Unusual legends. The most famous legends of Russia

Modern legend.

Mark Zuckerberg reveals he has been in talks for a long time to merge Facebook and WhatsApp. And the negotiations didn't work.

For reference. WhatsApp appeared in 2009. It was founded by Jan Koum and Brian Acton. In 2014, when WhatsApp had 400 million monthly active users, Facebook wanted to take over WhatsApp. Both WhatsApp and Facebook were to benefit from this merger.

Mark Zuckerberg invited Jan Koum to his home to once again discuss the terms of the acquisition of WhatsApp.

At some point in the conversation, Jan Kum said that he needed to take a break and just think, and a tense silence hung in the room.

And then a miracle happened. Here is what Mark Zuckerberg later said:

“My dog ​​Bist came into our room with a puzzled look. With all his appearance, showing that he does not understand why we are sitting in silence. After looking at everyone, he went to Yang and jumped on his lap. Jan started stroking Bist and after a few seconds suddenly said: “Okay, deal with it.”

In one city they held a competition for the best artist.

And, in the end, the jury chose the two best. But the judges could not decide which of the artists was the best. Then they turned to the Sage for advice.

The sage addressed the finalists with a question:

– How many shortcomings do you see in your paintings.

One artist said:

- If I saw a flaw in the picture, I would immediately correct it. This picture is flawless.

Salvador Dali was surrounded by legends and mysteries. For example, he could tell buyers that he used a large number of bee venom mixed with paint. Therefore, this painting is so unusual, and should be worth at least a million.

Salvador Dali. Oil painting. A dream caused by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate.

Here is one of the legends. Salvador Dali often visited restaurants new to him, inviting him to dinner various people: wealthy buyers, art connoisseurs, critics and just friends. He treated everyone at his own expense. Dali ordered the most expensive dishes for his guests.

When it came time to pay the bill, the artist signed the check with a generous hand, and then… turned the check over and wrote a few kind words in gratitude to the owner of the establishment, completing the gratitude with his sweeping signature.

Dali was sure that the owner of the restaurant would never dare to cash such a check with the original signature of Salvador Dali himself!

That's exactly what happened: the owners of the restaurants did not cash such a check. After all, they understood that they could help out much over time more money for this check than just the amount on the account. In fact, Dali paid for an expensive lunch with a piece of paper with his signature.

But such a check under glass hung in the most prominent place in the restaurant, saying: “Salvador Dali himself eats with us!”

Well, the artist saved a lot of money, acquired new customers and received the glory of a generous friend.

/ Legends / historical legend/ The legend of Salvador Dali /


In the north of Moscow in Khovrino, an unfinished building has been standing for decades, resembling a ghost ship. It still inspires fear in the inhabitants of this Moscow region, since it has long had a bad reputation. This building is unfinished. Its construction began in 1980, but was never completed. In the people, this unfinished building was called the Khovrinsky abandoned hospital and is one of the ten most terrible places in the world! As soon as they do not call the Khovrinsky unfinished building: the house of horror, and the cradle of nightmares, and even the citadel of darkness.

According to urban legend, the construction of this hospital began on the bones, i.e. on the site where the old abandoned one once stood. Many people believe that this explains all the failures that accompanied the construction process. Old-timers generally say that earlier on the site of the Khovrinsky abandoned hospital there was a large bog. This is evidenced by the fact that at present the foundation of the unfinished building is sinking lower and lower into the groundwater. The construction of this architectural structure was suspended in 1985. Since the last builder left the territory of this building, the Khovrinsky hospital has been living its own life, full of secrets and tragedies.

Another Russian legend is associated with a ghost train and, like the first, is urban. According to legend, every month in the Moscow metro some strange ghost train rushes along the rails at breakneck speed. According to eyewitnesses, sometimes he makes stops and opens the doors of his cars. People who claimed to have seen a -sign are sure that in his cabin the silhouette of a driver dressed in a pre-war construction uniform is clearly visible, and all the other cars of this strange train are filled with the souls of builders.

To understand the meaning of this legend, it is necessary to remember exactly how the Moscow metro was built. Its construction began in the 40s of the last century. Old-timers say that it was exhausting and hard work for all those involved in the construction of the Metro Circle Line. The fact is that most of the builders were real prisoners convicted of certain crimes of a political or criminal nature.

Moreover, the construction of this subway was marked by bloody events: at that time, many workers allegedly died on the site. The fact is that from time to time unstable structures collapsed on them, and some people were generally driven into ventilation shafts and walled up without investigation or trial. After some time, at the cost of many human casualties, the “bloody” subway was nevertheless completed. As a result, the legend of Russian ghost. Until now, people complain that sometimes the phantom of a rusty train supposedly scares them. Eyewitnesses say that this train always appears after midnight and only on the Circle Line.

Do you know why a Chow Chow dog has a blue tongue? If such a question were asked to a resident Ancient China, he would not hesitate to answer. There is an interesting Chinese legend that says: “In very ancient times, when God had already created the Earth and populated it with animals, birds, insects, fish, he was engaged in the distribution of stars in the sky. During this work, quite by accident, a piece of the sky fell off from him and fell to the Earth. All the animals and birds, in horror, fled to the sides and hid in secluded places. And only the most courageous Chow-Chow dog was not afraid to approach the fragment of the sky, sniff it and lightly lick it with its tongue. Since then, the Chow Chow dog, and all of its descendants, has had a blue tongue." Thanks to this beautiful legend, Chow Chow, and today, is called "the dog that licked the sky."

The Austrian city of Salzburg is known not only for its picturesque surroundings, famous resorts, but also for many historical sights. And, perhaps, the main one is the Mirabell Palace with a complex of fabulous gardens. The pink stone from which the palace is built gives it lightness and airiness. Of course, this is a wonderful creation of architecture, but it is not considered the main highlight, but, namely, the Mirabell Gardens. Fountains, a garden of dwarfs, stone lions, trees and flower beds - very bizarre forms, elegant balustrades, a theater with hedges - it's impossible to describe everything. It must be seen. The real pride of Austria.

Venice - a city shrouded in a light haze, seems almost ephemeral and exists only in our imagination. But still, you can see it not only in pictures and in the movies, it actually exists with all its squares, canals, bridges, cathedrals. I think that everyone who was not there dreams of making romantic trip to Venice to catch the mysterious and mysterious essence this unusual and magnificent city. One of the main symbols of the city is considered to be a gondola. Perhaps someone noticed that they are all the same color and, like black swans, cut through the waters of the canals of Venice. There is a legend that answers the question: Why are all the Venetian gondolas in the "city of love" black?

Salzburg is one of the most beautiful and unusual cities in Austria. Located at the very foot Alpine mountains, literally 5 kilometers from the border with Germany. The very name of the city is associated with a nearby salt deposit. It has been mined since time immemorial. According to legend, the fortress was built here to control the export of salt. So the name Salzburg, which means Salt Fortress, appeared.

If someone has ever been to Krakow, they will never forget the charming atmosphere of this city. Complex history, unique culture, unique architecture make Krakow a real paradise for poets, musicians, artists and just for any person. The city covered with legends gladly reveals its secrets to everyone who visits it. If you were not lucky enough to visit there, then I strongly advise you to read the book by N.G. Frolova "Old Krakow". One of the parts of this book is called "Characters of the City Spectacle". Whoever does not participate in this eternal Krakow performance: musicians, poets, warriors, kings, artists, adventurers...

For the first time this monument appeared in St. Petersburg in 1999 on Malaya Sadovaya Street 3. The work of the sculptor V.A. Sivakov. The exact name is "Monument to the Stray Dog Gavryusha". But as soon as he was not called a monument to a good dog, and Gavryusha, and even just Nyusha. After sitting there for 8 years, the dog gave birth to either a rumor or a legend. Teenagers really liked the dog. And so they came up with the idea that if you write a wish to a dog, then it will definitely come true. Since then, the courtyard on Malaya Sadovaya, where the dog stood, has become a place of pilgrimage for tourists and residents of the city.

Saint John of Nepomuk is one of the most revered Czech saints in Prague. Considered the patron saint of Prague and the whole of the Czech Republic. He lived in the XIV century, during the reign of King Wenceslas IV and was a priest. What Jan of Nepomuk did wrong to the king is not exactly known, but one of the most plausible assumptions is as follows. Being the queen's confessor, he refused to reveal the secret of his wife's confession to Wenceslas IV. For what, after long tortures and torments. the king ordered his execution. The priest was put in a sack and thrown from the Charles Bridge into the Vltava.

Charles Bridge is one of the main attractions of Prague. It was built by order of King Charles IV in 1357. For five centuries it was the only bridge across the Vltava. Later in XVII century it began to be decorated with sculptures, the number of which reached 30. So the bridge turned into a real one art gallery under open sky. Nowadays, the bridge is pedestrian and it was chosen by artists, souvenir sellers, Street musicians and of course the tourists. Many legends of Old Prague are connected with the Charles Bridge. Here is one of them.

Akhtamar (Armenian legend).
Long ago, in ancient times, King Artashez had a beautiful daughter named Tamar. Tamar's eyes shone like stars in the night, and her skin turned white like snow on the mountains. Her laughter gurgled and rang like water from a spring. The fame of her beauty went everywhere. And the king of Media sent matchmakers to the king Artashez, and the king of Syria, and many kings and princes. And King Artashez began to fear that someone would come for the beauty with the war or the evil vishap would kidnap the girl before he decided who to give his daughter as a wife.
And then the king ordered to build a golden palace for his daughter on an island in the middle of Lake Van, which has long been called the "Nairi Sea", so great it is. And he gave her only women and girls as servants, so that no one would disturb the peace of the beauty. But the king did not know, just as other fathers before him did not know, and other fathers after him would not know, that Tamar's heart was no longer free. And she gave it not to the king and not to the prince, but to the poor Azat, who had nothing in the world except beauty, strength and courage. Who remembers now what his name was? And Tamar managed to exchange with the young man a look and a word, an oath and a kiss.
But now the waters of Van lie between the lovers.
Tamar knew that, by order of her father, guards were watching day and night to see if a boat was sailing from the shore to the forbidden island. Her lover knew this too. And one evening, wandering in anguish along the coast of Van, he saw a distant fire on the island. Small as a spark, he trembled in the darkness, as if trying to say something. And looking into the distance, the young man whispered:
Distant bonfire, do you send me your light?
Aren't you the beauties dear hello?
And the light, as if answering him, flared brighter.
Then the young man realized that his beloved was calling him. If you swim across the lake at nightfall, not a single guard will notice the swimmer. The fire on the shore will serve as a beacon so as not to stray in the dark.
And the lover threw himself into the water and swam into the distant light, to where the beautiful Tamar was waiting for him.
For a long time he swam in the cold dark waters, but the scarlet flower of fire inspired courage in his heart.
And only the bashful sister of the sun Lusin, looking out from behind the clouds from the dark sky, was a witness to the meeting of lovers.
They spent the night together, and in the morning the young man again set off on his return journey.
So they began to meet every night. In the evening, Tamar made a fire on the shore so that her lover could see where to swim. And the light of the flame served the young man as a talisman against the dark waters that open the gates to underworlds inhabited by hostile water spirits.
Who remembers now how long or short the lovers managed to keep their secret?
But one day the royal servant saw the young man in the morning returning from the lake. His wet hair was matted and water dripped from it, and his happy face looked tired. And the servant suspected the truth.
And that same evening, shortly before dusk, the servant hid behind a rock on the shore and waited. And he saw how a distant fire was lit on the island, and he heard a slight splash with which a swimmer entered the water.
The servant looked out for everything and hurried to the king in the morning.
King Artashez was furiously angry. The king was angry that his daughter dared to fall in love, and even more angry that she fell in love not with one of the powerful kings who asked for her hand, but with a poor Azat!
And the king ordered his servants to be ready at the shore with a fast boat. And when the darkness began to fall, the king's people swam to the island. When they sailed more than half the way, a red fire flower bloomed on the island. And the servants of the king leaned on the oars, in a hurry.
Coming ashore, they saw the beautiful Tamar, dressed in clothes embroidered with gold, smeared with fragrant oils. From under her multi-colored cap-cap, curls as black as agate fell to her shoulders. The girl sat on a carpet spread on the shore, and fed the fire from her hands with sprigs of magic juniper. And in her smiling eyes, as in the dark waters of Van, small fires burned.
Seeing the uninvited guests, the girl jumped to her feet in fright and exclaimed:
You servants of the father! Kill me!
I pray for one thing - do not put out the fire!
And they were glad royal servants pity the beauty, but feared the wrath of Artashez. Roughly they seized the girl and dragged her away from the fire, into the golden palace. But first they let her see how the fire, trampled and scattered by coarse boots, perished.
Tamar wept bitterly, escaping from the hands of the guards, and the death of fire seemed to her the death of her beloved.
So it was. There was a young man in the middle of the path when the light that had beckoned him went out. And the dark waters pulled him into the depths, filling his soul with cold and fear. Before him lay darkness and he did not know where to swim in the darkness.
For a long time he struggled with the black will of the water spirits. Every time the head of an exhausted swimmer emerged from the water, his gaze pleadingly searched for a red firefly in the darkness. But he did not find it, and again he swam at random, and the water spirits circled him, leading him astray. And finally the young man was exhausted.
"Ah, Tamar!" he whispered, last time emerging from the water. Why didn't you save the fire of our love? Did it really happen to me to sink into the dark water, and not fall on the battlefield, as it should be for a warrior!? Ah, Tamar, what an unkind death! He wanted to say that, but he couldn't. Only one thing he had the strength to exclaim: "Ah, Tamar!"
"Ah, Tamar!" - echoed - the voice of the kaji, the spirits of the wind, and carried over the waters of Van. "Ah, Tamar!"
And the king ordered the beautiful Tamar to be imprisoned forever in her palace.
In grief and sorrow, until the end of her days, she mourned her beloved, without removing the black scarf from her loose hair.
Many years have passed since then - everyone remembers their bitter love.
And the island on Lake Van has been called Akhtamar ever since.

Highly interesting legends and parables!

One day, little Rybka heard from someone a story that the Ocean exists - a beautiful, majestic, powerful, fantastic place, and so burned with a desire to go there, to see everything with her own eyes, that this actually became the goal, the meaning of her life. And only The fish grew up, immediately started to swim, to look for the same Ocean. For a long, long time, the Fish swam, until finally, to the question: “How far is it to the Ocean?” They answered her: “Darling, you are in it. Here it is around you! “
“Fu, nonsense,” Rybka grimaced, “there’s only water around me, and I’m looking for the Ocean ...
Moral: sometimes in pursuit of some "ideals" we do not notice the obvious things!!!

And do you believe?

Believer Baby: No, no! I don’t know exactly what our life will look like after giving birth, but in any case, we will see mom and she will take care of us.
Unbelieving baby: Mom? Do you believe in mom? And where is she?
Believing baby: She is everywhere around us, we abide in her and thanks to her we move and live, without her we simply cannot exist.
Unbelieving baby: Complete nonsense! I didn't see any mother, and therefore it is obvious that she is simply not there.
Believer Child: I can't agree with you. After all, sometimes, when everything around is quiet, you can hear how she sings, and feel how she strokes our world. I firmly believe that our real life will only start after childbirth. And do you believe?

And do you believe?
Two babies are talking in the belly of a pregnant woman. One of them is a believer, the other is a non-believer Unbelieving baby: Do you believe in life after childbirth?
Believer Baby: Yes, of course. Everyone understands that life after childbirth exists. We are here to become strong enough and ready for what comes next.
Unbelieving Baby: That's stupid! There can be no life after childbirth! Can you imagine what such a life could look like?
Believer Baby: I don't know all the details, but I believe that there will be more light and that we may be able to walk and eat with our own mouths.
Unbelieving baby: What nonsense! It is impossible to walk and eat with your mouth! It's totally funny! We have an umbilical cord that feeds us. You know, I want to tell you: it is impossible for there to be life after childbirth, because our life - the umbilical cord - is already too short.
Believing baby: I'm sure it's possible. Everything will just be a little different. It can be imagined.
Unbelieving baby: But no one has ever returned from there! Life just ends with childbirth. And in general, life is one big suffering in the dark.

The story is actually with subtext: instead of dad, there can be mom, and instead of work, the Internet, and the phone, and .... everyone has their own!
Let's not repeat the mistakes of others
Once a man came home late from work, tired and shaky as always, and saw that his five-year-old son was waiting for him at the door.
- Dad, can I ask you something?
- Of course, what happened?
- Dad, how much do you get?
- That is none of your business! - the father was indignant. - And then, why do you need it?
- I just want to know. Please, tell me, how much do you get per hour?
- Well, actually, 500. And what?
- Dad, - the son looked at him from the bottom up with very serious eyes. - Dad, can you borrow 300 for me?
"You only asked so I could give you money for some stupid toy?" he shouted. - Immediately march to your room and go to bed! .. You can’t be such an egoist! I work all day, I'm terribly tired, and you're acting so stupid.
The kid quietly went to his room and closed the door behind him. And his father continued to stand at the door and get angry at the requests of his son. How dare he ask me about my salary, then to ask for money?
But after some time, he calmed down and began to reason sensibly: Maybe he really needs to buy something very important. To hell with them, with three hundred, after all, he has never asked me for money at all. When he entered the nursery, his son was already in bed.
Are you awake, son? - he asked.
- No, dad. I'm just lying down, - the boy answered.
“I think I answered you too rudely,” said the father. - I had a hard day, and I just broke. I'm sorry. Here, keep the money you asked for.
The boy sat up in bed and smiled.
- Oh, daddy, thanks! he exclaimed happily.
Then he reached under the pillow and pulled out a few more crumpled banknotes. His father, seeing that the child already had money, got angry again. And the kid put all the money together and carefully counted the bills, and then looked at his father again.
Why did you ask for money if you already have it? he muttered.
Because I didn't have enough. But now I just have enough, - answered the child.
- Dad, there are exactly five hundred. Can I buy one hour of your time? Please come home from work early tomorrow, I want you to have dinner with us.

We were having lunch when my daughter casually mentioned that she and her husband were thinking about "starting a full-fledged family."
"We're doing an opinion poll here," she said jokingly. - Do you think I should have a baby?
"This will change your life," I said, trying not to let my emotions show.
“I know,” she replied. - And you won’t sleep on weekends, and you won’t really go on vacation.
But that was not at all what I had in mind. I looked at my daughter, trying to formulate my words more clearly. I wanted her to understand something that no prenatal class would teach her.
I wanted to tell her that the physical wounds of childbirth would heal very quickly, but motherhood would give her such a bleeding emotional wound that it would never heal. I wanted to warn her that in the future she would never be able to read a newspaper without asking herself: “What if this happened to my child?” That every plane crash, every fire will haunt her. That when she looks at photographs of children dying of hunger, she will think that there is nothing in the world worse than death your child.
I looked at her manicured nails and stylish suit and thought that no matter how exquisite she was, motherhood would lower her to the primitive level of a she-bear protecting her cub. That the alarmed cry of "Mom!" will make her give up everything without regret - from a soufflé to the best crystal glass.
I felt like I should warn her that no matter how many years she spent on her job, her career would suffer significantly after the birth of a child. She can hire a nanny, but one day she will go to a business important meeting, but she will think about the sweet smell of a child's head. And it will take all her willpower not to run home just to find out that her baby is all right.
I wanted my daughter to know that the trivial everyday problems would never be trivial to her again. That a five-year-old boy's desire to go to the men's room at McDonald's would be a huge dilemma. That there, among rattling trays and screaming children, issues of independence and gender will stand on one side of the scale, and the fear that there, in the toilet, there may be a rapist of minors, on the other.
Looking at my attractive daughter, I wanted to tell her that she can lose the weight she gained during pregnancy, but she will never be able to shed motherhood and become the same. That her life, so important to her now, will no longer be so important after the birth of a child. That she will forget about herself at the moment when her offspring must be saved, and that she will learn to hope for fulfillment - oh no! not your dream! - the dreams of their children.
I wanted her to know that a c-section scar or stretch marks would be her badge of honor. That her relationship with her husband would change and not at all in the way she thinks. I would like her to understand how much you can love a man who carefully sprinkles powder on your child and who never refuses to play with him. I think she will learn what it is like to fall in love again for a reason that now seems to her completely unromantic.
I wanted my daughter to be able to feel the connection between all the women on earth who have tried to stop wars, crime and drunk driving.
I wanted to describe to my daughter the excitement a mother gets when she sees her child learning to ride a bike. I wanted to capture for her the laughter of a baby touching the soft fur of a puppy or kitten for the first time. I wanted her to feel a joy so intense that it could hurt.
My daughter's surprised look let me know that tears welled up in my eyes.
"You will never regret this," I said at last. Then I reached across the table to her, squeezed her hand, and mentally prayed for her, for myself, and for all mortal women who dedicate themselves to this most wonderful of callings.

11 907 look.

Modern man is unlikely to believe in myths and legends. However, despite the many reliable facts available, legends still do not lose their popularity. Each tour guide uses the most bright stories to grab the attention of the audience. After all, legends evoke a feeling of surprise and admiration, especially when the topic concerns unique and unlike places.

road of the giants Northern Ireland

Giants Road, Northern Ireland. Despite the fact that scientists claim that the Giant's Road was formed as a result of an ancient volcanic eruption, there is a legend about the Celtic hero Finn MacCool, who decided to fight the one-eyed giant Goll. To do this, he drove many columns into the bottom of the Irish Sea, which turned out to be a kind of bridge. Having worked hard, the hero lay down to rest, and in the meantime, Goll himself crossed the bridge to Ireland. Finn's wife, sensing danger, ran out to meet the giant and assured the monsters that the sleeping Finn was a baby. Then she treated the uninvited guest with cakes, in which pans were hidden, and her husband with ordinary ones. The first broke his teeth, and the second ate his portion without even grimacing. Frightened Goll, seeing the power of such a child, imagined his father and fled the country, breaking the bridge behind him.

Forbidden City palace complex in Beijing

This palace complex is considered the most extensive of its kind - 720 thousand m². Going back to the past, you would not be able to get inside without losing your head for it. To date, everyone has the opportunity to visit here and learn the legends that envelop this place. One of the most popular is that Emperor Zhu Di dreamed of four watchtowers never seen before. When he woke up, he ordered that the structures that had been taken away in a dream be erected at the corners of the walls of the Forbidden City within three months. In case of failure to comply with the order, the builders were threatened the death penalty. After a month, the chief architect could not develop a construction plan. Out of desperation, he went for a walk around the city, during which he came across a seller of cages with grasshoppers. For fun, he bought one of the cages and was amazed. It was her design that was the ideal model for towers. The emperor was more than ever pleased with the result; The old man who sold the grasshoppers turned out to be the god of carpenters, Lu Ban.

Avenue of the Baobabs, Madagascar

Avenue of the Baobabs, Madagascar. The island is famous not only for lemurs, but also for giant trees. The alley of baobabs is located in its western part. According to one of the legends, one day the god was in a bad mood and a baobab came under his arm. Throwing out his anger, he uprooted the tree and put it back into the ground with its crown down.

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls. The facility is located on the border between the US and Canada. The guides' favorite legend is that of the Maid of the Mist; According to one version, the daughter of the leader of the Seneca tribe named Lelavala was chosen as a sacrifice to the god who lived in the abyss of the waterfall. Thus, the inhabitants of the tribe wanted to appease the angry god who poisoned the water. The selfless girl voluntarily set off in a canoe to meet death, but she was saved by the god Khan, who told about a terrible snake that settled in the river and was the cause of all troubles. Lelavala returned to the village and told her father about the monster. Gathering the warriors, the leader entered into a fight with the serpent and defeated him.

Great Sphinx, Egypt

The sculpture, towering over the Giza plateau, is considered one of the oldest surviving to this day. It is a figure lying on the sand with the body of a lion and the head of a man. The history of the Great Sphinx is shrouded in many legends and speculations. One of the most widely spread is the legend of Crown Prince Thutmose, the son of Pharaoh Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye. Once, while hunting in the desert, Thutmose recalled his guards to pray alone at the pyramids. Tired of the midday sun, he lay down to rest in the shade of the Sphinx, which in those days was covered with sand up to his shoulders. However, the statue came to life and spoke to the man. She told Thutmose about the future reign and ordered to clear her paws of sand. Then she looked at the prince with huge bright eyes and he lost consciousness. Waking up, the heir swore an oath to fulfill the request. Having become pharaoh Thutmose IV, he ordered the statue to be dug up and a granite stele to be installed.

the great Wall of China

One of the most romantic and heartbreaking legends about the construction of the Great Wall of China is the legend of Meng Jiang Nu. There lived in the neighborhood two married couples named Meng and Jiang, who did not have children. One day, Jiang's wife planted a lagenaria, which sent its vine over the wall to the neighbors. Over time, the plant gave a harvest in the form of a huge pumpkin. Friendly neighbors decided to divide it in half. When they cut open the fetus, they found a baby inside. The girl was named Meng Jiang Nu and began to be brought up together. She grew up a real beauty, which the world has not seen; she married Fan Xiliang, who was on the run from a government that forced all young people to build the Great Wall of China. The happiness of the young did not last long; Fan Silyan was found and forcibly sent to the construction site. The girl was waiting for her beloved whole year without receiving any news. Then she went in search of him, but they were in vain. No one knew where her husband was, and later it turned out that he died from exhaustion and was buried in the wall. Meng Jiang Nu, unable to stop her pain, cried for three days and three nights. The part of the wall she was standing against collapsed. For damage, the emperor intended to punish the widow, but when he saw her beautiful face proposed marriage. Meng Jiang Nu agreed, but on the condition that she bury her ex-spouse as it should be. The emperor complied with the demand, but after that Meng Jiang Nu committed suicide by drowning herself in the sea.

Mount Etna, Sicily

Mount Etna, Sicily. The volcano is one of the highest and most active in Europe. It has erupted more than 200 times throughout its history. In 1669, Etna erupted for four months, destroying 12 villages. According to legend, this eruption was caused by none other than the hundred-headed monster Typhon (son of Gaia), who was imprisoned by Zeus inside Etna. Every time Typhon got angry, there was an earthquake and an eruption.

Mount Fuji on the island of Honshu, Japan

The mountain is considered one of the country's most recognizable natural landmarks. The object is a popular topic in Japanese art; it can be found in songs, movies, and, of course, legends and myths. One of the legends tells of married couple who lived near Mount Fuji. The husband was a bamboo collector. One day, while slicing raw materials, he found in bamboo a girl the size of thumb arms. Rejoiced, the couple took the child to their upbringing, since they had no children of their own. Then, continuing to work, the man found an ingot of gold in the bamboo. The suddenly wealthy family lived happily ever after. The girl, who was named Kaguya-hime, grew up to be a beautiful girl. Many tried to win her hand, even the emperor himself, but the beauty refused everyone, wanting to return to where she came from - to the moon. One day on a full moon, the subjects of the moon finally came to Kaguya-hime to take her home. The girl left the emperor a gift in the form of an elixir of life and a letter. He, in turn, ordered the gifts to be taken to the mountain and burned, as he did not want to live forever without love. So the flame of the elixir and the letter made Mount Fuji a volcano.

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Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...