Investments in antiques: a profitable and reliable investment. Investing in Antiques and Collecting What is Antiques

This site was created for those who, in our unstable financial times, are trying to save and increase their capital. Dear Potential Investors!

Here we will analyze the Antiques market with all its aspects, influences and trends through the prism of the most ordinary average person, an inhabitant of our days, far from being an oligarch. Manager, housewife, farmer, salesman, teacher, doctor and driver, engineer and military - anyone can become an active player in the Antiques market.

So, let's look at what makes Antiques so good and find out some simple tips for proper smart investment of our money.

First, Antiques is not always a huge investment. You can start with any amount, which is especially important for a novice investor. Try carefully, delving into the subtleties step by step.

Secondly, we consider Antiques as a lever of capital management, which means that we should treat it as “currency”, “shares” and “hectares” ( square meters) - the most favorite niches of saving savings. The liquidity of Antiques, like any other asset, is determined by the ability to sell it and sell it for a profit on the initial investment. This is the only investment we are interested in.

Many years of experience in communicating with collectors and their heirs has shown that no one will pay more than the collector himself for the item he is looking for. And interestingly, in 95% of cases, the collection after inheritance is sold with a huge understatement from the original purchases. And this is the third thing to think about - do not plan to transfer your investment purchases to the heirs, they do not need it, the money will please them many times more. The hassle of "merging" collections is negative, no one will tremble over your exhibits, they will be smashed through numerous antique shops, pawnshops, put up at online auctions and slandered on forums.

Important fourth rule: Do not stick to Antiques! You don't "fall in love" with a banknote with Franklin or Khabarovsk, do you? Be ready at any time to sell the masterpiece at a profit, because it was for the sake of profit that you bought it. If you can't cope with yourself, you are a collector-gatherer, not an Investor.

Fifth, do not try to suddenly acquire the knowledge of art experts, and even in all areas at once. Read literature, visit, go to salons and antique shops, wander through flea markets. One cannot suddenly learn what is comprehended only with years and experience. Remember, no matter where you are, no matter where you are told stories, the goal of the Antiques seller is the same - to sell you an item at a profit. It is to this goal that your desire is directed when investing in Antiques.

An important sixth rule, never buy what you don't like. Even if you have read thousands of articles, heard hundreds of opinions of respected experts, dozens of acquaintances advised you to buy something, but this something “does not lie to your soul” - forget about the subject. Don't force yourself investment in antiques carries a positive charge. The object will become for some time (and sometimes even for a very long time) part of your life.

It's so great to use a porcelain service or wonderful silver spoons, wear unique platinum earrings or a gold necklace, while their value and liquidity will not change in any way! An antique object is painted precisely by its age and historicism.

The most important task is not, but how to buy a real antiques and buy it at the lowest possible price. Always remember that in order to return the invested funds, you must know where and how correctly. antiques.

Investment in art, vintage paintings.
buying, selling and evaluating coins.
The boom in the Russian antiques market continues. Investing in antiques continues to be one of the most fruitful investment ideas.

Shock five-year plan in the antiques market

The first evidence of the beginning of a boom in the Russian art market dates back to 2003, when unusual high prices for masterpieces national art. At that time, prices for antiques were simply record-breaking. But then even the most far-sighted visionaries could not guess what levels the prices for Russian art over the next five years of the "Russian boom".

A simple example: at Sotheby's on May 21, 2003, the work of the Amazon avant-garde Natalia Goncharova "Bathing Boys" (1911) was sold for a fantastic 464.8 thousand pounds (about 850 thousand dollars) at that time. In 2006, at Christie's, her work The Rowers (1912) was already sold for 1.05 million pounds (2 million dollars). In 2007, a new price breakthrough took place: a two-meter canvas "Spanish Dancers" (circa 1918) was sold at Christie's for 2.35 million pounds (4.6 million dollars), and the painting "Picking Apples" - for 8.1 million dollars in converted from pounds. As of today, the auction record for the work of Natalia Goncharova is $ 10.9 million, raised at Christie's on July 24, 2008 for the work "Flowers".

Note that in all cases we are talking about works of different, but still comparable class, related to a valuable period. And we can assume with a high degree of probability that if the same Bathing Boys from the Chaliapin collection (sold in 2003) appeared again today at auction, their price would be not 850 thousand dollars, but not less than 8 million - that is, for five years would have grown tenfold. By the way, today the work of Natalia Goncharova takes 7th place in the ranking of the most expensive works of Russian artists and is the most expensive work in a world that belongs to the brush of a woman artist.

Note that the example of Goncharova is indicative, but not at all isolated. We are talking about a trend, if we talk about the speed of price growth: the works of a number of Russian artists abroad - Andrey Lansky, David Burliuk, Vladimir Baranov-Rossine, etc., rose in price at a comparable pace.

Among the most promising areas for investment in the antiques market, one can single out Russian art of the first third of the 20th century and its direct continuation - the work of artists from the "Russian abroad" who left Russia before and after the revolution. Plus, soon, having crossed the 50-year milestone, which serves as the cut-off point for the antique period, works of unofficial post-war art, that is, works by artists of the sixties, will begin to replenish the category of antiques (this direction also demonstrates outstanding price growth potential).

But let's leave the sixties aside for now and return to antiques, which include the work of a whole galaxy of Russian artists of world significance and world fame. Suffice it to recall Wassily Kandinsky, Chaim Soutine, Marc Chagall, Alexander Yakovlev. All of these names are well-known, and the work of each can be relatively freely bought at world auctions, if the investor has a budget of 4-10 million dollars. (Here it is necessary to make a reservation that the works of Alexander Yakovlev can still be bought for 100-200 thousand dollars, and the liquid graphics of Chagall belong to a relatively affordable price range.) In addition, it should be borne in mind that the works of these artists are not underestimated and therefore they prices are growing at the usual pace for the world market - 10-15 percent per year (it is difficult to charm a Russian investor with such indicators).

The boom in the antiques market is associated with such names as Andrei Lanskoy or David Burliuk, prices for good work which have increased by 5-7 times in five years.

This year, experts are paying attention to the rapid rise in prices for the works of artists Erte, Pozhedaev and Alexander Yakovlev. Among the interesting events of recent times, two records can be noted: Alexander Yakovlev took 11th place in the ranking of the most expensive works in Russian art with the canvas "Portrait of Vasily Shukhaev in his Studio" (1928, 2.5 million pounds, Christie's 2007). In addition, the top 12 included Vladimir Baranov-Rossine, who took 10th place in the rating with the work "Rhythm (Adam and Eve)" in 1910, which in June 2008 was sold at Christie's for 2.72 million pounds (5.4 million dollars).

Problems of the antique market

Bearing in mind the seductive records, it must be said that investors entering the antiques market today should not unnecessarily regret that they did not have time to those prices of the mid-2000s. In many ways, on the contrary, they should be envied: they enter the market much more transparent and predictable. In general, the domestic market of antique art has come a long way in five years, has become safer and to a large extent overcome the “growing pains”, the relevance of which, although not vanished, has become lower.

Yes, among historical issues market of antique art is worth noting the problem of fakes. They are and will be. "Falshaks" are bought at auctions (including the world's leading platforms), produced (remember the fake Shishkin, turned from Marinus Kukkuk), put into circulation, taking advantage of the ignorance of buyers. But today, many barriers stand in the way of this plague: a circle of experts has formed who have earned the trust of professionals (for example, experts from the International Confederation of Antiques and Art Dealers of the CIS and Russia), a circle of professional market participants has formed, primarily galleries with a high reputation. Became available and containing information on related to specific antiquarian works. All this in general creates a safer environment in the antiques market, primarily for novice investors - at a level that did not even exist five years ago. The problem of import-export and levying high duties, which in the end hurt the pockets of Russian buyers, is also being gradually overcome: draft laws and regulations are being prepared that significantly simplify these procedures. The boom in the Russian art market has caused a number of new, albeit quite predictable, problems, in particular, the shortage of masterpieces available on the market, that is, works of the highest investment level. Such works are “washed out” in the first place, because they are often not purchased for resale and end up in private collections for a long time. The market responds to such a shortage with new investment ideas and new names.

Prospects for the antique market

The prospects for the art market in Russia, including antiques, can be briefly characterized by the word "growth": the growth of the quality of the market, the growth of the quality of contractors, the growth of opportunities and price growth. "Boom", the expansion of the number of buyers and the accompanying reduction in the supply of masterpieces in the art market will inevitably force the market to look for new growth points, new investment ideas. It is noticeable that new names are being introduced into the active market circulation. On the antique market, these are Erte, Marevna, Pozhedaev - artists who have long been presented at auctions, but in recent times demonstrating some particularly enviable price dynamics, while maintaining a relatively high level accessibility. So, the graphics of Roman Tyrtov (Erte) just before our eyes grew from 700 to 5,000 dollars. Paintings by Maria Vorobieva-Stebelskaya are sold in the range of 40-80 thousand dollars. And her cubist graphics cost about 10 thousand dollars. By the way, antique graphics today are of great interest to investors: for small money by antique standards (up to 10 thousand dollars) you can buy sheets (usually later works) the most famous Russian artists - Mstislav Dobuzhinsky, Konstantin Korovin, Alexander Benois and a number of others.

The aforementioned market for the works of the sixties (which will soon also enter the antique zone as soon as the prescribed 50 years have passed) is still a "Klondike" from an investment point of view. It has whole line underestimated artists, among the first names, whose prices for work will definitely show a significant increase. Among the specific names of representatives of the "other art", the price potential for whose works is still far from being realized, it is worth noting Vladimir Yankilevsky, Evgeny Rukhin, Nikolai Vechtomov, Pyotr Belenok, Ernst Neizvestny. Recall that even the work of Dmitry Krasnopevtsev, who is considered by many experts as the number one artist in Russian unofficial art, is in the range of 200-400 thousand dollars, which does not correspond to the importance of this artist in art history - prices should be higher. In general, over the next two years, experts predict for the first names of the sixties the movement of price levels of work from the current range of 20-300 thousand dollars in the range of about one million dollars.

The last two years have marked another trend in the art market. More and more wealthy people are acquiring for investment and collection purposes the works of world-famous artists - french impressionists(Monet, Renoir, Sisley, Manet, Degas, etc.), German and Austrian expressionists (Pechstein, Kirchner, Schiele, Dix, etc.), in lesser degree American modernists, as well as works by contemporary Western artists. In terms of investment efficiency, investments in the works of these artists are inferior to investments in works of Russian art. If the creations of the world's top names annually rise in price by about 10-15 percent, then the works of Russian artists are able to provide 50-100 percent per annum.

Alexander Solovyov

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  • 23.04.2019 On April 27, the auction house "Literary Fund" will hold the next auction of items visual arts, which will feature 170 lots of paintings, drawings, porcelain and glass. General expert review auction is over 25,000,000 rubles
  • 23.04.2019 The traditional twenty lots of the AI ​​Auction are ten paintings, five sheets of original and two printed drawings, one porcelain plate and one bronze sculpture. Additionally - 10 works by F. F. Fedorovsky
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Almost every person tries to find an additional source of income. That's why, various ways earn, relevant as never before. Investing in antiques and collecting is far from the most common method of earning additional income.

The reason for not being popular is the belief that working with valuable, old things- this is difficult process. Moreover, many are sure that only rich people can collect.

Is it really so? Let's try to figure this out.

Frequently chosen areas for collecting:

  • Antiques.
  • Art objects.
  • Products from precious metals.

Antiques, in turn, are antique items that have cultural, historical and other values. Items belonging to legendary figures in history. The following items are called antiques:

  • paintings, sculptures and other decorative items.
  • household utensils, furniture.
  • weapon.
  • manuscripts, books, letters, etc.
  • coins and other types of money.
  • icons.

The collection may include different items. From postage stamps to postcards. investing Money, is not considered in all collectibles.

Private investment is divided into two types. They differ in the form of profit:

  • Investing with a one-time profit. The object is purchased at one cost, and exhibited at a higher price.
  • Investing for a stable passive income.

By investing in collectibles, most often the goal is to get a one-time profit. But, do not discard the second option. Often exhibitions, museums rent items from private collections. As a result, the owner of antiques receives passive income.

In general, antiques or collectibles bought for the purpose of further storage are not considered an investment. This is just the delusion of the majority. Since any investment should provide a profit. In this case, it is not about making a profit. Using this method, you can save savings, increase the assets of a personal or family budget.

Also, most collect collections for their own pleasure. In this case, it is important to understand the difference between a hobby in the form of collecting and investing in antiques.

Characteristics of investing in antiques

  • Small quantity, uniqueness.

Most often valuable collections are not numerous. This is what makes them valuable.

  • Limited demand, little liquidity.

This is especially true for putting up for sale valuables, objects of art at a real market price. It is extremely difficult to sell at a decent price, since shops specializing in antiques immediately give an amount 2 times less than the real one.

  • Demand, time, supply - form the price of an antique.

Time affects value. The longer you do not sell a collectible object, the more its value increases.

It is extremely difficult to predict the increased prices of this or that antique item or object of art. It is an order of magnitude more difficult to predict the growth in the value of an antique dealer than price fluctuations in currencies, stocks, and real estate.

The price of a particular item is calculated by a certain circle of people. Most often they invest in collectible objects. And this is their main area of ​​income. In fact, they are professionals in this matter.


The actions and behavior of such people affect the formation of supply and demand, and this affects the final cost.

  • Long period for investment.

You can safely talk about 2 years. Not everyone is ready to invest for such a period, not knowing what the approximate result will be.

  • Large capital required.

In most cases, we are talking about big money. Of course, there are analogues for investing, but in this case, you should not count on big profits.

  • For maximum results, you need to have expert-level knowledge.

For a more successful investment in this industry, it is important to understand the nuances of choosing an asset. You should especially know all the subtleties of evaluating antiques and other collectibles. Otherwise, the risks only increase.

If necessary, you can use the services of professional appraisers. But, a really qualified specialist will cost a pretty penny. And you need to consider that this is a minus from your profit. Therefore, it is considered the best option to study all the nuances on your own.

  • Care, storage.

Yes, many people forget about this moment. But, this affects the safety of the thing, which affects its appearance, and hence the cost.

Each antique dealer requires special conditions for savings. Especially when it comes to the long-term preservation of an object of art, it is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions for storage.

Please note that this will also cost a pretty penny. An example is furniture. Large dimensions, so you need to find a room, a room for furniture.

Places to buy and sell antiques, art and collectibles

This issue is considered no less important than the previously described nuances of investing in this industry. Unfortunately, you need to know where to buy or sell collectibles, antiques. It is important that you have a reliable place, a verified buyer, seller. There are a lot of scammers in this industry.

To avoid cooperation with scammers, you should seriously approach the place of choice for buying antique objects.

  • Online Auction.

A modern way that is gaining momentum in popularity. You may encounter people selling valuable items at a reduced cost. The reason is the ignorance of the owners about the nuances of selling an antique item.

  • private collectors.

Here is the easiest option for selling and purchasing antiques. Quite often, collectors publish their ads in in social networks, in newspapers, etc. If you live in big city, will not amount to great work through friends to find a collector. Plus, when choosing this option for selling an asset, the likelihood of making a really profitable deal increases.

  • Shops specializing in antiques.

The best place to buy items. Because here is the widest range of items available for purchase. But the prices here are not the best. Since the task of the shop is to buy cheaper, sell more expensive.

Experienced investors working in this area bypass this method of selling and buying.

  • Black markets.

Wide range, high demand. But, in this case, one should not forget about the increased risks, to face things that have a criminal past. Since there are situations that you have to return a thing, because the owner of the stolen value was found. You can also contact criminal proceedings.

Antiques are antiquities with cultural, religious or historical value. It includes paintings, decor items, furniture, weapons, books, coins and banknotes, icons. Antiques are one of the most profitable investment options.

The benefit of investing in antiques is that they only become more expensive over time. At the same time, you also satisfy your aesthetic needs.

The disadvantage of this method of investing is that you will not be able to determine the cost of the purchase if you are not an expert. High-quality work of a specialist appraiser is quite expensive.

Another disadvantage is storage conditions and safety. Antiques require special care, and the protection must be such that the condition once disappeared without a trace. The organization of special storage facilities is an expensive undertaking.

It would be a perfectly reasonable option.

However, many do it easier - they buy antiques and use them for domestic purposes - furniture, dishes. After a while, you can sell, though items deteriorate from use, sometimes deteriorate and lose value. Certainly this approach is unacceptable for a serious investor.

Investing in antiques can bring a lot of income. But this requires the acquisition of special knowledge and connections. There are consultants in the field of antiques who are ready to offer their services in determining the true potential of an antique. But their work is associated with expensive items, the consultation fee is up to 5% of the price of the product.

Where to begin?

A novice contributor may or works of art, which will increase in value over time.

  • Collection vintage items will always cost much more than a single item.
  • One of the most profitable options for investing in antiques is precious coins.
  • During the acquisition of paintings young artists their creative perspectives must be taken into account.

For an examination of the authenticity and value of things, it is best to turn to professionals. For example, the sale of proven antiques is guaranteed by the famous Christie's and Sotheby's auctions.

Specialized investment funds and banking programs also provide an opportunity to invest in antiques. They analyze the market and select the best options.

When investing in antiques, there are certain risks. Under the guise of an antique, an ordinary trinket, a fake, can be sold. When buying a valuable item abroad, burdensome duties and taxes are imposed on the transportation of products. Self-storage of antiques can lead to its theft or loss.

There are those that allow you to invest in antiques, starting with small amounts, and guaranteeing investments at the expense of experienced experts. Typically, in such cases, antiques are kept in special warehouses under protection, and all related costs are included in the commission of the management company.

For avid collectors of antiques, there is an opportunity to well provide for themselves and increase capital by investing their own savings in antiques. Such a prospect is long-term, but quite reliable and profitable, as prices for antiques are steadily growing (on average by 20% per year), which often exceeds the growth in value. valuable papers such as shares.

Pros and cons of investing in antiques

Undoubtedly, a big plus is the good demand and liquidity of antiques, which greatly reduces risks and ensures the safety of funds during economic instability.

However, in order for collectors or investors to invest in antiques and make a profit from this business, it is necessary to have large funds to acquire such an expensive asset and to have some understanding of all the intricacies of investing in antiques. First you need to understand the specific type of antiques that you prefer to work with: paintings, furniture, porcelain, old books, weapons, etc. A common opinion is that it is profitable and successful when investing in precious jewelry, which is actually not entirely true, since Demand for antique jewelry is not stable and is quite difficult to predict.

As in any other direction of investment, there are also certain risks. For serious work in this area, you must either be a specialist yourself, or have reliable experts able to identify sometimes very accurate fakes. In order to avoid such problems, it would be much wiser and safer to purchase antiques at auctions known throughout the world. Moreover, only there you will receive a guarantee in case the antiques are not will be tested for authenticity and turns out to be a fake.

Common types of investment in antiques

It is interesting to consider the following types of investment in antiques:

  • Investing in weapons. It must be remembered that the weapon has its own classification, it is divided into cold and firearms. Melee weapons - swords, swords, daggers, stiletto sabers - are in somewhat greater demand on the market than firearms. In this type of investment, there is a high percentage of annual growth.
  • Painting and photography. Masterpieces famous artists provide investors with at least 100% investment efficiency. Also, many stop at a choice without significant costs - this is an investment in photographs with the image and autographs of famous and noble people, historically important events.
  • Furniture and utensils. The high cost of such assets is not the only thing that can prevent their acquisition. When buying antique furniture, one cannot help but take into account its volumes, and based on the size, you need to decide on a suitable place to store it.
  • Porcelain products, watches, souvenirs. These antiques are also considered a good option for investing in them.

Investing in antiques involves a minimum of risks, but a maximum of time, that is, one of the properties is long-term. You can’t count on quick profits in this area.

Financial success!

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