The last interview of Oleg Yakovlev: the singer spoke about depression, video. Oleg Yakovlev's last interview

AT last time we saw each other at the end of November 2016 - the singer invited me to a birthday celebration and a video presentation. I greeted Yakovlev in Mongolian: "Sayn bina uu."


“This is the language of my childhood,” Oleg was delighted. “My parents met in Mongolia, where my father served in the army, and my mother was on a business trip, she taught children the Russian language and literature. I was born there. My mother is a Buddhist, my father is a Muslim, and I am Orthodox. Here we have such an exotic family of Buryats and Uzbeks. I remember with warmth about the time when I lived with my parents in Mongolia, although life was not easy for us, even fruits were a wonder. I remember, and as a teacher - In Ulaanbaatar, I went to first grade - she tried to retrain me, a left-hander, to write with my right hand.

Oleg, have you already been to your homeland as a star?

After many years, together with the guys from "Ivanushki", I again came to Ulaanbaatar. I was greeted there as a hero - they built Red Square, put huge pools, and small Mongolian girls danced to "Doll Masha". I looked at it and thought, "Is this really happening to me?" After all, once, having just arrived in Moscow, he worked as a janitor.

I didn't know about this fact of your biography...

The fact is that I was a student and I needed somewhere to live. And then the janitors were given a large room in a Stalinist house in the center of Moscow. Even Viktor Tsoi, as you know, worked as a fireman so that he could have his own corner. So I was in a similar position. And it seems that I had the best housing - 35 meters and a five-meter ceiling. I was able to buy my own apartment only in 2003. And at that time, in the morning, I chalked and washed the streets, then ran to a rehearsal at the theater under the direction of Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, in the afternoon he was again a janitor, and in the evening he played a performance. Along the way, he worked on the radio, recorded commercials, starred in leading role in Alla Pugacheva's video for the song "River Tram". But no one in the theater even knew about this "double" life of mine. Recently, Armen Borisovich told me that if I decide to return to the theater, he will always be glad to see me. In general, I owe him a lot, I call him my second father, because out of thousands of applicants he chose me for his course once.

Why did he not dare to go to Dzhigarkhanyan again?

The theater does not pull at all. After all, now I am doing what I am interested in - to be a vocalist, a performer of high-quality music - this is my path. Well, I’ll go to the actors, maybe, at the age of 70. In addition, work in the theater is a collective work, but for now I want to enjoy solo projects. I'll tell you honestly: while working at Ivanushki, of course, I dreamed of a solo career, so that I could stand alone on stage and be responsible for everything that happens. In the group, we shared success by three. In "Ivanushki" I sang all the main hits of the group, for which I am very grateful to Igor Matvienko. He taught me many professional things and saw that I have a talent - at the level of a genius.

So why did he leave if he was considered a genius?

I realized that I sang everything, and it's time to leave, move on. He began to look for his composer and sound engineer, select dancers, record solo songs. And I realized that you can’t sit on two chairs. Before, I was required to strictly follow the instructions of the production center - I need to sing there, record that. And I wanted to be responsible for everything myself.

How was your departure from Ivanushki perceived by your colleagues?

For the guys, it was expected, because for over two years I had been preparing them for this event and spoiled their nerves. I have not been in the group for a long time, but they continue to call me "Ivanushka". It's nice, because I've been associated with this team for 18 years of my life. In "Ivanushki" I replaced Igor Sorin. And the fans did not immediately accept me. Igor is such a peak, such a depth, and it is clear that it is impossible to replace him. Therefore, it was difficult, even dangerous, to work in the team for more than a year.

Well, then the fans "discovered" you and fell in love!

I see you everywhere with the girl Alexandra. What kind of relationship do you have?

We met in St. Petersburg, where Sasha studied at the university at the Faculty of Journalism. This was over ten years ago. Then fate brought us together in Moscow. And now we are together. Sasha has become my own person, helps me in producing, works as my director. It was she who advised me to change the style of clothing and hair color. I returned the hair to its natural color, and in memory of the fate in Ivanushki, I left the bangs clarified. She herself starred in two of my videos. By the way, Sasha was the reason for my departure to solo swimming. She convinced me of the talent and energy needed for this bold step. She just saw how exhausted I was returning after touring with the group and said how important it was to decide for yourself where and when to go. Previously, I was not confident in myself, I thought that I could only be in a trio, that I was the smallest of the "Ivanushki". And now I am Oleg Yakovlev. And this is one of the most great achievements in my life.

Yesterday, sad news spread around the news media - Oleg Yakovlev died without regaining consciousness in the intensive care unit of one of the Moscow clinics. Doctors fought for the life of the ex-Ivanushka for a day, but their efforts were in vain.

Fans, colleagues and friends of the singer cannot comprehend what happened. Yakovlev was only 47 years old and he made grandiose creative plans.

Because of what Oleg Yakovlev died: main versions

As we have already reported, no one has yet revealed the exact cause of the death of the artist. On the this moment the main two versions are complications of bilateral pneumonia and cirrhosis of the liver.

Last night, several online publications reported that Oleg Yakovlev's neighbor in the resuscitation ward was Garik Sukachev. The source said that both artists ended up in the clinic with a diagnosis of alcohol intoxication. However, the 57-year-old rocker came to his senses and was transferred to the psychosomatic department, and Oleg Yakovlev's body could not cope with severe poisoning.

Three weeks before his death, Oleg Yakovlev spoke about depression

Perhaps alcohol for the singer was a kind of salvation from depression. Shortly before the tragic events, Oleg Yakovlev spoke in Tver. It was one of his recent concerts. Local journalists managed to interview the artist.

The singer frankly admitted that in his life there are different situations However, he is used to keeping all the negativity in himself. At such moments, Oleg Yakovlev tried to be alone with himself:

When such situations happen, and they, I confess, do happen. I can not say that everything in my world is cloudless. I kick everyone out of the house, I want to be alone, just sit and sleep-sleep-sleep. Wait for a sunny morning, open the curtain and just look at the river, at the boats. And then force yourself to put on sneakers and go for a walk in ancient Moscow. Lonely. People annoy me when I'm having a hard time. I'm not used to crying into a vest and saying how bad I feel. I always get out of the situation myself and never ask anyone for anything. On the contrary, I myself ask for someone.

Last interview Oleg Yakovlev can be seen on the official channel of Tver television:

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In Moscow on the morning of June 29, the singer Oleg Yakovlev died. Doctors could not cope with the consequences of bilateral pneumonia. Yakovlev gave his last television interview to the Mir channel a month before his death, on May 27. In a conversation with Angelica Raj, the singer spoke about his trials, thoughts about marriage and love, as well as solo work after leaving the group " Ivanushki International».

Oleg left Music band producer Igor Matvienko in 2013 and became a successful solo artist. This decision was supported by his girlfriend Alexandra Kutsevol.

Alexandra: Oleg changed both creatively and internally, began to grow. Wings finally appeared behind his back, he began to feel like a separate self-sufficient artist, and not one of the trinity.

Alexandra took on organizational issues and PR, but the couple was in no hurry to sign. In his interview, Oleg Yakovlev shared what he does not tolerate in girls and whether he misses the group.

- Oleg, you have been in solo swimming for more than four years ...

Oleg Yakovlev: I don't like this word - solo swimming. This is called the solo career of an artist, conscious, responsible and interesting, somewhat frightening, but delightful. I left the guys for four years, which I am very happy about, because the remaining years creative life I can realize myself as a solo artist.

- Leaving the group in 2013, you said the following words: "I am aware that there are a lot of artists who sing better than me, but I will say without false modesty - no one else in the world will sing like me."

Oleg Yakovlev: When I sang the title parts in "Ivanushki", they all became hits: "Run", and "Roar", and "Golden Clouds", and "Bullfinches", and "Poplar Fluff" ... Not every artist can do this . I will say without false modesty that I have this gift - to sing hits, and exactly the way the composer wants

- What is the peculiarity and uniqueness of your voice?

Oleg Yakovlev: In life, I speak very low, and I sing very high, but when I listen to myself from the outside, I still recognize myself. I have a very recognizable timbre, such as only Oleg Yakovlev has.

- Nobody sings like that anymore.

Oleg Yakovlev: Nobody, when you hear me on the radio, you immediately understand - oh, this is Oleg Yakovlev.

- During solo career you presented six video clips…

Oleg Yakovlev: Alexandra Kutsevol, who works with me and walks at home in a dressing gown and slippers, and does not cook at all, because she does not know how, is engaged in my promotion, and very seriously.

- She supported you at a very difficult moment when you reached the ceiling in the group and you had to make a decision.

Oleg Yakovlev: I think that Sasha ruined the group, such a Yoko Ono syndrome. She began to say - you are the best, maybe that's the way it is. It really gave me a lot of strength and confidence in myself. Even before 2013, I tortured Matvienko for three or four years, showed the songs that I compose. Sasha confirmed me in the idea that I can be a solo artist. I am grateful to her for the fact that I have a few years ahead, I want to release a solo disc, I want to release a couple of three or four hits, I want to do a very beautiful videos. You understand that in a group I would never do that. I was one of the three there, and now I'm a solo unit.

- It turns out that Alexandra was the only one who knew that you could and everything would work out?

Oleg Yakovlev: No, of course, and I knew it myself, and Matvey (Igor Matvienko - ed.) believed in me. Many thanks to him for allowing me to sing the Ivanushki repertoire, I do not abuse it. I don't touch Sorin's songs, I only sing what I sang. Igor treats me with great kindness and care, until now my employment history lies in the Matvienko production center, I am still the soloist of the Ivanushki International group, I have an experience. So you don't have to worry about my pension.

- In 2013, journalists reported that you were marrying your fan Alexandra Kutsevol, they say, she did everything possible to win the heart of her idol. She even moved from her native Nefteyugansk closer to him.

Oleg Yakovlev: The word "fan" is completely inappropriate here.

Where did such a legend come from?

Oleg Yakovlev: Yes, because it is the press. The press prints only what is interesting, bright and provocative. Sasha is just Sasha, who was familiar with my work, who studied in St. Petersburg, we met her there. At the time of our meeting, she had lived in Moscow for a long time and worked for Muz-TV, so all this is a lie, and she did not move anywhere. Well, maybe a little conjured ( smiling- ed.), but love is magic.

- So you crossed paths at work?

Oleg Yakovlev: We crossed paths at work, she was filming a film for the 15th anniversary of the Ivanushki International group as a director.

Alexandra: I am a TV journalist by education, television is my everything. From the age of 15 I received my first fees, made my own programs, then worked on music TV channels, studied at the university for television and radio journalism. I always knew what I wanted to say, it was interesting to me. Oleg had his own way, also creative, and we coincided.

- What happened turning point in your relationship?

Oleg Yakovlev: When she came to my house in the evening, beautiful, with megamakeup and long legs. All.

- For the filming of his first video "Dance with eyes closed» you did not consider professional models, did you invite Alexandra?

Oleg Yakovlev: Of course, back then we had something like honeymoon we went to the Maldives. The camera was good, there were beautiful views. Just then they sent me a "master" - this is a finished song in professional slang. I thought - why not make a video, Beautiful places such a wonderful location. Sasha somehow magically found a red dress… Maybe it was all thought out: “Oh, I happen to have a red dress, and the camera is good, let's shoot a clip…” So we shot a clip, and it's pretty good.

- The most interesting thing is that you did not reach the registry office. I wanted to quote you: “Yesterday she was so sweet, beautiful, they put a stamp, in the morning she woke up an ugly vixen in slippers.”

Oleg Yakovlev: Yes.

- You really think so?

Oleg Yakovlev: Of course.

- It's more like an excuse.

Oleg Yakovlev: In fact, after the wedding, something changes, some kind of breakdown occurs, once - they put a stamp, that's it, and now you're mine, and now listen to me. I saw it so many times when relations changed the very next day - yes, she is already in slippers, yes, she is already in command ...

- Are you afraid of this?

Oleg Yakovlev: I don't want it, I don't accept it. A girl should always be a queen, she should be flawless, girls do not chew with full cheeks, girls should always be as fresh as a lily in the morning, they should always be in flawless beautiful makeup ...

-You are a perfectionist!

Oleg Yakovlev: Women should never wear worn-out slippers, should never shake their fists at you. Ideally, in the morning there should be a goddess in heels, at night - a priestess. There should be no towels on your head. You may not cook. But it must always be beautiful. I have a friend who does not go out to her husband until she puts on long eyelashes, because he has never seen her in a bad way. She prepares for two hours to say " Good morning» to your spouse. I think it's delicate. Sasha is such a goddess.

Alexandra: We never had such plans (officially get married - ed.), we absolutely modern people, without templates, I am such a person in life, and Oleg, we coincided on this wave. I do not think that a person should marry or have children, no one owes anything to anyone.

- I know that Sasha at the beginning of your solo career took on many organizational issues, including PR. And even directing.

Oleg Yakovlev: What kind of direction, there was no smell of directing.

-Did you direct the New Year's clip together, she and you?

Oleg Yakovlev: I, I invent everything. Well, he pointed it out as a director - let it be nice.

- Glory and people's love covered you when you ended up in Ivanushki ...

Oleg Yakovlev: I don't know how, but literally the next day I became recognizable. Maybe my face is unique. Igor (Sorin) was leaving at that time, he had been leaving since March, we met in May

- I want to quote you: "For a whole month, Igor handed over cases to me, then he left." He left the group in March 1998, and at the end of 1997 you starred in the video for "Dolls". That is, you collaborated longer, not a month?

Oleg Yakovlev: At first, I was not considered as a permanent soloist. The guys tried with all their might to keep him, persuaded him, because everyone understood that he was making a rash step. I recorded the song, then forgot about it for a few months. Suddenly, Igor Matvienko called and asked - can you fly to Sochi tomorrow? Because, apparently, Sorin completely bucked, they say, that's it, I'm not going anywhere. I went, it was very scary, very scary, then they immediately invited me to a photo shoot, and then Igor purposefully left for six months.

- How did he hand things over to you?

Oleg Yakovlev: No way, he just said - you know, here the guys are resting (on the song "Raspberry"), and you sing. After that, Kirill comes out to some song, and you give him a place in the center, because otherwise he will push you. Some little things, very nice, on the level - who does what, when what breaks.

- Initially, it was hard, Sorin's fans chanted at concerts - "Igor, Igor!", But the passions subsided when you recorded "Poplar Fluff" and "Bullfinches". So, these compositions helped to open up to the fullest?

Oleg Yakovlev: There was some time, a month and a half, when I was trying to survive, or something, it was felt both in plasticity and in voice that I was a lot like Igor. Then there was a moment when my whole body was rebuilt, plastic. Thanks to Matvienko for composing “Poplar Fluff” for me, and people realized that I am different in timbre, I am different visually, mentally, I have completely different interests. When there was a full awareness of oneself, then people immediately felt. FROM " poplar fluff"I found myself precisely vocally, the timbre of "Masha's Dolls" left, and from that moment everything immediately became completely different. The girls realized that I did not imitate Sorin, I became Oleg Yakovlev.

Alexandra: It was possible to sing in a group until old age, not develop, die creatively and personally. I'm not talking about the guys now, they have their own way, and they like it, maybe it's their choice. But Oleg has always been a separate unit, in this situation he demonstrates this.

- Oleg, do you remember the legacy of "Ivanushki"?

Oleg Yakovlev: For fifteen, even more, years in a group, I sang about a hundred songs ...

- You, being in a group, starred in Pugacheva's video "River tram". I know that Alla Borisovna herself chose and invited you. How did she notice you?

Oleg Yakovlev: I think you can say thanks to Oleg Stepchenko (the director who shot the video is currently staging feature films, - ed.)

- Oleg, you refused the fee in this video, why?

Oleg Yakovlev A: I had no right. Yes, the envelope was plump. But I had no right to take money for the happiness that this work brought to me and my loved ones, this is blasphemous. Now, however, sometimes I think - where did this envelope go, in whose hands ...

- I know that you late baby. Your mom was 40, your dad was 18 when the affair happened, and you never saw your dad. One TV channel offered to organize a search, but you refused. Didn't want to impose?

Oleg Yakovlev A: That's not the point, I just don't need it. I don't feel abandoned. I understand that it was beautiful, bright and passionate romance. Mom liked the young man who left the army on leave, he also wanted to spend some time with her. They met only a few times. Mom then said that she did not need anything from him. Me too. I don't even care what he looks like. I don't understand why I should look for him, shed some vulgar tears on television.

- Thank you for interesting conversation! Hope to see you at the concert.

The news of the death of the ex-soloist of "Ivanushki" Oleg Yakovlev was a real shock both for his fans and for the artist's relatives. When it became known that the singer was in intensive care, no one assumed that he would not be able to get out, because Yakovlev was only 47 years old.
Unfortunately, the doctors could not do anything, and Oleg Yakovlev died without regaining consciousness.

Causes of death of Oleg Yakovlev: versions and latest news

Even a day after the departure of the artist, it is not completely clear what caused his death. According to one version, voiced by the singer's girlfriend Alexandra Kutsevol, with whom he had been together for five years, Oleg Yakovlev ended up in intensive care due to complications caused by bilateral pneumonia.

Some publications reported that the artist was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver.

Another version is the strongest alcohol intoxication of the body. This was reported by some media last night. According to journalists, Oleg Yakovlev ended up in the hospital in the next bed with Garik Sukachev. Both artists ended up in intensive care with intoxication, but Sukachev's body coped with the poisoning, and Oleg Yakovlev could not be saved.

Oleg Yakovlev gave his last interview during a concert in Tver

On June 10, Oleg Yakovlev performed in Tver. It was one of the artist's last concerts. Journalists from one of the local TV channels managed to talk to Yakovlev. Then no one suspected that this interview would be the last.

During a conversation with reporters, Oleg Yakovlev admitted that he has difficult moments. The artist is not used to complaining and "crying into a vest." When Yakovlev felt bad, he avoided any communication, trying to be alone with himself:

When such situations happen, and they, I confess, do happen. I can not say that everything in my world is cloudless. I kick everyone out of the house, I want to be alone, just sit and sleep-sleep-sleep. Wait for a sunny morning, open the curtain and just look at the river, at the boats. And then force yourself to put on sneakers and go for a walk in ancient Moscow. Lonely. People annoy me when I'm having a hard time. I'm not used to crying into a vest and saying how bad I feel. I always get out of the situation myself and never ask anyone for anything. On the contrary, I myself ask for someone.

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