In what year were Elena Malysheva’s children born? "Live healthy!" with Elena Malysheva

Malysheva Elena Vasilievna is one of the most popular leading popular science programs. Also Elena Malysheva known as Doctor of Medical Sciences.

Today Elena Vasilievna Shabunina is better known as Elena Malysheva. She took this surname, which became a brand, according to tradition after marriage. Elena was born in Siberia in March 1961.

Her father, Vasily Iosifovich, as well as her mother, Galina Aleksandrovna, were eminent doctors in Kemerovo. Perhaps their profession played a decisive role at the time when Elena herself began to choose a path in life. The girl did well at school and graduated with a gold medal.

And suddenly, unexpectedly for everyone, she decided to storm Moscow State University. She chose the Faculty of Journalism, but then still decided to stay in her hometown and get a medical profession. Gold medalists took one exam, and if the result was good, they were immediately accepted. This is what happened to Elena; she became a student at the Faculty of Medicine.

After six years of study, the student received a well-deserved honors diploma. Having decided to continue to improve, I began graduate school. At the same time, she managed to defend her Ph.D.

All this did not interfere with her personal life - the graduate student met Igor Malyshev and soon became his legal wife. Elena's husband eventually became a world-famous star in the field of molecular biology. The marriage produced two sons.

After graduate school, Elena became a practicing doctor, but not for long. She decided to go into science and became an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine at the Russian State Medical University. In 1992, the youngest son, who was barely 10 months old, was diagnosed with a disease requiring surgical intervention. The operation was performed in Moscow, and after it the family returned to Kemerovo.

It was there that Elena’s dream of journalism came true - she became an employee of local television, where she hosted programs related to medicine. Her style was remembered by both the audience and the management, but Elena decided to go to the capital again.

There she began to host a medical program on RTR. Then she moved to Channel Five. In parallel with television, she continued scientific work, the result of which was the defense of a doctorate on the topic of immunology.

Just at this time, the European Health Center organized an internship program in the USA, where Elena managed to get. After returning to Russia, she became a presenter on Channel One.

Her program “Health” was so loved by the audience that a second, even more successful program “Live Healthy” appeared. Elena has co-hosts there and the range of topics raised is somewhat expanded. Perhaps the peak of Elena’s career is still ahead, to the delight of her admirers.

The presenter is also involved in commerce - since 2012, she has been actively promoting a dietary program named after herself.

Achievements of Elena Malysheva:

She became one of the first female doctors to bring the topic of health and disease treatment to the silver screen.
Author of more than 50 scientific papers on the topic of medicine
Three times awarded the Order of Friendship
He is a Doctor of Medical Sciences
Awarded the “Excellence in Healthcare” badge
Is a professor

Dates from the biography of Elena Malysheva:

1961 was born
1983 received a red diploma from the Kemerovo Medical Institute
1987 married to I. Malyshev
1992 return to Kemerovo
1994 re-moved to Moscow
1997 return from internship in the USA
2010 began broadcasting “Live Healthy”
2012 one of the members of the headquarters supporting V. Putin

Interesting facts about Elena Malysheva:

Once she spoke very unflatteringly about M. Jackson, which led to his fans going to court.
He conducts his program in a very unique way. For the sake of entertainment, she is ready to kill a rat or publicly humiliate one of the spectators.
In her youth, she refused to enter Moscow State University due to parental pressure.
I am sure that sleep helps you look good at any age. She herself practices long sleep.
Leads the healthiest lifestyle possible, which he promotes from the screen
He does not like tanning and considers it the source of many problems.
High opinion about the structure of the female brain. He declares that he begins to work as intensively as possible by the age of 50.
She was awarded a prize for dubious achievements in show business with the wording “Malysheva and Udalysheva”
From time to time, the presenter's statements are criticized by actual practicing doctors. For example, an opus about rubbing children with fever, according to Komarovsky, can be life-threatening for the baby. This method has not been used for about fifty years.
In one of her programs, she managed to hurt the feelings of pharmacy workers.


Biography of Elena Malysheva

Elena Shabunina (Malysheva). born on March 13, 1961 in the city of Kemerovo, Soviet and Russian general practitioner, cardiologist, teacher, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor.

Elena's father is Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin. Mother - Galina Aleksandrovna Morozova, both were doctors. Elena has an older sister and twin brother Alexey. My sister is a neuropathologist, my brother is a surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, chief physician of the City Clinical Hospital named after. S.P. Botkin.

Elena Malysheva in childhood

Graduated as a child music school in piano class. After 7th grade I went to work with my twin brother. Her mother got her a job as a barmaid in a hospital, and her brother as a janitor.

“I carried food from the kitchen to the children's department and fed small children. I earned 40 rubles a month, as I remember now, and I gave every penny to my parents,” she said, adding that her children were raised on the same principle.

Elena graduated high school No. 19, Kemerovo with a gold medal and entered the Kemerovo Medical Institute at the Faculty of Medicine. Since childhood, Elena has become accustomed to taking everything she does seriously. Therefore, she plunged headlong into understanding the secrets of the medical profession. As one would expect, the result of such conscientious training was a diploma with honors and confident admission to graduate school. Elena decided that if she was to be a doctor, then she should be successful and famous.

She graduated from the institute with honors in 1984. In the same year, she entered graduate school at the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow, and three years later she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic “Prevention and elimination of cardiac arrhythmias through adaptation to stressors and activation of gamma-aminobutyric acid.”

Elena Malysheva - doctor

My medical activity Elena started at a regular district clinic as a local general practitioner. But she didn’t like this kind of work too much, because it was boring and monotonous. Therefore, as soon as the opportunity arose, Elena moved to the Second Medical Institute to the Department of Internal Medicine, where she already had the opportunity to seriously engage in science. There she became an assistant in the Department of Internal Medicine. Now Elena Vasilievna works as a professor at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University.

Elena's personal life

The personal life of Elena Malysheva has never been a top topic for the tabloid press and did not provide food for rumors and gossip.

Elena Malysheva got married while still studying at medical school. It is not surprising that my husband Igor Malyshev is also a doctor. Currently he is one of the leading Russian microbiologists

The couple has two sons, Yuri and Vasily.

Children of Elena Malysheva

The eldest son, Yuri Igorevich Malyshev (born March 16, 1988), is a doctor by training, is the author of topics and the leader of the group, writing scripts, creative producer of the program “Live Healthy!”, married. He is married, his wife’s name is Karina, on January 25, 2015 they had a son, the grandson of Elena Malysheva.

The children of Elena Malysheva now live in America.

Presenter Elena Malysheva

When youngest son Elena was only ten months old, he became seriously ill. The baby was operated on in Moscow, and the family returned to Kemerovo: it was easier to go through the rehabilitation period in their hometown. It was then that Malysheva suddenly noticed that there were no good and informative medical programs on the air. Elena Vasilievna even called the press service of the Kemerovo administration to complain about this omission.

It turned out that one of Elena’s friends has connections on local television. He introduced her to the production editor, soon after which the first program, “Recipe,” appeared. (Kuzbass channel). According to media reports, she was not at all afraid in front of the cameras - she worked straight away live.

The family leaves Kuzbass again and a year later “Lazaret” appears (Channel 5, TV channel “Northern Crown”).

After working for only two years on a local TV channel, having gained some popularity and invaluable experience in hosting programs on medical topics, Elena decided to try to break into television in Moscow. The couple are moving to the capital again with their children.

And in 1994, Elena already came to RTR with a daily program. “Did you call the doctor?”

Since the revival of the “Health” program on ORT (October 1997), Malysheva has become its author and presenter. During this time, the program changed its format more than once, being both a television magazine and a talk show. It was here, in this studio, that real operations were carried out - for the first time in the history of popular science broadcasting.

She has been hosting a talk show of the same name on Russian radio since 2013.

"Live healthy!" with Elena Malysheva

And since August 2010, the program “Live Healthy!” has appeared on Channel One, which covers issues related not only to medicine as such. In addition, Malysheva raises slippery controversial topics from time to time. Sometimes, even of an intimate nature. Heated discussions, and even a number of parodies, were caused by an episode in which she showed a woman how circumcision is performed by cutting off the collar of her turtleneck.

The new program was fundamentally different from its prototype. There were practically no special medical terms in it, and all information was presented in simple and understandable language, accompanied by a visual demonstration. It is not surprising that the new medical show was liked by the audience. And Elena Malysheva became the most famous Russian doctor.

Russia's chief TV doctor and her team are not afraid to raise slippery and risky topics in their programs. On federal channel Problems with potency or gas formation may be discussed. The show often plays out puppet shows, models and costumes are used, children participate, especially in episodes related to children's health, spectators bathe in tea, doctors depict internal organs - the least of all what happens in the studio looks like a serious medical broadcast.

According to experts, this story (and like others - of a provocative nature) made it possible to return the viewer to a period when there was a drop in the program’s audience figures.

The TV presenter is criticized from time to time for harsh statements and for individual recommendations voiced on air (in particular, from her famous colleagues).

This makes Malysheva’s broadcasts bright and memorable, causing public outcry. Although sometimes this resonance also has a humorous connotation, providing ample food for parodists. “Friendly cartoons” of Malysheva were made more than once by Maxim Galkin and Ivan Urgant. In 2011, the presenter was even awarded the “Silver Galosh” anti-prize in the “Malysheva and Udalysheva” nomination.

Also, the leading ill-wishers on the Internet often accused her of inadequacy, and sometimes attributed various world conspiracies to her, for unclear reasons, often citing her resemblance to Leon Trotsky and her alleged Jewish nationality.

"Elena Malysheva's Diet"

Another fact that Elena’s name is associated with is her diet. Since 2012, she has been promoting a commercial project - Elena Malysheva’s Diet. Some time ago it became known that she had submitted an application to Rospatent to register the trademark “Elena Malysheva’s Diet”.

Achievements of Elena Malysheva

Today, Elena Malysheva already has many regalia. She's a dick Russian Academy television and the International Academy of Television and Radio. She was awarded the Order of Friendship, and the medal “For Services to National Healthcare” and badge"Excellence in Health Care" Unofficially, she is called “the country’s main television doctor.”

She doesn't give up either scientific activity, defending in 2007 in MMA named after. I. M. Sechenov’s doctoral dissertation (“Reprogramming of cellular responses of macrophages: new strategy control of the inflammatory process"). She has published more than 50 scientific articles in the field of medicine and is a professor at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University.

Instagram of Elena Malysheva - official account Elena.

Income of Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva is a good businessman. She earns about 1 billion rubles a year for her health.

She owns a clinic that opened at the end of 2015 on the site of City Clinical Hospital No. 19 on Krasnaya Presnya.

She also owns the media portal

In addition to Elena herself, her sons Yuri and Vasily have shares in the company. Malysheva’s two other companies are engaged in attracting advertising. Malysheva owns one of them, LLC WYM Corporation. Revenue in 2014, according to the latest data from the Spark database, amounted to 249 million rubles, net profit- 13 million rubles. Another company, PM Partners LLC, is owned by Malysheva together with the famous TV presenter, producer, and ex-senator Alexei Pimanov. Revenue in 2014 was declared at 1 million rubles, net profit - 571 thousand rubles.

Malysheva’s most profitable business is dietary kits. Together with Shchiglik, the TV presenter owns Elena Malysheva’s Diet LLC, created in 2012. The company sells meal kits for those who want to lose weight. The kits are packaged in boxes, each of which weighs 13.5 kg and, according to the seller, is enough for two weeks. The menu includes “meatballs in red sauce with buckwheat”, “Italian spaghetti with meat balls and tomato sauce”, “chum salmon fillet with steamed bosto rice”. These are mostly ready-made frozen meals. One box costs 14.5 thousand rubles. The company's revenue in 2014 amounted to 503 million rubles, net profit - 100 million rubles.

Rating of Malysheva’s most outstanding phrases:

  • And today we want to start the program with a section that we love very much. Am I normal?
  • If you want to leave life with a beautiful smile, we will provide it for you.
  • It is clear that they entered into a second marriage with traces of the first. Oh no no no!
  • Doctors know that the number of patients increases if my colleagues, like me, work as cardiologists!
  • At this age, madness is contraindicated... (E.M. about makeup after 40).
  • After 40 years, you are already an unhealthy person!
  • Chili peppers are very hot. Volodechka, we want you to try the pepper. We need to know what's going on in your mouth. Will you bite? Prepare a glass of water. Gnaw! Wait with the water, he's not feeling bad yet. Is it already bad?
  • Wait, don't let us - now let's see what's going on. This is interesting: what does pepper do? What really burns?.. Some people eat pepper and die.
  • Germanshaich, come here! Now we will perform conception in a test tube!
  • In a good way, pans should be changed every six months!
  • Silver should not be washed in the dishwasher together with steel utensils, otherwise they will darken!!
  • Because for a skeleton it’s the same as losing consciousness.
  • Water is water. 0 calories. We only drink water. All other drinks are FOOD. We eat them.
  • Unfortunately, when you get out of bed, you have no control over yourself.
  • Medicine is the ONLY, most logical science.
  • There is an unusual creature in our kitchen today. When I say ‘creature’, I don’t mean you, Dmitry Nikolaevich.
  • Cleaning the house does not need to be done very carefully so that the germs do not become accustomed.”
  • If your salad has become weathered, you can refresh it by adding a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and put it in the refrigerator. And then you can treat your guests!

Elena Malysheva:

Elena's parents were talented and fairly well-known doctors and had absolutely no doubt that their daughter would follow in their footsteps. Moreover, the siblings continued the medical dynasty. However, Elena saw slightly different prospects for herself.

She studied well at school and easily graduated with a gold medal, which actually opened the doors of even the most prestigious Moscow universities for her. Which she did not fail to take advantage of and went straight to Moscow. After the first exam, she was enrolled in the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.

Elena Malysheva with her family

However, the parents reacted very negatively to their daughter’s choice, considering journalism to be an extremely frivolous activity. Less than a year later, Elena finally gave in to her parents’ pressure and dropped out of Moscow State University. The next year she was already a student at the medical institute in her native Kemerovo.

Difficult start

Since childhood, Elena has been accustomed to taking everything she does seriously. Therefore, she plunged headlong into understanding the secrets of the medical profession. As one would expect, the result of such conscientious training was a diploma with honors and confident admission to graduate school. Elena decided that if she was to be a doctor, then she should be successful and famous.

Elena began her medical career in a regular district clinic as a local general practitioner. But she didn’t like this kind of work too much, because it was boring and monotonous. Therefore, as soon as the opportunity arose, Elena moved to the Second Medical Institute to the Department of Internal Medicine, where she already had the opportunity to seriously engage in science.

Quite quickly after studying, she defended her candidate’s and soon her doctor’s dissertation. However, in the early 90s, it was time for doctors difficult times. Scientific developments have ceased to be funded. Doctors had to really survive.

By this time, Elena had already gotten married and given birth to two sons, the youngest of whom, unfortunately, became seriously ill. And after complex operation parents were forced to move with their children to hometown Elena Kemerovo.

TV debut

It was there that Elena made her television debut, and quite by accident. Returning to her hometown, Elena called one of her old acquaintances, and in a conversation with him it was discovered that there was not a single original and useful program about health and medicine. He invites Elena to become the author and host of such a program, to which she happily agrees.

So two were born at once interesting programs: “Recipe” is both useful and healthy eating and “Lazaret” - an analogue of the “Health” program, which was very popular in the Soviet past. Even Elena herself was surprised by how confidently and freely she managed to carry herself in front of the camera. The presenter's relaxed manner was also appreciated by the audience, especially since the programs were broadcast live.

Conquest of Moscow

After working for only two years on a local TV channel, having gained some popularity and invaluable experience in hosting programs on medical topics, Elena decided to try to break into television in Moscow. The couple are moving to the capital again with their children.

Elena begins to knock on all doors and luck smiles on her. Just at this time, the commercial channel “RTR” was preparing to air the program “Did you call the doctor?”, the host of which Malysheva was approved. And soon she got lucky again. She was chosen among eight other journalists for an internship in the United States, where she received training in the techniques of running such programs.

After Elena’s return, the heads of the ORT channel drew attention to her, who decided to once again revive the formerly popular “Health.” The skills and abilities acquired in America were very useful here. She becomes the author, director and part-time presenter new version programs.

"Live healthy!"

Project “Live Healthy!” appeared on Channel One, replacing the “Health” program. It was created in a completely new format, the purpose of which was to attract people’s attention to their own health and give people at least a minimum level of medical literacy.

The new program was fundamentally different from its prototype. There were practically no special medical terms in it, and all information was presented in simple and understandable language, accompanied by a visual demonstration. It is not surprising that the new medical show was liked by the audience. And Elena Malysheva became the most famous Russian doctor.

Sometimes there were incidents during the programs. Some demonstrations were not very successful. One of them (about female circumcision) even became a topic for parodies in other show programs, but in general even critics responded very positively to Malysheva’s work, since the program managed to interest the general public in medical topics and popularize a healthy lifestyle.

Family and business

Elena Malysheva got married while still studying at medical school. It is not surprising that her husband is also a doctor. Currently he is one of the leading Russian microbiologists. The Malyshev family has two sons.

Elena Malysheva with her husband and children

Sometimes she says that only next to three beloved men can you feel a real woman. Family means a lot to Elena - it is both her quiet haven and a reliable rear.

In addition to working on television, Elena is currently successfully promoting her original method of healthy weight loss and improving the fast food system developed using her method. This idea came from years of working on television, during which literally thousands of questions were asked about weight loss.

And many people complained that, due to constant employment, it was simply unrealistic to follow a healthy diet and prepare special dishes.

This system is a completely balanced diet made from natural products, which can be prepared in 2 minutes by simply pouring water into the contents of the sachets. After a preliminary consultation, specialists select a diet for each week, taking into account the initial weight and taste preferences. The diet from Malysheva is very popular.

In addition to successful work on television, Elena Malysheva is also a good businessman. Her earnings for health are about 1 billion rubles a year.

Since 2015, Elena Vasilievna has been the owner of the clinic on Krasnaya Presnya. In addition, she owns the media portal The co-owners of the company are Elena’s sons, Yuri and Vasily. Yuri also takes an active part in the television project “Life is Healthy!”, being its creative producer and the head of the writing group preparing the scripts.

Malysheva is also actively involved in advertising activities, being the owner of two companies with multimillion-dollar annual profits. But most profitable business Malysheva's diet kits became available. Together with Shchiglik, Elena Vasilyevna owns Elena Malysheva’s Diet LLC, created in 2012. The company's annual profit is more than 100 million rubles.

In 2018, Malysheva continues to support the work of her favorite project, participates in the filming of television programs about health, and her plans do not include stopping her educational activities.

Every Sunday morning, the ORT channel broadcasts the “Health” program, which for many years has remained one of the most popular programs on Russian television. Since 1997, the director and leader of the program is Elena Vasilievna Malysheva . This is exactly what we want to tell you about in today's episode headings « « .

How it was

Lena Shabunina was born in the capital of Kuzbass, Kemerovo (in Siberia), into a family of doctors Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin and Galina Aleksandrovna Morozova. The family had three children - an older sister, Elena, and her twin brother, Alexey.

Elena studied in two schools - general education and music, loved to sing, was an activist - and managed to be the chairman of the squad council and the secretary of the Komsomol committee. She graduated from both schools with honors.

For quite a long time and quite naturally, I was going to enter the medical institute, also in Kemerovo. Living in a family of doctors, a child is constantly inside this profession, lives by his parents’ stories and their experiences, and most often, he can no longer be anyone other than a doctor. Elena considered it her duty to continue family tradition In addition to her parents who are doctors, her eldest older sister had already chosen her medical path and studied at a medical institute (became a practicing neurologist). And my twin brother simply dreamed of becoming a surgeon.

But, having received school gold medal, Elena suddenly announced to the family that she would go to Moscow to enroll in the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. But then the parents (mother first of all) showed firmness and forbade it. Elena did not argue and, together with her brother, went to enter the Kemerovo Medical Institute. She passed the first exam with excellent marks, and was immediately enrolled as a medalist. But my brother didn’t have enough points, but he was very lucky: there was a law that twins should not be separated, and he did the same.

Everyone was a winner: Elena, from the height of her years, assessed this step as the best choice in your life out of all possible. Brother Alexey was able to fulfill his dream of enrolling in medical school. Medicine also benefited: Alexey, “a doctor from God,” became a surgeon, and a very good one at that. Today he is a Doctor of Science, professor, chief surgeon of the Botkin Hospital, Honored Doctor of Russia.

And television also received a professional presenter of a medical program, a candidate (and then doctor) of medical sciences, a consultant, and the author of several books.

Elena graduated from the medical faculty of the Kemerovo Medical Institute with honors and, at the insistence of her parents, a year later she entered graduate school at the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow. Later Elena said:

If it weren't for their help, I wouldn't have had a chance. If your goal is to make money, then your life will never succeed. Set great goals and you will make big money.


In graduate school in Moscow, Elena met her future husband, who also turned out to be from Kemerovo. We got married in 1987 and lived in a hostel. They were already expecting their eldest son when Elena defended her Ph.D. thesis. After graduate school, my husband was left in Moscow for a scientific job, but no housing was expected in the capital. So little Yura grew up in the dormitory, and his learned mother and father took turns sitting with him. In order to be able to be with the child, Elena, already a candidate of sciences, got a job as an ordinary doctor on duty in the emergency department at the 51st hospital in Moscow on night duty. And in 1990, the second son Vasya was born. But the family still lived in the hostel. On those days when Elena was on duty, her husband stayed with the children.

When Vasya was ten months old, the boy became very seriously ill (it turned out that the boy did not have the enzyme that digests milk), and he was operated on. It was 1991, and it was a time when even in Moscow the shops were empty. And in order to survive and protect her children, Elena returned to her parents in Kemerovo. It was still easier here - my parents had an apartment, not a dormitory, my father worked as a major medical director, my mother was a pediatrician, and everyone had the opportunity to help each other. Vasya was released, and soon Elena began working at the Kemerovo Medical Institute.

Of course, life in Kemerovo was very difficult, and local television programs reflected the negativity of the environment. And it seemed to Elena that in this difficult life you can find bright moments.

When there was a doctors’ strike in Kemerovo, the press secretary of the head of the local administration, whom Elena Malysheva had known for a long time, spoke on TV about this topic. Elena called him to discuss the program, and he offered to introduce her to the editor-in-chief of local television, and together they invited her to host a program about medical problems. In the first issue we talked about insurance medicine, which was just emerging in Russia at that time, about the problems of doctors and patients. So on Kemerovo television, on the Kuzbass TV channel, Elena Malysheva’s first medical television program “Recipe” appeared. She ran it for six months.

After 6 months, my husband, who had already defended his doctoral dissertation, came to pick up Elena and the children. And everything just settled down and got better for her: both her life and her children. There was a lot of work, and he came completely unexpected success on TV. And I really didn’t want to change anything. But the husband then said: “If you, Lena, don’t return to Moscow now, even to the hostel for now, you will never forgive yourself for this!” Several times in her life, her husband said words for which Elena was very grateful to him.

And they returned. The children are already a little older. When the eldest was five years old, and the youngest was almost two, they went to kindergarten, and Elena Malysheva began working at the 2nd Medical Institute. Pirogov worked as an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine, where she treated patients and taught students. But the family still lived in the hostel.

“Having already swallowed the television drug,” upon returning to Moscow, Elena made an attempt to get a job on television. And she succeeded - “she gave in to Russian television, where I found my former Kemerovo fellow countrymen-directors, to whom I immediately offered my concept of a medical program. Then absolute air reigned on RTR creative freedom coupled with a shortage of its own programs. And you could go on air with anything you wanted.”

In 1994, Elena was invited to America. She studied there in a program for journalists working on topics of human health and environment in the media. There were only 8 people from all over the world. And this education was very useful. Everything there was a discovery: new technologies, knowledge and ideas. And specific projects that have become famous. It became clear how exactly television can achieve colossal results in educating people, improving the health of the nation, etc.

Program “Health with Elena Malysheva”

In 1997, it was decided to restore the “Health” program on Channel One. A competition of pilot projects was held, 6 such projects were presented. Among those proposed for leading programs were journalists and doctors; in one of the projects, the presenter was Tatyana Drubich, also a candidate of science at that time. At that time, there were no well-established procedures for holding such competitions - Elena’s team didn’t even know who to present their materials to.

A determined woman, Elena Malysheva, herself found Leonid Shumakov, responsible for non-political broadcasting, and offered him a recording of her pilot program. He watched the program from beginning to end right in front of her in his office and said after watching that “the program is bad, but you are a wonderful presenter,” and that Elena, in his opinion, is suitable like no other and will be a TV presenter. He himself prepared the material for showing to Konstantin Ernst, and after showing it, he said: “You have been approved as a presenter, we will make an on-air pilot.” And quickly, the wheel called “Channel One” began to spin, a promotional video “Zdorovye is coming back to you” was broadcast, and on October 3, 1997, the program went on air.

When we discussed the screen image of the presenter with the producers, we decided who would be on the screen - a Journalist or a Doctor. In the end, we came to the conclusion that the leader should first of all be Woman and Mother .

Leader you trust

This is how she comes to viewers every week. Elena Malysheva is an unusual, bright TV presenter; she has become a brilliant journalist. It is the combination of journalistic talent and deep knowledge medical profession allowed her to create a super popular program and become a real star.

The inner feeling of being a medical specialist, a deep understanding of what she tells people and her sense of responsibility transmitted through the screen made Elena Malysheva the owner of the most high rating trust among all female TV presenters in Russia.

Her family is three wonderful men

“My husband is a great Russian scientist,” Elena Malysheva often says.

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences and molecular biologist Igor Yuryevich Malyshev, his beloved and legal spouse, has been involved in big science all his life. He spent several years in America, then again in Russia. Molecular biologist Professor Malyshev studies what happens to cells human body when he is stressed. In the laboratory of the American University of Kansas City, Igor and his colleagues worked on blocking cell-damaging mechanisms. For example, a cell is exposed to cancer. And in fact last stage of this influence, two outcomes are possible, a certain fork in the process: either the cell will die or it will survive. So a group of scientists in America was engaged in switching this “lever”. And now, in Russia, they are already beginning to use all these developments in treating people. And this is a very big, simply grandiose project.

“The husband is a calm and balanced person, serious and self-possessed. If he watches episodes of the “Health” program (which happens extremely rarely) and makes comments about what he saw and heard, I only agree. We have no disputes, let alone conflicts. If there are disagreements, it’s only about raising children.”

It was the husband who shared all the hardships of the formation period on Channel One. He was the main person who did not let Elena leave when she complained to him about difficulties. He always said: “It’s your business, keep fighting!” And he was the main fan at the time when she was an unknown person and started the second version of the “Health” program.

As a competent doctor, Elena Malysheva knows that men are much smarter than women. This is a scientifically proven fact, this is physiology. That doesn't mean there isn't a woman who is smarter specific man, or a man who is stupider than a particular woman. This is possible, but in general men are smarter.

“A good family is, first of all, trust in each other. Each of us in life definitely needs a person whom we trust completely.” Most lovely family celebration— September 11, wedding day. The spouses celebrate him, even when he finds them in America, for which this is a tragic day. Give presents to each other.

Parents dreamed that their sons would continue the dynasty and become doctors. The eldest, Yura, when he was fifteen, was planning to become a lawyer, was interested in history and read a lot of serious literature. And, it would seem, he was not drawn to medicine then. But, apparently, it was not in vain that Elena and her husband made some efforts in this direction. In ninth grade, he announced that he would be a doctor, lawyer or economist. But since two-thirds are not a doctor, they began to prepare at MGIMO, studied with tutors for a year. By the end of the tenth grade, Yura finally decided to be a doctor and became a student at the Moscow Medical Academy.

But the youngest entered law school. When my mother asked why you don’t go into medicine, where you will always save people, he replied: “Well, please don’t worry. I will save people, but only in other ways."

And later the sons went to America. Their parents believe that they must give their children the best education that they can, from a material point of view, from a human point of view, etc. Education is the foundation on which children will stand throughout their lives.

Elena Malysheva is interested in her children - they are different, and they are different. In the sense that when she got married and had children, she thought that “this is me.” But it turned out “that these are two completely different people with their own life program, with their own line of development, with their own views, which may not coincide with mine, but they are terribly interesting.”

Life after the hostel

The Malyshev family moved into their first apartment only in 1994. And now their apartment is shining example that “human thought makes it possible to make something completely stunning out of any nonsense.”

This room was not an apartment, but simply the technical last attic floor. The house is old, after reconstruction, very nice, but on this floor there were continuous pipes, pipes and pipes everywhere. But Igor Malyshev said that you can make a bright and kind home from a chicken coop. And he did it, spending on it whole year. They bought this floor not because it was a lifelong dream, but because there was no money for any other housing. And now this is a 2-story luxury apartment in the center of Moscow.

There are two symbols on the walls. One, a cup of fire, is the fire of knowledge. And the second - a tree with fruits - symbolizes the fruits of science. And the letter “M”, which stands for millennium: they moved here in 2000.

Television Chief Doctor of All Russia

To the woman and star Elena Malysheva for these stellar years They have already asked hundreds of questions about her: how she lives, what she eats and drinks, how she maintains her figure and maintains her youth.

Elena does not drink or smoke; she believes that if a person is not an idiot, then he simply must take care of himself. You need to sleep a lot, eat healthy foods. She herself eats meat, but not much; she prefers fish, vegetables and herbs. In the morning, the whole family eats uncooked oatmeal - just flakes drenched in boiling water. (Oatmeal removes all cholesterol from the body; the American Heart Association has included oatmeal in a special register of foods that protect against heart disease).

He doesn’t do exercises in the morning, he prefers going out with the whole family. sports clubs, GYM's, pool. Periodically, twice a year, in autumn and spring, he takes care of himself extremely intensively: for about two months he regularly goes for massages, special wraps and other procedures. Never sunbathes - neither on the beach nor in the solarium - the sun is very harmful: it catastrophically brings old age closer.

Like all working mothers, she lacks communication with loved ones. But she does not have a guilt complex towards her children. She believes that work and the heights she achieves in it play a huge educational role in the lives of her sons. He feels the lack of communication with them very acutely; he loves to see everyone together. “For me, the best moments are when I sleep and know for sure that everyone is at home.”

Elena Malysheva is the right woman. But she also advocates that sometimes you need to allow yourself the forbidden and relax thoroughly. The World Health Organization recently released the 10 Commandments eternal youth. So there, along with the wise recommendations to have your own point of view on everything, not to suppress anger, to love, to sleep in a cool room, not to overeat, to move, to do interesting things and to train your brain, there is a wonderful point that says that sometimes you can forget about all of the above and enjoy tasting the tasty morsel.

Once Elena Malysheva was asked a question: “Elena Vasilievna, how can we all not go crazy in this country?” And she replied: “You know, American statistics say: the harder life is, the harder it is to go crazy. Fewer cases of suicide, less neuroses and other things. So my advice is: get tired and you won’t go crazy.”

Books by Elena Malysheva:

Woman's happiness. From dream to reality in one year
Little stories for naughty children
We want a child. 100% pregnant!
In a swimming pool
Dog on a swing

Among what is on the Internet about Elena Malysheva, we recommend:

Health program website:

“Live Healthy” program:

Photos from the sites and

The life path of many people is of particular interest to the average person. Most often, this honor is awarded to public figures, those who managed to achieve something in this life on their own. And this is exactly the kind of people they treat famous TV presenters. Such an interest is completely understandable, because each of us wants to understand what it should be like. life path to from nobody unknown person become a public figure. Just in time for these popular people also applies famous TV presenter program “!”, and today the subject of our conversation will be Elena Vasilievna Malysheva, her biography as a person and media person.

early years

Lena Malysheva was born in 1961 on the thirteenth of March. Her family could be described as exemplary. The girl's parents occupied high positions in medical institutions. Lena grew up in strictness, mom and dad, of course, loved both her and her older brother and sister, but different demands were made on the children, which they had to strictly observe. Even as a child, after finishing the seventh grade, the girl had to work in a hospital as a barmaid-nurse, and she gave all her salary to her parents. However, this gave her discipline, which was useful in the future, taught her to work persistently and saved her from the influence of the street.

As she grew older, Elena faced more and more severe parental “tyranny”. All possible joys - attending dances, buying clothes and meeting with the opposite sex - were prohibited. Under no circumstances was the girl allowed to tint her lips or eyelashes; she could get seriously punished for this.

Lena managed to graduate from school with a gold medal, after which she wanted to enter the faculty of journalism. However, her parents did not approve of this choice, so the girl had to follow in their footsteps - study medicine.

Carier start

After many years of cramming at school, studying at the Kemerovo Medical Institute did not become a particularly difficult task for young Malysheva. In 1983, she managed to graduate from this institution with honors, after which the girl went to Moscow and entered graduate school. Soon after the move, Elena married a fairly promising young scientist and became the mother of a son. However, changes in her personal life did not at all prevent Malysheva from pursuing her education - she wrote her dissertation, and in 1987 she successfully defended it. Combine scientific work and family life The future TV presenter succeeded thanks to competent and hourly planning of her daily routine.

After defending her dissertation, Elena got a job in her specialty, she became a general practitioner in a regular Moscow clinic, and at the same time got a job at a second medical institute.

In 1990, Malysheva became a mother for the second time, but the child suddenly fell ill. After the baby’s successful operation in Moscow, the family decided to move to Elena’s parents in Kemerovo. Thanks to the home environment and the care of his parents, the son began to recover, and the future TV presenter was able to return to work. She got a job at her native institute, or rather, at the department of internal medicine.

How did Elena Malysheva’s career on television begin?

The TV presenter herself claims that she was brought to television by chance. A woman accidentally stopped by her friend’s work – at a television center. And quite unexpectedly, he made her an offer to create a good program about health. Surprisingly, a week later such a program went on the very first live broadcast. Main director TV in the city of Kemerovo invited Elena to create and host such a medical program as “Recipe”. This allowed Malysheva to make excellent money, but she had absolutely no plans to move to the capital. The whole family moved to Moscow for the most part initiative of the husband, and both spouses only benefited from it.

Elena Vasilievna began her career on Moscow television with the RTR channel, at that time it was a completely free and independent channel, which greatly impressed the TV presenter. Then the woman switched to TV-6 and after some time left for America to study under a special program for people involved in the health of the surrounding world in the media.

The next step in Malysheva’s career was the opportunity to get a job at Channel One, where management decided to restore the “Health” program. Of course, the TV presenter could not miss this chance, and began filming her version of the program. However, the filmed video did not suit the channel’s management, although Elena was considered an ideal presenter there. After Malysheva’s candidacy was approved by Konstantin Ernst, filming of the program quickly began, and on October 3, 1997, it went on air.

More than a decade and a half have passed since then, and Elena Malysheva’s life moves in a special rhythm. The woman is actively engaged in personal growth, constantly films for Channel One and receives an excellent salary. However, she did not abandon her scientific career at all, and in 2007 she successfully defended her doctoral dissertation. This is what she is, in short, the biography of Elena Vasilievna Malysheva.

Some secrets of Elena Malysheva

Of course, the success of a TV presenter largely depends on her personal attitude towards her own health and the health of her family members. The woman tries to systematically exercise, eats right, eats practically no meat and has completely given up salt. Of course, Elena does not smoke or drink alcohol; in addition, she advises all her viewers to sleep more and love themselves. Malysheva’s attitude to healthy nutrition and healthy image life is supported by all members of her family.

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