned various, unpredictable sequels in the near future. He first took up the sequel to "Prometheus", with the prefix Testament. The projects were aimed at slightly expanding the world and gradually bringing the audience to the events of the original version of the unrealistic horror movie. Now it has become clear that the matter was not limited to everything that was said earlier, director Scott wants to show the viewer "Awakening" in the near future, its events will be based on Prometheus and the Testament. Accordingly, it is obvious that a full-fledged prequel trilogy is envisaged, then production will be launched new picture. The films will allow viewers to approach the moment from which such a extraordinary story"Alien" in the 80s.

One day, during a conversation with reporters, Scott did not hide the fact that all of a sudden "The Testament" becomes successful in the film industry, then New film, and after 3 more adaptations. The main thing is that everything works out well, and then the original version will have 6 prequels at once, the main events of which will return to the origins, among them the main position is assigned to Awakening.

Painstaking directing work

Ridley Scott will obviously be in the director's chair, he plans to create some kind of interquel. This term rather difficult, thus, films are marked, the main events of which develop between those that managed to appear on the screens of cinemas. The British specialist, who managed to loudly declare himself to the whole world, now works for pleasure, enjoying every shot. Perhaps some people are not enthusiastic about this enthusiasm, by and large certain creations, but it cannot be said that his film adaptations are interesting and worthy of attention. Especially Ridley Scott succeeded in visualizing some of the stories, there is not a single complaint against him in this line. But the beginning and end of the film is a personal matter for each director.

Regarding Awakening, the man who won the Best Debut award at the Cannes Film Festival insists he has a fully formed script in hand. All you need to do is shoot some final shots and present it all in cinemas. Unless there are unexpected failures, the chapters will be interpreted to create new plots. Ridley Scott knows how to intrigue, so you can even expect the unexpected.

Who is on the artist team?

Due to the fact that “Awakening” is a part that follows “Prometheus”, but precedes “The Testament”, it can be assumed that as a result it will be possible to see the desired appearance on the screens of artists that no one had hoped for, even at the viewing stage " Alien".

The bottom line is that the characters at the end of "Prometheus" went to the planet of the Creators in order to find the necessary answers, for which reason, for example, the upbringing of humanity created by their hands was previously ignored. Emphasize that the main characters were called Elizabeth Shaw and David, she was an archaeologist, and he was a robot.

What to expect from the storyline?

The plot of the film adaptation is relatively easy to predict. main character Elizabeth, with David's support, heads to another planet. This is their homeland, so they will try to unravel certain inexplicable things. And even if the robot is not particularly interested in people, but the woman cannot calm down, in connection with which the Engineers in past centuries visited Earth in order to end the life of mankind, but as a result they rejected the original plan.

Obviously, when communicating with journalists, Scott has already hinted that the evolution of the Alien is almost completed, so the authors will focus on a different line dedicated to artificial intelligence.

As a result, we will talk about the robot David, played by Michael Fassbender, and also about what kind of world he can give birth to on a new planet if restrictions and external instructions are removed. Alternatively, in the free territory, a reasonable robot will form a personal empire.

Unfortunately, there are no additional comments, but even the appearance of the ship of Engineers is possible. This will mean that in reality their race still exists, it will be possible to determine what happened in Paradise. The director gives subtle hints that he touches on the topic of human arrogance, because people are sometimes so self-confident that they try on divine obligations, creating a kind of second grade. At the same time, they forget that it is real to make an irreversible mistake. These comments only prove the fact that the main character will be directly David. There are definitely a lot of questions, they need to be answered rationally.

As a result, the viewer will smoothly return to the events that are demonstrated at the end of the "Testament".

premiere show

The presentation date is 2019, the season or month is not specified. There is also no information regarding the release of the long-awaited chapter from the described series. I just want to believe that the next part of the epic movie will be able to become more informative, it will show what the fault of the Engineers is. Maybe a little scary, but extremely interesting and spectacular, this is what fans have the most hope for!

Filming did begin only with the cooperation of several states, in particular South Africa, Canada and the United States. By the time of release, an official slogan will be provided. The script is developed by Blomkamp, ​​there are separate specialists who think through each character.

About appearance characters and special effects, a well-coordinated team of artists is working, headed by Philip Ivey. One of the key roles will be played by Sigourney Weaver, the woman starred in several parts of the film adaptation, and was also seen in Ghostbusters and other cult stories.

Ridley Scott says the sequel will start filming "within 14 months".

Ridley Scott

Ridley Scott is wasting no time getting started on the next Alien sequel. Alien: Covenant just came out, but as you probably already know, Covenant is just the first in a series of films that will tie in the mythology of Prometheus to the classic 1979 film. The script for the follow-up "Covenant" has been in the works for some time now. Speaking to IGN UK, Scott revealed that they are currently writing the script and the plan is to start production next year.


“We are currently writing the script for the sequel. I will be filming it for 14 months,” Scott said. Production schedules are shifting all the time, and this isn't exactly official confirmation from the studio, but this is the second time the director has said he plans to return to work on Alien next year.


Scott also revealed a little more about Neil Blomkamp's rejected sequel to Alien, which was titled Awakening. Scott previously speculated that Awakening was the title of the movie, which is paired with Prometheus and The Testament, so that remains to be seen. Awakening certainly fits into the themes that Scott is looking to develop in his prequels. But anyway, it's probably a working title.

By the way, don't forget. There are not so many resources on the Web that conduct intelligent analytics on films and TV shows. Among them is the telegram channel @SciFiNews, whose authors write the most suitable analytical materials - analyzes and theories of fans, interpretations of post-title scenes, as well as the secrets of bomb franchises, like films MARVEL and " The game of thrones". Subscribe so you don't have to search later - @SciFiNews . But back to our topic...

"They wanted to do Alien: Awakening. - “I said okay. I was going to be a producer. If I could, I would," Scott said. “Also, I asked the question: why are they considering both projects (Alien by Blomkamp and Alien by Scott)? Looks like you're shooting yourself thumb- it does not make sense. But they didn't go for it, so I just moved away from it."

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