Laying out toys in the trading floor, in compliance with safety regulations.

Master of Economics Smagulova Zh.B., student of the Ek-11-1 group Ibadullaeva Zh.

Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata, Kazakhstan

Features of merchandising in children's stores

It is safe to say that the children's goods market is one of the most attractive. The turnover of the market is ensured largely due to the fact that children's clothing, shoes, toys, books require constant updating, so the demand for goods for children is not directly dependent on prices and family income. Today, children's goods can be bought in specialized children's stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets, discounters and specialized stores that also have a share of the children's assortment (for example, bookstores).

When planning the retail space of a children's store, it is necessary to calculate the optimal routes for the movement of customers. Optimal routes are determined by highlighting key areas on the trading floor.

Products for pregnant women, newborns, and children of the first year of life should be placed separately. Fitting rooms for pregnant women must be large and equipped with comfortable seats. This zone and the baby food zone can be placed in the far part of the hall, because the goods of these groups have a targeted demand.

Clothes and shoes for children are divided into two areas: clothes for boys and clothes for girls. As a rule, they are located nearby. Large fitting rooms are also needed here, as parents often help children change clothes.

Fitting rooms for pregnant women must be large and equipped with comfortable seats. This zone and the baby food zone can be placed in the far part of the hall, because the goods of these groups have a targeted demand.

Children's toys are usually placed along the main route of the shopping flow in the store, and quite often the toys at the beginning of the selection zone are the most expensive, and towards the end - the most affordable. If this is not abused, then such a layout is beneficial for the store - in this way the store stimulates the sale of more expensive goods. However, expensive goods should be clearly visible to parents, and not to children, so that conflicts do not arise. The layout of toys, as a rule, is carried out by age groups and topics.

The use of low island retail equipment improves the visibility of the hall, allows parents and children to easily navigate in the hall and find new interesting toys for purchase. In small stores, the largest and most massive products are placed on the lower shelves, and large plush toys look at customers from above. Columns can also be used to display soft toys. In large stores, toy halls can be divided into separate zones by theme: dolls zone, plush toys zone, children's houses and furniture zone, designers zone, cars zone, etc. The layout in such rooms is designed to awaken the child's imagination and make parents want to buy more than one toy for the child.

Commercial equipment in the store should harmoniously complement the interior design and be functional. It is desirable to unify it as much as possible in order to easily and quickly rebuild or move it when the exposure changes. You should not use commercial equipment that blocks the visibility of the hall; it is better to place goods at a height accessible to children. Special safety requirements are imposed on commercial equipment in children's stores. Here it is desirable to avoid easily breaking glass, sharp corners and unstable structures.

Near the checkout area, various racks with goods of impulse demand can be placed: from children's cosmetics and holiday goods to postcards and magnets. The main thing here is a delicate approach to the feelings of customers. The imposition of goods on children and narrow aisles to the cash registers will sooner or later annoy parents.

If we talk about the features of merchandising in a children's store, we can conclude the following:

The most important thing is to create an atmosphere in which children will not

prevent adults from buying clothes. As a rule, this is an interesting game atmosphere in which the child is passionate and does not resist when they try to try something on him. The playing area should be placed unequivocally in the dead zone of the trading floor - corners or, in extreme cases, in the center. Do not use the perimeter of the hall in any case, as this is fraught with the loss of trading space;

When designing shop windows, it must be taken into account that some small children

afraid of mannequins. Therefore, one must be extremely careful in their choice. A win-win option is to dress a soft toy in the presented clothes;

Music should be quiet and uplifting - cheerful.

Calm, relaxing instrumental music that is used in the "adult store" is excluded here. Musical arrangement - soundtracks from current trendy children's cartoons will also benefit sales;

· we must not forget about the aroma-atmosphere. Smell in the nursery

The store must have sweets - "the smell of sweets" or duchesse is always a win-win option.


2. "Merchandising of a children's store" Russian Trade magazine No. 7-8, 2011

3. "Merchandising of children's goods" Tatiana Kastko, May 6, 2008

4. "Children's clothing merchandising" Ekaterina Bogacheva (accessed November 12, 2013)

N.V. Martynov

Features of the merchandising of the TUTSI toy store

Currently, about 60% of purchases are made in specialized children's stores, in which visual merchandising plays an important role. Its components: store design, color choice, soundtrack, lighting - should create the most comfortable atmosphere for children.

Merchandising of children's goods should take into account the psychology of children and the psychology of parents, the difference between the age segments of the children's audience and gender differences. Otherwise, it is difficult to competently organize the work of a children's store, make the correct display of goods and, accordingly, count on successful sales.

The object of our study is the TUTSI children's toy store, a large toy retail chain in the city of Volgodonsk, Rostov Region.

The genesis of the store is associated with the opening of the Volgodonsk TUTSI soft toy factory, which was founded in 2006 by a group of young professionals. The factory employed 6 people. Two years later, the number of employees increased to 50 people. In 2007, the TUTSI factory began its activities as a wholesale company, two wholesale and retail toy stores were opened, today there are already 4 of them, and more new ones are planned to be opened. The assortment presented in our stores is more than 3000 items. Toys from the TUTSI factory are made from environmentally friendly and high-quality materials and have quality certificates. The company works directly with manufacturers of children's goods, so they can guarantee the best price and a wide range.

A distinctive feature of the visual merchandising of the TUTSI children's store is the focus of its components on the most comfortable atmosphere for children. Lighting in the store emphasizes the joyful "childish" atmosphere of carelessness, which is achieved by using warm-colored lamps with a high color rendering index.

The generally accepted pattern of the commodity market is the dependence of the time that the buyer spends in the store, and making purchases. This implies both a convenient entrance and a mandatory wide entrance to the store, a large checkout area, wide aisles and convenient navigation, no queues and professional assistance from the sales staff.

For young children, tactile contact with the goods is very important, which is why the TUTSI store has a self-service format.

People tend to evaluate the product and the price level by the appearance of the store and showcases, so the owners of the TUTSI store try to create exactly the image of the store that is beneficial to the owner and interesting to small customers and their parents. The design of the TUTSI children's store is quite interesting and sets you up for shopping.

Commercial equipment in the store harmoniously complements the interior design and is functional. The commercial equipment in the TUTSI children's store is subject to special safety requirements - they avoid easily breaking glass, sharp corners and unstable structures. For laying out toys, low island structures are used - this improves the visibility of the hall, allows parents and children to easily navigate in the hall and find new interesting toys to buy.

The TUTSI store has a very developed compositional layout, when bears swing on a children's swing, dolls sleep in toy strollers - this makes it possible to create a plot, set dynamics in the store and spur children's imagination to creativity.

In general, the usual rules apply for the display of children's products. Toys for children are placed according to several basic display principles: by age groups, by collections or brands, by manufacturers.

When planning the retail space for the TUTSI children's store, the optimal routes for the movement of customers were calculated. Optimal routes are determined by highlighting key areas on the trading floor. In addition, the zoning of the trading floor was also carried out, which creates the “internal logic” of placing goods in the store and determines the routes for the movement of customers. The principle of the spatial arrangement of goods is as follows: goods of impulse purchases (toys, necessary trifles) are located in plain sight, at the entrance, in the checkout area, and goods of “solid” and targeted purchases (carriages, furniture) are located in the depths.

In the TUTSI store, the assortment is well structured, and this helps customers easily navigate it. The toy room is divided in turn into a zone of toys for girls and toys for boys. In addition, the toy hall is divided into separate zones according to the theme: dolls zone, soft toys zone, children's houses and furniture zone, designers zone, cars zone, etc. Separately, a group of educational games and goods for creativity is singled out. This is due to the store's focus on awakening the child's imagination and arousing in parents the desire to buy more than one toy for the child.

Children's toys are placed along the main route of the customer flow in the store. Toys at the beginning of the selection zone are the most expensive, and towards the end - more affordable - such a layout is beneficial for the store, the store thus stimulates the sale of more expensive goods. However, this is done so that the expensive product should be clearly visible to parents, and not to children, so that conflicts do not arise. Children easily make a purchase decision, so the product is located at the level of their gaze. In the TUTSI store, goods interesting for consumers are laid out taking this factor into account, which indicates the flexibility of the store's policy. In the TUTSI store, attention is paid to ensuring that children's products within the reach of the child are inexpensive, otherwise this will lead to irritation of parents and crying of children.

All sorts of racks or structures - "turntables" - with goods of impulse demand are placed near the checkout area: from children's cosmetics and sweets and holiday goods to postcards and magnets. Impulsive child demand plays a big role in this case, since it is fundamental when buying a product.

In 2008, an experiment was carried out in the TUTSI children's store: from the day of opening to the present moment, as mentioned earlier, the TUTSI company places the most expensive toys at the beginning of the selection zone, and the most affordable ones at the end. store, the store stimulates, thus, the sale of a more expensive product. However, it wasn't until 2009 that the store did the opposite, placing cheap toys first.

The graph shows the turnover of the enterprise for the last 2 years: red - 2009, blue - 2010. In general, the turnover for all stores in 2010 amounted to 22.2 million rubles. As you can see, a cheaper product attracts more customers, but brings much less profit to the store. Using this move, the company as a whole suffered a decrease in profit of 3.2 million rubles for the year.


Every year, Russian families spend more and more on their children. This is due to the annual growth of the range, and the overall increase in market volumes. The good news is that children's stores are focused on parents with different incomes. It has been observed that the higher the earnings, the higher the demands placed on quality and service by the buyers. Children's goods can be bought at lower prices not in specialized stores, but in large cities, most prefer not to save on their children. In the regions, the percentage of purchases in supermarkets is about 30-35, however, civilized trade is rapidly gaining momentum. The main advantage of such shopping in comparison with the market one is the use of modern technologies and.

Shopping with kids

Undoubtedly, children have different attitudes to shopping. Often toddlers agree to go shopping only if they are promised a new toy or sweets. If the parents do not keep their promises, then tired children can begin to act up and even throw a tantrum. Therefore, parents choose convenient stores, first of all, for themselves. If you need to buy food, then the choice will be in favor of supermarkets, where you can take a cart and put a child there. If you need to buy household goods or clothes, then a supermarket with a playground, cinema or other children's entertainment will win. The same principle works when choosing a children's supermarket, the main thing is that shopping is convenient and simple. In the face of ever-increasing competition, the owners of children's supermarkets do their best to make spending time in their store enjoyable not only for children, but also for parents.

Even though it is the parents who actually make the purchase, the children have a direct influence on this choice. There are several types of such purchases:

  • Joint purchases of children and parents.
  • Purchases made at the request of children.
  • Independent purchases with pocket money.
  • Family purchases influenced by children's opinions.

Merchandising of children's goods

Shopping with kids

  • purchases at the request of parents;

  • classes for expectant mothers
  • information and delivery service
  • car seat installation

Display of goods for children

Tatyana Kastko, especially for the project ©

Merchandising that takes into account the peculiarities of children's shopping

On average, Russian families spent about $500 per child in 2006, and will spend even more next year. The market for children's goods is growing annually by several percent, and in connection with the presidential program to support the birth rate, we should expect, if not a boom, then still a sharp increase in the volume of this market.

It is gratifying that with the growth of the well-being of parents, there is a qualitative and quantitative increase in the supply of children's goods on the market and new children's stores appear. Parents have become more demanding not only to the quality of the goods offered, but also to the service in retail outlets. Although children's goods can usually be bought cheaper in the markets, about fifty percent of purchases of children's goods in capital cities are currently made in specialized children's stores or supermarkets. In the regions, the percentage of sales attributable to specialized stores is still lower (about 30-35%), but civilized trade is gradually and confidently winning the hearts of children and their parents. The main difference between civilized trade and market trade is the use of modern retail technologies and merchandising.

Shopping with kids

Of course, children, as well as parents, have different attitudes to shopping. Most young children agree to go to the store only after their parents promise to buy them some toys or sweets. If the child is bored in the store, he quickly gets tired and starts to act up, and if the kid does not buy what he liked so much, then a scandal can be expected. Parents, knowing this, try to choose convenient stores for family trips. If this is a grocery shopping trip, then parents will certainly choose a supermarket with grocery carts in which to put the child. It's so easy and convenient! And if you need to buy clothes and household goods, then, most likely, parents will choose a shopping center with a game room, a cinema or other entertainment for children. And the children's store, parents are already beginning to choose today according to the principle - how convenient it is to make purchases with children there. And with growing competition, such a factor as a comfortable atmosphere in a children's store will begin to play one of the first roles. Shopping is gradually turning into a joint pleasant pastime for both parents and children.

Today, children's goods can be bought in specialized children's stores, supermarkets and hypermarkets, discounters and specialized stores that also have a share of the children's assortment (for example, bookstores). Despite the fact that most of the purchases in children's stores are made by parents, the influence of children on the choices made by parents cannot be underestimated. There are the following types of purchases made with the participation of children:

  • purchases at the request of parents;
  • purchases for children together with adults;
  • independent purchases made from pocket money;
  • family purchases that are made under the influence or opinion of children.

Merchandising is largely associated with the psychology of the buyer, with his decision to purchase. Merchandising of children's goods, in addition, should take into account the psychology of children and the psychology of parents. Without realizing this, it is difficult to properly organize the work of a children's store, make the correct display of goods and, accordingly, count on successful sales.

Visual merchandising for a children's store

An important role in the creation of children's specialized stores is played by visual merchandising. Its components: store design, color choice, soundtrack, lighting, should create the most comfortable atmosphere for children. Lighting in children's stores should emphasize the joyful "childish" atmosphere of carelessness. This is achieved by a high level of illumination and the use of warm-colored lamps with a high color rendering index.

It is imperative to understand that what small children like (the atmosphere of a fairy tale, children's songs, a playroom, etc.) will no longer be pleasant to teenagers. For older children, for example, a techno hall is suitable, where glass-chrome combinations, silver-gray tones or graffiti-style design are relevant.

People tend to evaluate the product and the price level by the appearance of the store and shop windows. Therefore, it is very important to create exactly the image of the store that is beneficial for the retailer and interesting for small buyers and their parents, and the atmosphere and assortment of the store must correspond to its overall strategy. The design of a children's store should not only be interesting, but also set up for shopping.

Service and additional services in children's stores

Shopping with a baby (especially with a stroller) is a very tiring task, so the task of each store is to make your stay in it as convenient and enjoyable as possible. And this implies both a convenient entrance and a mandatory wide entrance to the store, a large checkout area, wide aisles and convenient navigation, no queues and professional assistance from the sales staff.

Large shopping centers, the main target audience of which are families with children, specially allocate places intended for children, most often these are playrooms and children's cafes, entertainment centers and clubs, etc. Thus, they enable parents to make purchases calmly, and children are happy to have fun at this time. There must be a toilet in the children's room in the shopping center, as parents will worry if the employee takes the child somewhere.

A good children's store should include: a play area (possibly with children's attractions or toys), a mother and child room where the baby can be fed and changed, a relaxation area and a toilet for customers. This is not a luxury, these are necessary conditions for increasing sales. Merchants are well aware of this relationship: the more time a buyer spends in a store, the more he will make purchases. All these additional conveniences of the store will serve you in good stead over time. In addition to direct sales, retail chains can offer additional services, for example:

  • classes for parents on raising children
  • classes for expectant mothers
  • information and delivery service
  • online stores and sites with product catalogs
  • car seat installation
  • informing regular customers about promotions held in the network, etc.

The layout of the retail space of the children's store

In multi-storey shopping centers, children's shops are located above the second floor, and often on the top floor. This is due to the fact that children's products are classified as targeted, i.e. people plan to buy such goods in advance.

When planning the retail space of the children's store itself, it is necessary to calculate the optimal routes for the movement of customers. Optimal routes are determined by highlighting key areas on the trading floor. In the selection area of ​​a regular store, the assortment of which includes children's clothes and shoes, toys and baby care products, there will be three key zones: clothes and shoes for children (1), toys (2), baby care products children (3). After the allocation of key areas, the zoning of the trading floor is carried out directly, which should create an “internal logic” for placing goods in the store and determine the routes for the movement of customers.

Products for pregnant women, newborns, and children of the first year of life should be placed separately. These goods are bought at a very exciting period of life, and there should be a special atmosphere in this department. Fitting rooms for pregnant women must be large and equipped with comfortable seats. This zone and the baby food zone can be placed in the far part of the hall, because the goods of these groups have a targeted demand.

Clothes and shoes for children are divided into two areas: clothes for boys and clothes for girls. As a rule, they are located nearby. Fitting rooms here are also needed large, because. often parents help children change clothes. Just near the area for choosing clothes and shoes, you can place a children's play area. Adults choose clothes and shoes for children for a long time. Children get bored and can entertain themselves in the play area. At the same time, if you need to try something on, the children are nearby.

The toy zone should ideally look like a "magic world" in which every child will find entertainment. This zone has a high percentage of impulse purchases, so the toy zone is often located near the entrance zone or in the direction of the main customer flow. The toy area is usually divided in turn into a toy area for children from 0 to 3 years old, a toy area for girls and a toy area for boys. A group of educational games and goods for creativity stands out separately.

In the entrance area, it is best to place (on specially dedicated equipment) seasonal goods or special offers, and make, if possible, a bright, interesting display. For example, when the New Year is approaching - all kinds of Christmas tree decorations, carnival costumes and New Year's souvenirs and gifts. Such a solution clearly makes it clear to the buyer that the store is following demand, and here you can find the right product.

Near the checkout area, various racks with goods of impulse demand can be placed: from children's cosmetics and holiday goods to postcards and magnets. The main thing here is a delicate approach to the feelings of customers. The imposition of goods on children, and narrow aisles to the cash registers, sooner or later will cause irritation among parents.

Display of goods for children

Commercial equipment in the store should harmoniously complement the interior design and be functional. It is desirable to unify it as much as possible in order to easily and quickly rebuild or move it when the exposure changes. You should not use commercial equipment that blocks the visibility of the hall; it is better to place goods at a height accessible to children. Special safety requirements are imposed on commercial equipment in children's stores. Here it is desirable to avoid easily breaking glass, sharp corners and unstable structures.

In general, the usual rules apply for the display of children's products. But there are some peculiarities, for example, laying out baby food. The peculiarity is that baby foods are divided into age groups (usually they differ in design or packaging color). And for their placement, it is necessary to strictly observe the layout of the blocks according to age groups. This is the most convenient for the buyer. It can be difficult for new parents to make the first choice of food for their child, and this is where the store should help them. In the baby food display area, informational booklets of manufacturers are necessarily laid out, because every reputable baby food manufacturer offers a scheme for introducing baby food to a child, developed by its company. And for individual consultations on baby food, it is better for buyers to invite a nutritionist or pediatrician to the store.

Children's toys are usually placed along the main route of the shopping flow in the store, and quite often the toys at the beginning of the selection zone are the most expensive, and towards the end - the most affordable. If this is not abused, then such a layout is beneficial for the store, the store thus stimulates the sale of more expensive goods. However, expensive goods should be clearly visible to parents, and not to children, so that conflicts do not arise. The layout of toys, as a rule, is carried out by age groups and topics. The use of low island retail equipment improves the visibility of the hall, allows parents and children to easily navigate in the hall and find new interesting toys for purchase. In small stores, the largest and most massive products are placed on the lower shelves, and large plush toys look at customers from above. Columns can also be used to display soft toys. In large stores, toy halls can be divided into separate zones by theme: dolls zone, plush toys zone, children's houses and furniture zone, designers zone, cars zone, etc. The layout in such rooms is designed to awaken the child's imagination and make parents want to buy more than one toy for the child. Outside the main display area, in large children's stores, podiums are often used to present large-sized toys, sports and seasonal goods. Here, as in shop windows, you can make a compositional layout. Children really like it when big teddy bears swing on a children's swing, dolls sleep with pleasure in toy strollers, and bright balls all come together in an inflatable pool. In large stores, it is necessary to structure the assortment, helping customers easily navigate it. Clothes and shoes for children are placed according to several basic principles of display: by age groups, by collections or brands, by manufacturers, by intended use (home, for sports, for school).

Separately, it is worth talking about the display of children's goods in supermarkets and hypermarkets. In hypermarkets, which have huge retail space, most often there are no separate retail areas for children's goods. Here, the layout is usually carried out according to the product classification, so children's goods are placed in different places. For example: children's sports goods are located together with adult sports goods, and children's food is located in a completely different part of the hall compared to children's toys. In such stores, a good navigation system is required to help customers.

The best-selling children's products in supermarkets are daily consumption products (yogurts, water, curds, breakfast cereals, pastries, fruits) with an average cost of about 15 rubles. The child himself easily buys such goods from his pocket money. The experience of some supermarkets has proven that with proper placement of children's goods, sales can be increased up to 15%.

In supermarkets, where the sales area does not allow to allocate separate “children's zones”, it is better to allocate lower shelves for children's goods. Children, unlike adults, easily make a purchase decision, therefore, at the level of their gaze, you can lay out an interesting product for them. It is important to consider here that the display of goods for children should be organized quite delicately. It is impossible for children's goods in the reach of the child to be expensive, otherwise this will lead to irritation of parents and crying of children.

In addition to the main display of goods in large stores, priority bright and voluminous displays of goods that are in demand among children work well, especially in the entrance or checkout area. Well, in almost all stores, the most interesting place for children is near the cash registers. Here, impulsive children's demand haunts parents. They want everything and more. However, the placement of impulse goods near the checkouts must be carefully considered. And, of course, condoms, which often arouse interest in children when laid out next to boxes of lollipops, and chocolate, which is not always good for babies, should be laid out well above the child's gaze.

Building relationships with children

All stores that have children's products in their assortment should look for their own approach to "little customers" and their parents. Effective communications with children must be carried out using a wide range of marketing and merchandising tools and have a constant dynamic development. The store should update the assortment in a timely manner and demonstrate the work of toys as often as possible. Tactile contact with the goods is very important for young children, children should be able to “touch and try” as many goods as possible, then they become interested and comfortable in the store. In building relationships between the store and young children, they have proven themselves excellently: holding special children's competitions and holidays, festive decoration of stores, issuing balloons with the name of the store, etc.

To attract teenagers to shops, you can use their "digital" and "virtual" hobbies. Almost every student now has a mobile phone and knows how to use a computer, so the store can use this to establish communications with teenagers. For example: when buying in a store, as a gift, download sound files to mobile phones or MP3 players for free, or announce a competition for the best “mobile” photo taken in a store. But everyone who chooses ways to communicate with children should think about how they will affect children and make only responsible decisions. Well, if the child establishes a positive emotional connection with the store, he will often and with pleasure come to it.

children, children's, goods, goods, shops, toys, shop Merchandising of children's goods 2019-03-25 2019-03-25

11. Arrange products in your product category. Always follow this principle. Milk with milk, soap with soap, electric drills with electric drills. The exception is a special layout, when all the products of one manufacturer or one brand are laid out next to each other. But even then it is necessary to duplicate the layout at the main point of sale.

12. Place products in your price category. Also follow this principle. Place expensive items next to expensive items on the top shelves, cheap items next to cheap ones on the lower shelves. Highly advertised and popular products must also be placed together, otherwise other products that do not have advertising support may be damaged.

It is recommended to follow the principle of price increase (lower items are at the beginning of the rack, then more and more expensive items) in stores that are intended for buyers with an average income or for everyday goods. Goods of status, elite must be placed according to the principle “first expensive, then everything is cheaper” - so as not to reduce the prestige of the goods.

Low-price stores (discounters) start with the cheapest products that they are proud of and want to offer the customer first. In such stores, the price rises in the course of the customer flow. Particularly attractive positions at low prices are located at the ends of the racks (Figure 3. 21).

Fig 3 21 In discount stores, the price rises with the flow of customers.

In expensive stores, on the contrary, the row begins with expensive, high-quality goods, which are also often located at the ends - after all, it is these goods that are the pride of stores, it is the highest quality (and expensive) goods that they want to present to their customers.

13. Place the product "face" to the buyer. The product must be always located with the label or face to the buyer, taking into account the angle of view of the buyer Conduct an experiment - walk around your store and read the inscriptions on all labels Was it easy? Did the head need to be tilted 90 degrees? And specifically to take the goods in hand? The information on the packaging should be easy to read, without physical effort, not covered by other packaging and price tags. A person can easily read a vertically written word only if it consists of no more than five letters and is common (there are about a hundred such words). Long words, especially foreign ones, written vertically, a person will not read.

14. Provide the required number of faces. Facing (from the English face - face) is a unit of goods, standing directly on the shelf and exposed in such a way that the side containing the brand name and basic information is fully visible. That is, facing is a product that stands on the shelf itself, and not on another product; in the first row closest to the buyer; and products do not block each other at all. The required number of facings depends on the type of product, location on the shelf, features of the store, etc. Provide the highest number of facings for a hot product.

The general rules for determining the number of faces are as follows:

1 Divide the product into similar groups according to the decision tree. For example, in a low price store, the category "WINE" in the Alcohol group is divided into subcategories: red, white, rose wine; further - by countries of production: France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Chile, South Africa, Bulgaria, Georgia, Russia, etc.

2 Under WINE, allocate shelf space for the subcategories in proportion to unit sales.

4 Determine the faces based on unit sales.

5 Arrange the item in ascending price order from left to right.

Let's give an example of calculating the number of product faces when laying out by brands.

Given: 8 juice brands, 120 SKU in total. You need to place the goods on two racks 1 m wide, five shelves each. Shelving capacity - 180 faces (table 3 4, fig 3. 22).

Table 3.4. An example of calculating the number of product faces when displaying by brands.


1) brands rank according to the price level and in proportion to unit sales;

2) brands are represented by blocks with clear vertical boundaries, which visually streamlines the display of goods.

Fig 3 22 Placement of goods when laying out by brands.

6. Never cover products with a price tag or POS material You are selling a product, everything else should only contribute to the sale and not come to the fore.

7. When introducing a new product to the assortment, it is necessary to optimize, rather than worsen the display of existing goods After all, they've already proven their viability, and a newbie should check it out. If you want to give a new product some extra support, pick up POS materials or duplicate your display layout.

8. Place small items closer to the buyer(closer on the shelf and closer to eye level), large can be placed further or lower so that the goods do not block each other.

9. Maintain the appearance of goods and commercial furniture in due order Commercial furniture should be clean, free of dust and stains (especially on glass). It is necessary to monitor the integrity of the labels and packaging of the goods, as the damaged appearance spoils the image of both the product and the store.

10. Arrange the shelves correctly on the rack. They should be located so that from the edge of the product to the edge of the top shelf there is 3-4 cm left (two fingers could be inserted). With a larger interval, the shelf space is used inefficiently, with a smaller one, it is difficult to take the goods from the shelf.

Types of calculation

Layout by product groups

This type of display involves the display of goods of one product group of all manufacturers or brands For example, coffee of different brands in one place or fruit on a shelf Grouping by type of product is effective for middle-income buyers, as they are less dependent on brands, preferring stock item. Also, displaying by type of product is effective for targeted purchases, when the buyer is purposefully looking for a product of a certain category, for example, sour cream - it will be much more convenient for the buyer if all types of sour cream are displayed together, and not within dairy product brands. The larger the format of the store, the more relevant the layout is for product groups.

Listing by manufacturer or brand

This type of layout implies the layout of all the names of one manufacturer in a single block within a certain department/section.

If the display of goods of one manufacturer occupies a large share in the total volume of sales, the products are grouped into a corporate block in each product group (if this does not contradict the general concept of the presentation of goods).

Most often, branding is used for more expensive stores or within a product group block. For example, inside the "Sour Cream" block, you can place products by brands, taking into account the fat content and type of packaging.

Brand display is also used if the retailer, together with the manufacturer, is interested in promoting a brand. For example, this is a traditional way of presenting goods in perfumery and cosmetics stores: L’Etoile, Rive Gauche, etc.

There are two methods of calculation used by suppliers here.

1 The "castle wall" technique is used when displaying goods in a corporate block Using this technique, you can draw attention to less popular goods.

The strongest positions (leading products) are located at both ends of the block, and “weak” products are placed in the center. Leaders stretch the weak center, making it stronger (Figure 3. 23).

Fig 3. 23. Reception of the "castle wall".

2. Reception "hard nut". In this case, we focus on a strong center, in which we have the strongest positions. Weaker positions can be placed on the sides to weaken the edge products of competitors on both sides of the hard nut (Figure 3.24).

Fig 3. 24. Reception "tough nut".

IMPORTANT: A supplier's merchandiser may exhibit his goods, occupying the areas allocated to competitors (accidentally or intentionally). If a category manager, store manager, or merchandiser allows such "arbitrariness", then the overall sales of the product in the category may decrease due to the decrease in sales of other brands.

This thought brings us back to chapter 1, where we talk about the need to control the supplier's merchandiser - this is our store, so the store employees should have the last word when laying out goods.

Vertical layout

Homogeneous goods are placed vertically in several rows along the entire length of the equipment. This is a good display of goods, convenient for buyers of any size. The zone of visual coverage of the buyer maximally coincides with the vertical display area, therefore this display is the most effective of all types of display on standard shelving equipment. The smaller item is placed on the top shelves, the lowest shelf is where the largest or cheaper item is placed. This is optimal for products of the same brand or manufacturer. In order for the vertical row to be noticeable, its width must be at least 40 cm (Fig. 3. 25).

Horizontal layout

Horizontal display provides for the location of homogeneous goods (for example, by type of product or brand) along the entire length of the equipment, occupying 1–2 shelves. This type of display is effective, for example, when laying out sauces, mayonnaise, spices over a refrigerated bonnet in a grocery store. On ordinary racks with a large number of shelves, such a layout is inefficient - the advantage is immediately given to the product subgroup or brand located at eye level, while other products are in a losing position - too high or at the very bottom.

display layout

Typically, a display layout is used at additional points of sale. In this case, the product is placed on a stand-alone company stand or rack that is not tied to the main point of sale of the product. The products on the display are duplicated, and not taken out from the main point of sale:

Fig 3. 25. Vertical layout.

The display should immediately catch the eye;

The display should be neatly designed and backlit;

The display should always be in the field of view of the seller - so that you can use the goods on it as a topic for conversation;

It has been observed that the simultaneous use of a display layout and bright inscriptions advertising a product can increase sales for this product by 400-600%!

However, with all the advantages of display layout, it is used less and less in modern merchandising. The reason is that the product of a certain manufacturer in this case is given a significant advantage, which distorts the picture of consumption, on the one hand, and also increases the retailer's dependence on the supplier, on the other. After all, the retailer's job is not to sell more product X, but to sell more product category Y, in order to best satisfy the needs of buyers.

The best area for display display is seasonal products, especially if they require special non-standard display equipment.

In addition to the above advantages, the display layout has one significant disadvantage: the supplier, offering the retailer a free branded display or a refrigerator, increases the inventory (the display must be filled), despite the fact that there is not always an increased demand for these goods. In addition, the display can be stylistically and in sizes "do not fit" in your store.

pallet display

This is a display of one item in large quantities on a pallet, often directly in transparent packaging with a mandatory large, well-read label indicating the price and name of the product. Usually located along the perimeter of the store or in the checkout area. It is good to use the pallet as an additional point of sale Pallet display is widely used in supermarkets and hypermarkets.

The effect of pallet display is based primarily on the unwillingness of the buyer to think and choose: he moves around the trading floor and “rests” on the pallet: “Buckwheat? I'll take it just in case." This stimulates both impulse purchases (“it won’t be superfluous”) and targeted purchases (“I was just about to buy”).

The effectiveness of palletizing is significantly reduced if:

There is more than one item on the pallet;

The pallet stays for months and, in fact, turns into a permanent additional point of sale;

There are too many pallets on the trading floor, the effect of novelty is lost, they are perceived as part of the main display;

The price tag is small, low, and the buyer has difficulty recognizing the price.

Display of goods in bulk

It is carried out using various types of containers or base stands. These can be shopping carts, wire containers (accumulators), baskets, tanks, tables. Often this technique is used during sales, usually one type of product is selected. It is required to use a sign indicating the name of the product and the price (for example, holiday sets for the New Year).

But it must be remembered that this type of display (just like pallet display) somewhat reduces the status of the goods, so these types are not recommended for prestigious and expensive goods.

Multi-product display

A multi-product display involves a single placement of various goods and products, usually related to each other. It allows you to significantly increase sales. For example, thematic compositions in a grocery supermarket (cream next to coffee, tea and cookies, fish and sauce) or capsule hanging in a clothing store (the so-called "total look" principle - creating a single image by selecting harmonious combinations of clothes, shoes, accessories).

A natural question arises: which type of calculation is better and which one to choose? There is no unequivocal answer to this question - it all depends on the type of product, the format of the store, and the characteristics of the target groups of buyers.

When choosing between displaying by product groups and by brands, you need to focus on your target buyers: if they mainly operate with brands when choosing a product, then the display should be organized by brands. If the majority of buyers, when choosing a product, are guided by the characteristics of the product and the price, and the brand is not of paramount importance, it is recommended to use the layout by product groups. For example, many discounters place juices by type: orange, tomato, apple, etc., and already within a certain type - by brand within a vertical layout. Supermarkets, on the other hand, prefer displaying juices strictly by brand. And this is obvious: price is important for juice buyers in a discount store, and they are ready to switch from one brand to another if there is a more attractive price. And supermarket buyers are guided by the usual taste and brand fame to a greater extent than by price, so among them there are more adherents of certain brands.

The compositional multi-product layout is often underestimated: it is appropriate not only for clothes or accessories, but also for food, home and leisure goods, jewelry and utensils. Like).

Modern trends in merchandising are precisely aimed at increasing the emotional involvement of the buyer in the buying process. Grocery stores, even discounters, enhance and more often use compositional layout - they create “beauty” In addition, stores tend to make more goods available for free access, even those that are traditionally sold over the counter, such as cookery. Juicers are installed so that the buyer himself can squeeze the juice right in the store.

Hardware stores install test samples so that the buyer can try everything with his own hands. Tool vendors do the same. Furniture is presented in the form of ready-made solutions for rooms - a kitchen, a bedroom or a living room, so that the buyer "gets used" to the created image as much as possible.

Another trend is the strengthening of direct communications with the buyer. For example, stores refuse to advertise goods at the point of sale (on the shelf), giving priority to direct communications with the buyer - they place information about the product that is useful for the buyer on the price tag or the end of the rack. For example, next to the laying of eggs, you can place information about the marking - quality category, expiration date, etc. - the same numbers and letters that we see on the egg, but do not know what they mean. In the alcohol department, you can place information about the labeling of wine, glasses for different types of alcoholic beverages - a short “alphabet” for those who do not understand, and they are the majority among ordinary consumers.

The store contains information, for example, how to choose the right brush, how to choose paint for walls or ceilings, how to choose the right lock for a door, mailbox, window. This is extremely useful and necessary information, besides, in the absence of the seller, it is simply obligatory.

Instead of traditional "image" posters on the walls of the store, direct appeals are placed to customers: "Our products of our own production do not contain hydrogenated fats"; “Our fish has never been frozen,” etc.

The next strong trend is even more convenience for customers. Multi-level layouts with excellent visibility; low-level hardware; rounded routes of customer flows; short lines of shelving that are easy to bypass; island equipment instead of long standard shelving - these techniques are more and more used in modern retail.

Some rules for displaying food

Goods should be in sufficient quantity, preferably a lot. One or two packages or a small piece of a weight product on the counter is associated with poor quality. The minimum quantity of goods is three packages of the same name. Normally, at least three rows of goods of the same name should be laid out.

Expensive goods should be located separately from similar cheap ones; Neighborhood is possible only if it is done specifically to promote cheap. Price gradation should be gradual, or they should be different showcases/shelves. Cheap goods are located on the shelves below, expensive ones are above. The row of racks starts with the cheapest item, according to the mainstream of customers, and ends with the most expensive item.

Competing brands should be side by side. Goods located nearby, a person automatically equalizes in quality, moreover, competitors are often close in price.

Products of the same name in different packaging are also placed next to each other so that a person can choose the one that suits him. However, in a hypermarket where a customer comes for a large number of targeted purchases, mainly for the family, the size of the package is usually already determined and is one of the significant factors in the shopping decision tree.

The layout should organize the borrowing of popularity by weak brands or types of goods from stronger ones. To do this, strong brands (kinds) begin and end a row on the shelf. Thus, weak (less familiar to the consumer) products will be within the "castle walls" formed by strong products, and borrow their popularity.

Goods with a shorter shelf life should be available to the buyer first.

Goods by weight (cheese, sausages, deli meats) should have a fresh cut that allows the buyer to assess the quality of the product, stimulates the appetite and promotes purchase.

It is very important to maintain cleanliness and hygiene on the shelves with bulky goods - cheese, salads, ready meals, so that the buyer does not have any doubts about the quality of the goods.

Products of the same name or brand must be placed side by side, and not in different places. Products that form the “brand line” are also recommended to be located in one place; for example, red wines of the same brand.

Product packages should be placed closer to the edges of the shelf, i.e. closer to the customer, even if the product does not occupy the entire depth of the shelf.

Some rules for presenting clothes

Since the emotional factor plays a big role in the choice of clothes, its presentation is subject to the laws of visual merchandising and design, so that the product is presented not only commercially, but also beautifully.

It is recommended that within the collection clothes be hung on the principle of a “single image”, since the buyer is not looking for a specific piece of clothing, but the image that he wants to match. For this, clothing items of the collection that match each other in color and style are hung side by side.

Products should hang on branded hangers, the hooks of which are directed away from the buyer - to make it easier to remove the item. Products should not hang too tightly to each other.

The size range must be observed (unless otherwise prescribed by the specifics of the store).

Buttons, zippers, hooks, belts must be fastened on all products.

Products hanging at the ends of the hanger must be turned face outward. Products hanging facing the buyer must be illuminated with directional light.

Knitwear is folded according to the size range by color. Usually the series starts with the lightest and ends with the darkest, for example from white to black. It is not recommended to place colors next to each other that can merge with each other, as well as knitwear of different thicknesses. Jeans are stacked by style and size.

On the shelves above the clothes, knitwear, bags, hats, and scarves that are suitable in color and style are traditionally placed.

Some rules for the presentation of household appliances

The main principle of laying out any equipment is grouping according to its functional purpose. Within a group, goods can be arranged for several reasons: by type of product, by brand, etc.

Household appliances should be well lit and have clean surfaces, as surface contamination is perceived by customers as a sign of malfunction.

The principle of commodity neighborhood is important: those groups of goods that are close in their purpose should be located nearby, for example, refrigerators - not far from stoves, stoves - next to or together with hoods, telephones and cameras - next to computers.

Related products should also be located nearby: near vacuum cleaners - filters for them, next to stoves - dishes for cooking, next to microwave ovens - special dishes for such ovens, next to washing machines and dishwashers - appropriate tools.

Racks for small household appliances, located in the central part of the trading floor, are traditionally low - mainly four shelves. This is important for the visibility of the trading floor.

All equipment should be provided with written information for buyers about the technical characteristics needed to make a purchase decision - it is important that it is not redundant and at the same time the most important thing is present. This can be an extended large price tag, or a price tag and separate information about technical characteristics. The price tag on large household appliances should be large, for example, A4 format. Information should be presented in an accessible form for a non-professional, printed in large print.

The ability to test the equipment greatly increases its attractiveness, although it is not widely possible to use this technique. In any case, the equipment must be checked in the presence of the buyer when issuing it, or the store must check it in advance and guarantee its serviceability (usually in such cases, the store sticks a special sticker on the package with a check mark ).

Some rules for the presentation of jewelry

For the effective presentation of jewelry, good lighting is important - so that the light is diffused, does not blind the eyes of the buyer, and each piece of jewelry is illuminated.

Since the decorations are small, it is important to place them at such a distance from the eyes of the buyer that it is possible to see them, that is, you need to carefully calculate the height and depth of the counters. The optimal height is at the level of the elbow of a person of average height, the depth of the counter is about 50 cm.

Jewelry with precious and non-precious stones should not coexist on the same counter. It is also important to supply the display with special plates with the names of stones and metals, for example: 750 gold items, jewelry with diamonds.

It is important to choose the right presentations and jewelry stands depending on their size and correctly arrange the presentations on the counter. High presenters are located in the depth of the showcase, low and flat ones are closer to the buyer.

Labels on jewelry should be placed in such a way that they do not interfere with viewing the product, or hide and then put a separate price tag.

Novelties, sets of products and decorations of a special design should be placed in separate showcases in compliance with the “rule of a triangle”: the composition should visually form a triangle: the highest element should be located in the center of the composition and a little deeper, closer and on the sides - the elements (presentations) are lower.

Rings should be placed on tablets in size within each group: silver, gold 585, gold 750, platinum. Rings with large stones (rings) are each placed separately on the presentations.

Chains are arranged by length, within each length - by type of weaving and size.

Some rules for the presentation of children's goods

When laying out toys, you need to focus on the level of the eyes and hands of children, when laying out other children's goods - on adults.

Soft and plastic toys can be placed in special containers "in bulk", this creates an effect of abundance and causes a desire to buy.

Baby cots should be filled with bedding, and baby strollers and high chairs can be “planted” with soft toys.

Children's clothes are usually hung by age: 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9, etc. Clothes for newborns (rompers, vests) are laid out without distinguishing gender, then the clothes are divided for boys and girls. Wherever possible, the use of mannequins is desirable.

Diapers are laid out by brand, as most parents strictly adhere to the chosen brand, and within the brand - by size, from smallest to largest. For diapers, additional palletized sales outlets are often used. For new models of diapers, a demonstration sample must be posted.

Baby food (powdered milk formulas, cereals, canned food, juices and dairy products) should also be arranged by product groups, and within them - by brand, since most buyers strictly adhere to certain brands on the advice of pediatricians. For the convenience of buyers, canned children and juices should be presented both separately and in packages, since they are purchased in large quantities.

In the checkout area, impulse goods - lollipops, chips, chocolates, small toys, etc. - should be located taking into account the eye level of children from about 3-4 years old - from the age when they begin to actively influence the choice of parents.

Some rules for the presentation of goods for the home

A home goods store requires special equipment for the presentation of goods, as well as the possibility of approbation, testing and verification of goods.

Ceiling lights should be hung at the top with the possibility of their inclusion. There must be devices for testing electric lamps.

Hardware should be laid out in special containers, each type and size separately. It is desirable to have packaging nearby so that the buyer can collect them in the required quantity.

Various floor and wall coverings, tiles should be presented in the form of laid out samples in colors and styles that imitate a real floor or wall.

Carpets should be hung by size, from smallest to largest. If the carpets are laid out, then in one "pile" there should be carpets of the same size and the same style.

Wallpapers are usually presented in the following groups: for painting, kitchen, room, etc. Within each group, wallpapers are arranged according to material (vinyl, paper, fabric, etc.), style and color scheme. Ideally, the wallpaper is presented according to the principle of total look: an imitation of a room corner with flooring, wallpaper and curtains in the same style and color scheme.

Paints are usually arranged by colors, inside colors - by brands, if the majority of buyers are people who themselves make repairs in their apartment or house. If the majority of buyers are professional builders (foremen), then it is important for them to display brands in which they are well versed. This also applies to dry building mixes.

Products for the bathroom and kitchen are also arranged according to the total look principle: an imitation of a bathroom with a bathtub, a washbasin, a faucet and various accessories, a similar imitation of a kitchen. Shower cabins and bathtubs with hydromassage are located separately.

Some rules for the presentation of book products

To present new products, bestsellers, gift editions, guides, it is recommended to use special displays that allow the buyer to see the whole book, and not just its spine. Also, tables can be used for this, on which books are easier to look at.

On the shelves, if possible, books should also be placed facing the buyer. The spine is usually put up for books of targeted demand - scientific, technical, special literature. Combination is possible: one copy of the book is placed facing the buyer, and behind it is a stack of the same books.

Popular books should have several copies on the shelves, books of targeted demand may be present in a single copy.

At the eye level of the buyer are the most popular hardcover editions.

If it is not possible to place all popular books in priority places, they can be highlighted on the shelves using POS materials: shelf talkers, wobblers, etc.

For a bookstore, the navigation system is very important: indexes of sections by type of literature, indexes and signs within sections For example, business literature - literature on trade - literature on retail trade. Or: classical fiction - Russian poetry - poetry of the Silver Age.

Of course, a bookstore must have a computer program to search for books for sale by author, title, keyword, and subject.

It is necessary to alternate the layout on traditional bookcases with special displays and tables, this allows, firstly, to group books according to different criteria, and secondly, it diversifies the layout and avoids the monotonous landscape of book spines. Also, in order to avoid monotony and monotony, it is recommended to alternate the types of covers by color.

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