On the territory of this country there are no mountains of the Alps. Alpine mountains or alps in europe

To the question Where are the Alps mountains, asked by the author Zhankozha Sarsengaliyev the best answer is In Switzerland
The Alps (German Alpen, French Alpes, Italian Alpi, Slovenian Alpe), the highest mountains of Western Europe, occupy part of France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, and Slovenia.
A complex system of ridges and massifs, stretching in a convex arc to the northwest from the Ligurian Sea to the Middle Danube Plain. The length is about 1,200 kilometers (about 750 kilometers along the inner edge of the arc). Width up to 260 kilometers. The transverse valley between Lake Constance and Lake Como is divided into the higher Western Alps (height up to 4,807 meters, Mount Mont Blanc) and the lower and wider Eastern Alps (up to 4,049 meters, Mount Bernina).
The folded structure of the Alps was created mainly by movements of the Alpine age. The highest - the axial zone of the Alps is composed of ancient crystalline (gneisses, mica schists) and metamorphic (quartz-phyllite schists) rocks, characterized by a wide distribution of mountain-glacial relief and modern glaciation (about 1,200 glaciers with a total area of ​​over 4,000 square kilometers). Glaciers and eternal snows drop to 2,500-3,200 meters. To the north, west and south of the axial zone there are zones of limestones and dolomites of the Mesozoic and younger flysch and molasse formations of the Prealps with medium and low mountain relief.
The Alps are an important climate divide in Europe. To the north and west of them are territories with a temperate climate, to the south - subtropical Mediterranean landscapes. Precipitation on the windward western and northwestern slopes is 1,500-2,000 mm, in some places up to 4,000 mm per year. In the Alps - the sources of the Rhine, Rhone, Po, Adige, right tributaries of the Danube. Numerous lakes of glacial and tectonic-glacial origin (Bodenskoye, Geneva, Como, Lago Maggiore and others).
The altitudinal zonality of landscapes is well expressed. Up to a height of 800 meters, the climate is moderately warm, on the southern slopes - Mediterranean, there are many vineyards, orchards, fields, Mediterranean shrubs and broad-leaved forests. At an altitude of 800-1,800 meters, the climate is temperate, humid; broad-leaved forests of oak and beech are gradually replaced by coniferous ones upwards. Up to a height of 2,200-2,300 meters, the climate is subalpine, cold, with long-term snow cover. Shrubs and tall grass meadows predominate; summer pastures. Above, to the border of eternal snows, there is an alpine belt with a cold climate, with a predominance of low-grass sparse alpine meadows, covered with snow for most of the year. Even higher - nival belt with glaciers, snowfields, rocky slopes. It is interesting that the eastern spurs of the Alps - the Leith Mountains and the western spurs of the Carpathians - Hundsheimer Berge are separated by only 14 km.
The Alps are an area of ​​international mountaineering, tourism, and skiing.

Map of ski resorts in France with attractions

Alps on the map of France

Detailed map of the French Alps

French Alps Map

The French Alps on the world map are located in the southeast of the country. This chain is part of the Western Alps. The geographical map of the French Alps will show that the total length of the highlands reaches 330 km. Geographically, the chain is divided into southern and northern. A detailed map of the French Alps will show that in the north there are mountain-glacial uplands. The highest point in the region is the Mont Blanc peak, reaching over 4.8 km. The southern part of the chain, as the map of the French Alps will show, belongs to the Mediterranean type of landscape. Proximity to the sea determines the appropriate climate.

The map of the French Alps with attractions contains both unique natural areas and architectural monuments located in resort towns. Of course, ski tourism is the main industry in the region. A map of the French Alps in Russian from Arrivo will help you navigate the resorts and slopes.

Alps- the highest mountains of Western Europe - occupy part of France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Slovenia.

A complex system of ridges and massifs, stretching in a convex arc to the northwest from the Mediterranean Sea to the Middle Danube Plain. The length is approximately 1200 kilometers (about 750 kilometers along the inner edge of the arc). Width up to 260 kilometers. The transverse valley between Lake Constance and Lake Como is divided into the higher Western Alps (height up to 4807 meters, Mount Mont Blanc) and the lower and wider Eastern Alps (up to 4049 meters, Mount Berdina).

In the Alps - the sources of the Rhine, Rhone, Po, Adige, right tributaries of the Danube. Numerous lakes of glacial and tectonic-glacial origin (Bodenskoye, Geneva, Como, Lago Maggiore and others).

The altitudinal zonality of landscapes is well expressed. Up to a height of 800 meters, the climate is moderately warm, on the southern slopes - Mediterranean, there are many vineyards, orchards, fields, Mediterranean shrubs and broad-leaved forests. At an altitude of 800-1800 meters the climate is temperate, humid; broad-leaved forests of oak and beech are gradually replaced by coniferous ones upwards. Up to a height of 2200-2300 meters, the climate is subalpine, cold, with long-term snow. Shrubs and tall grass meadows predominate; summer pastures. Above, to the border of eternal snows, there is an alpine belt with a cold climate, with a predominance of low-grass sparse alpine meadows, covered with snow for most of the year. Even higher - nival belt with glaciers, snowfields, rocky slopes.

The Alps are an area of ​​international mountaineering, tourism, and skiing.

Main ski resorts: Megeve (France), Chamonix (France), Courchevel (France), Zermatt (Switzerland), Grindelwald (Switzerland), St. Moritz (Switzerland), Davos (Switzerland), Lech (Austria), St. Anton ( Austria), Kitzbühel (Austria), Seefeld (Austria), Cortina d'Ampezzo (Italy), Garmisch-Partenkirchen (Germany).

Photos of the mountains of the Alps:

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Description of the Alps

Location of the Alps mountain system on the world map

(the limits of the mountain system are approximate) The Alps are the highest and longest mountain range among the systems that lie entirely in Europe. At the same time, the Caucasus Mountains are higher, and the Ural Mountains are longer, but they also lie on the territory of Asia.

The Alps are a complex system of ridges and massifs, stretching in a convex arc to the northwest from the Ligurian Sea to the Middle Danube Lowland.

Where are the Alps located? Coordinates, map and photo.

The Alps are located on the territory of 8 countries: France, Monaco, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Slovenia. The total length of the Alpine arc is about 1200 km (about 750 km along the inner edge of the arc), and the width is up to 260 km. The highest peak of the Alps is Mont Blanc, at 4,810 meters above sea level, located on the border between France and Italy. In total, about 100 four-thousander peaks are concentrated in the Alps.

The Alpine mountains are one of the main European cities.

Where are the Alps: interesting facts about the mountains

Not only fans of skiing come here, but also those who want to enjoy clean air and healing waters from local thermal springs. Eight European countries that host alpine reefs and arches are participating for the first time in creating attractive conditions for tourists.

How to make an itinerary for visiting the Alps so that you can see all the interesting things for a short vacation?

Iitoria in the mountains

Covered in snow and surrounded by mist peaks of the alpine mountains gave the name to the mountainous area.

It is assumed that it comes from the Latin word "albus" ("white").

Age of the Alpine mountains feature cannot be determined.

Between 34 and 23 million years ago, a tectonic collision occurred that caused the longest European mountain region to emerge. Length of the Alps is 1200 kilometers.

For many years the Alps have been an inevitable natural barrier.

They restricted the movement of trade and military expeditions. The locals avoided climbing to higher altitudes as they could encounter avalanches, storms and frost.

The study of the Alpine mountains began only in the second half of the 18th century.

Enthusiast scientists studied the flora, fauna, glaciers and geology of the range. At the same time, the term "alpinism" was born, which at that time meant walking on the slopes without special equipment. In 1786 he was first conquered highest alpine mountain— Mont Blanc.

The history of the Alps as a tourist center dates back to the 19th century.

Then rich people came to mountain hotels to enjoy unusual views and swim from the waters of thermal springs. End of XIX. Over the centuries, winter sports have been gaining popularity. In the Alpine mountains there is an ice rink and ski championships.

The Alpine Mountains were the site of the first Winter Olympics and remain the most popular.

Developed infrastructure, suitable weather conditions and the presence of modern sports facilities have always offered places in the Alps for the Winter Olympic Games.

Today, the mountainous area is one of the world's largest tourist centers. More than 100 million people visit these places every year. Nature of the Alpine mountains not only attracts lovers of extreme sports.

Fresh air, healing properties of springs and unique local culture provide a constant flow of tourists at any time of the year.

Attractions in the Alps

Most tourists go to the Alpine mountains to enjoy unique views, try their hand at the mountainside and swim in the local resources.

But the Alpine region is a place where several European cultures meet at the same time. There are interesting objects with architectural, historical and religious value.

Prices for flights and tickets

There are no major airports in the immediate vicinity of the Alps.

Airlines sometimes organize flights to Bolzano (Italy) and Innsbruck (Austria), but these connections are seasonal. Most tourists prefer to book a ticket to one of the nearest major airports, and the rest of the route is taken by bus or train.

The Alpine Mountains are easier to reach from international airports located in the following locations:

  1. Munich;
  2. Milan;
  3. Verona;
  4. Innsbruck;
  5. Salzburg;
  6. Venice;
  7. Vein;
  8. Bolzano;
  9. Bologna;
  10. Klagenfurt;
  11. Friedrichshafen;
  12. Bergamo;
  13. Brescia.

The most suitable routes for Russian tourists are the airports of Munich and Milan.

They are associated with regular flights to the largest cities in Russia. Depending on the distance from the selected Alpine settlement, the route from the airport can take from 1 to 2 hours.

The journey from Munich to the popular ski region can be overtaken by road: the city is connected to the Alps with three modern buses.

From Munich Airport to the mountains, it is advisable to get to the S-Banh suburban line. In this case you will be in 40 minutes.

If you decide to visit the western part of the Alps, your trip will take place at the airports of Milan or Verona.

Milan has good communication with Russian cities, but you still need to get to the Alps through Verona. If you don't find a direct flight to Romeo and Juliet, don't give up: the Milan route will be comfortable. At both Milan International Airports, Milan's direct buses are at Milan Station, where you can buy your ticket to Verona.

The trip from Verona to the Alps can be beaten by car, traveling on a two hour trip or by train.

Trains run from 5.00 to 22.00, every half an hour they are cured from the platform. Tickets cost from 10 euros, and they will have to spend 1.5-2 hours on the road.


Alps(French les Alpes, German die Alpen, t. le Alpi, Slovenian Alpe, from lat. montes albes - white mountains, the name of Celtic origin is also possible alb - high, or alpa - hill) - the highest mountain system in Western Europe, extends in an arc from the shores of the Mediterranean Sea to the Middle Danube Lowland on the territory of European countries Austria, Italy, Liechtenstein, Germany, Slovenia, France, Switzerland.

The length of the mountain system is 1200 km, width - 130-260 km, height up to 4807 m (Mount Blanc). The arc is convex to the northwest with a transverse depression, within which lie Lakes Constance and Como. There are Western and Eastern Alps.

Partition of the Alps

The Western Alps consist of the Maritime, Kotsky, Savoy, Bernese Alps. Their average height is 3.000-4.000 m. Individual peaks reach more than 4000 m:

Mont Blanc (the highest peak of the Alps and Europe) 4.809 m,
Monte Rosa 4.638 m,
Weisgorn 4.512 m and others.
The Western Alps are characterized by a well-discovered arched shape of the ridges, a sharp asymmetry of the slopes - inner steep, outer gentle, a large development of glaciers.

In the Eastern Alps, the Bernese, Rhaetian, Dolomitic and Carnic ridges, which extend in width, stand out especially.

The average height of the Eastern Alps is 2.500-3.500 m, there are also fewer glaciers.

In addition to the division into Western and Eastern, the Alps are also divided in the latitudinal direction: into the Northern Prealps - (limestone and slate mountains), the Central Alps - (crystalline ridges) and the Southern Prealps - (limestone and sandstone mountains).

The Alps were formed during the day of the Alpine folding.

The axial zone of the Alps is composed of crystalline and metamorphic rocks, along the periphery - flysch and molas formations. Deposits of iron, manganese, magnesite and polymetallic ores, rock salt (in the Eastern Alps).

Also insignificant deposits of brown and hard coal. In the Alps there are numerous outlets of mineral water sources, including warm ones, on the basis of which resorts were built (Baden-Baden, Bad Weslau, Badgastein, Ischl, Reichengal, Ex-Lebena and others).

About 1,200 glaciers (with a total area of ​​over 4,000 km2). There are many lakes of tectonic-glacial origin.

Where are the Alps located?

The Alps have many convenient passes - Mont Cenis, St. Bernard, Simplon, St. Gotthard, Bernina, Brenner, Tauern. Tunnels were laid through the Alps: Simplonsky, St. Gotthard and others.

The climate and soil and vegetation cover of the Alps have a clearly pronounced vertical zonality: up to 1200 m the climate is moderately warm, broad-leaved forests grow; from 1300 to 1700 m the climate is temperate, the vegetation is coniferous forests; 1700-2300 m - subalpine zone; 2300-3200 m - alpine zone with a temperate cold climate, above - the zone of eternal snow.

highest peaks

4.809 m: Mont Blanc
4.478 m: Matterhorn, Apennine Alps
3.970 m: Eiger, Bernese Alps
4.166 m: Jungfrau, Bernese Alps

Po, a tributary of the upper Danube;

Lago Maggiore
Glaciers (glaciers)

The line of eternal snow lies in the north at an altitude of 2.500 m, and in the south - 3.000-3.200 m.

The total area of ​​modern glaciation is 4140 km2. Glaciers in the Alps ca. 1200, the largest is Aletsch in the Bernese Alps with an area of ​​169 km2. Rivers originate from glaciers: Rhone, Rhine, Adi-je, Inn, Drava, etc.

About 1200 glaciers (the largest is Aletsch);

Main rail and road routes

Mont Cenis, Simplon, Saint Gotthard, Arlberg, Brenner, Semmering;

tourism, winter sports, mountaineering.

Geography of Italy

Map of Italy Topographic map of Italy Italian cities and towns Photo from space.

Southern Italy and Sicily on the map 1849 p. Italy (Italia) is a state in the south of Europe, in the Mediterranean. DETAILS

Western Alps

Western Alps, part of the Alps mountain system.

Located west of a line running from Lake Constance north to Lake Como south, within Italy, France and Switzerland. Western Alps - the most DETAILS

Kotian Alps

Monte visa Cotes Alps (fr. Alpes Cottiennes t. Cozie) - mountains, part of the Western Alps in France and Italy. The Kotian Alps are separated from the Alpes-Maritimes (in the south) by the Larcher Pass (Maddalena), DETAILS

Graian Alps

Graian Alps Graian Alps

Alpes Grees (Graies), t. Alpi Graie mountains, part of the Western Alps in France (Savoie), Italy (Piedmont and Valle Daosta) and Switzerland (west of the canton of Valais). DETAILS

Lepontine Alps

Lepontinsky Alps (Italian: Alpi Lepontine mountains, part of the Western Alps in Switzerland (cantons of Valais, Ticino and Grisons) and Italy (Piedmont).

The Lepontinsky Alps are separated from the Bernese Alps (more

Eastern Alps

Eastern Alps, part of the Alps mountain system. To the east of the line passing through the Alps from Lake Constance in the north along the valleys of the rivers Rhine and Posterior Rhine to the Splügen Pass, the year of Liro and Peace to the lake MORE DETAILS Our site was created for those who want to gain knowledge.
There are so many more interesting things, places, thoughts, bright ideas in our world that you need to know about!

Where are the Alps located?


Coordinates, map and photo.

The Alps are located in Central Europe
and are located in the territories of southern Austria, northern Italy, the southern half of Switzerland and the eastern outskirts of France.

On the map below, the Alps are highlighted in a darker color than the adjacent plains. To see the snow-covered ridges of the Alps, switch the map to satellite mode in its upper corner.

46.5082512 northern latitude
10.8489056 east longitude

Alps on the interactive map which can be controlled:

Alps are on the list: mountains

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I am a big travel lover, I especially like to enjoy the beauty of the mountains. My geography is so far limited to the mountain ranges of the European continent, such as the Carpathians, the Apennines, the Pyrenees, the Sudetenland. But only the Alps have special beauty and grandeur. Once having visited them, I can no longer imagine resting in another place.

Where are the Alps

The Alps are the largest mountain range in Europe. Mountains are located on the territory of eight countries. The highest peak of these mountains is Mont Blanc with a height of 4810 meters. In general, there are about a hundred peaks in the Alps with a height of more than four thousand meters. The mountains are the center of international tourism and mountaineering. Although the Alps are considered the most studied mountain range, you can discover a lot of interesting things.

Castles Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau as a visiting card of the Alps

My acquaintance with the Alps began after a tourist trip to the castles of Europe. It is the castles of Neuschwanstein and Hohenschwangau against the backdrop of mountain peaks and alpine meadows that enchant at first sight. The history of castles goes into the deep past and is associated with many famous rulers of the Bavarian lands.

What attracts the Alpine mountains

As a tourist with experience, I recommend a holiday in the Alps not only to lovers of skiing, but also to connoisseurs of natural beauty. Clean fresh alpine air intoxicates from the first breath. A large number of popular resorts are located on the territory of the mountains. The most famous:

  • resorts of the Three Valleys in France;
  • Mayrhofen in Austria;
  • Villars in Switzerland;
  • Val di Fassa in Italy;
  • Gastein Valley in Austria.

The uniqueness of the Alps is that they attract tourists at any time of the year. In winter, you can traditionally go skiing, sledding, snowboarding. In summer, the Alps beckon with the opportunity to go mountain climbing, cycling, and gliding. The presence of mountain lakes attracts scuba divers and yachtsmen. As a lover of warm countries, summer holidays are suitable for me. Hiking trails with a backpack on my back is my hobby. It is this holiday against the backdrop of the beauty of the Alpine mountains that I prefer.

In the form of Alpis is mentioned by Herodotus, V in. BC e., in Dr. Rome Alpes, modern German Alpine, French alpes, ital. Alpi. The traditional use of the plural form. h. is associated with the presence of many Alps: the vast Dolomites, Pennines, Maritimes, Julia and many other Alps are known, each of which includes ridges and massifs, the names of which also contain the term Alps. Cm. See also the Dinaric Highlands.

Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. - M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001 .


the highest mountains in the West. Europe. A complex system of ridges and massifs, stretching for 1200 km, up to 260 km wide. The highest peak is Mont Blanc (4807 m). Alpine folding. Snow line - 2500-3200 m. A. - an important climate division, to the north - a temperate climate, to the south - subtropical Mediterranean. On the windward west and north-hall. slopes of precipitation 1500-2000 mm per year, in intramountain valleys 500-800 mm. There are numerous lakes of glacial origin (Geneva, Constance, etc.). The altitudinal zonality is expressed.

Brief geographical dictionary. EdwART. 2008 .


(German Alpen, French Alpes, Italian Alpi, from the Celtic alp - "high mountain"), the highest mountain system Europe. Mentioned by Herodotus in the 5th century. BC e. Stretches from the Mediterranean coast to Middle Danube Plain . in the form of a convex to the NW. arc length on the outer edge approx. 1200 km, int. edge ok. 750 km and a width of 50 to 260 km. border with Apennines passes along the Kadibona (near the Genoese Gulf), with Carpathians- along the Danube valley, with Dinaric highlands - in the Ljubljana Basin. A. form a watershed between the bass. North, Black, Adriatic and Mediterranean seas. A. are located on the territory of Italy, France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany and Slovenia. The valley of the upper Rhine is subdivided into higher Zap. A. (the highest point of the city. Mont Blanc , 4807 m) and lower and wider Vost. A. (Bernina, 4049 m). Alpine zone Zap. A., composed of ancient crystalline rocks, abruptly breaks off in the south to the Lombard lowland; north-west the slope, on the contrary, is surrounded by a wide strip of medium-altitude mountains, folded in the main. limestones. Axial zone A. is also composed of crystalline rocks, but in the south (as well as in the north) it is preceded by wide limestone and dolomite Prealps .
A. is an important climatic division of Europe. A temperate climate prevails to the north and west of them, and a subtropical Mediterranean climate to the south. Avg. the temperature of July at an altitude of 500 m is 18 ° С, 1000 m - 16 ° С and 2500 m - 6 ° С, in January, respectively, 0, -6 and -15 ° С. Precipitation on the windward and northwest. slopes are 1500–2000 mm (in some places up to 4000 mm), and in intramountain valleys 500–800 mm. In winter, a lot of snow falls, often snow avalanches come down. The snow line runs at an altitude of 2500 m (in the northern Pre-Alps) to 3200 m (in the hinterland and in the Eastern Alps). There are approx. 3200 glaciers with a total area. OK. 2680 km². Most of them lie on the north, north-west. and north-east. slopes, characterized by valley and cirque glaciers (the largest - Alechsky glacier).
In A. lie the origins Reina, Rhone, By , Adige , right tributaries of the Danube; many lakes, mainly glacial origin ( Geneva, Thun, Brienz, Firvalshted, Constance, Lago Maggiore , Lugano , Como , Garda and etc.). Altitudinal zonality is well expressed in A.. Up to 800 m there are many gardens, fields, subtropical shrubs and forests (beech and oak). In the belt of 800–1800 m, they are gradually replaced by coniferous forests: in more humid areas - spruce and fir, in drier areas - pine, cedar and larch. Pasture living is developed here, and in the lower parts of the belt - agriculture. At altitudes from 1800 to 2200–2300 m, shrubs and tall grass meadows predominate; many summer pastures. Even higher is the alpine belt with short-grass alpine vegetation. In the highlands, glaciers, snowfields, rocks and stone placers dominate.
Roe deer, Central European deer, wild boar, wolf, fox, wild cat, ferret, marten, ermine, weasel, occasionally brown bear and lynx are found in the Alpine forests. There are many rodents: squirrels, wild rabbits, hare and blue hare, dormice, etc.; as well as birds. Chamois, alpine ibex, alpine marmot, and voles live in the highlands.
A. always played a big role in the life of Europe. The army of Hannibal (218 BC) passed through the Alpine passes, the heroic campaign of A. V. Suvorov (1799) is known. Today A. is one of the most important recreational areas in Europe. Mountain tourism and mountaineering are widely developed, and the word alpine itself has become a household word and is used to designate high mountains (alpine vegetation, alpine belt, mountaineering). In villages and cities there are numerous hotels and boarding houses, on the mountain slopes there are cable cars and ski slopes.

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria. Under the general editorship of Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .


the highest mountain range in Europe. Ancient Greek is also mentioned. historian Herodotus in the 5th century. BC e. The Alps stretch from the Mediterranean coast to the southwest. to the Middle Danube lowland in the east in the form of a convex to the north-west. arcs dl. outside edge approx. 1200 km, internal - approx. 750 km and lat. from 50–60 km on the meridian of Turin to 240–260 km on the meridian of Verona. Numerous ridges of the Alps form Ch. watershed Zap. and Wed. Europe between bass. North, Black, Adriatic and Mediterranean seas. On ter. The Alps are located in Italy, France, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany and Slovenia.
The transverse (meridional) section of the upper Rhine valley between Lake Constance. in the north and lake. Como in the south of the Alps are subdivided into higher Western Alps(the highest point of the Alps, Mont Blanc, 4807 m) and lower and wider Eastern Alps(Bernina, 4049 m). Zap. The Alps have a pronounced arcuate shape with a wide outer (northwestern and northern) edge and a shorter and steeper inner one. Alpine axial zone Zap. The Alps, composed of ancient and resistant to weathering crystalline rocks, without a transitional strip abruptly breaks off to the Lombard lowland; northwest the slope, on the contrary, is surrounded by a wide strip of medium-altitude mountains, folded in the main. younger limestones. Vost. The Alps extend in a latitudinal direction; their axial zone is also composed of crystalline rocks, but here from north to south it is preceded by wide limestone and dolomite Prealps.
The Alps are an important climate divide in Europe. For ter. To the north and west of the Alps, a temperate climate is characteristic, and to the south, a subtropical Mediterranean climate. In the Alps themselves, the climate is determined primarily by relief. Wed the temperature of July at vys. 500 m is equal to 18 ° C, at high. 1000 m - 16 ° C and high. 2500 m - 6 ° C, January 0, -6 and -15 ° C, respectively. Precipitation on the windward and northwest. slopes are 1500–2000 mm, in some places up to 4000 mm per year, and in intramountain valleys 500–800 mm. In winter, a lot of snow falls, snow avalanches and mudflows often come down.
The snow line in the Northern Prealps runs at a height. 2500–2600 m, in the Alpes-Maritimes it lies at a height. 2800–2900 m, and in the inner districts and to the East. Alps - at height. 3000–3200 m. In total, there are approx. 3200 modern glaciers and more than 1500 migratory snowfields; glaciers cover approx. 2680 km², and together with migratory snowfields - 2835 km². Characteristic are valley and cirque glaciers; most of the glaciers lie on slopes facing the north and northwest. and S.-V. The largest in length and area is the Aletsch Glacier (24.7 km; 86.8 km²). In the Alps are the sources of the Rhine, Rhone, Po, Adige, the right tributaries of the Danube (Iller, Lech, Inn, Enns, Drava), many lakes of glacial and tectonic origin. The largest: Geneva, Thun, Brienz, Firwaldstet, Constance, Lago Maggiore, Lugano, Como, Garda, etc.
In the Alps, the altitudinal zonality of landscapes is well expressed. Up to high 800 m climate is moderately warm, to the south. slopes - Mediterranean; many gardens, fields, subtropical shrubs and forests, mainly from beech and oak. In the 800–1800 m belt, the climate is temperate, humid, broad-leaved forests are gradually replaced by coniferous ones - in the wetter regions from spruce and fir, in the drier regions from pine, European cedar and larch. Pasture animal husbandry is developed here, and agriculture in the lower parts of the belt. At the height from 1800 to 2200–2300 m the climate is subalpine cold, with a long-term stable snow cover. Shrubs and tall grass meadows predominate; many summer pastures. Even higher, to the snow line, there is an alpine belt with a cold climate and short-grass alpine vegetation; snow lies here most of the year. Finally, the highlands occupies a nival-glacial belt with glaciers, snowfields, bare rocks, stone placers and moraine deposits.
In the alpine forests, a rather rich fauna is still preserved. Roe deer, Central European deer, wild boar, wolf, fox, wild cat, ferret, pine marten, ermine, weasel, occasionally brown bear and lynx are found here. Quite a lot of rodents: squirrels, wild rabbits, hare and white hare, dormice, etc., as well as birds. Chamois, alpine ibex, alpine marmot, and voles live in the Alpine highlands.
The Alps have always played a big role in the life of Europe. Even in ancient times (218 BC), the army of Hannibal passed along the Alpine passes, the heroic Alpine campaign of A. V. Suvorov (1799) is known. Now the Alps are one of the most important recreational areas in Europe. Almost everywhere in the villages and towns there are a lot of hotels and boarding houses, on the mountain slopes there are cable cars and ski slopes, in many corners of the mountains there are railways with a third, toothed rail. Mountain tourism and mountaineering are widely developed, and the word "alpine" itself has become a household word and is used to designate high mountains (alpine vegetation, alpine belt, mountaineering).

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .


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    - (German Alpen; French Alpes; Italian Alpi; from the Celtic alp high mountain), the highest (up to 4807 m, Mount Mont Blanc) mountain system of Western Europe (France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Liechtenstein). Length about 1200 ... Modern Encyclopedia

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