Drawing of a gnome from a fairy tale. How to draw a gnome with a pencil step by step? Dwarf waving his hand - visiting the little people

Hello dear readers! Today we will tell you about how to draw a gnome! Many people know these fabulous creatures, presenting their appearance in accordance with the appearance of the gnomes from the movie "The Lord of the Rings".

But today we will draw a gnome from Disney cartoons, he is clearly simpler.

Step 1

Let's start with a stickman - a man made of sticks and circles, with the help of which we will indicate the main proportions of the figure of our character, as well as his position on a sheet of paper.

Naturally, the deviation from the usual ones here will be very significant (for example, the height of an average person is equal to the sum of the lengths of 7.5-8 of his heads, here the height is about 2.3 heads). Stick to this ratio, do not make the body too long. Wavy lines designate short handles, as in our sample, and with a figure tapering down, outline the pelvis and legs.

Step 2

Now that you can see the approximate proportions, pose and position of our character, let's start drawing it. First, mark the head - draw a vertical line of facial symmetry (it is curved and strongly shifted to the left relative to the visual center), horizontal line eyes and a horizontal line of the mouth (the last two are slightly curved).

On the right (from us) upper part of the head, we outline the contours of the cap. Please note that it is wide right at the head, and as it approaches the tip, it narrows and slightly bends upwards. In the same step, we outline with light lines - it is almost parallel to the line of the head, more precisely, its lower part.

Step 3

Our head is marked and slightly outlined, which means that we should do the same with the arms, torso and legs. Of course, this step will not be particularly difficult, the main thing is to strictly adhere to the lines outlined in the first step. We outline the hands with cylindrical figures, draw thick, short fingers.

Note that on our left hand, the second finger from the little finger is noticeably tilted down. Now the body. Note that it is itself marked with a pair of short lines on the sides. From below, it passes into wide, dense hips and short legs.

Note that the outer contour of the body itself first expands slightly on the sides, then, going down, the hips of approximately the same width go down, and then the contour narrows sharply, forming short lower limbs. By the way, about the legs, more precisely, about the feet. Remember at school in physical education the teacher said “feet shoulder-width apart”? So, here they should be almost the width of the sides, no matter how funny it sounds.

Step 4

Let's take a face. Using the markings from the second step, draw oval eyes (looks like a flattened potato), eyebrows that look like commas and a smiling mouth. Note the position of the eyes - they are not equidistant from the vertical axis, the left one is in contact with it, and the right one is at some distance.

Step 5

Now let's try to carefully erase the extra guide lines from the previous steps, outline the facial features with clear, confident contours and draw details, such as folds on the cap or short lines of the cheeks. Let's not forget to also trim the beard with a slightly "jagged" outline.

Step 6

Let's repeat the actions of the previous step, only in relation to the hands, namely, we will erase unnecessary strokes from them and outline the contours. Let's draw the thumbs on both hands, draw the cuffs of the sleeves with a small border.

Step 7

It's about the body. Here it is important to convey that the belt pulls together the frock coat of our dwarf. To do this, outline the contours of the torso above the belt simply straight line on the side to our left, and below the belt, mark the clothing lines as wider, freer and diverging on two sides. Don't forget to draw the belt buckle itself.

Step 8

Let's draw the lower part of the body ( most of) and short legs (smaller part). Let's draw the folds on the shoes and panties.

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    Here are step-by-step explanations of how to draw a gnome, or rather, gnomes - 7 pieces at once. Choose anyone, draw and enjoy your creativity.

    Stage number 1:

    Stage number 2:

    Stage number 3:

    Stage number 4:

    Stage number 5:

    The video below provides an option on how to quickly and easily draw a cute and funny gnome. The video itself is here

    I will now try to explain how to draw it.

    So, we start the drawing with the designation of the head, torso and legs.

    Now you need to draw the face of the gnome. Eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, mustache, beard: don't forget anything.

    So we drew a gnome, now the drawing can be colored if desired. Although I think he looks really good.

    Before as draw a gnome step by step Let's find out who he is:

    According to the myths, our gnome will be a good-natured little old man in the obligatory cap.

    We draw a triangle, then a hemisphere. Draw facial features, beard, ears. Then we draw the body, arms, legs. Coloring.

    Such an evil gnome is drawn in just six steps:

    Stage one:

    Second phase:



    Stage five:

    Final stage:

    Try to draw and you will definitely succeed. Everyone has to start somewhere!

    There is another version of a very cute gnome, it’s not at all difficult to draw it, but you still have to try. Below are some of the steps in drawing a gnome. You can see all the steps (which make it easy to draw) on this site: http://vserisunki.ru/publ/geroi_skazok_i_multfilmov/kak_narisovat_gnoma_karandashy;shom_poetapno/5-1-0-12

    To draw a gnome, you can use your imagination to the fullest, you can use the whole variety of colors in the drawing and also add a couple of others to the company of the gnome fairytale heroes.

    Here are a couple of schemes that make quite cute gnomes, and in the last scheme, the drawing steps are written in verse, which will be even more interesting for the child:

    Gnomes - frequent guests fairy tales and children's cartoons. Little men with an integral attribute - a cap on their heads.

    Let's try to draw a gnome in stages with a pencil. To do this, follow the diagram below.

    First, draw a blank for the head and torso:

    Let's start painting the details:

    eyes, nose, mouth and cap:

    draw the body:

    So we drew the gnome in stages:

    Decorate and you will get such a cute gnome:

    You can also draw a gnome in stages according to the following scheme:

    Good luck in drawing!

    When drawing a gnome, you can imagine anyone. After all, who is this gnome? It's a man vertically challenged. So they call him a dwarf because he is small.

    I liked this warlike gnome.

    First you need to draw a skeleton like a person.

    now we give massiveness to our not big dwarf

    draw details in more detail


Before you draw a gnome, you should carefully consider the drawings with his image. In fact, the drawing process is not as complicated as it seems at first glance.

How to draw a gnome with a pencil?

It is best to start drawing with the image of the face. It should be noted that the main features in the image of gnomes are their large cheeks, ears, noses, eyes and

Master class drawing all seven gnomes

Since you can draw a gnome in stages not just one, but all at once, it will be described and shown here how to do it.

    First, a sketch of all the figures is made on paper, which consists of circles, suggesting the image of heads, bodies, limbs - with the help of dashes, palms or fists and shoes. Apply to faces auxiliary lines: one vertical, dividing the face in half, and two horizontal, the first of which divides the face in half, and the second - in half the lower half.

    On the upper horizontal auxiliary line are the eyes, on the second - the mouths. Between them, the artist must place fleshy large noses. The ears should also be fairly large and protruding. Some gnomes should outline beards. Here you should draw the legs and arms, giving them volume.

    The next stage includes drawing unique caps of gnomes, drawing some details of the clothes of fairy-tale heroes: belts, collars, buttons. Do not forget about the fingers of the characters and the folds on the shoes.

    The last step is to apply strokes to the clothes, which are important point, as they emphasize folds, depict patches on the elbows. Extra lines should be removed from the drawing with an eraser.

If desired, you can color the images of gnomes bright colors. They will look very organically on the wallpaper in the children's room as original stickers, they can serve as templates for applications on children's clothes or on rugs, capes, curtains.

Gnomes are fairy creatures who became heroes a large number legends and works famous authors as well as cartoons and films. Many novice artists do not know how to draw a gnome, but this task seems difficult only at first glance. In fact, the gnome, of course, looks like little man, therefore, knowing the basics of depicting people, you can draw a charming gnome.
Before you figure out how to draw a gnome in stages, you need to prepare:
1. Paper;
2. Pencil;
3. Black pen (gel);
4. A set of pencils of various shades;
5. Eraser.

Then you can start working on the image of the gnome:
one). Draw a circle for the gnome's head. And add a curved line to the circle, thus outlining its body;
2). Draw a cap on the gnome's head;
3). Draw the torso;
four). Draw the legs, focusing on the previously drawn line;
5). Draw the boots on the gnome's feet. Draw small round buttons on his trousers, and stripes on stockings;
6). Draw the hands of the gnome simple lines, and his brushes are squares. Right hand the gnome should be straight, and the left one should be bent at the elbow;
7). Draw the sleeves and fingers on the hands of the gnome;
eight). Draw a small watering can that the dwarf holds in his left hand. Then draw the bottom of his cap;
9). Now draw a big nose, small eye, cheek, mouth and beard, as well as hair escaping from under the cap;
ten). Mark with light lines the location of the chamomile that the gnome waters;
eleven). Draw a flower and grass. Now you know how to draw a gnome with a pencil, but you don't have to stop at this stage, and continue to work and colorize the image;
12). Circle the image with a pen;
13). Using the eraser, delete the preliminary sketch;
fourteen). Now the drawing of the gnome must be colored with colored pencils. For this face and hands of this fairy tale character shade with a flesh-colored pencil, and the blush on his cheeks is pink. Lightly paint over the gnome's hair and beard gray pencil;
fifteen). Paint the cap red and shade in places with red-brown, and the brush at its end with yellow;
16). Color the buttons and the buckle of the strap yellow, and the belt brown;
17). Color your shirt blue blue flowers;
eighteen). Dark red and brown, as well as blue pencils, color the lower part of the hero;
19). Color the watering can with yellow-brown pencils. Now you know how to draw a gnome with a pencil step by step and then color it, but in order for the work to look complete, you need to make a color and a camomile;
twenty). Color the chamomile;
21). Shade the grass with light green.
The drawing is ready! There is absolutely nothing complicated in how to draw a gnome! With a little patience and effort, you can draw a cute gnome. You can color it with felt-tip pens or any paints, and not just multi-colored pencils!

Today we will try to draw a gnome with a pencil in stages, even a child can do it, because thanks to the tips it is very simple, and most importantly, exciting.

Stage 1.
At the very beginning, it is worth drawing auxiliary lines and circles, which will later help in drawing body parts and other elements. In the event that you do not use such lines, you may encounter a small problem. Accurate lines will be unsuccessful and not even.

Stage 2.
After we have marked all the auxiliary leagues, we can start drawing the head of our gnome. For this we will use the upper auxiliary circle. Try to depict the contours of the face in such a way that they look like the example below.

Stage 3.
After that we can proceed to the lower part of the face. Here we have to try on the smile of the gnome and his nose.

Stage 4.
After that, you can take on his eyes and eyebrows. Look at the original drawing and then it will be easier for you to redraw beautifully these parts of the face.

Stage 5.
The next step in our work is the gnome's hat. This stage is also very important, since you need to draw it in such a way that it looks beautiful and impressive on the gnome.

Stage 6.
After we have dealt with the face and hat of the gnome, we can proceed to his body. To do this, we will use the second auxiliary circle that we drew earlier. You can come up with dimensions on your own, make them smaller than on the contour, or you can draw the main lines directly along the auxiliary ones. It won't make much of a difference, so don't be afraid to try it.

Stage 7.
Now we need to decorate the gnome's T-shirt. It can be different elements. In our case, this is a heart, but you can come up with your own options. Well, to draw a heart, I think it will not be difficult.

Stage 8.
After we proceed to the beard of the gnome. It's hard to imagine a gnome without a beard, so this important element in our work.

Stage 9.
And now it's time to remove the auxiliary lines. You can do this with an eraser. But you can only erase the circles that we have already drawn. Other lines should not be touched, because we will need them for the arms and legs for the gnome.

Stage 10.
We proceed to the legs, on which we will have beautiful shoes.

Stage 11.
Our work is moving towards completion. At this stage, we need to finish drawing the gnome of the pen. It is worth noting that one should be bent, and the second straight. Do not forget to finish the sleeves on the T-shirt.
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