Composition on the theme of the greatest victory is a victory over oneself. "Victory and Defeat"

An example of the final essay in the direction "Victory and defeat".

“Only the one who conquered himself wins in this life,” these words from Viktor Suvorov’s book “Aquarium” contain a deep meaning. Victories over the hordes of the enemy are not given as hard as overcoming one's own vices.

Demosthenes, the great orator of antiquity, suffered from tongue-tiedness from childhood. However, the cherished dream - to speak to the public, to lead the masses, forced him to tirelessly practice eloquence. The victory over himself was won - there are still legends about the speeches of the brilliant rhetor, and his name lives on for centuries.

The fate of Demosthenes is a good example for those who are convinced that it is useless to fight shortcomings. This is definitely an erroneous assumption. With a strong desire, each of us is capable of much, including victory over our weaknesses: laziness, insecurity, fears. Another thing is that such desires often remain only desires. But to realize a dream, you need to make efforts, and sometimes considerable ones. But there is no limit for self-improvement, and if you work hard, then the result will definitely be.

So Oblomov, the hero of the novel by I.A. Goncharov, could not defeat himself. Ilya Ilyich is accustomed to a half-asleep existence, he is lazy and passive. At some point, he wanted to correct himself, it was during his romantic relationship with Olga Ilyinskaya. Oblomov tried to defeat himself - and was defeated. Laziness turned out to be stronger - the hero could not completely leave his beloved sofa ... The reason, in my opinion, is that Oblomov did not know how to work at all: this was not accepted on his childhood estate, Oblomovka. What is the result? The life of Ilya Ilyich passed colorless and aimlessly, and the dreams that worried him in his youth remained dreams.

There are counter examples in the literature. Alexei Meresyev, the hero of B. Polevoi's The Tale of a Real Man, can be considered a true hero, a Man with a capital letter. Meresyev's plane, which made a sortie, was hit by the enemy. The miraculously surviving pilot got to his own, but the doctors were forced to amputate his gangrene-affected legs. Alexei did not lose heart, did not droop, did not become a burden for loved ones - he learned to walk again, and then returned to duty, continued to fight against the Nazis. The admirable feat of Meresyev is nothing but a victory over oneself - brilliant and grandiose.

F. M. Dostoevsky in the novel "Demons" wrote: "If you want to conquer the whole world, conquer yourself." It's hard to disagree with the classic. Overcoming your weaknesses and shortcomings is not easy. But the one who won it is able to conquer the world.

Publication date: 11/26/2016

The final essay on the topic "The most important victory is victory over oneself" direction "Victory and defeat"

Introduction (Intro):

Victory and defeat are very closely related. These are the two most important components of the life path of every person. Without one, the other cannot exist. To ultimately come to victory, you need to suffer many failures, which are so common in our lives. Arguing about these two concepts, the quote comes in handy: "The most important victory is a victory over oneself."

Comment: the topic is not disclosed, in the essay the author talks about victory over himself, but does not explain what, in his opinion, it means to defeat himself. According to the first criterion "Relevance to the theme is not passed".

To correct, it is necessary to write what it means to defeat yourself and why this is the most important victory. The answers to these questions will serve as the thesis.

Argument 1:
The theme of victory and defeat is interesting for writers of different eras, since the heroes of literary works very often try to defeat themselves, their fear, laziness and insecurity. For example, in Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, the main character Rodion Raskolnikov is a poor but proud student. He has been living in St. Petersburg for several years, since he came to study at the university. But soon, Raskolnikov dropped out of school because his mother stopped sending him money. After that, the protagonist first comes to the old pawnbroker in order to pawn valuable things from her. Then he has an idea to kill the old woman and take possession of her money. Considering your intentions Roskolnikov (RASkolnikov) decides to commit a crime, but he himself does not fully believe in the possibility of its implementation. By killing not only the old woman, but also her pregnant sister, he defeated himself and his indecision, as it seemed to him. But soon the thought of the crime he had committed began to burden and torment him, Rodion realized that he had done something terrible, and his “victory” turned into a defeat.

Comment: a lot of information written that is not related to the topic. Ultimately, the argument boils down to the fact that Raskolnikov's victory turned out to be a defeat. An excellent argument, but to this topic, it, unfortunately, does not fit.

Speech errors - this is all right, but train yourself to use past tense verbs in arguments, you mixed the present with the past, which will be regarded as a speech error. And you can do without them.

The proportions of the composition are violated, the argument needs to be reduced a little.

Argument 2:

The next striking example of thinking about victories and defeats (logical error - we talk about victory over ourselves), is the novel by Ivan Alekseevich Goncharov "Oblomov". The main character Ilya Ilyich is a Russian landowner, about thirty-two or three years old. (thirty-two - thirty-three or simply "thirty years old") from birth. Oblomov all the time lay on the couch and when I started reading, immediately fell asleep. But when get acquainted (get acquainted) with Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya, who awakens (awakened) in the semi-literate Oblomov, an interest in literature, the hero firmly decides to change and become worthy of his new acquaintance, with whom he managed to fall in love. But love, which carries the need for action, self-improvement, is doomed in the case of Oblomov. Olga demands too much from Oblomov, but Ilya Ilyich cannot withstand such a stressful life and gradually parted with her. Ilya Ilyich reasoned about the meaning of life, understood that it was impossible to live like that, but still did nothing. Oblomov failed to defeat himself. However, the defeat did not upset him so much. At the end of the novel, we see the hero in a quiet family circle, he is loved, taken care of, as once in childhood. This is the ideal of his life, that's what he wanted and achieved. Also, however, having won a "victory", because his life has become what he wants to see it.

1. M.Yu. Lermontov "Song about ... the merchant Kalashnikov"

The merchant Kalashnikov, standing up for the honor of his wife, goes to a fistfight with the guardsman Kiribeevich. He wins the battle, but dies at the hands of the executioner, because he refuses to tell the king about the reasons for his act. But Kalashnikov defended his wife's honor. And his death becomes a victory.

2. M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"

The protagonist flees from the monastery where he has been all his life, because he considers it a prison. Three days at large became for him the replacement of a lifetime. Meeting with people, fighting with a leopard, thunder and lightning, contemplation of the beauty of nature - this is life for him - demonic freedom. He dies, but, in his opinion, he wins.

3. A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"

Katerina enters into combat with the "dark kingdom" and dies, as she cannot withstand the onslaught of hypocrisy and falsehood. Her protest becomes the first signal for confrontation with this kingdom. Her death is a victory over general indifference and obscurantism.

4. I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday"

The main character of the story is a girl living an idle life filled with bright events. She is little understood by her young man, because he does not know how to listen. And the girl is looking for a way out of such a life. And her sudden departure to the monastery very clearly demonstrates the great inner work of the soul. By this act, she proves the victory of a pure, sublime, divine principle over the mundane, base, carnal. With her departure to the monastery, she saves her soul and conquers all base things.

5. E.I. Zamyatin "We"

The protagonist of the novel, having experienced love for the first time in his life, becomes a conspirator. But his primitive swarm consciousness is incapable of making the right choice, he calmly puts himself at the mercy of the guardians in order to avoid having to choose. Watching the torture of his recently beloved, he dryly, logically reflects on the irrational behavior of the girl. The United State here and now is victorious over D-503 and I-330, over the entire Mephi, but this victory is akin to defeat.



Ryzhova Yulia Viktorovna,

11th grade student


Dorohina Svetlana Vasilievna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Secondary School No. 30 named after M.K. Yangel"

the city of Bratsk

History has one indisputable


Who is devoted to his Motherland - the enemy

Will not be defeated.

S. Vurgun

Ordinary soldiers, sailors,

Through years of fighting and loss

Our peaceful dews are burning

All the gold of your awards.

V. Vinogradsky

May 9 ... Every year, when this bright day comes, the tragic and heroic war years are remembered with particular acuteness. Blood and pain, the bitterness of losses and defeats, the death of relatives and friends, heroic resistance and bitter captivity, selfless, to the point of exhaustion work in the rear - all this was carried by the war, taking away millions of human lives. The Russian people survived this war and defended their long-suffering land.

Victory in war is the victory of the national spirit, the victory of strong-willed people who are able to rise above circumstances and death itself. This is the victory of people who are guided by a feeling of love for the Motherland, which has fallen into serious trouble, a feeling of the most ardent patriotism.

The history of our country keeps the memory of many tragic events, the name of which is "war". More than once, the Russian people stood up to defend their homeland, and the strength of their spirit is passed on from generation to generation.

We learn about the events of the past years by reading authentic documents preserved in the archives, works of fiction, memoirs of the participants in these events.

The great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy glorified two Russian national epics with “his unsurpassed creations”: first, the Crimean War of 1854-1855 in Sevastopol Tales, and subsequently the victory over Napoleon in 1812 in the novel War and Peace, showing the greatest strength of the Russian spirit people.

In the story “Sevastopol in the month of December”, Tolstoy writes: “You will clearly understand, imagine those people whom you have just seen, those heroes who in those difficult times did not fall, but rose in spirit and prepared with pleasure for death, not out of town but for the homeland. This epic of Sevastopol, of which the Russian people were the hero, will leave great traces in Russia for a long time ... ". A wounded sailor, whose leg was torn off by a shell, "stopped the stretcher in order to look at the volley of our battery," the soldiers and sailors say: "Nothing, there are two hundred of us on the bastion, there will still be enough for us for two days."

In the novel by L.N. Tolstoy’s “War and Peace” we read: “With many years of military experience, he (Kutuzov) knew ... that it is not the orders of the commander-in-chief, not the place on which the troops stand, not the number of guns and killed people, but that elusive force that decides the fate of the battle, called the spirit of the army ... ". “A wonderful, incomparable people,” says Kutuzov about Russian soldiers and militia before the battle of Borodino. Before the battle, they put on clean white shirts to prepare for death. They were ready to die for their land, because the French "ravaged their house", and "they are going to ruin Moscow ...". “We fought for the Russian land ..., there was such a spirit in the troops that I had never seen ...”, - says the protagonist of the novel, Andrei Bolkonsky. And this spirit helped the Russian soldiers to defeat Napoleon's army.

The Russian people know how to defend and love their homeland, carrying through the years the heroic traditions of Russian weapons, fanning it with new immortal glory.

There are holy places near Moscow. Dubosekovo junction is one of them. There are six giant concrete figures of warriors, clutching concrete bundles of grenades and machine guns in their hands. They seem to grow out of the ground. And behind them is Moscow. One hundred and twenty-nine years after the battle of Borodino, the Nazi troops will approach Moscow. And again, Russian soldiers will fight to the death, defending their land. “Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat, behind Moscow,” these words of Lieutenant Klochkov still live in the memory of people, recalling the feat of the Panfilov heroes. They died, but the enemy was not missed.

In the same distant 1941, fascist radio stations broadcast: “Sevastopol has fallen! Crimea is taken! But it wasn't true. Sevastopol stood to death. He could not fall, because the spirit of the soldiers and sailors who heroically defended Sevastopol in 1854-1855 during the Crimean War lived in new generations of soldiers and sailors. A landing force of twenty-five Black Sea sailors was landed from a submarine into cold water in a small Black Sea bay. He had to take fire on himself in order to distract the Nazis from the main troops. The sailors completed the task assigned to them at the cost of their own lives.

1943 Stalingrad. Fighting continues in the city. Heavy water columns rise up from the bombs falling into the Volga. The defenders of the city "until the end, to the last human possibility" fight the enemies. Konstantin Simonov will say about Stalingrad: "This is a city-soldier, singed in battle ... the exploits of people are cruel, and their suffering is unheard of ... the struggle is not for life, but for death."

About the courage of the soldiers, about the great desire to liberate their land from enemies, their letters, written by them in rare moments of rest, tell. We read a letter from tanker A. Golikov, who fought near Moscow: “... Through the holes of the tank, I see the street, green trees, flowers in the garden are bright, bright. For you, the survivors, after the war, life will be as bright as these flowers, and happy ... It's not scary to die for it ... ".

G.K. Zhukov, Marshal of the Soviet Union, four times Hero of the Soviet Union, wrote: “The Soviet soldier knew how to boldly look into the eyes of mortal danger, while demonstrating military prowess and heroism. By his will, his inflexible spirit, his blood won victory over a strong enemy. There are no limits to the greatness of his feat in the name of the Motherland.

The strength of the spirit of the people was manifested not only on the battlefields. It was she and the belief that the enemy, trampling the Russian land, would be defeated, helped people survive in the besieged Leningrad, gave strength to hungry women and teenagers for days to stand at the machines, work in the fields.

The Great Patriotic War has already become history. We read about it, like about the other Patriotic War, in history books. And it is very important that behind the facts and figures we can see and hear those who created History, so that we, the next generations, can pass on their ability to love and appreciate their land, their fortitude, which in difficult times will help to survive.

The soldiers of their homeland sleep in mass graves, in hospital cemeteries and rural graveyards. Fewer and fewer living participants in the Great Patriotic War remain with us, and I want to bow low to them, both the living and the dead, in gratitude for the fact that the Russia-country they saved remained with us.

The essay is graded according to five criteria:
1. relevance to the topic;
2. argumentation, attraction of literary material;

3. composition;

4. speech quality;
5. literacy

The first two criteria are mandatory , and at least one of 3,4,5.

victory and defeat

The direction allows you to think about victory and defeat in different aspects: socio-historical, moral-philosophical, psychological.

Reasoning can be related aswith external conflict events in the life of a person, country, world, and withinternal struggle of a person with himself , its causes and results.
Literary works often show the concepts of "victory" and "defeat" in different
historical conditions and life situations.

Possible essay topics:

1. Can defeat become victory?

2. “The greatest victory is victory over oneself” (Cicero).

3. "Always victory with those in whom there is agreement" (Publius).

4. “Victory achieved by violence is tantamount to defeat, for it is short-term” (Mahatma Gandhi).

5. Victory is always welcome.

6. Each small victory over oneself gives great hope in one's own strength!

7. Tactics of the winner - to convince the enemy that he is doing everything right.

8. If you hate, then you have been defeated (Confucius).

9. If the loser smiles, the winner loses the taste of victory.

10. Only the one who conquered himself wins in this life. Who conquered his fear, his laziness and his insecurity.

11. All victories begin with a victory over yourself.

12. No victory will bring as much as one defeat can take away.

13. Is it necessary and possible to judge the winners?

14 Do defeat and victory taste the same?

15. Is it hard to admit defeat when you are so close to victory?

16. Do you agree with the statement "Victory ... defeat ... these lofty words are devoid of any meaning."

17. “Loss and victory taste the same. Defeat has the taste of tears. Victory has a taste of sweat"

Possibleabstracts on the topic: "Victory and Defeat"

    Victory. Every person has a desire to experience this intoxicating feeling. As kids, we felt like a winner when we got the first fives. Growing older, they felt joy and satisfaction from achieving the set goal, victory over their weaknesses - laziness, pessimism, maybe even indifference. Victory gives strength, makes a person more persistent, more active. Everything around seems so beautiful.

    Everyone can win. We need willpower, the desire for success, the desire to become a bright, interesting person.

    Of course, both the careerist, having received another promotion, and the egoist, who has achieved some benefits, brings pain to others, experience a kind of victory. And what a “victory” a person greedy for money experiences when he hears the ringing of coins and the rustle of banknotes! Well, everyone decides for himself what he aspires to, what goals he sets, therefore the “victories” can be quite different.

    A person lives among people, so the opinion of others is not indifferent to him, no matter how much some would like to hide it. A victory appreciated by people is many times more pleasant. Everyone wants their joy to be shared by those around them.

    Victory over oneself - this becomes a way of survival for some. People with disabilities every day make efforts on themselves, strive to achieve results at the cost of incredible efforts. They are an example for others. The performances of athletes at the Paralympic Games are striking in how great the will to win these people have, how strong they are in spirit, how optimistic, no matter what.

    What is the price of victory? Is it true that "the winners are not judged"? You can also think about this. If the victory was won by dishonest means, then the price is worthless. Victory and lies, rigidity, heartlessness - concepts that exclude each other. Only an honest game, a game according to the rules of morality, decency, only such a game brings true victory.

    Winning is not easy. Much needs to be done to achieve it. What if it's a defeat? What then? It is important to understand that in life there are many difficulties, obstacles on the way. To be able to overcome them, to strive for victory even after defeat - this is what distinguishes a strong personality. It’s scary not to fall, but not to get up later in order to move on with dignity. Fall and rise, make mistakes and learn from your mistakes, retreat and move on - this is the only way to strive to live on this earth. The main thing is to go forward towards your goal, and then victory will definitely become a reward.

    The victory of the people during the war years is a sign of the unity of the nation, the unity of people who have a common destiny, traditions, history, and a single homeland.

    How many great trials our people had to endure, with what enemies they had to fight. Millions of people died during the Great Patriotic War, giving their lives for the Victory. They waited for her, dreamed about her, brought her closer.

    What gave you the strength to endure? Of course, love. Love for the motherland, loved ones and loved ones.

    The first months of the war were a series of continuous defeats. How hard it was to realize that the enemy was moving further and further along his native land, approaching Moscow. Defeats did not make people helpless, confused. On the contrary, they rallied the people, helped to understand how important it is to gather all the forces to repulse the enemy.

    And how everyone together rejoiced at the first victories, the first salute, the first reports about the defeat of the enemy! The victory became the same for all, everyone contributed to it their share.

    Man is born to win! Even the very fact of his birth is already a victory. We must strive to be a winner, the right person for our country, people, relatives and loved ones.

Quotes and epigraphs

The greatest is victory over oneself. (Cicero)

Man is not created to suffer defeat... Man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated. (Ernest Hemingway)

The joy of life is known through victories, the truth of life - through defeats. A. Koval.

The consciousness of an honestly sustained struggle is almost higher than the triumph of victory. (Turgenev)

Win and lose in the same sleigh ride. (Russian epil.)

Victory over the weak is like defeat. (Arabic sentence)

Where there is consent. (Latin seq.)

Be proud only of the victories you have won over yourself. (Tungsten)

You should not start a battle or a war unless you are sure that you will gain more in victory than you will lose in defeat. (Octavian August)

None will bring as much as one defeat can take away. (Gaius Julius Caesar)

Victory over fear gives us strength. (V. Hugo)

To never know defeat means never to fight. (Morihei Ueshiba)

No winner believes in chance. (Nietzsche)

Achieved by violence is tantamount to defeat, because it is short-term. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Nothing but a lost battle can match even half the sorrow of a battle won. (Arthur Wellesley)

The lack of generosity of the victor reduces by half the value and benefits of victory. (Giuseppe Mazzini)

The first step to victory is objectivity. (Tetcorax)

The victorious sleep sweeter than the vanquished. (Plutarch)

World literature offers many arguments for victory and defeat :

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" (Pierre Bezukhov, Nikolai Rostov);

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment (Raskolnikov's act (the murder of Alena Ivanovna and Lizaveta) - victory or defeat?);

M. Bulgakov "Heart of a Dog" (Professor Preobrazhensky - won nature or lost to it?);

S. Aleksievich "War does not have a woman's face" (the price of victory in the Great Patriotic War is crippled lives, the fate of women)

I propose 10 arguments on the topic: "Victory and defeat"

    A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

    A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

    N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

    I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

    A.N. Tolstoy "Peter the Great"

    E. Zamyatin "We"

    A.A. Fadeev "Young Guard"

A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit"

The famous work of A.S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit” is relevant in our time. It has a lot of problems, bright, memorable characters.

The protagonist of the play is Alexander Andreevich Chatsky. The author shows his irreconcilable clash with the Famus society. Chatsky does not accept the morality of this high society, their ideals, principles. He openly expresses this.

I'm not stupid,
And more exemplary...

Where? show us, fathers of the fatherland,
Which should we take as samples?
Are not these rich in robbery?

Trouble recruiting teachers regiments,
More in number, cheaper price...

Houses are new, but prejudices are old...

The finale of the work, at first glance, is tragic for the hero: he leaves this society, not understood in it, rejected by his beloved, literally flees from Moscow:"Carriage to me, carriage ! So who is Chatsky: the winner or the loser? What is on his side: victory or defeat? Let's try to understand this.

The hero brought such a commotion to this society, in which everything is so scheduled by the day, by the hour, where everyone lives in the order established by their ancestors, a society in which opinion is so important "Princess Marya Alekseevna ". Isn't that a win? To prove that you are a person who has his own point of view on everything, that you do not agree with these laws, to express openly your views on education, service, and order in Moscow is a real victory. Moral. It is no coincidence that the hero was so frightened, calling him crazy. And who else can object so much in their circle, if not a madman?

Yes, it is hard for Chatsky to realize that he was not understood here. After all, Famusov's house is dear to him, his youthful years passed here, he fell in love here for the first time, he rushed here after a long separation. But he will never adapt. He has a different road - the road of honor, service to the Fatherland. He does not accept false feelings and emotions. And in this he is a winner.

A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin"

Eugene Onegin - the hero of the novel by A.S. Pushkin - a controversial personality who did not find himself in this society. It is no coincidence that in the literature such heroes are called "superfluous people."

One of the central scenes of the work is Onegin's duel with Vladimir Lensky, a young romantic poet who is passionately in love with Olga Larina. To challenge the enemy to a duel, to defend one's honor - this was accepted in a noble society. It seems that both Lensky and Onegin are trying to defend their truth. However, the result of the duel is terrible - the death of the young Lensky. He is only 18 years old, his life was ahead of him.

Will I fall, pierced by an arrow,
Or she will fly by,
All goodness: wakefulness and sleep
A certain hour comes;
Blessed is the day of worries,
Blessed is the arrival of darkness!

The death of a man whom you called a friend - is this a victory for Onegin? No, this is a manifestation of Onegin's weakness, selfishness, unwillingness to step over resentment. It is no coincidence that this fight changed the life of the hero. He began to travel the world. His soul could not find peace.

So a victory can be a defeat at the same time. What is important is the price of victory, and whether it is needed at all, if the result is the death of another.

M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

Pechorin, the hero of the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov, evokes conflicting feelings among readers. So, in his behavior with women, almost everyone agrees on the water - the hero shows his selfishness here, and sometimes just callousness. Pechorin seems to be playing with the fate of women who love him.(“I feel in myself this insatiable greed that consumes everything that comes my way; I look at the suffering and joys of others only in relation to myself, as food that supports my spiritual strength.”)Consider Bela. She was deprived of everything by the hero - her home, loved ones. She had nothing left but the love of a hero. Bela fell in love with Pechorin, sincerely, with all her heart. However, having achieved her by all possible means - both by deceit and dishonorable act - he soon began to cool off towards her.(“I was mistaken again: the love of a savage woman is little better than the love of a noble lady; the ignorance and simple-heartedness of one are just as annoying as the coquetry of another.”)The fact that Bela died is largely to blame for Pechorin. He did not give her that love, that happiness, attention and care that she deserves. Yes, he won, Bela became his. But is this a victory? No, this is a defeat, since the beloved woman did not become happy.

Pechorin himself is able to condemn himself for his actions. But he can’t and doesn’t want to change anything in himself: “Whether I'm a fool or a villain, I don't know; but it is true that I am also very pitiable, maybe more than she: in me the soul is corrupted by light, the imagination is restless, the heart is insatiable; everything is not enough for me…”, “I sometimes despise myself…”

N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls"

The work "Dead Souls" is still interesting and relevant. It is no coincidence that performances are staged on it, multi-part feature films are created. Philosophical, social, moral problems and themes are intertwined in the poem (this is the genre indicated by the author himself). The theme of victory and defeat also found its place in it.

The protagonist of the poem is Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. He clearly followed the instructions of his father:“Take care and save a penny ... You will change everything in the world with a penny.”Since childhood, he began to save it, this penny, carried out more than one dark operation. In the city of NN, he decided on a grandiose and almost fantastic enterprise - to redeem the dead peasants according to the “Revision tales”, and then sell them as if they were alive.

To do this, it is necessary to be invisible and at the same time interesting to everyone with whom he communicated. And Chichikov succeeded in this:“... knew how to flatter everyone”, “entered sideways”, “sat obliquely”, “answered with a tilt of his head”, “put a carnation in his nose”, “brought a snuffbox, at the bottom of which there are violets”.

At the same time, he tried not to stand out too much.(“not handsome, but not bad-looking, neither too fat nor too thin, one cannot say that he is old, but not so that he is too young”)

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov at the end of the work is a real winner. He managed to fraudulently amass a fortune and left with impunity. It seems that the hero clearly follows his goal, goes along the intended path. But what awaits this hero in the future, if he chose hoarding as the main goal of life? Is not the fate of Plyushkin prepared for him too, whose soul was completely at the mercy of money? Everything can be. But the fact that with each acquired "dead soul" he himself morally falls - this is undoubtedly. And this is defeat, because human feelings in him were suppressed by acquisitiveness, hypocrisy, lies, selfishness. And although N.V. Gogol emphasizes that people like Chichikov are “a terrible and vile force,” the future does not belong to them, yet they are not the masters of life. How relevant are the words of the writer addressed to the youth:“Take with you on the road, emerging from your soft youthful years into a severe, hardening courage, take with you all human movements, do not leave them on the road, you will not pick them up later!”

I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov"

Victory over yourself, over your weaknesses and shortcomings. It is worth a lot if a person reaches the end, to the goal that he set. This is not Ilya Oblomov, the hero of the novel by I.A. Goncharov. Sloth celebrates victory over his master. She sits so firmly in it that it seems that nothing can make the hero get up from his sofa, simply write a letter to his estate, find out how things are going there. And yet the hero tried to make an attempt to overcome himself, his unwillingness to do something in this life. Thanks to Olga, his love for her, he began to transform: he finally got up from the sofa, began to read, walked a lot, dreamed, talked with the heroine. However, he soon abandoned this venture. Outwardly, the hero himself justifies his behavior by the fact that he will not be able to give her what she deserves. But, most likely, these are just another excuse. Laziness clouded him again, returned him to his favorite sofa.("... There is no rest in love, and it is moving somewhere forward, forward...")It is no coincidence that “Oblomov” has become a household word denoting a lazy person who does not want to do anything, who does not strive for anything. (Stolz’s words: “It began with the inability to put on stockings and ended with the inability to live.")

Oblomov discussed the meaning of life, understood that it was impossible to live like this, but did nothing to change everything:“When you don’t know what you live for, you live somehow, day after day; you rejoice that the day has passed, that the night has passed, and in a dream you will plunge into the boring question of why you lived this day, why you will live tomorrow.

Oblomov failed to defeat himself. However, the defeat did not upset him so much. At the end of the novel, we see the hero in a quiet family circle, he is loved, taken care of, as once in childhood. This is the ideal of his life, that's what he achieved. Also, however, having won a "victory", because his life has become what he wants to see it. But why is there always some kind of sadness in his eyes? Maybe for unfulfilled hopes?

L.N. Tolstoy "Sevastopol stories"

"Sevastopol Stories" is a work of a young writer that brought fame to Leo Tolstoy. The officer, himself a participant in the Crimean War, the author realistically described the horrors of war, the grief of people, the pain, suffering of the wounded.(“The hero whom I love with all the strength of my soul, whom I tried to reproduce in all its beauty and who has always been, is and will be beautiful, is true.”)

In the center of the story is the defense, and then the surrender of Sevastopol to the Turks. The whole city, along with the soldiers, defended themselves, everyone - young and old - contributed to the defense. However, the forces were too unequal. The city had to be surrendered. Outwardly, it is a defeat. However, if you look into the faces of the defenders, the soldiers, how much hatred for the enemy, indomitable will to win, we can conclude that the city has been surrendered, but people have not come to terms with their defeat, they will still return their pride, victory is sure will be ahead.(«Almost every soldier, looking from the North side at the abandoned Sevastopol, sighed with inexpressible bitterness in his heart and threatened the enemies.")Defeat is not always the end of something. This may be the beginning of a new, future victory. It will prepare this victory, because people, having gained experience, taking into account mistakes, will do everything to win.

A.N. Tolstoy "Peter the Great"

The historical novel by A.N. Tolstoy "Peter the Great", dedicated to the distant era of Peter the Great, fascinates readers today. The pages are read with interest, in which the author shows how the young king matured, how he overcame obstacles, learned from his mistakes and achieved victories.

More space is occupied by the description of the Azov campaigns of Peter the Great in 1695-1696. The failure of the first campaign did not break the young Peter. (... Confusion is a good lesson ... We are not looking for glory ... And they will break it ten more times, then we will overcome).
He began to build a fleet, strengthen the army, and the result was the greatest victory over the Turks - the capture of the fortress of Azov. This was the first victory of the young king, an active, life-loving man, striving to do a lot.
(“Neither an animal, nor a single person, probably, wanted to live with such greed as Peter ... «)
This is an example of a ruler who achieves his goal, strengthens the power and international authority of the country. Defeat becomes for him an impetus for further development. In the end, victory!

E. Zamyatin "We"

The novel "We", written by E. Zamyatin, is a dystopia. By this, the author wanted to emphasize that the events depicted in it are not so fantastic, that something similar can happen under the emerging totalitarian regime, and most importantly, a person will completely lose his “I”, he will not even have a name - only a number.

These are the main characters of the work: he is D 503 and she is I-330

The hero has become a cog in a huge mechanism of the United State, in which everything is clearly regulated. He is completely subordinate to the laws of the state, where everyone is happy.

Another heroine of I-330, it was she who showed the hero the "unreasonable" world of wildlife, a world that is fenced off from the inhabitants of the state by the Green Wall.

There is a struggle between what is allowed and what is forbidden. How to proceed? The hero experiences feelings previously unknown to him. He goes for his beloved. However, in the end, the system defeated him, the hero, part of this system, says:“I am sure that we will win. Because the mind must win."The hero is calm again, he, having undergone an operation, having regained calm, calmly looks at how his woman is dying under a gas bell.

And the heroine I-330, although she died, remained undefeated. She did everything she could for a life in which everyone decides for himself what to do, whom to love, how to live.

Victory and defeat. They are often so close in a person's path. And what choice a person makes - to victory or defeat - depends on him too, regardless of the society in which he lives. To become a united people, but to keep one's "I" - this is one of the motives of the work of E. Zamyatin.

A.A. Fadeev "Young Guard"

Oleg Koshevoy, Ulyana Gromova, Lyubov Shevtsova, Sergei Tyulenin and many others are young people, almost teenagers who have just finished school. AT

during the Great Patriotic War, in Krasnodon, which was occupied by the Germans, they create their underground organization "Young Guard". A well-known novel by A. Fadeev is dedicated to the description of their feat.

Heroes are shown by the author with love and tenderness. The reader sees how they dream, love, make friends, enjoy life, no matter what (Despite everything that happened around and in the whole wide world, the young man and the girl declared their love ... they declared their love, as they explain only in youth, that is, they spoke decisively about everything except love.) Risking their lives, they put up leaflets, burn the commandant's office of the Germans, where lists of people who were supposed to be sent to Germany are stored. Youthful enthusiasm, courage are characteristic of them. (No matter how hard and terrible the war is, no matter how cruel losses and suffering it brings to people, youth with its health and joy of life, with its naive good selfishness, love and dreams of the future does not want and does not know how to see the danger behind the common danger and suffering. and suffering for herself until they swoop in and disturb her happy walk.)

However, the organization was betrayed by a traitor. All of its members died. But even in the face of death, none of them became a traitor, did not betray their comrades. Death is always a defeat, but fortitude is a victory. Heroes are alive in the hearts of people, a monument has been erected to them in their homeland, a museum has been created. The novel is dedicated to the feat of the Young Guard.

B.L.Vasiliev "The Dawns Here Are Quiet"

The Great Patriotic War is a glorious and at the same time tragic page in the history of Russia. How many millions of lives has she claimed! How many people became heroes defending their Motherland!

The war does not have a woman's face - this is the leitmotif of B. Vasiliev's story "And here they are quiet." A woman, whose natural destiny is to give life, to be the guardian of the family hearth, to personify tenderness, love, puts on soldier's boots, a uniform, takes up arms and goes to kill. What could be scarier?

Five girls - Zhenya Komelkova, Rita Osyanina, Galina Chetvertak, Sonya Gurvich, Liza Brichkina - died in the war with the Nazis. Everyone had their own dreams, everyone wanted love, and just life.(“... all nineteen years I lived in a sense of tomorrow.”)
But all this was taken away from them by the war
.("After all, it was so stupid, so absurd and implausible to die at nineteen.")
Heroines die differently. So, Zhenya Komelkova accomplishes a true feat, leading the Germans away from her comrades, and Galya Chetvertak, simply frightened by the Germans, screams in horror and runs from them. But we understand each of them. War is a terrible thing, and the fact that they went to the front voluntarily, knowing that death could await them, is already a feat of these young, fragile, tender girls.

Yes, the girls died, the lives of five people were cut short - this, of course, is a defeat. It is no coincidence that Vaskov, this battle-hardened man, is crying, it is no coincidence that his terrible, hatred-filled face terrifies the Nazis. He, alone, took several people prisoner! But it is still a victory, a victory for the moral spirit of the Soviet people, their unshakable faith, their steadfastness and heroism. And the son of Rita Osyanina, who became an officer, is a continuation of life. And if life continues, this is already a victory - a victory over death!

Essay examples:

1 There is nothing more courageous than victory over yourself.

What is victory? Why is the most important thing in life to win over yourself? It is on these questions that the saying of Erasmus of Rotterdam makes one think: “There is nothing more courageous than victory over oneself.”I believe that victory is always success in the fight against something for something. To conquer oneself means to overcome oneself, one's fears and doubts, to overcome laziness and insecurity that prevent one from achieving any goal. The internal struggle is always more difficult, because a person must admit to himself his mistakes, as well as the fact that only he himself is the cause of failure. And this is not easy for a person, because it is easier to blame someone else than yourself. People often lose in this war because they lack willpower and courage. That is why the victory over oneself is considered the most courageous.Many writers discussed the importance of victory in the fight against their vices and fears. For example, in his novel Oblomov, Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov shows us a hero who is unable to overcome his laziness, which caused his meaningless life. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov leads a sleepy and immobile lifestyle. Reading the novel, in this hero we see features that are characteristic of ourselves, namely: laziness. And so, when Ilya Ilyich meets Olga Ilyinskaya, at some point it seems to us that he will finally get rid of this vice. We celebrate the changes that have taken place with him. Oblomov gets up from his sofa, goes on dates, visits theaters, becomes interested in the problems of a neglected estate, but, unfortunately, the changes turned out to be short-lived. In the struggle with himself, with his laziness, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov loses. I believe that laziness is a vice of most people. After reading the novel, I concluded that if we were not lazy, many of us would reach high peaks. Each of us needs to fight laziness, defeating it will be a big step towards future success.Another example confirming the words of Erasmus of Rotterdam about the importance of victory over oneself can be seen in the work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The main character Rodion Raskolnikov at the beginning of the novel is obsessed with an idea. According to his theory, all people are divided into two categories: "having the right" and "trembling creatures." The first are people who are able to transcend moral laws, strong personalities, and the second are weak and weak-willed people. To test the correctness of his theory, as well as to confirm that he is a "superman", Raskolnikov goes on a brutal murder, after which his whole life turns into hell. It turned out that he was no Napoleon. The hero is disappointed in himself, because he was able to kill, but “he didn’t cross over”. The realization of the fallacy of his inhuman theory comes after a long time, and then he finally understands that he does not want to be a "superman". So, Raskolnikov's defeat in front of his theory turned out to be his victory over himself. The hero in the fight against the evil that engulfed his mind wins. Raskolnikov retained the man in himself, embarked on the difficult path of repentance, which will lead him to purification.Thus, any success in the struggle with oneself, with one's wrong judgments, vices and fears, is the most necessary and important victory. It makes us better, makes us move forward and improve ourselves.

2. Victory is always welcome

Victory is always welcome. We are waiting for victory from early childhood, playing different games. Whatever the cost, we need to win. And the one who wins feels like the king of the situation. And someone is a loser, because he doesn’t run so fast or just the wrong chips fell out. Is it really necessary to win? Who can be considered the winner? Is victory always an indicator of true superiority.

In Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's comedy The Cherry Orchard, the confrontation between the old and the new is at the center of the conflict. The noble society, brought up on the ideals of the past, has stopped in its development, accustomed to getting everything without much difficulty, by right of birth, Ranevskaya and Gaev are helpless in the face of the need for action. They are paralyzed, unable to make decisions, to move. Their world is collapsing, flying into hell, and they are building rainbow-colored projectors, starting an unnecessary holiday in the house on the day the estate is auctioned. And then Lopakhin appears - a former serf, and now - the owner of a cherry orchard. Victory intoxicated him. At first he tries to hide his joy, but soon triumph overwhelms him and, no longer embarrassed, he laughs and literally shouts:

My God, Lord, my cherry orchard! Tell me that I'm drunk, out of my mind, that all this seems to me ...
Of course, the slavery of his grandfather and father may justify his behavior, but in the face, according to him, of his beloved Ranevskaya, this looks at least tactless. And here it is already difficult to stop him, like a real master of life, the winner he demands:

Hey, musicians, play, I want to listen to you! Everyone come and watch how Yermolai Lopakhin will hit the cherry orchard with an ax, how the trees will fall to the ground!
Maybe, from the point of view of progress, Lopakhin's victory is a step forward, but somehow it becomes sad after such victories. The garden is cut down without waiting for the departure of the former owners, Firs is forgotten in the boarded-up house... Does such a play have a morning?

In the story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet" the focus is on the fate of a young man who dared to fall in love with a woman not of his circle. G.S.Zh. long and devotedly loves Princess Vera. His gift - a garnet bracelet - immediately attracted the attention of a woman, because the stones suddenly lit up like “charming deep red live fires. "Just like blood!" Vera thought with unexpected anxiety. Unequal relationships are always fraught with serious consequences. Anxious forebodings did not deceive the princess. The need at all costs to put in place the presumptuous villain arises not so much for the husband as for Vera's brother. Appearing in the face of Zheltkov, representatives of high society a priori behave like winners. Zheltkov’s behavior strengthens them in his confidence: “his trembling hands ran around, fiddling with buttons, pinching his blond reddish mustache, touching his face needlessly.” The poor telegraph operator is crushed, confused, feels guilty. But as soon as Nikolai Nikolaevich recalls the authorities, to whom the defenders of the honor of his wife and sister wanted to turn, Zheltkov suddenly changes. No one has power over him, over his feelings, except for the object of adoration. No power can forbid to love a woman. And to suffer for the sake of love, to give one's life for it - this is the true victory of the great feeling that G.S.Zh. was lucky to experience. He leaves silently and confidently. His letter to Vera is a hymn to a great feeling, a triumphant song of Love! His death is his victory over the petty prejudices of pitiful nobles who feel themselves masters of life.

Victory, as it turns out, can be more dangerous and more disgusting than defeat if it violates eternal values ​​and distorts the moral foundations of life.

3 . The greatest is victory over oneself.

Each person experiences victory and defeat during life.The internal struggle of a person with himselfcan lead a person to victory or defeat. Sometimes he even himself cannot understand right away - this is victory or defeat. Butthe greatest is victory over oneself.

To answer the question: "What does Katerina's suicide mean - her victory or defeat?", it is necessary to understand the circumstances of her life, the motives of her actions, to understand the complexity and inconsistency of her nature and the originality of her character.

Katerina is a moral nature. She grew up and was brought up in a bourgeois family, in a religious atmosphere, but she absorbed all the best that a patriarchal way of life could give. She has a sense of self-esteem, a sense of beauty, she is characterized by the experience of beauty, brought up in her childhood. N. A. Dobrolyubov noted the image of Katerina precisely in the integrity of her character, in the ability to be herself everywhere and always, in no way and never change herself.

Arriving at her husband's house, Katerina was faced with a completely different way of life, in the sense that it was a life in which violence, tyranny, and humiliation of human dignity reigned. Katerina's life changed drastically, and events took on a tragic character, but this could not have happened if it were not for the despotic nature of her mother-in-law, Marfa Kabanova, who considers fear to be the basis of "pedagogy". Her life philosophy is to frighten and keep in obedience with fear. She is jealous of her son for the young wife and believes that he is not strict enough with Katerina. She is afraid that her youngest daughter Varvara might be "infected" by such a bad example, and that her future husband would later reproach her mother-in-law for insufficient rigor in raising her daughter. Outwardly humble, Katerina becomes for Marfa Kabanova the personification of a hidden danger, which she feels intuitively. So Kabanikha seeks to subdue, break the fragile nature of Katerina, force her to live according to her own laws, and here she sharpens her "like rusty iron." But Katerina, endowed with spiritual softness, trembling, is able in some cases to show both firmness and strong-willed determination - she does not want to put up with such a situation. “Oh, Varya, you don’t know my character!” she says. “Of course, God forbid this should happen! I won’t live, even if you cut me!” She feels the need to love freely and therefore enters into a struggle not only with the world of the "dark kingdom", but also with her own convictions, with her own nature, incapable of lies and deceit. A heightened sense of justice makes her doubt the correctness of her actions, and she perceives the awakened feeling of love for Boris as a terrible sin, because, having fallen in love, she violated those moral principles that she considered sacred.

But she also cannot give up her love, because it is love that gives her a much-needed sense of freedom. Katerina is forced to hide her dates, but living a lie is unbearable for her. Therefore, she wants to free herself from them with her public repentance, but only further complicates her already painful existence. Katerina's repentance shows the depth of her suffering, moral greatness, and determination. But how can she continue to live, if even after she repented of her sin before everyone, it did not become easier. It is impossible to return to her husband and mother-in-law: everything is alien there. Tikhon will not dare to openly condemn the tyranny of his mother, Boris is a weak-willed person, he will not come to the rescue, and it is immoral to continue living in the Kabanovs' house. Previously, they could not even reproach her, she could feel that she was right in front of these people, but now she is to blame for them. She can only submit. But it is no coincidence that the image of a bird deprived of the opportunity to live in the wild is present in the work. For Katerina, it is better not to live at all than to put up with the "miserable vegetative life" that is destined for her "in exchange for her living soul." N. A. Dobrolyubov wrote that Katerina's character "is full of faith in new ideals and is selfless in the sense that death is better for him than life under those principles that are contrary to him." To live in a world of "concealed, quietly sighing sorrow ... prison, grave silence ...", where "there is no scope and freedom for living thought, for a sincere word, for a noble deed; a heavy self-conscious ban is imposed on loud, open, wide activity "There's no way for her. If she cannot enjoy her feelings, her will legally, "in the light of broad daylight, in front of all the people, if they tear out of her what is so dear to her, then she does not want anything in life, she does not want life either ..." .

Katerina did not want to put up with the reality that kills human dignity, she could not live without moral purity, love and harmony, and therefore got rid of suffering in the only way possible in those circumstances. "... Just as a human being, it is gratifying for us to see Katerina's deliverance - even through death, if it is impossible otherwise ... A healthy person breathes a gratifying, fresh life on us, finding in himself the determination to end this rotten life at all costs !.." - says N.A. Dobrolyubov. And therefore, the tragic finale of the drama - Katerina's suicide - is not a defeat, but an affirmation of the strength of a free person - this is a protest against Kabanov's concepts of morality, "proclaimed under domestic torture, and over the abyss into which the poor woman rushed", this is "a terrible challenge to the tyrannical force ". And in this sense, Katerina's suicide is her victory.

4. P Rejection is not only a loss, but also an acknowledgment of this loss.

In my opinion, victory is the success of something, and defeat is not only a loss in something, but also the recognition of this loss. We will prove it using the examples of the well-known writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol from the story "Taras and Bulba".

Firstly, I believe that the youngest son betrayed his homeland and the honor of the Cossacks, for the sake of love. This is both a victory and a defeat, a victory that he defended his love, and a defeat that the betrayal that he committed: he went against his father, his homeland - is not forgivable.

Secondly, Taras Bulba, having committed his act: killing his son, probably, most of all this defeat. Even though it was a war, but to kill, and then live with it all my life, suffering, but it was impossible in another way, since the war, unfortunately, does not regret.

Thus, to sum up, this story by Gogol tells about ordinary life that can happen to someone, but we must remember that admitting one’s mistakes must be done immediately and not only when it is proven by a fact, but in its essence, but for you need to have a conscience for this.

5. Can victory become defeat?

Probably, there are no people in the world who would not dream of victory. Every day we win small victories or suffer defeats. In an effort to succeed over yourself and your weaknesses, getting up in the morning thirty minutes earlier, doing sports, preparing lessons that are poorly given. Sometimes such victories become a step towards success, towards self-affirmation. But this is not always the case. Seeming victory turns into defeat, and defeat, in fact, is a victory.

In A.S. Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit”, the main character A.A. Chatsky, after a three-year absence, returns to the society in which he grew up. Everything is familiar to him, he has a categorical judgment about every representative of secular society. “Houses are new, but prejudices are old,” concludes a young, ardent man about the renewed Moscow. The Famus society adheres to the strict rules of Catherine's time:
“honor by father and son”, “be poor, but if there are two thousand family souls, that is the groom”, “the door is open for invited and uninvited, especially from foreign ones”, “it’s not that novelties are introduced - never”, "judges of everything, everywhere, there are no judges over them."
And only subservience, servility, hypocrisy rule over the minds and hearts of the "chosen" representatives of the top of the noble class. Chatsky with his views is out of place. In his opinion, “ranks are given by people, but people can be deceived”, it is low to seek patronage from those in power, it is necessary to achieve success with the mind, and not with servility. Famusov, barely hearing his reasoning, plugs his ears, shouting: "... on trial!" He considers young Chatsky a revolutionary, a "carbonari", a dangerous person, and when Skalozub appears, he asks not to express his thoughts aloud. And when the young man nevertheless begins to express his views, he quickly leaves, not wanting to be responsible for his judgments. However, the colonel turns out to be a narrow-minded person and catches only arguments about uniforms. In general, few people understand Chatsky at Famusov's ball: the owner himself, Sofia and Molchalin. But each of them makes their own verdict. Famusov would forbid such people to drive up to the capital for a shot, Sofya says that he is “not a man - a snake”, and Molchalin decides that Chatsky is just a loser. The final verdict of the Moscow world is madness! At the climax, when the hero delivers his keynote speech, no one in the audience listens to him. You can say that Chatsky is defeated, but it's not! I.A. Goncharov believes that the comedy hero is the winner, and one cannot but agree with him. The appearance of this man shook up the stagnant Famus society, destroyed Sophia's illusions, and shook Molchalin's position.

In I.S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”, two opponents collide in a heated argument: a representative of the younger generation, the nihilist Bazarov, and nobleman P.P. Kirsanov. One lived an idle life, spent the lion's share of the allotted time in love with a famous beauty, a socialite - Princess R. But, despite this lifestyle, he gained experience, experienced, probably, the most important feeling that overtook him, washed away everything superficial, knocked down arrogance and self-confidence. This feeling is love. Bazarov boldly judges everything, considering himself a "self-broken", a person who made his name only with his own work, mind. In a dispute with Kirsanov, he is categorical, harsh, but observes external propriety, but Pavel Petrovich cannot stand it and breaks down, indirectly calling Bazarov a "dummy":
...before they were just fools, and now they are suddenly nihilists.
Bazarov's external victory in this dispute, then in a duel, turns out to be a defeat in the main confrontation. Having met his first and only love, the young man is not able to survive the defeat, he does not want to admit the collapse, but he cannot do anything. Without love, without sweet eyes, such desired hands and lips, life is not needed. He becomes distracted, cannot concentrate, and no denial helps him in this confrontation. Yes, it seems that Bazarov won, because he is so stoically going to death, silently fighting the disease, but in fact he lost, because he lost everything for which it was worth living and creating.

Courage and determination in any struggle are essential. But sometimes you have to cast aside self-confidence, look around, re-read the classics, so as not to make a mistake in the right choice. That's the kind of life. And when defeating someone, it is worth considering whether this is a victory!

6 Essay topic: Are there winners in love?

The theme of love excites people since ancient times. In many works of art, writers talk about what true love is, about its place in people's lives. In some books you can find the idea that this feeling is competitive. But is it? Are there winners and losers in love? Thinking about this, I cannot help but recall the story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet".
In this work, you can find a large number of love lines between the characters, which can be confusing. Chief among them, however, is the connection between the official Zheltkov and Princess Vera Nikolaevna Sheina. Kuprin describes this love as unrequited, but passionate. At the same time, Zheltkov's feelings are not of a vulgar nature, although he is in love with a married woman. His love is pure and bright, for him it expands to the size of the whole world, becomes life itself. The official does not feel sorry for anything for his beloved: he gives her his most valuable thing - his great-grandmother's garnet bracelet.

However, after the visit of Vasily Lvovich Shein, the husband of the princess, and Nikolai Nikolaevich, the brother of the princess, Zheltkov realizes that he can no longer be in the world of Vera Nikolaevna, even at a distance. In fact, the official is deprived of the only meaning of his existence, and therefore he decides to sacrifice his life for the happiness and peace of his beloved woman. But his death does not become in vain, because it affects the feelings of the princess.

At the beginning of the story, Vera Nikolaevna "is in a sweet slumber." She lives a measured life and does not suspect that her feelings for her husband are not true love. The author even points out that their relationship has long flowed into a state of true friendship. The awakening of Faith comes with the appearance of a garnet bracelet with a letter from her admirer, which brings anticipation and excitement into her life. Complete deliverance from drowsiness occurs after the death of Zheltkov. Vera Nikolaevna, seeing the expression on the face of an already dead official, thinks that he is a great sufferer, like Pushkin and Napoleon were. She realizes that exceptional love has passed her by, which all women expect and few men can give.

In this story, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin wants to convey the idea that there can be no winners or losers in love. This is an unearthly feeling that spiritually lifts a person, this is a tragedy and a great mystery.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that, in my opinion, love is a concept that has nothing to do with the material world. This is a sublime feeling, from which the concepts of victory and defeat are far, because few manage to comprehend it.

7. The biggest victory is the victory over yourself.

What is the victory? And what is it anyway? Many, having heard this word, will immediately think of some great battle or even war. But there is another victory, and in my opinion it is the most important. This is the victory of man over himself. This is a victory over your own weaknesses, laziness, or some other big or small obstacles.
For some, just getting out of bed is already a great achievement. But after all, life is so unpredictable that sometimes some kind of terrible incident can occur as a result of which a person can become disabled. Upon learning of such terrible news, everyone will react completely differently. Someone will break down, lose the meaning of life and will not want to live on. But there are those who, despite even the most terrible consequences, continue to live and become a hundred times happier than ordinary, healthy people. I always admire such people. For me, these are really strong people.

An example of such a person is the hero of the story "The Blind Musician" by VG Korolenko. Peter was blind from birth. The outside world was alien to him and all he knew about it was how certain things felt to the touch. Life has deprived him of vision, but it has endowed him with an incredible talent for music. From childhood, he lived in love and care, so he felt protected at home. However, after leaving him, he realized that he knew absolutely nothing about this world. He considered me a stranger in him. All this weighed heavily on him, Peter did not know what to do. It began to emerge, inherent in many disabled people, anger and selfishness. But he overcame all the suffering, he renounced the egoistic right of a person destitute of fate. And despite his illness, he became a famous musician in Kyiv and just a happy person. For me, it’s really a real victory not only over circumstances, but also over myself.

In F. M. Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" Rodion Raskolnikov also makes a victory over himself, only in a different way. His surrender is also a significant victory. He committed the terrible crime of killing an old pawnbroker to prove his theory. Rodion could run away, make excuses in order to avoid punishment, but he did not do this.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the victory over oneself is indeed the most difficult of all victories. And to achieve it, you need to spend a lot of effort.


Essay topic: True defeat comes not from the enemy, but from oneself

A person's life consists of his victories and defeats. Victory, of course, pleases a person, and defeat upsets. But it is worth considering whether a person himself is guilty of his defeat?
Thinking about this question, I recall Kuprin's story "Duel". The protagonist of the work, Romashov Grigory Alekseevich, wears heavy rubber galoshes one and a half quarters deep, plastered to the top with thick, like dough, black mud, and an overcoat cut to the knees, with a fringe hanging below, with salted and stretched loops. He is a little clumsy and shy in actions. Looking at himself from the outside, he feels insecure, thereby pushing himself to defeat.

Arguing over the image of Romashov, we can say that he is a loser. But despite this, his responsiveness is of particular sympathy. So he stands up for the Tatar, before the colonel, keeps the soldier Khlebnikov from suicide, driven to despair by bullying and beatings. Romashov's humanity also manifests itself in the case of Bek-Agamalov, when the hero, risking his life, protects many people from him. However, his love for Alexandra Petrovna Nikolaeva leads him to the most important defeat of his life. Blinded by love for Shurochka, he does not notice that she just wants to escape from the army environment. The finale of Romashov's love tragedy is the night appearance of Shurochka in his apartment, when she comes to offer the terms of a duel with her husband and at the cost of Romashov's life to buy her prosperous future. Gregory suspects this, but because of his strong love for this woman, he agrees to all the terms of the duel. And at the end of the story he dies, deceived by Shurochka.

Summarizing what has been said, we can say that Lieutenant Romashov, like many people, is the culprit of his own defeat.

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