The main problem of the novel is the master and margarita. Philosophical problems of the novel The Master and Margarita

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he laid down his whole life, himself, his soul. And as a result, he received no recognition.

Mikhail Bulgagov is undoubtedly a master of his craft. He very skillfully connected the issues of religion with the fantastic and satirical lines in the novel. Very fully revealed eternal questions love and struggle between good and evil.

One of the main characters of Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita" is the Master. The life of this man, like his character, is complex and unusual. Each epoch in history gives mankind new talented people whose activities reflect, to one degree or another, the reality surrounding them. Such a person is also the Master, who creates his own great romance in conditions where they cannot and do not want to evaluate him according to his merits, just as they cannot evaluate the novel of Bulgakov himself. In The Master and Margarita, reality and fantasy are inseparable from each other and create an extraordinary picture of Russia in the twenties of our century.

The atmosphere in which the Master creates his novel does not in itself unusual topic to which he dedicates it. But the writer, regardless of her, writes about what excites and interests him, inspires him to creativity. His desire was to create a work that would be admired. He wanted well-deserved fame, recognition. He was not interested in the money that can be received for a book if it is popular. He wrote, sincerely believing in what he creates, not aiming to obtain material benefits. The only person who admired him was Margarita. When they read the chapters of the novel together, still unaware of the disappointment that lay ahead of them, they were excited and truly happy.

There were several reasons why the novel was not properly rated. First, it is the envy that appeared among mediocre critics and writers. They realized that their work was nothing compared to the Master's novel. They did not need a competitor who would show that there is true art. Secondly, this is the theme of the novel, which is taboo. It could influence the views in society, change the attitude towards religion. The slightest hint of something new, something beyond the limits of censorship, must be destroyed.

The sudden collapse of all hopes, of course, could not but affect the mental state of the Master. He was shocked by the unexpected disregard and even contempt with which they treated the main work of the writer's life. It was a tragedy for a man who realized that his goal and dream were unrealizable. But Bulgakov brings a simple truth, which is that true art cannot be destroyed. Even after years, but it will still find its place in history, its connoisseurs. Time erases only mediocre and empty, not worthy of attention.

Every reader has their own "bible". M. A. Bulgakov presented people with several works that can claim such a high title. First of all, the reader comes to mind the novel "The Master and Margarita".

Loneliness is like the air that heroes breathe

Loneliness is the primary reality of human existence. People are born alone, death is also a lonely affair. And speaking quite frankly, a person cannot truly share life with someone. You can successfully marry or get married, give birth to a bunch of children, but deep down remain completely alone.

It seems that this is exactly what M. A. Bulgakov expressed in his imperishable novel. Most of his main characters are invariably lonely: Woland, Pilate, Yeshua, Ivan Bezdomny, Master, Margarita. Loneliness is so natural for them that they do not even notice it.

To illustrate how the Master and Margarita unfolds, we will move in our analysis from one character to another.


Can Satan have companions or partners? Or maybe friends? Of course not. He is doomed to be alone. At the very beginning of the novel, M. A. Berlioz asks the “Consultant”: “Professor, did you come to us alone or with your wife?” To which Woland replies: "One, one, I'm always alone." And at the same time, the “professor of black magic” may be the least lonely compared to other heroes, of course, because of his retinue. This strange company does not radiate a painful sense of hopelessness, probably because she arrived in Moscow not for entertainment, but in order to save the Master and give the Hundred Kings ball.

We have to insist on this particular order, since the annual holiday could take place in any city in the world, but Moscow in the 1930s was not chosen by chance, but precisely because the Master and his novel about Pontius Pilate were there. Such is the portrait of Woland in the context of the theme “The problem of loneliness in the novel “The Master and Margarita””.

Pontius Pilate

With Pilate, too, in this sense, everything becomes clear from the very beginning, Yershalaim is hated by him. He is alone. The only creature he is attached to is his dog Banga. The procurator wants to die because of an unbearable headache. He should have rested, but no, he had to interrogate some tramp. According to rumors, he persuaded the people to destroy the temple.

Then this vagabond miraculously heals the procurator and speaks to him in a way that few people allow themselves. Despite this, the hegemon is already ready to let the “philosopher” go, but then it turns out that Yeshua is also guilty of. According to the law, the procurator must crucify his deliverer, because there is nothing worse than a crime against Caesar.

Pilate does everything possible to prevent the tragedy, but, unfortunately, his efforts are in vain. In the course of the story, a spiritual transformation happens to him. He changes beyond recognition and discovers that in fact the tramp, whom the Sanhedrin did not want to pardon, turns out to be as close to him as Banga, although there are no reasonable reasons for this. The problem of loneliness in the novel "The Master and Margarita" by Bulgakov is inconceivable without the image of Pontius Pilate.

He is perhaps the loneliest and most tragic figure in the novel. And without it, the work would have a completely different face and a different depth. All subsequent torment: moonlight, insomnia, immortality - nothing compared to the moment when Pilate lost his only friend - Yeshua.

So far, the theme "The problem of loneliness in the novel "The Master and Margarita"" is maintained in a sad tone. Unfortunately, nothing changes even when it comes to the fate of Ivan Bezdomny

Ivan Homeless

With characters representing the Soviet reality of the novel, everything is more complicated. Their loneliness becomes apparent only in borderline situations - points of human existence where life approaches its limits (death or madness).

This happened to the poet I. Bezdomny, who only realized in a mental hospital how wrong his life had been before. True, the figure of Ivan Bezdomny, one way or another, is tragic - life revealed to him the truth about his homelessness, but gave nothing in return. Ivan has no hope of finding salvation.

main characters

The Master and Margarita are the only couple of characters whose story ends well, but not in this reality, but only in the “other world”. If you free this story from the romantic veil, it turns out that it was loneliness that pushed them into each other's arms.

Margarita's husband is not in the novel (he is present only in her words), but the reader understands that, most likely, her husband is boring, vulgarly practical and smart only in domestic or commercial matters, which is why the woman wanted to fly.

The Master too He has nothing but a cellar and a novel about Pontius Pilate, and he, like no one else, needs the love of a pretty woman. True, due to the fact that the couple has no money at all, only strong love keeps them together, or maybe the fear of returning to their total and continuous loneliness. In general, it is difficult to say for sure whether there was love between them. If there was, then, probably, she was sick and lame, but the fear of being alone was definitely there. It turns out that the problem of loneliness in the novel "The Master and Margarita" by Bulgakov is hidden even where love lives at first glance.

The master changed his mind precisely because he could not cope with the load of unfulfilled hopes and aspirations. He really counted on the novel, on its publication, and the essay was met with criticism, which blocked his way to the world.

The master could no longer torment Margarita. "The boat of love crashed into everyday life." Or rather, the Master simply had a conscience, but then Woland came and fixed everything. True, even his power was not enough to give the couple salvation in this life, and not in another.

The novel by M. A. Bulgakov is a multi-layered work

Accordingly, the problems of the novel "The Master and Margarita" are not limited to the theme of loneliness. The talent of the writer lies in the fact that the reader cannot say with certainty what main topic of this enigmatic novel: whether it is “The Gospel of Mikhail Bulgakov” (the title of the book by Alexander Zerkalov), which means that religious issues occupy the main place in it. Or maybe the main thing is satire directed against Soviet reality?

A novel about everything at once, and in order not to violate the integrity of it, it is better not to split it into molecules and components. This is probably the most general answer to the question of what problems exist in the novel The Master and Margarita.

Philosophy as a sign of high classics

It is generally accepted that philosophy is something boring and living somewhere within the walls of academies. To a mere mortal, all this is definitely inaccessible. This is a massive and fundamentally wrong idea about the "love of wisdom." In fact, in the life of every person (and even more so an artist) there comes a time when he thinks about God, fate, human loneliness. Usually such works are difficult to write, difficult to read, but they give an extraordinary amount to a person. There are a great many such creations both in Russian and in the world classics, therefore, hypothetically, the topic of the article could sound like this: "The problem of loneliness in ...". The Master and Margarita were not chosen by chance, because these characters and the book about them are incredibly popular among modern Russians.

Kurt Vonnegut and Mikhail Bulgakov: two views on the problem of loneliness

Just like our classic, all his life he was “sick” with the problem of loneliness and tried to solve it in his own way. For example, in the novel "Balagan, or the End of Loneliness", he suggested that all people unite in families so that not a single person is left alone in the world (for details, the reader can refer to the original source). In some of their nonfiction books american classic wrote something like this: a person's life is a constant struggle with loneliness.

It seems that Bulgakov would have fully agreed with this, but they would have disagreed on the issue of overcoming loneliness. According to our novel, loneliness (in The Master and Margarita this is clearly seen) is irresistible, tragic and inevitable for a person. K. Vonnegut, on the other hand, looks at a person and his prospects more optimistically, which cannot but rejoice. If suddenly people overcome their own egoism and understand that “we are all brothers”, then there is hope for victory over loneliness. However, to be honest, it looks like a miracle.

Each author puts his soul into his works, his vision of certain issues that face humanity on this stage its development or were centuries ago. The number of these very questions varies: in some works there may be two or three of them, in others - more than ten. One of such multi-problem works, in my opinion, can be considered the novel by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita".

In this book, one of the most interesting is the image of Margarita. The main character of this novel combines such traits as revenge and mercy, cruelty and self-sacrifice. It looks strange, but without shadow there is no light. Ideal people cannot be found because they do not exist. Everyone has both dark and bright sides. Mercy and self-sacrifice manifested itself at the moment when the beloved of the Master learned the story of Frida.

Despite the strict ban, Margarita paid special attention to this guest of Woland's ball. Frida committed a sin by killing her child, for which she was punished. Her life has become a nightmare, turning every night into the worst moments of existence. A young woman who sought salvation found him in the face main character, sacrificing her wish, which could be used in the name of saving the Master. Margarita spent this desire on the guest of the devil's ball, with whom life brought her for the first time. Is this not mercy and self-sacrifice?

There is an opinion that many do not like the novel "The Master and Margarita" because the evil in it is not the devil, but the people themselves. I agree with this opinion, because I think that Woland is not a negative character.

Rather, he is a neutral character who exposes human vices and punishes people for their atrocities. A very indicative moment in the Variety, associated with money falling from the ceiling. The audience began to catch them, the excitement increased, the words were heard: "What are you grabbing? This is mine! It flew to me!" Everyone was eager to get a piece bigger and sweeter. I believe that Satan's purpose was to try to understand whether people have changed during the time that he was out of our world. The session of black magic summed up the whole journey of messire and his retinue: "... people are like people. They love money, but it has always been ... Well, frivolous ... well, well ... and mercy sometimes knocks on their hearts... ordinary people... In general, they resemble the former ones ... "

In many works of various authors, such a problem as creativity is also revealed. AT this work it is shown through the image of the Master. This man for the sake of writing a novel quit his job, put his soul into it. Later, he admitted to a homeless man that after his novel was criticized by Latunsky, "joyless autumn days". Main character differed from the members of the Massolit organization in that he was more concerned with creativity than with the well-being of his acquaintances.

I think that main secret The success of this novel lies in the fact that Bulgakov managed to combine a fantastic plot and deep philosophical overtones. Each reader will find problems in this work that are close to him.

Updated: 2017-08-16

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And the dead were judged according to what was written in the books, according to their deeds...
M. Bulgakov
The novel by M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" is a complex, multifaceted work. The author touches upon the fundamental problems of human existence: good and evil, life and death. In addition, the writer could not ignore the problems of his time, when human nature itself was breaking down. (The problem of human cowardice was urgent. The author considers cowardice one of the biggest sins in life. This position is expressed through the image of Pontius Pilate. The procurator controlled the fate of many people. Yeshua Ha-Nozri touched the procurator with sincerity and kindness. However, Pilate did not went on about the mob and executed Yeshua. The procurator chickened out and was punished for it. He did not rest day or night. Here is what Woland said about Pilate: "He says," Woland's voice rang out, "the same thing, he says that even in the moonlight he has no peace and that he has a bad position.So he always says when he is awake, and when he sleeps, he sees the same thing - the lunar road and wants to go along it and talk with the prisoner Ga-Nozri, because, as he claims, he did not say something then, long ago, on the fourteenth day of the spring month of Nisan. But, alas, for some reason he fails to get out on this road and no one comes to him. Then, what can you do, you have to talk to him with himself Yu. However, some variety is needed, and to his speech about the moon, he often adds that more than anything in the world he hates his immortality and unheard-of glory. And Pontius Pilate suffers twelve thousand moons for one moon, for the moment when he was afraid. And only after much torment and suffering did Pilate finally receive forgiveness^
The problem of excessive self-confidence and unbelief also deserves attention in the novel. It was for disbelief in God that the chairman of the board of the literary association, Mikhail Aleksandrovich Berlioz, was punished. Berlioz does not believe in the power of the Almighty, does not recognize Jesus Christ and tries to make everyone think the same way as he does. Berlioz wanted to prove to Bezdomny that the main thing is not what Jesus was like - good or bad, but that Jesus had not existed in the world before as a person, and all the stories about him are just fiction. “There is not a single Eastern religion,” said Berlioz, “in which, as a rule, an immaculate virgin would not give birth to a god, and Christians, without inventing anything new, in the same way ripped off their Jesus, who in fact never existed in alive. That's where the main focus should be." No one and nothing can convince Berlioz. Could not convince Berlioz and Woland. For this stubbornness, for self-confidence, Berlioz is punished - he dies under the wheels of a tram.
On the pages of the novel, Bulgakov satirically portrayed the inhabitants of Moscow: their way of life and customs, everyday life and worries. Woland is interested in what the inhabitants of Moscow have become. To do this, he arranges a session of black magic. And he concludes that not only greed and greed are inherent in them, mercy is also alive in them. When Georges of Bengal is torn off by the hippopotamus, the women ask to return it to the unfortunate man. And Woland concludes: “Well, well,” he replied thoughtfully, “they are people like people, they love money; but it has always been... humanity loves money, no matter what it is made of, leather, paper, bronze or gold. Well, they are frivolous ... well, well ... and mercy sometimes knocks on their hearts ... ordinary people ... in general, they resemble the former ones ... housing problem just ruined them..."
The novel "The Master and Margarita" - about Great love, about loneliness, about the role of the intelligentsia in society, about Moscow and Muscovites. It reveals itself to the reader in an endless variety of topics and problems. And so the work will always be modern, interesting, new. It will be read and appreciated in all ages and times.

Question 47

1. "Master and Margarita" - a philosophical novel.

2. Theme of choice.

3. Responsibility for your choice.

4. Conscience is the highest form of human punishment.

5. Interpretation biblical motifs in the novel.

1. The novel "The Master and Margarita" is the pinnacle work of M. A. Bulgakov, on which he worked from 1928 until the end of his life. At first, Bulgakov called it "The Engineer with a Hoof", but in 1937 he gave the book a new title - "The Master and Margarita". This novel is an extraordinary creation, a historically and psychologically reliable book about that time. This is a combination of Gogol's satire and Dante's poetry, an alloy of high and low, funny and lyrical. Happy freedom reigns in the novel creative fantasy and at the same time the severity of the compositional design. The basis of the plot of the novel is the opposition of true freedom and lack of freedom in all its manifestations. Satan rules the ball, and the inspired Master, a contemporary of Bulgakov, writes his immortal novel. There, the procurator of Judea sends the messiah to be executed, and nearby, fussing, mean, adapt, betray quite earthly citizens inhabiting Sadovye and Bronny streets of the 20-30s of our century. Laughter and sadness, joy and pain are mixed together, as in life, but in that high degree of concentration that is available only to literature. "The Master and Margarita" is a lyric-philosophical poem in prose about love and moral duty, about the inhumanity of evil, about true creativity.

2. Despite the comedy and satire, this is a philosophical novel, in which one of the main themes is the theme of choice. This topic allows you to reveal many philosophical questions, show on concrete examples their decision. Choice is the core on which the whole novel rests. Any hero goes through the opportunity to choose. But all heroes different motives choice. Some make a choice after much thought, others without hesitation and cannot shift the responsibility for their actions to someone else. The choice of the Master and Pontius Pilate is based on their negative human qualities; they bring suffering not only to themselves, but also to other people. Both heroes choose the side of evil. Pilate faced a tragic dilemma: to fulfill his duty, drowning out the awakened conscience in himself, or to act according to his conscience, but lose power, wealth, and maybe even life. His painful thoughts lead to the fact that the procurator makes a choice in favor of duty, neglecting the truth that Yeshua brings. For that higher power condemn him to eternal torment: he gains the fame of a traitor. The master is also driven by cowardice and weakness, disbelief in Margarita's love. He pretends to be crazy and voluntarily enters a psychiatric hospital. The motive for such an act was the failure of the novel about Pilate. Burning the manuscript. The master renounces not only his creation, but also love, life, and himself. Thinking that his choice is the best for Margarita, he involuntarily dooms her to suffering. Instead of fighting, he runs away from life. And despite the fact that both Pilate and the Master take the side of evil, one creates it consciously, out of fear, and the other unconsciously, out of weakness. But heroes do not always choose evil, guided by negative qualities or emotions. An example of this is Margarita. She deliberately became a witch in order to bring back the Master. Margarita has no faith, but strong love replaces her faith. Love serves as her support in her decision. And her choice is right because it does not bring grief and suffering.

3. Only one hero of the novel chooses not evil, but good. This is Yeshua Ha-Nozri. His only purpose in the book is to express the idea that will be subjected to all sorts of tests in the future, the idea given to him from above: all people are good, therefore the time will come when “man will pass into the realm of truth and justice, where no power will be needed at all” . Yeshua not only chooses the good, but he himself is the bearer of the good. Even to save his life, he does not renounce his beliefs. He guesses that he will be executed, but still does not try to lie or hide something, since it is “easy and pleasant” for him to tell the truth. It can be said that only Yeshua and Margarita did really right choice; only they can take full responsibility for their actions.

4. The theme of choice and responsibility for one's choice is also developed by Bulgakov in the "Moscow" chapters of the novel. Woland and his retinue (Azazello, Koroviev, Behemoth, Gella) are a kind of punishing sword of justice, exposing and naming various manifestations of evil. Woland arrives with a kind of revision in the country, which is declared the country of victorious goodness, happiness. And in fact, it turns out that people are what they were, and have remained so. At a performance in a variety show, Woland tests people, and people simply throw themselves at money and things. The people themselves made this choice. And many of them are justly punished when their clothes disappear, and gold coins turn into stickers from narzan. Man's choice is an internal struggle between good and evil. A person makes his own choice: who to be, what to be and on whose side. In any case, a person has an inner inexorable judge - conscience. People who have an unclean conscience, who are guilty and do not want to admit it, are punished by Woland and his retinue. But he does not punish everyone, but only those who deserve it. Woland returns to the Master his novel about Pontius Pilate, which he burned in a fit of fear and cowardice. The atheist and dogmatist Berlioz dies, and those who believe in the power of love and the words of Kant, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Master and Margarita are transferred to a higher reality, for "manuscripts do not burn", creations human spirit imperishable.

True Understanding"Moscow" chapters of the novel is impossible without a deep insight into the story of Yeshua. The story of Yeshua and Pontius Pilate, recreated in the Master's book, affirms the idea that the confrontation between good and evil is eternal, it lies in the very circumstances of life, in the human soul, capable of lofty impulses and enslaved by the false, transient interests of today.

5. Bulgakov's version of biblical events is extremely original. The author depicted not the death and resurrection of the son of God, but the death of an unknown wanderer, who was also declared a criminal. Yes, Yeshua was a criminal in the sense that he transgressed the seemingly immutable laws of this world - and gained immortality.

These two temporal and spatial layers are interconnected by another grandiose phenomenon - thunderstorm and darkness, the forces of nature that cover the earth at the moment of “world catastrophes”, when Yeshua leaves Yershalaim, and the Master and his companion leave Moscow. Each reader of the novel, closing the last page, wonders whether the end of any life is so unambiguously determined, whether spiritual death is inevitable and how it can be avoided.

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