Comparative analysis of Onegin and Pechorin. Comparison of the images of Onegin and Pechorin (Comparative analysis)

"Their dissimilarity among themselves is much less than the distance between Onega and Pechora ... Pechorin is the Onegin of our time."

V. G. Belinsky.

Onegin and Pechorin are representatives of a certain historical era. In their deeds and deeds, the authors reflected the strength and weakness of their generation. Each of them is a hero of his time. It was time that determined not only them common features but also differences.

The similarity of the images of Eugene Onegin and Grigory Pechorin is indisputable. Origin, conditions of upbringing, education, formation of characters - all this is common to our heroes.

They were well-read and educated people which put them above the rest of the young people of their circle. Onegin is a capital aristocrat with a rich inheritance. This is a man with a very complex and controversial nature. He is talented, smart and educated. Evidence of Onegin's high education is his extensive personal library.

Pechorin - representative noble youth, strong personality, there is a lot of exceptional, special in him: an outstanding mind, extraordinary willpower. Possessing significant abilities, spiritual needs, both failed to realize themselves in life.

In their youth, both heroes were fond of carefree secular life, both succeeded in the "science of tender passion", in the knowledge of "Russian young ladies". Pechorin says that when he met a woman, he always accurately guessed whether she would love him. It only brings misfortune to women. And Onegin left not too good trail in Tatyana's life, without immediately sharing her feelings.

Both heroes go through misfortunes, both become the perpetrators of the death of people. Both Onegin and Pechorin value their freedom. The indifference to people characteristic of both, disappointment and boredom affect their attitude towards friendship. Onegin is friends with Lensky because there is nothing to do. And Pechorin says that he is not capable of friendship, and demonstrates this in his cold attitude towards Maxim Maksimych.

It becomes clear that there are differences between the heroes of Pushkin's and Lermontov's novels. Onegin is an egoist, which, in principle, is not his fault. The father almost did not pay attention to him, giving his son to tutors, who only praised the guy. So he grew up into a person who cared only about himself, about his desires, not paying attention to the feelings and suffering of other people. Onegin is not satisfied with the career of an official and a landowner. He never served at all, which distinguishes him from his contemporaries. Onegin leads a life free from official duties.

Pechorin is a suffering egoist. He understands the insignificance of his position. Pechorin considers himself one of their pitiful descendants who roam the earth without pride or conviction. Lack of faith in heroism, love and friendship deprive his life of values. He does not know why he was born and why he lives. Pechorin differs from his predecessor Onegin not only in temperament, willpower, but also in the degree of his attitude to the world. Unlike Onegin, he is not just smart, he is a philosopher and thinker.

Both Onegin and Pechorin, disappointed in the life around them, go to a duel. However, everyone has their own reason. Onegin is afraid of public opinion, accepting Lensky's challenge to a duel. Pechorin, shooting with Grushnitsky, takes revenge on society for unfulfilled hopes.

Fate sends Lermontov's hero test after test, he himself is looking for adventure, which is important. It attracts him, he just lives in adventure. Onegin, on the other hand, accepts life as it is, goes with the flow. He is a child of his era, spoiled, capricious, but obedient. Pechorin's disobedience is his death. Both Onegin and Pechorin are selfish, but thinking and suffering heroes. Because by hurting other people, they suffer no less.

Comparing the description of the life of the heroes, one can be convinced that Pechorin is a more active person. Onegin, as a person, remains a mystery to us.

But for us, these heroes remain interesting and important, as holders of high human dignity.

What a short time separates Pushkin's Onegin and Lermontov's Pechorin! First quarter and forties XIX years century. And yet these are two different eras, separated by an unforgettable event in Russian history - the uprising of the Decembrists. Pushkin and Lermontov managed to create works that reflect the spirit of these eras, works that touched upon the problems of the fate of the young noble intelligentsia, who could not find application for their forces.

Herzen called Pechorin "Onegin's younger brother", so what do these people have in common and how do they differ?

Onegin, before becoming a "young rake", received a traditional upbringing and an extensive, but rather superficial education. Because he ended up being able to speak "perfectly" French, dance the mazurka easily, and "bow casually," "the world thought he was smart and very nice." However, quickly fed up with fruitless fuss secular life, Onegin begins to be weary of it, but finds nothing in return. Realizing all the worthlessness of existence secular people, Onegin begins to despise them, withdraws into himself, indulges in the "Russian blues." Living only by himself, not taking into account the feelings and experiences of other people, Onegin commits whole line unworthy deeds. By the time he met him, Pushkin noted in Onegin "an inimitable strangeness", "a sharp chilled mind", "unwitting devotion to dreams", an internal gap and misunderstanding between him and the people around him. Despite deep contempt for the "light", Onegin remains dependent on public opinion, and as a result, kills his friend Lensky. Egoism leads the "ardent rake" to a heavy emotional drama and discord with oneself.

We do not know much about Pechorin's past, mainly from the pages of his own diary, from his conversations with other people. We learn that Pechorin’s “soul is corrupted by light”: “From childhood, everyone read signs of bad properties on my face that were not there; but they were supposed - and they were born. Now, those around him often do not understand either Pechorin's thoughts or his actions, and he (and often quite justifiably) considers himself head and shoulders above those around him. Unlike Onegin, Pechorin does not shy away from people, does not avoid contact with them, but, on the contrary, becomes an extremely subtle psychologist, able to understand not only other people's actions and thoughts, but also feelings. Unfortunately, communication with him most often brings people and even himself only suffering and dissatisfaction. Unlike Onegin, Pechorin is not yet tired of life, he interferes in everything, is interested in many things, but he is not able to truly love and be friends. And if only Tatyana suffers from Pushkin's love for Onegin (and after - from Onegin's love), then Pechorin brings misfortune to all the women he encounters: Bela, Vera, Princess Mary, even a friend of smugglers. material from the site

Onegin's problem is in his inability to make his life interesting, bright, to fill it with significant events. Pechorin is concerned about the question of purpose own life, its meaning. The consciousness of lost opportunities constantly haunts him, since his belief in his "high-value" does not find real, confirmation. Both one and the second value their freedom, liberty, but it turns out that they too often sacrifice to her what is really dear to them.

Differences in the fates and characters of the heroes are explained by differences in eras: the life of Russia on the eve of December uprising(Onegin) and a severe political reaction after the defeat of the Decembrists (Pechorin). Both Onegin and Pecho-rin belong to the type " extra people”, i.e., such people for whom there was neither place nor business in the society surrounding them. And yet, even despising the environment, Onegin and Pechorin were the children of this society, that is, the heroes of their time.

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On this page, material on the topics:

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Sadly, I look at our generation!
His future is either empty or dark,
Meanwhile, under the burden of knowledge and doubt,
It will grow old in inaction.

In the novels of A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" and M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" is shown dramatic destiny typical representatives noble intelligentsia of the first half of XIX century. The main characters of these works, Eugene Onegin and Grigory Pechorin, belong to the type of "superfluous people" in Russia, who, not finding the use of their abilities, became disillusioned with life and the society around them. The heroes of A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov share only ten years, but they belong to different eras in the history of Russia. Between them stands the famous date - the fourteenth of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five years, the uprising of the Decembrists.
Onegin lives in the twenties of the XIX century, in the heyday of social movement and freedom-loving ideas. Pechorin is a man of another era. The action of the novel "A Hero of Our Time" takes place in the thirties of the XIX century. This period was marked by a violent political reaction that followed the speech of the Decembrists on Senate Square. Onegin could still go to the Decembrists, thus gaining a purpose in life and giving meaning to his existence. Pechorin is already deprived of such an opportunity. His position is much more tragic than that of Pushkin's hero.
What is the similarity between Onegin and Pechorin?
Both of them are representatives of the metropolitan aristocracy, received a good upbringing and education, their intellectual level is higher than the average level of the society around them.
Both heroes are critical of life and people. They are dissatisfied with themselves, they understand that their life is monotonous and empty, that slander, envy, malice reign in the world. Therefore, Onegin and Pechorin begin to suffer from boredom and melancholy.
To satisfy his spiritual needs, to dispel boredom, Onegin tries to write, but "he was sick of hard work," reading books also does not take him long.
And Pechorin quickly gets tired of any business he starts, it becomes boring for him. Once in the Caucasus, he hopes that "boredom does not live under Chechen bullets." But he gets used to the whistle of bullets very quickly. Love Adventures also bored Lermontov's hero. This manifested itself in his attitude towards Bela and Mary. Having achieved their love, he loses interest in them.
characteristic feature Onegin and Pechorin is their selfishness. Heroes do not take into account the opinions and feelings of other people.
Onegin rejects Tatyana's love, not wanting to lose his freedom. A petty desire to annoy Lensky leads to the murder of a friend.
Pechorin, on the other hand, brings misfortune to almost everyone he meets: he kills Grushnitsky, destroys the lives of Bela, Mary, Vera, upsets Maxim Maksimych to the core. He seeks the love of women solely out of a desire to entertain himself, dispel boredom, and then cool off towards them. Pechorin is cruel even to the seriously ill Mary, saying that he never loved her, but only laughed at the poor girl.
Both Onegin and Pechorin are self-critical about themselves. Onegin, tormented by remorse, cannot remain where the crime has been committed. He is forced to leave the calm village life and roam the world. Pechorin admits that in his life he caused people a lot of grief, that he plays "the role of an ax in the hands of fate." At the same time, Pechorin is not going to change his behavior. His self-criticism brings no relief to him or anyone else. Such behavior makes Pechorin, as he described himself, "a moral cripple."
Onegin and Pechorin are observant, well versed in people. They are subtle psychologists. Onegin, at the first meeting, singled out Tatyana among other women, and out of everything local nobility met only with Vladimir Lensky. Pechorin also correctly judges the people he meets on his way. The characteristics given to them are accurate and marks. He perfectly knows the psychology of women, can easily predict their actions and uses this to win their love.
But both characters are capable of deep feelings. Onegin, realizing that he is in love with Tatyana, is ready for anything to at least see her. And Pechorin, having learned about Vera's departure, immediately rushes after her, but, not catching up, falls in the middle of the road and cries like a child.
Secular society has a negative attitude towards the heroes of A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov. Their behavior is incomprehensible to others, their point of view on life does not coincide with the generally accepted one, they are alone in the society around them, which feels the superiority of these "superfluous people".
Despite the similarity of characters and position in society, the heroes of A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov have many differences.
Onegin is not devoid of nobility. He is honest towards Tatyana, does not want to take advantage of her inexperience. Pechorin, on the other hand, appears before us as an immoral person, for whom people are just toys. Perfectly aware of the consequences of his actions, Pechorin does not even try to change his behavior, cruelly destroying the fate of other people.
The heroes also have a different attitude to the duel.
The day before, Onegin is fast asleep, not taking the upcoming duel seriously. And after the murder of Lensky, he is seized with horror, remorse begins to torment him.
Pechorin, on the other hand, takes the issue of the duel seriously, carefully choosing the place of the duel. Before the duel, the hero of Lermontov does not sleep and reflects on questions that any person sooner or later thinks about: “Why did I live? For what purpose was I born? Very soon, Pechorin will kill Grushnitsky in cold blood and, bowing politely, will leave the dueling area.
Onegin and Pechorin are deeply disappointed in life, tired of the emptiness of secular society, rejecting its ideals and values. At the same time, Onegin, suffering from his uselessness, is not able to resist the society that he condemns. Pechorin, unlike him, does not go with the flow, but is looking for his own path in life, his vocation and destiny. He thinks about the goal in life, feeling in his soul "immense forces." Unfortunately, all his energy only brings misfortune to the people he encounters. This is the tragedy of Pechorin's life.
Depicting the fate of their heroes, typical of their generation, Pushkin and Lermontov protest against a society that deprives people of a goal in life, forces them to waste their strength for nothing, and does not allow them to find application for their mind and abilities. This society gives rise to "superfluous people" who are not able to find love, friendship, or happiness. In exposing this society lies historical meaning novels "Eugene Onegin" and "A Hero of Our Time".

Let's try to compare the images of two literary characters: Onegin and Pechorin. It is much easier to compare the heroes of one work or, in extreme cases, a writer. But talking about the characters created by Pushkin and Lermontov is as difficult as it is interesting.
These brilliant artists created images of heroes characteristic of their time. Onegin is a young man of the first quarter, and Pechorin is of the forties of the XIX century. A small span of time separates our young people, but how different they are at the beginning of the novels and how strikingly the same at the end of the works. Onegin is a “young rake” who received a traditional upbringing and superficial education:

He's completely French
Could speak and write;
Easily danced the mazurka
And bowed at ease;
What do you want more?
The world decided
That he is smart and very nice,

this is how A. S. Pushkin tells about his hero. Pechorin himself speaks about himself in his diary. The diary is not written for prying eyes, usually the most secret secrets are trusted to him; everything is extremely sincere, without any pretense, Lermontov states through the lips of his hero: “From childhood, everyone read on my face signs of bad qualities that were not there; but they were supposed - and they were born. I was modest - I was accused of slyness; I became secretive... I became envious. I was ready to love the whole world - no one understood me: and I learned to hate. There is a certain picturesqueness in this monologue, but Pechorin is sincere. He tries to explain his character to others, to take a step towards people. Onegin is completely different. Accustomed to living in the world, knowing its laws, he understands that feelings are inappropriate here. This is a theater where everyone plays their part. Onegin knows the laws of this masquerade well. He mastered the “science of tender passion”, which is quite enough to shine, to be a welcome guest, but the vanity of life kills the hero’s soul:

And though he was an ardent rake,
But he fell out of love at last
And abuse, and a saber, and lead.

He wants to do something:

Onegin locked himself at home,
Yawning took up the pen,
Wanted to write but hard work
He was sick; nothing
It didn't come out of his pen...

and then:

He sat down with laudable goal
Assign someone else's mind to yourself;
He set up a shelf with a group of books.
I read and read, but to no avail ...

nothing happened with Eugene Onegin.
Pechorin, on the other hand, passionately wants to break out of the circle of life where he is forced to live. Because of the duel, he ends up in the Caucasus. Here is the “end of the earth”, passionate and violent characters. Pechorin himself was not yet tired of life. He actively interferes in everything, is interested in everything, plays with death (“Fatalist”). While in Taman, he wedged himself into the lives of peaceful smugglers, reluctantly destroying their established way of life. Then he will remember: “Taman is the nastiest little town of all the coastal cities of Russia. I almost died of hunger there, and besides, they wanted to drown me ... And why did fate throw me into a peaceful circle honest smugglers? Like a stone thrown into a smooth spring, I disturbed their calmness and, like a stone, I almost sank myself!”
But Onegin is absolutely impossible to imagine in such a situation. He is devoid of curiosity towards others. Arriving in the village, Onegin tries in every possible way to isolate himself from his neighbors, which greatly offends them:

At first everyone went to him;
But since from the back porch
usually served
Him Don stallion ...
Be offended by such an act,
All friendship ended with him...

Having accidentally become close to Lensky, Onegin does not try to make other acquaintances. He is too smart to listen to their conversations:

About haymaking, about wine,
About the kennel, about your family.

Pushkin, perfectly understanding Onegin's type, evaluates him as follows:

We honor all zeros,
And the units myself...
Eugene was more tolerable than many;
Although he knew people, of course
And in general he despised them ...
He listened to Lensky with a smile.

Pechorin treats friendship in almost the same way: “I’m not capable of friendship: of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although he doesn’t admit to himself; I cannot be a slave, and in this case commanding is tedious work, because at the same time it is necessary to deceive; and besides, I have lackeys and money!” Communicating with Werner, Pechorin speaks to himself rather than to the doctor. They are close to their skepticism and rejection of others. “We soon understood each other and became friends.” Onegin "despises" people, but is forced to reckon with their opinion. Because of this stupid contradiction, he kills the only friend with whom he shared his village leisure. Maybe because of this, Onegin lost the opportunity to be happy:

Another thing tore us apart...
The unfortunate victim of the Lensky fall ...
I thought: liberty and peace
replacement for happiness. My God!
How wrong I was, how punished.

Pechorin is also afraid to bind himself with any bonds, obligations. He wants to receive without giving anything in return, and this does not happen. Pechorin torments Vera, he himself suffers when he loses this woman, realizing that he loved her only one, and cries like a child.
Onegin and Pechorin are close to each other, as the elder and younger brothers. Both of them are disappointed in life. Eagerly awaiting its end. It is especially sad to realize this when you read Pechorin's phrase: “Why did I live? for what purpose was I born?.. But it is true, it existed, and it was true that I had a high purpose, because I feel immense strength in my soul ... But I did not guess this purpose ... My love did not bring happiness to anyone because I did not sacrifice anything for those whom I loved: I loved for myself, for my own pleasure.
Under this phrase, Onegin could well subscribe. So it turned out that completely different heroes living in different historical eras, came to the same result: one started, and the other continued the gallery of “extra people”.

Tasks and tests on the topic "Comparative characteristics of Onegin and Pechorin based on the novels "Eugene Onegin" and "A Hero of Our Time"

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In the literature of every nation there are works whose heroes, positive or negative, a person remembers all his life, and there are characters that are erased from human memory. If we talk about Russian literature, then the works of M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" and A. S. and "Eugene Onegin" are outstanding novels, the main characters of which Grigory Pechorin and Eugene Onegin remain in our memory until the end of their lives. These are rather controversial characters with bright characters, which everyone knows who is at least a little familiar with Russian literature.

The heroes of the novels of A. S. and M. Yu. Lermontov share less than ten years. Whether they real people, they could easily meet at a reception in one of the drawing rooms, at one of the balls, or in the box of one of the beauties at the premiere of some performance.

However, let's try to figure out what is more in Onegin and Pechorin - differences or similarities. After all, differences in characters, lifestyle and behavior sometimes separate people more than a whole century.

From the first chapter of the novel, Eugene Onegin appears before us in the form of an established secular young man, no worse and no better than his other contemporaries. Good home education, a solid inheritance, an easy and pleasant mind, secular gloss, the ability to gracefully express themselves and find with anyone mutual language. In addition to this, a thorough knowledge of fashion issues and the ability to organize bachelor dinners - that's all that Eugene Onegin lives for. A. S. describes in detail one day in the life of Onegin - getting up, breakfast, toilet, dinner, theater and sleep. And this description is quite enough, because Onegin's life passed calmly and evenly, and each new day was similar to the previous one.

"Until the morning his life is ready,

Monotonous and variegated

And tomorrow is the same as yesterday...

Such a regularity of his life, the repetition of the same thing, hidden behind external diversity and brightness, is a senseless waste of time, a void in which the hero of the novel does not realize himself. He tries everything vitality give to women, but where there is no love, passion very quickly turns into a habit.

Only a little revives Onegin's move to the village, he tries to change something there, to put progressive knowledge into practice, but nothing comes of it and he soon becomes discouraged. However, the sky character is still different from his peers, from the typical playboys with whom secular society was then filled. He has

"Dreams of involuntary devotion,

inimitable oddity

and a sharp, chilled mind."

Looking closely at Onegin, you can see that it is outstanding personality with the makings strong man With bright character, which is enclosed within the boundaries of the givens of that time and which does not have enough strength, but rather lacks the desire to escape from there. All his aspirations are impulsive, he does not understand that only "hard work" will allow him to build real life. Being led by easy decisions, he unwittingly becomes a seducer and a murderer. But at the same time, the decency and nobility that he shows to Tatiana are somewhat encouraging and make you believe that Onegin, although he leads an empty life, is not empty in his soul. And the poet gives him a chance for resurrection. Onegin wakes up all human thanks to true love who showed him what is true on earth and what remains a lie. We part with Onegin, seeing him not yet revived, but still not fallen and not lost. gives us the opportunity to think for ourselves whether Onegin will become a spiritually rich person and whether he will truly live, or will remain until the end of his days a soulless burner of life.

As for Grigory Pechorin, he is somewhat younger than Onegin. He is young and very fresh - this is how Lermontov presents him to us. He is very good and stands out in the surrounding society. But already from the first minutes of acquaintance with this character, we see his endless fatigue and lethargy, inherent only in old people who have lived a long and hard life. And if the author of the novel talks about Onegin, then we learn more about Pechorin from his diary. We do not know anything about his childhood and youthful years. But having matured, he became a man who soberly assesses his strengths and weaknesses, his strengths and weaknesses. Pechorin knows, but rather feels, that “after all, it’s true that I had a great appointment, because I feel immense strength in my soul.” However, he wasted his strength, his vital energy in vain, "carried away by the lure of empty and ungrateful passions." And if Onegin is looking for the meaning of life, then Pechorin is sure that it does not exist. The strength of his personality, his influence on others is so great that he can easily control situations and people, he can easily get whatever he wants. But having received what he wants, he instantly cools down, realizing that he needs something completely different. Such impulsiveness of Pechorin is very similar to the behavior and actions of Onegin.

Pechorin is not afraid of death, he is indifferent to life. And if Onegin, having become an unwitting killer, was dejected and shocked, then Pechorin is a surprisingly cold-blooded killer, for whom people are nothing more than shadows. You can very easily hurt his pride, but not his soul and heart, because Pechorin believes that his soul is dead. Two times, two heroes who are very similar to each other. But if they happened to meet, then, despite their similarities, they would rather become enemies than turn into friends. Each of them is looking for the meaning of life, but they are looking for it alone, neglecting other people and not seeing the world around them.

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