Feather drawing for children with a pencil. How to draw a bird feather quickly and beautifully

We are surrounded by many birds. All of them have a feather cover. Each pen has its own structure. The feather always has a thick trunk, on it there are thin branches - grooves of the 1st order, which are fastened together with hooks and form the actual fan - the dense part of the feather. On the feather below, there may also be grooves of the 1st order, not fastened with hooks and forming its downy part. Let us teach you how to draw a bird feather step by step with a pencil.

Stage 1. Draw auxiliary lines pen. First of all, this is the main thick line - the stem of the pen. It is slightly curved in an arc, as if concave. In its upper part we draw an elongated oval - the future fan of the pen.

Stage 2. Now, in the oval itself, we begin to draw first-order grooves. These are thin little lines that actually make up the fan of the pen. There are a lot of them and they are connected to each other with microscopic hooks, forming a plate of a feather fan. In some places at the ends of the fan, they can temporarily disperse and then gaps form between them. We draw thin lines all over the fan, we show its edges as uneven.

Stage 3. Now we draw thin curls at the bottom of the dense part of the fan, not connected to each other. This is the down part of the feather. These lines - grooves of the first order do not have hooks for adhesion and therefore they diverge into different sides, forming a thick fluff. It is the down that keeps the heat near the body of the bird.

Stage 4. Here we will draw down grooves on the other side. They are bent in different directions, rather thin and of different lengths. They are adjacent in their upper part to the dense part of the pen.

Stage 5. Now we will fatten the pen barrel, make it thicker, then once again we will well outline the main lines of our drawing, and remove the unnecessary helper lines with an eraser. It turned out to be a pretty nice pen.

Step 6. Let's make our pen black and white. Down furrows can be darkened, and the dense part of the feather can be left light (white).

Stage 7. And on last step on the dense part of the pen we will make hatching. We will draw numerous thin lines over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fan, and also cross them with transverse lines. So we formed a believable appearance of a feather plate.

The bird feather has many metaphorical meanings. He was associated with lightness and grace, poetry and literature (before, it was the pen that was used as a writing instrument), freedom and flight. It can be found in paintings, fairy tales and stories. And if you love birds, then you probably admired their colorful plumage. So learning how to draw a bird feather will be very interesting.

Feather - a symbol of writers of past centuries

As already mentioned, the pen is a symbol literary art, because it was with goose feathers that poets and writers of past years wrote their masterpieces. Moreover, it is simple - even a child can figure out how to draw a bird feather, including grade 1. However, even if your baby is a preschooler, you can try - in any case, it will only benefit.

First, let's draw the central "axis" - the rod.

Then add general form feather part. It will form a soft oval.

After that, carefully draw the contours with a black felt-tip pen or marker.

That's all - we coped with the task.

Fluffy bird feather - learn about the world around us

It is very important for a child to expand his horizons, to learn a lot of interesting and useful things. And a great solution in this case is to learn how to draw bird feathers. The world- incredibly large, and animal world- a huge and very important part of it.

First of all, let's outline the rod. It will taper from base to top.

Then draw plumage on one side. It will not go to the end of the rod - it is necessary to leave the center.

We'll do the same on the other side.

Then we will add some small touches.

Bird feathers - drawing for the little ones

If you and your children are studying birds, then as part of this educational program you can learn how to draw a bird feather for a child.

Let's start with a narrow curved "stick" - a rod. The bend should be soft, smooth, without sharp corners.

Then we will depict feathers on one side. This zone will noticeably narrow towards the top.

Let's do it again for the second half. It is not necessary that both sides are symmetrical - on the contrary, the differences will look natural.

To make the drawing look more natural, let's make the rod gray.

All - you and your baby did a great job. Don't forget to praise your little artist.

Tool for the writer - draw step by step

The pen was often used as a working tool creative people. And since they worked very, very hard, this instrument became disheveled, “tired” over time. This is exactly what we will depict when we learn how to draw a bird feather in stages.

First of all, let's draw a thin curved rod.

Then add plumage. It will consist of many "beams" with pointed ends. Due to this, the pen will look quite disheveled. It is immediately clear that he wrote many masterpieces.

Then we slightly thicken the lower part of the rod - this is the so-called chin.

Now let's draw thin strokes in the middle.

And we will carefully direct all the main contours.

Now the picture is ready.

I received many requests to show and tell how I draw feathers for my wings, and thus this tutorial was born. I hope you find it useful and easy to use.

The pen shown was created in Photoshop CS5.

It can be created both with a mouse and on a tablet, although with a mouse the process will be longer and more laborious.

Note: This pen does not claim to be "realistic".

Please, if you have succeeded, show your work.

1. Create two new Photoshop layers.

The nib needs to be large enough to be resized and made either short or long, so choose a canvas height of at least 15 inches or more.

2. Fill the bottom layer with black. Edit - Fill - ... (Edit - Fill - ...)

3. Using the base round hard brush, which is in all versions of Photoshop, and roughly draw basic form pen in any color you want. The shape doesn't have to be perfect.

4. Using the Burn tool, draw diagonal lines downward from the center of the pen.

On a new layer, I drew a straight line through the center of the pen to help guide me. Where should the diagonals start?

5. Using the Burn tool different size and intensity, continue to draw diagonal lines until you get the desired result.

It is very important to vary the dark and light lines.

6. Using the Smudge tool, about 12 or 15 pixels in size, go around the edges of the feather as shown to give it a fluffy look.

Try to stick to the same angle that you took in the previous paragraph when working with the Burn tool.

7. Also fluff the top of the feather so that it does not stand out from the overall picture.

8. Using the Dodge tool with a high value of about 80 or higher, draw a vertical line down the center of the pen - this will be the rod.

The line does not need to be drawn along the entire length from top to tip.

It would also be nice to reduce the size of the tool when the line reaches the bottom of the pen.

Click on the image to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

9. Using the Burn tool, half the size you chose for the Dodge tool, draw another vertical line along the previous one, stepping over its edges a little.

10. Having again reduced the size of the brush by half, we draw one more vertical line on the other side of the rod.

11. Using the filter Liquify (Filter – Liquify), stretch the edges of the pen to make them uniform.

This lesson fell into the easy category, which means that, in theory, even Small child. Naturally, parents can also help young children draw a pen. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the lesson "" - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you need

In order to draw a feather, we may need:

  • You need Photoshop software.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Any objects are best depicted by looking at them live. So drawing a pen will be much easier if you draw from life. Also, I advise you to study the subject of drawing well before you start drawing. This can get rid of many design errors. Look at Yandex.Pictures how it looks and imagine how it should work in order to bring maximum benefit.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Tip: do different things on different layers. The more layers you make, the easier it will be for you to manage the drawing. So the sketch can be done on the bottom layer, and the white version on the top, and when the sketch is not needed, you can simply turn off the visibility of this layer.

When completing the lesson, please note that due to differences in program versions, some menu items and tools may be called differently or not at all. This might make the tutorial a little difficult to follow, but I think you can do it.

Below is shown, step by step, how I draw a feather. I had to redo some of the steps several times, and the result does not look quite like the original. Well, I think you get the point. This is actually my first attempt at drawing a simple feather, so let's learn together.

Let's draw a skeleton to determine how the pen will lie.

Outline the shape of the pen with base color. Depending on the pen, the "hairs" will merge and stick out separately in different areas.

Using a fairly large brush with soft edges, outline the main light and .

Using a smaller brush, outline some of the individual "hairs" of the pen.

We continue to create the texture of the lane. Again, depending on the pen, the texture can vary greatly. Some feathers have very distinct “hairs”, while others (as in this case) look more like a single piece.

With a large brush, add some more shadows and highlights on top.

I sincerely hope you enjoyed the lesson on how to draw a feather. If you make an effort, I believe that you will achieve everything you wanted to. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is just as interesting and exciting. Oh, and buttons. social networks it's not just like that =)

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