Ksenia Borodina instagram statistics. Ksenia Borodina Instagram – borodylia

Ksenia Borodina- Russian actress, non-replaceable host of the popular reality show Dom 2 on TNT.

Ksenia is a native Muscovite, she was born and raised in Moscow. Her parents divorced early, when the girl was only a year old. Then her upbringing fell entirely on the shoulders of her grandparents, but she spent every summer with her parents in Italy. They also took part in the upbringing of the girl, once, as punishment for bad behavior, Ksyusha was sent to a private school in England for the whole summer.

After graduating from the private Moscow Lyceum, Ksyusha entered the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism with a degree in Tourism Manager. She already at that time firmly decided to become a leader and actively attended various auditions. One of these events was the casting for the role of the host of the Dom-2 television project, on the TNT channel. This show changed her whole life. At that time, no one could have imagined that Dom-2 would become the highest rated TV project in Russia, and Ksyusha Borodina, along with and, the most popular presenters.

Ksyusha Borodina and Olya Buzova

Appearing on the screen, Ksenia quickly won the love of the audience, and this could not affect her career. She was actively invited to talk shows and offered movie roles. So, Borodina played several episodic roles. One of them, and probably the most significant, is the role of the girlfriend of the main character in the film “Men from March 8!”, which was released on the screen in 2014.

Ksenia has a daughter, Marusya Borodina, whom she gave birth to when she was married to businessman Yuri Budakov. But, unfortunately, their marriage did not work out, and three years after the wedding, they divorced. After Yuri, Ksyusha had a relationship with, a participant in the Dom-2 television project. Arriving at the show, he actively began to look after her. Handsome, smart, the guy quickly won Ksyusha's sympathy. But the relationship that arose on the project did not stand the test of real life. They quickly parted ways. Now, Ksenia is married to a businessman, in the summer of 2015 their wedding took place, and in December, the young couple had a daughter, Thea.

Ksyusha Borodina actively communicates with her fans on the Internet, she has her own website kborodina.com, Official page In contact with (id159194580), as well as a real profile in Instagram. On the social network Instagram, Ksenia Borodina maintains a page under the nickname. Nick "Beard" Ksyusha did not choose by chance, her name is Boroduli close friends and relatives, as well as those with whom she developed friendly relations.

Ksenia Borodina - famous TV presenter and actress, was born on March 8. Probably, this date left its mark on the character of the girl. Everyone who knows Ksyusha invariably notes her femininity, spontaneity and charm. But the photos on Instagram of Borodina Xenia once again prove that she deserved her happiness - with her work, perseverance and remarkable willpower.

Borodina is a Muscovite, but "Moscow does not believe in tears"

Ksenia was born in Moscow, studied at a regular school. And after graduating from the lyceum, where they studied foreign languages ​​in depth, she entered the second year of the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism, where she enthusiastically began to master the basics of the specialty "tourism manager".

But the main dream of Xenia since childhood was unchanged - the girl dreamed of getting on television. There was a time when Borodina's whole life consisted of castings, eternal samples, selections, photo shoots. But there were no job offers for a long time. Already desperate, Borodina decides to go to Italy, to her parents. This is where her fate came. The young beauty was offered to become the co-host of the popular show "Dom-2". And for the past 10 years, the name of Borodina has been closely associated with this television project.

Instagram of Ksenia Borodina - a kaleidoscope of events

Together with Dom-2, fame came, which brought not only rapture, but also great responsibility. Fans and journalists eager for "fried facts" appeared, dreaming of noticing a new star in some scandal. And here we must pay tribute to Ksenia - she managed to create the image of an independent and strong lady who is not alien to entertainment, but in the first place - always work and family. All the pictures in magazines where Ksenia Borodina poses, Instagram photos confirm her main credo: "Love! Create! Dream!"

Her official Instagram account is replete with a wide variety of photos. Among the many selfies there are high-quality photos from parties, parties and meetings, demonstrating how active Borodin is.

But the most important trend for Ksenia today is her daughter and her new lover. More recently, Ksenia appeared in public with M. Terekhin. Friends and colleagues of the girl prophesied a quick wedding. But Borodina was in no hurry. As she admits in her blog, the relationship was too stormy, the lovers often quarreled and finally broke up.

Now on the pages on Instagram, Borodulya (borodylia), aka Borodina, poses as a mother and happy chosen one of the businessman Zuma.

Instagram Ksenia Borodina has become very popular lately. After all, a young woman has long attracted the attention of the public and is accustomed to openly communicate with her fans. That is why everyone can subscribe to her official page https://www.instagram.com/borodylia/?hl=ru.

Today, more than 11 million subscribers follow Ksenia's life, who comment on her posts and like colorful photos with enviable regularity.

Ksenia Borodina and her love of beauty

For the eminent presenter, Instagram has become a special world where she can share her successes, show fans what is happening at social events and what secrets are hidden behind the scenes.

Also, Ksenia constantly uploads her own photographs, from which you can learn correctly, pose and present yourself favorably in the frame. Just one summer photo "with sweets" was able to attract the attention of an incredible number of people.

The young woman herself admitted that she loves juicy photos very much, so she never misses the opportunity to take a good shot. Borodina is always looking for new ideas for a photo shoot and is ready to go to great lengths for the sake of an interesting photo.

What else can be found on the TV presenter page

Ksenia Borodina tries to lead an active lifestyle, travel a lot and experience new experiences. And her Instagram confirms it. Most recently, Ksenia's family visited the 2018 FIFA World Cup. They, along with all the fans, supported the team they liked and enjoyed each other's company.

Member Name: Ksenia Kimovna Borodina

Age (birthday): 8.03.1983

Moscow city

Family: married to Kurban Omarov, daughter Teya (December 22, 2015), daughter Marusya (June 10, 2009).

Height and weight: 165 cm

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As a child, when she was only one year old, her parents filed for divorce, as a result of which she spent her childhood with her grandparents, while not forgetting to visit her mother every year, who then lived in Italy with her new husband.

For some time, Ksenia studied at the English school "Multilingua". When she turned 18, she decided to change her last name because of all the resentment towards her dad, and decided to take her mother's last name.

This happened due to the fact that her dad did not even come to her birthday and, in general, did not visit Xenia since the divorce.

After completing studies at a private educational institution, Ksyusha decides to go to the Moscow Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism, while immediately on the 2nd course. There she trained as a tourism manager.

Ksyusha also has a younger cousin Nikita, with whom she has not communicated for a long time.

While studying at the university, she often tried to break into show business. by sending your photos and resumes to castings.

Almost all the time she was refused, but at one fine moment she was informed that she was being taken on the role of the host of the program "House 2". So she began to host the show since 2004.

This show was the debut in her career. Ksenia Borodina also became more and more popular and got her own army of fans.

When she became a famous TV presenter, she began to be invited to various TV shows. She became a frequent guest on Andrey Malakhov's talk show Let Them Talk, and in 2011 she even took part in Dancing with the Stars and Cruel Intentions.

With the help of the reality show "House 2", Ksyusha discovered many talents
and she used them all the time.

So, for example, in 2007 she tried to write a book, and as a result, Ksenia successfully published Laws of Love. It was dedicated to the relationship between a man and a woman.

Thanks to her experience on the program “House 2”, the girl tried to convey her vision of relationships in the book, and also tried to answer the question “How to build a relationship?”.

In addition to this book, Borodina promised that this publication would not be the last and would soon try to publish books in the autobiographical genre. After 4 years, in 2011, a new book by Ksenia Borodina was published - “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina”.

In addition to publishing their books, Ksyusha Borodina is engaged in private business. Together with Sergei Zverev, they opened the Celebrity beauty salon. After some time, the salon has grown to a whole network of beauty salons.

Borodina was also the host at various events and corporate parties. In addition to her activities as a TV presenter, the girl tried her luck and decided to become an actress. She had a role in the film "Zaza". She also had minor roles in the films and TV series Lavrova Method, Deffchonki and Since March 8, Men.

In 2016, gossip was leaked that Ksyusha wants to leave the Dom 2 project in the near future.

There were reports that her place might be taken by the one who previously participated in the project. It was also not reported what exactly Ksenia would do after the transfer of "House 2".

Ksyusha did not have a particularly good relationship with the guys. At first, she had a relationship with Leonid Nerushenko, who sang in the Dynamite musical group, but unfortunately in 2006 he crashed in a terrible accident.

For her, this event was very scary. She could not bear the death of a loved one for a long time.

But soon she moved away and after some time Ksyusha tried to arrange a relationship with one of the participants in the reality show "House 2" Oscar Karimov, but the relationship practically did not work out and the couple broke up.

Their relationship only lasted a little over a year.

In 2005, on the set of the Comedy Club, she met businessman Yuri Budagov. where they sat next to each other as guests.

In August 2008, Ksyusha and Yura play a wedding, and a rather modest one, and already in June 2009 a girl, Marusya, is born. Ksyusha, in honor of this event, even makes a tattoo with the name of her daughter, which she placed on her arm.

Unfortunately, their family existed for a short time and in 2011 they broke up, and with a scandal. As it turned out, one of the reasons for the divorce was Yuri's negative attitude towards Ksyusha, as well as his rampant lifestyle.

Although, according to the couple's friends, it is believed that the divorce happened due to Ksenia Borodina's strong passion for social life, she practically did not appear at home, since she spent a lot of time on TV shows "House 2" and at various events.

After a short period of time, Ksenia Borodina again tries to build an official relationship, this time the choice fell on Mikhail Terekhin. They had a strange relationship - then major scandals, then a normal life. As expected, these relationships did not last for a long time.

In 2012, she meets Kurban Omarov and since 2014 they begin a romantic relationship.

In July 2015, the wedding of Ksenia Borodina and Kurban Omarov took place. She takes his last name, and already on December 22 they had a daughter, who was named Theon.

In the summer of 2016, there was a huge amount of information in the media about scandals within her family.. In the social networks, they deleted each other from friends, and did not answer questions about their personal lives to anyone.

After some time, Ksenia Borodina said that the reason for the scandal was the frequent betrayals of Omar. There were rumors that Kurban had an affair with Samburskaya, but it turned out that they only had a business relationship.

They posted photos of them together online and asked their fans not to spread stupid rumors as they have reconciled and are not going to get divorced.

Interesting facts about Ksenia Borodina:

  • Studied at an English school;
  • There is a cousin with whom she does not communicate;
  • Changed her surname due to resentment towards her father;
  • Was in a relationship with Leonid Nerushenko, who crashed in an accident;
  • There is a tattoo on the arm with the daughter's name - Marusya;
  • Fan of the football club "Lokomotiv";
  • He is fond of poetry;
  • Became the author of several books;
  • Married to Kurban Omar;
  • Was parodied on the show "Big Difference".

Xenia's photo

Instagram Ksenia Borodina is one of the most popular in Russia.

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