Theatrical poster - reviews of the play. Tickets for the play "The Tale of Fedot the Archer The Tale of Fedot the Archer" performance storyteller

More than 30 years have passed since the publication of Leonid Filatov's cult work in the Yunost magazine. During this time, "The Tale of Fedot the Archer, a daring young man" gained such popularity that his text scattered throughout the country. catchphrases. A "streltsy" boom began in Russia: Filatov's quotes sounded everywhere, the play was staged in amateur and professional theaters, she sounded from the TV screens. And today, in 2019, "The Tale of Fedot the Archer" is also on the crest of popularity: in the theater of Nikolai Gubenko, he is constantly sold out.

Leonid Filatov

People's Artist of Russia Leonid Filatov is known in Russia as a great actor, film director, poet, writer, TV presenter and publicist. The play in verse about Thetos the archer is not the first literary experience of Filatov: he was friends with creativity with student years at VGIK. Leonid Alekseevich is the author of literary parodies of Bulat Okudzhava, Yuri Levitansky, Bella Akhmadulina, Andrei Voznesensky and others, which he inimitably performed with the voices of poets. In the theaters of the country, his plays “The Cuckoo Clock”, “Colorful People”, “The Artist from Sherwood Forest” were and are being played, but “The Tale of Fedot the Archer” remains the most popular and beloved.

theatrical performance

In the theater "Commonwealth of Taganka Actors" the play "The Tale of Fedot the Archer" is staged by Alexander Vilkin. Show director - National artist Russia, artistic director theater " The Cherry Orchard”, teacher, actor and public figure.

Premiere comedy play in verse took place on December 24, 2014. The director stayed true literary source: viewers will see Filatov's story about Fedot, who fell into royal disgrace, and his incredible search for something "which cannot exist in this world at all."

In the Moscow performance "The Tale of Fedot the Archer" an excellent ensemble of actors is engaged:

  • Honored Artist of Russia Mikhail Basov
  • theater and film actor Alexander Nosik
  • Andrey Kaykov
  • Elena Obolenskaya
  • Alexander Plentaitis
  • Maria Ryabkova

The staging by Alexander Vilkin is distinguished by its bright presentation and bewitching acting, which gives theatrical action dynamism. Stage decorations and costumes of the actors are made in the traditions of caricature farce theatre.

Purchasing tickets

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The lively language of the play by Leonid Filatov, the excellent cast, the fascinating story about Fedot are a great reason to get together cheerful company at the theater of Nikolai Gubenko. Thanks to its sparkling humor and charisma of the title character, the play "The Tale of Fedot the Archer" will appeal to viewers of any age.

Mikhail Bersenev reviews: 27 ratings: 27 rating: 41

On the stage of the Theater of the Commonwealth of Taganka Actors, the play "The Tale of Fedot Sagittarius - a daring young man" is given and, as one of the characters says, the state business is decided: with whom to lie down. With whom? Who to lie down? What for? Yes, the daughter of the King.

Somehow, at the dawn of the 2000s, to be more precise - 2001, an attempt to film adaptation of "Fedot - Sagittarius" appeared on the screens. The film directed by Sergei Ovcharov was not very good, to put it mildly. Failed. Well, it's not funny, even if you crack! Although the deviation from the original, it seems, was not much.

It's wonderful, but already in 2014, I would not call the play "The Tale of Fedot Sagittarius - a daring young man" on the stage of Taganka a very successful creation either. All this is just a rather pale attempt to compare with the literary basis. Why does it turn out that when you listen to the One Actor Theater - Filatov - and his fairy tale, you just laugh, catch hidden meanings, but when they try to put a fairy tale on the screen, splash it out on theater stage, then the result is not particularly impressive?

The director of the performance Alexander Vilkin tried to partially modernize and upgrade, as they say in computer language, the Filatov Thing. What came of it? Let's go in order. The tsar in the play "The Tale of Fedot Sagittarius - a daring young man" is completely different to the world than I always imagined: the villain is young and rosy-cheeked. But I remember the lines from the fairy tale from the lips of the nanny: “Would you take care of yourself! After all, you are over a hundred!”
In general, the image of the king turned out to be silly. He flaunts in a straitjacket, and there is a feeling that he was in a madhouse. Actor Alexander Yamtsov managed at the end of the performance to show the alleged repentance of the Tsar before the people, which speaks of good skills in reincarnation. But I would still vote for the fact that the Tsar in the production should be really old and decrepit. I would say - dry, harmful. Closer to the original Filatov. From this image would only benefit.

And here is Fedot Sagittarius. This time with a Makarov pistol. Now he looks more like a security guard from the Romashka supermarket. Actor Dmitry Belotserkovsky, it seemed to me, does not carry the spirit of the Hero of the Epos, which, undoubtedly, is Filatov's epoch-making thing - "The Tale of Fedot Sagittarius - a daring young man." Although the plasticity of the image from Belotserkovsky is worthy of praise. The actor moves well. And his dances a la "clubbing" on the stage fit quite organically into the general buffoon action.

Fedot is a special character for our hearts. His life is the dream of a Russian person. Do nothing and get everything. "By pike command at my will." Ah, how sometimes everyone needs such good fellows as Tit Kuzmich and Frol Fomich. Two fabulous heroes, we don’t see them in the course of the action, they are just two pieces of a sheet that appear like suns over the stage. But even then they help Fedot to live in clover. Yes, even engage in gigolo.

It is noteworthy that Fedot's wife, Marusya (Elena Obolenskaya), solves all the problems for the peasant. golden woman! Marusya performed by Obolenskaya is smiling, bright. Her husband rightly exclaims: “You are my soul, I would look without breathing!” Marusya - Obolenskaya speaks in a singsong voice, she is probably an actress, musical.
But there are also more angular female characters performance. The daughter of the king, performed by actress Maria Ryabkova, gave an exact hit in the role. A sort of fight-girl came out! And how she lights up, dances "in a disco style", it's nice to look at.

Baba Yaga (Polina Fokina) in "The Tale of Fedot Sagittarius - a daring young man" of the Taganka Theater looks like a classical Babu Yaga do not like. Not even a broom. But there is a general, such a peppy one (performed by Alexander Barinov). General created with Baba Yaga best duet performance, I think. The warrior looks like a drinking intellectual, Babya Yaga is also a karate-drinking aunt. Their dialogues came out saturated with both feeling and humor. Baba Yaga is a laugher, and if you look closely at her, you catch yourself thinking that the actress Polina Fokina and her character are somewhat similar to Elena Stepanenko (Petrosyan's wife). But for a woman - Yaga, she is too young.

Once again I will say, it seems to me that a more precise adherence to the age limits of the characters, conceived by Filatov, would be the best for the performance. A nurse is needed, toothless and old, like the Acropolis. The tsar may be mischievous, for example, but not as young as Yemtsov - a boy at all ... Baby Yaga - you need an ancient one, like a hag. And so on.

These are the motley characters that director Alexander Vilkin gave us. The whole performance is a scenery "a la Petrushka" and has the effect of buffoonery. Even the nanny's dressing gown (with red splashes and green islands) - all this creates a feeling of a booth, but still not of the highest flight. Does not cause laughter. A smile, yes, but no more.

I will especially single out Skomorokh - the master of the game of all trades (Alexander Plentaitis). This is, perhaps, the only rational rational grain in the play, but he is not a cold stone, but worries about goodies.

The play "The Tale of Fedot Sagittarius - a daring fellow" ends with Fedya's call: "Stop making fools out of Russian peasants!" How relevant these words are again, now, in 2014. The ruble has collapsed, production is closing, oil is getting cheaper, the budget is bursting at the seams, the country is in isolation, the standard of living is falling. Prices for everything are rising by a few percent a day. The war is getting closer to our borders, and everyone is broadcasting to us from TV - be patient, no problem, somehow everything will settle down! Fedot did not believe those in power, but we - Russian men of 2014 - do we trust our rulers now? Big question!

The performance, on the whole, is not bad in terms of distraction from political cataclysms. He has amazing literary basis and an acceptable theatrical embodiment on the Taganka stage. Acceptable, but not outrageous.

Artur Evgrafov reviews: 2 ratings: 58 rating: 2

I will be restrained in my opinion.
I try to visit theaters while choosing really interesting performances with talented actors. All this gives a charge of positive emotions and a pleasant "aftertaste" from what you see.
This time I was invited. We went with friends to the performance on freebies, which we accidentally got. Fortunately, it's free, because for such a ... "game" I would not want to pay at all ..
The mere fact that the hall was half empty, Sunday evening already says a lot.
Weak, tense acting. For me personally, this is very important!
Cheap scenery and costumes of actors.
In my opinion, the performance pulls at the level of children preschool age although 16+..
As a result, during the intermission, we mutually decided to leave, and as it turned out, we were not alone!
The evening was a success, but in a different place! =))

Julietta Sky reviews: 2 ratings: 12 rating: 3

I went to the performance on 10/21/2012. I give 5 out of 10.
You can go to the performance, but not more than once. And the fault here is absolutely not the actors, but the director.
A. Yemtsov, as always, is incomparable. It was the scenes with the king that kept me awake. Ekaterina_R - apparently at that moment something happened. This time the "in the palace" scenes were the best. As for me, he was the only one who pulled the whole performance on himself. Again pleased M. Ryabkova. A. Nosik also played well. And of course, just a great text!
And that's where the positive ends.
Buffoon - read absolutely without expression. Marusya is an empty place. And the biggest disappointment is P. Fokina in the role of Baba Yaga and the nanny. I've already seen this actress, somewhere I even liked her, but here it's just a nightmare. But the biggest minus is frankly weak production. This curtain, buffoon constantly staggering around the stage.
I really love the Taganka Actors' Commonwealth Theater, but this performance is frankly weak for him.

Ekaterina_R reviews: 113 ratings: 174 rating: 228

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"So bad about the king
The people did not talk in vain,
Act strictly according to the law
I mean, act... on the sly."

Well, my journey through the repertoire of the beautiful young Moscow drama theater"Event". Yesterday I visited the last of the performances not yet watched - namely, the sparkling production of "pro FEDOT" - as it is easy to understand, the film adaptation of Leonid Filatov's fairy tale "About Fedot the Archer, a daring young man." Oh, and who has not swung at this work! How was it not visualized! And films, and cartoons, and audio performances, and numerous theatrical performances! Why are they there - he even took part in his time in an amateur production of this funny pun. And now, finally got to the version of Vadim Chibisov. And - to the apotheosis, I'm not afraid big words! Because, as far as I expected something completely new and incredible from Vadim, but in this performance he easily surpassed even himself! An absolute extravaganza of something incredible, stunning, stunning, unexpected and incomparable! I had no idea how unforgettable this trip to the theater would be for me!
I don’t think that at least someone needs to be explained what this very work of Filatov is, so I’ll go straight to the point. What Vadim offers is a completely new, unexpected, fresh, dynamic and insanely fun look at classic. The new reading is modern, incredibly relevant (moreover, many jokes are rewritten specifically for current events, so each new trip to the performance will definitely be with a twist - I have never seen such an amount of improvisation from anyone!) and very unusual. An endless amount of positive, pouring from the stage, overwhelms the viewer from the very first minutes and does not let go of their tenacious paws until the final chords. What was especially striking was the incredible dynamics of the production - despite the fact that "pro FEDOT" is the longest performance in the "Events" repertoire (it runs for about 2 hours, moreover, traditionally, without intermission), the audience's attention does not weaken at all. for a moment. I think that the fact that he was present at the performance quite still will say a lot. Small child, who watched the production almost to the very end, and at the same time was not distracted by something else, namely, he followed the events, rejoiced, laughed, worried. It's worth a lot! For the first time I see a child who has spent so long on an adult, in general, performance, while fully retaining interest and involvement in events!
Now a few words about cast. Traditionally, Vadim did not gather the crowd of actors required for the work on the chamber stage of the theater, but limited himself to ... only four (!!!) performers !! And a bunch of effective ideas and techniques! So, each actor not only plays 2-3 roles in the production (and some characters are completely represented by just the most real shadow theater), but also the viewer is a direct participant in the production! What can I say - your devoted servant himself absolutely unexpectedly became an actor for a minute and a half and made, one might say, his real acting debut on the stage of the theater, where they simply threw me out and forced me to play - under the spotlight and the gaze of the audience ... which , in fact, were absolutely invisible due to the same spotlights). Unforgettable feelings!!
Well, let's go back, of course, to the main composition. main role- Fedot, and also minor roles Ambassadors brilliantly and dizzyingly performed by Alexander Turavinin. The actor perfectly managed to keep the viewer's interest, constantly reincarnate, surprising and amusing the audience, and also incomparably convey the emotions and feelings of the characters - a fantastic game and incredible energy and charisma of the actor! Bravo!!
The roles of Marusya, nanny and storyteller in this composition impressively performed by Tatyana Roshchina - wonderful transformations, wonderful performance and splashing over the edge of energy!
The general, the second narrator and ... the princess were presented in the play wonderful actor Mikhail Kotov, armed with his unforgettable German accent. A breathtaking change of images throughout the performance and incredible motorcycle!! Probably, I will never forget his bike now ...
And of course, the unique Vadim Chibisov. Now - in the role of the King and Yaga. I really have nothing to say about Vadim, because ... because it's hard to imagine a more inspired and inspiring actor and person - he is amazing! As always on top! Shines with ideas and games! And as for his director's idea with playing with the audience and shelling "enemies of the people" - I think each of the spectators took these impressions with them for a long time!
I would also like to express my admiration for the work done by the walker Veronika Yakovleva. Her costume design and stage design is brilliant! Minimalism, and absolutely appropriate minimalism, in action. Gorgeous, fun, original and fun! Low bow to Veronica.
And, of course, the soundtrack of the performance deserves special mention - each song is a masterpiece! Amazing songs, inserted exactly where they should sound. I rejoiced like a child!
What! Finally, I will add only one thing - in my piggy bank of the most favorite productions of the "Event" theater, this performance took a strong second place, however, stubbornly fighting for the highest level pedestal with my favorite - "Lonely West". Greatest staging!! Definitely recommend everyone to visit this fantastic event! The performance gave me a magical evening and a sea of ​​the most positive emotions!
See you in the new theatrical season - with new premieres, new sensations and, no doubt - new favorite performances!

"And the other day there was a sin -
Almost made up a poem
The doctors got scared
They say: love shock!

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