The rolling stones Mick Jagger. Biography of Mick Jagger

English rock musician, actor, vocalist of the legendary band The Rolling Stones Mick Jagger ( full name Michael Philip Jagger was born July 26, 1943 in Dartford, Kent, UK. After graduating from high school, where Jagger first met future Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, he entered the prestigious London School of Economics. New meeting Richards and Jagger took place on the platform of Dartford railway station in 1960. Mick Jagger had several records in his hand that aroused the interest of Keith Richards - albums by Chuck Berry and Muddy Waters. After discovering their shared passion for music, Jagger and Richards decided to form a band. They were quickly joined by guitarist Brian Jones, bassist Dick Taylor, drummer Tory Chapman and keyboardist Ian Stewart. July 12, 1962 the team gave its first official concert. The band's name comes from the Muddy Waters song Rollin' Stone.

In 1963, Jagger left the London School of Economics to focus entirely on his rapidly expanding musical career. Already in 1964, the first album of The Rolling Stones was released under the same name, and the musicians became popular first in the UK and then around the world, seriously competing with The Beatles. Moving away from the tradition of performing cover versions of blues hits, the group diligently began to record their own compositions. In 1964, Jagger wrote the first song in collaboration with Richards - Tell Me, which quickly gained hit status and entered the "hot hundred" of the American Billboard magazine. In the summer of 1965, Mick Jagger and Keith Richards literally blew up music world composition (I Can "t Get No) Satisfaction, and then consolidated their phenomenal success with the single Get Off of My Cloud.

In 1967, Mick Jagger traveled with The Beatles to India, where he attended seminars of the founder of transcendental meditation, the Maharishi, and participated in the broadcast of All You Need Is Love. A short psychedelic period began in the group, the peak of which was. However, already in 1968, the album Beggars Banquet was released, marking the return of The Rolling Stones to rhythm and blues roots. The album was opened by Jagger's song Sympathy for the Devil, written by him under the impression of Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita. In the same year, French director Jean-Luc Godard made the film "Sympathy for the Devil", in which he captured the work of The Rolling Stones in a London studio. In 1970, Jagger again had the opportunity to try himself in the cinema - this time he took part in cult film Nicholas Roeg Performance, playing the role of an eccentric musician. In the same year, Mick Jagger played the main character in Tony Richardson's Ned Kelly. Then the musician returned to feature films in 1992, playing in the fantastic film Immortality Corporation. In 2001, he got a role in the film Escape from the Champs Elysees.

In 1972 in France, The Rolling Stones recorded the album Exile on Main St. Immediately upon release, the record received mixed reviews from critics, but subsequently came to be considered one of the band's best records. In 1987, Rolling Stone magazine included the disc in its "100 Best Albums of the Last 20 Years" list, and in 2003 in its other "500 Greatest Albums of All Time" list, where Exile On Main St. takes 7th place.

In 1985, Mick Jagger's first solo album, She "s The Boss, was released, and the Rollings' new contract with Sony included a clause providing for "individual projects." Among the guests of the musician's debut solo album were Jeff Beck and Herbie Hancock. Mick Jagger also worked in co-written with Tina Turner, David Bowie, The Jacksons, Bono (vocalist U2), Lenny Kravitz and many other famous performers.

In 1987, Jagger recorded the solo work Primitive Cool, in 1993 he released Wandering Spirit, and then there were Goddess in the Doorway (2001) and Alfie (2004). In 2007, the album The Very Best of Mick Jagger was released, which is a compilation of the best tracks of the musician, including three previously unreleased compositions.

In 2011, Jagger founded new group SuperHeavy, the other members of which were former member of the British duo Eurythmics, producer Dave Stewart, Grammy-winning soul singer Joss Stone, Bob Marley's youngest, 11th son Damian Marley , who keeps family loyalty to reggae, and Grammy-winning Indian composer Allah Rakha Rahman, . On September 20, 2011, the band released debut album, which included 16 songs, most of which the band recorded over three weeks in Los Angeles. Others have been recorded by musicians in studios around the world. Among the tracks from the album, in addition to the single Miracle Worker, the songs are One day one Night, Energy, Unbelievable, SuperHeavy, I Cant Take It No More, Youre Never Gonna Change and I Dont Mind.

On the record, Jagger plays guitar and harmonica, and sings, including , which means "Truth will prevail" in Sanskrit.

In January 2012, the singer was at the center of a scandal after he refused to take part in a tea party hosted by British Prime Minister David Cameron at the opening World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Explaining his position, that he was always aloof from political struggle and would not want his name to be associated with the policies of the Prime Minister's Conservative Party. At the same time, Mick Jagger will perform on February 21, 2012 at the White House at a blues evening organized by US President Barack Obama and his wife.

Mick Jagger The The Rolling Stones is the owner of a huge number of music awards, and in 1989, along with the group, was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. On December 12, 2003, Mick Jagger was knighted at Buckingham Palace, the legend of rock music was awarded such a significant title for his 40-year service to music and received the right to use the honorary title "sir" before his name.

Mick Jagger was married twice: first to Nicaraguan Bianca Jagger, and then to model Jerry Hall. The musician has seven children.

Jagger has a favorite sport - cricket, and besides, he frequent guest at England football matches.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Mick Jagger is a man who has become a true legend on the world stage. His voice, his repertoire and even his eccentric manner of moving on stage have become a real classic of rock and a signature feature of the cult band Rolling Stones. This man has always lived for music, and now music itself seems to be inextricably linked with his name.

Can't fit into one Musical direction, Mick Jagger invented his own style, becoming a new milestone in the history of the development of this art. He spent over fifty years on stage, becoming a role model for countless young performers. His story is one endless way up, to the heights of glory. Today we will try to rewind the tape fifty years ago and follow how the life and work of the legendary vocalist developed.

The Early Years of Mick Jagger

Future famous musician was born in normal English family unrelated to the world of art. His father taught physics, and his mother worked as a coordinator in the local cell of the Conservative Party. The parents wanted their son to become a wealthy economist, and therefore sent him to the prestigious London School of Economics and political science. However, studying almost never occupied Michael. From the very early years his only passion was singing.

As the musician himself admitted, he always wanted to sing, moreover, the louder the better. Once, as a teenager, Mick got so carried away while performing his favorite song that he accidentally bit off a piece of his tongue. But this fun fact only reinforced Jagger's desire to sing.

In 1961, standing on railway station Dartfort Mick Jagger met his longtime friend Keith Richards, with whom they were once very friendly when they were children. Seeing a stack of records in Mick's hands, Keith asked Jagger about his musical preferences, and the two young men quickly found common topics for a conversation. It soon became clear that Keith also enjoys music and even plays the guitar well. From that moment began a long friendship between the two musicians, which lasted more than fifty years.

Debut on stage and first popularity

Back in 1958, Mick Jagger, along with another friend of his, Dick Taylor, put together a group called the Little Boy Blue & The Blue Boys. Keith Richards soon joined the band, who, thanks to his virtuoso guitar playing, added a very special sound to the band.

Mick Jagger: "Unfortunately, I'm still alive"

The three of them learned several new songs and began touring London clubs. Some time later, multi-instrumentalist Brian Jones joined the band, bringing along drummer Charlie Watts and bassist Bill Wyman.

After the team "overgrown" with new members, the group became known as Blues Incorporated, but very soon the team will appear on the stage of the Marquee club under a new name - Rolling Stones. The young group owes its name to one of the favorite songs of the then-popular musician Muddy Waters.

The musical style of the band was influenced by such musicians as Robert Johnson, Chuck Berry, Muddy Waters and Bo Diddley. However, over time, thanks to the author's duo Jagger-Richards, the sound of the Rolling Stones has become completely special features. The band's music was distinguished by an abundance of guitar parts and Mick Jagger's soulful vocals.

Soon his eccentric manner of moving on stage will become one of distinguishing features team. In 1963, the musicians began to move steadily to the heights of the musical Olympus. From that moment on, Mick Jagger's life became inextricably linked with the band he created.

Mick Jagger's personal life

In the seventies, Jagger's life was characterized by his famous phrase"Sex, drugs and rock and roll". The musician smoked a lot, often used drugs and got involved in various adventures. Subsequently, this lifestyle will become a role model for numerous rockers of the new generation.

Together with the group, Mick toured a lot. The public idolized him, and critics showered him with thousands of laudatory reviews. The girls also adored him. According to the assurances of the performer himself, in his entire life at least five thousand women have been in the musician's bed. Leaving aside quantitative indicators, we note that Mick Jagger has always been loving. However, despite this, on May 12, 1971, the musician decided to marry the Nicaraguan Bianca De Macias.

Mick Jagger

The wedding of the couple in love took place in St. Tropez. In the autumn of the same year, Mick Jagger's daughter, Jade, was born (who, however, was not the musician's first child). But, even despite the birth of a child, this marriage did not last long.

In 1978, Bianca filed for divorce, explaining her decision by the huge number of betrayals of the musician. Moreover, in an interview with one of the British newspapers, Jagger's ex-wife noted that their family life broke off immediately after the registration of marriage.

After the official divorce, Jagger moved to Indonesia, where for some time he lived in a civil marriage with model Jerry Hall. In 1990, the couple legalized their relationship, but in 1999 a divorce followed again. The reason for the separation of the two celebrities was still the same.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Mick Jagger said that he "did not want to be known as an old wreck" and was going to radically reconsider his lifestyle. He quit smoking, gave up drugs and alcohol. A similar fact did not go unnoticed, and in 2003, on the sixtieth birthday of the musician, the English Queen Elizabeth knighted him.

Mick Jagger Present

Today Mick is still cheerful and full of energy. Between 2001 and 2008, he starred in several documentaries and feature films, returning to the undertaking he started back in the seventies. Soon he even created his own film company. However, his real passion, without a doubt, has always been music. Having decided to organize new project, in 2010, Mick Jagger put together a new group, which was called SuperHeavy. With this team legendary musician recorded several notable compositions. But the new group, of course, was far from the popularity of the Rolling Stones.

Sir Michael Philip "Mick" Jagger Born July 26, 1943 in Dartford (Kent). English rock musician, actor, producer, vocalist of the legendary rock bands The Rolling Stones.

Michael Jagger was born July 26, 1943 in Dartford, Kent. His father worked as a physical education teacher, and his mother participated in the work of the Conservative Association.

Michael studied at the London School of Economics and Political Science. The school was of no interest to Michael, the only thing he liked was singing lessons. He tried to sing as loudly as possible, and one day he got so carried away that he bit off the tip of his tongue. Soon he left school due to the fact that he formed with Brian Jones and Keith Richards band The The Rolling Stones became more and more popular.

Mick Jagger and Keith Richards met on playground. In 1958, Jagger became a member of the blues band Little Boy Blue & The Blue Boys. Keith entered art school, where he met Mick's old friend and Little Boy Blue co-star Dick Taylor. At the next meeting of Mike and Keith, the comrades agreed that Keith should audition for Little Boy Blue & The Blue Boys.

In 1961, Mike Jagger became Mick Jagger. By then, Brian Jones had left The Ramrods, in which he played alto saxophone, and moved to London. He took a job as a guitarist at Blues Incorporated, dreaming of starting his own band, where he wanted to invite his friend and colleague, blues pianist Ian Stewart. At Blues Inc. Charlie Watts also played. At the end of the year, Brian met Mick and Keith. They often played together, also engaging Dick Taylor and Ian Stewart.

In 1962, the name "Rolling Stones" first appeared in Jazz News. And on July 12, the band's first official performance took place at the Marquee Club in London. In September Dick Taylor left the band and in December Bill Wyman officially joined the band as bassist. In January 1963, Charlie Watts joined the Stones, replacing Mick Avory.

The image created by Jagger on stage is unique. His voice, at times rough, at times feminine and soft, thick lips, lustful smile, unambiguous sexual movements at concerts in front of a crowd of thousands, aggression, energy, and at the same time, goofiness and antics - all this made Jagger one of the most popular rock frontmen. .

The merits of Jagger in the musical field were highly appreciated - on the occasion of the 60th anniversary, Queen Elizabeth II knighted Jagger.

In an interview, Mick Jagger, comparing 1968 and 1998, said that earlier in the trinity "Sex, drugs and rock and roll" sex was in the first place, and now drugs are in its place. Jagger has now announced that he is quitting drinking, smoking and taking drugs. The reason for this decision was concern about his own health, because Jagger is no longer young. “I value my good name and do not want to pass for an old ruin. After all, we are still “stars”, albeit with the status of “living legends”!” Mick Jagger said.

In 2010, Mick Jagger created a new group called "SuperHeavy" ("Superheavy"). It included Mick, former member Eurythmics project Dave Stewart, younger son Boba Marley Damian, singer Joss Stone and Indian composer A. R. Rahman, known, in particular, for the soundtracks for Danny Boyle's films Slumdog Millionaire and 127 Hours. Sources close to the musicians say that SuperHeavy recorded a number of songs and even filmed a video for the song "Miracle Worker".

In 2012, Mick Jagger took part in the famous stand-up comedy show- Saturday Night Live, where he not only performed as a performer with Foo Fighters and Arcade Fire, but also demonstrated his acting skills in the genre of miniatures.

Mick Jagger Personal Life:

Mick Jagger was married twice: first to Nicaraguan Bianca Jagger (1971-1979), then to model Jerry Hall (1990-1999).

He has 8 children from five women:

from singer Marsha Hunt - daughter Carys Hunt Jagger (b. 12/4/1970);
from the first wife Bianca Jagger - the daughter of Jade Sheen Jezebel Jagger (b. 10/21/1971);
from the second wife Jerry Hall - daughter Elizabeth Scarlett Jagger (b. 03/2/1984);
son James Leroy Augustin Jagger (b. 08/28/1985);
daughter Georgia May Ayisha Jagger (b. 01/12/1992; chose a modeling career);
son Gabriel Luke Beauregard Jagger (b. 12/9/1997);
from a short romance with Luciana Gimenez - son Lucas Maurice Morad Jagger (b. 05/18/1999).

Meek lived with American fashion model and stylist L'Wren Scott from 2001 until her death in 2014.

Filmography of Mick Jagger :

Sympathy For The Devil (dir.) (1968)
Performance (withdrawn - 1968, released - 1970)
Ned Kelly (1970)
Rutles: All You Need Is Cash (1978)
Running Out Of Luck (1987)
Corporation "Immortality" (Runaway) (1992)
Bent (1997)
Escape from the Champs Elysees (2001)
The Rolling Stones. Let There Be Light (2008) - concert film.
Baden baden 2008
2008 Baker Street Robbery

Discography of Mick Jagger:

1985 - She's The Boss
1987 - Primitive Cool
1993 - Wandering Spirit
2001 - Goddess in the Doorway
2004 - Alfie (Soundtrack)
2007 - The Very Best Of Mick Jagger

Songs about Mick Jagger:

"Moves Like Jagger" - Maroon 5 & Christina Aguilera, #1 Billboard Hot 100, 2011
"Swagger Jagger" - Cher Lloyd
"The Time (Dirty Bit)" - Black Eyed Peas
"Heart and Soul" - Jonas Brothers
"Niggas in Paris" - Jay-Z and Kanye West
"Tik Tok" - Kesha
"Jagger" - "Night Snipers"

Mick Jagger is a legendary man and one of best performers on the rock scene. His repertoire, voice and unusual manner of movement became the signature style of the rock band "Rolling Stones". He has always lived in art, so music is inextricably linked with his name. Jagger has spent over fifty years on stage, becoming a role model for countless performers. The story of his life is an endless way up, to the very heights of glory.

early years

Michael Jagger was born in the English city of Dartford on July 26, 1946. His family had nothing to do with art. His father worked as a school teacher, and his mother was a coordinator in the Conservative Association cell. The parents wanted their son to become an economist, so they did everything to get him accepted into the prestigious School of Political and Economic Sciences in London.

Studying was of little interest to Michael. His favorite pastime since childhood was singing, and he hoped that one day he would get into big stage. According to Jagger, he always wanted to sing, and the louder the better. Once he was so carried away by singing that he accidentally bit off the tip of his tongue. This funny, but still unpleasant fact only strengthened the young man's desire to become a rock musician.

In 1958, Michael, together with his friend Dick Taylor, organized the band "Little Boy Blue & The Blue Boys". Two years later, at the train station, Jagger met his childhood friend Keith Richards. Michael held a stack of records in his hands, and Keith talked to him about music. It turned out that old friends love the blues and rock and roll. Richards played the guitar well, so Jagger invited him to the newly formed band.

Soon the team began performing in London clubs and pubs. The rock group was replenished with drummer Charlie Watts and bassist Bill Wyman and was called "Blues Incorporated". In 1962, the

falling in the Marquee club, the band members announced that from now on they are called the Rolling Stones. At the same time, Michael became Mick Jagger.

At the top of the glory

The Rolling Stones' style was influenced by the music of Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, Robert Johnson and Muddy Waters. However, over time, their sound and stage image began to change, and already they began to dictate fashion. A huge role in developing the image of the team belongs to Jagger. The image he created on stage is unique. unusual voice, former at times soft, sometimes rough, defiant sexuality, lustful smile, energy, aggression, and at the same time antics and foolishness - all this became an integral part of the Rolling Stones, and Mick Jagger made one of the most famous rock musicians.

In 1963, the group rapidly began to move towards musical Olympus. A year later, the musicians were put on a par with The Beatles. One after another, successful albums began to be released: "Aftermath" (1966), "Between the Buttons" (1967).

The group gained popularity not only due to powerful and energetic music, but also due to defiant lyrics. In his works, Jagger dealt a crushing blow to religion, conservatism and female gender. Nihilism and ruthless criticism have become an integral part of his work. The 1970s were the height of the Rolling Stones' popularity. Albums such as "S

ticky Fingers" (1971) and "Exile on Main St." (1972) were later called "quintessential rock".

The musicians went forward, not paying attention to their reputation, which was pretty tarnished by constant scandals. So, in 1967, Mick was arrested for possession of drugs and sentenced to three months in prison. Only thanks to the lawyers, the sentence was changed to a conditional release. Media attention was constantly focused on Jagger, because he was not just an idol, but a real God for the new generation.

In the 1980s, the Rolling Stones continued to play around the world, but Mick wanted to get into solo career. His first record "She" s The Boss "(1985) was accepted with a bang!" and became incredibly popular. In 1987, Jagger's second album "Primitive Cool" was released, and in 1993 the third - "Wandering Spirit". All of them had great success.

Mick Jagger is still the frontman and the main ideological inspirer of the Rolling Stones. In addition, he does not stop his solo career, and in 2010 he became a member of the new team "SuperHeavy". His energy is enough not only for music, but also for cinema, where he also succeeded. Together with Victoria Perman, he created the Jagged Films film production company. Mick himself acts in films. For example, in 2008, with his participation, the tape "Robbery on Baker Street" was released.

Personal life

Jagger's personal life has always been the main topic of newspaper pages. The cult expression "Sex, drugs and rock and roll", once said by a musician, fully characterizes his turbulent life. And if in recent times he refrains from drugs and alcohol, then his love of love does not decrease. According to Mick, 5,000 women have been in his bed. Perhaps this is true, but it is reliably known that the rocker was married twice and has 7 children.

In 1971, Jagger married Bianca De Macias, who gave birth to his daughter Jayda. After 8 years, Bianca left the musician, explaining that he constantly cheated on her. He met his second wife Jerry Hall in Indonesia. For a long time they lived in a civil marriage, and in 1990 they legalized their relationship. From this union, which broke up in 1999, Jagger has two sons and two daughters. In addition, he has a daughter from an affair with Marsha Hunt and a son from Luciana Gimenez. Recently, the rocker lived with model L "Ren Scott.

Once, in his youth, Jagger said that he would leave the stage at 40 because he did not want to see the Rolling Stones turn into a ruin parodying itself. Nevertheless, the group is still successfully touring, and its main inspirer is cheerful, full of strength and unsinkable. In one of recent interviews Mick Jagger optimistically stated that they are still stars, although they have the status of living legends.

British rock musician, composer, actor, producer and businessman, Mick Jagger is known around the world primarily as a frontman legendary team Rolling Stones. Coming from a middle class family, Michael Philip Jagger was born in Dartford on July 26, 1943. He met his future partner Keith Richards at the age of five, but then their paths diverged for a while. AT primary school Michael had good... Read all

British rock musician, composer, actor, producer and businessman, Mick Jagger is known throughout the world primarily as the frontman of the legendary Rolling Stones. Coming from a middle class family, Michael Philip Jagger was born in Dartford on July 26, 1943. He met his future partner Keith Richards at the age of five, but then their paths diverged for a while. In elementary school, Michael had good grades, and since he was not averse to subsequently acquiring his own business, then he began to study as an economist. However, another passion prevented the guy from completing his education in the chosen specialty - rock and roll. Already at the age of 15, Jagger organized the Little Boy Blue & The Blue Boys rhythm and blues team, and later he “reacquainted” with Richards, which became the starting point for the creation of the Rolling Stones.

And although the parents (and especially the father) did not approve of the choice of their son, the world subsequently received one of the most wonderful rock bands. With Keith, Mick developed an excellent author's tandem, and throughout the entire career of the Rolling Stones they composed a considerable number of hits. In the late 60s, Jagger began to try his hand at cinema, starring in the films "Performance" and "Ned Kelly". By the way, in these films he acted not only as an artist, but also participated in the creation of the sound track.

From the mid-70s, creative differences began to grow in the group. This was especially true for Jagger and Richards. Mick strove to keep up with the zeitgeist and make more dance-commercial music, while Keith insisted on sticking to traditional rhythm and blues roots. Jagger managed to realize his ambitions only closer to the mid-80s, when he, using a special clause in the new Rolling Stones contract with Sony Music (which provided for individual projects), began preparing a solo album. Among the musicians involved in the work on the record, there were such personalities as Pete Townshend, Jeff Beck, Carlos Alomar and Herbie Hancock.

Made with all sorts of newfangled stuff like synths and drum machines, "She's The Boss" was a solid commercial success, peaking at #6 in the UK and #13 in the US. Around the same time, Jagger recorded the hit "Dancing In The Street" (a cover of "Martha & the Vandellas") with David Bowie and appeared as a solo artist on Live Aid.

Encouraged by the success of "She's The Boss", Mick decided to continue his own career and even canceled the tour in support of "Dirty Work" because of this, which caused Richards' stormy indignation (however, Jagger responded to Keith's public attacks with the song "Shoot Off Your Mouth") . This time, the same Jeff Beck was involved in the work on the album, as well as David Stewart from Eurythmics and producer Keith Diamond. The "Primitive Cool" disc turned out to be really "primitive" compared to its predecessor and sold much worse than "She's The Boss". The failure of the record was one of the reasons for the return of the vocalist to the lair of the Rolling Stones, and in 1989 the reconciliation of Mick and Keith was noted strong work"rolling" "Steel Wheels". At the end of the tour in support of this album, the Rolling Stones took a long time out, and Jagger took advantage of it to record a third solo album.

On Wandering Spirit, the musician made a rollback from the use of synthesizers and brought guitars to the fore, which critics did not fail to note in their laudatory reviews. Guest stars on the album included bassist Flea of ​​the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Lenny Kravitz, whose services Mick resorted to again when recording Goddess In The Doorway. Jagger devoted the rest of the 90s to the Rolling Stones and acting career, and only in 2001 he released his fourth solo album, whose "success" was comparable only to "Primitive Cool".

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